Outstanding's Summer/Fall ALPHA(T2)MALE (sl)INSANE RECOMP(adrol)!

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Gentleman and Gentleman...

Today establishes the antecedent crux of my Summer/Fall ALPHA(T2)MALE (sl)INSANE RECOMP(adrol). The catalyst that set this self deprivation and sadomasochism in motion was the impending annual trip I make Westward to the Mr. Olympia. Apportioning the proceeding eight weeks to adhere to a strict semi-contest prep rigorous nutritional, training, and supplement stratagem should eventuate the realization of my goals - which I'll detail below...

Please feel free to subscribe and follow along as I act upon my impetus to solemnly wave goodbye to the agglomeration of ab-adumbrating oleaginous tissue while bidding a farewell to the feverish picnic days, ushering in the foliage depleting Fall.

Principal Goal: Actualizing my envisioned ideal physique by stripping off the progressively compounded 'lipotastic' aggregation of adipose tissue that has slowly materialized since my last NPC outing earlier this year.

Basal Nutraceutical Preparations
- Genomyx Slin Sane
- PES Alpha T2
- Lean Body Formulations Recompadrol

Anticipated Avant-Garde Supplement Administration
- CEL's M-Drol (Superdrol chemical clone)
- Science Defined Nutrition's Rogue (Estimated Emanation August 1)
- Gaspari's Size-ON Maximum Performance Intra Workout Drink

Current Stats
- 5' 11''
- 234 pounds
- Arms/Neck 19''
- Have not measured waist, legs, chest etc, but can complete measurements this week

Strong Physique Traits
- Leg Development & Strength
- Arm Development

Physique Inadequacies
- Overall Chest Development
- Escalated Body Fat Percentage

Caloric Protocol (read: Stuffed Crust Pizza Withdrawal)
I will post my Nutritional Strategy, revolving around a carbohydrate cycling metabolic modulation here.

Carb Schedule
Training Days: High = 300g
Weak Muscle Training Days (or) 2x/Day Training: Very High = 400g
Non-Training Days: Low = 200g

NOTE: As carbohydrate fluctuations are implemented throughout each week, protein intake will increase above the minimum 275g minimum to compensate for the reduced muscle glycogen and stave off muscle wasting through heightened protein pools (amino acids) and subsequent support of positive nitrogen balance.

Protein Shuffle
(On Low Carb Days) = 360g/d (60g/meal)
(On High Carb Days) = 300g/d (50g/meal)
(On Very High Carb Day) = 275g/d (~45g/meal)
Steak/Chicken Breast, trimmed/cooked (1oz) = ~8g/protein
Egg White (Lg) = 3.5g/protein

Resistance Training Regimen
- As always, a barbarically brutal and insanely impetuous endeavoring will be enacted and executed at a minimum of 4x/week, with cardiovascular exercise implemented at my discretion, time permitting (mountain biking, stair climbing, or traditional stationary indoor varieties). Rep ranges will be modified weekly, akin to the rotating plans devised by the likes of Neil Hill (Yoda3) in order to establish a non-linear training methodology to set the body into a ceaseless phase of progressive stimulation and anabolic response; or what I refer to as a volatile calculated randomness.

Athletic Biography
- I have been a competitive athlete for many years, competing across varying sanctioned events sponsored by the NPC and INBA, since I was a teenager. During more recent years I have transitioned away from INBA-type tested events, once I concluded AAS usage was a valid and reasonable option that could be surgically employed in a pragmatic innocuous way, firmly affixed to the bedrock of extensive, unrelenting, and ongoing research based upon the relevant applied sciences and careful dissection of thousands of articles, books, and constant correspondence with many IFBB leaders and fellow competitive friends/industry insiders and physicians.

- I will disregard my better judgment and inherent insolence, and post beginning pictures, to better illustrate my cumulative physique transformation... once/if this thread attracts enough interest amounting to 1,000 views before the month of July ends.



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im SOOOOOO in on this one, going to be interesting!


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any updates
Ask, and you shall receive :)

My work-week is different than most, my days off fall in the middle of the week, and with clients I am hard pressed to ever find time or energy to sit back down in front of a keyboard during that time. But I will always make sure to offer weekly updates and feedback!

This week has been quite challenging; having to train twice on Wednesday to ensure I stayed on schedule, between clients and other responsibilities. The gym I just joined is very anti-bodybuilder, Planet Fitness - I won't allow myself to digress into a tangent filled oblivion, but I will say their entire business model is a moronic oxymoron. At any rate, I have been training for long enough to know the weight is truly a moot point, and it all comes down to muscle stimulation, contraction, and mental focus on the movement. Although their dumbbells only go up to 60 pounds (yes, you read that right), I am still able to do non-back-supported shoulder presses, seated laterals, incline dumbbell curls etc; plus they have a quartet of very smooth Smith Machines lined up side-by-side for compound movements.

I will elucidate each of the three primary supplemental aids this Summer Recomp is based upon below...

