Volcom's Slim Xtreme Mini Log



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I can't handle rareness. I like my steak well done, almost burnt and crispy.

There's this restaurant in VA that I go to sometimes called Sweetwater Tavern. On the menu it has a description of the different temperatures. It looks something like this:

Rare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cool red center
Medium Rare . . . . . . . . . . Warm red center
Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot pink center
Medium Well . . . . . . . . . . Hot, slightly pink center
Well Done . . . . . . . . . . . . Order chicken!!


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all this food talk is making me hungry.

heres a pic of some cornbread stuff hens my dad and i made on the rotisserie a couple weeks ago. served with some sweet potatoes. so so tasty. they were a little on the small side tho. i took down a whole one and a grip of potatoes and i went to the fridge to find something else to eat.
Did you make that? It looks damn juicy!


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I tried medium rare this weekend. I couldn't do it. I could taste the blood. Eww.
If by eww you mean yum, then I'm with ya. I'm the opposite of you in this manner, I can't do medium. Medium rare is even a bit too cooked through for me, but with thick steaks, I've had too many "thick" rare steaks come back with a cold center and I'm not a fan of that.


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It's rumored that Bobo has to purchase extra storage when Volcom puts up new logs...
I was told to either go Gold, or stop taking up so much room. He held a neg to my account, so I had to give in.



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If by eww you mean yum, then I'm with ya. I'm the opposite of you in this manner, I can't do medium. Medium rare is even a bit too cooked through for me, but with thick steaks, I've had too many "thick" rare steaks come back with a cold center and I'm not a fan of that.
I'm with you, V. I get pissed when I order a steak medium-rare and it comes back medium (which happens 90% of the time).


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I can't handle rareness. I like my steak well done, almost burnt and crispy.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry a little when I read this

I had a friend who liked his steak medium-well. I told him if he wanted beef jerky, we could have stopped by 711.

I was watching one of those "Road to the Olympia" videos and Dexter Jackson order his steak medium-well. In the background, one of his friends were laughing and said, "He just want ash on a plate!"


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There's this restaurant in VA that I go to sometimes called Sweetwater Tavern. On the menu it has a description of the different temperatures. It looks something like this:

Rare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cool red center
Medium Rare . . . . . . . . . . Warm red center
Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot pink center
Medium Well . . . . . . . . . . Hot, slightly pink center
Well Done . . . . . . . . . . . . Order chicken!!
I had a friend from Wyoming who said that she's been to restaurants where they refused to cook their steaks well done. I thought that was pretty crazy when she told me.


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Did you make that? It looks damn juicy!
we bought them stuffed and prepared from the meat counter at vons. then cooked it on our bbq rotisserie. very very tasty.

it was so moist.....

wait for it.....


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I'm with you, V. I get pissed when I order a steak medium-rare and it comes back medium (which happens 90% of the time).
I know, I hate that too. On that note, I've never had a fillet mignon before. I've always wanted quantity in my steak. Either I could get a 20oz steak, or an 8oz fillet at a higher cost, and my stomach can't fathom that kind of math.


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we bought them stuffed and prepared from the meat counter at vons. then cooked it on our bbq rotisserie. very very tasty.

it was so moist.....

wait for it.....
Nice... damn, my appetite suppression usually diminishes sometime after 7pm and this steak talk in my unprotected state is killing me. I wasn't hungry until I read through my posts.



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I heard they have a place in japan(i think) that serves raw chicken. I saw it on Anthony bourdains show and it looked prettty good to me, but no one has a greed with me yet.
Raw chicken!!! damn, that can't be good! On that same note of appetizing oddities, I was watching some world traveler show and the main guy tried Frog Sushi and he made it look good. It's on YouTube as well.


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I wish I could enjoy it. I can't enjoy a lot of goodies due to my pickyness. For example: seafood.

I almost vomit at the thought of seafood. And, seeing whole fish in markets with their eyes all big and googly has not made it better. I really want to get into some type of fish for the omegas, but I'm scawed.
My girlfriend can't stand seafood either and she violently dry heaves at the thought of sushi.


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Really random info.

I haven't owned a game console since PS2 first came out and I got rid of that thing a long time ago. A friend of mine was selling his modified X-Box 360 for $100 and it seemed too good to pass, regardless of inherent interest. I bought it tonight and I got a burnt copy of Resident Evil 5, so I just started messing with it. My younger brother is back home for Spring Break from UC Irvine, so I'll leave it at my parents house and do something with him with this, since the game is co-op. It's pretty sick.


