Well-known member
Carried over from Invalid Link Removed and currently on week 4 of a cut.
Background: I (lazily) logged Ostarine solo 12 years ago and the log is above. In the time since, I've run nothing and been consumed by careerism and adulting, managing only to maintain a base while layering it over with fat. I liked Ostarine when I ran it, it's weak but the benefits were obvious when I used it 12 years ago and I knew i wouldn't need much anabolism to retain muscle on a cut.
Previous experience: I used a lot of PHs back in 2008-2010 era and a couple cycles of real gear, but my response to testosterone is underwhelming (we exist and we do know how to eat and train), so imagine my interest at seeing SARMS stronger than Ostarine which I already knew worked for me. I had run test prop 100mg ed and sust >1g with mast at 600 and it all was underwhelming, lot of PHs were disappointing too no gains from Epistane, Halodrol, "Max LMG" but a few things like SD and Trendione were frigging incredible and PP was OK. My body loves SD... still my favorite. Most of this is all in my post history on AM.
Starting Point: No real diet and 1-2 drinks a day on average since Covid landed me at 6'1 228 and looking so flabby I guessed I was >20% BF hard to tell how far though.
I've still been training for the last decade but it fell off to ~3x a week and the strength has withered to paltry numbers. What I do have going for me is a decently equipped home gym with power rack, modest DB rack and a few accessories so I can do all major lifts except cables, and I can do them wheneverTF i want and while blaring metal, and I WFH so the flexibility is just... Unreal (advantages of my decade lost to career)
Goal: Cut down to ~210 and perhaps ~13% BF. Mathematically this would be a cut while dropping zero LBM, which is possible considering muscle memory and would be close to my (12 year old) avatar weight just like 4% higher.
Really just want to drop the Covid weight and then some, be healthy, look and feel good. I really want to improve my sleep and energy, since the last couple years of post-covid career work has been stressful.
I also want to see what gains can be made off of sarms.
Expected next cycle: If i can get lean enough from this, i would try to maintain ~3 months and then would like to do LGD in an environment where it's given proper dosing, duration and support (dermacrine) alongside a nice clean diet.
10 wk Cycle Outline: just using mild and legal stuff and dosing it at a real minimum. I'm not trying to compete, just get in shape and feel like a happier, improved version of me.
1. MK2866 weeks 1-8 12.5mg
2. Cardarine weeks 1-12 10mg
3. MK677 weeks 3-31 12.5mg (may play around with dosing like 5-on-2-off and EOD)
4. Rad-140 weeks 5-6 5mg / weeks 7-8 7.5mg, 9-10 10mg
5. Dermacrine weeks 5-10 @ 4 pumps ED
PCT starts week 11
DAA starting from week 9
Clomid + OTC natty test booster
Keep the MK train running
I'm on week 4 so I'll post below with observations so far. I will not run this like a proper daily log but I like to write down things for my own future reference and for the entertainment and information value to any readers.
Background: I (lazily) logged Ostarine solo 12 years ago and the log is above. In the time since, I've run nothing and been consumed by careerism and adulting, managing only to maintain a base while layering it over with fat. I liked Ostarine when I ran it, it's weak but the benefits were obvious when I used it 12 years ago and I knew i wouldn't need much anabolism to retain muscle on a cut.
Previous experience: I used a lot of PHs back in 2008-2010 era and a couple cycles of real gear, but my response to testosterone is underwhelming (we exist and we do know how to eat and train), so imagine my interest at seeing SARMS stronger than Ostarine which I already knew worked for me. I had run test prop 100mg ed and sust >1g with mast at 600 and it all was underwhelming, lot of PHs were disappointing too no gains from Epistane, Halodrol, "Max LMG" but a few things like SD and Trendione were frigging incredible and PP was OK. My body loves SD... still my favorite. Most of this is all in my post history on AM.
Starting Point: No real diet and 1-2 drinks a day on average since Covid landed me at 6'1 228 and looking so flabby I guessed I was >20% BF hard to tell how far though.
I've still been training for the last decade but it fell off to ~3x a week and the strength has withered to paltry numbers. What I do have going for me is a decently equipped home gym with power rack, modest DB rack and a few accessories so I can do all major lifts except cables, and I can do them wheneverTF i want and while blaring metal, and I WFH so the flexibility is just... Unreal (advantages of my decade lost to career)
Goal: Cut down to ~210 and perhaps ~13% BF. Mathematically this would be a cut while dropping zero LBM, which is possible considering muscle memory and would be close to my (12 year old) avatar weight just like 4% higher.
Really just want to drop the Covid weight and then some, be healthy, look and feel good. I really want to improve my sleep and energy, since the last couple years of post-covid career work has been stressful.
I also want to see what gains can be made off of sarms.
Expected next cycle: If i can get lean enough from this, i would try to maintain ~3 months and then would like to do LGD in an environment where it's given proper dosing, duration and support (dermacrine) alongside a nice clean diet.
10 wk Cycle Outline: just using mild and legal stuff and dosing it at a real minimum. I'm not trying to compete, just get in shape and feel like a happier, improved version of me.
1. MK2866 weeks 1-8 12.5mg
2. Cardarine weeks 1-12 10mg
3. MK677 weeks 3-31 12.5mg (may play around with dosing like 5-on-2-off and EOD)
4. Rad-140 weeks 5-6 5mg / weeks 7-8 7.5mg, 9-10 10mg
5. Dermacrine weeks 5-10 @ 4 pumps ED
PCT starts week 11
DAA starting from week 9
Clomid + OTC natty test booster
Keep the MK train running
I'm on week 4 so I'll post below with observations so far. I will not run this like a proper daily log but I like to write down things for my own future reference and for the entertainment and information value to any readers.
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