Slin Sane: An absolute power-pillar in this protocol (no pun intended). This supplement is something I ensure I have packed in my lunch box as I depart for my work day, if I plan on hitting the gym as soon as I clock out. 2-4 caps with a pre-workout meal of Basmatti Rice, Sweet Potato, or French Toast (my own special recipe), imparts excellent muscle fullness AND an amplified ability to perform a longer workout while still feeling strong and capable until the very last rep. Slin Sane has impressed me so much, I am curious how it would fit into the rest of my daily meals, and what other purposes it might fulfill with equal efficacy?

Alpha T2: Alpha T2 hit me like a dose of adrenaline during my first dosage experience. I had the un-wired detached feeling akin to Yohimbine, which also elicited the same stimulant effects 'down under.' Aside from the infrequent/sporadic temperature changes, I was mostly extremely hot, actually carrying my bedroom fan with me around the house to keep me cool as I did normal mundane tasks such as cook, unload the dishwasher, and even play Modern Warfare - heart rate and temperature (and something else below the belt buckle) were all UP!

I have to learn how to properly time the dosages of AT2, because my sleep has been severely altered during the past week; waking up nearly every hour, on the hour, left staring at the alarm clock beside the bed. Also, something else that has been depriving me of sleep, revolves around the multitude of trips to the bathroom throughout the night. Just last night, I visited the restroom three times between laying down and getting back up for work, which confused me because my overall fluid intake during the day was actually sub-par to say the least. So, I would hypothesize that AT2 also has either a diuretic effect, or somehow related to kidney/bladder dysfunction or more likely hyperactivity. None of these realized side-effects are necessarily negative, because an increased heart rate, temperature, and frequency of urination can all lead to lipolytic activity and toning of the physique.

The last first-week reflections I have of AT2 consist of one admittedly strange encountered effect, and one possibly advantageous OR disadvantageous effect - allow me to explain. Firstly, since my initial and ongoing administration of AT2, for the first time in my life I have experienced very slow digestion and most surprisingly of all repeated daily hiccuping following meals. I can't precisely explain why this might be occurring, but Tuesday of this week I had hiccups so bad after a post-post workout meal, I was forced to leave the room so I could avoid disturbing friends watching a movie. Secondly (and lastly) concerning my experiences with Alpha T2 during this first week, I have taken note of a DRASTIC decrease in appetite, and an increase in rate to satiety. This drop in hunger posed several problems, the most prevalent and problematic of which was the inability to consume the all-important post-post workout meal to take advantage of the hormonal stimulation and insulin secretion in response to resistance bouts. The need to consume adequate calories multiple times per day to sustain anabolism while inducing lipolysis without slipping into unabated catabolism is of course the goal during this Recomp, but I was unable - no matter how hard I tried, mentally and physically - to eat more than 2 meager bites last night of my follow up post-post workout meal. I found myself, quite possibly for the first time in years, going to bed on an empty stomach. I must admit however, that for those looking to simply lose weight, Alpha T2 surely does seem to offer up several synergistic properties that work in unison to materialize a drop in weight.

Recompadrol: Recompadrol is a bit of a "quiet miracle." Although you can't give a detailed or measurable account of how it works after only one short week, I am confident and self-assured that Recompadrol is doing exactly as it claims, and as I had sincerely hoped. The ability to make an already stringent nutritional regimen even more productive and proliferative regarding the overall physique and slow yet continual drop in adipose tissue, proves Recompadrol is a worthy and useful aid in my Summer quest. Although I have had some minor misgivings concerning whether or not Recompadrol would be best used while on PCT, or a Bridge, opposed to on 'cycle' as I am now (especially with an extremely anabolic and lipolytic drug in the form of Superdrol). However, I believe any time the ability to harness the power of food and better disperse macro nutrients to more favorable tissues is achievable, an athlete should never pass up this opportunity.

I am sure I will have much more exacting data and feedback to give not only regarding Recompadrol, but all three constituents, very soon. Any attempt at clairvoyance would only serve as conjecture, and I want to make sure I author realiable, genuine, and tangible precise results for the Anabolic Minds readership.

Other thoughts: The cycle has been going as well as can be expected, this early into the Recomp. I am encouraged by my first impressions of the supplement triad, and look forward to pressing on.

Superdrol has been very powerful, although it is not anabolic enough to add lean tissue while on a Recomp/Cut, but the ability to stave off muscle wasting is an important vital benefit and cannot be overstated. Superdrol does seem to exhibit the ability to serve up day-long pumps, as long as water consumption is adequate. Strength itself, is declining, confusingly enough. I believe the mixture of Alpha T2 (which led to jitters so bad they were visually noticeable by onlookers while doing dumbbell bench presses; but then again my body has not become acclimated to it), and the reduced food intake - has led to a slight drop in capability/confidence while training.

As my nutrition begins to normalize, and I keep on with the training and cardiovascular exercise, I believe I will quickly arrive at a point where I can continue with supplementation and reap the benefits while minimizing the unwanted side-effects and my Recomp will come to a turning point.


  • Established
hey outstanding,

can you give a breakdown of your diet (macros only) and how you dose each supplement, this was we can all see how your diet and reviews work together.


