Re-starting T3, Adrenals and HPTA!! Massive log W. REAL Sarms!



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Thanks man... I ran a lot of things but I feel like I was able to see what worked.

I am doing PCT but am excited to use the peptides. I am going to throw one bottle of Prime in too. Sarms will be in phase 3 of this log because I had a slight change in my thoughts on using them in PCT.


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sarms?, r u talking real sarms?like the ones in research. i was looking on wikipedia, those things sound crazy,its gonna be the new bodybuilding hit when it comes out in like 6-10 years.

peptides sounds interesting as well. i have researched about them a little. Have u prior experience in them.

Yeah prime sounds nice if it lives up to the claims, i hope it works for you.


New member
wow..what a review.. you put some time in it..looking good



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I made an error... I will not be using 50mg nolva haha 50mg clomid...


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Putting this here so I don't forget...

I am switching back to a strength troutine and starting squats and deadlifts again along with standing military presses for the first time.

I will be doing the 5x5 program during PCT because I think its best to use heavy weights when coming off cycle.

Right now I have.

Pull ups 5 rep max - Bw+40

JS rows 5 rep max - 210

Oly squat 5 rep max - 285 (this will be shooting up very quickly as I get back into it)

Today I will try my deadlift 5rm and my pull up 5x5 and standing militaty press 5rm


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Tried White flood out before workout... didnt get to feel much of the effect though because I slipped a disk in my neck!!!!

F-ing HATE life!!! I am always hurt.

Did Standing military presses.

Worked up to 150 for 4, then 130 for 5 then 110 for like 7-8

Then went to seated dumbell presses.

85 x 5 - going fine, maybe a little weak today
THEN - 85 x 4 - Felt a pinch then out the weight down and BAM it hit me, my neck was f-ed!!!

Planned an awsome workout and cant do anything!

Just put on tiger balm and took aleve and got an emergency appointment with the chiropractor. Hopefully I can lift again soon because getting hurt on PCT when I spent a TOOON of money on all these supps would SUUUUUUUUCK!!!


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Tried White flood out before workout... didnt get to feel much of the effect though because I slipped a disk in my neck!!!!

F-ing HATE life!!! I am always hurt.

Did Standing military presses.

Worked up to 150 for 4, then 130 for 5 then 110 for like 7-8

Then went to seated dumbell presses.

85 x 5 - going fine, maybe a little weak today
THEN - 85 x 4 - Felt a pinch then out the weight down and BAM it hit me, my neck was f-ed!!!

Planned an awsome workout and cant do anything!

Just put on tiger balm and took aleve and got an emergency appointment with the chiropractor. Hopefully I can lift again soon because getting hurt on PCT when I spent a TOOON of money on all these supps would SUUUUUUUUCK!!!
you taking cissus and animal flex? i dont think it will cure your neck, but its better than nothing perhaps.


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Not taking animal flex... nothing will help a slipped **** besides fixing it and it hurts like ****.


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Holy god this hurts...

anytime i relax my muscles my head shakes uncontrollably from spasms.


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seated dumbell press... tweaked a little too hard.

I am dying over her ha! Went to chiro who is very good and he said he put it back in but now it is spazaming VERY very bad


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Feeling a Bit better - Recap week 1 / phase 2

I was and once again working on starting a 5x5 program for strength. I have had a very hard time getting my 5rm's for major lifts due to my strength going up so fast in the deadlift and squat and also due to injuries.

As you can see above I slipped a disk or two in my neck. I can't afford a chiro but I found a way to make it happen. After 2 trips I am 80% better. I may skip my final appointment to save money.

Overall weel 1 turned out OK because I did my Friday workout on Saturday and only missed Wens. I honestly forget mondays workout but Saturday was nuts.

Saturday Nov 8

Smith Machine high pulls - SUPERSET - Lateral Raises (without letting tension off at botton - 85% ROM)
120 x 8 + 30's x 10
120 x 8 + 30's x 10
120 x 8 + 30's x 8
120 x 8 + 30's x 8
120 x 6 + 30's x 5

Pull ups
5 sets of 5 reps

Cable pullovers
80'ish - unknown reps

Body drag barbell Curls
115 x 10 (drop) 85 x 8
115 x 7 (drop) 85 x 6 (drop) 65 x 7

Preacher curl machine
Some insane drop set... at least 3 drops... no idea ha

Long warm up to 2 max sets
395 x 5
395 x 4

Felt like I could have done one more on each set but my wierd grips gave me a hard time... Yes I am a little girl i use straps.

