Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



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Man, sometimes I go off on a tangent with this talk to text and I don't realize how long I've been talking 😂


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Man, sometimes I go off on a tangent with this talk to text and I don't realize how long I've been talking 😂
All good bro, was worth the read.

And yeah, if you have to do the shake thing on work days because that's the only realistic way to get the calories, then definitely do what you gotta do.

Personally, I enjoy my intra workout drink so much that I'll make it and bring it with me on my rest days to sip on, just cause.

I'm sure your body will appreciate getting the shakes as opposed to having to wait longer for more fuel.


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The reason I'm going to be doing some carb cycling is because my caloric demand from day to day is so dramatically different depending on what I'm doing.

Like for example on a Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday, I'm in the gym for like an hour and a half lifting and doing cardio after an 8 to 10 hour work day of manual labor, is that on a Friday I'm working 8 to 10 hours and I'm usually not working out at all.

On Saturdays and Sundays I'm just doing a bodybuilding style workout in the morning and most likely no cardio. On Monday I'll do some light cardio and stretching but no weight lifting.

There's just such a huge difference from day to day.

Seeing how my overall body composition is not the main goal it doesn't really matter I guess, instead of dramatically cutting carbs out of meals I can just eat dessert on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and that's like an extra 600 calories and 100 G of carbs in a little bit of fat.

If my goal was bodybuilding and I was really trying to push for physique goals I wouldn't do things how I'm doing them.

I know what I should be doing but because my life is hectic sometimes convenience or I should say many times convenience is more important to me because without that convenience it's hard for me to just get through my day sometimes.

Like I can't eat a full meal while I'm driving in my car an hour and a half to work it's impossible so I eat the protein bar drink the shake.

There's many days at work where we have to skip our break I mean we don't but everyone else agrees too and I'm not going to be the odd man out who screws everything up so instead of sitting down and eating chicken rice and vegetables I can have just some grilled chicken and a wrap and walk around with it in my hand and eat it for 3 minutes or however long it takes.

If you guys noticed I'm eating a protein bar everyday and I'm having the protein powder with oats which is kind of like a shake can you guys know I'm against the shakes but at the moment these are convenience factors for me.

I may get to a point during this 10 weeks that I'm drinking multiple shakes a day if my job is getting too hectic.

I really don't want to resort to three meals and three shakes or two meals and three shakes or two meals and two shakes or whatever the heck it may be. But if it gets to a point where drinking a shake and eating a banana is my option versus not eating a meal at all then I'm absolutely going to do that.

You know, whatever it takes lol
As long as your doing whatever it takes because that's what the man expects lol


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Ok, day 3 back to training

3 rounds shadow boxing
3 heavy bag
Wide chins 5x5
Reverse grip bent row 185x5,5
Inverted row 15 rest pause 15
Incline dumbbell curl 20x15,13

If I haven't mentioned it already I significantly reduced the weights on everything that I'm doing and week by week I'm going to build these numbers back up in sets and reps and weights and hopefully had a few PRS. They probably won't be all time PRS but after about 10 weeks my body weight should be in the 180s and they'll probably be PRS for my body weight.

I lost way too much muscle last time I cut by not lifting weights for the last 8 weeks and I'm not doing that to myself this time


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By week 10 my goal is to be doing 10 rounds on the heavy bag and hitting failure with 3x5 or 5x5 on a few compound lifts


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10weeks will be right around new years. Il stop lifting when I get a fight date at 2 weeks out from the fight. 100% will be a fight early in the new year. There's multiple events to choose from between January and March


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So I just found out that the gym has a YouTube that they never use, they put up a 5 seccond clip that shows like one half of our gym and then they never use the channel for anything else.

At least now I know they can upload stuff so I'm gonna talk to one of them about my documenting some training and putting videos up!


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So I just found out that the gym has a YouTube that they never use, they put up a 5 seccond clip that shows like one half of our gym and then they never use the channel for anything else.

