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This is true, but I think a lot of his problem could be from the fact that he is a vegan. Maybe this is the reason why his test is on the low side in the first place? I don't see how any prohorme would be very effective on a vegan diet.

BTW I am not a vegan. I do eat eggs in my bean and cheese egg burrito, and drink whey/milk isolation shakes after my workouts.


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Today I did back. I dead lifted 200lbs at 3 sets. Your thinking why only 200 what happend to the close to 3 plates on each side I have been lifting. Well I took a stand today and it gave me a stretch and I went deeper by 1 foot or so as the stand is about 2 feet off the ground. Also it was a lot harder as I could not bounce off the ground. I got in 6 reps clean.
I cable rowed 2 sets at 170 for 3 than 175 for 3 than 180 for 3 for a total of 9 reps 2 sets.
I did a wide grip pull up today with 27.5lbs 3 sets. I felt awesome. Not as heavy as a closer grip pull up but that was due to me going wide. I also did hammer pulls at 225/2 arms 1 set.

I felt great today. strength felt up I was able to pump out more sets and not seem tired. I was not able to film today as 2 managers where walking around the gym.
Today I did not have any problems at work. Felt normal. I may finally be getting used to the red and blue pills. My stomach was great bathroom felt great.
I also bent over rowed wide grip 155 3 sets 6 reps. Felt awesome. Energy was there but strength was there too and this was after me teaching 4 hours of martial arts.
I did though due to the rain ding my car which sucks. The corner of my bumper got poped in. My fault sorta.

Will tell you more tomorrow. Stay tuned.
you try to bounce the DL's off the ground? WHY????

The whole point is to make it a smooth complete reptition. lift off the ground, lock out, bring back down, 2 second pause, repeat for next rep.

I think you need to take a look at your weigh and ROM on everything man. exactly what these guys are telling you, it makes you look like one of the guys who just walks around with the big guys to look big. Drop the weight, do complete rom, focus on pausing, timing, and mind to muscle connection. then you will see the numbers and growth get to where they should be.

Also the shirt excuse for your ROM is terrible . come on man seriously. only excuse is an injury, even then you can do other things to combat it.


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Take the 35's off the bar, leave the 5's on it and bust some curls using ONLY your biceps. START LIGHT, LEARN YOUR MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION. Until you can make yourself do the exercise with ONLY the proper muscles intended to be worked out, you are going to be running around in circles.

I agree with everyone above. Leave your ego at the door.
a really nasty trick is to prop your upper back against a wall - that way its 100% biceps - no cheat possible. i guarantee you will get an incredible bicep workout out of it.

cheat curls only work when you keep tension on the muscle being used, and you're using too much weight to pull that off effectively. cheat curls are using back swing and tension on your biceps to make a compound movement. you are using your shoulders as well, which takes tension off your biceps. IMO.


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i didnt see that vid.
Your BB military is closer to an incline bench.
Your BB curls work your shoulders more than your bi's.
Whats with attaching the plate on the shoulder press machine? Is that neccessary? Totally working out for ego.
If you are not a vegan then why dont you eat beef, chicken, fish? What is the point of not eating these things if you want to be big and you still eat eggs and milk by-products....Im just trying to understand your reasoning behind that.
Video log is cool bro, throw in some shots of your meals too.


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Yeah Im really liking the videos it brings a hole new perspective to log!


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a really nasty trick is to prop your upper back against a wall - that way its 100% biceps - no cheat possible. i guarantee you will get an incredible bicep workout out of it.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to suncloud again.

Damn.... Oh well, I can't say I didn't try. Great advice!


Yea, its probably why you wont see more of them. I wish DJ would spend more form and concentration on the lifting aspect rather than the making of videos. THis log is about AMS products effects on strenght and groth and not video editing. Drop the music video and just show before and after. I mean you may as well video yourself on a treadmill for 30 min. Not bagging on you bro just saying.. I was excited to see the results and see the progress of what AMS could do and its turned into training critique instead. Do the lifts proper and show progress...that what everone wants to see. I wish I could have added background music to this post. It would have been like a rocky type eye of the tiger music. Just to set the mood.


