NWA kicking it old school + new school together with 1-t thp ether + Mega-TRN



Never enough
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I am at 195lbs, about 50p/20c/30f. Total intake now varying in the 2800-3000 range, which is right about maintenance for me, sadly. Towards the upper end the macros are a little more like 45p/25c/30f I'm at 660mg of 1-t a day, and 20mg of superdrol a day. I would likely raise protein + fat higher, as I can hardly stand to eat 200g of carbs a day as it is :D part of the carbs now is from Anabolic Window (34g) postworkout, its the only reason carbs are that high.


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why didnt you ever raise the 1t dose and just leave the sdrol out?


Never enough
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Well, I think i came to deciding I wasn't seeing much activity really around the halfway point, maybe a hair past. I did consider it tho, but I was thinking that instead of 4 weeks left i'd have had 2 1/2 (going to 990) and not really gotten too close to goals either. If I could have gotten more 1-t at the same price, i would have probably bought 2-3 more bottles and done that though.

I'm still "light" on LBM from where i want to be for the near term. I'm guessing at 18% bf, around 160lbs lean mass. Really I want to be at least 170-180 of lean mass, so the superdrol does make sense for that


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I am at 195lbs, about 50p/20c/30f. Total intake now varying in the 2800-3000 range, which is right about maintenance for me, sadly. Towards the upper end the macros are a little more like 45p/25c/30f I'm at 660mg of 1-t a day, and 20mg of superdrol a day. I would likely raise protein + fat higher, as I can hardly stand to eat 200g of carbs a day as it is :D part of the carbs now is from Anabolic Window (34g) postworkout, its the only reason carbs are that high.
I suggest picking up a cheap caliper, especially when your goals are to cut fat while building muscle at the same time. It may not be the "perfect" way to measure gains but it's much better than looking at the scale. The mm mark on skinfolds does NOT lie, especially when you practice regularly.

At 3000 cals, 50% protein would be 375g protein per day. Are you sure you're getting that much?

piston, maybe you could chime in with your experience... but from what I've read, I'd like to think you could increase your carbs a bit without negative repurcussion (in terms of fat) with the superdrol.


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I could, but I don't really love carbs either :) Average day I take in about 150g of protein from solid foods, and another 150-200 from shakes spread thru the day. 5 egg white omlet preworkout, can of tuna snack, chicken fish or beef lunch time, and 2 more solid meals too, varies what is in each. so 5 meals with solid food, plus shakes inbetween, or often shake as a drink with a meal.

I would in some ways like for the superdrol to be more recompish, but I guess if total fat lbs stays the same, I wouldn't mind adding 10lbs to scale.

I do have a caliper, i'm not happy with consistency on my measurements though. I'm better now, but the variation is still too big. a 2% fluctuation is still 4lbs, which is more of a margin of error than I want :)


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just noticed today is a full week of superdrol. roughly 2 1/2 weeks to go, should end at 2/11


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Hey Easy, you mentioned you think you're 1T might have lost some potency. You know, if you still have some powder left, it might worth cooking in a TD carrier because I think you can run it around 200-500mg that way. This might just be enough to squeeze something out of these last 2 weeks while you're on the super. Just something to think about.


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oh if i would have had powder, this would have all been different :) This was precapped, preban stuff. The whole reason I bought it was that I got it cheap, 6 bottles of 60 caps @ 110mg each for $20/bottle.I had even considered separating them and doing it transdermal but with my wife pregnants it was a nono. I have some transdermal 4ad from preban too. I think there is enough 1AD still floating around that after the baby is born I may do a 1AD oral / 4AD transdermal


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did a little different preworkout stim today, 25mg ephedrine, 7.5mg yohimbine, 60mg geranamine, whatever is in 3 pea/hordenine caps. Worked out nice, particularly for cardio. Also workout today was on empty stomach due to me running out of time. I did drink 6 scoops of xtend + 2 scoops of swell during workout.

decided to try backwards

assisted chinups for warmup
db row 35x20, 35x20
cable rows (medium grip) 120x10, 120x9
lat pulldowns 150x5,130x6, 130x6, 80x27
pullover machine 100x15, 100x14

30 min of hiit cardio.

I'm still indecisive as to whether to try and stay just at maintenance these last 2 weeks and use the superdrol for recomp, or drive cals up a good bit and pray it all goes on as muscle. I'm just afraid to add fat
Distilled Water

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after reading all of this. I'd say just keep it at maintenance. Maybe bump the protein up a bit. You'll be burning a good amount of fat while keeping protein synthesis sky high and maybe adding a few lbs of lean mass.
bumping cals and adding a good amount of mass but maybe also at the cost of a bump in a % of bodyfat.