Well-known member
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hey outstanding,

can you give a breakdown of your diet (macros only) and how you dose each supplement, this was we can all see how your diet and reviews work together.
Absolutely... thanks for the reminder - please see above in my initial post under Nutrition :)


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subbed, I like ur style
Ditto :) I'm very glad to have you subscribed - I look forward to the coming months and also meeting new friends here on the forum and sharing details of my experiences. Have a great weekend!


NutraPlanet Rep
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no problem, ur very detailed and knowledgable. good luck, I'll be watching.


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AM Friends,

I ended up re-familiarizing myself with the ingredient triad and theory behind alpha-T2, and in doing so I believe my initial jitters and pretty stark intolerance to the stimulus it evoked will subside with continues usage. Recompadrol has caused a very slight upset in bowel regularity, but I must underline the fact it was barely enough to report, and light years away from any type of problematic side effect that would ever cause me to consider cessation. I believe this encountered effect is also something that will simply self-regulate as my body acclimates to the change in nutrition and administered nutraceuticals.

Training was lackluster this week, as I alluded to earlier in my more detailed update. I am not comfortable with, or used to, going into the gym and involving myself in anything less than absolute dominance and unrestrained mental aggression. It is my goal that I will realize and sustain that peak-power and training intensity very soon.

One of the more interesting additives that I have yet to recieve to complete my intended Summer Recomp, is a product called ROGUE, made by Science Defined Nutrition. According to many, almost unanimous, reports I have read and been personally given from trusted friends/competitors, it brings about a very obvious and swift increase in overall performance through the medium of increased appetite and growth hormone optimization - along with several other key factors that I won't expand on here.

Gaspari's Size ON is an excellent intra-workout drink that is simply perfect based on clinical findings where resistance training is concerned... but I recently put in an order for Genomyx Protocol, because it also contains the correct ratios to initiate protein synthesis and slow any risks of catabolism to a grinding halt. I am a very big supporter and believer in the vision and direction Genomyx is heading, and for the foreseeable future I will count myself fortunate to be able to participate in that vision by taking advantage of their supplements.

In other news today... after very strict and unwavering dieting trumped in design only by that of my pre-contest strategies - Today, the 3rd Sunday of each July - marks the celebration of National Ice Cream Day.

I didn't make the rules... or the calendar... but I think I would run a very high risk of being Anti-American and tarnishing the stripes and stars brilliant beauty, if I knowingly refuse to express my deeply ingrained patriotism. I'm at peace with partaking in a little American celebration, involving one of mankind's most wondrous creations... complimented and pre-dosed with a hefty helping of Recompadrol and Slin Sane - of course!

Until next time...


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In for the ride. I know this will be a great log to follow. I’ve seen a lot of great posts where you have shared your thoughts and opinion. I have to 100% agree with the above comments and second on the fact that your responses are always so detailed and knowledgeable.

If it’s in support of our great country and upholding our values and traditions I don’t see any other choice but to participate in the annual celebration of Ice Cream Day :)


NutraPlanet Rep
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nice, gives me a good excuse for ice cream :D..with my recompadrol of course.


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In for the ride. I know this will be a great log to follow. I’ve seen a lot of great posts where you have shared your thoughts and opinion. I have to 100% agree with the above comments and second on the fact that your responses are always so detailed and knowledgeable.

If it’s in support of our great country and upholding our values and traditions I don’t see any other choice but to participate in the annual celebration of Ice Cream Day :)
nice, gives me a good excuse for ice cream :D..with my recompadrol of course.
Two very wise men... :)

Last night's American Salute (aka Dairy Queen ice cream cake gluttony) went very well. The most surprising part of all, was waking up this morning for work, and getting ready to shave - realizing I wasn't bloated, and if anything my abs and waist actually looked tighter than the day prior. I'd be operating outside the circle of total honesty if I attributed 100% of this welcomed after-effect to the pre-supplementation (Recompadrol + Slin Sane), because after following a strict diet my body is usually primed to accept and absorb copious carbohydrates/calories, and partition it toward lean tissue, excreting the remainder (which I did, thrice, so far today). However, the aftermath of the 'carb up' was augmented, and THAT result I can attribute to the GDAs.

Rarely, in the life and times of a tunnel focused bodybuilder, can we sit down and actually eat, until we are absolutely satiated. Last night was one of those times, and it boggled my mind to see a flat stomach and round, full muscle bellies in the reflection as I mowed down the stubble that had surfaced over the past few weeks.

I am headed straight to the gym today, after clocking out, to train legs. For the first time that I can remember (post contest breaks and even vacations included) I have not trained legs in two full weeks. I accept full blame for this unplanned lapse in body-part-cycling, but have to say several barriers were erected unexpectedly over the following weeks that made it nearly impossible to blast my lower body as I have faithfully done every week for the previous eight years.

I have noticed a steady and somewhat mild (yet strong enough to cause some grimacing) headache has been bubbling up daily for the past week, today included. I disused Clenbuterol at the outset of this Summer Recomp Cycle, so that I could gather and disseminate honest and detailed feedback for everyone subscribed. Unfortunately, I believe the post-use headaches are a result of using that compound I love, and love to hate.

