Volcom's PRIME & T-911 Stack



Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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It just seems like you have a compulsion to train, even against sound reasoning not to. Keep in mind here, though: I am not condemning and/or ridiculing you, as I suffer from some compulsive tendencies myself. While I despise reading and/or studying when I am told, I can end up spending four hours reading about the role of AMPk in oxidative substrate selection before I go, "****: I was supposed to pick up my fiance, and get groceries". Even though it has no practical bearing on my life, my head goes, "I should probably know this...."


The BPS Rep
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Mullet, have you read anything about PGC-1 alpha or FGF21? They are hot topics at my university, and as I was sitting in a lecture on PGC, it struck me how similar the apparent aspects of it are to AP: increases muscular Glut4 expression, increases work capacity, decreases hyperglycemia and stunts gluconeogenesis.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Mullet, have you read anything about PGC-1 alpha or FGF21? They are hot topics at my university, and as I was sitting in a lecture on PGC, it struck me how similar the apparent aspects of it are to AP: increases muscular Glut4 expression, increases work capacity, decreases hyperglycemia and stunts gluconeogenesis.
PCG-1 is certainly interesting, but its universal coactivation of PPARå/∂/¥ means that that its phosphorylation in particular tissues - BAT/VAT/SAT, liver and skeletal muscle, in particular - is going to lead to somewhat paradoxical effects. For example, its coactivation of PPAR¥ is implicated in mitochondrial lipid accumulation via up-regulating glycerol-3-phosphate actyltransferase and other key lipogenic genes - whereas its similar coactivation of PPARå increases the transcription of genes involved in both skeletal muscle and hepatic oxidation of fatty acids.

As you say, Berberine and PGC-1 are similar in several senses - namely, in that they increase total mitochondrial density/capacity, increase ATP synthesis in response to physiological stimuli, and play key roles in substrate selection. However, they also differ in two key areas: their regulation of lipogenesis and their regulation of glucose oxidation.

As said previously, in certain cell conditions, PCG-1å/ß's coactivation of the PPARs has led to an imbalanced oxidation:accumulation/synthesis ratio for TAGs; leading, in some animal models, for hypotheses that PGC1 has prodiabetic effect. And, in respects to glucose oxidation, PGC1 has been shown to limit the oxidative phosphorylation of glucose by up-regulating PDK4 [pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4], a key negative regulator of glucose oxidation. Additively, these actions have led to the very paradoxical hypotheses I mentioned above - some claiming an anti-diabetic effect [via PPARå activation] and others a prodiabetic effect [via PPAR¥]. AMPk on the other hand, has been shown to limit de novo lipogenesis and TAG biosynthesis in almost all tissue types, and it potently inhibits G3PAT; as well, it is a key regulator of mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids primarily via regulation of the complimentary enzymes ACC [acetyl-CoA carboxylase] and MCD [malonyl-CoA decarboxylase]. In respects to glucose oxidation, phosphorylation of AMPk directly increases cytosolic HKII [hexokinase II activity] leading to higher rates of glucose consumption.

Now, where PGC-1 becomes troubling is in its dual nature to up-regulate lipogenesis and inhibit glucose catabolism in WAT tissues and skeletal muscle. This paradox is generally intuitive: its role in muscle-fiber phenotype variation is to convert TypeIIB [glycolytic] to TypeIIa/I [oxidative] - it achieves this by limiting total glucose phosphorylation capacity in skeletal muscle, sparing glycogen, and increasing total FA synthesis and accumulation. While this is amazing in fasted states - PGC-1 is going to upregulate FA synthesis and oxidation alike, leading to a positive FA, mitochondrial oxidative flux - it becomes counterproductive in the fed-state. While cell-surface GLUT4 is increased by PGC-1, total periphery --> mitochondria transport is decreased, and glycogen stores [particularly in myocytes] are already full due to limiting of HKII and this can lead to hyperglycemia [hence the paradox]. Where AMPk becomes superior to PGC-1, is that it is more diverse in its functionality. As a fully bi-directional enzyme, AMPk both increases and inhibits both lipogenesis and lipolysis; increases and inhibits the entire glycolytic pathway [gluconeogenesis, glyocgenolysis, glycogenesis, etc.]; and regulates catabolism and anabolism in a bi-directional fashion. This leads to a more favorable balance between glucose/FA oxidation and metabolism that avoids pro-diabetic/overtly pro-lipogenic consequences.


