Unreal's 2023 Sarms cut: Ostarine/Cardarine + Rad bridge


Well-known member
Carried over from Invalid Link Removed and currently on week 4 of a cut.

Background: I (lazily) logged Ostarine solo 12 years ago and the log is above. In the time since, I've run nothing and been consumed by careerism and adulting, managing only to maintain a base while layering it over with fat. I liked Ostarine when I ran it, it's weak but the benefits were obvious when I used it 12 years ago and I knew i wouldn't need much anabolism to retain muscle on a cut.

Previous experience: I used a lot of PHs back in 2008-2010 era and a couple cycles of real gear, but my response to testosterone is underwhelming (we exist and we do know how to eat and train), so imagine my interest at seeing SARMS stronger than Ostarine which I already knew worked for me. I had run test prop 100mg ed and sust >1g with mast at 600 and it all was underwhelming, lot of PHs were disappointing too no gains from Epistane, Halodrol, "Max LMG" but a few things like SD and Trendione were frigging incredible and PP was OK. My body loves SD... still my favorite. Most of this is all in my post history on AM.

Starting Point: No real diet and 1-2 drinks a day on average since Covid landed me at 6'1 228 and looking so flabby I guessed I was >20% BF hard to tell how far though.
I've still been training for the last decade but it fell off to ~3x a week and the strength has withered to paltry numbers. What I do have going for me is a decently equipped home gym with power rack, modest DB rack and a few accessories so I can do all major lifts except cables, and I can do them wheneverTF i want and while blaring metal, and I WFH so the flexibility is just... Unreal :) (advantages of my decade lost to career)

Goal: Cut down to ~210 and perhaps ~13% BF. Mathematically this would be a cut while dropping zero LBM, which is possible considering muscle memory and would be close to my (12 year old) avatar weight just like 4% higher.
Really just want to drop the Covid weight and then some, be healthy, look and feel good. I really want to improve my sleep and energy, since the last couple years of post-covid career work has been stressful.
I also want to see what gains can be made off of sarms.

Expected next cycle: If i can get lean enough from this, i would try to maintain ~3 months and then would like to do LGD in an environment where it's given proper dosing, duration and support (dermacrine) alongside a nice clean diet.

10 wk Cycle Outline: just using mild and legal stuff and dosing it at a real minimum. I'm not trying to compete, just get in shape and feel like a happier, improved version of me.

1. MK2866 weeks 1-8 12.5mg
2. Cardarine weeks 1-12 10mg
3. MK677 weeks 3-31 12.5mg (may play around with dosing like 5-on-2-off and EOD)
4. Rad-140 weeks 5-6 5mg / weeks 7-8 7.5mg, 9-10 10mg
5. Dermacrine weeks 5-10 @ 4 pumps ED

PCT starts week 11
DAA starting from week 9
Clomid + OTC natty test booster
Keep the MK train running

I'm on week 4 so I'll post below with observations so far. I will not run this like a proper daily log but I like to write down things for my own future reference and for the entertainment and information value to any readers.
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Previously logged updates

day 12 and weight is down 2 pounds while strength is up. Added 2 reps to my incline DB presses and my weighted dips jumped up 15 pounds. Intra-workout recovery is great and I was able to generally increase my cadence. I also feel that recovery between workouts has slightly reduced.
this was my best workout in a very long time despite being down in weight. Very, very exciting after years of stagnation

Day 16: im on day 16 and down 5 pounds while strength is slowly going up on all lifts, just way better workouts, pumps and recovery
visible body recomp, lots of cell volumization is obvious in arms and shoulders and midsection already looks leaner.
This is just super low dose stuff 12.5 Ostarine and 10.0 cardarine.