Quad, Hamstring, and Calves shall commence in T-Minus One Hour... I will be reporting back here for duty later this week and will make sure to keep everyone aware and up to date - as the World turns, and I find myself mentally counting down the days until the wheels leave the simmering pavement of the runway and usher me off to the dessert, to witness the epic annual battle, the Mr. Olympia.


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about time you logged recompadrol-been waiting for this one!!!


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Two very wise men... :)

Last night's American Salute (aka Dairy Queen ice cream cake gluttony) went very well. The most surprising part of all, was waking up this morning for work, and getting ready to shave - realizing I wasn't bloated, and if anything my abs and waist actually looked tighter than the day prior. I'd be operating outside the circle of total honesty if I attributed 100% of this welcomed after-effect to the pre-supplementation (Recompadrol + Slin Sane), because after following a strict diet my body is usually primed to accept and absorb copious carbohydrates/calories, and partition it toward lean tissue, excreting the remainder (which I did, thrice, so far today). However, the aftermath of the 'carb up' was augmented, and THAT result I can attribute to the GDAs.

Rarely, in the life and times of a tunnel focused bodybuilder, can we sit down and actually eat, until we are absolutely satiated. Last night was one of those times, and it boggled my mind to see a flat stomach and round, full muscle bellies in the reflection as I mowed down the stubble that had surfaced over the past few weeks.

I am headed straight to the gym today, after clocking out, to train legs. For the first time that I can remember (post contest breaks and even vacations included) I have not trained legs in two full weeks. I accept full blame for this unplanned lapse in body-part-cycling, but have to say several barriers were erected unexpectedly over the following weeks that made it nearly impossible to blast my lower body as I have faithfully done every week for the previous eight years.

I have noticed a steady and somewhat mild (yet strong enough to cause some grimacing) headache has been bubbling up daily for the past week, today included. I disused Clenbuterol at the outset of this Summer Recomp Cycle, so that I could gather and disseminate honest and detailed feedback for everyone subscribed. Unfortunately, I believe the post-use headaches are a result of using that compound I love, and love to hate.

Quad, Hamstring, and Calves shall commence in T-Minus One Hour... I will be reporting back here for duty later this week and will make sure to keep everyone aware and up to date - as the World turns, and I find myself mentally counting down the days until the wheels leave the simmering pavement of the runway and usher me off to the dessert, to witness the epic annual battle, the Mr. Olympia.
Cant wait to see your leg session. Going to be good. Well have to meet up at the Olympia for sure.


NutraPlanet Rep
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Recompadrol is the real deal man...I get pumps still after 4 hours of dosing recompadrol. Ridiculous the amount of carbs you can eat and look swole with no ill effects at all. Miracle in a pill :D.

I find my sweet spot is with a Pre Workout meal 2 hours before training for some insane pump action.


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Recompadrol is the real deal man...I get pumps still after 4 hours of dosing recompadrol. Ridiculous the amount of carbs you can eat and look swole with no ill effects at all. Miracle in a pill :D.

I find my sweet spot is with a Pre Workout meal 2 hours before training for some insane pump action.
You speak the truth! Slin Sane and Recompadrol seem to work in concert very well, much better than any other combo I have ever been fortunate enough to experience. The real value of this stack shines through in my own nutritional needs, because like many I train and grow at an expedient rate when ingesting ample carbohydrates, but being very sensitive to the caloric load this places on my metabolism, it has always come at the price of sacrificing a tight waist line... until NOW.

How did I miss this one?
We all gathered together and decided to keep it from you... because much like Louie in Pumping Iron, "I'm waiting for you, hiding in the shadows!" Haha, thanks for subscribing - I will have a journal update later this morning as I gather my thoughts and have time to describe the week's events. Spoiler Alert: This week has been amazing! Stay tuned... :)


NutraPlanet Rep
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true. I gained 8 lbs over a month while lowering my waist by almost 2 inches...from 31 to almost 29...amazing.


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Week in Review...

Let me cut to the chase like Hugh H. in a room full of 21 year old blond triplets... I'M BACK! :)

For whatever reason(s), the first week of this Summer Recomp threw me down a flight of stairs, only to be met with Mortal Kombat-like jagged shards of razor teeth to 'cushion' my final descent to the landing. But fret not, fellow AManicacs, all is well in the world, and I am turning dumbbells to dust, once more. Much like the ebb and flow Rocky faced through each of his sequel installments, I was faced with confusion and an eroding sense of self and certainty, but from the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success.

Alright, now that I have met or exceeded my literary reference and alliteration quota for the month, allow me to journey into a controlled digression, narrating the winds of change that have swept me from the cusp of... oh never-mind, let's just talk about some hard core anabolic ferocity!

Now, first and foremost - I want to expand on the "I'm BACK" triumphant exclamation earlier in this gratuitous vocabulary orgasm (read: Recomp update). The first few days of the initial week I underwent this self experimentation of sorts, I was wet behind the ears concerning a few of my chosen supplements comprising my munitions store. I had alluded to Alpha T2 birthing a horrible succession of side effects, but also followed up my reflections by saying most of the 'side effects' could very easily be accepted as favorable attributes for athletes engaged in certain segments of training (lack of appetite, being the most pronounced). I am very happy and relieved to report back that I have completely normalized - even the headaches and constant urges to urinate through the night self-adjusted as I became acclimated to these new compounds.