The BPS Rep
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You just summarized about 4 of the lectures I've attended in the past week. From my understanding (bearing in mind I was introduced to this pathway about a week ago), it seems PGC-1's activity is highly dependent on whether the subject if fasted or fed, and, as you say, the specific tissue being examined. Several aspects you mention are entirely new to me - you've put a "bee in my bonnet" now, I've got some research to do. AMPk has only been mentioned somewhat in passing. I'm going to read up more on it, as my next rotation will probably be in a lab where I'll a good opportunity to study it.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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You just summarized about 4 of the lectures I've attended in the past week. AMPk has only been mentioned somewhat in passing. I'm going to read up more on it, as my next rotation will probably be in a lab where I'll a good opportunity to study it.
View attachment ASmith_Thesis.pdf

It has actually been postulated that AMPk and PGC share common upstream kinases - namely, CaMKK. Again, this is pretty intuitive given their common role as so-called, "energy sensors". Anyway, I have attached a Ph.D thesis from a friend of my mother's at the University of Guelph [Canadian University big on Biological Sciences]. It is a full literature review on AMPk's effects on skeletal muscle fatty acid and glucose metabolism.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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And my pee-pee would be stricken with rigamortis if I studied AMPk in class.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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From my understanding (bearing in mind I was introduced to this pathway about a week ago), it seems PGC-1's activity is highly dependent on whether the subject if fasted or fed, and, as you say, the specific tissue being examined.
No, you are entirely correct. I enjoy studying these portions of molecular exercise physiology because, as I said, they generally tend toward intuitive conclusions. For example, PGC-1 is highly implicated in the phenotypic transition of muscle types from glycolytic to oxidative types, so it only makes sense it will limit total glucose phosphorylation and catabolism, increase hepatic and WAT de novo lipogenesis in response to excess blood glucose, and increase skeletal muscle triaglyceride synthesis in the fed-state; and, accordingly, increase total FA and IMTG oxidation in the fasted-state [by increasing CPT-1 and PDK4]. Fat is in all respects a more efficient energy source, so in all probability PGC is an evolutionary mechanism meant to alter the body's physiology in response to both physiological and environmental conditions: essentially pushing the body to a more efficient metabolism and muscle phenotype while sparing glycogen for necessary bursts of high ATP consumption [hunting?]. So, it is implicated in the synthesis of FAs and TAGs in the fed-state as a precautionary mechanism, under the assumption that food-stuffs will be scarce; thus, you have an increased store of high-yield energy, plus the low-yield but explosive energy is is spared in times of need. All these evolutionary quirks are amazing 200,000 years ago when we were hunting Mastadons, but they are rather terrible when you're trying to eat 5000kcal daily.

Several aspects you mention are entirely new to me - you've put a "bee in my bonnet" now
I may have put my bee in your bonnet but, in the famous words of Michael Jackson: "Billy Jean is not my lover - she's just a girl who claims that I am the one. But the kid is not my son...." Just in case any alimony charges arise from our conversation.


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Volcom you have to be the biggest over trainer I have ever seen...Im not madatcha tho :)


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Just dont hurt yourself again man...would really suck (x10)


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Normal Person Back Day

Normal Person Back Day

Incline Bench, (short) Barbell Rows
135lbs x 15 reps
225lbs x 10 reps
245lbs x 8 reps
265lbs x 6 reps
265lbs x 6 reps
265lbs x 6 reps

Hammer, One Arm - High Rows
135lbs x 10 reps, each arm
180lbs x 8 reps, e.a.
225lbs x 7 reps, e.a.
225lbs x 5 reps, e.a.
225lbs x 5 reps, e.a.