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I wish DJ would spend more form and concentration on the lifting aspect rather than the making of videos. THis log is about AMS products effects on strenght and groth and not video editing. Drop the music video and just show before and after. Do the lifts proper and show progress...that what everone wants to see. I wish I could have added background music to this post. It would have been like a rocky type eye of the tiger music. Just to set the mood.
Good you have your opinion as long as you don't have your own facts. On a another note I am glad people a helping me out. This is what this board is all about. At least I am getting critiques so that I can be a better body builder.


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Good you have your opinion as long as you don't have your own facts. On a another note I am glad people a helping me out. This is what this board is all about. At least I am getting critiques so that I can be a better body builder.
Are you retarded DJ? Im sorry, but you seem unable to articulate a proper sentence/ paragraph. You have also been a member here for a few years, which tells me you've been working out since at least 2006 and you still don't know how to eat or lift properly. Have you learned nothing in your time here? I think you frequent this site just searching the company promo section hoping to get free product.


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Last night was chest. Was late as I taught 2 classes and in-between trained in a class for 1.5 hours.

Benched 2 sets at 200 but went very slow. touched my chest. 2 sets 6 reps.
Inclined 145 2 sets 6 reps.
Declined 200lbs. 2 sets 6 reps.
Cable flyed 2 sets 6 reps 30 each arm.
fly machine 150 2 sets 6 reps.
Felt great last night. Went few pounds lighter but each set I did was at 100% and I did more sets to balance it out. I will have the film up tonight.


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Are you retarded DJ? Im sorry, but you seem unable to articulate a proper sentence/ paragraph. You have also been a member here for a few years, which tells me you've been working out since at least 2006 and you still don't know how to eat or lift properly. Have you learned nothing in your time here? I think you frequent this site just searching the company promo section hoping to get free product.
BTW lets see your pictures and videos assuming you have some to show.


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Are you retarded DJ? Im sorry, but you seem unable to articulate a proper sentence/ paragraph. You have also been a member here for a few years, which tells me you've been working out since at least 2006 and you still don't know how to eat or lift properly. Have you learned nothing in your time here? I think you frequent this site just searching the company promo section hoping to get free product.
i dont see why he still gets promos when he doesnt either: follow directions or provides nothing that helps people get info on the product itself. Sorry AMS but i thought you got the memo lol. The Cre02 log was a huge failure. I guess you can have him test products and it will get them some exposure because its kinda like watching a sideshow. Maybe this time is different tho, im not giving up hope yet DJ haha


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BTW lets see your pictures and videos assuming you have some to show.
Lol, thats all you have to say? I have posted pics before, I don't have video of myself working out because when I lift, Im not worried about recording myself. I tend to focus on the task at hand(lifting)


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Are you retarded DJ? Im sorry, but you seem unable to articulate a proper sentence/ paragraph. You have also been a member here for a few years, which tells me you've been working out since at least 2006 and you still don't know how to eat or lift properly. Have you learned nothing in your time here? I think you frequent this site just searching the company promo section hoping to get free product.
Ok, ok... lets keep the insults to a minimum (I know I have been one to throw out a lot of insults in the past, but live and learn).

But Tim has a point DJ, you are logging MULTIPLE products from a very generous company, you should spend more time on your updates and your attempts to get big, and less time on editing your video. BTW, I am a photographer/videographer by profession, and everyone would rather just see you completing the lifts correctly. You aren't gonna put out a bodybuilding DVD, so screw the stupid music and screw all the rediculously cheesy editing styles. Remember you are promoting the PRODUCT, not yourself.

BTW, just use spell-check and re-read what you wrote... we are all adults here, it's time to write in complete sentences so the people reading your log will understand what you did, and how you did it, so THEY TOO might use the product.

That being said, I have no clue why you are running hormones if you don't eat meat.

BTW lets see your pictures and videos assuming you have some to show.
Don't call people out DJ, you are just gonna embarrass yourself... Tim would punk you if he really posted pictures/video of him lifting on your log.


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i dont see why he still gets promos when he doesnt either: follow directions or provides nothing that helps people get info on the product itself. Sorry AMS but i thought you got the memo lol. The Cre02 log was a huge failure. I guess you can have him test products and it will get them some exposure because its kinda like watching a sideshow. Maybe this time is different tho, im not giving up hope yet DJ haha
I don't know how effective that marketing would be.

I'd probably still tune in though.


