Tell Us What You Would Like to See From SNS & CEL (2023 Edition)



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I need some input and a 'show of hands' on who would want us to do a Tribulus Aquaticus product like the old USP Labs Prime or Precision Research's Primal?

I can get the raw materials no problem, so its just a matter of if enough people really want us to do it or not.


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I need some input and a 'show of hands' on who would want us to do a Tribulus Aquaticus product like the old USP Labs Prime or Precision Research's Primal?

I can get the raw materials no problem, so its just a matter of if enough people really want us to do it or not.
Im totally in. Would also beta test if there are any doubts. For those of you who dont know, this was a product that usplasb released with the most outrageous claims of gains in strength and muscle, and for many people it delivered. It came with a chart projecting major strength increases around the 3-4 week mark, and around week 3 i believe i just decided to lump an additional 90lbs to my bench


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I need some input and a 'show of hands' on who would want us to do a Tribulus Aquaticus product like the old USP Labs Prime or Precision Research's Primal?

I can get the raw materials no problem, so its just a matter of if enough people really want us to do it or not.
I think I'd give it a go. In your opinion, is this superior to Tribulus Terrestris? Is it primarily used to enhance libido, like Tribulus Terrestris. Sorry for my lack of familiarity/knowledge of the differences.


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Im totally in. Would also beta test if there are any doubts. For those of you who dont know, this was a product that usplasb released with the most outrageous claims of gains in strength and muscle, and for many people it delivered. It came with a chart projecting major strength increases around the 3-4 week mark, and around week 3 i believe i just decided to lump an additional 90lbs to my bench
Thank you.

Honestly, the days of being able to beta test things are gone - at least for companies like us that are cGMP compliant. The reason is that everything we do and offer is manufactured by cGMP compliant contract manufacturers and includes ingredient testing, finished product testing, etc. So for that reason, everything that we do is done has to be done in commercial size runs. We can do smaller size runs on some things on single ingredient products for first runs to see if they sell alright, but we're still talking 500 units or so.

I would never market any of the wild claims that USP Labs did, but a lot of people did seem to like it.

I also always say when it comes to the old USP Labs stuff, there were also the rumors and possibilities that there was more in some of their products than the labels said - so we can match the ingredients in terms of declared active ingredients, but if there was anything else in there, then that we can't. But on this particular one, a lot of people said that they did get similar results from Precision Research Primal when it was available, so that would lead me to think that the ingredient itself is going to deliver good results.


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I think I'd give it a go. In your opinion, is this superior to Tribulus Terrestris? Is it primarily used to enhance libido, like Tribulus Terrestris. Sorry for my lack of familiarity/knowledge of the differences.
I think its completely different from Tribulus Terrestris. Tribulus Terrestris is great for libido whereas this type is more for building muscle.

Nothing to be sorry for at all - most people don't know the differences. That's one of my worries with this, that people may categorize it in with or confuse it with the type of Tribulus they're more familiar with and not understand the differences and why it would be more expensive.


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I agree i think the ingredient wasnt all that bad .. im a fan of orignal trib .. i get made fun of alot but what can i say i react to it

as for USP labs prime .. their claims and marking it for $50-60 threw alot of OGs off, back then we didn't had inflation lol


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I agree i think the ingredient wasnt all that bad .. im a fan of orignal trib .. i get made fun of alot but what can i say i react to it

as for USP labs prime .. their claims and marking it for $50-60 threw alot of OGs off, back then we didn't had inflation lol
Tribulus-750 is a good seller for us.

Tribulus in general is one of those things that here on AM its like some people are just pre-programmed to bash on Tribulus, some because of old marketing claims that some brands made, but a lot of people now days just put something down bc it seems to be the cool thing to do. But it does work very well for libido in a lot of people.


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I need some input and a 'show of hands' on who would want us to do a Tribulus Aquaticus product like the old USP Labs Prime or Precision Research's Primal?

I can get the raw materials no problem, so its just a matter of if enough people really want us to do it or not.
I would give it a try.


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Thank you.

Honestly, the days of being able to beta test things are gone - at least for companies like us that are cGMP compliant. The reason is that everything we do and offer is manufactured by cGMP compliant contract manufacturers and includes ingredient testing, finished product testing, etc. So for that reason, everything that we do is done has to be done in commercial size runs. We can do smaller size runs on some things on single ingredient products for first runs to see if they sell alright, but we're still talking 500 units or so.

