What's that smell? Its not Reaper thanks to RPN's Gut Health/NoXidant


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I agree, some days you are just tired and don't feel like doing it. He helped me out and vice versa near the Arnold. I came in okay then but I expect better of myself for the Olympia.
I am sure you are going to come in, in top shape. Well if you want me to get you up at 4:30am let me know :)


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I forgot to mention, ordered my gh at NP this am, and just got the confirm email that it has shipped. :cheers:


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I am sure you are going to come in, in top shape. Well if you want me to get you up at 4:30am let me know :)
Did you say 4:30 as in the AM? !! Yikes, well thats way early for me. I was thinking more around 6am..:lol:


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Did you say 4:30 as in the AM? !! Yikes, well thats way early for me. I was thinking more around 6am..:lol:
actually that is when I am on my way to work. No wonder I am asleep at 9pm :lol:


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I feel ya there buddy. My friends call me "The old man" :D
Its terrible, but funny at the same time. My daughter goes to sleep around 8, and she always says "oh, its almost daddy's bed time". then she gets a good laugh.


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alittle evening cardio

40 minutes 15% 4.5-4.8mph

I have to admit that after legs yesterday I am sore, specifically in the hams. My right hamstring feels tight as hell. Luckily it did not bother me in cardio today, and since I am usually worse 2 days after, tomorrows double cardio session should be intriguing to say the least
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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Good log reaper. I am about half way through a bottle of GH but I cant say I've noticed any positives or negatives. I am in a caloric deficit so I think something like GH would be better on a bulk....or at least for myself.

I need to try out Noxidant. Love me some RPN products.


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thanks for the kind words royd

I will say this with GH, I do not know your background with GI issues, but for me, I had some "trouble" there and I have been feeling amazing since I started this. In fact, just ordered another bottle this am, to make sure I am not out when the first bottle is done on saturday.

I am more regular, not bloated, and my gas is nonexistant. It is a staple for me!!!

what I have noticed about NoX with the help of the RPN crew here, is that my soreness is lessend, and joint pain is much less than I have had. I have had several joint based operations (3 shoulder, 1 knee, 1 wrist) and after hard workouts, I have little to no pain. Cant beat it imo
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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thanks for the kind words royd

I will say this with GH, I do not know your background with GI issues, but for me, I had some "trouble" there and I have been feeling amazing since I started this. In fact, just ordered another bottle this am, to make sure I am not out when the first bottle is done on saturday.
I've never actually had any GI issues (even with some extreme diets) thankfully. I bought a bottle for a close friend who decided not to use it so I figured why not try it out.

what I have noticed about NoX with the help of the RPN crew here, is that my soreness is lessend, and joint pain is much less than I have had. I have had several joint based operations (3 shoulder, 1 knee, 1 wrist) and after hard workouts, I have little to no pain. Cant beat it imo
I used the original Noxidant way way back in the day but I recall liking it as much of a "newb" as I was then. Out of curiosity how old are you? Obviously a lot of the older guys respond quite well to increased EFA's and anti-inflammatory but I thought I recall you being a younger guy? Which says quite a bit if you are...


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I've never actually had any GI issues (even with some extreme diets) thankfully. I bought a bottle for a close friend who decided not to use it so I figured why not try it out.
It is worth a go, I have my 66 year old mother on it and my sister. Now keep in mind, my mother has a friggin horrible diet, no matter how many times I try to help <rant ending....now> and she is happy with her feelings on it

I used the original Noxidant way way back in the day but I recall liking it as much of a "newb" as I was then. Out of curiosity how old are you? Obviously a lot of the older guys respond quite well to increased EFA's and anti-inflammatory but I thought I recall you being a younger guy? Which says quite a bit if you are...
I guess it depends upon your definition of young :lol: I am 32, and have been lifting since I was around 11 <father hooked me in> and it has certainly offered a bit of relief for me since I started it


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32? Damn, you ARE old.


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what a contrast here. Well thank you C, I still feel young, and damn you dsade :)


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got in a bit of morning cardio

45 minutes 15% 4.5-4.9mph

good sweat and felt good. I am truly starting to appreciate days where I dont lift.


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I'm only 29 hahahahaha! ;)

Oh i'm kidding reap. :) I finally eclipse that 3rd decade of life january 1st of next year. PARTY AT T1'S PLACE!!



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30 is ok, it was my 31st birthday where I started to realize I was on the wrong side of 30. Its cool though, with age comes wisdom, and less hair :)


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30 is ok, it was my 31st birthday where I started to realize I was on the wrong side of 30. Its cool though, with age comes wisdom, and less hair :)
This is where our new hairloss formula comes into play. Woot, Woot! :)


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I wont be back at the gym tonight as I am going to my nephews football scrimmage, will be back tomorrow am.


