Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



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Ooooo! Something I wanted to talk about.

So pre lifting I took my orals, I took 100mg winni and 60mg of dmz! I have never in my life took a hefty dose of orals like that, my brain was so over stimulated it was crazy. Between that and my nerves I felt like I was on actual drugs and I did NOT like it. I think it was actually slightly counter productive.

With that said, I'm watching this video over and over well I think I lifted just a hair before command, the weight looks on video like it went up super easy to the point where I'm kind of mad I didn't go for 370 or 375. It literally flew off my chest.


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Ooooo! Something I wanted to talk about.

So pre lifting I took my orals, I took 100mg winni and 60mg of dmz! I have never in my life took a hefty dose of orals like that, my brain was so over stimulated it was crazy. Between that and my nerves I felt like I was on actual drugs and I did NOT like it. I think it was actually slightly counter productive.

With that said, I'm watching this video over and over well I think I lifted just a hair before command, the weight looks on video like it went up super easy to the point where I'm kind of mad I didn't go for 370 or 375. It literally flew off my chest.
370 or 375, would of won then? Yeah, but 360 is still awesome….. I know it’s always hard wondering what you might of left on the table. I’m one that always wonders what I had left when a max goes up easy as well. It’s that competitive nature that wants to win.😎


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370 or 375, would of won then? Yeah, but 360 is still awesome….. I know it’s always hard wondering what you might of left on the table. I’m one that always wonders what I had left when a max goes up easy as well. It’s that competitive nature that wants to win.😎
Yep, but ya know what. I'm happy I got 360, that was the plan from day 1. I literally said to the guy when he told me about the comp "I'm gonna bench 360" and I did. But if I had attempted 370 or 375 and missed I would be pissed and my official weight would have been 335 because that was my second attempt and I would have been absolutely pissed about that.

**** it.

New plans ahead......


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Tomorrow I'm gonna hit the gym and train whatever I want. The rest of the day I gotta tweak my training program for my new goals and meal prep.

Diet starts again Tuesday, why Tuesday? Because I refuse to ever say diet starts Monday lol. That's what everyone says who can't get there **** together, "il start Monday" is a excuse in my head so il start preparing tomorrow and kick it off Tuesday. I'm gonna drop to 190 and stay there while I work on cardio, boxing and bring up legs a little over the next 2 months. Legs mostly I mean work on muscular endurance but hopefully add a little size.

Once I'm doing all these things my calorie demand will skyrocket again and I can start looking for a fight. Goal is January but if I need longer il take longer.


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Oh ****, I forgot to mention, they allowed elbow sleeves and wrist straps for this! They inspected them for everyone that wanted to use them. There were 3 or 4 ppl that were told their elbow sleeves and wrist straps were not acceptable but the majority of the people that did choose to use them they said they were acceptable and the guy let me borrow a pair of elbow sleeves on my 360 attempt.

I'm not actually sure what they were inspecting them for I'm assuming it was the type of material? Maybe they didn't want people using things that were like really compression type sleeves because they give them too much of an extra push? @Hyde what's up with that?


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I can't post the video it keeps saying the uploaded file does not have an allowed extension. I'm going to try to download some different apps and do it and if that doesn't work I'll see if I can get my daughter to upload it to YouTube or something


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Headed to eat now, I just found out I didn't win my weight class though, some 20 something year old kid beat me by 10lbs
Goddamn 20 year Olds bro!!! The other day some kid at my gym was asking me some questions about supps and at the end I convinced him to stay the course. I told him man I stick I needle in my ass twice a week just so I can feel how you do naturally. That made him realize how important diet and training really are


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Goddamn 20 year Olds bro!!! The other day some kid at my gym was asking me some questions about supps and at the end I convinced him to stay the course. I told him man I stick I needle in my ass twice a week just so I can feel how you do naturally. That made him realize how important diet and training really are
Hats off for being honest. I won't talk about it to anybody under 25 unless I know them very well. If someone straight up asks me if I use gear I tell them testosterone. Unless I can look at the person and obviously tell that they use gear too and then I'll tell them whatever they want to know. I just get kind of sketched out about telling younger kids too much information because my kids are teenagers and in the back of my mind I wouldn't want someone talking to them about it. No on the other hand I will tell my kids anything and everything I take. I don't hide anything from them because I'd rather they're well informed by me than misinformed by someone else


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Here's what my kid know about steroids.