What this all means, is that when I enter the gym - not only do I perform better than Dev Patel on a game show, but I am actually LOOKING FORWARD to arriving at the gym, half tempted to crash my vehicle through the tall wall of glass constructing the front entrance just so I can shave off a few nanoseconds until my callused palms grasp the chilled and etched chrome handles of whatever ends up at my feet.

I accredit A VAST MAJORITY of this change in dynamic, to the ability to once again become the voracious predatory being I have evolved into since my original foray into competitive bodybuilding some eight years ago. I think about the next meal, WHILE I'm eating my current one... I have been training TWICE daily, both resistance session that don't sacrifice quantity for quality in the slightest, and end up feeling revived and rejuvenated the next day somehow. Slin Sane and Recompadrol are conducting the metabolic orchestra to heights unknown - I have a feeling this pairing can and will create a crescendo of Magnum Opus with prolonged usage and adherence to nutritional strictness.

Although I suffer occasional bouts of lethargy so overt that I have mini-dreams while at work, these spells only come over me while I am stagnant and bored - I can only peruse the Internet and recalculate my budget so many times, before I end up at a stalemate, lazily holding my mouse and incessantly nodding involuntarily as I fall asleep as if someone is asking me assorted questions to which all can be answered "Yes." I have M-Drol and the onset of low blood sugar to thank for that weary trait I suppose, but nonetheless I would hesitate to give up the anabolic activity wrought by these compounds, just to increase my energy stores and levels by 15-20%, putting me back into 'normal' conditions.

The physique itself has not made any improvements that would merit a long winded hand written letter home (YET), accompanied with photos ta-boot - but I can see a very promising and progressive difference each morning as I glance in the mirror before stepping under the wake-up stream of water. At this point, the most dramatic changes have occurred in work load capacity, and the uncanny ability to perform super-sets, without a breather. Not only am I regaining my usual off season weights in the gym, on the brink of surpassing them, but I have seen an extreme augmentation of my time to failure, or time to exhaustion while clangin' chrome.

Although the weight on the scale has not dropped or ascended in any overwhelming fashion, I started at over 230, and earlier this week on an accurate digital scale I was 227 with clothes on. This of course leads me to surmise that my body revamping efforts are not being offered in vain, but that my muscle-to-fat ratios are steadily climbing and on their merry way toward jabbing their native flag into the summit. The GDAs taken concomitantly with Alpha T2 has greatly retooled my basal metabolism, and just as the adverts across the WWW read, AT2 truly does turn your workouts into a fat incineration Lipolytic Phenomenon! I am leaving my signature of sweat on every bench and back rest I grace, as if leaving a John Han**** throughout the gym dipping my pen into he inkwell of sweat.

I received Protocol in the mail yesterday, ordered from DPS - but have been unable to try it at this point - but I see that fact making a sudden turn for the better this weekend. This will be my first experience with LCLT as well, and after my attempts to excavate the knowledge base of Genomy'x CEO, it would appear LCLT and Protocol writ-large are sure fire candidates for use on AND off cycle, especially during PCT phases.

I have yet to receive my package containing ROGUE, but at this point the appetite stimulating properties paired with the hormonal modulation aspects might be the final stepping stone I need to reach that next level - forever shooing my current plateau away into oblivion.

Thank you to everyone who has engaged in/subscribed to my Summer Recomp Log - please share your thoughts, or hit the subscribe button if you wish to simply follow along and come to your own conclusions; but I will stay strong and resolute to uphold my initial pledge to myself and the readership here... absolute honesty in all my Recomp endeavoring. See you in Las Vegas, in 66 days, as a transformed man (until I encounter the first Fuddruckers, or Baja Fresh)!



NutraPlanet Rep
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i noticed the headaches and such that you had with your first couple of doses of AT2, but they ceased at about my 3rd day in. I counter the appetite supression with ephedrine..crazy I know..but it raises my appetite BIG time. looking forward to your progress


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mod edit: Thread closed. You have been told numerous times to read the rules and you continue to ignore them.


NutraPlanet Rep
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u can do it, I myself maintain the same diet year round allowing for a cheat meal every 8-10 weeks...some may even argue they aren't cheats. my wife says I eat boring..:lol:


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u can do it, I myself maintain the same diet year round allowing for a cheat meal every 8-10 weeks...some may even argue they aren't cheats. my wife says I eat boring..:lol:
Yeah, I have always had one cheat meal per month while off-cycle, and one cheat meal per week on-cycle. I compete annually, almost like clock work, so for more than a quarter year I am eating perfect by all measures, dedicating every waking moment toward endeavoring to move up in placings.

I would never go months on end without having a cheat meal though, food is one of VERY FEW facets of life that is on par with my love and passion for bodybuilding. In fact, the argument could easily be made that I am so involved in training, to accomplish the dual goals of building muscle while subsequently burning enough calories in order to enjoy food while keeping lipogenesis at bay.