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I really want to get into some type of fish for the omegas, but I'm scawed.
No doubt fish is the best source of omegas (DHA/EPA).
But, here ya go..
The three major types of omega-3 fatty acids – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – are found in animal foods, like fish, and are the most efficient sources of omega-3. Plant foods (spinach, kale) also supply ALA.
1. Fish
Coldwater fatty fish like salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel are loaded with omega-3s. "The best source of EPA and DHA is fish," La Puma says. "People need to eat more of it."

Grill up a salmon patty instead of a burger. Throw a trout steak in the oven instead of a pot roast. La Puma recommends pop-top cans of wild salmon and wild tuna. Eat fish twice a week in place of other high-fat protein sources.
Worried about mercury poisoning? When it comes to fish, just remember bigger is not better.

Large fish, such as shark, swordfish, tilefish and king mackerel, are among the most mercury-tainted seafood. Lower-mercury substitutes include Atlantic mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines. For more on mercury poisoning, read A Fishy Matter.

2. Cattle
Stick to free-range, grass-fed beef. Pasture grass has more omega-3 than the grains cattle are fed in containment, La Puma says.

What if you're vegetarian or vegan?

"Vegetarians and people who don't get enough fish do have a hard time getting omega-3s called EPA and DHA," he says.

Luckily, animals aren't the only source of these essential fats. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, feast your eyes on the next selections.

3. Eggs
The saying, "you are what you eat," is true for chickens too. "Free-range chickens fed flax and algae produce eggs that are rich in omega-3s," La Puma says. But eggs aren't naturally rich in these fatty acids, so reach for a carton that says “omega-3 enriched” at the store.

4. Walnuts
Just one-quarter cup of walnuts contains 2.3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. The nuts are easy to add to meals: Stir into your morning oatmeal, toss on a salad at lunch or blend into a delicious pesto served over whole-wheat pasta at dinnertime. Keep them on-hand as snacks too – simply stash a bagful in your car, desk drawer or purse.

5. Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil
"Gram for gram, flaxseed oil has the most omega-3," La Puma says. The oil isn't recommended for sautéing, cooking or baking because omega 3 fats spoil when exposed to too much light or heat. Instead, add to homemade salad dressing – and toss some ground seeds on top while you're at it. You'll find flaxseed oil in the refrigerated sections of health food stores (they should be stored the same way at home).
Interesting that I don't see actual fish oil on this list.. :think:

I find this much preferable to flaxseeds, which require a conversion process in the body to make the omega-3's usable..
Guess it might not taste as good as flax oil mixed into your salad dressing tho.. :sick:


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That statement needs quantifying. WILLPOWER is where it is at for sustained fat loss. Combined with smart dietary approach, and exercise. PERIOD.
No knock on SX by any means, but I for one don't want to oppress my appetite. I like my food..and my food works for me!
Food is not the enemy! ;)
Yah I gotta agree whole heartedly hear... well there is the endo who has a slower metabolism that may need some help with appetite. Appetite suppresion can actually be a deterent to fat loss though. If you don't eat enough then you will lose muscle and this will in turn lower your metabolic rate. If you are using something like this your going to have to still get all your meals in. The thing I don't like about appetite supression is your body uses appetite to tell you when your low on nutrition. There are times when our body need more nourishment. You have to make sure your getting your refeeds in at the right time as well.


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Yah I gotta agree whole heartedly hear... Appetite suppresion can actually be a deterent to fat loss though. If you don't eat enough then you will lose muscle and this will in turn lower your metabolic rate. If you are using something like this your going to have to still get all your meals in.
B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o!! :D


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Controlling 'urges' is one thing..
Appetite oppression is an altogether different issue.


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There's this restaurant in VA that I go to sometimes called Sweetwater Tavern. On the menu it has a description of the different temperatures. It looks something like this:

Rare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cool red center
Medium Rare . . . . . . . . . . Warm red center
Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot pink center
Medium Well . . . . . . . . . . Hot, slightly pink center
Well Done . . . . . . . . . . . . Order chicken!!
Lmao, that's funny.


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No doubt fish is the best source of omegas (DHA/EPA).
But, here ya go..

Interesting that I don't see actual fish oil on this list.. :think:

I find this much preferable to flaxseeds, which require a conversion process in the body to make the omega-3's usable..
Guess it might not taste as good as flax oil mixed into your salad dressing tho.. :sick:
I like the cattle part of this since I own some lol... and they are free ranging and grass fed...but i also like the fish too...good post....:burnout:


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Try the boosters yet?
I got it in yesterday, and I really appreciate the generosity, I was planning on using it tomorrow morning, when I need my morning kick in the arse to get my pre-work, 60 min cardio in.