Just like all drugs they serve a purpose but there dangerous if you abuse them. Like alcohol and smoking, if you abuse it, it will slowly kill you over time depending on your genetics. If you use small amounts of bioidentical hormones then a older person may potentially be able to perform, feel and act like a young man and even look younger. Roid rage is only real if you were already a asshole.

Dad's 37 and we're 14 and 16, dad is stronger then us, runs faster then us, is better at sports then us, we literally can't beat dad at anything physical lol.

Today my son asked my dad if he could beat me at sports when I was a teenager. My dad said nope, and I think your father is still a teenager, you will probably grow up before he does 😂😂😂


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To be fair my kids don't play sports very much, daughter plays softball and might get back into boxing but she hasn't trained in 2 years and my son hasn't played a sport or trained in 5-6 years.

When I was a kid we played multiple sports year round.


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Hey serious question, does anyone think that's bad parenting and I'm giving my kids too much information about something they shouldn't know about or do you think it's better that I tell them the truth. I kind of sensationalize that post a little bit as I've definitely let them know that there is no free lunch and there's a risk to reward ratio with everything that we do but I'm pretty straightforward with them about what I'm taking. I even gave them the reasons this morning about the winstrol I took and the shady gray market DMZ I took that could have potentially been anything lol.

When I quit drinking and stop using party drugs I pretty much told them everything I've e,ver done and that's molded their brains into them never wanting to use alcohol ( at least at this point in life) because they saw what it did, they see their aunts getting DUIs, they see their grandparents arguing because they had too much to drink. Sometimes I know the truth is a little much but I feel like that slap of Truth is needed


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Hey serious question, does anyone think that's bad parenting and I'm giving my kids too much information about something they shouldn't know about or do you think it's better that I tell them the truth. I kind of sensationalize that post a little bit as I've definitely let them know that there is no free lunch and there's a risk to reward ratio with everything that we do but I'm pretty straightforward with them about what I'm taking. I even gave them the reasons this morning about the winstrol I took and the shady gray market DMZ I took that could have potentially been anything lol.

When I quit drinking and stop using party drugs I pretty much told them everything I've e,ver done and that's molded their brains into them never wanting to use alcohol ( at least at this point in life) because they saw what it did, they see their aunts getting DUIs, they see their grandparents arguing because they had too much to drink. Sometimes I know the truth is a little much but I feel like that slap of Truth is needed
Parenting is hard. There’s no instruction book that comes with them. We raise them based on how we were raised, what we believe and what we genuinely feel is right and will mold them into someone who will contribute to society. We want our kids to be the best they can be and be successful but success doesn’t mean they’ll be millionaires. Reality is some kids end up being ditch diggers. But as long as they are the best damn ditch digger they can be and the best person they can be then that’s all you can ask for.

My wife is 48. Her father was a heroin addict until about 1993 when she went to college. She went to a party college and ended up getting hooked on coke. She luckily looked at herself in the mirror when she was a junior and said I’ve got to get the **** out of here. She dropped out of college and stopped using coke. She worked her ass off all her life. She was a single parent of two kids when her and her first husband divorced after 15 years of marriage. She told her kids everything she did when she was in college and they also know about their grandpa’s addiction. Her kids (my step kids but I treat them just like my three biological kids) are great kids. Her son is a long haul trucker driver at 25 years old and has been driving since he turned 21. Her daughter is applying to medical school.

I say all of this to say this. It’s all in how you present the into to them and it sounds like you did it in a way that will hopefully make them think before making bad mistakes. You’re a good dad man. No doubt in my mind.


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I hope your right. My parents didn't tell me much, they liked to sugar coat things, but from a very young age I could see through it. My parents went to divorce Court a few times when I was younger and I was happy they were getting a divorce at 8 years old.