I would never market any of the wild claims that USP Labs did, but a lot of people did seem to like it.

I also always say when it comes to the old USP Labs stuff, there were also the rumors and possibilities that there was more in some of their products than the labels said - so we can match the ingredients in terms of declared active ingredients, but if there was anything else in there, then that we can't. But on this particular one, a lot of people said that they did get similar results from Precision Research Primal when it was available, so that would lead me to think that the ingredient itself is going to deliver good results.
i can testify the wild claims were 100% true with Prime. The fact that so many people believe it was spiked should speak to it's effectiveness. was it spiked? i doubt it. it was widely distributed and there were plenty of guys who passed contest drugtests when taking it. i took it from the first batch until Primal stopped being made; that's a span of quite a few years of continuous use with no sides. nothing horrible happened when i got off of it


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personally, building muscle to lose fat is where it's at. If youre taking something that lets you lift more and get more muscle, the body is going to burn massive calories just having that muscle. anyone who lifts weights and hasnt tried it should be interested. there definately arent any issues with absorption, as im the King of not absorbing something due to larger molecular sizing, but there were nonresponders for sure. i wondered if the glucocorticoid explanation was accurate and thought maybe people who didnt respond were among the demograph of folks that produce something like 3x the cortisol in a day as others; as i recall there were very expensive strategies people posted on here involving higher doses that got some people to respond when they were nonresponders. i had actually gotten my aldosterone tested once; at the time i was theorizing mine was low and that this may explain why im a creatine non-responder. the explanation that somepeople are naturally always topped off with creatine doesnt sit well with me. anyway, my aldosterone was a 4 on a 30 point scale. still within healthy range, but a huge difference from others in that range for sure. anyway, i wondered if thats why Prime helped me so much, ie less to suppress


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i can testify the wild claims were 100% true with Prime. The fact that so many people believe it was spiked should speak to it's effectiveness. was it spiked? i doubt it. it was widely distributed and there were plenty of guys who passed contest drugtests when taking it. i took it from the first batch until Primal stopped being made; that's a span of quite a few years of continuous use with no sides. nothing horrible happened when i got off of it
I think that me main reason that some people felt like it may have been spiked was because of the issues that came out about some other USP Labs products. When something like that happens, it casts uncertainty over different things sometimes.

My disclaimer is nothing against USP at all - I always give that disclaimer when anyone asks us to do anything like an old USP Labs product because back when I used to not say that, a lot of people would post and say how they thought their old products may have been spiked and it would then seem to create an air of uncertainty over it. So I always try to address it from the word go - and just state that yes, we can do a product like _____ and I can source the same raw materials for it and therefore it should work exactly the same assuming that the ingredients on the label were all that was in there.

I'm glad to hear that you had such good luck with it.

Would you say that your results with Precision Research's Primal was the exact same as with USP Labs Prime?

The reason I'm asking is that while I can't speak on or don't really have an opinion on whether there was anything else in USP's, I do believe that Primal was exactly what it was supposed to be. So, if I was asked if we could do a product exactly like Primal, the answer would be yes, exactly.


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personally, building muscle to lose fat is where it's at. If youre taking something that lets you lift more and get more muscle, the body is going to burn massive calories just having that muscle. anyone who lifts weights and hasnt tried it should be interested. there definately arent any issues with absorption, as im the King of not absorbing something due to larger molecular sizing, but there were nonresponders for sure. i wondered if the glucocorticoid explanation was accurate and thought maybe people who didnt respond were among the demograph of folks that produce something like 3x the cortisol in a day as others; as i recall there were very expensive strategies people posted on here involving higher doses that got some people to respond when they were nonresponders. i had actually gotten my aldosterone tested once; at the time i was theorizing mine was low and that this may explain why im a creatine non-responder. the explanation that somepeople are naturally always topped off with creatine doesnt sit well with me. anyway, my aldosterone was a 4 on a 30 point scale. still within healthy range, but a huge difference from others in that range for sure. anyway, i wondered if thats why Prime helped me so much, ie less to suppress
It's actually interesting that you wrote that - about building muscle to lose fat. I preach that all the time and a lot of times, I feel like I'm just ready to beat my head into my desk with the way some people respond to it. Like me currently, I was just able to start back training in June after not being able to lift for almost a year and a half after getting run over by a car. I had lost all my muscle and gained a lot of fat. I lost 40 lbs. between Feb. and June with just diet and supplements but no exercise. Finally in June, I was able to start back doing some light training. I want to lose more fat, but my priority was building back muscle - and of course, enter the negativity of where a lot of people had to tell me how you can't do that at one time and I'm like - uh, yeah, you can, I've done it. I'm doing a massive supplement regimen (Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Recomp20, Ecdy-Plex, Phosphatidic Acid XT) right now along with diet and training regimen that I know works best for me, I'm about 4 weeks into it and I've gained almost 20 lbs. and have lost a half inch around my belly button while getting a lot leaner in my shoulders, arms, and chest. That's how it tends to work for me, its like fat loss starts there and works its way down.

