Not yet, but I already sent out payment, so we will be getting another run going soon.
I am making a 3rd version of ProSynthesis, called ProSynthesis-PERFORM. It's going to be pretty damn crazy. It won't contain the Mediator-PA, but it will contain the following...
The same base amino acid formula as proSynthesis-17
HBCD's (in the form of Cluster Dextrin)
The standard pre-workout ergogenic aides (creatine, betaine, etc.)
Nitric oxide boosters (high dose citrulline & nitrates)
A killer energy-mood-focus formula (this energy-mood-focus formula will be VERY SIMILAR in effect to Mitradopa, but with a greater energy-focus component and perfect mixability).
This will be a 20 serving product out of necessity...for two reasons. One, it would weigh like 5 pounds if I made it 30 servings. Two, it would cost too much. Even if I gave you guys a better deal than the BUILD, the price-point would still be higher than I am comfortable with. It terms of value, it will very likely turn out to be an even better deal than the BUILD. My goal with this product is to provide 5 products in 1 (aminos, carbs, ergogenic aides, nitric oxide boosters, and neuromodulators) for way less than money than if people purchased these components separately.
But...the only way something like this works is if EVERY component is fantastic on its own. Otherwise, people will still want to piecemeal their pre-workout formula.
As most people know, Mitradopa ALONE is an expensive product to make. My intention is to replicate the euphoric, feel-good effects of Mitradopa, but with a significantly greater energy-focus component; something more suitable for a training session. If I can accomplish this at the price point I want, this component alone will be incredible.
Once I add in the massive dose of aminos, the best pre-training carbs (Cluster Dextrin), all those ergogenic aides, and the high dose nitric oxide boosters, it will be unmatched in the pre-workout a LONG SHOT! For the first time, there will be a comprehensive pre-workout product that provides OPTIMAL doses at each level of the formula. That's never been done before. Previously, the best we've seen are some products that provide a neuromodulatory component (energy, focus, etc.), some ergogenic aides (creatine, betaine, etc.), nitric oxide boosters, and a low-dose amino acid blend.
This next version of ProSynthesis is going to take ALL of those components to the next level. It will truly replace 5 categories of product. You won't need another amino product, you won't need to add creatine, nitrates or any other that other stuff, and you won't need anything else for energy, mood or focus. AND it will even contain Cluster Dextrin carbs on top of that. I'm super excited about it.