Tell Us What You Would Like to See From SNS & CEL (2023 Edition)



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Something else I thought of not really anything new.
Flavor samples of the powders, something you could just order a sample of all the flavors just one serving. I feel like a lot of times I won’t order something out of the norm for fear of not liking it and not using.

Don’t know if it would be worthwhile or not though from a business perspective.
That is something that I would like to do. However, the unfortunate reality is that the MOQ on sample packs, especially stick packs, is many thousands of packs at a time - 5k regular, 25k stick packs and that's per flavor. For example, if I offered sample packs of the ones I mentioned above, I would have to have over 25k tied up in just sample packs.

Now, don't get me wrong - that's if doing it the right way, as in cGMP. There are companies that don't follow the guidelines and make sample packs themselves to send out - and the large MOQ's to do it correctly is why they do that.

On our end, we are FDA registered and follow all cGMP guidelines and that would just be very difficult right now to have that much money tied up on sample packs because every dollar tied up in samples is a dollar that can't be put into bringing out new products or increasing inventory levels on existing ones. And we spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on testing and compliance and there's no way I could justify doing sample packs in any way other than absolutely by the guidelines.

I am exploring different avenues to be able to do that, and one thing on that may work out but its a significant investment and it would be Q1 of next year before it would be practical.

Thank you for the suggestion though. I really do like the idea - I just wanted to explain why its difficult for us to do.

Now, with all that said, down the road, if there's something that someone wants to try and I know you, I may not mind sending a sample of a flavor to try if I have one open myself. It would just be one of those things where I may could throw in a sample with someone's order that I know who they are when they place an order - but it has to be clearly understood that that's Steve the person doing that, not SNS or CEL the company.


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That is something that I would like to do. However, the unfortunate reality is that the MOQ on sample packs, especially stick packs, is many thousands of packs at a time - 5k regular, 25k stick packs and that's per flavor. For example, if I offered sample packs of the ones I mentioned above, I would have to have over 25k tied up in just sample packs.

Now, don't get me wrong - that's if doing it the right way, as in cGMP. There are companies that don't follow the guidelines and make sample packs themselves to send out - and the large MOQ's to do it correctly is why they do that.

On our end, we are FDA registered and follow all cGMP guidelines and that would just be very difficult right now to have that much money tied up on sample packs because every dollar tied up in samples is a dollar that can't be put into bringing out new products or increasing inventory levels on existing ones. And we spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on testing and compliance and there's no way I could justify doing sample packs in any way other than absolutely by the guidelines.

I am exploring different avenues to be able to do that, and one thing on that may work out but its a significant investment and it would be Q1 of next year before it would be practical.

Thank you for the suggestion though. I really do like the idea - I just wanted to explain why its difficult for us to do.

Now, with all that said, down the road, if there's something that someone wants to try and I know you, I may not mind sending a sample of a flavor to try if I have one open myself. It would just be one of those things where I may could throw in a sample with someone's order that I know who they are when they place an order - but it has to be clearly understood that that's Steve the person doing that, not SNS or CEL the company.
Yeah that’s what I wondered from a consumer standpoint it’s seems awesome but from a business standpoint I had a feeling it would be a boat load of coin to sample packets. Appreciate the explanation and I fully understand how that would be non feasible.


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That is something that I would like to do. However, the unfortunate reality is that the MOQ on sample packs, especially stick packs, is many thousands of packs at a time - 5k regular, 25k stick packs and that's per flavor. For example, if I offered sample packs of the ones I mentioned above, I would have to have over 25k tied up in just sample packs.

Now, don't get me wrong - that's if doing it the right way, as in cGMP. There are companies that don't follow the guidelines and make sample packs themselves to send out - and the large MOQ's to do it correctly is why they do that.

On our end, we are FDA registered and follow all cGMP guidelines and that would just be very difficult right now to have that much money tied up on sample packs because every dollar tied up in samples is a dollar that can't be put into bringing out new products or increasing inventory levels on existing ones. And we spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on testing and compliance and there's no way I could justify doing sample packs in any way other than absolutely by the guidelines.

I am exploring different avenues to be able to do that, and one thing on that may work out but its a significant investment and it would be Q1 of next year before it would be practical.

Thank you for the suggestion though. I really do like the idea - I just wanted to explain why its difficult for us to do.

Now, with all that said, down the road, if there's something that someone wants to try and I know you, I may not mind sending a sample of a flavor to try if I have one open myself. It would just be one of those things where I may could throw in a sample with someone's order that I know who they are when they place an order - but it has to be clearly understood that that's Steve the person doing that, not SNS or CEL the company.
Who sent you that?