Because I was happy about it or okay with it I should say they assume something was wrong with me and made me go to a therapist and the therapist couldn't wrap his mind around me being okay with it. When he asked me why I thought they should get divorced I said because they don't get along so they should be separated and live their own lives. If they don't have to live together maybe they won't fight so much. A very mature response in my opinion but because I was eight they assumed something was wrong.
My parents never did actually get divorced though.

So I used a different approach, I've treated my kids like adults from a very young age, tough love and honesty


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I hope your right. My parents didn't tell me much, they liked to sugar coat things, but from a very young age I could see through it. My parents went to divorce Court a few times when I was younger and I was happy they were getting a divorce at 8 years old.

Because I was happy about it or okay with it I should say they assume something was wrong with me and made me go to a therapist and the therapist couldn't wrap his mind around me being okay with it. When he asked me why I thought they should get divorced I said because they don't get along so they should be separated and live their own lives. If they don't have to live together maybe they won't fight so much. A very mature response in my opinion but because I was eight they assumed something was wrong.
My parents never did actually get divorced though.

So I used a different approach, I've treated my kids like adults from a very young age, tough love and honesty
Nothing wrong with tough love and honesty. To me they go hand in hand.


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Morning weight was 197.5 I think
Tonights weight is only 202.8?

I thought it would have been way higher, I assumed I would have gain 10 lb from all that


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I know what is going to happen too, I'm going to f****** sweat all night in my sleep wake up 40 times and be back down to 197 lb in the morning or less.

Anytime I drop weight too quick and then have a cheat day it happens


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You did a good job with your carb up. Very good modifications based on the earlier weighin.

Congratulations on benching 360lbs man. Even if you feel you jumped a hair, you obviously benched it to chest and then lockout. You objectively lifted the weight, plain & simple, and that’s an awesome thing!

They probably allowed all neoprene sleeves, but not those built out of a blended ply (material like lifting gear is made out of that stores kinetic energy more effectively). Or maybe only allowed single ply but not multiply (multiple layers & thus much more material to bind up & store energy at the bottom), or sometimes there are sleeves with straps you tighten after pulling on and those are really gangster.

They just wanted to keep guys from getting 15lbs of help and kept it more about comfort/safety.

Sleeves are allowed in strongman competitions, and rising bar to a max is a strongman style event (my wife did an event like this yesterday for overhead pressing). So you did the lift to the comp standards, and you should be proud of it!


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You did a good job with your carb up. Very good modifications based on the earlier weighin.

Congratulations on benching 360lbs man. Even if you feel you jumped a hair, you obviously benched it to chest and then lockout. You objectively lifted the weight, plain & simple, and that’s an awesome thing!

They probably allowed all neoprene sleeves, but not those built out of a blended ply (material like lifting gear is made out of that stores kinetic energy more effectively). Or maybe only allowed single ply but not multiply (multiple layers & thus much more material to bind up & store energy at the bottom), or sometimes there are sleeves with straps you tighten after pulling on and those are really gangster.

They just wanted to keep guys from getting 15lbs of help and kept it more about comfort/safety.

Sleeves are allowed in strongman competitions, and rising bar to a max is a strongman style event (my wife did an event like this yesterday for overhead pressing). So you did the lift to the comp standards, and you should be proud of it!
The sleeves the guy gave me were neoprene so that makes sense. They asked me if I wanted a pair of wrist straps too but I've actually never used wrist straps before so I didn't want to screw around with it.

One thing I noticed and the judge actually stopped me to talk after the comp, but was that a lot of the more experienced guys were in the much lighter weight classes and they were very good at making the distance the bar had to travel very short. Very wide grips with their chest up high. Butt still on the bench tho. The judge told me that I bench press like a bodybuilder and not like a powerlifter and that I need to work on that technique because it would probably add 40 to 50 lb to my bench, he also said judging by the speed that I fired the bar back up, even tho I had a little bit of a sticking point in the middle, but he thinks I could have got another 10 to 15 lb I think I already mentioned this earlier though.

At the end of the day I did what I set out to do and it was a learning experience. Thanks for the tips I really appreciate it.

