Re-starting T3, Adrenals and HPTA!! Massive log W. REAL Sarms!



  • Established
Right on. Just keep the mindset that this is a marathon dude, not a sprint. Slow & steady (and smart!) wins the race here..


  • Established
what do you think of low very low carbs like 2 days a week? Everytime I cut carbs for a couple days it gives me a much clearer picture of where I am because carbs bloat me like crazy.

I am thinking Workout Mon.Wens.Fri and low carb Thurs, Sat, Sun. By low I mean 50-100, probably closer to 100 with 50g from oats for breakfast and the next 2 meals having about 30g each from vegis/beans.
I dig that approach immensely. As a rule, my carb intake is lower on days where my activity level is less.
And I'm a huge fan of utilizing caloric shifts for metabolism. Even if I'm working out 6-7 days a week (inc. cardio days), I'll still shift my total intake & macronutrients around.


  • Established
I guess I should post my diet in an outline format for all of you who have been cool enough to read along and push me along during these set backs. I feel really good about the principles I use, maybe basic but maybe they will help someone.

10am. 1 cut oats + 50g whey

1:00pm. - .6lb ground turkey W. 1/4 can black beans (low salt)

3:30 - 40g WMS + 25/50 whey (changes)

4:15 workout

5:45 - 1.3 cup oats + 50g whey

6:30 - Same as meal 2

9:00 - .5-.7lb cottage cheese w. 3 tbs natty pb

12:00 - .5lb chicken with 2oz almonds

On no-workout days I basically eat the same but take out the WMS and second serving of oats and up my fats.

I only eat about 2700 cals (because I do snack on almonds and peanuts). I will be upping it to closer to 3000 because I have been having some cutting effect right now (I cut my carbs most of the last 5 days while hurt.)


  • Established
Forgot what it felt like to be achy sore. Not really painful but definetly drains my energy and makes me want to eat and sleep.

I am slowly upping my carbs from the diet above.

Breakfast is now about 90g instead of 50g

It's now 1.5 cups of Kashi cereal with 1.5 cups skim milk (maybe more) and a banana

Also upping my turkey meals from about 18g to closer to 70-80gby adding:

1/4 can beans more and some veggies when possible (or another source worst case)

Will be around 250g a day and 300g on training days then going lower on weekend, say closer to 100g unless i have a cheat then more like 200

Not trying to make this just about diet but I think I am going in the right direction


  • Established
Agreed. I like the changes. You need to follow what your body is telling you. If you start seeing some adipose, adjust accordingly.

BTW - just for your edification, I liked the first diet too!


  • Established
Should be 1-2 more weeks before my hcg gets here and I wrap up what i labelled phase one and run phase 1.5 (hcg) for 2-3 weeks. Have tapered everything down to hrt levels and lean mass is holding strong even with the injuries. So far I think i'v gotten most of this process right to not add much fat after coming off a heavier cycle and t3. Cordy is definetly the real deal...

I'll write a nice long ending for this phase once the hcg comes and take picks so any bloat doesn't cloud my main goals for this phase of staying lean adn maintaining size.

P.S. I'll post all pictures and final write ups both in the begining where I saved spaces and at the chronological point where they fit in the thread.


  • Established
Agreed. I like the changes. You need to follow what your body is telling you. If you start seeing some adipose, adjust accordingly.

BTW - just for your edification, I liked the first diet too!
Thanks man, you're helping get rid of some of the self doubt i was having in my planning. I always feel like there is something that I am missing but I guess thats just genetics ha


  • Legend!
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Lookn good JR! So the tendons are feeling better?
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Keep at it homie. And yeah, Cordy is the real McCoy.


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Day 26 - off

Can't think straight now... ha

Was a total mess, I'll save the *****ing and moaning but there are a lot of things I still need work on which is the point of this log anyway.

Day 27 - Shoulders

Was nice to just get in and ruin my shoulders for a change. Don' even remember everything but the front middle tendon thing was just BURNING. Not like an injury but WOOOOW could barely lift ha!