Finished with a couple rear delt sets... Need to make these a bigger priority

I have recently Added:
White Flood
Cordygen (again!)
Creatine Mono - 3 days a week only

To this phase of my log... Anyone who knows me knows rebuying something is a bid deal so way to go cordy!


  • Established
Feeling a Bit better - Recap week 1 / phase 2

I was and once again working on starting a 5x5 program for strength. I have had a very hard time getting my 5rm's for major lifts due to my strength going up so fast in the deadlift and squat and also due to injuries.

As you can see above I slipped a disk or two in my neck. I can't afford a chiro but I found a way to make it happen. After 2 trips I am 80% better. I may skip my final appointment to save money.

Overall weel 1 turned out OK because I did my Friday workout on Saturday and only missed Wens. I honestly forget mondays workout but Saturday was nuts.

Saturday Nov 8

Smith Machine high pulls - SUPERSET - Lateral Raises (without letting tension off at botton - 85% ROM)
120 x 8 + 30's x 10
120 x 8 + 30's x 10
120 x 8 + 30's x 8
120 x 8 + 30's x 8
120 x 6 + 30's x 5

Pull ups
5 sets of 5 reps

Cable pullovers
80'ish - unknown reps

Body drag barbell Curls
115 x 10 (drop) 85 x 8
115 x 7 (drop) 85 x 6 (drop) 65 x 7

Preacher curl machine
Some insane drop set... at least 3 drops... no idea ha

Long warm up to 2 max sets
395 x 5
395 x 4

Felt like I could have done one more on each set but my wierd grips gave me a hard time... Yes I am a little girl i use straps.

Finished with a couple rear delt sets... Need to make these a bigger priority

I have recently Added:
White Flood
Cordygen (again!)
Creatine Mono - 3 days a week only

To this phase of my log... Anyone who knows me knows rebuying something is a bid deal so way to go cordy!
I like these workouts for you better than 5x5. It seems you are always getting hurt when you are focusing on such low reps and strength gains. You are already strong and big. I think higher reps and more tut. will keep you maintaining/making gains without getting hurt.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Good luck with them discs. Get it taken care of now, otherwise they'll settle out of place.


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I like these workouts for you better than 5x5. It seems you are always getting hurt when you are focusing on such low reps and strength gains. You are already strong and big. I think higher reps and more tut. will keep you maintaining/making gains without getting hurt.
I am doing an old school Bill Star 5x5 next ha.. I'll post an excell spreadsheet it anyone knows how to make it open in the post.

It is a little easier on the joints because there are a lot of weeks at sub max weights moving up.


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WOW someone save my legs!! They are so sore and ache!

This workout is no joke... My calories are definetly going to have to increase.

Really like White Flood so far. It is not overpowering but makes you workout hard. Not noticing much else but this is just the start of PCT so no news is good news.

Went out and bought a pair of Converse AllStars for squating and deadlifting. I got the low ones not hightops, I don't have the balls to look that foolish.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Nice little workout organizer ya got there.


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I created a spreadsheet... Now lets see if i can actually complete this workout. Doing my friday workout on saturday last week REALLY threw off my recovery, OUCH


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Week 1, wens 1

Holy Fing ****!!! 5x5 deadlifts is suicide.

This workout is death and this is just week one with "light" weights!

My recovery better pick up or I won't make it through this routine. I nearly passed out during deadlifts, my lower back was too pumped and sore. I didn't use straps for the first 2 sets but then had to give in.

Shoulder should have been very light but felt heavy. This routine might not be best for coming off because it assumes my strength is the same as it was and these weight should be kight but they don't feel so light ha.

I tried 3 scoops of white flood and it was a bit much. 2.5 might be perfect but my heart almost exploded on deadlifts.

Working out in the Converse allstars really helped on squating though.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Week 1, wens 1

Holy Fing ****!!! 5x5 deadlifts is suicide.

This workout is death and this is just week one with "light" weights!

My recovery better pick up or I won't make it through this routine. I nearly passed out during deadlifts, my lower back was too pumped and sore. I didn't use straps for the first 2 sets but then had to give in.

Shoulder should have been very light but felt heavy. This routine might not be best for coming off because it assumes my strength is the same as it was and these weight should be kight but they don't feel so light ha.

I tried 3 scoops of white flood and it was a bit much. 2.5 might be perfect but my heart almost exploded on deadlifts.