Don't know if I mentioned it earlier but I forgot to put the sodium in my drink in the morning but there's a Dollar general right around the corner so I went and bought a jar of pickles and had a couple of pickles LOL


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Congrats man! Total success, now it is time to work on that arch and leg drive and be hitting 405 on your next bulk.


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Congrats man! Total success, now it is time to work on that arch and leg drive and be hitting 405 on your next bulk.
I don't have the slightest doubt. Next time around I walk get somewhere between 385-405 if I get that form. Hell, I'm confident I would get 380+ training without that form. I just need to program smarter. I'm actually going to focus hard on maintaining strength while cutting a few more pounds.

My training is about to get real!


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So here's some more details on my plan, if I e already said this I apologize, the gears in my brain are turning and I wanna make sure I don't fall off the tracks. I just divied up all the leftover snacks from yesterday in separate bags and put them in my kids rooms.

Back to work.

I. Going to train the whole body over the weekends bodybuilding style, lots of volume, and treat it as if it's the only days I have to build muscle

Then during the week I'll be doing my boxing and cardio and conditioning work and I'm going to throw in a push, a pull and a leg day. I will treat those days as if I was prepping for a contest. I'm gonna cut back the weights and slowly add to the bar in the same fashion I would like I was work up to my bench over the past 10 weeks.


Clean and press 3x5
Close grip bench 3x8
Plyo pushups high reps to failure
DB crushers high reps to failure


Wide grip chins 5x5
Reverse grip bent row 3x5
Inverted row high reps to failure
Incline db curl high reps to failure


Deep squats 3x5
Walking lunges 2x20
Hanging leg raises to failure
Back ext to failure
Partial speed squats (I use this as a tool for boxing/fighting) I go down about as far as I would slipping and ducking punches-1x100
It's actually 1 long rest pause set.

So you can see the 3x5 and 3x8 and 5x5 the exercises all slowly be working my way back up to bigger weights on trying to peek or hit some personal records along the way


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I'm off to the gym now, gonna train literally whatever I want, random ****, new exercises and just enjoy myself.

Tomorrow il do some cardio and Tuesday is go time!


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I just looked in the mirror and damn am I happy. I soaked up everything yesterday like a sponge.

Everything looks round and full, I'm excessively top heavy but that's expected with the way I've been training lately. Waist is not shredded but it's tight and small.


Off to the gym


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I just looked in the mirror and damn am I happy. I soaked up everything yesterday like a sponge.

Everything looks round and full, I'm excessively top heavy but that's expected with the way I've been training lately. Waist is not shredded but it's tight and small.

200.2lbsView attachment 223458View attachment 223460

Off to the gym
That food went to all the right places for sure delts traps and arms look huge. I wouldn't be surprised if your pumps aren't borderline painful today


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This might just be me, but I would work on increasing strength with more speed based training on your big 3 until you get through your boxing. You might not want to be training with weights that make you reach that slow grind. Just go up until the acceleration of the bar stops. Think specificity for fast powerful hands to get punches out more quickly, as opposed to full on grinding strength which can slow you down a bit. I think if you perfect that form you might be able to do this with some pretty impressive weights for the speed you are moving it. An increase there is going to increase your overall bench / strength, and when you go back to pushing into grinding work you will realize the benefits quickly.


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Man that little bit of junk food didn’t hurt a bit. Your swole where you need to be….So you’re going to try and fight at 178 ?


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This might just be me, but I would work on increasing strength with more speed based training on your big 3 until you get through your boxing. You might not want to be training with weights that make you reach that slow grind. Just go up until the acceleration of the bar stops. Think specificity for fast powerful hands to get punches out more quickly, as opposed to full on grinding strength which can slow you down a bit. I think if you perfect that form you might be able to do this with some pretty impressive weights for the speed you are moving it. An increase there is going to increase your overall bench / strength, and when you go back to pushing into grinding work you will realize the benefits quickly.
That's kinda what I plan on doing, I'm going to significantly drop the weight, work on form and explosive reps, speed reps ect while working the weights back up. I'm literally going to drop all the way down to 185 lb for things like bent over Row and close grip bench, 225 for squats, bw for wide chins and then just add 5 to 10 lb every workout


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Man that little bit of junk food didn’t hurt a bit. Your swole where you need to be….So you’re going to try and fight at 178 ?
Yes, but I'm not going to drop down to 178, I'm going to drop down to about 190 lb and just stay there so I'm comfortable and strong. Then when I'm like 4 weeks out I'll worry about that last 10 to 12 lb.

