~LG33~ Goes Outlaw!



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big #s bro..15lbs is sick! Keep it going!


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15 lb gain on the bench is very nice. I cant wait til I can put all my stuff to use! Once the Postal log is done I am doing a super-sized stack and get huge for the winter.


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There's no point in writing anything substantial here... no one will see it.

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.

"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."

He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought-frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.


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Delta Force

Delta Force

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congrats on your bench press achievement LG, dont worry you'll get the 280's next time bro.

now, back to regular programming "The battle of the booty!"


  • Legend!
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In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.

"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."

He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought-frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.
Great writing style! :thumbsup:


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~LG33's Science Report # 19 & 20~

Well this is the normal weekend updates... non-gym days.. dosing like I should be, no changes to anything really. detailed my truck yesterday:D and getting ready for the Yankee game tonight!!

Supplements Dosed:

M1D - 3/3 split, First 3 upon getting up...3 prior to Dinner
MMV3 - 2/2/1 - 2 morning, 2 afternoon, 1 at night
I-GH-1 - 4 pre bed tonight
Anadraulic State - 1 scoop through out the day



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Restdays/weekends are always nice :) Congrats on the Bench PR man - you'll hit 280 without any problems bro!
Rest up :thumbsup:



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Freaking pumped man! just came back from the gym, Put up 275!! on flat bench:D..freaking sick in my eyes!..no updates now, (Im at Work):D! just had to drop this in here....
Awesome bro way to tear it up....
275, when can we expect 300? :)
Eventually 300 hundo or bust LG....you'll get it soon...
New PR Today!:D

did a max out on Bench and hit 275! started out like this

135 x 3
185 x 2
205 x2
225 x1
235 x 1
275 x 1

after the 275 I did try for 280, Like I said in the last post, I never felt so in the zone..but 280 just wasn't for today. Another/few chest sessions. I repped out 205 for 2 sets for 8 reps after that, then dropped to 135 for 16 times and called it quits.. did a few other exercises around the gym, but just an over all great day.. so far im up 15lbs on max flat bench lift!!!!

Supplements Dosed:

M1D - 3/3 split, First 3 upon getting up...3 prior to Dinner
MMV3 - 2/2/1 - 2 morning, 2 pre, a 1 at night
I-GH-1 - 4 pre bed tonight
Anadraulic State - 1 scoop 1 hour pre work out
Perfect Carb 45g, with 3 caps Slin, and 15g Bc+Eaa's, 1 scoop AS Intra work out
Protein shakes -2
Bc+Eaa's were sipped on through out the day

Way to go brother kick azz.....I did well today on chest also...My Bench and decline kicked ass I took everyones advice but not trying to jack your thread but i gotta throw it out to everyone in here and thanks to the ones including yourself who gave me advice...so here it is...145x10/165x8/185x6/215x4>no help all BeBig woooo I felt strong next time going for 6.....my decline was exactly the same and my chest is pumped wow.... And we also slaughtered tri's they are so pumped right now they hurt.....lol


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Awesome bro way to tear it up....

Eventually 300 hundo or bust LG....you'll get it soon...

Way to go brother kick azz.....I did well today on chest also...My Bench and decline kicked ass I took everyones advice but not trying to jack your thread but i gotta throw it out to everyone in here and thanks to the ones including yourself who gave me advice...so here it is...145x10/165x8/185x6/215x4>no help all BeBig woooo I felt strong next time going for 6.....my decline was exactly the same and my chest is pumped wow.... And we also slaughtered tri's they are so pumped right now they hurt.....lol

Awesome man!..Thats my boy:D


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~LG33's Science Report # 21~

I switched things up today Reps wise... Felt really great, Muscle hardness is totally up right now. I think i went little to far on chest today, or it was maybe the tri-push downs, when I was doing them i just felt my right pec contacting very hard... a few hours later i started getting a sharp stabbing pain. the location is the lower inside corner..very sore right now just to touch it.. not sure what to make of it.. I'll keep an eye on it this week, and hopefully it subsides. so heres the report for today...Acne is also on the rise on the back, just a few though...Be back later!