Week 4 update: 4th week mk2866 12.5mg, and cardarine 10mg, 2nd week Mk677 12.5mg (plan to run 6mo)
Down 6 pounds, weight loss stopped I think from the 677 giving water. No hunger from MK but I can tell the BP elevated slightly I can feel it in my temples. I do have a dip in Libido but I'm more suspicious of MK677 than Ostarine so I'm going to take a couple days off that. Also considering Dermacrine for the later weeks.
Muscle fullness is fantastic considering I’m below maintenance and these muscles are starving. Having a little bit of lost vascularity emerge.
Hardness platuead, probably part from really nailing my diet in the last two weeks and cleaning up carbs but also I think I’m saturated on 12.5mg of Ostarine and considering to up the dose.
Endurance is through the roof, my workouts are mashing calories
Strength gains continue but at a clipped pace. Partly it’s just the intra-workout recovery adding reps more so than force production…
Haven't had workouts like this since cycling in 2010.
I almost got gyno surgery during my Ironman training and I wasn’t even on any ped’s!

the intense training had my hormones all jacked up and my nipples were achy.

chickened out. I probably will eventually though.
amazing couinceedence , i justt got word from pred Uk i was asking them about what they tought i sould run as coumpounds they recomended me this excat stuff > ost > card> rad. but the brad had diffrent names

Radareal > Cardareal > Ostareal frrom Augmented Labs , anyone know this brand :? im guessing since its legal, they prob dont put other stuff in it? ill be opning a trad on this also just to ask advice, i havent taken sarms before.
he told me this stack would be the best for none to littler bloat or little water retention.


also got a question, you said endurance are you doing alot of high cardio also? im no expert, but read many time that can be a factor that can hurt your progress. just tought i would ask
No coincidence man, those questions have nothing to do with this cycle

I’m about midway on week 4
Weight has finally tipped at -7 pounds (221 on old scale, 219 on new scale which is probably more accurate I’m pretty close to my pace of 2 pounds per week.

I train PPL with two variations and it’s been about 5x a week. Today is back.
I increased weighted pull-ups by about 10 pounds. Easy when the body weight is dropping right. Started the cycle doing body weight and now repping the 35 on me
I used to be able to rep 80lb dumbbell so a long ways to go.

Adding reps on other lifts. Recovery is insane. I’m sure doubling the cardarine would help but why bother, this is a huge difference, maybe in a future cycle.

looking forward to next 2.5 weeks drop 5 more pounds and get into the semi lean category
Then I’ll have a last month on Rad140 to shred
Expecting 10mg of that to be about twice as potent as the 12.5 ostarine
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I do like RAD, the way someone might like a toxic relationship. One of the few compounds that seems to make me shed noticeably, and also makes me pissy/crabby/aggressive. But it’s a good PED.

Not a good size builder, but it is good for strength and recovery, and word on the street it’s getting popular with women in strongman.

Unlike Jbry, I haven’t noticed it making me dry, but it is dry so you would need estrogen with it ideally (I’ve always used test with it). I believe I look a bit more full on it, but the scale only adds 2-3lbs.
Well based on that Rad sounds perfect. I’ll be trying to shred and show some density and vascularity

I’m now immune to gyno and basically immune to hair shedding from genetics. If 1250 sust and 600 mast didn’t cause shedding I don’t know what will.

haven’t really had psychological effects such as that sense of well being or aggression in the past. I read it a lot but for good and bad I never seem to notice it. But that’s just part of my nature I’m very patient and never lose my temper.

and dryness from rad perfect that’s what I’m looking for and have Dermacrine to maintain estro baseline

seems to me much of the downsides to sarms are resolved by running test or Dermacrine
Well based on that Rad sounds perfect. I’ll be trying to shred and show some density and vascularity

I’m now immune to gyno and basically immune to hair shedding from genetics. If 1250 sust and 600 mast didn’t cause shedding I don’t know what will.

and dryness from rad perfect that’s what I’m looking for and have Dermacrine to maintain estro baseline

seems to me much of the downsides to sarms are resolved by running test or Dermacrine

Sort of. But some issues like lethargy can still occur. Injectable LGD for me brought noticeable lethargy added on top of 300/200 test/mast. So someone with no/low test levels would have lethargy, but above and beyond that the compound itself brings its own side effects; it’s still an oral after all.
Huh I didn’t expect LGDs lethargy to overcome a test base. I plan to run that later in the year so I guess I’ll find out. Didn’t really have too many issues in the past with PHs.
How did you like LGD and how did you dose?
I do like RAD, the way someone might like a toxic relationship. One of the few compounds that seems to make me shed noticeably, and also makes me pissy/crabby/aggressive. But it’s a good PED.

