Tell Us What You Would Like to See From SNS & CEL (2023 Edition)


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Thanks for the suggestion. My worry with including Tribulus in the name is that people would assume its Tribulus Terrestris or not understand the difference.
This makes sense…I’ll definitely try this one out at some point but I didn’t have the context from the forum I would definitely ignore a new trib product, a lot of bad stigma there.


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This makes sense…I’ll definitely try this one out at some point but I didn’t have the context from the forum I would definitely ignore a new trib product, a lot of bad stigma there.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about in general so that's why I wanted to wordplay off the name Prime rather than any mention of Tribulus Aquaticus.

I do like Tribulus Terrestris for libido - some companies just overhyped it years ago and it made some people have a bad perception of it. Our Tribulus-750 sells well and people that use it love it, but I definitely want to avoid confusion and want it to be clear that the Tribulus Aquaticus product won't have any relation to a Tribulus Terrestris one.


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Optimal Prime lol... Will yours have chebulic myrobalan?
I don't think there's any use putting that in there as its not really much to it imo. USP had a tendency to do prop blends and I'm not a fan of that; but I think they did it and threw small doses of some obscure things in there to make it harder to copy at the time.

When Precision's Primal came out and people said they were getting the same results from it as from the original Prime, there was none of that ingredient in Primal.

I mean, we could throw some in there but honestly it would just be for marketing as I don't think it actually does anything; that's why I was avoiding it.


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You could have a bad guy sup called megatren, and a carb intra called decepticarb
Ha. Great wordplay. I imagine the lawsuit from Transformers would get us some free advertising haha 🤣


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Since this thread has gotten some activity and discussion back to it - I'll ask a question to everyone for opinions.

Would people like for me to update them on upcoming projects?

I like discussing things and getting input and excitement, I just hate being beat up over release dates when I always say up front that when juggling so many products as we have, sometimes things are just going to get pushed back sometimes.


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Since this thread has gotten some activity and discussion back to it - I'll ask a question to everyone for opinions.

Would people like for me to update them on upcoming projects?

I like discussing things and getting input and excitement, I just hate being beat up over release dates when I always say up front that when juggling so many products as we have, sometimes things are just going to get pushed back sometimes.
Definitely would like to see updates on the upcoming projects


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Definitely would like to see updates on the upcoming projects
Thanks. Sometimes it feels like since I'm more straight forward about new products and realistic results and don't try to overhype the heck out of them, it can be discouraging because sometimes they don't get the attention that other companies do bc of the way they hype theirs. On my end, I'm just not comfortable with doing things that way - I'm more focused on the products actually working and delivering results than I am on trying to oversell the hype of things.


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Thanks. Sometimes it feels like since I'm more straight forward about new products and realistic results and don't try to overhype the heck out of them, it can be discouraging because sometimes they don't get the attention that other companies do bc of the way they hype theirs. On my end, I'm just not comfortable with doing things that way - I'm more focused on the products actually working and delivering results than I am on trying to oversell the hype of things.
Your products don't need hype. They're well researched, well formulated and well priced. And they deliver results. Can't wait to see what the new anabolics look like.


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Since this thread has gotten some activity and discussion back to it - I'll ask a question to everyone for opinions.

Would people like for me to update them on upcoming projects?

I like discussing things and getting input and excitement, I just hate being beat up over release dates when I always say up front that when juggling so many products as we have, sometimes things are just going to get pushed back sometimes.
Yes please keep us updated on upcoming projects


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Would people like for me to update them on upcoming projects?

I like discussing things and getting input and excitement, I just hate being beat up over release dates when I always say up front that when juggling so many products as we have, sometimes things are just going to get pushed back sometimes.
Just understand you’re opening yourself up to the inevitable whining from randoms about why X isn’t done or Y was never delivered.

I cannot believe some of the posts from adult men on this board complaining about how stuff isn’t out. Like that could possibly make anything better for anyone, even themselves (but it can’t, because they’ll still be bitter & the product won’t be out so you can’t make money on it). I get being excited, I get being disappointed, but inevitably there’s going to be people that will go too far who are just immature.