Some of this is estimated - VERY weak today but hit it hard.

DB Shoulder press - 65's
Set 1 - 18, Set 2 - 15, Set 3 - 10

**Then I was DEAD

Front Barbell press
Set 4 - 145 x 10
Set 5 - 115 x 12 (rp) + 3

**Pump was ending my life, just BURNING aaah

Dumbell Raise
Set 6 - 40's x 15 (rp) + 5
Set 7 - 40's x 10 (rp) + 5
Set 8 - 30's x 17ish (rp) + 5ish (rp) + 3

Telle Raises (hard to explain - very hard)
Set 9 - 15lb - 12 each side - then repped out on just the top part of a normal raise
Set 10 - 15lb Same kind of thing

Dumbell High pulls (to the side sort of your rotator comfort)
Set 11 - 45's x 17
Set 12 - 45's x 15ish
**Nice new idea, will try more weight

May shoulders feel burnt... Weak workout but great effort, felt amazing energy


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Long story short - mentally I am a mess so that part of my goals is kinda getting ****ed up by life situations.

Killed Biceps on Friday, triceps not so much cause of my shoulder (everything hurt it).

Today killed chest the best I could. Almost every set is done Rest/pause.

Lifts of note (not all I did but just worth noting):

dumbell incline - 90's x 20 (first set) - up 5lbs each

Reverse hand BB rows to lower chest - 155 x 20 - up 20 pounds

Right chest tendon/shoulder chest tie in is messed up bad.


  • Legend!
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Nice workout buddy! Stay strong bruther!


  • Established
Day 35ish

There us no way I should be getting stronger but I am... Planning pictures then starting hcg next week. I am not looking for progress in the pics just maintanence. My nipples are a major problem and they still hurt even with nolva, p-5-p,1-carboxy and liquid dostined (which might be the problem, might need the pills). That is really scary cause it looks like i'll need the surgery at this rate and its also scary because there is no cause and that could signal a real problem...



DB Press -
70's x 21
70's x 16
70's x 10

Barbell press -
125 x 16
125 x 15 (rp) + 5
125 x 12 (drop set) + 105 x 6

DB Raise -
45's x 15 (rp) + 5
40's x 10 (rp) + 5

20's x 10 (rp) + 5 (basically one at a time ha)
15's x 10 (rp) + 5 (basically done the same)

2 Sets of high pulls with dumbells


  • Legend!
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Sweet deal man! keep killn it!
Force of Green

Force of Green

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What Metroba said.


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Ha I am not allowed to give metroba or strategicmove reps like EVER cause I need to spread them more apparently!

thanks guys...

I solved part of my energy problem, apparently lunesta was effecting me more than i though and creating more lethargy than I expected the next day.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Ha I am not allowed to give metroba or strategicmove reps like EVER cause I need to spread them more apparently!

thanks guys...

I solved part of my energy problem, apparently lunesta was effecting me more than i though and creating more lethargy than I expected the next day.
Give me some nig. Let's do this! My buddy just gave me Lunesta samples. Thanks for the warning!


  • Established
Lunesta is good stuff but sometimes it will leave you very groggy. I have the 2mg pills. DO NOT try to break them in half or bite them, even swallowing them they can ruin your taste buds for the rest of the night, I cant explain it, iot doesnt taste bad going down but then everything you drink (especially water) will taste funny all night.

Really just be aware that if you get groggy the next day it can feel depressing so be prepared and don't let it make you think you are really depressed like I did. I am not blaming it for ALL my problems but when it does have that effect it can mess with you. Still wiht all that said I do enjoy it when that groggy problem is not that bad


  • Established
Day 35ish

There us no way I should be getting stronger but I am... Planning pictures then starting hcg next week. I am not looking for progress in the pics just maintanence. My nipples are a major problem and they still hurt even with nolva, p-5-p,1-carboxy and liquid dostined (which might be the problem, might need the pills). That is really scary cause it looks like i'll need the surgery at this rate and its also scary because there is no cause and that could signal a real problem...