Not a good size builder, but it is good for strength and recovery, and word on the street it’s getting popular with women in strongman.

Unlike Jbry, I haven’t noticed it making me dry, but it is dry so you would need estrogen with it ideally (I’ve always used test with it). I believe I look a bit more full on it, but the scale only adds 2-3lbs.
That’s probably my issue, I ran it solo by itself without any test. Maybe I’ll try it again now that I’m on trt.
Huh I didn’t expect LGDs lethargy to overcome a test base. I plan to run that later in the year so I guess I’ll find out. Didn’t really have too many issues in the past with PHs.
How did you like LGD and how did you dose?

Injected around 25mg 5-6 days per week, so 125-150mg/wk for about 4 weeks.

I would say it performed about as well as other dry mild orals in that dose range. More fullness/size than Anavar at 25mg, similar performance increase, noted lethargy though.

It is a better size/bodybuilding drug compared to something like RAD, which is a bit more of a PED in the literal sense.

That’s probably my issue, I ran it solo by itself without any test. Maybe I’ll try it again now that I’m on trt.

I think I get a noticeable mild effect out of 15mg, & after that I would be looking at 30mg generally. I would like to try 45mg after the study on women with breast cancer found them tolerating 50mg very well (they also had 100mg and 150mg daily groups but most of the 150mg population bailed due to sides). If sick women generally have decent bloods on 50mg RAD taken daily for months, I think that says a lot about relative safety of short term use.
Damn. You guys got me wanting to give rad another shot.
I’d like to run it at 10-15mg

That is a chick dose though, FYI. Don’t be expecting results like the old PH/DS days at 15mg. I mean we were taking 100mg of Halodrol, so it’s only reasonable to scale expectations with mg to some degree (generally, don’t bring up Mtren & such lol).
The last time I ram it, I ran radarine from Olympus labs at 12mg… I think. It was a long time ago.
Maybe there was something else in those caps? Lol.
The last time I ram it, I ran radarine from Olympus labs at 12mg… I think. It was a long time ago.
Maybe there was something else in those caps? Lol.

I’ve used that product, Aggressive Labz, and Premier Research. All defunct now, but extremely similar experiences with all of them.
The last time I ram it, I ran radarine from Olympus labs at 12mg… I think. It was a long time ago.
Maybe there was something else in those caps? Lol.
Hey i have a bottle of that Radarine from OL,what were the effects you got from that? IAM curious now🤔
I’m at the end of week 4 so I started bridging into rad at 5mg ED. Actually I think sarms are often outperforming steroids mg per mg. Example I ran Halodrol up to 100mg and I thought it was junk, and epistane up to 40mg couldn’t even post strength increases, honestly ostarine is better for me anyway.

im also thinking my muscles are like virgin status for the last decade so I don’t need much
I’m at the end of week 4 so I started bridging into rad at 5mg ED. Actually I think sarms are often outperforming steroids mg per mg. Example I ran Halodrol up to 100mg and I thought it was junk, and epistane up to 40mg couldn’t even post strength increases, honestly ostarine is better for me anyway.

im also thinking my muscles are like virgin status for the last decade so I don’t need much

I’m sure it’s individual response, but that was the hope during their development. Rad is the only SARM getting dosed recreationally at less than clinical human testing. Most people running Ostarine and LGD are using put to 10x dosages of trials. But they have a pretty big relative ROI around that 3mg mark for the low-test individual like an older man.

For comparison, Epistane was my first cycle. 30-40mg for a month and I gained 6-7lbs, got leaner, and put 25lbs on bench and 40 on squat and deadlift.
It’s definitely individual responses. I had super weak responses to many things but I’m hopeful for other sarms because counterintuitively the ostarine seems pretty decent for me

I’ll see how Rad goes I don’t mind bumping the dose as needed
End of week 4

down 8.5 pounds in less than 4 weeks so outpacing my goal of 2 lbs per week

strength gains slowing down, feel a bit depleted. Been perfect on sleep and diet. I’ve dropped 1-2 notched on belts and my physique is way improved. Most lifts are up like 10-20 pounds.