So be ready for that small percentage of cry babies. And if what I’m saying offends anyone reading this, then you probably needed to hear it.


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Your products don't need hype. They're well researched, well formulated and well priced. And they deliver results. Can't wait to see what the new anabolics look like.
Thank you. I really appreciate that.

It's frustrating sometimes seeing certain things get so much talk and hype here and then some releases we do, they may sell well, but people don't really talk about them much.

The products selling is the main thing from a business perspective, but discussion and feedback does help increase awareness; and it can just be discouraging sometimes seeing some of the things that do get hype, especially the ones that are pretty much BS.

Yes please keep us updated on upcoming projects
Thank you. I really appreciate it.

I'll try to get together an update post for this thread or possibly a thread about it. I haven't posted as many threads lately in general because it seems like interaction here has gone down a lot.


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Just understand you’re opening yourself up to the inevitable whining from randoms about why X isn’t done or Y was never delivered.

I cannot believe some of the posts from adult men on this board complaining about how stuff isn’t out. Like that could possibly make anything better for anyone, even themselves (but it can’t, because they’ll still be bitter & the product won’t be out so you can’t make money on it). I get being excited, I get being disappointed, but inevitably there’s going to be people that will go too far who are just immature.

So be ready for that small percentage of cry babies. And if what I’m saying offends anyone reading this, then you probably needed to hear it.
Very well said. Thank you.

I absolutely get people being excited and happy and anticipating new things - there are products that I look forward to coming out or being back in stock myself; but like you said, it amazes me how some will complain to the point of it being like badgering us about things. I've often said - we're the ones that are losing money every single day that existing products are out of stock and I'm the one that has money tied up in a ton of new products from the moment the process starts - paying graphic designers, buying labels, ordering raw materials, etc. No one, absolutely no one wants products to be in stock more than I do or for new things to come out more than I do - but its a business and we don't have unlimited funds, so sometimes decisions have to be made to push back a new release in process to prioritize a restock on an existing good seller. That's just life for a company like us that has over 100 sku's across the brands and is a small business and doesn't have huge financial backing or a huge marketing budget.

I do the absolute best I can do and I care about people and never want to disappoint anyone or let anyone down - but I think that's the thing, I think I care about that too much sometimes - in the sense that I let being badgered on here bother me more than it should and bring me down more in my life than it should. At one time, it was all the complaining about out of stocks. Lately, its been some other issues on here - things that have happened either openly or behind the scenes, and I try to be so nice and respectful that I just let stuff go. I have been very close to stopping posting on here bc of some things recently, and that's been a talk I've been having with myself trying to figure things out - I have to stop letting things here discourage me and bother me so much outside of the forums and some of the stuff from other brands here, I either have to stop being here or stop being so nice about some of the BS that has happened lately.


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Since this thread has gotten some activity and discussion back to it - I'll ask a question to everyone for opinions.

Would people like for me to update them on upcoming projects?

I like discussing things and getting input and excitement, I just hate being beat up over release dates when I always say up front that when juggling so many products as we have, sometimes things are just going to get pushed back sometimes.
Another one for updates, at the very least it makes it easier to plan out what I need to buy.


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Always love to hear updates on things in the pipeline. But also understand why you are reserved about it.

@Hyde said it perfectly some of the things posted on the forum just make me shake my head.


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I've never been one to pre-hype things like a lot of other companies. Probably one, because I'm better at science over marketing; and two, its always hard to give exact launch dates bc across the brands we have over 100 sku's total so its a constant balancing act trying to keep things in stock, increase inventory levels on existing products, and come out with new things.

If all goes well, the ones that I know should be out between now and then end of year include a new natural anabolic under SNS, a very unique natural anabolic under CEL, a nighttime fat burner under SNS, the new Growth Factor XT under SNS, a performance and endurance enhancing fat burner under CEL, and then multiple Health Series products - Cholesterol Support XT, Prostate Support XT, Libido Boost XT, and maybe a few more.