DB Press -
70's x 21
70's x 16
70's x 10

Barbell press -
125 x 16
125 x 15 (rp) + 5
125 x 12 (drop set) + 105 x 6

DB Raise -
45's x 15 (rp) + 5
40's x 10 (rp) + 5

20's x 10 (rp) + 5 (basically one at a time ha)
15's x 10 (rp) + 5 (basically done the same)

2 Sets of high pulls with dumbells
Nice bro...thought you were taking it easy this week? Your vascularity was insane the other night.


  • Established
Nice bro...thought you were taking it easy this week? Your vascularity was insane the other night.
The injury is definetly in the chest tendon not the shoulder because doing shoulders does not hurt at all its doing chest or even back that hurt. I am still figuring out what to do...


  • Established
Job search update...

I went on an interview, the first guy was the only one i was supposed to meet but he really liked me and wanted me to meet someone higher up...

I met the guy higher up and he liked me and said i was a candidate for the position and he thinks i would be a fit and i might meet with somone above him eventually....

Then i write thank you emails to each of them... and in the email to the first guy i call the second guy larry when his name is lenny...

SOOO i wrote him a one line email acknoledging it because i caught it right after i sent

WOW - And I wonder why I don't have a job :frustrate


Never enough
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I still have some lunesta, I couldnt stand the stuff.


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The injury is definetly in the chest tendon not the shoulder because doing shoulders does not hurt at all its doing chest or even back that hurt. I am still figuring out what to do...
Tricky area, that chest/delt tie-in. I had a torn labrum coupled with bursitis earlier this summer, some painful sh!t, didn't bother me too much on shoulder work (altho I still felt it), but it killed my chest on benches. Back work was fine for the most part. You can't really work thru those kinds of injuries, rest is the ticket. Hope you figure it out..

Other than that (and the nip situation :eek:), things are looking good in here, great to see. Stay positive - and don't trip on the e-mail name thing, done that before myself. He'll actually probably be impressed that you noticed the error & made the effort to correct it, shows thoroughness!


  • Established
Yeah like you said man... the nip thing sucks... I'll prob need the surgery when I have the money which is bull becuase there is NO cause for it!


  • Established
I dont even know what I did in the gym today...

Was a total zombie all day and di not take lunesta last night. Wish I could get to the bottom of this energy thing.

Anway I killed Back, bi's and tris...I cant even post the whole workout but i'll guess

My "gym" has some OLD school plate loaded cable machine ha

Pull down - 180lb
20 (rp) + 4
12 (rp) + 4
Then like 2 more RP sets dropping weight ect

Cable pull overs - 50lb
2 Sets - Killed it, rest pause ect till failure... like 20+ reps each set

DC Lat stretch (not the hanging one, other one)

Body Drag curls (dc inspired drop sets) 105,85,65
2 sets, 8-10 reps at each weight and did just the bar on the last set also.
Might have done a third set... honestly too beat to know ha

Db preacher curl - 35's
First set around 13 then spotted for 2-3 more
Second Set 8ish then dropped to 25's and did 5ish then spooted myself for 5 more

Tricep pushdowns (making sire to turn wristin at end for max flexion - try it!)
75 x 20 (rp) + 5
x 15 (rp) + 5
x 15 (rp + 3

Reverse One arm tri
25 x 15 (switch sides then) + 5
Then like 2 more sets like that... and finally a set with just 15... this plate loaded cable thing is hard.


  • Established
i know my last post makes very little sense but after the workout and my energy level today I am too tired so if this helps:

Back (lats) - 6 sets (all rest pause)

Bi's - 5 sets (all drop sets, rest pause or past failure)

Tri's - 7 sets (all rest pause)

Just saying you don't need much volume to destroy yourself...


  • Established
Tris and lats are very tore and tight, bi's just a little...

I never get sore so this is awsome... Thanks snag.

I can't wait to finish this phase and do a write up for everyone, i definetly have some conclusions on some supps. This is going to be one long ass log ha. Phase one almost over.

Feeling lean so I have cheated today... time to get another beer, sox better not blow this!