As a company owner, I don't post a log or anything bc I feel like most people would just think I was biased or wouldn't believe it anyway, so when I speak of my own results, its normally a casual comment or using myself as an example to encourage someone else. But like last week, someone posted that I couldn't be gaining that much muscle and losing fat at the same time - and I'm like, yeah, according to the scale, my mirror, and my measurements, I am. And plus, a couple of the people I know on here very well, I send them pictures monthly just for accountability purposes bc I do better when I know someone is going to be seeing it.

Sorry if that came off as rambling, just super agree with what you said there - about the impact that building muscle can have on fat loss.

Back to the supplement part of the discussion - I agree there too - I don't think that there are any absorption issues with the ingredient, but I do think that there are going to be some people that respond better to it than others; which I think is the case with many herbal ingredients.

Your explanation makes sense on the reason that it may have helped you more than it does some people.

I think with a lot of things there are little tips and tricks that can be done to maximize results in general. Even with my own personal supply regimen, I hate the word synergistic because its so overused now days, so I'll say I'm very strategic about the things I stack and take together based on the way that they can enhance the benefits of one another.


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I think that me main reason that some people felt like it may have been spiked was because of the issues that came out about some other USP Labs products. When something like that happens, it casts uncertainty over different things sometimes.

My disclaimer is nothing against USP at all - I always give that disclaimer when anyone asks us to do anything like an old USP Labs product because back when I used to not say that, a lot of people would post and say how they thought their old products may have been spiked and it would then seem to create an air of uncertainty over it. So I always try to address it from the word go - and just state that yes, we can do a product like _____ and I can source the same raw materials for it and therefore it should work exactly the same assuming that the ingredients on the label were all that was in there.

I'm glad to hear that you had such good luck with it.

Would you say that your results with Precision Research's Primal was the exact same as with USP Labs Prime?

The reason I'm asking is that while I can't speak on or don't really have an opinion on whether there was anything else in USP's, I do believe that Primal was exactly what it was supposed to be. So, if I was asked if we could do a product exactly like Primal, the answer would be yes, exactly.
so i didnt see any letdown in benefits when switching to primal, but when i got off primal it isnt like i saw an immediate plunge either. the short answer is i dont have a clear recollection of the timeframes for how long i took primal (possibly years, as i made a stash when production stopped) and how long it was before i lost significant strength after dropping primal (possibly 6 months to a year)

with regards to USPlabs, it is very rare that executives go to jail for their breech. they had the book thrown at them because they were total dirtbags during the proceedings. for example, they got caught selling off inventory anyway of their aegiline despite whatever injunctions were involved. there was other stuff they did that without doubt paint them as totally shady; i just dont think they spent more money adding secret illegal ingredients trying to make people more jacked


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so i didnt see any letdown in benefits when switching to primal, but when i got off primal it isnt like i saw an immediate plunge either. the short answer is i dont have a clear recollection of the timeframes for how long i took primal (possibly years, as i made a stash when production stopped) and how long it was before i lost significant strength after dropping primal (possibly 6 months to a year)

with regards to USPlabs, it is very rare that executives go to jail for their breech. they had the book thrown at them because they were total dirtbags during the proceedings. for example, they got caught selling off inventory anyway of their aegiline despite whatever injunctions were involved. there was other stuff they did that without doubt paint them as totally shady; i just dont think they spent more money adding secret illegal ingredients trying to make people more jacked
I wasn't talking about the whole legal issue with USP - I was talking about the one where some products had been tested and had things in them that the labels didn't declare. That was part of some separate issues for them. I think that's why a lot of people felt like there may have been some extra's in other things.