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got in some am abs work

same as usual
500 crunches sides and middle. might do some more later depending on schedule. Getting some stuff prepared for work next week. I teach a college course (in the HS) so I need to prepare materials, and I was asked to speak next week to the new incoming class for about 10-15 minutes, so I need to prepare my little pep talk. Just like coaching all over again


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had a very medicore workout today. My back was tight this am, and it showed in the workout, which sucks as tomorrow is back :(

DB press (5 sets) 50lbs 20 reps (I stayed light out of back fear)
Side laterals (12 sets) superset 35lbs and 15lbs
Rear Peck deck (5 sets) 70lbs
Machine press (5 sets) 130lbs rear facing

40 minutes 15% 4.4mph

I am still very stiff, it is always the rhomboid muscle that pulls tight, as it has been an injury since high school


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Hope your back loosens up. Any idea what caused it?
when I was in high school I had a small tear of the right rhomboid. However, being a high school kid I never listened to the doctor and never let it heal properly. So every now and then (more frequently the heavier I am) it twinges into a knot the size of a fist. I rested it this afternoon, and used the heating pad for about 1 hour and it feels better. I even went back for more cardio

35 minutes 15% 4.4mph
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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when I was in high school I had a small tear of the right rhomboid. However, being a high school kid I never listened to the doctor and never let it heal properly. So every now and then (more frequently the heavier I am) it twinges into a knot the size of a fist. I rested it this afternoon, and used the heating pad for about 1 hour and it feels better. I even went back for more cardio

35 minutes 15% 4.4mph
Thats crazy I tore my left side rhomboid approx 5 years ago. To this day it still tightens up. I think this is postural as well as sitting at a desk all day. I've been reading a lot of Cressey's stuff looking for gems but nothing to specific just yet.

I have been doing the following stretch a little bit with some relief (its extremely hard to stretch a rhomboid as you know):



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I have tried the first one, it does a nice job, but as you said, it is so hard to stretch a rhomboid. Damn thing is a pain in the a$$.

I have even pulled it walking up the steps, drives me nuts:fool2:


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If you can afford to go to the chiro have them do ultrasound therapy on the muscle. I have scar tissue in my back thanks to my scoliosis and I used to have it done. It actually did feel better.
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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If you can afford to go to the chiro have them do ultrasound therapy on the muscle. I have scar tissue in my back thanks to my scoliosis and I used to have it done. It actually did feel better.
Good call. My buddy is actually opening up his own practice soon (freshmen college roommate). I've heard great things about ART (Active Release Therapy) as well but never tried it.


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Good call. My buddy is actually opening up his own practice soon (freshmen college roommate). I've heard great things about ART (Active Release Therapy) as well but never tried it.
I have also heard amazing things about ART.


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I am going to have to look into it. Anything that can help loosen it up will be a benefit. It is better today, but certainly noticeable. I was doing my sit ups this am, and one little move in the wrong direction and it lets me know it is still there :)


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Did a modified back workout. Started with 10 minutes of stretching, reall ymaking sure the rhomboid was not going to be an issue.

Wide grip chins (3 sets)
Neutral grip chines (3 sets)
Inverted rows (4 sets) this was the only exercise to aggravate it
Hyperextensions weighted (5 sets) 45lb plate
Barn doors (5 sets) 50lbs
BTN NG pulldowns (5 sets) 120lbs

Kept the weight lighter than normal, and also focused on more BW exercises. The stretching definately helped. Also, weighed in at 207lbs today, which is outrageous

40 minutes 15% 4.4-4.7mph

Will hit some more cardio this evening. Also, tomorrow will be different as my daughter wont be with me, she is joining her mom at work, so I will do some fasted cardio in the am, then lift arms in the afternoon.

Regarding the supps, outside of the back I feel pretty good. Stomach is great, no issues, damn I love GH. Both my sister and mother are looking for another bottle for the future. I will be sad to see my run with these end in a few days


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I forgot to mention, that I plan on continuing the log if thats alright with the RPN crew. My feeling is, that since I am continuing the GH for another 35 days at least, it would be a good way to view how it is progressing.

Thoughts from C,D,T?

Man, I feel like I was on Sesame Street there for a minute


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I forgot to mention, that I plan on continuing the log if thats alright with the RPN crew. My feeling is, that since I am continuing the GH for another 35 days at least, it would be a good way to view how it is progressing.