Flat Bench:
165 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 5
235 x 4
(4th rep took everything i had, paused for 3-4 secs about half way up, but did push through it:) )

165 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 5
205 x 7
( Didnt have a spoter, so I played it safe went to 205 and just tried to rep it out)

165 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 5
205 x 8
185 x 6


Incline Bench:
135 x 10
165 x 8
185 x 6
205 x 4
(4th was ugly also, but busted it out)

135 x 10
165 x 8
185 x 6
185 x 6
(Again No spoter, so i stayed at 185)

145 x 10
175 x 8
185 x 6
190 x 5

Decline Bench:
145 x 10
165 x 8
205 x 6
135 x 12

155 x 10 ^ 10lbs
185 x 8 ^ 20lbs
225 x 5 ^ 20 lbs
135 x 13
( I was able to add weight to these because I was unable to do Incline first, it was being used)

165 x 8
185 x 7
195 x 5
225 x 4

I killed this, on the last work out:)


Tri Push Downs
110 x 11
140 x 10
155 x 7
155 x 5

110 x 11
140 x 10
155 x 7
155 x 6 ^ 1 rep

110 x 11
140 x 10
155 x 7
155 x 6


OverHead Extensions:
95 x 12
110 x 8
125 x 7

95 x 12
110 x 10 ^ 2 reps
125 x 8 ^ 1 rep

95 x 12
110 x 10
125 x 8

Cable Kick backs, palm up^^

50 x 8
50 x 8
50 x 8

50 x 8
50 x 8
60 x 5 ^ 10lbs but down 3 reps

50 x 8
50 x 8
60 x 5



55 x 1
35 x 1
30 x 1

60 x 1 ^ 5
32 x 1 - down 3
28 x 1 - down 2

Weighted rope crunches
155 x 25
155 x 25
155 x 20


Side bends, holding a 45lb plate

10 x 1
10 x 1
10 x 1
10 x 1

10 x 1
10 x 1
10 x 1
10 x 1

Same..as above..

Each side 10 bends^^

Supplements Dosed:

M1D - 3/3 split, First 3 upon getting up...3 prior to Dinner
MMV3 - 2/2/1
I-GH-1 - 4 pre bed tonight
Anadraulic State - 1 scoop 45 mins pre work out
Perfect Carb 45g, with 3 caps Slin, 15g Bc+Eaa's, 1 scoop of AS Intra work out
Protein shakes - 2
Bc+Eaa's through out the day​


On my grind
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Have NO fear 3clipse is now here! Haha! Whats goin on boys? Fellow reps? Log is lookin good brother! Im jealous of the stack big time! Whew its a beauty!


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I <3 all the pretty colors, and the #s are nice too.

Irish Cannon

  • Legend!
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Have NO fear 3clipse is now here! Haha! Whats goin on boys? Fellow reps? Log is lookin good brother! Im jealous of the stack big time! Whew its a beauty!
Should I even mention what MY next stack will be? Muahaha :D


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Sorry to hear about your pec man, hope it isn't anything bad!
Workout is looking good, always a rise in reps or numbers here and there :thumbsup:
Hows the weight btw? Moving up or maintaining?
Keep hitting it hard bro :)



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Have NO fear 3clipse is now here! Haha! Whats goin on boys? Fellow reps? Log is lookin good brother! Im jealous of the stack big time! Whew its a beauty!

you get your own quote page:D, about time you hiked up in here:thumbsup:


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Sorry to hear about your pec man, hope it isn't anything bad!
Workout is looking good, always a rise in reps or numbers here and there :thumbsup:
Hows the weight btw? Moving up or maintaining?
Keep hitting it hard bro :)

me to man...it still hurts, Im chalking it up as its just growing to fast:lol: I will get you a weight this week, i never like weighing after a weekend, just my thing.., I dought i will see a killer 13 pounds like you did!