That's why I think that Primal really is the measuring stick - because it wouldn't have applied to that product, so if that one worked the same as the USP Labs one, then that gives just a little further assurance if that makes sense.

I think its a good indicator that you still continued to get the same type of results from Primal and didn't see a drop when you stopped Primal. I think that's the advantage to a lot of good natural products anyway is that unlike a lot of other things, you can generally keep your gains from them.

Prime was a 120 capsule (and may have been a 150 cap at one time), Primal was a 150 capsule; I'm thinking of doing either a 150 or a 180 capsule.

Now, I just need to think of a good name for it.


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It's actually interesting that you wrote that - about building muscle to lose fat. I preach that all the time and a lot of times, I feel like I'm just ready to beat my head into my desk with the way some people respond to it. Like me currently, I was just able to start back training in June after not being able to lift for almost a year and a half after getting run over by a car. I had lost all my muscle and gained a lot of fat. I lost 40 lbs. between Feb. and June with just diet and supplements but no exercise. Finally in June, I was able to start back doing some light training. I want to lose more fat, but my priority was building back muscle - and of course, enter the negativity of where a lot of people had to tell me how you can't do that at one time and I'm like - uh, yeah, you can, I've done it. I'm doing a massive supplement regimen (Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Recomp20, Ecdy-Plex, Phosphatidic Acid XT) right now along with diet and training regimen that I know works best for me, I'm about 4 weeks into it and I've gained almost 20 lbs. and have lost a half inch around my belly button while getting a lot leaner in my shoulders, arms, and chest. That's how it tends to work for me, its like fat loss starts there and works its way down.

As a company owner, I don't post a log or anything bc I feel like most people would just think I was biased or wouldn't believe it anyway, so when I speak of my own results, its normally a casual comment or using myself as an example to encourage someone else. But like last week, someone posted that I couldn't be gaining that much muscle and losing fat at the same time - and I'm like, yeah, according to the scale, my mirror, and my measurements, I am. And plus, a couple of the people I know on here very well, I send them pictures monthly just for accountability purposes bc I do better when I know someone is going to be seeing it.

Sorry if that came off as rambling, just super agree with what you said there - about the impact that building muscle can have on fat loss.

Back to the supplement part of the discussion - I agree there too - I don't think that there are any absorption issues with the ingredient, but I do think that there are going to be some people that respond better to it than others; which I think is the case with many herbal ingredients.

Your explanation makes sense on the reason that it may have helped you more than it does some people.

I think with a lot of things there are little tips and tricks that can be done to maximize results in general. Even with my own personal supply regimen, I hate the word synergistic because its so overused now days, so I'll say I'm very strategic about the things I stack and take together based on the way that they can enhance the benefits of one another.

totally. yeah. muscle vs fat. same weight. youre right ive met plenty of people that dont know this. also, i feel like fat burned off with cardio, for example, comes back fast. i think it took me 7 days to lose everything i had accomplished from cardio for my waist in a year. fat loss that resulted from muscle gain takes longer to comeback because the muscles dont just vanish after a week


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I need some input and a 'show of hands' on who would want us to do a Tribulus Aquaticus product like the old USP Labs Prime or Precision Research's Primal?

I can get the raw materials no problem, so its just a matter of if enough people really want us to do it or not.
I'm not familiar with either of the original supplements containing tribulus aquaticus, but I'm definitely willing to give an SNS version a run
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I'm not familiar with either of the original supplements containing tribulus aquaticus, but I'm definitely willing to give and SNS version a run
Thank you. I appreciate that.

I've never tried either of those brands products either, but would be curious to try it for myself if we do one.

I'm leaning towards doing at least a small run of it to see how it goes.

We already have a ton of new cool product releases lined up, but something like this can be scheduled in pretty easily.


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I tried googling tribulus aquaticus as im not familiar with it but couldnt come up with much. Whats the mechanisms it works through?