  • Established
The chest tie-in tendon is too bad to do chest this week... guess that means only 2 days in the gym this week WOW


  • Established
Do some HIIT cardio in place of chest work. Keep that schedule filled with some form of activity. Just gotta do something different bro.


  • Established
The chest tie-in tendon is too bad to do chest this week... guess that means only 2 days in the gym this week WOW
i have to agree with sna. You should just do some form of activity that is useful in place of training chest. Anyways, Varitek needs to go bro...worst offensive player EVER.


  • Established
Do some HIIT cardio in place of chest work. Keep that schedule filled with some form of activity. Just gotta do something different bro.
Ha I would die... I have only done light walking cardio 3 times in the last few years and never more than a walk


  • Established
i have to agree with sna. You should just do some form of activity that is useful in place of training chest. Anyways, Varitek needs to go bro...worst offensive player EVER.
Rubbing salt into the mans' wounds for crying out loud. JR, obviously a Sox fan. Bad enough they let the Rays beat 'em, they teased everyone by taking it to a 7th game again! Had they pulled it out, they surely would've been cemented as one of the greatest comeback teams in history (over a couple yr. span), if not the greatest ever. Their other comebacks the past few yrs. have already been unreal.

But I kinda like the Rays to win it all. Their only undoing will be nerves, they've got the better team. And they were built better than the Sox, a younger, more athletic version of Boston.


  • Established
Rubbing salt into the mans' wounds for crying out loud. JR, obviously a Sox fan. Bad enough they let the Rays beat 'em, they teased everyone by taking it to a 7th game again! Had they pulled it out, they surely would've been cemented as one of the greatest comeback teams in history (over a couple yr. span), if not the greatest ever. Their other comebacks the past few yrs. have already been unreal.

But I kinda like the Rays to win it all. Their only undoing will be nerves, they've got the better team. And they were built better than the Sox, a younger, more athletic version of Boston.
Lol. I am a sox fan as well, so I was just as disappointed. I see the Phillies winning in 7 though in the series. They have great closers.


  • Established
Well... Cordy is still the **** but things are going weird...

Lifts are shooting UP but my muscle mass is down for sure. I am still in a taper off of super sups and started hcg. Once I feel the HCG has some things moving the right way (prob 2 weeks) I will start some IGF and pegMGF along with PCT. After the first 4-5 weeks I will hopefully run AlphaSustain From PP with some Sarm s-4 if I have the funds and its back in stock.

Shoulders - tris's - LEGS!!!

Thats right I did legs for the first time in 3 months and really even then it was only for a few weeks after a couple years off...

I took 6 cordy5 and 2 meltdown and 60mg geranium lol, I finally got to go to a real gym again for a change so I didnt want to waste it.

Overhead Dumbell Press - 3 sets
80's x 17 (I don't count the first push off rep... maybe I should?)
80's x 10
80's x 7
****Never expected 17 on the first set!

Smith machine front press - 3 sets
90 (45 each side - hands wide to focus)
13 (rp) +4 (rp) +3
13 (rp) +4 (rp) +3
13 (rp) +4 (rp) +3
***All three sets were KILLER

Smith machine High pulls, wide grip - 2 sets
90 x 17
90 x 10 (rp) + 5
*** WOW burned when done right

Lateral raise machine - 1 set
90 x 15ish (drop) 70 x6 (drop) 50 x8

Stright bar tricep pushdowns - 2 sets
72.5 x 15 (rp) + 4
70 x 10 (rp) + 4

Reverse one arm push down - 1 or 2 sets?
Done alternating one arm then the other...
15lbs x12 x8 x5
**might have done 2... at the end it always gets blurry

Tri machine (the one that looks like swining 2 hammers) - 2 sets
50 x 25
65 x 25
**Very light but HURT, focussed on mind/muscle

LEGS!! - ATF Squats!
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5
****VERY deep and strict, i am very good at squats so I had to fight the urge to go heavier. My lower back is already sore, hopefull I'll be able to keep from getting hurt doing legs/deadlifts like I always seem to.