Working out in the Converse allstars really helped on squating though.
All Stars, nice. Will Smith's choice in I Robot. Vintage baby ;)


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its not for style... most of the west side barbell guys wear then for their hard even sole which is better than foam healed sneakers which have too much give and make you waste energy stablizing your heals rather than driving into the floor.


  • Established
its not for style... most of the west side barbell guys wear then for their hard even sole which is better than foam healed sneakers which have too much give and make you waste energy stablizing your heals rather than driving into the floor.
i swear if you start wearing them out with tight skinny jeans instead of squatting our friendship is over! That workout looks intense, 5x5 deadlifts is a workout in itself.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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i swear if you start wearing them out with tight skinny jeans instead of squatting our friendship is over! That workout looks intense, 5x5 deadlifts is a workout in itself.
Hahahaha! Friends stand by no matter what ;)
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Of course, but the line has to be drawn somewhere, and if JR starts looking like a hipster its over lol. Anyways, how is everything with you bro?
I'm doing 'ok' for now. Until about 3 hours when it fades... haha.


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Fri 1 - week 1

Weights definetly feel heavy. Got all reps but bench was a challenge meaning I felt it and could not have done any more reps which is insanely horrible.

Squats are a challenge to keep my knees from turning in and keep my ass from doing all the work (I got a ghetto booty, way stronger than my quads).

Decent workout for a horrible community center gym with equiptment from the 60's, heat cranking to 80, people with horrid BO and semi-slow 15 year olds getting in the way.

White Flood definetly is making me sweat more and the magic I was getting from cordy might be fading but its hard to tell because again I am early in PCT and this workout is a new way of training for me.

Finally I am stopping the creatine mono which I was taking 6g 3xweek. I noticed I was getting flabby around the midsection BUT could see good cuts in ym abs when flexed which is not a normal thing for me to have that combo. I figure it may be bloat because of that and because my face is not getting puffy, both suggesting its not fat. Because the mono has to go I ordered DiCreatine Malate to see if it fixes this.


  • Established
Finally I am stopping the creatine mono which I was taking 6g 3xweek. I noticed I was getting flabby around the midsection BUT could see good cuts in ym abs when flexed which is not a normal thing for me to have that combo. I figure it may be bloat because of that and because my face is not getting puffy, both suggesting its not fat. Because the mono has to go I ordered DiCreatine Malate to see if it fixes this.
I don't understand this, can you clarify?


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After some reading I decided dosing creatine less frequently would be a better long term strategy because of downregulation. basically if your body sees it has too much it stops absorbing more and starts to look for homeostasis by excreting the supplement increased creatine levels back to normal. I was just taking 6g pre-wo (2 big teasoons).

either its the creatine or I'm getting fat fast but being on IGF I really doubt I am getting fat. To take advantage of the IGF I have been eating approx 150g carbs and 150g prot within the first hour and a half after workout.


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Hmm, that runs counter to my understanding. I believe Polliquin was one of the first I heard of recommending 20-30g mono daily (dependant on bodyweight), and this after loading @ 40g for 5 days. The body needs to be saturated with it in order to make use of it. If you don't do a loading phase properly, you'll get no benefit from it, especially with intermittent use. Now, do I think you need to do 20g/day to realize effectiveness? No, probably about 10g would suffice, but when you bump it up the effects are exponentiated, I've realized this first hand.


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Of course, it's good to cycle off the creatine every so often, which I do for a month or so every 8-12 weeks.


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There is science on both sides... I am no expert but thought maybe I could avoid the bloat and take it longer doing this. I haven't used creatine in like 8 years so its new to me again.

I'll try the Dicreatine malate and see if it helps the bloat and if it does I'll up the dose and frequency. I really hope this is bloat ha or i am getting fat.


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PCT is kicking my ass in a few area's ie libido ect...

Strength is down to so it motivated me to order the Sarms finally...

245 5x5 felt kinda heavy on bench today. Did all reps but the firest set scared me. I use to do 275 but am working back up to it as my program notes. I am doing this to hopefully learn my strength back if that makes sense.

Did 240 5x5 on squat and bw+10 on tris so kinda cheated up in weights.

I really dont feel ANY hypo effects from 80mcg of a very very reputable IGF. I have also run insulin in the past and got no hypo symptoms from that either.., Anyone have any theories on that mystery??????


  • Established
PCT is kicking my ass in a few area's ie libido ect...

Strength is down to so it motivated me to order the Sarms finally...

245 5x5 felt kinda heavy on bench today. Did all reps but the firest set scared me. I use to do 275 but am working back up to it as my program notes. I am doing this to hopefully learn my strength back if that makes sense.