At least now I know they can upload stuff so I'm gonna talk to one of them about my documenting some training and putting videos up!
Is it in Connecticut


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So I just found out that the gym has a YouTube that they never use, they put up a 5 seccond clip that shows like one half of our gym and then they never use the channel for anything else.

At least now I know they can upload stuff so I'm gonna talk to one of them about my documenting some training and putting videos up!
It would be cool if they do that…..just tell them you’re promoting the gym, and it’s free advertising.


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Gym looks cool 👌 I was not ready for those opening sirens, though, lol. Media volume at max or close to, from listening to some podcast bits earlier.
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Is it in Connecticut
Ya, it's down the street from my house actually. Apparently they put all there stuff on Facebook and social media and I haven't been on social in like 7 years so I gotta make a Facebook page and get caught up with modern society


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My stepdaughter does this and it’s honestly pretty amusing
My kids do it with milk and juice. They will leave like 2-3oz in the bottom of the container. Just enough to say it's not empty but it's all just enough to piss you off because there's nothing you can do with 2oz of milk or juice lol


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Ya, it's down the street from my house actually. Apparently they put all there stuff on Facebook and social media and I haven't been on social in like 7 years so I gotta make a Facebook page and get caught up with modern society
Right on wife was from Connecticut she went to high school in Norwich..I don't know if that's by you or not although growing up in Cali everything in Connecticut seems close to me lol


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Right on wife was from Connecticut she went to high school in Norwich..I don't know if that's by you or not although growing up in Cali everything in Connecticut seems close to me lol
Norwich is 15-20min away from me. I lived in Norwich for a year or 2 with a girlfriend in my 20's and I went to highschool in New London but I played sports with a lot of kids from Norwich. NFA was the major highschool there. Then there was Norwich tech. I dated a girl from there on and off


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Norwich is 15-20min away from me. I lived in Norwich for a year or 2 with a girlfriend in my 20's and I went to highschool in New London but I played sports with a lot of kids from Norwich. NFA was the major highschool there. Then there was Norwich tech. I dated a girl from there on and off
That's crazy my wife went to high school st's crazy how big it is we drove past it when we were there back in 2011


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Hey dude you see big Paul posted a video about carb cycling on YouTube this morning. I haven't watched it yet but was excited about it because we were just talking about that


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Yesterday, three rounds Shadow boxing and three rounds on the heavy bag and then I did my leg workout.
Squat ATG 185x5,5,5
Walking lunges 95x10,10
Hanging leg raise 10,10
And then my weird little boxing squats it's about a 3/4 squat with constant time under tension I never lock out my legs I never go all the way down to the bottom holes just banging out reps, it's more of an endurance exercise.

I was way off in my guesstimate of how I would do on this I plan on doing 95x100, well I got 30 reps LOL and I can start to feel my legs cramping so I stopped so I need to build that number up to 100 and then I'll go to 135 and build that number up to 100 and so on. If I started my workout with that I'm pretty sure I could have got a hundred reps but the point is I want the muscular endurance in my legs when I'm already tired. And I can feel it in my quads like a mofo I know it's doing some other benefits as well.

I mean they're going to take today off or just do light cardio and then I'll be doing bodybuilding workouts over the weekend.

Might start sparing next week depending on how I feel, even if it's just getting in the ring and letting guys throw punches at me while I work on defense


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Yesterday, three rounds Shadow boxing and three rounds on the heavy bag and then I did my leg workout.
Squat ATG 185x5,5,5
Walking lunges 95x10,10
Hanging leg raise 10,10
And then my weird little boxing squats it's about a 3/4 squat with constant time under tension I never lock out my legs I never go all the way down to the bottom holes just banging out reps, it's more of an endurance exercise.

I was way off in my guesstimate of how I would do on this I plan on doing 95x100, well I got 30 reps LOL and I can start to feel my legs cramping so I stopped so I need to build that number up to 100 and then I'll go to 135 and build that number up to 100 and so on. If I started my workout with that I'm pretty sure I could have got a hundred reps but the point is I want the muscular endurance in my legs when I'm already tired. And I can feel it in my quads like a mofo I know it's doing some other benefits as well.