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It is the way I am leaning, but I don't want to "waste" superdrol :)

Any thoughts on restarting taking DCP + TTA ? that as well would free up fat on body to be used as fuel


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id say keep at maint too because you got some fat you need to get rid of and bulking wont help that at all even if its with superdrol, you dont need a surplus of cals.


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I found that this is very compound specific. I HAD NO choice but to increase carbs on halo and bodyfat continued to peel off. But with phera, I can tell ya every single gram of carbs goes straight to my waist line... in other words, this COULD get sloppy really easily if I didn't count macros with OCD-like compulsion.

Easy, what are your macros like at the moment and what are your current dosages on your goodies?
FIRST why the hell have i not been in here???E?E?E? you need to slap a brotha and say "LOOK AT MY SIG STUPID, IM RUNNIN A LOG!!!"

anyways im in here late.... and now to comment...

celc this is VERY true compound specific nutrition is very important and SD should treat one just like our experience with Halo.

Easy bump the cals bro. and seriously dont be scared of the carbs, with superdrol carbs are your freinds, youll get insane glycogen retention wich will speed you gains considerably both on the scale and even more so in the gym, thats where SD's strength comes from. Just make sure you get your carbs from whole foods with low GI and make sure you time it right through the day and your fine. Take your highest amount of carbs with your SD dose and preworkout, then make sure to lay off in the evening so by night fall you wont have to worry bout the slowed down metabolism leaking some carbs over to fat.

what is your SD dose schedule right now? and you always work out in the am?


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just read others after my quoted post saying keep at maintenance... normally i agree with PP and DW but i seriously stick by what i said above, if you add more carbs preworkout i think youll be pleased. just make sure to not take them in the evening and i dont know how you could even think you can move your pro up farther, lol.


Never enough
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:) I could maybe hit 400g a day, with more than half coming from solid food. thats about as far as I can stretch protein. I was at 20, and I think today i'm going to 25.


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so with my mental weakness, I moved the superdrol up to 25mg for the day, 12.5 morning, 12.5 later.

decided to move my whole routine around again, so today was legs/shoulders. I will also have a cardio/abs day, chest/tris and back/bis. I think I will alternate rotations as well doing chest then tris one rotation, tris then chest the next, same with back/bis.

smith squats bar only as warmup 20
machine v-squats 150x20, 190x10, 250x6, 250x10
leg press 230+skidx10, 230+skidx10, 230+skidx10
glute machine 110x10, 110x10, 110x10
kneeling leg curl 90x13, 70x16, 70x10

lateral extension machine 65x22
front raises superset with lateral raises 10x10-10x10, 10x10-10x10, 10x10-10x9
arnold presses 20x12, 25x10, 25x6
pec/delt machine 65x10, 65x9, 65x9
standing behind the neck press 75x10, 75x6, 75x6

That felt good! I really need to do more on the leg workout I think though, maybe just using TUT for it with same weights. although i'm worn and most of those counts are to failure, my legs are bounced back and not feeling like I did anything within 15-20 minutes. Whereas my shoulders (or other body parts) will feel cranked for hours. Still next to nothing for DOMS, have to love the somnidren-gh for that!

just for the heck of it I played with the measuring tape a little yesterday. seems like the only body part that has gone up sizewise is the forearms, but a few have gone down. The forearms are WAY up though :D. definitely leaner than the start of the log. only 17 days left I think, i'll be posting pics then


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You've got some sort of fixation on forearms.


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sounds good ya sexy bish! Its always so pleasing to pull out that tape or step on the scale and see significat change.... but forearms eh??? quite apparent whos wifey is prego, lol.


Never enough
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I still don't think even with those front extensions an inch on the forearms in under 2 months is too common :)

machine triceps pushdowns 110x25
lying straight bb triceps extensions 50x10, 50x9,50x9
standing db triceps ext 25x12, 25x12, 25x9
cable triceps pushdowns 120x16, 120x12
reverse cable pulldowns 80x25, 80x18

flat bb bp 85x10, 100x10, 100x6, 100x6
decline machine press 60x12, 60x12, 60x11
incline bb press 85x10, 85x8, 85x6
pec machine 50x12, 50x8, 50x7
decline bb press 50x12, 50x8, 50x7

working tris first definitely changes the dynamics of chest workouts, thats for sure. i'm crazy pumped right now. next rotation i'll do chest first then triceps. nothing else too noteworthy to report, feeling good the whole way around.