Then I wont have to spend the next 10 weeks feeling small and weak LOL


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Yes, but I'm not going to drop down to 178, I'm going to drop down to about 190 lb and just stay there so I'm comfortable and strong. Then when I'm like 4 weeks out I'll worry about that last 10 to 12 lb.

Then I wont have to spend the next 10 weeks feeling small and weak LOL
Yeah, good plan….you have your weight figured out, and I’m sure you be able to cruise on in to that weigh in like the last. At least you can enjoy some size before you have that final cut.


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Man if that judge told me I lift like a bodybuilder and not a powerlifter I would've been like you damn right I do ( in stone cold Steve Austin voice) lol


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Yeah, good plan….you have your weight figured out, and I’m sure you be able to cruise on in to that weigh in like the last. At least you can enjoy some size before you have that final cut.
In the back of my mind I wanna blast a cycle while I cut, frank Zane is my height and won a Mr Olympia at 184lbs. But I literally can't train boxing on more then trt and some sarms or I get a pump too fast and have to cut my training short, even last time when I was playing around with lgd and s23 I had to drop testosterone down to 100mg and pull out the lgd at the end because of the lower back pumps. Just gotta bite the bullet. With that said, I stopped lifting weights last time and this time around I'm not going to stop lifting I'm going to try harder to maintain muscle and lose fat. I plan on getting pealed and just keeping enough bf to feel good


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In the back of my mind I wanna blast a cycle while I cut, frank Zane is my height and won a Mr Olympia at 184lbs. But I literally can't train boxing on more then trt and some sarms or I get a pump too fast and have to cut my training short, even last time when I was playing around with lgd and s23 I had to drop testosterone down to 100mg and pull out the lgd at the end because of the lower back pumps. Just gotta bite the bullet. With that said, I stopped lifting weights last time and this time around I'm not going to stop lifting I'm going to try harder to maintain muscle and lose fat. I plan on getting pealed and just keeping enough bf to feel good
Yeah, and Frank Zane has that true classic physique, and back then people never could guess his weight. I have always preferred that look to the get as big as you can monster physique.


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The sleeves the guy gave me were neoprene so that makes sense. They asked me if I wanted a pair of wrist straps too but I've actually never used wrist straps before so I didn't want to screw around with it.

One thing I noticed and the judge actually stopped me to talk after the comp, but was that a lot of the more experienced guys were in the much lighter weight classes and they were very good at making the distance the bar had to travel very short. Very wide grips with their chest up high. Butt still on the bench tho. The judge told me that I bench press like a bodybuilder and not like a powerlifter and that I need to work on that technique because it would probably add 40 to 50 lb to my bench, he also said judging by the speed that I fired the bar back up, even tho I had a little bit of a sticking point in the middle, but he thinks I could have got another 10 to 15 lb I think I already mentioned this earlier though.

At the end of the day I did what I set out to do and it was a learning experience. Thanks for the tips I really appreciate it.

Don't know if I mentioned it earlier but I forgot to put the sodium in my drink in the morning but there's a Dollar general right around the corner so I went and bought a jar of pickles and had a couple of pickles LOL
Pickles are a great choice; I eat them often (or chug juice) pre/intra during hot garage sessions. I find it’s pretty easy to instinctively get the right amount of sodium your body desires after a bit of experimenting.

Wrist wraps won’t help nearly as much as neoprene sleeves (which is why sleeves won’t be allowed in powerlifting but wrist wraps will), but they absolutely will help if you learn how to properly make a nice tight cast. Then continue to train without them until you get to very heavy weights for yourself. I never put mine on until at least 315, or unless it’s an AMRAP PR attempt. Buy yourself a pair for $20 on EliteFTS sometime and watch their YouTube videos on how to wrap your wrists.