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Sorry to hear about your pec man, hope it isn't anything bad!
Workout is looking good, always a rise in reps or numbers here and there :thumbsup:
Hows the weight btw? Moving up or maintaining?
Keep hitting it hard bro :)

me to man...it still hurts, Im chalking it up as its just growing to fast:lol: I will get you a weight this week, i never like weighing after a weekend, just my thing.., I dought i will see a killer 13 pounds like you did!


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me to man...it still hurts, Im chalking it up as its just growing to fast:lol: I will get you a weight this week, i never like weighing after a weekend, just my thing.., I dought i will see a killer 13 pounds like you did!
Might be that one pec is in super growth mode :lmao:
I don't like weighing after a weekend wither - my treat days are sundays so that throws the weight off a bit :13:



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Might be that one pec is in super growth mode :lmao:
I don't like weighing after a weekend wither - my treat days are sundays so that throws the weight off a bit :13:

Seems like we treat each other on the same day:D


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me to man...it still hurts, Im chalking it up as its just growing to fast:lol: I will get you a weight this week, i never like weighing after a weekend, just my thing.., I dought i will see a killer 13 pounds like you did!
WTF? Sucks to hear bout your pec bro hope your gonna be all right its that kick ass 275 that you did the other day kickin in a little late on those killer doms maybe....Get better bro... :cheers:


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WTF? Sucks to hear bout your pec bro hope your gonna be all right its that kick ass 275 that you did the other day kickin in a little late on those killer doms maybe....Get better bro... :cheers:
Well Its going to hurt even more when I go for 280! haha need to hit that 285for my goal:thumbsup:... Man you need to jump on LGs deal, GHenerate + 100ct of I-GH-1!.. Let me know, maybe i can get it to your lady friend for shipment:)

Also..Ghenerate is being added , should have it by Friday which will allow for dosing to consume this weekend;)


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Well Its going to hurt even more when I go for 280! haha need to hit that 285for my goal:thumbsup:... Man you need to jump on LGs deal, GHenerate + 100ct of I-GH-1!.. Let me know, maybe i can get it to your lady friend for shipment:)

Also..Ghenerate is being added , should have it by Friday which will allow for dosing to consume this weekend;)
dang lg!! serious stuff


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~LG33's Science Report # 22~

Work out from today posted below in Purple, I think im going to run out of dam colors!, Felt really strong on Lat pull downs today, but then I dropped reps in some routines, but then again, gained a rep or two in otheres. Pec is still sore, just the inside corner. If i cross my arm across my chest and flex it, its the lower inside corner, its rock hard, but dam it still hurts. I felt it today in some moves, for example doing lat pull downs when i pulled the 160 I slammed it right into my chest....I had to slow down, next week I'll start out with 175 i think and see how far I can go... Im almost out of the Anadraulic State, I'll be adding Jack3d to replace it, just to swith things up, AS should last into next week, which is when I going to try for 285, may have to bumb up the MMv3 for some extra juice;)....


Lat Pull Down
145 x 10
160 x 8
175 x 6
190 x 4.5 PR

160 x 10 - Up 15lbs!
160 x 7
175 x 6
190 x 6 - Up 2 reps!

160 x 10
160 x 10 ^ 3 reps!
175 x 8 ^ 2 reps
190 x 7 - ^ 1 Rep

160 x 10
175 x 9
190 x 6
190 x 5


DB Row's
80 x 10
80 x 8
85 x 7

80 x 10
80 x 10 - Up 2 Reps!
85 x 9 - Up 2 reps!
85 x 7 - up extra set:D

80 x 10
85 x 8 - Up 5lbs down 2 reps!
85 x 7 - down 2 reps
90 x 5 - Up 5lbs down 2 reps

80 x 10
85 x 8
85 x 6
90 x 4


Rear Delt Fly's
95 x 10
110 x 9
125 x 7
140 x 5.5

110 x 10 - up 15lbs!
125 x 8 - up 15lbs!
125 x 6
140 x 6 - Up 2 reps!