Did 240 5x5 on squat and bw+10 on tris so kinda cheated up in weights.

I really dont feel ANY hypo effects from 80mcg of a very very reputable IGF. I have also run insulin in the past and got no hypo symptoms from that either.., Anyone have any theories on that mystery??????
order the sarms?i thought they dont exist?
real sarms?


  • Established
order the sarms?i thought they dont exist?
real sarms?
TaKe the red pill and i'll show you how deep the rabit hole goes...


They exist research Sarm S-4. Right now there is only one source for them for research purposes only and it's not info I can share.


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Switched things up and squated and deadlifted barefoot which was cool. Unfortunetly the bullcrap rec center I usually go to would never allow it because it felt much safer.

Squats was my easy day but I finally felt it a little in my quads rather than my glutes taking over the whole lift.

5x5 Deadlifts were very easy. Sure it was taxing but the weights moved so easy even on the last set I was powering through it. I was able to do 345 for 3 sets without wraps but the over/under grip scares me. I have seen to many injuries online with people tearing their biceps that way. I did it today and my left bicep with often hurts gave me some day pain so I only did one set with the left turned out.

Upper body lifts are suffering because I am coming off but it sucks because I think i am losing upper body muscle mass. Weight has held at 206 but with my legs growing and BF% raising it must mean I am losing mass... sucks.

160 on front militarys felt like death but I did 5x5. Biceps felt heavy too...
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I lost you after you wanted to show us how deep the rabbit hole goes...


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Ha...Matrix refference to Ari saying they didn't exist.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Hahaha! I know my nig. One of my favorite sci-fi/fantasy flicks.


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so how is the sarm going?

is this the first time uve used them?

and if so what type of effects r u getting out of it.

They need to get this stuff on the market fastly,sounds like safer stuff.


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Just ordered it man... Not starting for a few weeks.

Also it will never be "on the market" it will be a prescription drug only most like GH which is very hard to get and controled to posses. When it actually comes out it will be very bad for bodbuilders because it will then be made illegal where now it is not.


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Wow 255 5x5 on bench felt heavy... Should have been light

I tried RPM again and really like it. I consider RPM the gold standard of Pre-WO supps but will compare White Flood and RPM. Right now I am getting close to peaking on a strength cycle so there is not much room for expiriment.

Odd thing happening... I felt very small and out of shape then took a couple doses of dicreatine malate and feel much more full. Mono bloats the hell out of me but I will TRY to take Dicreatine to see if it does too.

Not noticing much from prime right now BUT I have kept most of my weight coming off cycle. I am using peptides though so its hard to say prime is doing much. I am considering getting a second bottle... We'll see.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Wow 255 5x5 on bench felt heavy... Should have been light

I tried RPM again and really like it. I consider RPM the gold standard of Pre-WO supps but will compare White Flood and RPM. Right now I am getting close to peaking on a strength cycle so there is not much room for expiriment.

Odd thing happening... I felt very small and out of shape then took a couple doses of dicreatine malate and feel much more full. Mono bloats the hell out of me but I will TRY to take Dicreatine to see if it does too.

Not noticing much from prime right now BUT I have kept most of my weight coming off cycle. I am using peptides though so its hard to say prime is doing much. I am considering getting a second bottle... We'll see.
Optimus Prime! Do it up!


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Still rockin in this log...

Workout on Wens went ok - I did not have any strength or energy (wierd because of the RPM) but I used pure balls and guts to get it done. Shoulders were a problem but i barely got the lifts up.

Skipped friday but got a bunch of good stuff shopping ha. Oh well... Lost a couple pounds due to eating less and general activity/stress over the weekend but should be back.

Today was OK as well. RPM isn't having the same effects I remembered but still fair. Benching 5x5 HAS to stop. I did 3 reps at 265 and felt that my left arm just didn't have any strength. I have been suffering from what I think are spasms along my shoulder blades through the entire length. It is a sharp sometimes cripling pain that lasts a few seconds and is worse of the left side so I guess it played a role in the weakness of that limb.

Squat was done at 260, Tri-dips at +25 so some lifts are going very well.

Picked up one more Prime at GNC for $42 with tax so i could not pass it up.

SARMS will begin within a couple weeks.

With my new leg routine and some gained fat my weight should not be dropping or even staying the same which clearly means I am losing upper body mass which makes NO sense because I recently went shopping and all the clothes I had to buy were XL or XXL for the first time in my life... Wierd

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