You absolutely need to learn to set a bit of arch in your back. Not only does it shorten your stroke some, it helps you properly keep the scapulae retracted to protect the shoulder joint. Guys who bench like a bodybuilder long enough often end up with trashed shoulders eventually because it’s terrible for shoulder joint longevity. I am not talking about bending your spine so you pinch your discs, but just getting the scapulae able to be pulled down and make some daylight below your lumbar.

Grip width is dependent on anatomy. Paradoxically, short arm guys can get away with much more width without tearing pecs or hurting the shoulders. The widest legal grip is your pointer finger touching the ring. I bench with my pinky on the ring (or closer) in training and move to 1-2 fingers out when peaking for a meet. Wider gives up my tricep drive and tends to strain a pec (I have long arms).


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Just from going up to 220, learning to arch some, finding optimal grip width, and learning how to use real wrist wraps (not that soft Nancy stuff some people keep on throughout training life sweatbands) should take you to a 405 bench honestly man.

Just gain 20lbs and learn how to powerlift the benchpress will seriously do it


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Just from going up to 220, learning to arch some, finding optimal grip width, and learning how to use real wrist wraps (not that soft Nancy stuff some people keep on throughout training life sweatbands) should take you to a 405 bench honestly man.

Just gain 20lbs and learn how to powerlift the benchpress will seriously do it
I'm not in a position to gain any weight right now but with the minimal benching that I've been doing and not really knowing a ton about how to bench properly I'm very confident after going through that little experience that I could spend six months just benching with some more arch and hit 405, I have a feeling I could at 375 right now as is. Im gonna keep working on maintaining for improving my numbers as I drop a little bit of weight, (8lbs) but then in the springtime I'll make another push and I'll let myself gain a bunch of weight for that.

I also did drink the pickle juice on Saturday 😅 😂😂😂

Next time I run a cycle I'm pushing for big weight and strength gains.


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On another note, I've been home from the gym for almost 45 minutes and I still feel like I'm going to puke after stupidly jumping straight in and doing 30 minutes of high intensity cardio after not doing any real cardio other than steady state randomly here and there. I'm outside cooking chicken breast in the dark try not to puke lol


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Can you guys know the type of high intensity cardio I do. I feel horrible right now


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I didn't realize there's about 200mg of sodium in a pickle, nice cheap delicious way to keep my sodium intake up
I got my UPS friend on bringing a jar of pickles on his route in the summer. He was telling me about his awful sweating and cramps; blew his mind when I taught him about sodium for hydration (with a sufficient water intake). Now he swears by it & never cramps.

Next year is our year to break 4 plates on bench man!


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Ok, so I have definitely underestimated how bad my cardio has gotten. General health wise cardio is fine. But real fitness cardio, oh boy 😬

3 rounds shadow boxing and 3 rounds heavy bag. This was somewhere between 23-28min
Completely gassed.
I realized I couldn't do my planned reps and sets for my push so I modified it.

All reps were done with either speed, or explosive reps, or both

Clean and press 85x5, 135x4, 185x3,3
Close grip bench 135x8, 185x8,8,8
Plyo pushups 8 rest pause 8
Db krushers 20's x25,25

For the plyo push-ups I have my hands slightly turned in like a gymnast style push-up and I throw myself up into the air into like a Superman.

Did a 10 minute walk for a cooldown.

Today's food (diet has not started yet, I'm just kind of playing it by ear and still enjoying some food but not going too crazy.

Medium Dunkin'coffee with cream and a metrex bar.

5oz grilled chicken and a small salad

1/2 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, one scoop collagen protein, one cup chocolate fairlife milk.

Greek yogurt cup, a slice of watermelon in three dates, caffeine and some simple carbs it was a scoop of that stuff I used during the bench press competition.


4oz chicken, 4oz ground beef, 1.5 cups white rice, 1 bell pepper, and a diet coke

I'm gonna have a slice of cake my daughter made and a cup of fairlife milk.