BW Pull Ups
BW x 10 reps
BW x 8 reps
BW x 5 reps :sick:

Hammer, Behind The Neck Pull Downs
180lbs x 10 reps
180lbs x 8 reps
180lbs x 6 reps
180lbs x 6 reps

I really wanted to hit behind the neck shrugs, but I haven't really done row type of exercises lately, so today's session of rows had my traps feeling on the brink of a sprain/strain, so I opted not to shrug. Furthermore, I was sweating balls. Those incline bench (aka Mullet Rows) are seriously gangster.

I received a $5.00 off coupon from GNC, from that incident where I wanted to use my gold card online (to purchase my PRIME), but the gold card was rejected because GNC headquarters had not yet registered my gold card in their system. I wanted to purchase some more PRIME, combining my (hopefully) registered by now gold card, with the $5.00 off. Nope, my gold card got rejected again. I bought my gold card in early July, perhaps July 6th. I'm starting to think that the GNC where I got my card is a bit shady. I might go back to that guy and say something, because this is ridiculous.

If I had to survive off two supplements alone, for the rest of my life, without a doubt it would be PRIME and Slim Xtreme by AX. The SX gives me such a mental clarity, that I find myself more focused both at work and in my personal academic studies and the PRIME is about all I can ask for in a supplement, as far as efficacy. The muscle endurance is dangerously effective and the strength boost is in my personal experience, undeniable.


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UFC 101

UFC 101

I'm thrilled that BJ pulled his mind together and brought his game.

Anderson Silva, I'll direct this toward Mullet. In my opinion, and this is an odd opinion. I think Anderson Silva could beat a wider range of opponents then GSP, however, I feel that GSP would be able to defeat Silva in a fight, based on the fact that GSP's unmatched strength & talent in TD, wrestling, and ground control, happens to be Silva's greatest and perhaps only weakness. I also think only someone of GSP's caliber, could truly exploit that weakness to the extent that it would lead to a victory.

I don't feel GSP would try to trade with Silva. I can see GSP poking, trying to assess pace & timing, then fainting strikes into a single/double leg take down. Though there is a size difference GSP would have to overcome, I do feel GSP is strong enough that if he got Silva on his back, he would be able to control or at least cause damage in the form of defensive exhaustion and mental frustration.

The best fight in all of UFC would be a Silva/Lyoto, but the Brazilian brothers would not have a killer instinct toward each other if they did somehow agree to fight. The best fight the UFC could currently put on is a GSP/Silva and man, what a thought....


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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UFC 101

I'm thrilled that BJ pulled his mind together and brought his game.

Anderson Silva, I'll direct this toward Mullet. In my opinion, and this is an odd opinion. I think Anderson Silva could beat a wider range of opponents then GSP, however, I feel that GSP would be able to defeat Silva in a fight, based on the fact that GSP's unmatched strength & talent in TD, wrestling, and ground control, happens to be Silva's greatest and perhaps only weakness. I also think only someone of GSP's caliber, could truly exploit that weakness to the extent that it would lead to a victory.

I don't feel GSP would try to trade with Silva. I can see GSP poking, trying to assess pace & timing, then fainting strikes into a single/double leg take down. Though there is a size difference GSP would have to overcome, I do feel GSP is strong enough that if he got Silva on his back, he would be able to control or at least cause damage in the form of defensive exhaustion and mental frustration.
That's not odd, and it is exactly what I think. GSP is tailor-made to beat Anderson, and the fact more people do not see that is disappointing. I get flamed for being on GSP's testicles when I break down what you said above in objective fashion.