I still managed to add reps today but it’s grueling. Not enough mg of anabolics to overcome this calorie deficit

most strength gain with weighted dips. From doing body weight for 12-15 pre cycle (fat) to 50 pounds for 12 easy and just did 80 for 8.

I gotta give ostarine credit I thought it wouldn’t do much and my hardness was weak but it’s just the depletion. As soon as I get carbs in me I get that full body pump. It’s just my calories are in the gutter

I’m not counting cals religiously but from what I do count I’m around 2K a day. At 220 pounds and my workouts have been clocking in at 1200 cals so it’s an aggressive cut LOL
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It's so weird how differently ppl react to things, oral rad makes me feel really good, I just don't seem to get any gains out of it. But it makes me feel good enough that I randomly throw 15 to 20mg in my cycles or alongside my trt just for the feel good factor
I started week 5

still 12.5 ostarine and introduced the Rad140 bridge at 5

I had a mild refeed Saturday and weight was level yesterday but I’m plus 2 today and better muscle fullness from somewhere.

I added weight or reps across the entire board today. Back biceps day and a great pump by the end of it. These compounds are no joke. My midsection fat is hanging super loose and looks like it’s melting off.
I started week 5

still 12.5 ostarine and introduced the Rad140 bridge at 5

I had a mild refeed Saturday and weight was level yesterday but I’m plus 2 today and better muscle fullness from somewhere.

I added weight or reps across the entire board today. Back biceps day and a great pump by the end of it. These compounds are no joke. My midsection fat is hanging super loose and looks like it’s melting off.
Your definitely a high responder, or maybe it's because you took so much time off? I can't get anything out of sarms till the 20mg+ range. Same for most ppl I know.
Your definitely a high responder, or maybe it's because you took so much time off? I can't get anything out of sarms till the 20mg+ range. Same for most ppl I know.

could be both I’m not sure. I’m surprised because I was generally a super piss poor responder thus my love affair with SD which blew me away when I actually got 100% as much gains as normal people.

another part of this is I have been lifting for the last decade yeah but I’ve totally regressed so I have a lot of muscle memory helping out with these recomp gains I’m sure. It’s a cut but I’ve filled out enough muscle that it’s playing out as a partial recomp.

also my training, diet and sleep have been perfect, better than any point in the last decade. I’m totally optimized.
Week 5-2

weight is holding at 220 which is a small bump up from the low a few days ago. Some combo of introducing the 5mg Rad or optimizing the MK dose perhaps. MK I had headaches and dropped for a few days, went EOD and now back to ED 12.5mg and so far so good. The earlier BP headaches I attributed to MK may have been diet or something else.

the workouts are still very strong. I changed my rep scheme and hit a new high in Front Squats (which is not impressive considering I never trained this back in the day). I had introduced DB split squats last week and they are so much stronger and more stable this week.

I’m happy for recomp but intent on maximizing fat loss so in the next few days I’ll figure out if I need a calorie drop or I can introduce a small jolt of evening cardio
Week 5-2

weight is holding at 220 which is a small bump up from the low a few days ago. Some combo of introducing the 5mg Rad or optimizing the MK dose perhaps. MK I had headaches and dropped for a few days, went EOD and now back to ED 12.5mg and so far so good. The earlier BP headaches I attributed to MK may have been diet or something else.

the workouts are still very strong. I changed my rep scheme and hit a new high in Front Squats (which is not impressive considering I never trained this back in the day). I had introduced DB split squats last week and they are so much stronger and more stable this week.

I’m happy for recomp but intent on maximizing fat loss so in the next few days I’ll figure out if I need a calorie drop or I can introduce a small jolt of evening cardio
The headache thing. Something is going around that's causing headaches, I'm completely convinced of this. I've been suffering from bad headaches off and on. My daughter and girlfriend too, were in Connecticut. A buddy of mine in Georgia has been sick off and on and told me massive headaches were part of it. A friend of mine from the boxing gym has been having headaches so bad he can't fall asleep sometimes. Just so many different ppl and I tried to find a common denominator and there's nothing. Just a bunch of different ppl suffering headaches
It could be the latest variant of Covid affects people... Maybe half kidding but it could be and the other symptoms are minor. Idk cuz I’ve otherwise been feeling great, no more headaches or BP issues. Maybe it was salt in the diet or too many things kicking in at once too.