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I tried googling tribulus aquaticus as im not familiar with it but couldnt come up with much. Whats the mechanisms it works through?
Most people aren't going to be familiar with it by name, more people would know it as USP Labs original Prime product.

I haven't done the write up portion as this pretty much just finished being an idea phase; and I need to go over their old write ups and methods of action they proposed on it. I never like to take for granted that the way something was proposed to work is the way it does or the only way it does. I do remember when reading it and from feedback thinking that there may be some additional mechanisms of action to it as well. I'll try to get a mini write up done this weekend and give you a better answer.

@thescience may have an explanation on it from his end as he's knowledgeable on it and really seems to like it.


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Most people aren't going to be familiar with it by name, more people would know it as USP Labs original Prime product.

I haven't done the write up portion as this pretty much just finished being an idea phase; and I need to go over their old write ups and methods of action they proposed on it. I never like to take for granted that the way something was proposed to work is the way it does or the only way it does. I do remember when reading it and from feedback thinking that there may be some additional mechanisms of action to it as well. I'll try to get a mini write up done this weekend and give you a better answer.

@thescience may have an explanation on it from his end as he's knowledgeable on it and really seems to like it.
here's what usplabs said: "The steroidal glycosides contained in USPLabs Prime make the saponins of tribulous terrestris look like the placebo! Tribulus Aquaticus contains active steroidal components called steroidal glycosides. However, the components in USPLabs Prime are unique to our specific extract of Tribulus Aquaticus and have not been found in any other compound in the world. These steroidal glycosides are believed to exert their anabolic effects through non androgen receptor-mediated mechanisms, perhaps by possessing anti-glucocorticoid activity. In any case, it's obvious that these steroidal glycosides allow for a retention of nitrogen and either a decline in the catabolic processes related to skeletal muscle or an improvement in protein synthesis; the end result of which is increased muscle mass "


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I always thought this one was an effective ad:
    Promotes Thick, Dense Muscle & Supraphysical Strength Development!
    How does USPLabs Prime work? This is an interesting question. Because we found no evidence for androgenic activity, we believe it to have anti-glucocorticoid effects, providing a possible mechanism for the increase muscle mass seen with USPLabs Prime. It may also be something related to improved nutrient absorption or utilization.
    What can I expect to experience when taking USPLabs Prime

  • Muscle Gains
  • Does not cause shut-down or suppression!
  • Promotes Muscle Gain of Thick, Dense Variety!
  • Extremely Potent Re-composition Effects
  • Enormous Strength Gains
  • Incredible Recovery Speed
  • All-Day Muscle Fullness/Hardness
  • Train harder and longer than you ever have
  • Incredible Euphoria
  • Safe to use in competition