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That's not odd, and it is exactly what I think. GSP is tailor-made to beat Anderson, and the fact more people do not see that is disappointing. I get flamed for being on GSP's testicles when I break down what you said above in objective fashion.
haha. I tried to post a response stating this very idea myself, but with the preface that I'm neither a Silva or GSP "fan" outside of respecting their talent. However, it's too soon after the fight and people are too blind with excitement to ponder anything beyond "Silva is unstoppable." Therefore, I decided against wasting my time (for now).

What Silva has not faced (including Hendo), is someone as proficient at the TD as GSP and someone as effective at both controlling a downed opponent and/or exhausting the opponent both physically and mentally as GSP. I do feel GSP would do surprisingly well against Silva, based on the specific strength to weakness element. Silva's only weakness, happens to be GSP's unparalleled strengths, in all of MMA.

Irish Cannon

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All this UFC talk reminds me of why I was so pissed off when I got to work the other night. Some dudes were having the typical "ground fighting is so gay. Those dudes just need to stand up and fight like men" conversation as I was walking in. I used to do a lot of BJJ and those comments just always rubbed me the wrong way. Not only do they show how retarded they are...but...well that's about it.


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All this UFC talk reminds me of why I was so pissed off when I got to work the other night. Some dudes were having the typical "ground fighting is so gay. Those dudes just need to stand up and fight like men" conversation as I was walking in. I used to do a lot of BJJ and those comments just always rubbed me the wrong way. Not only do they show how retarded they are...but...well that's about it.
I thought we'd moved beyond those type of sentiments. It does confuse me when I hear those type of comments. It's MMA, not a boxing match.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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haha. I tried to post a response stating this very idea myself, but with the preface that I'm neither a Silva or GSP "fan" outside of respecting their talent. However, it's too soon after the fight and people are too blind with excitement to ponder anything beyond "Silva is unstoppable." Therefore, I decided against wasting my time (for now).

What Silva has not faced (including Hendo), is someone as proficient at the TD as GSP and someone as effective at both controlling a downed opponent and/or exhausting the opponent both physically and mentally as GSP. I do feel GSP would do surprisingly well against Silva, based on the specific strength to weakness element. Silva's only weakness, happens to be GSP's unparalleled strengths, in all of MMA.
Exactly! Anderson's most competitive fight was against Hendo, who easily secured a TD, and controlled Anderson for all of RD1. Hendo's questionable endurance and lack of varied striking attack led to Anderson telegraphing his body-lock TD and avoiding it in RD2 - and then, controlling him on the ground for the submission. A couple things: a) GSP has far better, and far more unpredictable TDs than Hendo; b) GSP's striking is leagues above Hendo's, and is a main reason for his TD success - he would range and surprise Anderson with the TD; c) As you said, his ground-control is the best in MMA, and would frustrate Anderson, and; d) His Jits is Gracie-Baha, and is enough to stifle Anderson on the ground. He is good at everything Anderson is, and the best at his weakest points.

Irish Cannon

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I thought we'd moved beyond those type of sentiments. It does confuse me when I hear those type of comments. It's MMA, not a boxing match.
Ya, the comment came from a guy that was eating french fries all the while asking me what I thought about VPX Meltdown.


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Exactly! Anderson's most competitive fight was against Hendo, who easily secured a TD, and controlled Anderson for all of RD1. Hendo's questionable endurance and lack of varied striking attack led to Anderson telegraphing his body-lock TD and avoiding it in RD2 - and then, controlling him on the ground for the submission. A couple things: a) GSP has far better, and far more unpredictable TDs than Hendo; b) GSP's striking is leagues above Hendo's, and is a main reason for his TD success - he would range and surprise Anderson with the TD; c) As you said, his ground-control is the best in MMA, and would frustrate Anderson, and; d) His Jits is Gracie-Baha, and is enough to stifle Anderson on the ground. He is good at everything Anderson is, and the best at his weakest points.
I think one of the deadliest things GSP accomplishes in his fights aren't just the mental/physical fatigue & frustration he causes on the ground, but also how he confounds his opponents into second guessing themselves on their feet.