As you can all see Cordy just helps you move weight but my muscle mass is WHITHERING! I have lost some cuts but also am down 4 pounds total so muscle is going away. I just dont look or feel pumped I I have been. I am upping my carbs to see what happens, I have lost cuts but I can't handle the muscle loss so I'll take the fat if I have to.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Well... Cordy is still the **** but things are going weird...

Lifts are shooting UP but my muscle mass is down for sure. I am still in a taper off of super sups and started hcg. Once I feel the HCG has some things moving the right way (prob 2 weeks) I will start some IGF and pegMGF along with PCT. After the first 4-5 weeks I will hopefully run AlphaSustain From PP with some Sarm s-4 if I have the funds and its back in stock.

Shoulders - tris's - LEGS!!!

Thats right I did legs for the first time in 3 months and really even then it was only for a few weeks after a couple years off...

I took 6 cordy5 and 2 meltdown and 60mg geranium lol, I finally got to go to a real gym again for a change so I didnt want to waste it.

Overhead Dumbell Press - 3 sets
80's x 17 (I don't count the first push off rep... maybe I should?)
80's x 10
80's x 7
****Never expected 17 on the first set!

Smith machine front press - 3 sets
90 (45 each side - hands wide to focus)
13 (rp) +4 (rp) +3
13 (rp) +4 (rp) +3
13 (rp) +4 (rp) +3
***All three sets were KILLER

Smith machine High pulls, wide grip - 2 sets
90 x 17
90 x 10 (rp) + 5
*** WOW burned when done right

Lateral raise machine - 1 set
90 x 15ish (drop) 70 x6 (drop) 50 x8

Stright bar tricep pushdowns - 2 sets
72.5 x 15 (rp) + 4
70 x 10 (rp) + 4

Reverse one arm push down - 1 or 2 sets?
Done alternating one arm then the other...
15lbs x12 x8 x5
**might have done 2... at the end it always gets blurry

Tri machine (the one that looks like swining 2 hammers) - 2 sets
50 x 25
65 x 25
**Very light but HURT, focussed on mind/muscle

LEGS!! - ATF Squats!
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5
****VERY deep and strict, i am very good at squats so I had to fight the urge to go heavier. My lower back is already sore, hopefull I'll be able to keep from getting hurt doing legs/deadlifts like I always seem to.

As you can all see Cordy just helps you move weight but my muscle mass is WHITHERING! I have lost some cuts but also am down 4 pounds total so muscle is going away. I just dont look or feel pumped I I have been. I am upping my carbs to see what happens, I have lost cuts but I can't handle the muscle loss so I'll take the fat if I have to.
Input/Output. Cordygen is helping you move more weight, sure... You're giving a lot of output. Your food intake is too strict. Especially for weening off anabolics, with low cals your testosterone and LH will not spike. Even if you're just chillin around, get some good tasting, inexpensive protein drinks like All the Whey and fire up the blender throughout the day man.


  • Established
Sounds good man but realize I am still on HRT type doses so not OFF and not losing fat but actually possibly gaining it.

Do you think I need to start the cortisol supps already like before I am totally off? could be the problem...

I should be losing fat if I was too strict. I am taking up around 3000 cals a day. Right now its about 300 protein 250-300 carbs and 60-80 fat. Could it be the banaba and yellow gold OD'ing I am doing causing the cabrs to not work right?

My weight is at 202 (three days in a row) which it was when i saw you but its a MUCH different 202 and at this level of bodyfat i should be 205-208.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Sounds good man but realize I am still on HRT type doses so not OFF and not losing fat but actually possibly gaining it.

Do you think I need to start the cortisol supps already like before I am totally off? could be the problem...

I should be losing fat if I was too strict. I am taking up around 3000 cals a day. Right now its about 300 protein 250-300 carbs and 60-80 fat. Could it be the banaba and yellow gold OD'ing I am doing causing the cabrs to not work right?