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very well done GMG, i should let you do that talking for me lol.

yeah, i still dont understand this dont eat meat thing. I have asked him many times for his reasons for this, its beyond me at this point. If health is your number one concern then why take hormones and peptides? And to eat eggs and whey, animal byproducts but not eat the animal, even a fish??? idk whats going on with all that but im curious to know why!
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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yeah, i still dont understand this dont eat meat thing. I have asked him many times for his reasons for this, its beyond me at this point. If health is your number one concern then why take hormones and peptides? And to eat eggs and whey, animal byproducts but not eat the animal, even a fish??? idk whats going on with all that but im curious to know why!
he probably can't live with the guilt of eating a poor little animal.


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One of those "essential" amino acids is methionine.

One needs methionine for many human metabolic functions
including digestion, detoxification of heavy metals, and
muscle metabolism. However, an excess of methionine can be
toxic and create that acid condition in your blood.

The center atom of methionine is sulfur. That's the problem.
Eat foods containing too much methionine, and your blood
will become acidic. The sulfur converts to sulfates and weak
forms of sulfuric acid. In order to neutralize the acid, in
its wisdom, the body leaches calcium from bones.

"Dietary protein increases production of acid in the blood
which can be neutralized by calcium mobilized from the
skeleton." {American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995;

Animal proteins contain more methionine than plant proteins.
Let's compare cow's milk to soymilk:

Methionine in 100 grams of soymilk: .040 grams
Methionine in 100 grams of whole milk: .083 grams
Methionine in 100 grams of skim milk: .099 grams

Now, let's compare 100 gram portions of tofu to meat:
(All of the meat products are lean and without skin)

Silken soft tofu: .074 grams of methionine
Hamburger: .282 grams of methionine
Roast ham: .535 grams of methionine
Baked codfish: .679 grams of methionine
Roast chicken: .801 grams of methionine

Why do nations with the highest rates of bone disease also
have the highest milk consumption rates? The highest rates
of osteoporosis are to be found in America, Denmark, Holland, Norway,
and Sweden.

We are told to consume 1000 milligrams per day of calcium.
Inuit Eskimos consume 3500 milligrams of calcium each day,
and by age 40 are crippled.


It's not how much calcium you eat. It's how much calcium you
prevent from leaving your bones.


In 1988, N.A. Breslau and colleagues identified the
relationship between protein-rich diets and calcium
metabolism, noting that protein caused calcium loss. His
work was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology

A 1994 study published in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition (Remer T, Am J Clin Nutr 1994;59:1356-61) found
that animal proteins cause calcium to be leached from the
bones and excreted in the urine.


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One of those "essential" amino acids is methionine.

One needs methionine for many human metabolic functions
including digestion, detoxification of heavy metals, and
muscle metabolism. However, an excess of methionine can be
toxic and create that acid condition in your blood.

The center atom of methionine is sulfur. That's the problem.
Eat foods containing too much methionine, and your blood
will become acidic. The sulfur converts to sulfates and weak
forms of sulfuric acid. In order to neutralize the acid, in
its wisdom, the body leaches calcium from bones.

"Dietary protein increases production of acid in the blood
which can be neutralized by calcium mobilized from the
skeleton." {American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995;

Animal proteins contain more methionine than plant proteins.
Let's compare cow's milk to soymilk:

Methionine in 100 grams of soymilk: .040 grams
Methionine in 100 grams of whole milk: .083 grams
Methionine in 100 grams of skim milk: .099 grams

Now, let's compare 100 gram portions of tofu to meat:
(All of the meat products are lean and without skin)

Silken soft tofu: .074 grams of methionine
Hamburger: .282 grams of methionine
Roast ham: .535 grams of methionine
Baked codfish: .679 grams of methionine
Roast chicken: .801 grams of methionine

Why do nations with the highest rates of bone disease also
have the highest milk consumption rates? The highest rates
of osteoporosis are to be found in America, Denmark, Holland, Norway,
and Sweden.

We are told to consume 1000 milligrams per day of calcium.
Inuit Eskimos consume 3500 milligrams of calcium each day,
and by age 40 are crippled.


It's not how much calcium you eat. It's how much calcium you
prevent from leaving your bones.


In 1988, N.A. Breslau and colleagues identified the
relationship between protein-rich diets and calcium
metabolism, noting that protein caused calcium loss. His
work was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology

A 1994 study published in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition (Remer T, Am J Clin Nutr 1994;59:1356-61) found
that animal proteins cause calcium to be leached from the
bones and excreted in the urine.
so is that why you don't eat animal? Because you still take in protein from animals which still has the highest levels of methione or whatever. There are other ways to combat keeping your PH balanced that are reasonable for your goal DJ.


