Stacking mk677 with anavar


New member
Just turned 40 and started on trt. I good get on Mk677. I was wondering how long should I use or was wondering can I stack it with anavar. Also would love a recommendation and companies to get these from
If you’re on TRT I don’t think you’d wanna use Anavar at the same time surely? But as a stack for bodybuilding it’s fine although the water retention from higher GH might mask some of the cutting effects of Anavar.
Just turned 40 and started on trt. I good get on Mk677. I was wondering how long should I use or was wondering can I stack it with anavar. Also would love a recommendation and companies to get these from
Whats your goal. First I want to say we are not a source sharing forum. You're not gonna get information on where to buy steroids. But we can talk about how to use them all day. Im a rep for maresearch we carry mk677 in liquid and at our supplement site in pill form called smatozine Which is a little more comprehensive of an m k product. That one is a pill.

If your higher bf or not In full control of your diet. I don't suggest messing around with MK677. Because it can have negative effects on your blood sugar. If you're on top of your **** and trying to bulk then mk is a good add on
It seems some really struggle with blood sugar on mk so it wouldn't hurt to monitor bipod glucose which is cheap. You can run it months as long as you don't become insulin resistant. I've never had a problem with it but I have a manual labor job, plus jogging with my dog, and being lean make a diffrence I'm sure. Even still I plan on adding berberine in with it next time I run it plus checking bg. If you never used any steroids and just started trt I'd see how that treats you first. But yeah you can add anavar or any steroid you want really just keep in mind on trt I think you have to get blood test every few months so you probably don't want anything out of range during those times.