Thoughts from C,D,T?

Man, I feel like I was on Sesame Street there for a minute
We would love for you to continue the log! I would like to see what your long term progress is ! :head:
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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Yeah good log keep it going man.

I was reading that Eric Cressey series "Neanderthal no more". Seems as though some of my troubles could be related to posture issues. He has a whole outline on a program to correct such things however I already have a good training plan in place so I am going to incorporate some of the "at home" things on my off days to see if it helps. May wanna check it out, if nothing else its a great read (and long).


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Yeah good log keep it going man.

I was reading that Eric Cressey series "Neanderthal no more". Seems as though some of my troubles could be related to posture issues. He has a whole outline on a program to correct such things however I already have a good training plan in place so I am going to incorporate some of the "at home" things on my off days to see if it helps. May wanna check it out, if nothing else its a great read (and long).
let me know how that works out, it might be worth a read and some thought for me


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got in another 40 minutes of cardio this am, coupled with my typical 500 sit ups.

also, went to the market, since I am alone for hte day, and picked up a n ice little steak for lunch. It is weird not having my daughter all day being a barnacle

will head back to the gym this afternoon for arms and more cardio


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I forgot to mention, that I plan on continuing the log if thats alright with the RPN crew. My feeling is, that since I am continuing the GH for another 35 days at least, it would be a good way to view how it is progressing.

Thoughts from C,D,T?

Man, I feel like I was on Sesame Street there for a minute
I'd love to see you continue this log. You've done a great job so far, and seeing your long term effects would be awesome.


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I forgot to mention, that I plan on continuing the log if thats alright with the RPN crew. My feeling is, that since I am continuing the GH for another 35 days at least, it would be a good way to view how it is progressing.

Thoughts from C,D,T?

Man, I feel like I was on Sesame Street there for a minute
I'll make a deal with you...for every month you continue the log, I will match the next month supplying the product ( you buy one month, I buy the next).

I would love to get some really long term feedback, ESPECIALLY when it gets to be sicky-time, where you can watch you laughing at everyone around you taking weeks off from the gym while you continue to go strong.


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I'll make a deal with you...for every month you continue the log, I will match the next month supplying the product ( you buy one month, I buy the next).

I would love to get some really long term feedback, ESPECIALLY when it gets to be sicky-time, where you can watch you laughing at everyone around you taking weeks off from the gym while you continue to go strong.
you got yourself a deal, and an awesome one at that. I will stay on as long as you would like. I already have my next month ready to go starting on Sunday night.

Thank you for this guys, great offer and I accept (I feel like Obama and McCain right now)


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Just got back from the gym, nice arm/cardio workout

rope pulldowns (5 sets) 110lbs
2arm db extensions (5 sets) 70lbs <went light due to back still stiff>
2arm reverse pulldowns (5 sets) 80lbs

seated incline curls (10 sets) 40lbs & 20lbs
Hammer curls (8 sets) 40lbs & 25lbs superset
1arm machine preacher<no rest> (5 sets) 45-50lbs

I decided to really burn my arms, and the pump was fantastic, and that darn vein on my right bi was there smiling at me. However, after cardio he went back into hiding

40 minutes 15% 4.5mph

Feel great, good pump and of course stomach is fantastic as usual. I cannot wait to go back to work Tuesday, as I am known as one of the bathroom killers in the history department. We are department of 80% men, it is a revolting thing :)


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you got yourself a deal, and an awesome one at that. I will stay on as long as you would like. I already have my next month ready to go starting on Sunday night.

Thank you for this guys, great offer and I accept (I feel like Obama and McCain right now)
No Hillary? Ok, offer rescinded.


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I'd love to see you continue this log. You've done a great job so far, and seeing your long term effects would be awesome.
thanks man, much appreciated, I would love to continue


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Ok, she is enough man to where I dont feel offended :)
Haha...I'd love to see her posed in a jock strap...bet she has an icicle ****.


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Haha...I'd love to see her posed in a jock strap...bet she has an icicle ****.
thanks for that image, jock strap with the bright orange pant suit lying on the floor next to her....great now I am ill


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Just got back from some early morning fasted cardio
40 minutes 15% 4.5mph

I will head back for shoulders and more cardio this afternoon.

Additionally, I decided that on Monday I will add an updated cut pick to show me at my new weight of 206lbs!!!!! This way it will act as a good comparison from the photos I took in June/July on my Golden Finish log


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Looking forward to seeing the progress pics.


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thanks man, I figure before summer and end of summer is a good gauge

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