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you are worried about osteo-perosis?!!!

... But you will put anabolic hormones into your body.:chairshot:


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don't AAS weaken bones as well?

moreso than eating animal flesh i would wager.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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aas actually strengthens bones.

but dj's reason for not eating meat is halarious.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Lol, thats all you have to say? I have posted pics before, I don't have video of myself working out because when I lift, Im not worried about recording myself. I tend to focus on the task at hand(lifting)
I would laugh at someone if they were doing this around me at the gym. I would also tell them that they cannot lift without cheating, and are there only to act as if they are fit. Also, if the camera was anywhere near me, getting me into the picture, I would call an EX-78 Section 14B, and break it. And don't worry, I don't expect anyone to understand that... except for those who are in the know.

Anyway, DJ, if you use by-products, but not the whole-product, I have to question your level of comprehension. See, whole-products are healthier and are more packaged (naturally) with vitamins/minerals/ and healthy bacterial; on the other hand, by-products have been stripped so much that they have to be chemically added back in to get anything remotely close to the original said item. I don't trust anyone that does not eat meat, or cannot kill, skin, and cook their own.


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I would laugh at someone if they were doing this around me at the gym. I would also tell them that they cannot lift without cheating, and are there only to act as if they are fit. Also, if the camera was anywhere near me, getting me into the picture, I would call an EX-78 Section 14B, and break it. And don't worry, I don't expect anyone to understand that... except for those who are in the know.

Anyway, DJ, if you use by-products, but not the whole-product, I have to question your level of comprehension. See, whole-products are healthier and more package (naturally) with vitamins/minerals/ and healthy bacterial; on the other hand, by-products have been stripped so much that they have to be chemically added back in to get anything remotely close to the original said item. I don't trust anyone that does not eat meat, or cannot kill, skin, and cook their own.
Dammit Iron! I need to spread some reps (or negs) around before I can hit you up again!


Dj - Every passing moment is a chance to rurn it around. You still have a chance to make this log what it was meant to be.. now get out there..train hard (with good form) and eat some gaaawwwd damn meat! Come on man! If not, you should at least do a parody of yourself in a video doing "etreme form" with no weights. That would be bad ass with the right music man.


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I would laugh at someone if they were doing this around me at the gym. I would also tell them that they cannot lift without cheating, and are there only to act as if they are fit. Also, if the camera was anywhere near me, getting me into the picture, I would call an EX-78 Section 14B, and break it. And don't worry, I don't expect anyone to understand that... except for those who are in the know.

Anyway, DJ, if you use by-products, but not the whole-product, I have to question your level of comprehension. See, whole-products are healthier and are more packaged (naturally) with vitamins/minerals/ and healthy bacterial; on the other hand, by-products have been stripped so much that they have to be chemically added back in to get anything remotely close to the original said item. I don't trust anyone that does not eat meat, or cannot kill, skin, and cook their own.
Said like a true man. If you can't do it yourself, you don't deserve it in the first place.

I think have a pretty good idea what that section of military law refers to, which if I am right is hilarious btw.


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DJ I am going to add something constructive as well. Here is what I would do:

1) Immediately stop running all supps except whey, std vitamins etc. Also forget all that MantaRay, swinging hooks and other dildo-related paraphenalia you seem obsessed with.

2) Invest if a quality personal trainer - you will never regret it, and your progress will move forward in leaps and bounds if you listen to their advice and stick with the programme.

3) Sort you diet out, and stick to the basics. You seem to know your way around the net - use it.

4) Apologise to AMS for letting them believe you were ready for a hormonal product and capable of running a ledgible log when it is clear to all and sundry that you are not.

Good Luck. May the Horse be with You. :bandit:


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DJ I am going to add something constructive as well. Here is what I would do:

1) Immediately stop running all supps except whey, std vitamins etc. Also forget all that MantaRay, swinging hooks and other dildo-related paraphenalia you seem obsessed with.

2) Invest if a quality personal trainer - you will never regret it, and your progress will move forward in leaps and bounds if you listen to their advice and stick with the programme.

3) Sort you diet out, and stick to the basics. You seem to know your way around the net - use it.