Also, flavored powder products in the works are SNS Daily Gains, a very unique mega dosed intra from CEL, an Intra/EAA under SNS that will be more along the lines of a regular intra/EAA with a few additions but still very cost effective. Stim Edge and Super Swole powders under CEL are ready to go into production as the flavors are already approved; they just keep getting pushed back because we have so many different projects going on at once.

And we've just started the flavor sampling process towards doing a protein powder
Also pretty excited about the part I underlined!!


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Also pretty excited about the part I underlined!!
Thanks. I'm excited about the protein too.

Doing a protein has always been kind of a scary decision for me because its one of those weird things where chocolate and vanilla are always going to be everyone's best sellers, but if as a brand you only offer chocolate and vanilla, people don't get as excited about it, it seems like. It's like they want to see brands have a half dozen to dozen flavors but then for most people to buy chocolate and vanilla anyway, but the other flavors get attention to the products.

We're only able to start out with a couple of flavors and that's been my worry is that doing a chocolate and vanilla aren't going to be exciting enough - but the decision is/was we could either do a chocolate and vanilla in a whey isolate and a whey isolate/micellar casein combination or we could do more flavors in one or the other. I'm leaning towards starting with chocolate and vanilla in both types and then adding additional flavors as we go.

I have a lot of exciting flavors that I want us to do in the future as long as it goes well. I'm willing to roll every dollar that comes back in from protein sales into adding new flavors because I would really like to build out the flavors as quickly as possible.


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Thanks. I'm excited about the protein too.

Doing a protein has always been kind of a scary decision for me because its one of those weird things where chocolate and vanilla are always going to be everyone's best sellers, but if as a brand you only offer chocolate and vanilla, people don't get as excited about it, it seems like. It's like they want to see brands have a half dozen to dozen flavors but then for most people to buy chocolate and vanilla anyway, but the other flavors get attention to the products.

We're only able to start out with a couple of flavors and that's been my worry is that doing a chocolate and vanilla aren't going to be exciting enough - but the decision is/was we could either do a chocolate and vanilla in a whey isolate and a whey isolate/micellar casein combination or we could do more flavors in one or the other. I'm leaning towards starting with chocolate and vanilla in both types and then adding additional flavors as we go.

I have a lot of exciting flavors that I want us to do in the future as long as it goes well. I'm willing to roll every dollar that comes back in from protein sales into adding new flavors because I would really like to build out the flavors as quickly as possible.
I think that’s a good plan honestly, having chocolate/vanilla in both types and expanding as time goes.


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I think that’s a good plan honestly, having chocolate/vanilla in both types and expanding as time goes.
Thanks. I hope so. I hope that we can get enough attention to it even though it will be basic flavors to start with.

That's the funny thing with pretty much any company that sells protein though - Chocolate and Vanilla are always going to be the top sellers but they're always going to get asked to make a ton of flavors, but a lot of the flavors may not sell well enough to stick around.


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Another question that I would like some opinions on for anyone interested.

I already have flavor samples that are good on a lot of this, but more flavor samples that I like than flavors that we would actually do, especially at first - so I'm curious to hear what people would like.

We are going to be doing an EAA under SNS and then a super comprehensive EAA/Intra under CEL.

The SNS one is going to be along the lines of a more basic EAA product with a few cool things added in.

The CEL one is going to be very unique and be absolutely loaded.

For the SNS one, I'm wanting to start with probably 3, maybe 4 flavors.

For the CEL one, I want to start with 2 flavors.

I would love to hear what flavors that anyone would be interested in.

My thoughts, and this is not set in stone yet, are:

CEL Intra - picking 2 flavors between:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Jawbreaker
  • Sour Peach Candy
  • Grape Limeade
SNS Intra - picking 3 to 4 flavors between:
  • Blue Raspberry Popsicle
  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Grape Limeade
  • Lemon Lime (sour/tart)
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Lemon Tea
Note: Blackberry Mojito and Grape Limeade would only be used in one or the other, not both.


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Another question that I would like some opinions on for anyone interested.

I already have flavor samples that are good on a lot of this, but more flavor samples that I like than flavors that we would actually do, especially at first - so I'm curious to hear what people would like.

We are going to be doing an EAA under SNS and then a super comprehensive EAA/Intra under CEL.