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Do you perform the front forearm extensions in a squat rack... Packenwood front extensions?


Never enough
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Do you perform the front forearm extensions in a squat rack... Packenwood front extensions?
No but I sometimes am in a squatting pose while i'm doing them does that count? that reminds me some jackass was doing packenwood curls today, with a whopping 55lbs (bar plus 5s). And the idiot was doing them outside the rack, using the handles of the crossbars as his rest.

I was so ready to hurl something at him. Instead I tried to focus the anger into my workout.


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I encourage my clients to perform front extensions bilaterally, which will promote forearm symmetry and balance.


Never enough
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was in a serious rush today, as the hot water heater is still out at my gym, so I needed to run home to shower before going to work. still worked out well I thought.

hammer curls 20x25
standing BB curls 60x7, 60x6, 60x5
seated db curls 25x12, 25x14
machine preacher curls 65x12, 50x25

wide grip pulldowns 150x6, 130x7, 130x6
wide grip vertical rows 60x10, 60x12
wide grip rows 100x10, 100x11
machine pulldowns 100x15, 100x12
db rows 30x20

Was a nice workout, tomorrow will be cardio + abs, kind of looking forward to that oddly enough :)

Today some doms still, legs as well as chest and tris, a tiny bit in the shoulders. Looks like the preexhaustion was a nice idea to shake it up a little.

Outside of back pumps, i'm experiencing 0 for sides. The back pumps aren't crippling, but they are there around the clock. I'm taking in about 12g a day of taurine now, so i'm going to try and jack up water intake some more. Actually other than those, I feel really good. Not quite as good as on the drive/rpm combo, but better than average. I don't want to say what the scale reads, but i'm leaner now than I was at 189, I can tell the difference in my abs. still can't see them, but the flubber coating is changing shape. Today is 2 weeks remaining give or take a day.


Certified Travis
Seems like you'd be better off dropping some supps and just eating and training hard for a while.


Never enough
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You are probably right in some ways. But at 40, with low testosterone even that is somewhat iffy in terms of results.


Certified Travis
You are probably right in some ways. But at 40, with low testosterone even that is somewhat iffy in terms of results.
Do you have bloodwork posted? Sfearl is probably right ^^^^


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I will eventually, but i'm taking my time :) Once you go on you likely never come off either. So i want to give it a couple more years to see if any more info comes up about prostate issues with normal TRT in older men with all the baby boomers pinning t nowadays :)


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yeah, i'm below bottom of scale on T, over top on e2, and in decent range for FSH + LH (LH a little high)


Never enough
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here they are

Testosterone - 289ng/dl range 400-1200
Estradiol 64 pg/ml range 12-56
LH 3.9 u/l range 1.0-8.4
FSH 1.0 u/l range 1.0-10.5


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:D yeah, i'd like to at least hit into my 50s before I have to give them up entirely


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today was cardio/abs

5 minutes on treadclimber for warmup
24 minutes of treadclimber tabata style intervals
10 minutes of agressive rowing
20 minutes moderate bike

side bends 60x15, 60x15
straight leg raises 10,10
oblique machine 100x15, 100x15
leg pull ins 100x15, 100x9

Felt nice, sweated like mad. if I had gotten better sleep, I may have done even more cardio, but it was getting late and I was tired
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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today was cardio/abs

5 minutes on treadclimber for warmup
24 minutes of treadclimber tabata style intervals
10 minutes of agressive rowing
20 minutes moderate bike

side bends 60x15, 60x15
straight leg raises 10,10
oblique machine 100x15, 100x15
leg pull ins 100x15, 100x9

Felt nice, sweated like mad. if I had gotten better sleep, I may have done even more cardio, but it was getting late and I was tired
did you do cardio then abs or abs then cardio?


Never enough
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cardio then abs. I was indecisive about what order to do them in, kind of wanted to get the flush of lipolysis going with cardio, and let the abs be cooldown.

I should mention that it was fasted, with some xtend + swell. Also, I did the high impact supplementation - 2 adrenaline, 7.5mg of yohimbine hcl, 25mg ephedrine and 1 reset ad.
Distilled Water

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cardio then abs. I was indecisive about what order to do them in, kind of wanted to get the flush of lipolysis going with cardio, and let the abs be cooldown.