110 x 10
125 x 8
125 x 8 - Up 2 reps
140 x 7 - Up 1 rep

110 x 12
125 x 8
125 x 7 -
140 x 6


Super Pull Over's:
200 x 10
220 x 7.5
230 x 5
180 x 9

200 x 10
220 x 8 - Up 1 rep!
230 x 6 - Up 1 rep!
180 x 10 - Up 1 rep!

200 x 10
220 x 8 -
230 x 5 - down 1 rep
180 x 10 -

200 x 10
210 x 10
230 x 8
180 x 10

DB Hammer Curls:
30 x 10
35 x 6
35 x 6
40 x 4 PR

30 x 10
35 x 7 - up 1 Rep
35 x 7 - Up 1 rep
40 x 4

30 x 10
35 x 8 - up 1 Rep
40 x 6 - Up 5lbs!
40 x 3 - down 1 rep

35 x 10
35 x 10
40 x 7 -
40 x 5


Incline Bench Curls:
35 x 7
35 x 6
40 x 5
40 x 4

35 x 9 - Up 2 reps
35 x 6
40 x 6 - up 1 rep
40 x 3 - down 1 Rep:sorry:

35 x 8 -down 1 rep
35 x 6
40 x 6
40 x 4 - Up 1 Rep

35 x 10
35 x 7
40 x 6
40 x 4


Cable Reverse Curls:
90 x 10
110 x 7
125 x 5
125 x 3

90 x 10
110 x 7
125 x 5
125 x 4 - up 1 rep!

90 x 10
110 x 7
125 x 6 - Up 1 Rep
125 x 5 - Up 1 Rep

100 x 10
110 x 9
110 x 9
125 x 6

Cable Curls:

110 x 8
110 x 8
110 x 6
have gone as high as 125..so no PR's for this

110 x 10
125 x 5
125 x 6

110 x 10
125 x 7
125 x 7


Supplements Dosed:

M1D - 3/3 split, First 3 upon getting up...3 prior to Dinner
MMV3 - 2/2/1 - 2 morning, 2 pre, a 1 at night
I-GH-1 - 4 pre bed tonight
Anadraulic State - 1 scoop 40mins pre work out
Perfect Carb 45g, with 3 caps Slin, and 15g Bc+Eaa's, 1 scoop AS! Intra work out
Protein shakes 2, coffee with vanilla protien added:)
Bc+Eaa's were sipped on through out the day



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Nice numbers man.


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you dont know how good that damm Popsicle looks! :toofunny:
I'll take it:)
How do you think I feel?! That's all I'm thinking about when I read your log man.


On my grind
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I gotta get me some of this here Ghenerate! And some BCAA's and some Slin! Numbers are lookin good boss!! Hope your pec holds up well man, ull get that 285 with no problem, i got faith in my fellow LG brother!!!


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I gotta get me some of this here Ghenerate! And some BCAA's and some Slin! Numbers are lookin good boss!! Hope your pec holds up well man, ull get that 285 with no problem, i got faith in my fellow LG brother!!!

Yes you do! It'll be added next week for sure!, man I love them Bc+Eaa's... Thanks for the faith, now i have to produce:D


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Numbers looking great man! Colours too :D
Bumping up the MMv3 sounds exciting ;)



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Yes you do! It'll be added next week for sure!, man I love them Bc+Eaa's... Thanks for the faith, now i have to produce:D
Looks like another solid workout bro...Boy wish i had me some BC/EAA's do you need my addy again? :thinking: hahhaah it's kinda a pain in the azz to get **** over here through mail.