The SNS one is going to be along the lines of a more basic EAA product with a few cool things added in.

The CEL one is going to be very unique and be absolutely loaded.

For the SNS one, I'm wanting to start with probably 3, maybe 4 flavors.

For the CEL one, I want to start with 2 flavors.

I would love to hear what flavors that anyone would be interested in.

My thoughts, and this is not set in stone yet, are:

CEL Intra - picking 2 flavors between:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Jawbreaker
  • Sour Peach Candy
  • Grape Limeade
SNS Intra - picking 3 to 4 flavors between:
  • Blue Raspberry Popsicle
  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Grape Limeade
  • Lemon Lime (sour/tart)
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Lemon Tea
Note: Blackberry Mojito and Grape Limeade would only be used in one or the other, not both.
Sour Peach and Grape Limeade for the CEL product

Pink Grapefruit for the SNS (and Grape Limeade if it isn't picked for the CEL)

Grape limeade focus XT and pink Grapefruit creatine HCl are my two all time favorite flavors from your product line


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Another question that I would like some opinions on for anyone interested.

I already have flavor samples that are good on a lot of this, but more flavor samples that I like than flavors that we would actually do, especially at first - so I'm curious to hear what people would like.

We are going to be doing an EAA under SNS and then a super comprehensive EAA/Intra under CEL.

The SNS one is going to be along the lines of a more basic EAA product with a few cool things added in.

The CEL one is going to be very unique and be absolutely loaded.

For the SNS one, I'm wanting to start with probably 3, maybe 4 flavors.

For the CEL one, I want to start with 2 flavors.

I would love to hear what flavors that anyone would be interested in.

My thoughts, and this is not set in stone yet, are:

CEL Intra - picking 2 flavors between:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Jawbreaker
  • Sour Peach Candy
  • Grape Limeade
SNS Intra - picking 3 to 4 flavors between:
  • Blue Raspberry Popsicle
  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Grape Limeade
  • Lemon Lime (sour/tart)
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Lemon Tea
Note: Blackberry Mojito and Grape Limeade would only be used in one or the other, not both.
Jawbreaker and Sour Peach Candy.

Blue Raspberry, Pink Grapefruit, Blackberry Mojito, Lemon Lime.


Another question that I would like some opinions on for anyone interested.

I already have flavor samples that are good on a lot of this, but more flavor samples that I like than flavors that we would actually do, especially at first - so I'm curious to hear what people would like.

We are going to be doing an EAA under SNS and then a super comprehensive EAA/Intra under CEL.

The SNS one is going to be along the lines of a more basic EAA product with a few cool things added in.

The CEL one is going to be very unique and be absolutely loaded.

For the SNS one, I'm wanting to start with probably 3, maybe 4 flavors.

For the CEL one, I want to start with 2 flavors.

I would love to hear what flavors that anyone would be interested in.

My thoughts, and this is not set in stone yet, are:

CEL Intra - picking 2 flavors between:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Jawbreaker
  • Sour Peach Candy
  • Grape Limeade
SNS Intra - picking 3 to 4 flavors between:
  • Blue Raspberry Popsicle
  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Grape Limeade
  • Lemon Lime (sour/tart)
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Lemon Tea
Note: Blackberry Mojito and Grape Limeade would only be used in one or the other, not both.
Jawbreaker and Blackberry Mojito.

Grape Limeade, Lemon Lime, and Blue Raspberry Popsicle.

Man, sour lemon-lime deserves more love in this forum. Everything lemon-lime tastes heavenly


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CEL- blackberry mojito/grape limeade

SNS- blue raspberry popsicle/watermelon lime/pink grapefruit/


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CEL- blackberry mojito/grape limeade

SNS- blue raspberry popsicle/watermelon lime/pink grapefruit/
I’m going to say I would just agree with all of these for my own.

Blackberry Mojito is a flavor I’m so excited for, so that’s #1. And grape lime Focus was a totally awesome flavor, and generally great whenever I’ve had it ever anywhere, so you definitely need to do that flavor in something as well.