I need to update the first post as I’ve added Dermacrine as part of my “base” for weeks 5+

I’m undecided on the exact doses of Ostarine and Rad moving forward after week 6 I will use week 5 to 6 to better inform that decision

there is definitely suppression thus far from the ostarine. It isn’t much but the boys don’t hang as low. If I had to guess I’d say they shrunk like 15% and hang higher. Sorry for TMI but relevant for people running higher doses for longer times and skimping on PCTs
It could be the latest variant of Covid affects people... Maybe half kidding but it could be and the other symptoms are minor. Idk cuz I’ve otherwise been feeling great, no more headaches or BP issues. Maybe it was salt in the diet or too many things kicking in at once too.

I need to update the first post as I’ve added Dermacrine as part of my “base” for weeks 5+

I’m undecided on the exact doses of Ostarine and Rad moving forward after week 6 I will use week 5 to 6 to better inform that decision

there is definitely suppression thus far from the ostarine. It isn’t much but the boys don’t hang as low. If I had to guess I’d say they shrunk like 15% and hang higher. Sorry for TMI but relevant for people running higher doses for longer times and skimping on PCTs

Why people don’t drop like $1/day on a SERM for PCT is crazy to me. If it could get your test up sooner and therefore help you keep more and maybe feel better sooner…that’s not worth trying?? Makes no sense.
OOF finally got the scale out today and sat down for an hour with the calculator

I guessed I was around 2K calories well actually it's been closer to 1750 cals lol while weighing in the 220's and my weightloss is stalling so yeah, always had a relatively slow metabolism but these numbers are legit TOTALS so i'm surprised myself... i did fill out a little on these macros.

I bumped it up to 2100 cals today and calculated macros 191/142/85 P/C/F for a 36%/27%/36% split so I suppose I can drop a little fat and add another scoop of Whey each day to tidy up the macros.

If I decide to keep the cals >2K then i'll add the evening cardio. I did super light (basically a fast walk) today for ~250 cals so that will help burn off evening cals probably have to up the intensity to keep the fatloss going.

Weightloss has always been stubborn for me. I remember when i was in my first few years of BBing i ran a cut (weighed >220) at 2K cals and didn't drop a pound for weeks. After almost a month of zero progress I added a bunch of cardio and started dropping weight. It's real stubborn.

Edit: updated first post to reflect Dermacrine and changes to my bridge
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Why people don’t drop like $1/day on a SERM for PCT is crazy to me. If it could get your test up sooner and therefore help you keep more and maybe feel better sooner…that’s not worth trying?? Makes no sense.

I guess people just don't think about PCT much, it's not fun to think about so no planning goes into it, unlike the cycle itself we spend a lot of time fantasizing about that. But why cheap out i'm not sure. I used to cheap out when I posted 12 years ago. I re-read my logs and some of my cycle choices and lack of blood work and adequate support supps were because I was dirt poor. But dirt poor as I was, I still had lots of clomid and anti-e's and stuff.
I guess people just don't think about PCT much, it's not fun to think about so no planning goes into it, unlike the cycle itself we spend a lot of time fantasizing about that. But why cheap out i'm not sure. I used to cheap out when I posted 12 years ago. I re-read my logs and some of my cycle choices and lack of blood work and adequate support supps were because I was dirt poor. But dirt poor as I was, I still had lots of clomid and anti-e's and stuff.
No trt for you yet?
No trt for you yet?

nope not done having kids yet

I suspect my natural test is still relatively high, but, if it’s not I’m open to getting onto TRT sooner. Otherwise I was going to wait for my 40s and see.
nope not done having kids yet

I suspect my natural test is still relatively high, but, if it’s not I’m open to getting onto TRT sooner. Otherwise I was going to wait for my 40s and see.
At the clinic I go to, they give hcg shots with the trt for the guys that want to have kids.
I had a vasectomy after my second one so I don’t get the hcg.
I personally like my nuts barely there. They don’t get in the way anymore.
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Day 5-5

weight is static at 220. I must be recomping because I’m slowly getting stronger and looking better. Calories less than 2K yesterday so I’ll need to further drop or bump more cardio to break the plateau

posted some small strength gains on back today bumped the weighted pull-ups to +50lb dumbbell still a long ways to go but feels good
Dumbell curls, 50s felt like the wrong dumbell it was so light, blasted reps up.