The most prominent display of cumulative psychological warfare was his fight against Alves. Alve's hesitation and self second-guessing was palpable and what's worse, was that even with some weary & watchful anticipation of GSP's TD's, Alve's still got caught and successfully brought down.

Fedor is the master of both following up a punch that lands or fainting a punch and catching his opponents in a light speed double under-hook TD. GSP is just as masterful with following a connected, missed, dodged, or fainted strike, only he goes for the lower body TD's. All & all, I would see a decision win by GSP over Silva. I would actually be a bit confounded myself if Silva managed to be GSP, based on fighting style logistics and the key weakness to strengths factor.

As a larger Silva fan then a GSP fan, I can still see all this. The main ingredient and underlining factor is GSP's number one TD ranking and elite, dominating ground control.

If Dana somehow put up a GSP/Silva fight on the weekend of Fedor's big strikeforce debut, strikeforce would be done. The UFC has the potential to put up a few combination of fights that would outshine anything strikeforce has to offer, even with Feyador.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I think one of the deadliest things GSP accomplishes in his fights aren't just the mental/physical fatigue & frustration he causes on the ground, but also how he confounds his opponents into second guessing themselves on their feet.
This is his deadliest weapon, IMO. You can sense the confusion and frustration when they fight George; as a result, they inevitably think the ground is their only resort to beating him - which never works. Greg Jackson and GSP always talk about, "pushing the fighter to their comfort zone" where they revert when things get tough. GSP beats the fighter at their own game, and then destroys them on the ground.

Leading up to the Alves fight, I constantly said GSP would out-point Alves on the feet, and take him down with clinch-work and double-legs. The only thing I heard in response was how Alves was going to crush GSP on the feet, and stuff every TD, I am obviously extremely bias but GSP's fight-to-fight evolution is just phenomenal.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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If Dana somehow put up a GSP/Silva fight on the weekend of Fedor's big strikeforce debut, strikeforce would be done. The UFC has the potential to put up a few combination of fights that would outshine anything strikeforce has to offer, even with Feyador.
With the way Strikeforce's champions drop like flies from events, they may not have to. The cursed Carano-Cyborg card has lost three different championship bouts - the latest being Nick Diaz for failing to take a drug test.


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I posted this in my thread but I figured I'd post in my fellow BJ fan's thread as well.

Ken Flo has a sweet superman punch :)



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I posted this in my thread but I figured I'd post in my fellow BJ fan's thread as well.

Ken Flo has a sweet superman punch :)


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to tyler4 again.


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I'm a bigger fan of BJ Penn, then I am of Brock Lesnar, but I was much more pumped and anxious for the Lesnar/Mir fight, based on how much I disdain Frank Mir (compounded by my fanaticism for Brock).

I like Kenny and I think he's a cool guy, so if he would have won, I would have been mad that BJ didn't, but not so much because Kenny did.

Had Mir won, I might have taken a 6 month break from MMA altogether. I think the most electrifying fight for me had to have been Penn/GSP, but I don't hate GSP, so when he won, it sucked cause my boy didn't, but that's MMA and I could respect GSP's victory. However, I had the most emotional investment in the Brock/Mir, because of how much I can't stand Mir.


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The only other fighter I've disliked as much as Mir, was Lyoto Machida after his fight with Tito Ortiz, but once I learned to appreciate and respect the efficacy of his style, I dropped the animosity for his track & field talents and respected him as a deadly MMA'ist.

I would like to see Brock continuing his success, but his Mir fight was more for me about beating Mir, rather then really wanting Brock to win. He is without a doubt my favorite heavyweight and by the time there is a Fedor/Brock, I'll probably have grown short with Fedor's diva ass and be rooting for Brock.


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I'm a bigger fan of BJ Penn, then I am of Brock Lesnar, but I was much more pumped and anxious for the Lesnar/Mir fight, based on how much I disdain Frank Mir (compounded by my fanaticism for Brock).