When I flip the switch though, there is an instant and irreversible shift from food obsession, to tunnel vision focus on molesting the weights and spooning with oatmeal - haha! If food was a crime, Chris H. would have a 2-hour special on me: How to catch a predator (meat, not pedophilia)!


NutraPlanet Rep
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haha, molesting weights :lol:

I've been eating this way since I was 11...it's engraved in me! I measure everything out, plan everything. I've got all kinds of recipes for "cheat" meals that I've converted over the years to "healthy" meals...lots of trial and error.


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haha, molesting weights :lol:

I've been eating this way since I was 11...it's engraved in me! I measure everything out, plan everything. I've got all kinds of recipes for "cheat" meals that I've converted over the years to "healthy" meals...lots of trial and error.
I would love to see/read some of your recipes; I'm always trying to make that conversion from cheat food, into clean calorie taste bud gratifying food! ;)

I have come up with McMuffins, Blueberry Muffins, Pancakes, Waffles, Pizza and Burritos so far :)


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Gentlemen... and Gentlemen...

Today marks the maiden voyage of Week 3; so I thought it fitting to circle back around to some points of interest on the GPS map of progress and supplementation as my Summer Recomp rolls along...

After punching out yesterday, I made the quick trek to the gym, and immediately went to work - the task at hand was chest, with a "B" (secondary) workout for triceps, all wrapped up with eight sets of abs to wrap up the evening.

(Read in a thick Austrian accent) The workout was fantastic , and just as I have come to expect, blood was invading every fiber of my chest BEFORE I got to work on the 'real' sets. Of course upon waking in the morning, I made sure to toss Slin Sane into my lunch box, and throw back some Alpha T2 to kick-start my Sunday morning right. One of the most exciting aspects of the cycle thus far, was realizing I no longer get a disconnected feeling of nausea and severe appetite suppression from Alpha T2, which means I am now in full swing to experience ONLY the benefits from the triple threat of ingredients.

Also a something I can't fail to mention, was the highlight of the day/workout - my virgin encounter with Protocol... what a blend! The first thing that struck me was how fine the powder was, the care and precision taken to ensure the entire amalgam was as water soluble/mixable as possible immediately set the stage for knowing this was a quality product. Now, in light of the past week's ever increasing performance and aggression while in the gym, I can't make note of a noticeable improvement in stamina or capability - but I just by looking at the panel and knowing Genomyx would never sacrifice quality, there is absolutely no way Protocol could fail in its intended action when paired with intense training. The taste was also very mild, something similar to a diluted crystal light - not overpowering or bitter in any way; and Lime flavor is usually a no-go zone for me, but I was not left disappointed (or gagging).

Something else I took note of yesterday while grocery shopping after the workout, was once again how much the mind controls us. Even though I was barely twenty-four hours into my self imposed taste bud embargo rolling into my 8+ week nutritional regimen leading up to the Westward voyage to Las Vegas, I found myself already peeking over at the bakery items sitting out, beckoning to me. As time steadily marches forward, I will begin to shift from craving desserts and treats, to simply wanting an extra red potato, or another 1/2 cup of oatmeal. Although I'm not executing a total competition diet, I am holding strong to my commitment to forgo any/all calorie laden foods until that fateful final week of September rolls around and I make the frantic scurry from security to terminal and eventually bask in the approaching skyline of the Strip jetting out from the eternal surrounding sand and desert.

Speaking of the Mr. Olympia... I wanted to make a prediction, or a hopeful vote of confidence. I believe this fall will mark the fourth Sandow Jay Cutler will be able to display on his awaiting custom made podium. At this point in time, and producing my prediction based on Jay's illustrious career topped off by last year's untouchable showing, I do not see anyone as a viable threat or formidable opponent. Kai has a tendency to hold water and cannot match Jay's overall stage presentation pound-for-pound, Phil is a very good bodybuilder who has limitless potential but not on par with the current king, and Branch has a very determined mindset to recapture or best last year's eye popping musculature - but doesn't have the upper body or back to stand side-by-side with Jay.

Lastly, I just wanted to make mention of the extremely stark shift in perspective I've had since this Recomp began. At one, albeit short-lived, point I was dreading going to the gym, and could barely achieve a fully engorged pump and contraction - unable to even complete my entire post workout meal(s) due to an upset stomach and absolute loss of appetite. Now... without exaggeration, I am sincerely disappointed that I will be unable to make it to the gym this evening due to prior commitments. I am actually upset that today, is an off day; a wonderful and simply awesome feeling that I have not felt in quite a while. I seem to be free of any side effects or lethargy from Superdrol and Alpha T2, running on all cylinders!

This week will hopefully mark another proud benchmark of successive heavy lifts and improved stamina/mental motivation - all contributing to that elusive pot of physique gold waiting at the end of the proceeding two-month rainbow!


NutraPlanet Rep
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Glad to see Protocol was improved..the last tub I got (6 months ago) the powder was clumped and hard to mix. I'll be picking up more..ingredient profile is excellent.

Outstanding, you should look into the new suppressor tablets we picked up from EST. They work wonders at controlling those sweet tooth cravings.