4) Apologise to AMS for letting them believe you were ready for a hormonal product and capable of running a ledgible log when it is clear to all and sundry that you are not.

Good Luck. May the Horse be with You. :bandit:
LMAO! Greatest advice yet!! May the horse be with you!! Lol, you should post that pic up man! On second thought, you may get in trouble for that one;)


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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jakellpet again.

MOD EDIT: The insults stop now or I will remove those who continue to ignore the warnings.


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DJ I am going to add something constructive as well. Here is what I would do:

1) Immediately stop running all supps except whey, std vitamins etc. Also forget all that MantaRay, swinging hooks and other dildo-related paraphenalia you seem obsessed with.

2) Invest if a quality personal trainer - you will never regret it, and your progress will move forward in leaps and bounds if you listen to their advice and stick with the programme.

3) Sort you diet out, and stick to the basics. You seem to know your way around the net - use it.

4) Apologise to AMS for letting them believe you were ready for a hormonal product and capable of running a ledgible log when it is clear to all and sundry that you are not.

Good Luck. May the Horse be with You. :bandit:
lmao :toofunny: :rofl: :lol:


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I hack squatted 3 sets at 6 reps 80% deep past the 90 degree angle easily at 235lbs. The hack squat machine alone is 60lbs which is included.
I Leg pressed back down to 800lbs but I went close to ass to grass way further this time. I did 3 sets at 6 reps and my 1st set out of 3 at 795lbs.
I did 125 on the ham string curls 3 sets 6 reps.
I did 210 on leg extension at 6 reps 3 sets.
Leg leg press machine today was so packed that I was not able to do it.
I maxed out the hip flexers and did 2 sets of those at 6 reps.
calf rised 12 reps 3 sets at 150 but went very slow and did a full stretch. Different new machine at this gym.

I was able to do more sets today and not feel fatigued. Oh btw I tought 2 classes before.


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Lol, thats all you have to say? I have posted pics before, I don't have video of myself working out because when I lift, Im not worried about recording myself. I tend to focus on the task at hand(lifting)

Pictures at least?


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you are worried about osteo-perosis?!!!

... But you will put anabolic hormones into your body.:chairshot:
Any how I will get back on track. We are side tracking and not focusing on what the real deal is which is me logging the products and seeing after a finishing the bottles my progress. Not if I don't eat dead animals or not eating dead animals. If you want to side track take it on another thread and I will speak there.


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We all got the message from the mods. Now drop the subject like everyone else did and log away.


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Today is shoulders abs and for arms. I am excited for today.


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Today is shoulders abs and for arms. I am excited for today.
work on mind to muscle connection. do the reps slow and focus on feeling it rather that just doing heavy weight. You plan on making a video tonight? I think you should and show us all the reps slowed down, the weight lightened, and producing some solid form! Make a come back kid!


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If the gym is not packed I will make a video and you can tell me if its good or not. I don't mind constructive criticism and that is the main reason why I made the videos so people can chime in and help me out. After all that is why I use this board. Share ideas etc.


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If the gym is not packed I will make a video and you can tell me if its good or not. I don't mind constructive criticism and that is the main reason why I made the videos so people can chime in and help me out. After all that is why I use this board. Share ideas etc.
well then drop the weights to 135 on bench and squat and around the same numbers on your other lifts this video. Work on getting full ROM. As stated, people could care less about what weight you do. It's cool to you but that about it. People want to see full ROM lifts, getting as much contraction as possible, and using the supposed muscle group not leverage from bouncing. Try that man... I PROMISE much better constructive criticism and possibly compliments.


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I bench 225 and touch my chest. It would really be my squats and leg press that I don't do complete form but 90 degress. Actually I did drop the weight from leg pres from 900 to 800 and went all the way down.


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I bench 225 and touch my chest. It would really be my squats and leg press that I don't do complete form but 90 degress. Actually I did drop the weight from leg pres from 900 to 800 and went all the way down.
I highly doubt you did 800 all the way down if your 900 was not even close. Take it or leave it DJ, I am trying to help you. If you want to make progress then train right, if you want to be where you are then train how you have been in these videos. FYI I was using those as examples, I was talking about dropping weight on every lift and doing it correctly. try pausing at the bottom of every lift, let your muscle stretch this will cause an occlusion and rush of blood flow thus helping it grow better.

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