My weight is at 202 (three days in a row) which it was when i saw you but its a MUCH different 202 and at this level of bodyfat i should be 205-208.
I like cortisol modulators during the cycle as well as 2 weeks into PCT. Cortisol levels are very high while on cycle and plus you're stressed out, so carbs may not be going where they're supposed to go. I'd for sure say something even like 3 caps of 11-OXO and a B-Complex (good one) would help a lot.


  • Established
My cortisol plan was EndoAmp at 1.5 times recomended dose and Relora
Force of Green

Force of Green

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My cortisol plan was EndoAmp at 1.5 times recomended dose and Relora
Ahhh... both good stuff. For sure. Yeah man, I'd start the Relora NOW. It won't hurt your PCT either. It's recommended to wait a couple weeks before lowering cortisol in PCT, but those 2 you'll be fine no doubt. Relora will raise your DHEA levels too.


  • Established
I'll have to order the relora... still dont have it, have the endo amp cause I got a super deal.


  • Established
Your trying to recover adrenals and your taking 60mg of geranium?
I've given up on it happening overnight... it simply was not happening.

I'm going to cut down to stims a couple times a week and taking 2 reset AD for a few months... My stim levels got so high that anything is a positive step.
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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Reset AD is a waste of money vs lifestyle changes when it comes to restoring your adrenals. Make the lifestyle changes first and your going to see a much bigger impact. What exactly are your symptoms of adrenal fatigue anyways?


Never enough
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Reset AD is a waste of money vs lifestyle changes when it comes to restoring your adrenals. Make the lifestyle changes first and your going to see a much bigger impact. What exactly are your symptoms of adrenal fatigue anyways?
both together is even better tho :D


  • Established
Phase 2 begins Monday!

I will officially be OFF on Monday. I will still do HCG for this week and next so HPTA won't be in full recover mode but still off considering half-lives.


Killer workout today... Really don't remember everything but I'll put some basic stuff.

Chest, Back, Squats

Chest - Still hurt so just played around on incline dumbells

Ended up doing 75 x 15 (3 sets) after a long warm up, really slow.

Back - Again long warm up, I would count the sets mostly but I forget them besides the max sets

Bent over rows - 3 sets - 235 x 5
Had to cheat a little on the 5th rep of the 3rd set

Squats - Working back into these. I do them ATF style and just strted them last wens ha... gonna pay! I worked up to 240 x 5 on my lat set


  • Established
Final workout of this phase

Yesterday - Back / Squats

I am figuring out my 5 rep maxes to start a new program... I really have not paid much attention to my workouts right now, I only remember the last set. Since I have not squated or deadlifted in a LONG time these need to be done a couple times a week because strength is shooting up.

Pull-ups - +40 (5 reps)

Squat ATF - 265 (5 reps)

Deadlift - 325 (5 reps)

I think I can get up to 300 for 5 reps on squats and 405 for 5 reps on deadlifts within the next few week.


  • Established
Phase 1 product feedback​


Overall a reasonable success. Bodyweight stayed around the same, probably lost a small amount of muscle and gained a small amount of fat which is ok for all the things I had going on coming off super supps and synthetic t3.

Weights definetly went up which was very unexpected.

Shoulder dumbell press
1st week - 70 x 12
Strongest - 80 x 17

Incline dumbell press
1st time - 80 x 13
Strongest - 80 x 20
**Then got hurt... Almost better not...

Those are just two examples, I fought a couple injuries like always so my lifts had to change to fit it in but there was a feeling of "the weights just moved."


Week 1-4
Now Rhodiola - 500mg x 3
**Did not feel much... I like it in a tea better

Bacopa - Dosing TBD - 2/3 x day
**Felt nothing but it may have helped t3

Holy Basil - 450mg x 3
**some calming possibly... Would try again

1-Carboxy - Dosing TBD Before bed (2g?)
**Slept pretty good, some prolactin help... Not really worth it though. Might have helped with recovery though so will look to see if recover gets worse

NOW Thyroid Energy - Label dosing
**Thyroid recovered

Lugols Iodine - 4 drops ED
**Thyroid seems to be ok, amazing value. This stuff last forever

Colleus - 40-60mg actives 2-3 x day
**DID NOT USE - Saved for phase 2

Reset AD - 3 x day
**Can't say I noticed much

Cordygen5 - 2 caps pre-wo / 1 in AM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best performance enhancer I have used !!!!!!