“Steve the Person”


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Ha. Shoot me a text sometimes and I'll be glad to send you some progress pics.

It's actually never been easy for me to 're-gain' in the past. I know that some people have muscle come back fairly quick after a layoff but that's honestly never been the case with me. I've been horribly inconsistent with my training throughout my life bc of lack of time, injuries, and medical conditions.

And this time, I was by far the most of shape I've ever been in terms of the amount of fat I had and the amount of muscle I lost.

The biggest things I'm doing this time is doing a very comprehensive supplement regimen that targets things from a variety of angles and no more experimenting on diet and training for me - I've gone back to the way that works for me. None of the fancy new stuff, back to the diet that I did when I was in the best shape of my life and back to the type of training I was doing then too.

When it comes to supplements, I am very strategic about the things I take and especially moreso now bc I have a lot of making up to do in terms of building back muscle. We all talk about stacking things a lot - but I'm pretty OCD about it and put a lot of thought into what I take personally and why, and there has been a lot of thought and significant detail as to why I'm taking exactly what I'm taking in terms of method of action and how these work together. And its been coming together great - my strength is going up to where I'm having to be smart and keep things on a pace and slow it down to allow my joints and ligaments to keep up any my muscular endurance has been really interesting bc I've always had issues with fatiguing towards the end of my workouts and right now, I feel like I could keep going and going and my strength isn't dropping towards the end. It's the first time in my life ever that I've felt like I could finish as strong as starting. And muscle wise, I'm nowhere near as muscular as some here, but I'm also 45 years old and have an autoimmune and endocrinology condition and got ran over by a car, so context matters haha. The significant thing for me on that is that I'm 4 weeks into this stack and I've gained enough muscle in the last month to where I'm having people comment on it at random places like the grocery store, so that's cool and it helps me mentally bc I'll look at myself one day and be happy with my progress and the next day be bummed bc of how far I have left to go; so knowing others can see it is nice.

I plan on running my supplement stack I'm doing for 20 weeks and I'll probably add a couple things in along the way as new products come out. The natural anabolic we have coming out in a few weeks, I'm extremely excited about for personal use because of the methods of action being pretty unique and it working in ways that make it very stackable with Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, and Phosphatidic Acid XT.
Congratulations on your results! I am sure you will end up where you want to be! I know it's been a struggle but it's great to hear that you are on the mend and getting better, stronger, leaner, etc. Keep at it and good luck!!


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Steve, not a request , well maybe if you have ideas but any supplements that help with women's hair loss post pregnancy? My wife has tried biotin. I see a lot of reviews for colostrum but no research which tends to make me believe they're hype.

Though a men's/womens hair keep product would be awesome1


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Steve, not a request , well maybe if you have ideas but any supplements that help with women's hair loss post pregnancy? My wife has tried biotin. I see a lot of reviews for colostrum but no research which tends to make me believe they're hype.

Though a men's/womens hair keep product would be awesome1
We are going to be doing a very comprehensive hair, skin, and nails formula probably Q1 of next year. It's a very special project to me and it will be more than just a product; not trying to sound vague, it's just a lot to it and will tie in with some special causes and things so there's a lot more to planning it than just the formula, which itself is done.

First, congratulations on the pregnancy. I will keep you and her in my prayers.

The issue with hair loss and pregnancy is that it is usually hormonal but can be from other things. Biotin is one of the standard go to's for that and it does work for a lot of women, but not everyone. The issue and risky part there is that its not safe or ethical for any ingredients to be tested on pregnant women, so there is a lack of knowledge in general on how things will help with that. I do know of a couple of ingredients that may help, but you would need to check with your doctor to make sure it is okay for her to use them - I have seen clinical studies showing that it is, but this is one of those always ask your doctor situations before having her use anything. BUT I want to check and see if I can find a brand of it that I trust or trust more than others for you - do me a favor and send me a pm with your email address, or if you have my email address, send me an email about this. I am making a note to look and see who is making what I'm thinking about right now. I'm actually thinking of doing one when we do a women's line, but that will be next year sometimes.
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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Divana-plex solo.


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I hate it when AM stops sending me emails about new posts.
I gave up on it doing that a long time ago haha. I turned my email notifications off and just look for the alert one it shows up top, but sometimes I miss those too somehow.


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I don't think there's any use putting that in there as its not really much to it imo. USP had a tendency to do prop blends and I'm not a fan of that; but I think they did it and threw small doses of some obscure things in there to make it harder to copy at the time.

