In all seriousness, I'm nominating Suresha. I know for a fact he won Neogenix Supremacy and a log was never started. Many attempts by DDfox and other Neogenix reps to see if there was an issue but no reply. The rules and application process is clearly outlined in the promo.
Here's the application that was submitted -
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Here's the rules and guidelines that were outlined by DDfox. -
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I think everything was stated clearly and professionally by the Neogenix team what was expected of the loggers. The other participant had no problem getting his log going and completed. Again numerous attempts at contacting him resulted in failure. It has also been brought to my attention that he has burned other companies in the past. I can only speak on what happened to Neogenix but I'm sure those other companies can substantiate claims of failure to log products.
x2 on this guy, he ripped Athletix off as well. I can't seem to find which logging opp he entered, way too many of them, but here is the log he started, 1 post and never returned my PM's, plus he is still throwing apps up to rip more companies off.
Got a couple more guys for the black list if I get no response with in the next week.