Everything I eat before my workout is pretty much the same every day but I rotate the fruits around and sometimes instead of a salad the chicken goes into a wrap this is kind of just standard when I've been eating since I started this new job. Dinner's going to be whatever we eat as a family and on the days I lift weights and do cardio LOL myself a little dessert. Body weight holding at 200 lb even


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Visual I'm about where I want to be, maybe a tad leaner. I'm right at that mix of size and lean where I get lots of compliments, like to the point I feel awkward. It's weird because I like being complimented but I don't take compliments well. I always respond back with something negative about my self. If someone says you look jacked my response is, thanks but I'm not even close to where I should be or il say something like I still got like 15lbs to loose. I can never just say thanks and walk away. Idk lol. I'm weird.


Visual I'm about where I want to be, maybe a tad leaner. I'm right at that mix of size and lean where I get lots of compliments, like to the point I feel awkward. It's weird because I like being complimented but I don't take compliments well. I always respond back with something negative about my self. If someone says you look jacked my response is, thanks but I'm not even close to where I should be or il say something like I still got like 15lbs to loose. I can never just say thanks and walk away. Idk lol. I'm weird.
I also never know what to say when someone compliments out of nowhere. Catches me off guard


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Visual I'm about where I want to be, maybe a tad leaner. I'm right at that mix of size and lean where I get lots of compliments, like to the point I feel awkward. It's weird because I like being complimented but I don't take compliments well. I always respond back with something negative about my self. If someone says you look jacked my response is, thanks but I'm not even close to where I should be or il say something like I still got like 15lbs to loose. I can never just say thanks and walk away. Idk lol. I'm weird.
Pretty sure we're all like that bro...the other day some kid st the gym was like man i bet you tore it up when you played high school sports i was line ummm..thanks...actually I didn't I was just good at lifting weights that's why I made the teams lol


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Eventually il be going to 5 balanced meals with high and low carb days
I should so be doing the high low thing as well just doing it old school cutting carbs by portions week to week till the end of the year


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I should so be doing the high low thing as well just doing it old school cutting carbs by portions week to week till the end of the year
The reason I'm going to be doing some carb cycling is because my caloric demand from day to day is so dramatically different depending on what I'm doing.

Like for example on a Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday, I'm in the gym for like an hour and a half lifting and doing cardio after an 8 to 10 hour work day of manual labor, is that on a Friday I'm working 8 to 10 hours and I'm usually not working out at all.

On Saturdays and Sundays I'm just doing a bodybuilding style workout in the morning and most likely no cardio. On Monday I'll do some light cardio and stretching but no weight lifting.

There's just such a huge difference from day to day.

Seeing how my overall body composition is not the main goal it doesn't really matter I guess, instead of dramatically cutting carbs out of meals I can just eat dessert on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and that's like an extra 600 calories and 100 G of carbs in a little bit of fat.

If my goal was bodybuilding and I was really trying to push for physique goals I wouldn't do things how I'm doing them.

I know what I should be doing but because my life is hectic sometimes convenience or I should say many times convenience is more important to me because without that convenience it's hard for me to just get through my day sometimes.

Like I can't eat a full meal while I'm driving in my car an hour and a half to work it's impossible so I eat the protein bar drink the shake.

There's many days at work where we have to skip our break I mean we don't but everyone else agrees too and I'm not going to be the odd man out who screws everything up so instead of sitting down and eating chicken rice and vegetables I can have just some grilled chicken and a wrap and walk around with it in my hand and eat it for 3 minutes or however long it takes.

If you guys noticed I'm eating a protein bar everyday and I'm having the protein powder with oats which is kind of like a shake can you guys know I'm against the shakes but at the moment these are convenience factors for me.

I may get to a point during this 10 weeks that I'm drinking multiple shakes a day if my job is getting too hectic.

I really don't want to resort to three meals and three shakes or two meals and three shakes or two meals and two shakes or whatever the heck it may be. But if it gets to a point where drinking a shake and eating a banana is my option versus not eating a meal at all then I'm absolutely going to do that.

You know, whatever it takes lol

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