I like Kenny and I think he's a cool guy, so if he would have won, I would have been mad that BJ didn't, but not so much because Kenny did.

Had Mir won, I might have taken a 6 month break from MMA altogether. I think the most electrifying fight for me had to have been Penn/GSP, but I don't hate GSP, so when he won, it sucked cause my boy didn't, but that's MMA and I could respect GSP's victory. However, I had the most emotional investment in the Brock/Mir, because of how much I can't stand Mir.
Yea, I am not a fan of GSP really so that fight was one that I really wanted BJ to win. But I mean hell, let's be real, BJ @170 does not even look manly. He doesnt have the frame for 170lbs unless he takes A LOT of time to build up muscle. I honestly think BJ would do better against GSP with BJ @ 155 then at 170. He would still lose, but thats just my opinion.

And I dont have anything against GSP really. But I mean, you cant be a fan of everyone. He is a freak, thats fo sho.


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The only other fighter I've disliked as much as Mir, was Lyoto Machida after his fight with Tito Ortiz, but once I learned to appreciate and respect the efficacy of his style, I dropped the animosity for his track & field talents and respected him as a deadly MMA'ist.

I would like to see Brock continuing his success, but his Mir fight was more for me about beating Mir, rather then really wanting Brock to win. He is without a doubt my favorite heavyweight and by the time there is a Fedor/Brock, I'll probably have grown short with Fedor's diva ass and be rooting for Brock.
He will need all the rooting he can get.....since he will probably be dead after the fight. :laugh2:


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My Personal Favorite Fighters, not in any preferential order.
1. BJ Penn
2. Fedor
3. Brock
4. Rampage
5. Silva

My Most Respected Fighters, not in any preferential order.
1. Fedor
2. Anderson Silva
3. GSP
4. Lyoto Machida
5. BJ Penn

Dream Matches
1. Fedor/Silva
2. Fedor/Brock
3. Brock/Barnett
4. GSP/Silva
5. Nick Diaz/BJ Penn

* Gegard Mousasi coming to the UFC.

Bizarro World Dream Match
1. GSP/Fedor


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and although Mirco was my number one in the Pride FC days, in current day, I think a Mirco/Brock would be a horrific mistake.



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My Personal Favorite Fighters, not in any preferential order.
1. BJ Penn
2. Fedor
3. Brock
4. Rampage
5. Silva

My Most Respected Fighters, not in any preferential order.
1. Fedor
2. Anderson Silva
3. GSP
4. Lyoto Machida
5. BJ Penn

Dream Matches
1. Fedor/Silva
2. Fedor/Brock
3. Brock/Barnett
4. GSP/Silva
5. Nick Diaz/BJ Penn

* Gegard Mousasi coming to the UFC.

Bizarro World Dream Match
1. GSP/Fedor

Rampage??? :paranoid:


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He will need all the rooting he can get.....since he will probably be dead after the fight. :laugh2:

I feel Fedor would win that fight, but not a win-by-death type of victory. I think Griffin just set the new standard for "you got killed," and I don't see anyone being able to do that to Brock. Win, yes, but to "Griffin" Brock, no :nono:


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Rampage??? :paranoid:
I think 95% personality based. My favorite fighters are rather subjective, as oppose to objective. I don't think I'd like BJ Penn as much if he weren't Hawaiian to be honest. I had a lot of Hawaiian friends growing up and from Hilo no less, so BJ might be the most complete pick of a favorite fighter, in terms of objective (talent) qualifications and subjective quirks.


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I feel Fedor would win that fight, but not a win-by-death type of victory. I think Griffin just set the new standard for "you got killed," and I don't see anyone being able to do that to Brock. Win, yes, but to "Griffin" Brock, no :nono:
Your right. I just like bustin your Brock huggin balls :laugh2:


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Brock isn't on my list of most respected fighters, but he is one of my favorites. Matter of fact, only BJ Penn makes both favorite and most respected.