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2 Caps

I've been on 2 caps since Monday, and my sleep hasn't been effected. I normally go to sleep around 11-11:30 on average and I've been going to sleep right before or right after mid night'ish.

I'm hoping to bring a more detailed update tomorrow morning, following my first use of SX Booster.
natty texan

natty texan

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good work man.

I'm definitely interested in trying this stuff. I think when i place my next order i'll be getting a box.


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I've been on 2 caps since Monday, and my sleep hasn't been effected. I normally go to sleep around 11-11:30 on average and I've been going to sleep right before or right after mid night'ish.

I'm hoping to bring a more detailed update tomorrow morning, following my first use of SX Booster.
Cant wait to hear how you like it! I have yet to try the boosters!


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good work man.

I'm definitely interested in trying this stuff. I think when i place my next order i'll be getting a box.
hey man did you send me a PM asking me something I think I accidentally deleted it without replying!


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:lol: at the sweetwater tavern menu...it does look something like that i believe

o and i just cooked up two salmon patties! :yum:

o and sorry i always come in this log and talk about the food you all mention and don't have much great input :sigh:


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:lol: at the sweetwater tavern menu...it does look something like that i believe

o and i just cooked up two salmon patties! :yum:

o and sorry i always come in this log and talk about the food you all mention and don't have much great input :sigh:
What's not input about Beef & Salmon Steaks? Next to a good next, I love a well cooked, moist and FRESH Salmon.

I never liked Salmon steaks that much because the one's I've had have always been too dry, but then my mom cooked this fresh piece of salmon over a small fire pit and damn, what a difference a day makes with fish products!


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What's not input about Beef & Salmon Steaks? Next to a good next, I love a well cooked, moist and FRESH Salmon.

I never liked Salmon steaks that much because the one's I've had have always been too dry, but then my mom cooked this fresh piece of salmon over a small fire pit and damn, what a difference a day makes with fish products!
O it really does...i LOVE salmon but its always the best when its made in good ways....tossing some on my foreman grill is pretty good but its not the best...idc tho i gotta do what i gotta do to get me some salmon!


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2 and a Boost

This morning, around 7:00am, I took my usual 2 caps, along with one SX booster, it's 1:08pm at the moment and I can still feel residuals of its amplified effects.

The Booster notably extended the window of heightened energy intensity, and it seemed to perpetuate a greater sense of workout motivation.

The 2 caps SX by itself, seems to progressively kick in for me, but the Booster made the stim effect feel like it dropped in, like some of the higher kicking stims.

Again, for whatever reason, the intensity of the stim produced by SX has a consistent sense of manageability, regardless of what degree the stim intensity is at.

I suppose the only metaphor I can use to describe the SX effect in regards to the manageable intensity, is liken to a silencer on a gun. Same end result, same speed of the bullet, all the firepower is there, but the excess noise is muffled by an SX silencer.

The Booster didn't augment anything mood wise for me, but it did mimic the high energy with a silencer effect.

On a related note, I seem to be holding 189lbs. I'm not quite sure what happened depletion or water wise, but I was 194lbs for 2.5 weeks, up into the day I had the insomnia/triple morning workout thrashing. Then I went from my steady 194lbs to 186lbs the morning following the insomnia/body thrashing. I knew I would gain back most of what I lost, but to my surprise, I've not broke the 189lbs mark in about 5 days. Even after my simple carbs dense, cheat steak dinner.

However, on that same positive note, ever since that insomnia/triple crown morning, I've felt a cumulative break down of general energy. The 2 caps of SX seems to float me quite high until about 3-4pm, then my body's perhaps, less then adequate recovery fatigue starts to take over.

I've only allowed myself one day of "all day" rest since I've been on SX, so I may take it easy for a couple of days, on top of bringing my dose back down to 1 cap SX as to not push my body into a "beating a dead horse" effect.


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update pics?
I don't own a digital camera, I've been able to use this little picture taking program with my laptop's camera, and the quality is pretty bad.

If the lights are on, all you see is glare, and in the dark, all it can capture are close shots. :dunno:


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I don't own a digital camera, I've been able to use this little picture taking program with my laptop's camera, and the quality is pretty bad.

If the lights are on, all you see is glare, and in the dark, all it can capture are close shots. :dunno:
I feel you I have a camera, but everytime I take a picture it never looks half as good as i see it:rippedhand: Maybe its the quality of the camera:rant:


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I feel you I have a camera, but everytime I take a picture it never looks half as good as i see it:rippedhand: Maybe its the quality of the camera:rant:
They say TV adds ten pounds of fat, maybe digital cameras take away ten pounds of muscle :thinking:


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I was thining the same thing, but best detail I've seen in a log for some time (and short period of time).

Nice Job!


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