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~LG33's Science Report # 23~

Today ended up being an off day, got tied up with work and was just unable to go anywhere..It did feel good though to take a day off:)..Pec is feeling 80% better today which is good, maybe i just over worked it couple days ago..that put a notion in my head to go for another max out on Friday, We'll see what happens. I'm really looking forward to PCT, as I'll start the Ghenerate next week, but will take it through PCT, with adding in some other goodies, , you'll see when the time comes:D

Supplements Dosed:

M1D - 3/3 split, First 3 upon getting up...3 prior to Dinner
MMV3 - 2/2/1 - 2 morning, 2 noon, a 1 at night
I-GH-1 - 4 pre bed tonight
Anadraulic State - 1 scoop through out the day
Bc+Eaa's were sipped on through out the day



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~LG33's Science Report # 24 & 25~

Work out #24 was yesterday and it was legs, Kept the same weights for yesterday, next week will add 10-15 lbs;) and see how the strength goes. I'm at a point that I am filling out real nice, shirts are tighten up, specially in the bicep areas, I catch my self at work opening the fridge looking at them..:lol: chest is nice and Pec's are really tighten up!, lol, My Wife told me I better not be taking nothing I'm not supposed to. When she chimes in like that i know progress is being made:D!..today was an all out work out, I hit chest again, I did try for 280, but failed! then I was thinking i had a bad angle on the bench, as to where i was positioned under the bar, when it came down it came to my upper pec area, which it is usually lower about mid way/lower pec area..I was to gassed to to try it again, so i took the frustration out on weigh/reps. I'll add today below the legs.. Heres for the games tomorrow:D


Decline Linear Leg Press
325 x 15
375 x 13
435 x 10
525 x 5

345 x 11
395 x 9
455 x 7
545 x 4

345 x 11
395 x 9
455 x 7
545 x 4

345 x 11
395 x 10
455 x 8
545 x 6


Seated Leg Curls
110 x 15
140 x 12
170 x 7
170 x 6

120 x 12
150 x 8
170 x 6
180 x 4

120 x 12
150 x 8
170 x 6
180 x 4

120 x 10
150 x 10
170 x 8
180 x 5


Leg Extensions
125 x 9
155 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 6

125 x 10
155 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 6

125 x 10
155 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 6

125 x 10
155 x 10
170 x 8
170 x 5


Calf Presses
260 x 13
310 x 11
310 x 8

310 x 10
310 x 10
310 x 10

310 x 10
310 x 10
310 x 10

310 x 15
310 x 15
310 x 15

Today Chest play day:D

did a max out on Bench and hit 275! started out like this

135 x 4
185 x 3
205 x3
225 x2
235 x 1
280 x Failed:sorry:
225 x 5
205 x 9
185 x 10
165 x 10
135 x 17

Needless to say I was pissed when i didn't hit the 280, once i was done, I knew it didn't feel right and just think i was down to far on the bench, so i took the anger out..I will get it next!, I came half way up, right at that breaking point and I held it there for about 4-5 secs, then it slowly started to come back down, told my partner t grab it..Oh well..Im the idiot for not having proper placement..

Supplements Dosed for both days:

M1D - 3/3 split, First 3 upon getting up...3 prior to Dinner
MMV3 - 2/2/1 - 2 morning, 2 pre, a 1 at night
I-GH-1 - 4 pre bed tonight
Anadraulic State - 1 scoop 1 hour pre work out
Perfect Carb 45g, with 3 caps Slin, and 15g Bc+Eaa's, 1 scoop AS Intra work out
Protein shakes
Bc+Eaa's were sipped on through out the day



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I need to start building again...

Irish Cannon

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I need to start building again...
I'm assuming you mean packing on muscle, and if so, me too! Just started to really bump cals up. Hoping for some quality gains in the near future. I'll have to start doing extra cardio in the mornings, but I think I should really see some good muscle. My next stack is just sick. If I can't grow on this stuff, there's something wrong with me!...

Anadraulic State

Basics: Perfect Carb, Lipotropic Protein, BC+EAA, ADAM, Fish Oil, Dymatize Elite 12hr

Awwww yaaaaaa. :cheers:


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My next stack is just sick. If I can't grow on this stuff, there's something wrong with me!...