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Glad to see Protocol was improved..the last tub I got (6 months ago) the powder was clumped and hard to mix. I'll be picking up more..ingredient profile is excellent.

Outstanding, you should look into the new suppressor tablets we picked up from EST. They work wonders at controlling those sweet tooth cravings.
This must be a brand new batch, the entire container was filled with powder so fine it was like snow - dissolved completely in water after vigorously shaking during my first few working sets.

Thanks for the suggestion on the Suppressor; I have used it before actually. I am in a unique situation though, because due to the GDAs I am on, as well as the increase in training volume and cardio after ever workout, I need to refuel with as much food as possible throughout the day - just needs to be nutritious food. If I cut my appetite once more, I'm afraid I'll slide back into the horrid caloric deficit I experience during the first few days of Alpha T2 - effectuating a muscle metabolizing nightmare.


NutraPlanet Rep
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I'm in the same boat as you...I absolutely hate appetite suppression. Suppressor has kept all unhealthy cravings at a minimum.

I'm contemplating an October show, schedule permitting.

Keep killing it bro...I'm about to go and destroy chest.


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Subbing late, but looking forward to your future results. You have a hell of a stack going and should see greatness by the end of it!


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Subbing late, but looking forward to your future results. You have a hell of a stack going and should see greatness by the end of it!
Thanks a lot for subscribing! It's only been a couple weeks, so you're still in the sweet spot ;) The amalgam of compounds won't even reach peak activity for another few days anyway - so welcome! :)


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This week wrapped up quite nicely - although I had to avoid the pitfall of cheat-food awesomeness yesterday. I was having visions of stuffed crust DiGiornos dancing in my head, gooey four cheese enveloping the polka-dotted sausage and peperoni laden crust... beckoning with feverish intensity to my taste buds, exciting my salivary glands. Were I a weaker man, I would still have onion on my breath, and a new deposit of unsightly pudginess around my midsection. In an attempt to quell my insatiable desire for cheese stuffed ecstasy, I hurried up the stairs to the kitchen, and whipped up a meat-head approved grilled cheese; 100% grain bread, with reduced fat splendor in the form of cheese between the golden brown (by fat free canola cooking spray) slices of Mmmmmmmm.

Training this week was very productive - one workout of note was Tuesday morning's Arm Assault, which I contemplated on after the final rep was completed... finally arriving at the conclusion it was one of the most skin torturing pumps I have ever felt (in all the years of my training). My arms were so pumped, there was an actual painful sensation stemming from the skin and rooted nearly to the bone. I have usually only encountered these types of 'swells' after a post-contest food binge, depriving myself of any semblance of sugar in a controlled starvation for months on end to reach single digit body-fat - and then partaking in an endless plate shuffling calorie heaven soon after the trophies are awarded; sending me into an insulin induced near coma, but resulting in life changing pumps the following few days. It is truly a sensation that can't be justly elucidated by means of a keyboard and the limitation of the English language.

A couple days during the mid-week stretch included 2-a-day insanity. My energy levels stayed constant, thanks to Alpha T2, and the necessitated hyper-caloric intake to sustain muscle strength and glycogen was assisted by Recompadrol and Slin Sane. I am confounded and confused how Slin Sane, with its seemingly simple three ingredient blend, continues to elicit such solid and super-charged muscle volume and fullness. As I packed my lunch this morning, I made sure to toss the bottle of Slin Sane on top of all the chicken-filled Tupperware accompanied by Uncle Ben's 90-second rice sachets. The trick to deriving maximum benefit from Slin Sane, in my experience thus far, is to remain well hydrated, and to truly follow the label directions of dosing 15 minutes PRIOR to your first bite of the pre-workout meal. Protocol is also serving up an undeniable knockout punch where recovery and stamina is concerned... going a long way toward maxing out the 1-10 product rating in my mind, especially due to its taste and solubility (a product can be a supreme muscle building machine, but if I have to squint my eyes and choke down the powder with a look of sickness smeared across my face, the likelihood of repeat purchase or consistent usage is very slim).

I have recently formed some very pressing questions that I am intent on settling. The primary uncertainty I have, concerns GDAs and timing. I have read elsewhere and developed my own theory that GDAs immediately following a workout with the post-workout shake/or whole-food, is redundant and moot, because the body has already been stimulated to set the stage for optimal nutrient uptake and partitioning. I usually dose GDAs such as Recompadrol, Glycobol, or pure r-ALA with my post-post workout meal, in order to encourage my body's 1 1/2 hour carb shuttling/utilizing state to max out or prolong, so I can soak up every last calorie as muscle rebuilding fuel before that workout-induced anabolic window closes for the day (I only use Slin Sane prior to breakfast, and my pre-workout meal). I would be very appreciative to hear all of your thoughts regarding GDA usage for optimal results, anabolism, and adipogenesis aversion.

-Outstanding :)


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I've been looking for something like this.

I'm sooooooooo SUBD!