When Precision's Primal came out and people said they were getting the same results from it as from the original Prime, there was none of that ingredient in Primal.

I mean, we could throw some in there but honestly it would just be for marketing as I don't think it actually does anything; that's why I was avoiding it.
that sounds like a spot-on analysis about the superfluous addition of chebulic. it was touted to "expel urine, stool and other waste materials from the body." what bodybuilder wouldn't want to drop a mondo duke between sets? thankfully it was inert in my experience.


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Do not make me come back into this thread and ask about the Libido supplement. Don’t do it!


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This is one of those that I'm going to have to politely decline to go into details on. The reason for that is because the raw material supplier that provides these exact raws doesn't want spec details given out so as to not make it easier for other companies to copy they're raw materials. They're actually pretty excited on our end that we're bringing this back too.

This is one that I'll give credit to both USP and Precision Research for in not going into details about the exact specifics of it - I don't think they did it to be deceptive or anything, I think they did it so as to not make it easy for others to copy their products.
this is interesting. it is rather insane how something like that went out of use. i wonder if the secrecy contributed to the novel extract fading into obscurity


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Do not make me come back into this thread and ask about the Libido supplement. Don’t do it!
Ha. I actually have a copy of the label design on my desk in a stack to go thru from the graphic designer right now along with probably half dozen other labels. So the label artwork should be finalized in the next couple of days and they'll be ordered and it will go into production process.

Right now, I think on my desk I have labels to proofread for:

Libido Boost XT
Prostate Support XT
Mood Support XT
Sleep Support XT (melatonin free sleep product)
A new CEL natural anabolic
Another exciting CEL product that will be for fat loss and improved endurance

And those are just the ones I need to proofread; that doesn't include the things already in production and getting ready to come out, which include a new SNS natural anabolic, a nighttime fat burner, and the new Growth Factor XT.


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this is interesting. it is rather insane how something like that went out of use. i wonder if the secrecy contributed to the novel extract fading into obscurity
I think there were a variety of factors:
  • It isn't easy to source - I just happen to know the supplier in this case as I've worked with them for years.
  • A lot of people confuse it with Tribulus Terrestris, which makes companies less interested in it bc it's much more expensive.
  • It is not an inexpensive raw material, especially to be just one ingredient.
  • Combined with the high price, it also has to be dosed very high so its not cheap for a single ingredient product.
  • The daily dosage is 6 caps per day or more - which from a sales statistic standpoint, and this would be from a large company standpoint, they look at it like you lose a significant amount of sales anytime you have to go over 4 caps per day.
I think all of those things contributed.


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sns alpha yohimbine. youre welcome. day 1 of use is nothing compared to day 8. league of its own
It's a shame that there is so much confusion on Alpha Yohimbine vs. Yohimbine HCI.

There are a lot of people that love Yohimbine HCI but there are many people that can't take it; and a lot of those assume they can't take Alpha Yohimbine, but most of them could if they tried it. Furthermore, a lot of people that think they have used real Alpha Yohimbine haven't because for years it was a very common problem of brands trying to pass off Yohimbine HCI as Alpha Yohimbine or mixing them together to cut costs bc of Alpha Yohimbine being more expensive than Yohimbine HCI.

I can't take Yohimbine HCI even at small doses but I love Alpha Yohimbine caps.


sns alpha yohimbine. youre welcome. day 1 of use is nothing compared to day 8. league of its own. i prepped with it for a vacation with my girlfriend and yeah she was obliterated
Congrats (?) on the obliteration. Haha.
How did you dose this? Just following label instructions?


That's interesting, I guess I'll need to try out that Alpha Yohimbine. I had read many times about Yohimbine as a libido booster. I took it once as part of Hi-Techs Stamina-RX and I felt really terrible on it. So I took it as something that's not working for me.


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sns alpha yohimbine. youre welcome. day 1 of use is nothing compared to day 8. league of its own. i prepped with it for a vacation with my girlfriend and yeah she was obliterated
I already have this! haha.


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It's a shame that there is so much confusion on Alpha Yohimbine vs. Yohimbine HCI.

There are a lot of people that love Yohimbine HCI but there are many people that can't take it; and a lot of those assume they can't take Alpha Yohimbine, but most of them could if they tried it. Furthermore, a lot of people that think they have used real Alpha Yohimbine haven't because for years it was a very common problem of brands trying to pass off Yohimbine HCI as Alpha Yohimbine or mixing them together to cut costs bc of Alpha Yohimbine being more expensive than Yohimbine HCI.