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CEL Intra:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Grape Limeade
SNS Intra:

  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Lemon Lime (sour/tart)
  • Watermelon Lime


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Thank you to everyone for the feedback so far - I'm excited about both of these projects.

I either already have, or should have flavor samples coming of all the ones I mentioned.


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I’m going to say I would just agree with all of these for my own.

Blackberry Mojito is a flavor I’m so excited for, so that’s #1. And grape lime Focus was a totally awesome flavor, and generally great whenever I’ve had it ever anywhere, so you definitely need to do that flavor in something as well.
Me too. I love Blackberry Mojito flavor in general and I'm wanting to do Blackberry Mojito and Blackberry Mojito Sour flavors in several upcoming products.


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Sorry, I never buy anything Grape.

CEL Intra - picking 2 flavors between:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Jawbreaker
SNS Intra - picking 3 to 4 flavors between:
  • Blue Raspberry Popsicle
  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Watermelon Lime


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Another question that I would like some opinions on for anyone interested.

I already have flavor samples that are good on a lot of this, but more flavor samples that I like than flavors that we would actually do, especially at first - so I'm curious to hear what people would like.

We are going to be doing an EAA under SNS and then a super comprehensive EAA/Intra under CEL.

The SNS one is going to be along the lines of a more basic EAA product with a few cool things added in.

The CEL one is going to be very unique and be absolutely loaded.

For the SNS one, I'm wanting to start with probably 3, maybe 4 flavors.

For the CEL one, I want to start with 2 flavors.

I would love to hear what flavors that anyone would be interested in.

My thoughts, and this is not set in stone yet, are:

CEL Intra - picking 2 flavors between:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Jawbreaker
  • Sour Peach Candy
  • Grape Limeade
SNS Intra - picking 3 to 4 flavors between:
  • Blue Raspberry Popsicle
  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Grape Limeade
  • Lemon Lime (sour/tart)
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Lemon Tea
Note: Blackberry Mojito and Grape Limeade would only be used in one or the other, not both.
BlackBerry mojito
Sour Peach Candy

Pink Grapefruit
Watermelon Lime
Blackberry mojito
Grape limeade

Can’t wait!


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i just want mango iced tea flavored again :)

miss this stuff


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I need some input and a 'show of hands' on who would want us to do a Tribulus Aquaticus product like the old USP Labs Prime or Precision Research's Primal?

I can get the raw materials no problem, so its just a matter of if enough people really want us to do it or not.
Count me in as I'd be too curious to miss out. Pretty sure I was in the Beta for Prime (it was so long ago it feels like), but I can't remember why I never picked up retail after that. Maybe because of the weird dosing schemes (69 protocol and with no MOA I couldn't figure out why you'd need more on training days) or that so many people were running massive doses (I feel like when I talked to Doug Miller he was using like 15 caps per day o_O).

CEL Intra - picking 2 flavors between:
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Jawbreaker
  • Sour Peach Candy
  • Grape Limeade
SNS Intra - picking 3 to 4 flavors between:
  • Blue Raspberry Popsicle
  • Pink Grapefruit
  • Blackberry Mojito
  • Grape Limeade
  • Lemon Lime (sour/tart)
  • Watermelon Lime
  • Lemon Tea
Bolded my preferences, but I'd be down for anything really. Looking forward to these.


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i just want mango iced tea flavored again :)

miss this stuff
I'm doing my best. We tried way too hard to match that flavor and never could get it exact. In hindsight, I wish we hadn't held up on getting Energized Aminos back out to try to do that one. We still will try if we can ever get it matched up right.
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CEL Intra
Sour Peach Candy
Blackberry Mojito

Blackberry Mojito (if not used in the CEL intra)
Watermelon Lime
Lemon Tea
Pink Grapefruit
The first vote for Lemon Tea haha. That's a flavor I want to do but I figured it may not be as popular as some of the others. The EAA I use makes a lemon tea flavor and I had held off on trying that flavor forever bc I didn't think I would like it, but I love it. That's what got me wanting to do that flavor.