I mean they're going to take today off or just do light cardio and then I'll be doing bodybuilding workouts over the weekend.

Might start sparing next week depending on how I feel, even if it's just getting in the ring and letting guys throw punches at me while I work on defense
Those little 100 rep squats, people don’t realize how hard those can be until they give it a try. Just like Rocket’s 100 rep challenge squatting just the bar humbled a few, so I know doing it with 95 and eventually 135 is way harder than most realize.


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Those little 100 rep squats, people don’t realize how hard those can be until they give it a try. Just like Rocket’s 100 rep challenge squatting just the bar humbled a few, so I know doing it with 95 and eventually 135 is way harder than most realize.
Ya, I've done 100+ with the bar and I've done 100 with 95 but right now... No way.

I work my way back to it though. I'll be doing 135 for 100 around the New Year if I had to guess. That's right around the time I should be heading back towards my peak numbers for sets of three and five on the other lifts is everything goes to plan.


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Forgot to mention, guy at work gave me a 25mg weed gummy bear. Holy fukinshitballz, I have no drug tollerence any more lol.

Couple weeks back I was using some edibles to sleep but I was taking like 10 mg at a time but this 25 mg put me on my ass. I couldn't even get off the couch, it kicked in at about 7:00 maybe 7:30 last night and I swear to God I felt high when I woke up at 3:30 in the morning. Even right now I feel kind of groggy like I had a hangover. Gonna have to find tune my dosage and save them for cheat days that are followed by a day off.


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Good stuff in here. Might want to avoid training to failure on lifting while training before the fight. That grinding I was talking about. It is not needed for strength improvement and increases the risk of injury and slowing down. Working speed in the 3-5 rep range with more sets is going to allow you to improve strength and explosiveness. Plus if doing until it slows down to no longer accelerating the bar you will be doing more sets of 3-5 which is going to give you the volume needed to offer hypertrophy. I would concentrate on the one goal to whoop up on whatever youngster you get in there with and then let all of that speed work translate into new highs on strength. Since focusing on moving the bar as fast as possible you will be giving 100% on every rep regardless of the weight. If you can get faster at benching 185-255 or you are definitely getting stronger and when you go back to pushing heavier weights that will translate quickly into new PR's.


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At least for squat, I really experienced great results with this. Dr. Fred “Squat” Hatfield was huge on using like 70% of current ability and just pushing as hard as you can every rep for 5x5 with strictly controlled rests, only 2-2.5 minutes. This was the core of his off-season work, compensatory acceleration training he called it. Lighter it is, faster you push, and just heavy enough to transfer to max weights. He only worked heavier for 12 weeks leading into a contest, when he would be eating more and blasting.

The CAT training created a good foundation of technical practice, rapid power production, and being in shape when it came time to get heavy and go heavy later.


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Good stuff in here. Might want to avoid training to failure on lifting while training before the fight. That grinding I was talking about. It is not needed for strength improvement and increases the risk of injury and slowing down. Working speed in the 3-5 rep range with more sets is going to allow you to improve strength and explosiveness. Plus if doing until it slows down to no longer accelerating the bar you will be doing more sets of 3-5 which is going to give you the volume needed to offer hypertrophy. I would concentrate on the one goal to whoop up on whatever youngster you get in there with and then let all of that speed work translate into new highs on strength. Since focusing on moving the bar as fast as possible you will be giving 100% on every rep regardless of the weight. If you can get faster at benching 185-255 or you are definitely getting stronger and when you go back to pushing heavier weights that will translate quickly into new PR's.
At least for squat, I really experienced great results with this. Dr. Fred “Squat” Hatfield was huge on using like 70% of current ability and just pushing as hard as you can every rep for 5x5 with strictly controlled rests, only 2-2.5 minutes. This was the core of his off-season work, compensatory acceleration training he called it. Lighter it is, faster you push, and just heavy enough to transfer to max weights. He only worked heavier for 12 weeks leading into a contest, when he would be eating more and blasting.