I can't take Yohimbine HCI even at small doses but I love Alpha Yohimbine caps.
It's opposite for me, as the dude on Fitness Deal News says: AY makes me go into SURVIVAL MODE!!!
YHCL has NO sides for me whatsoever.


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It's opposite for me, as the dude on Fitness Deal News says: AY makes me go into SURVIVAL MODE!!!
YHCL has NO sides for me whatsoever.
Alpha Yohimbine is great for me but Yohimbine HCI makes me have flu like symptoms even at low dosages.

Real Alpha Yohimbine though I really like for energy and I do think it helps a lot with erection quality.


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That's interesting, I guess I'll need to try out that Alpha Yohimbine. I had read many times about Yohimbine as a libido booster. I took it once as part of Hi-Techs Stamina-RX and I felt really terrible on it. So I took it as something that's not working for me.
I wouldn't say that Yohimbine itself is so much of a libido booster as it can help with erection quality. I can't take regular Yohimbine myself because it makes me feel terrible too. But I really like Alpha Yohimbine.


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Alpha Yohimbine is great for me but Yohimbine HCI makes me have flu like symptoms even at low dosages.

Real Alpha Yohimbine though I really like for energy and I do think it helps a lot with erection quality.
I don’t like the way I feel on it and can’t train on it, but Alpha Y definitely improves my erectile quality and sensitivity.


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It's a shame that there is so much confusion on Alpha Yohimbine vs. Yohimbine HCI.

There are a lot of people that love Yohimbine HCI but there are many people that can't take it; and a lot of those assume they can't take Alpha Yohimbine, but most of them could if they tried it. Furthermore, a lot of people that think they have used real Alpha Yohimbine haven't because for years it was a very common problem of brands trying to pass off Yohimbine HCI as Alpha Yohimbine or mixing them together to cut costs bc of Alpha Yohimbine being more expensive than Yohimbine HCI.

I can't take Yohimbine HCI even at small doses but I love Alpha Yohimbine caps.
Congrats (?) on the obliteration. Haha.
How did you dose this? Just following label instructions?
1 cap x2. the label is pretty strict due to the fact that some people skyrocket into dangerous inherent health issues, but i have abused it in the past. the abuse has resulted in some fascinating consequences that i suppose i shouldnt get into here as it might sound like im advocating that abuse


It's opposite for me, as the dude on Fitness Deal News says: AY makes me go into SURVIVAL MODE!!!
YHCL has NO sides for me whatsoever.
I’m like that too. AY makes me anxious and jittery as hell even at low doses. Y-HCl I can take about 15mgs a day when cutting and feel 100% fine - and I usually add it to an EC stack.


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I’m like that too. AY makes me anxious and jittery as hell even at low doses. Y-HCl I can take about 15mgs a day when cutting and feel 100% fine - and I usually add it to an EC stack.
man i wish a supplement could make me anxious. i would turn that anxiety into pure productivity.


man i wish a supplement could make me anxious. i would turn that anxiety into pure productivity.
Problem is that this kind of anxiety is so counterproductive… jitters, brain fog, irregular heartbeat, dizziness.
Y HCl makes me feel good, though. Active, energetic, and productive
Guess I’m the opposite of most people when it comes to Yohimbine


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We are going to be doing a very comprehensive hair, skin, and nails formula probably Q1 of next year. It's a very special project to me and it will be more than just a product; not trying to sound vague, it's just a lot to it and will tie in with some special causes and things so there's a lot more to planning it than just the formula, which itself is done.

First, congratulations on the pregnancy. I will keep you and her in my prayers.

The issue with hair loss and pregnancy is that it is usually hormonal but can be from other things. Biotin is one of the standard go to's for that and it does work for a lot of women, but not everyone. The issue and risky part there is that its not safe or ethical for any ingredients to be tested on pregnant women, so there is a lack of knowledge in general on how things will help with that. I do know of a couple of ingredients that may help, but you would need to check with your doctor to make sure it is okay for her to use them - I have seen clinical studies showing that it is, but this is one of those always ask your doctor situations before having her use anything. BUT I want to check and see if I can find a brand of it that I trust or trust more than others for you - do me a favor and send me a pm with your email address, or if you have my email address, send me an email about this. I am making a note to look and see who is making what I'm thinking about right now. I'm actually thinking of doing one when we do a women's line, but that will be next year sometimes.
pm sent, thank you very much!


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We are going to be doing a very comprehensive hair, skin, and nails formula probably Q1 of next year. It's a very special project to me and it will be more than just a product; not trying to sound vague, it's just a lot to it and will tie in with some special causes and things so there's a lot more to planning it than just the formula, which itself is done.