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Count me in as I'd be too curious to miss out. Pretty sure I was in the Beta for Prime (it was so long ago it feels like), but I can't remember why I never picked up retail after that. Maybe because of the weird dosing schemes (69 protocol and with no MOA I couldn't figure out why you'd need more on training days) or that so many people were running massive doses (I feel like when I talked to Doug Miller he was using like 15 caps per day o_O).

Bolded my preferences, but I'd be down for anything really. Looking forward to these.
Thank you. I do remember hearing of some people doing a lot of different dosages.

I think the standard dose was 6 caps per day. That's what I was leaning towards for the label suggested use.


The first vote for Lemon Tea haha. That's a flavor I want to do but I figured it may not be as popular as some of the others. The EAA I use makes a lemon tea flavor and I had held off on trying that flavor forever bc I didn't think I would like it, but I love it. That's what got me wanting to do that flavor.
I sometimes take a black tea/lemonade preworkout and I enjoy it


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Grape limeade
Cherry slushie?
I love Grape Limeade, that should hopefully be a flavor in one or the other.

I hadn't thought about Cherry Slushy, I'll add that to my flavor list - I keep a master list of the different flavors I want to use for something.


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I sometimes take a black tea/lemonade preworkout and I enjoy it
I've never had a lemon tea pre-workout, but I use Innovapharm Recover EAA and I love their Lemon Tea flavor. It took me a long time to try it bc I was hesitant, but I really like it.


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I need some input and a 'show of hands' on who would want us to do a Tribulus Aquaticus product like the old USP Labs Prime or Precision Research's Primal?

I can get the raw materials no problem, so its just a matter of if enough people really want us to do it or not.
Is this standardized for anything? Thank you.


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It's actually interesting that you wrote that - about building muscle to lose fat. I preach that all the time and a lot of times, I feel like I'm just ready to beat my head into my desk with the way some people respond to it. Like me currently, I was just able to start back training in June after not being able to lift for almost a year and a half after getting run over by a car. I had lost all my muscle and gained a lot of fat. I lost 40 lbs. between Feb. and June with just diet and supplements but no exercise. Finally in June, I was able to start back doing some light training. I want to lose more fat, but my priority was building back muscle - and of course, enter the negativity of where a lot of people had to tell me how you can't do that at one time and I'm like - uh, yeah, you can, I've done it. I'm doing a massive supplement regimen (Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Recomp20, Ecdy-Plex, Phosphatidic Acid XT) right now along with diet and training regimen that I know works best for me, I'm about 4 weeks into it and I've gained almost 20 lbs. and have lost a half inch around my belly button while getting a lot leaner in my shoulders, arms, and chest. That's how it tends to work for me, its like fat loss starts there and works its way down.

As a company owner, I don't post a log or anything bc I feel like most people would just think I was biased or wouldn't believe it anyway, so when I speak of my own results, its normally a casual comment or using myself as an example to encourage someone else. But like last week, someone posted that I couldn't be gaining that much muscle and losing fat at the same time - and I'm like, yeah, according to the scale, my mirror, and my measurements, I am. And plus, a couple of the people I know on here very well, I send them pictures monthly just for accountability purposes bc I do better when I know someone is going to be seeing it.

Sorry if that came off as rambling, just super agree with what you said there - about the impact that building muscle can have on fat loss.

Back to the supplement part of the discussion - I agree there too - I don't think that there are any absorption issues with the ingredient, but I do think that there are going to be some people that respond better to it than others; which I think is the case with many herbal ingredients.

Your explanation makes sense on the reason that it may have helped you more than it does some people.

I think with a lot of things there are little tips and tricks that can be done to maximize results in general. Even with my own personal supply regimen, I hate the word synergistic because its so overused now days, so I'll say I'm very strategic about the things I stack and take together based on the way that they can enhance the benefits of one another.
"And plus, a couple of the people I know on here very well, I send them pictures monthly just for accountability purposes bc I do better when I know someone is going to be seeing it."

I'm a little hurt, i never got any pics......................................sad face. lol

Joking aside VERY HAPPY to hear you are doing so well. Something people seem to forget here is Steve is also RE-GAINING a previous amount of muscle/ and leanness.