    Obviously, everyone loves the effects of androgenic-anabolic substances such as pro-hormones. They allow you to gain muscle and strength, while losing fat. Unfortunately, they also come with a set of drawbacks, including prostate issues, gynecomastia, cardiovascular problems and one that many are likely very familiar with - Testosterone suppression & post cycle therapy (PCT). Every time you stop using such androgenic-anabolic substances, you are invariably required to take a number of other products designed to help your body recover endogenous testosterone production. If you don't, you'll lose the muscle and strength you've gained and gain back the fat. In fact, you'll end up right back where you started or worse.
    What you need is something that is highly anabolic, yet doesn't suppress testosterone production. Sounds easy; yet such compounds are rarer than a 1903 T3 Honus Wagner (for all you baseball card collectors out there). By now, you expect USPlabs to deliver unique products and formulations others simply cannot.
    We have, in fact, found a formula which produces significant anabolic activity in humans without hormonal suppression!
    In our own pilot study, a group of 12 exercising men were found to experience the following, on average, over a 30-day period while using USPLabs Prime:
  • Increase in body weight
  • Increase in lean body mass
  • Decrease in fat mass
  • Increase in bench press strength (3 RM)
  • Increase in squat strength (3 RM)
    How long until USPLabs Prime starts to work?
    Most have noticed increased workout production and overall body hardening within a few days. However, everyone agrees by the end of week 3 USPLabs Prime is in full force - running through your veins and demonstrating the unique anabolic effects! Here's a timeline based upon user feedback:
    Week 1
    You will begin to experience the power of USPLabs Prime during your workouts. Weight will begin to feel lighter than normal and you'll begin to have great workout after great workout - even on days you don't necessarily enter the gym with the highest amount of intensity or energy. You will find the ability to summons strength almost at will. You also may begin to notice the anabolic effects kicking in where you're whole body will begin to harden.
    Week 2
    You'll continue to have awesome workouts. During these workouts you'll begin to feel an intense full-body muscle fullness and hardness. While it's a pump per say, it's very unique and unlike that from creatine, NO or other products. In addition, the recovery abilities will begin to kick in. USPLabs Prime speeds the muscle recovery process, leading increase training intensity, volume & frequency.
    Week 3
    This is the week our subjects cannot stop talking about. For most, by the end of Week 3 is when USPLabs Prime REALLY begins to impart its force upon your body. You'll fly through your workouts, your body will be hard as a freakin rock - all day long.
    Week 4
    The great thing about USPLabs Prime is it just continues to get better and better the longer you use it. During week 4 is where you'll begin to set personal records frequently. Weights that were heavy in the past are going up like butter - and you feel like THE MAN. By this point you should be getting plenty of compliments from those around you noticing you're bigger and stronger. And don't be surprised that your body is in such an anabolic state that you get a chest pump when you're squatting!
    Week 6 and Beyond
    At this point you should have put on some serious, REAL muscle mass. It will be thick and dense, not simply water weight. Some subjects have even noted their asthetics have changed and they now have a V-taper that they've never had before. They have more muscle (thick and dense) with a more athletic build.
    Do I need to Cycle USPLabs Prime?
    Well, you won't want to come off! And since it does not statistically affect hormonal levels one way or another, you can stay on for long periods. But, just to be safe, we suggest 12 weeks on, 4 weeks off. Or at least two, 3 week breaks per year.
    Does it have any side effects?
    People are training so intense and heavy and gaining muscle & strength at such a rapid pace, that the Central Nervous system cannot keep up. So that is why we recommend using USPLabs Prime on a 5 days on, 2 days off schedule. Certainly, it can be used every day, just take this as fair warning if you end up crushing your CNS because you're training balls-to-the-wall everyday! You will be training as such a heightening level, both mentally and physically, you just have to monitor yourself.
    Can I stack USPLabs Prime with any other supplements?
    The ultimate stack is ALWAYS going to include Anabolic-Pump due to it's ability to increase the effectiveness of every supplement you take & properly utilize your food intake - which is critical to any plan. In addition, adding PowerFULL to the mix forms what we believe to be the greatest stack ever assembled.
    USPLabs Prime contains two extremely potent, novel ingredients:
    SuperAnabolic is a rare species of herb in the same family as Tribulus Terrestris. However, once you try USPLabs Prime you'll soon realize the comparisons stop there. The steroidal glycosides contained in USPLabs Prime make the saponins of tribulous terrestris look like the placebo! Tribulus Aquaticus contains active steroidal components called steroidal glycosides. However, the components in USPLabs Prime are unique to our specific extract of Tribulus Aquaticus and have not been found in any other compound in the world. These steroidal glycosides are believed to exert their anabolic effects through non androgen receptor-mediated mechanisms, perhaps by possessing anti-glucocorticoid activity. In any case, it's obvious that these steroidal glycosides allow for a retention of nitrogen and either a decline in the catabolic processes related to skeletal muscle or an improvement in protein synthesis; the end result of which is increased muscle mass.
    The Ayurvedic system points to a wonder-fruit called terminalia chebula. Its viewed as one of the most potent CNS and body adaptagenic compounds the world has ever seen. It's proposed that terminalla chebula balances the entire body mentally and physically - placing your body in a perfect state of balance during times of intense stress.


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at the end of the day, they just threw a bunch of speculation for the method of action against the wall and never settled on anything.


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at the end of the day, they just threw a bunch of speculation for the method of action against the wall and never settled on anything.
I've got to give it to them - they were great at marketing.

And like you said, it was funny bc they could do a page or two long add and talk in fancy words and not actually say anything at all about how something actually worked while making it sound spectacular.

I always thought even they truly didn't know how it worked and also that bc it worked so well for a lot of people that it probably works in some ways more than what they theorized. That they were probably right in their theories but that it probably worked in other ways too.