The CAT training created a good foundation of technical practice, rapid power production, and being in shape when it came time to get heavy and go heavy later.
I really like both those suggestions, because it’s proven in real world applications that the combo of explosiveness and speed with the proper weight not only translates well to athletic performance but maintaining and even increasing strength.
We had a similar mindset back in the day training for arm wrestling, but we would do our strength training early in our training cycles, and when you had matches coming up switch to a more explosive/speed training program about 8 weeks out and go into the competition with the best of both worlds, still maintaining good strength, but having more explosiveness and speed which translated well to having power to slam your opponent on the table.
I definitely see that translating well to punching speed and power.


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I got plenty of time to tweak stuff so il definitely talk more with you guys on the speed/explosive stuff.

In the meantime, these coqsuckers called me at 430am on my day off to tell me they need me to unload some materials on a jobsite that's like 2 hours from my house so I'm missing my workout today. At least my morning planned workout. Il try to salvage it tonight and if I don't have time I'll just do a full body workout tomorrow. I got work, my son has homecoming and I'm supposed to do a date night with my girlfriend tonight. Not sure how to get everything done


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I got plenty of time to tweak stuff so il definitely talk more with you guys on the speed/explosive stuff.

In the meantime, these coqsuckers called me at 430am on my day off to tell me they need me to unload some materials on a jobsite that's like 2 hours from my house so I'm missing my workout today. At least my morning planned workout. Il try to salvage it tonight and if I don't have time I'll just do a full body workout tomorrow. I got work, my son has homecoming and I'm supposed to do a date night with my girlfriend tonight. Not sure how to get everything done
Sounds to me like they should be paying you for your time from 430am on. That's how it works for me if I'm on call.🤷‍♂️


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It’s bad enough they’re calling you at 4:30, but on a Saturday at that…..that sucks. Hopefully you’ll at least get to enjoy the family time.


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Small company, there's only like 10 of us and they seem to have no issues calling at any hour. There's lots of stuff these guys do that's not usually acceptable, but there's a good trade off. On most union jobs there's a hundred or few hundred guys and ppl looking over your shoulder and all kinds of annoying ****.

This company hardly ever is watching you. They mostly do small jobs where there's only us or us plus a few other guys and it's pretty laid back.

They also jumped me over a apprenticeship to a journeyman from day 1.

I had the option to say no, they couldn't force me to work today. But I figure, well I'm up anyways so why not.

Plus I got 5hrs in and they gotta pay $54hr on Saturday. Taxes will take most of it probably lol


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Try to finagle them to order breakfast to the job site on the company dime.

You gotta drive 2 hours each way, worth asking for a steak & eggs!
We asked the boss one day to pick us up a pizza and his head spun around like the exorcist and said I'm not buying you assholes pizza!

Then after he left his son handed us a credit card and said go get lunch. I was like you don't gotta do that dude, he was like **** him it's a company card il write it off 😂


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Sometimes there's good tradeoffs working for a small business. In Detroit I worked for a small business sane type thing. There were like 10 of us the owner worked right with us as did his son. Now back on Cali I work for o reilly auto parts at their NorCal distribution center and it has its perks as well


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No gym today, I just shoved down a bunch of food and took a nap after work. Not garbage food tho, basically I made myself a breakfast sandwich and a coffee this morning, then a protein oats bowl, rice and eggs, pork chops with asparagus and peppers and now I'm grilling up chicken. Basically I was using up all the crap in the fridge before tomorrows grocery haul. Planning out my meal plan now. I didn't check today's morning wait but midday was 209. I'm still happy with how I look but I can't let the scale get away from me so I gotta tighten it up.

What you guys think I should do tomorrow.

I was supposed to do push today and pull + legs tomorrow. But since I skipped the gym today I can either do the push workout in the morning and the pool workout later in the day or do I just skip the push workout and go straight for the pole plus legs, put a little extra effort into legs.