not a lot to note, I do feel very anabolic even on just 12.5 ostarine and 5 rad, the muscle hardness and recovery is obvious. The MK I do believe I am noting the dreams every single night because it’s pretty abnormal to have vivid dreams each night but I’m sleeping well so, seems to be doing it’s thing. I’ve never noticed any hunger pangs.
It’s possible that the MK fully saturating contributed to water weight so that’s part of my pumps (IGF-1) and the weight loss stall.
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Little update after almost 5 weeks mostly from 12.5 ostarine and 10 cardarine. The 5mg rad is recent and 12 MK only just stabilized.
220 lbs cutting on like 1800 cals on avg lol. Don’t have good Starting too embarrassing but down two belt notches.
Still a long ways from Unreal status


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MK makes me hold several lbs of water, and does raise bp some. Looking good, keep doing what you’re doing man.
Thanks I’ll definitely keep it going. 120mg of sarms ew lol there is room to go. Maybe need to figure out how to take a proper front double biceps since I hate mirror selfies

anyone know the well priced place to buy a full 245lb Olympic plate set? Looking to double up and better fill out my weight tree. Don’t need fancy just need iron to push around.
Around the end of week 5
Weight still 220. Trained legs and strength was up on everything. Muscle mass is feeling more dense. Must be the Rad 140 going above what Ostarine was doing. My dumbell lunges just felt easy and I had to jack reps way up. I’ve noticed a bit more vascularity too.

I’ve been pretty hungry eating 2K or so calories and I’m doing a weekend cheat today will probably hit 3k calories and have a bit more glycogen for smashing things tomorrow

I might have had transient sides that have gone away. I had a BP scare and messed around with my MK dose and I felt like I was getting a drop in libido and have Dermacrine in now and really… really nothing. Which makes sense given my conservative dosing. Just having great workouts, good energy, feeling and looking like a better version of me, and that makes me happy.

oh yeah and adding like 20 pounds to most lifts while cutting lol
Little update after almost 5 weeks mostly from 12.5 ostarine and 10 cardarine. The 5mg rad is recent and 12 MK only just stabilized.
220 lbs cutting on like 1800 cals on avg lol. Don’t have good Starting too embarrassing but down two belt notches.
Still a long ways from Unreal status
Damn bro looking good keep it up man
You tried play it again sports?
Or Craigslist?

Yeah these, and facebook market place if you have that.

Dick’s Sporting Goods has decent prices on new individual plates, but you can probably find better deals if you keep scanning used stuff.
Walmart market place.I got some inexpensive rage bumper plates from them.

I’ve got a couple sets of heavily used Rage 25 bumpers from a local xfit box, and they still work fine. Those have been more used than a portopotty at a concert and are still holding strong.
Thanks for the recommendations guys

I treated yesterday as a refeed day and I added 10 pounds to all my presses today. Gotta attribute this to the Rad even at 5mg this for one week I’m just getting this surge in strength. This is like straight up SD kind of gains where out of nowhere everything feels light and 10 pounds a week across the board… this is way exceeding my expectations for these Sarms… love ‘em

I must be a super good Sarms responder because I got no other explanations it’s 12 Ostarine and 5 Radarine and these gains are anabolic AF this stuff has activated all that dormant muscle memory and pumped it into high gear. I’m actually worried about getting too strong too fast my elbows and knees are wearing out on me.. thinking to take next week as a deload week

as of right now I don’t even have plans to increase the doses I don’t need the supplemental factor to do any more than it’s already doing I just gotta keep eating and training right

after todays workout I’m ready to say move over SD, the Osta-Rad stack is my new favorite, pretty much zero sides, small amount of shutdown (which is holding pretty constant it’s not like getting progressively more shutdown…) while delivering superb muscle density and hardness, vascularity, recovery and strength.
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