Also, thank you so much for posting that ad - I was looking for that earlier and couldn't find it. I wasn't going to go quite that crazy with it, but had wanted to review theirs for ideas on how to do the write up and I couldn't find that - so thank you very much for posting that. That will help me a lot get a tentative write up started for it.

I've already verified that I can get the exact same raws and pricing, so this is one that could come together quickly.


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i'll need to know if an official notice of intended release for the prime resurrection ever surfaces, at least a week in advance. I have some ideas to shake the apple tree


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i'll need to know if an official notice of intended release for the prime resurrection ever surfaces, at least a week in advance. I have some ideas to shake the apple tree
On my end, everything is good to go. I have everything lined up with the raw materials and already have a finished product quote. I'll start working on label text later this week or the weekend to get to our designer and could probably have finished label proofs by the end of next week.

The biggest thing right now for me is going to be coming up with a name.

I would be open to using Primal in the name, but not Primal XT - just out of respect and to avoid confusion with Primal.

Primal-T is taken and Prime-T is taken.

I thought about simply calling it Prime XT.

I'm open to anyone's suggestions.


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Aqua Trib XT

Aqua Test XT

Aqua Prime XT

Primo-Trib XT
i thought the aqua would be cool, but it looks like the name is definately going to be primish. Primed comes to mind


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Aqua Trib XT

Aqua Test XT

Aqua Prime XT

Primo-Trib XT
The reason I'm wanting to more wordplay off of Prime is because most people don't know the ingredient itself by name, they know the products Prime and Primal, and many people that like them don't even know what ingredient is in them.

And I've seen cases where when people see Tribulus Aquaticus, they assume its like Tribulus Terrestris and just dismiss the ingredient - so my thought was that probably any association with Trib in the name would hurt more than help.


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SNS Primer featuring AquaTrib

Get the Prime goons and the Trib lovers.


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SNS Primer featuring AquaTrib

Get the Prime goons and the Trib lovers.
I appreciate the suggestion.

My worry had been that people would confuse it with Tribulus Terrestris, when they really aren't at all alike. I know in one way, that could be good in the case of people that really like Tribulus, but I was worried that it could make some people dismiss it thinking its just basic Tribulus.

Kind of like how Creatinol O Phosphate was a good ingredient but people just assumed bc of the name that it was Creatine.


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The reason I'm wanting to more wordplay off of Prime is because most people don't know the ingredient itself by name, they know the products Prime and Primal, and many people that like them don't even know what ingredient is in them.

And I've seen cases where when people see Tribulus Aquaticus, they assume its like Tribulus Terrestris and just dismiss the ingredient - so my thought was that probably any association with Trib in the name would hurt more than help.
so true. to this day the confusion persists between TA and TT


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so true. to this day the confusion persists between TA and TT
Absolutely. I remember even back when they originally launched the product a lot of people thought it was just an overpriced Tribulus Terrestris product and didn't realize that Aquaticus is completely different. If I remember correctly, they really aren't even closely related at all.


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Thank you. I appreciate that.

I've never tried either of those brands products either, but would be curious to try it for myself if we do one.

I'm leaning towards doing at least a small run of it to see how it goes.

We already have a ton of new cool product releases lined up, but something like this can be scheduled in pretty easily.
I second that. I haven’t taken the other two supplements mentioned but if it’s coming from one of your companies, Steve, I’d try it in a heartbeat!


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I second that. I haven’t taken the other two supplements mentioned but if it’s coming from one of your companies, Steve, I’d try it in a heartbeat!
Thank you. I really appreciate that.

We have a lot of really cool things coming out later this year - I'm not good at doing the pre-hype thing like some companies are - but we've got some really exciting things coming out including a new natural anabolic product that should be out within the next few weeks.


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Thank you. I really appreciate that.

We have a lot of really cool things coming out later this year - I'm not good at doing the pre-hype thing like some companies are - but we've got some really exciting things coming out including a new natural anabolic product that should be out within the next few weeks.
you may feel free to elaborate


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Thank you. I really appreciate that.

We have a lot of really cool things coming out later this year - I'm not good at doing the pre-hype thing like some companies are - but we've got some really exciting things coming out including a new natural anabolic product that should be out within the next few weeks.
Could this be PeptiStrong XT?