CRE-02 - 3 caps pre-wo

Personal blended pre-WO mix (GMS, ALCAR tyrosine, Chocamine and AAKG)
**Used sometimes...Not crazy about it but performance did go up from alcar for sure. Will use alcar in the future

Tyrosine and ALCAR ro energy as needed
**I like tyrosine at a good dose

Toco-8(starting week 2 or 3)
**Just started

Phase 2 plan​

PCT - The tricky part​

Week 1-4 -
Estrogen -60mg toremifen + 50mg Clomid ED
Cortisol - 1000mg Relora + 2400mg PS (EndoAmp 1.5 dosage)
Pre-Wo - Recreate Hopefully if I can get it
Sleep - Ketotifen (strong anti-catabolic as well)
Fat and cAmp - 500mg GTE + 200mg 20% Colleus (3 times/day)
Performance - BUYING MORE CORDY!, Creatine Mono (save $$)

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday - 500mcg PegMgf
Mon, Wens, Fri - 60-80mcg IGF PWO

I Need to wrap this up now... I'll write more if I think of it
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Phase 1 product feedback​


Overall a reasonable success. Bodyweight stayed around the same, probably lost a small amount of muscle and gained a small amount of fat which is ok for all the things I had going on coming off super supps and synthetic t3.

Weights definetly went up which was very unexpected.

Shoulder dumbell press
1st week - 70 x 12
Strongest - 80 x 17

Incline dumbell press
1st time - 80 x 13
Strongest - 80 x 20
**Then got hurt... Almost better not...

Those are just two examples, I fought a couple injuries like always so my lifts had to change to fit it in but there was a feeling of "the weights just moved."


Week 1-4
Now Rhodiola - 500mg x 3
**Did not feel much... I like it in a tea better

Bacopa - Dosing TBD - 2/3 x day
**Felt nothing but it may have helped t3

Holy Basil - 450mg x 3
**some calming possibly... Would try again

1-Carboxy - Dosing TBD Before bed (2g?)
**Slept pretty good, some prolactin help... Not really worth it though. Might have helped with recovery though so will look to see if recover gets worse

NOW Thyroid Energy - Label dosing
**Thyroid recovered

Lugols Iodine - 4 drops ED
**Thyroid seems to be ok, amazing value. This stuff last forever

Colleus - 40-60mg actives 2-3 x day
**DID NOT USE - Saved for phase 2

Reset AD - 3 x day
**Can't say I noticed much

Cordygen5 - 2 caps pre-wo / 1 in AM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best performance enhancer I have used !!!!!!

CRE-02 - 3 caps pre-wo

Personal blended pre-WO mix (GMS, ALCAR tyrosine, Chocamine and AAKG)
**Used sometimes...Not crazy about it but performance did go up from alcar for sure. Will use alcar in the future

Tyrosine and ALCAR ro energy as needed
**I like tyrosine at a good dose

Toco-8(starting week 2 or 3)
**Just started

Phase 2 plan​

PCT - The tricky part​

Week 1-4 -
Estrogen -60mg toremifen + 50mg Nolva ED
Cortisol - 1000mg Relora + 2400mg PS (EndoAmp 1.5 dosage)
Pre-Wo - Recreate Hopefully if I can get it
Sleep - Ketotifen (strong anti-catabolic as well)
Fat and cAmp - 500mg GTE + 200mg 20% Colleus (3 times/day)
Performance - BUYING MORE CORDY!, Creatine Mono (save $$)

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday - 500mcg PegMgf
Mon, Wens, Thurs - 60-80mcg IGF PWO

I Need to wrap this up now... I'll write more if I think of it
Bro, excellent review! You should consider asking MST to run a sponsored log of one or a couple of their upcoming products when they are being beta tested. Your detail is outstanding!

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