The Blacklist- Terms/Conditions

In all seriousness, I'm nominating Suresha. I know for a fact he won Neogenix Supremacy and a log was never started. Many attempts by DDfox and other Neogenix reps to see if there was an issue but no reply. The rules and application process is clearly outlined in the promo.

Here's the application that was submitted -
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Here's the rules and guidelines that were outlined by DDfox. -
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I think everything was stated clearly and professionally by the Neogenix team what was expected of the loggers. The other participant had no problem getting his log going and completed. Again numerous attempts at contacting him resulted in failure. It has also been brought to my attention that he has burned other companies in the past. I can only speak on what happened to Neogenix but I'm sure those other companies can substantiate claims of failure to log products.

x2 on this guy, he ripped Athletix off as well. I can't seem to find which logging opp he entered, way too many of them, but here is the log he started, 1 post and never returned my PM's, plus he is still throwing apps up to rip more companies off.

Got a couple more guys for the black list if I get no response with in the next week.
JudgementDay said:
x2 on this guy, he ripped Athletix off as well. I can't seem to find which logging opp he entered, way too many of them, but here is the log he started, 1 post and never returned my PM's, plus he is still throwing apps up to rip more companies off.

Got a couple more guys for the black list if I get no response with in the next week.

He's burned a lot of us.

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3 strikes and your out, burn 3 companies I think a BAN is in order! I'm sure he will just make another account tho :frustrate

I was thinking that.. account should stay but there should be a notice or flag for the reps to know not to pick. user title maybe? Admin controlled..

Can Vboards support blocking be specific device?
That would be a great add to the site.

I know Facebook considers every computer / device unique. Does not look like they have that option yet. IP bans are too broad and can be spoofed if you really care enough, or you cut out real users. I am partial to the scarlet letter idea though :) maybe they would never figure out why they are never getting picked for anything anymore?
easy enough to get schizm to add to the first post the current blacklist members. don't really need to do much more than that honestly
JudgementDay said:
3 strikes and your out, burn 3 companies I think a BAN is in order! I'm sure he will just make another account tho :frustrate

I think this has more than fairly been presented I'd like to move this motion to pass. Maybe an admin can rule on this?
I always wondered what they do with the supps..

Never open them and sell them off?
Run them but dont bother logging?
Store them in a vault built into a mountain someplace?
I always wondered what they do with the supps..

Never open them and sell them off?
Run them but dont bother logging?
Store them in a vault built into a mountain someplace?

#2 is the most common really. #1 has happened with a couple people in the past.
I'd like to nominate myself. Stxnas sent me green tea ice cream samples a while back and I threw them away.
The sad thing is, when I searched his name, it looks like posts alot in all the log, contest or free product threads, looking to get free stuff:

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RoadBlocK said:
The sad thing is, when I searched his name, it looks like posts alot in all the log, contest or free product threads, looking to get free stuff:

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It's about all he does. Fires for every promo their is at a time.

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I think all reps should pass on the address of all blacklisted people that way when they do get banned there address will already be flagged, so even if they make a new account it won't matter. So if you guys were to share all blacklisted address with each other that would be the best thing in stopping them.
MrMarc said:
I think all reps should pass on the address of all blacklisted people that way when they do get banned there address will already be flagged, so even if they make a new account it won't matter. So if you guys were to share all blacklisted address with each other that would be the best thing in stopping them.

I don't agree with sharing addresses. That's private personal information and wouldn't be smart legally.

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Thought you ment IPaddress banned or something, totally misunderstood. I don't think it's a bad idea, but yea I don't think it would be legal.
I don't agree with sharing addresses. That's private personal information and wouldn't be smart legally.

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You can always create term and agreement like this --> Privacy Statement and Consent to Use of Data (the “Privacy Statement and Consent”) and agree that we may collect, use and transfer your Personal Data and User Data in accordance therewith. If you do not agree with these terms, you may choose not to use our "Insert what ever you want here". blahh blahh etc. Really simple and can be done legally.

I can easily write up a privacy statement/policy with terms and agreement. If that helps.
T-Bone said:
Black Lion Research is next. I think I'll inform them,

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I think they are aware ;-)

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I think they are aware ;-)

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I sent them a PM, apparently so did other people. This is an issue we all need to keep an eye on, if you see a scumbag who has failed to produce a promised log after taking free product, please post here, or PM someone in this thread so we can add them to the list.
I didn't want it to come to this. But if we become more active and keep this going we will be able to get the people who just want to win products and not participate in AM identified.
When you give out as much as Athletix does, you're bound to come across em' now and again!

Sadly it's a risk all companies take and acknowledge when sending out free product. Clearly though, the more generous a company is the more likely they are to have the misfortune of getting a bad logger :(
When you give out as much as Athletix does, you're bound to come across em' now and again!

Sadly it's a risk all companies take and acknowledge when sending out free product. Clearly though, the more generous a company is the more likely they are to have the misfortune of getting a bad logger :(
Dang. Is anyone else logging DMZ 2.0?
I was interested in the compound.
I had posted this on another thread but have to say that I think that people who do not log a product are just stupid. Come on man, how hard is it to keep track of your progress 3-5 times a week and post it on here? I mean you probably do anyway (I do) just to see how you are progressing. Just had to throw that in here.
Can I nominate IFORCE? Won but no delivery! Not mad...just pointing out its not always the winner who fails....

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StangBanger said:
Can I nominate IFORCE? Won but no delivery! Not mad...just pointing out its not always the winner who fails....

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Did you contact a rep?
Did you contact a rep?

repeatedly... PM and you can see in the thread.

no hate... just pointing out its not always the end user's fault. I cant start a log without the product.
What about a fall off, as in the logger does not show up anymore?
Would one assume he fell upon hard times and benefit of the doubt?

The second thing: is 2-3 times of asking in the log what's going on viable & multiple PMs viable as well? If no response black list?
What about a fall off, as in the logger does not show up anymore?
Would one assume he fell upon hard times and benefit of the doubt?

The second thing: is 2-3 times of asking in the log what's going on viable & multiple PMs viable as well? If no response black list?

Personally if the logger doesn't show up anymore that is the reason for the black list. If logger reappears with hey XXX happened to me sorry I'll make it up to company then that's worth reconsidering.