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Would the tribulus aqua only be a solo release or stacked with some other goodies like S7, etc?

I didn’t try the USP one so it doesn’t have any special place in my heart. But as a consumer if I saw “Prime XT” I’d think it was on par with Anabolic XT, etc. In to try either way just some thoughts.


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Could this be PeptiStrong XT?
We do have a product coming out that will be using PeptiStrong that I'm very excited about because I love the science behind the ingredient, but the name of the product will not be PeptiStrong. Nuritas doesn't want the ingredient name used in the product name; plus there will also be more ingredients in the product than PeptiStrong. It will be a complete really cool formula.

Growth Factor XT is in the production process right now too, so the new version of that will be out hopefully within the next month or so.

We also have a really interesting and unique natural anabolic that will be coming out under CEL later this year.

We have a lot of cool and exciting things coming up. There are multiple new releases scheduled under all of the brands between now and the end of the year.


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Would the tribulus aqua only be a solo release or stacked with some other goodies like S7, etc?

I didn’t try the USP one so it doesn’t have any special place in my heart. But as a consumer if I saw “Prime XT” I’d think it was on par with Anabolic XT, etc. In to try either way just some thoughts.
Thank you for the feedback.

The dosage requirement for Tribulus Aquaticus makes it difficult to add other ingredients to it because the best dosage is 2400 mg. twice per day; so at 800 mg. per capsule, that is 3 capsules twice per day. And at 800 mg. there really isn't any room to fit anything else in the capsule so the only way to add anything else would be to go over 6 caps per day.


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Primal-Trib XT
Thanks for the suggestion. My worry with including Tribulus in the name is that people would assume its Tribulus Terrestris or not understand the difference.


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you may feel free to elaborate
I've never been one to pre-hype things like a lot of other companies. Probably one, because I'm better at science over marketing; and two, its always hard to give exact launch dates bc across the brands we have over 100 sku's total so its a constant balancing act trying to keep things in stock, increase inventory levels on existing products, and come out with new things.

If all goes well, the ones that I know should be out between now and then end of year include a new natural anabolic under SNS, a very unique natural anabolic under CEL, a nighttime fat burner under SNS, the new Growth Factor XT under SNS, a performance and endurance enhancing fat burner under CEL, and then multiple Health Series products - Cholesterol Support XT, Prostate Support XT, Libido Boost XT, and maybe a few more.

Also, flavored powder products in the works are SNS Daily Gains, a very unique mega dosed intra from CEL, an Intra/EAA under SNS that will be more along the lines of a regular intra/EAA with a few additions but still very cost effective. Stim Edge and Super Swole powders under CEL are ready to go into production as the flavors are already approved; they just keep getting pushed back because we have so many different projects going on at once.

And we've just started the flavor sampling process towards doing a protein powder.


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Thank you. I really appreciate that.

We have a lot of really cool things coming out later this year - I'm not good at doing the pre-hype thing like some companies are - but we've got some really exciting things coming out including a new natural anabolic product that should be out within the next few weeks.
How does the new anabolic product compare to AXT? You’ve really got my attention now!


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How does the new anabolic product compare to AXT? You’ve really got my attention now!
The challenge of having so many products and still trying to come out with exciting new products is always being able to make new and exciting ones that aren't just competing with existing products that we already have.

Anabolic XT imo stands completely alone in terms of effectiveness, how it works, and the variety of benefits it offers.

The natural anabolic coming up in a couple of weeks works completely differently than Anabolic XT, so it wouldn't be fair to compare the two bc they don't work the same way at all - but would make a great stack.

If I had to compare it with something, it would be more in the category of Phosphatidic Acid XT than Anabolic XT, and I think ti will make for an incredible stack with either or both of those.

The natural anabolic coming up later in the year under CEL is very unique and it works differently itself than any of the other products and in a way differently than anything else available. It will cover aspects that are included in some existing products on the market but it evolves them and makes them part of an overall much more comprehensive formula to target things from a lot of different angles. As cool as that will be, it still doesn't compare to Anabolic XT because it will work differently and through different pathways.

As things grow, I feel that between the brands we really do already cover natural anabolics and muscle builders from a variety of different angles and will continue to add in more options - with the goal being for the brands to be a complete one stop shop for the best natural anabolics and muscle builders on the market.