I believe Brock is one of the most dangerous fighters, therefore, making him one of the great fighters, but I also recognize that his excessively superior size & strength gives him a huge advantage, so he doesn't necessarily need to be a master of technician, like a GSP, Lyoto, Penn, to defeat opponents.


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I just realized I had Fedor on both lists as well (favorite and most respected).


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I had an affinity toward beasts among men and if the rumors of Mariusz Pudzianowski joining the world of MMA are true. He would quickly be a favorite of mine if he were more of a Brock Lesnar then a Bob Sapp.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I had a reply explaining why your list was equal parts shenanigans and poppy****, but my ISP sucks.


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I woke up with the meanest inflammation of the neck. The inflammation didn't seem to seep into my traps or anywhere near or down my upper back either, but it was all based right at the base of my neck. I couldn't accelerate my car too fast because that little kick back of the neck caused some nasty pains. I did the hot pad thing at work and a bunch of head-dead-hang, neck stretches. I also downed a total of 1,600mg of Ibuprofen throughout the day.

I won't be doing any back, shoulders, deads or BB squats until my neck heals up, which is why I decided to take it easy today.


Hammer Chest Press
180lbs x 10 reps
200lbs x 8 reps
220lbs x 7 reps
220lbs x 6 reps
220lbs x 5 reps

Hammer Wide Press
180lbs x 10 reps
270lbs x 10 reps
320lbs x 8 reps
320lbs x 7 reps
320lbs x 5 reps

Hammer Dips - Gironda Grip
180lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 8 reps
230lbs x 6 reps
210lbs x 7 reps
210lbs x 6 reps
180lbs x 8 reps

Machine, Incline Press
180lbs x 10 reps
195lbs x 8 reps
210lbs x 6 reps
210lbs x 5 reps

Machine, Chest Press - Neutral Grip
150lbs x 10, x 8, x 6 reps

I've begun to shy away from the uber voluminous/single exercise voyage. I think I'm over that now and will most likely get back to a more traditional & multi-angular routine.


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WOW! Volc, listen to this: http://www.examiner.com/x-7825-Tampa-MMA-Examiner~y2009m8d12-Kenny-Florian-BJ-Penn-is-too-much-for-Diego-Sanchez

Ken Flo says he was winning the fight until the RNC. He said one judge even had him winning all three rounds until the choke.
I know, he said the same thing on Pro MMA Radio on Monday, both about how he may have been winning on the score cards and how Diego wouldn't be able to beat BJ.

I can't be too mad at him for "thinking" he was ahead. Although he really wasn't doing any damage, he was more so the aggressor. Maybe he thought he was getting points for failed TD attempts and pushing BJ against the cage????


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I just could not bring myself to award Kenny a single round. He was trying GSP's strategy, except: he has nowhere the power, speed, athleticism, TDs and/or striking to make that strategy effective. Yes, GSP wore down BJ with that particular tactic; but yes, GSP is freakishly strong, which is why it worked.

Diego has questionable TD defense and guard, so I am not exactly sure how he would fare against BJ. I do know this, however: his very quick pace and much improved boxing would make for an interesting fight.


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I just could not bring myself to award Kenny a single round. He was trying GSP's strategy, except: he has nowhere the power, speed, athleticism, TDs and/or striking to make that strategy effective. Yes, GSP wore down BJ with that particular tactic; but yes, GSP is freakishly strong, which is why it worked.

Diego has questionable TD defense and guard, so I am not exactly sure how he would fare against BJ. I do know this, however: his very quick pace and much improved boxing would make for an interesting fight.
I agree. Kenny's game plan was to wear BJ down, only he couldn't put BJ in any particularly exhaustive situations. Also, GSP was pressing against BJ's shoulders to wear his arms down and it worked, whereas, Kenny was pushing against BJ's stomach, which I'm sure confused BJ as much as it confused me.

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