Seeing how I did mostly push workouts for the last 10 weeks leading up to the bench press competition I figure if I have to miss a workout the push workouts probably the one that's not the biggest deal


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Sometimes there's good tradeoffs working for a small business. In Detroit I worked for a small business sane type thing. There were like 10 of us the owner worked right with us as did his son. Now back on Cali I work for o reilly auto parts at their NorCal distribution center and it has its perks as well
Sounds like you and I are in the same neck of the woods, though norcal is a pretty big area!


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No gym today, I just shoved down a bunch of food and took a nap after work. Not garbage food tho, basically I made myself a breakfast sandwich and a coffee this morning, then a protein oats bowl, rice and eggs, pork chops with asparagus and peppers and now I'm grilling up chicken. Basically I was using up all the crap in the fridge before tomorrows grocery haul. Planning out my meal plan now. I didn't check today's morning wait but midday was 209. I'm still happy with how I look but I can't let the scale get away from me so I gotta tighten it up.

What you guys think I should do tomorrow.

I was supposed to do push today and pull + legs tomorrow. But since I skipped the gym today I can either do the push workout in the morning and the pool workout later in the day or do I just skip the push workout and go straight for the pole plus legs, put a little extra effort into legs.

Seeing how I did mostly push workouts for the last 10 weeks leading up to the bench press competition I figure if I have to miss a workout the push workouts probably the one that's not the biggest deal
I like the idea of doing both workouts in the one day, but that might just be my withdrawl talking from not being able to do either a push or pull workout for the last month!


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No gym today, I just shoved down a bunch of food and took a nap after work. Not garbage food tho, basically I made myself a breakfast sandwich and a coffee this morning, then a protein oats bowl, rice and eggs, pork chops with asparagus and peppers and now I'm grilling up chicken. Basically I was using up all the crap in the fridge before tomorrows grocery haul. Planning out my meal plan now. I didn't check today's morning wait but midday was 209. I'm still happy with how I look but I can't let the scale get away from me so I gotta tighten it up.

What you guys think I should do tomorrow.

I was supposed to do push today and pull + legs tomorrow. But since I skipped the gym today I can either do the push workout in the morning and the pool workout later in the day or do I just skip the push workout and go straight for the pole plus legs, put a little extra effort into legs.

Seeing how I did mostly push workouts for the last 10 weeks leading up to the bench press competition I figure if I have to miss a workout the push workouts probably the one that's not the biggest deal
I would say if you’re feeling pretty good and energized to do both, but if you know you’ve already put in a lot of work this past week, and can feel it, then I would do the pull/legs.


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Sounds like you and I are in the same neck of the woods, though norcal is a pretty big area!
I'm I stockton if you consider that NorCal. I've been here for about a year and half now. I was born in ventura County but spent most of my adult life in San Diego


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I would do a long hard combo of pull/legs, using something like a combination of the most sensible for you movements from a basic Dogcrapp template.

You cannot get enough volume on combo days for that to be the primary driver, so you are going to need some kind of intensity methods to make it count. Rest pause, very high rep, supersets that really bust your balls, etc.

Pick your movements carefully and just focus on quality work over quantity - and be safe.


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I would say if you’re feeling pretty good and energized to do both, but if you know you’ve already put in a lot of work this past week, and can feel it, then I would do the pull/legs.
I decided I'm gonna go do everything "full body" but put more effort where needed.

Shoulder press
Pull down
Leg press
Split squat
Leg ext.

Then if I got time il hit arms or maybe come back later and do it


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I would do a long hard combo of pull/legs, using something like a combination of the most sensible for you movements from a basic Dogcrapp template.

You cannot get enough volume on combo days for that to be the primary driver, so you are going to need some kind of intensity methods to make it count. Rest pause, very high rep, supersets that really bust your balls, etc.

Pick your movements carefully and just focus on quality work over quantity - and be safe.
You had to say that after I layed out my full body lol.

Your plan makes more sense tho.

I'm gonna bench first and then do the pull/legs.

That still is fairly close to my original plan.

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