Well-known member
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Your PMs are all coming together for me now :D


Well-known member
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Your PMs are all coming together for me now :D
You guys should let me log Glycobol for you guys. I'm ganna bulk soon and as a college student going to pre-med school in a year or two I'm broke as fukk. So you should help me out a little ;)

P.S. somebody from AI said on one of the threads that some people don't really see any effects until 6 caps but the recommendation on the bottle says 4 tops. Is that true?


Well-known member
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I would be very surprised. It's actually not uncommon for guys to lower the dose to under four caps per day. All of our products are formulated to be ran at optimal doses for 30 days.

Please feel free to PM me if you have any other questions. I don't want to hijack Outstanding's thread ;)


Well-known member
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"Basal Nutraceutical Preparations
- Genomyx Slin Sane
- PES Alpha T2
- Lean Body Formulations Recompadrol"

Slin Sane is $20 I think and Recompadrol is $30. So which one do you think is better?


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The wheels keep on turning... and so far so GREAT! I feel like I'm humming down an interstate superhighway in a new Bentley GT, cruise control on and freshly paved black top just below the revolving rubber.

I jotted down a few POI (points of interest) that have been swimming around in the good old gray matter this previous week - and hope its alright if I start there; a bullet-list weekly synopsis of sorts.

-Alpha T2 has been paying back dividends in a big way, a very smooth and now enjoyable voyage toward progressive fat loss. I can tell the thermogenic properties are in full fledged effect. I am crossing my fingers my other bottle of AT2 arrives in the mail before my current supply is drained, so I can continue along the cycle flawlessly, and report back with my ongoing thoughts. I am curious though, about the optimal side-by-side dosing of this T2 supplement would be with T3; should they be dosed concomitantly, or should AT2 be used solely during the day, and Cytomel saved for the evening in order to burn through adipose tissue as I sleep?

-I am intent on the cessation of my insulin (Humulin-R) usage, and would like to close this chapter on my first experience with exogenous insulin. I have read some slightly conflicting reports throughout the under ground annals of forums and research articles though, and am torn on the best method of disuse, whether to taper or stop cold turkey. I am stopping the use of insulin because of several factors, including but not limited to a slowing in the lipolytic reaction in response to dieting, a slight yet noticeable stomach bloat, and the slim yet plausible nominal risk of severely or permanently attenuating my body's natural ability to excrete insulin naturally (also, I have not realized NEAR the purported anabolic effect from calculated insulin usage that is propagated online). Another pressing question is... what supplements can I administer to up-regulate and repair my body's endogenous insulin mechanisms and sensitivity back to basal or augmented levels (akin to repairing b2 receptors post Clenbuterol use, or TSH levels post T3 usage).

-SDN's ROGUE just arrived in the mail yesterday! This supplement is the last addition to my Summer/Fall Recomp leading up to the Mr. Olympia contest/vacation. After dosing 2 caps twice daily on Saturday, and 2 caps this morning prior to breakfast with Slin Sane and Recompadrol - I am EXTREMELY most full and pumped than I can recall ever being simply sitting in front of a computer screen. My arms and chest are pushing out against my shirt, and my entire sense of well being is improved - not to mention a DRAMATIC increase in appetite. I am watching the clock, trying to get that second hand to sweep faster in order to being my next meal, mere moments after the final bite of my proceeding meal. I have never felt effects this fast, evident, and powerful from ANY OTC supplement I have ever tried during the tenure of my bodybuilding career and endeavoring (aside from Generation-1 PHs years ago, and perhaps high Slin Sane intake prior to a cheat meal).

-I will be purchasing HCG and Clomid late next week, in an anticipatory measure to have all PCT items on hand and readily available once the anabolic constituents of my cycle are disused. Still not committed in stone to how and when I will be starting the Clomid or HCG injections.

-This past week's training has been another MASSIVE success... I have been able to time-and-time again tap into energy stores that seem nearly limitless, even when training twice daily (which happened twice this week). The pumps and stamina are not only still substantial, but seem to be improving with each successive bout in the gym. I am feeling unstoppable, and with ongoing slight tweaks to my nutrition, I am seeing the midsection tighten and my overall physique seem to slowly yet constantly enlarge, as an illusion of perspective caused by composition (fat mass to lean mass) changes.

-I have been eating low-far Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts as my post workout meal once again (I did this several years ago). I believe the reduced fat version alleviates any slowing of the glycemic reaction, and also reduced potential lipogenesis as a result of insulin injection.

-Lastly... as I briefly mentioned in another thread, I have been so blown away by Slin Sane, I have started to use it in non traditional ways; meaning before breakfast and prior to bed. Pre-breakfast elicits an incomparable muscle fullness in response to the oatmeal or shredded 100% whole wheat cereal + soy milk eaten 15 minutes later. Dosing Slin Sane prior to falling asleep has also shown amazing potential, as it empties my body of any excess glycogen and saturates my recovering lean tissues with fuel and fullness, awaking to a round and hard physique.

The week was quite a success... and with the dosing increase of HCA powder from Lean Body Formulations, as well as a consistent reliance on their Recompadrol product, all meshed with the above mentioned tweaks - I am growing more excited about the proceeding 7 weeks than I can remember being in quite a long time!
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