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I wasn't talking about the whole legal issue with USP - I was talking about the one where some products had been tested and had things in them that the labels didn't declare. That was part of some separate issues for them. I think that's why a lot of people felt like there may have been some extra's in other things.

That's why I think that Primal really is the measuring stick - because it wouldn't have applied to that product, so if that one worked the same as the USP Labs one, then that gives just a little further assurance if that makes sense.

I think its a good indicator that you still continued to get the same type of results from Primal and didn't see a drop when you stopped Primal. I think that's the advantage to a lot of good natural products anyway is that unlike a lot of other things, you can generally keep your gains from them.

Prime was a 120 capsule (and may have been a 150 cap at one time), Primal was a 150 capsule; I'm thinking of doing either a 150 or a 180 capsule.

Now, I just need to think of a good name for it.
Re-Primed XT


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Is this standardized for anything? Thank you.
This is one of those that I'm going to have to politely decline to go into details on. The reason for that is because the raw material supplier that provides these exact raws doesn't want spec details given out so as to not make it easier for other companies to copy they're raw materials. They're actually pretty excited on our end that we're bringing this back too.

This is one that I'll give credit to both USP and Precision Research for in not going into details about the exact specifics of it - I don't think they did it to be deceptive or anything, I think they did it so as to not make it easy for others to copy their products.


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"And plus, a couple of the people I know on here very well, I send them pictures monthly just for accountability purposes bc I do better when I know someone is going to be seeing it."

I'm a little hurt, i never got any pics......................................sad face. lol

Joking aside VERY HAPPY to hear you are doing so well. Something people seem to forget here is Steve is also RE-GAINING a previous amount of muscle/ and leanness.
Ha. Shoot me a text sometimes and I'll be glad to send you some progress pics.

It's actually never been easy for me to 're-gain' in the past. I know that some people have muscle come back fairly quick after a layoff but that's honestly never been the case with me. I've been horribly inconsistent with my training throughout my life bc of lack of time, injuries, and medical conditions.

And this time, I was by far the most of shape I've ever been in terms of the amount of fat I had and the amount of muscle I lost.

The biggest things I'm doing this time is doing a very comprehensive supplement regimen that targets things from a variety of angles and no more experimenting on diet and training for me - I've gone back to the way that works for me. None of the fancy new stuff, back to the diet that I did when I was in the best shape of my life and back to the type of training I was doing then too.

When it comes to supplements, I am very strategic about the things I take and especially moreso now bc I have a lot of making up to do in terms of building back muscle. We all talk about stacking things a lot - but I'm pretty OCD about it and put a lot of thought into what I take personally and why, and there has been a lot of thought and significant detail as to why I'm taking exactly what I'm taking in terms of method of action and how these work together. And its been coming together great - my strength is going up to where I'm having to be smart and keep things on a pace and slow it down to allow my joints and ligaments to keep up any my muscular endurance has been really interesting bc I've always had issues with fatiguing towards the end of my workouts and right now, I feel like I could keep going and going and my strength isn't dropping towards the end. It's the first time in my life ever that I've felt like I could finish as strong as starting. And muscle wise, I'm nowhere near as muscular as some here, but I'm also 45 years old and have an autoimmune and endocrinology condition and got ran over by a car, so context matters haha. The significant thing for me on that is that I'm 4 weeks into this stack and I've gained enough muscle in the last month to where I'm having people comment on it at random places like the grocery store, so that's cool and it helps me mentally bc I'll look at myself one day and be happy with my progress and the next day be bummed bc of how far I have left to go; so knowing others can see it is nice.

I plan on running my supplement stack I'm doing for 20 weeks and I'll probably add a couple things in along the way as new products come out. The natural anabolic we have coming out in a few weeks, I'm extremely excited about for personal use because of the methods of action being pretty unique and it working in ways that make it very stackable with Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, and Phosphatidic Acid XT.


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Something else I thought of not really anything new.
Flavor samples of the powders, something you could just order a sample of all the flavors just one serving. I feel like a lot of times I won’t order something out of the norm for fear of not liking it and not using.

Don’t know if it would be worthwhile or not though from a business perspective.