Anadraulic State

Basics: Perfect Carb, Lipotropic Protein, BC+EAA, ADAM, Fish Oil, Dymatize Elite 12hr
Oh yeah? Well I've got Vitamin C(6+g)& D(5000IU), multi, fish oil, turmeric, magnesium, calcium(separate,) Green tea, and Apple cider vinegar...

....you win this time IC...see the new Boondock Saints yet? I'm afraid to see it and being wholly disappointed.


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~LG33's Science Report # 24 & 25~

Work out #24 was yesterday and it was legs, Kept the same weights for yesterday, next week will add 10-15 lbs;) and see how the strength goes. I'm at a point that I am filling out real nice, shirts are tighten up, specially in the bicep areas, I catch my self at work opening the fridge looking at them..:lol: chest is nice and Pec's are really tighten up!, lol, My Wife told me I better not be taking nothing I'm not supposed to. When she chimes in like that i know progress is being made:D!..today was an all out work out, I hit chest again, I did try for 280, but failed! then I was thinking i had a bad angle on the bench, as to where i was positioned under the bar, when it came down it came to my upper pec area, which it is usually lower about mid way/lower pec area..I was to gassed to to try it again, so i took the frustration out on weigh/reps. I'll add today below the legs.. Heres for the games tomorrow:D


Decline Linear Leg Press
325 x 15
375 x 13
435 x 10
525 x 5

345 x 11
395 x 9
455 x 7
545 x 4

345 x 11
395 x 9
455 x 7
545 x 4

345 x 11
395 x 10
455 x 8
545 x 6


Seated Leg Curls
110 x 15
140 x 12
170 x 7
170 x 6

120 x 12
150 x 8
170 x 6
180 x 4

120 x 12
150 x 8
170 x 6
180 x 4

120 x 10
150 x 10
170 x 8
180 x 5


Leg Extensions
125 x 9
155 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 6

125 x 10
155 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 6

125 x 10
155 x 8
170 x 6
170 x 6

125 x 10
155 x 10
170 x 8
170 x 5


Calf Presses
260 x 13
310 x 11
310 x 8

310 x 10
310 x 10
310 x 10

310 x 10
310 x 10
310 x 10

310 x 15
310 x 15
310 x 15

Today Chest play day:D

did a max out on Bench and hit 275! started out like this

135 x 4
185 x 3
205 x3
225 x2
235 x 1
280 x Failed:sorry:
225 x 5
205 x 9
185 x 10
165 x 10
135 x 17

Needless to say I was pissed when i didn't hit the 280, once i was done, I knew it didn't feel right and just think i was down to far on the bench, so i took the anger out..I will get it next!, I came half way up, right at that breaking point and I held it there for about 4-5 secs, then it slowly started to come back down, told my partner t grab it..Oh well..Im the idiot for not having proper placement..

Supplements Dosed for both days:

M1D - 3/3 split, First 3 upon getting up...3 prior to Dinner
MMV3 - 2/2/1 - 2 morning, 2 pre, a 1 at night
I-GH-1 - 4 pre bed tonight
Anadraulic State - 1 scoop 1 hour pre work out
Perfect Carb 45g, with 3 caps Slin, and 15g Bc+Eaa's, 1 scoop AS Intra work out
Protein shakes
Bc+Eaa's were sipped on through out the day

Ull get it bro i know you will, just give it some time!! Good leg workout though for sure! Friggin OX over there bro!

I cant wait till my LG package comes in, i got some goodies comin!!!!

IC your stack looks sick!


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  • RockStar
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Yea man! thanks for the confidence:D..Irish always has the sick looking stacks!..I don't what the hell hes talking about growing the dude is a tank:D...I did forget to add, I weighed in at 195 this morning:D +6lbs
Hopefully I get the GHenerate tomorrow, I'll be waiting by the mailbox:lol:

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