stacking tcf-1 with form-lv?


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Figured this would be a nice combo just wanted some advice of how to maximize results.

What I was thinking:
tcf-1 10cc prebed (this be the best time? or would morning be better?)
form-LV 3cc one in the am then 3cc prebed

I know the study was only for 12 days but would probably run the combo for 6wks. Maybe taking a 3-4 day break from the tcf-1 the starting back up. Just curious if desensitivity will occur or the raise is test could be sustained for the duration of the cycle. Also curious about what a higher dose would do to test levels.

Other things I might add:
HGHup 5caps prebed due to... L-Carnitine L-Tartrate which has been shown to increase the number of androgen receptors in skeletal muscle, creating a better binding environment for testosterone and other androgens by allowing for a greater number of intact receptors available for hormonal interactions... Plus used before and love the deep sleep I get from it.

AP due to my planned diet... I am low carb(first meal and postworkout only), mod fat and high protein during wk then have refeed wkends where I am mod carb, low fat, high protein. I would consider just using it on the wkends before 3 of my meals.

Pink magic... just curious about this one in general. Not sure I believe the hype, too new but usually have to use and judge for myself.

So what do you guys at PP think? Might consider phyto-test over PM since I have had decent success in the past but seems like test over kills with tcf, form and phyto, if there is such thing LOL!!!!


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Bump for the PP peeps? Or anyone that wants to chime in...


Primordial Performance Rep
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The Form and TCF-1 would be pretty synergistic together.

I honestly don't think there is any major difference in time of dosage, it is something that builds gradually through the course of the cycle. Some, however, claim benefits from pre-WO, but thats independent opinions.

Dosage on TCF-1 is spot on. Dosage of Form is cool, I would just recommend tappering off of it near the end of cycle.

We still recommend the 12day on/off/ procedure. You can probably run it longer, but no controlled clinical trial has been completed to show what happens beyond the 12 day point.

I have not tried the HGHup or the AP. Both get good reviews, however. I myself have been interested in using AP at some point.

The Pink Magic or PhytoTest will come down to personal choice. Phytotest's Testofen is a very proven ingredient and many like PhytoTest. The Pink is still in the early stages of its release, but I am definitely not arguing against it. I tried the beta (weaker then retail) and had some impressive results.


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Wouldnt phytotest really be better to stack with it?


Primordial Performance Rep
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Wouldnt phytotest really be better to stack with it?
I think PhytoTest would be a rockstar addition to the stack, I was merely stating that the Pink Magic is good as well. It really would come down to personal choice. You can say for sure that the PhytoTest would compliment the stack well, by observation the pink magic might. But it the end, OP would have to make the final decision.


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Wouldnt phytotest really be better to stack with it?
Wouldnt phytotest really be better to stack with it?
With phytotest u have testofen which mimics test action so if u r already increasing test with daa why would u need something to mimic the action? I think it could have benefit but not sure how much. From what I see of PM it inhibits PDE much like viagra (ie the vasodilaton) and also possibly increase endogenous test. So stacking PM with DAA looking to max any possibly increase in natty test not introduce a compound that mimics test action.


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something that has divanil in it would maybe be best to stack since it helps free up bound free test.... I dont not so sure you REALLY need to stack anything with the formestane. pretty potent product from what I hear.


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something that has divanil in it would maybe be best to stack since it helps free up bound free test.... I dont not so sure you REALLY need to stack anything with the formestane. pretty potent product from what I hear.
Yeah totally didn't think of divanil, slipped my mind. That would be a good add.

With all the hype from beta test did order 2 box of PM to give it a fair shot. Don't trust most until I try myself. Starting pct from test e cycle and was going to add tcf and PM to see if recovery is better. Then try this stack as I wait to run next cycle.


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to maximize results I would rec these few things.
the TCF-1 I would prob take 5cc 2X a day am and pm.
I would add in:
sustain alpha
I finde these to be great for labido.

looks great thow! :)
good luck!


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I would personally just take my formestane in the am and split the doses of the tcf.Just my two cents!


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Form and TCF-1 sounds awesome!
Adding Phyto-Test would also be killer :D


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HCGenerate, SA and TCF-1 FTW!

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