First, congratulations on the pregnancy. I will keep you and her in my prayers.

The issue with hair loss and pregnancy is that it is usually hormonal but can be from other things. Biotin is one of the standard go to's for that and it does work for a lot of women, but not everyone. The issue and risky part there is that its not safe or ethical for any ingredients to be tested on pregnant women, so there is a lack of knowledge in general on how things will help with that. I do know of a couple of ingredients that may help, but you would need to check with your doctor to make sure it is okay for her to use them - I have seen clinical studies showing that it is, but this is one of those always ask your doctor situations before having her use anything. BUT I want to check and see if I can find a brand of it that I trust or trust more than others for you - do me a favor and send me a pm with your email address, or if you have my email address, send me an email about this. I am making a note to look and see who is making what I'm thinking about right now. I'm actually thinking of doing one when we do a women's line, but that will be next year sometimes.
Very excited about this product and will 100% be buying.


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Very excited about this product and will 100% be buying.
Thank you. I'm very excited about that product and about the project in general.


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I wanted to let everyone know that we received Cloma-Plex in stock yesterday.

Here is a link to the post in the thread with the back in stock discount prices:



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Are you still coming out with a product for gut health or is it already out? I remember reading that somewhere on here and was interested in picking it up once it came out.


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Are you still coming out with a product for gut health or is it already out? I remember reading that somewhere on here and was interested in picking it up once it came out.
We are still planning on coming out with it.

There are actually going to be several different products - a very comprehensive overall gut health formula, a multi biotic formula that will be very unique, and then a probiotic that has a specific emphasis on fat loss in addition to gut health and immune support.


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We are still planning on coming out with it.

There are actually going to be several different products - a very comprehensive overall gut health formula, a multi biotic formula that will be very unique, and then a probiotic that has a specific emphasis on fat loss in addition to gut health and immune support.
Oh nice! I'm looking forward to it. I feel like companies should be addressing this more. Seems to be overlooked.


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Oh nice! I'm looking forward to it. I feel like companies should be addressing this more. Seems to be overlooked.
Thank you. I agree.

I feel like more companies should be addressing this and I also feel like a lot of the existing products are formulated in a way to make the cheapest possible product and identify it as the highest CFU amounts - and that is deceptive because high CFU amounts may seem impressive, but their are some strains that high CFU amounts really still don't mean much, whereas there are some very potent forms that don't require high CFU amounts.


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The SNS, CEL, and Muscle Addiction Labor Day Sale is now live.

See this thread for full details and specials:



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And just a fun teaser of exciting things to come soon.



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We also have just received the following back in stock:
  • SNS GlycoPhase
  • SNS Thermo Scorch
  • Muscle Addiction Muscle Plex
  • CEL Lipo Elite
We also just released a larger size in Betaine Anhydrous powder.



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Searched and didnt look like the folks at AM were too excited about Peptistrong when Glaxon introduced it lol



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Searched and didnt look like the folks at AM were too excited about Peptistrong when Glaxon introduced it lol

Because lots of users on here are pretty tribal and just dog pile on brands without really understanding what they are talking about.

Fwiw Glaxon is usually much more expensive so I’m betting SNS will have a much better price point and additions to the formula. 😁

I’m sure when it drops some users will be around for nuanced input. 😉


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Searched and didnt look like the folks at AM were too excited about Peptistrong when Glaxon introduced it lol

In the link you posted, no one said anything of any substance about the ingredient itself - and I doubt that many looked into it well enough to - that thread went straight to 'let's bash Glaxon for their prices and shiny labels'.

And one of the negative posters in that thread used to bash basically everything and finally got himself banned for it.

So I don't think a less than a page thread of people complaining about Glaxon's prices and labels and one person complaining over something he didn't even understand really has anything to do with the ingredient itself.

Here is a good article on PeptiStrong you can check out:



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the machines are taking over and ensuring I have ample MTOR activation. stoked.
Ha. I'm glad you're excited.

I'm very excited for this one myself.


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I’m very excited about the Pepti-Plex! Gotta add that to my upcoming stack.


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Searched and didnt look like the folks at AM were too excited about Peptistrong when Glaxon introduced it lol

thanks for including the link. yeah there is a guy on there saying who cares about a comparison to the protein synthesis induced by insulin! newsflash: the effect insulin has on protein synthesis is absolutely no joke.

my experience with mtor supporting ingredients has been either a profound hit or a total miss. sometimes i wonder if all the leucine i take has maxed me out in that area. regardless, anything along these lines is a must-try
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