I should mention that it was fasted, with some xtend + swell. Also, I did the high impact supplementation - 2 adrenaline, 7.5mg of yohimbine hcl, 25mg ephedrine and 1 reset ad.
That is high impact. I had just read in some articles of doing abs before to free up fat cells in the abdomin first thus createing more focused lipolysis in the ab region. Thats when in the fasted state I think also. Who really knows though. The study used the quad to measure fat not the abdomen.


Never enough
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makes sense, and you know what, it might make sense to apply a transdermal pre-that. even if its just the capsacin, or maybe my bulk modified lipoderm-u. then it would definitely do some liberation in the area pre cardio. duh I should have thought of that sooner :D I had been thinking about adding TTA + DCP back in, but I don't really want to have my liver choose to leap out of my body for its own safety. As soon as i'm in PCT though :D
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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makes sense, and you know what, it might make sense to apply a transdermal pre-that. even if its just the capsacin, or maybe my bulk modified lipoderm-u. then it would definitely do some liberation in the area pre cardio. duh I should have thought of that sooner :D I had been thinking about adding TTA + DCP back in, but I don't really want to have my liver choose to leap out of my body for its own safety. As soon as i'm in post cycle therapy though :D
There ya go! lol. Im waiting on some DCP. O and those RK's to add to the mix od TD formestane. I think I'll slap a dose of that + LipoBrun on before whatever I do in the morning. 1/2hour should be enough time for it to dry right?


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well, for napalm or lipo-u, just need a couple minutes before you put a shirt on. Haven't tried the lipoburn yet, figure ill run the 2 avant products dry first :)


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i'm not really sure how the sweat affects it. I know with the capsaicin, it just makes it burn more


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is capsaicin really worth adding to something like, Napalm?

and if it is, where to get that shizz?


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well, every little bit can help. caps problem is the pain portion of it :) it burns at least for the first few days you use it. And it burns bad. But it does work. You can pick up the creme or the roll on at most CVS/Walgreeens.


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well, every little bit can help. caps problem is the pain portion of it :) it burns at least for the first few days you use it. And it burns bad. But it does work. You can pick up the creme or the roll on at most CVS/Walgreeens.
in all honesty i'd rather run a few brutal sessions of some suicides before i put something on my body that burns really really bad!


Never enough
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yeah, raspberry ketones have a similar effect with much less pain :)


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flat bb bp 95x10, 115x10, 135x7, 145x5, 150x4, 150x3
incline bp 115x8, 115x5, 95x4
decline machine 80x12, 80x11
seated bp machine 60x16

lying bb triceps extension 50x10, 50x8, 50x7
standing db triceps extension 20x10, 20x10
triceps pulldown 110x15
standing bb triceps extension 30x15

a pretty nice workout. next week i'm back to tris first, but it seems like it helped significantly with bp!


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flat bb bp 95x10, 115x10, 135x7, 145x5, 150x4, 150x3
incline bp 115x8, 115x5, 95x4
decline machine 80x12, 80x11
seated bp machine 60x16

lying bb triceps extension 50x10, 50x8, 50x7
standing db triceps extension 20x10, 20x10
triceps pulldown 110x15
standing bb triceps extension 30x15

a pretty nice workout. next week i'm back to tris first, but it seems like it helped significantly with bp!
nice workout!!


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used ragnarok + 4 citruvol preworkout

standing behind the neck press 45x20, 85x10, 95x6, 100x5, 100x3
front db raises superset with machine lateral raises
10x15 - 65x15, 10x15 - 80x10, 10x12 - 80x8
pec delt machine 65x10, 80x8, 80x6
military press 45x18

machine vsquats 250x10, 290x9, 350x8, 390x6, 390x5!!! maxed out machine
glute machine 130x10, 150x10, 190x10 - also maxed out machine
seated leg extensions 120x10, 140x10, 140x8

energy was already fading at that point, more mental I think than physical. just couldn't quite get the mental whoomph to do leg presses. Still quite nice, can't believe I maxed the squats + glute machine!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Nice consistent log in here, Easy.

I suppose my only criticism is that you are using anabolics far too soon; you're nowhere near your optimal condition. I'm not sure if BB'ing is a new lifestyle for you or not. If it is, I think you'll regret your decision later on, as natural gains may be hindered because of this. My advice, focus harder on training and diet. IMO, you should be benching more than 150 before starting a cycle.

Not trying to incite any drama here, you just seem like an okay guy, and I hate seeing people cycle and supplement too heavily. I think your best bet is food and training my man. If I remember correctly you're a 'soft-ish' 196 or so. Maybe a nice gentle cut down to a more acceptable BF% and then a milder cycle from there? Possibly a shorter Test Base TD. Just my thoughts.

I also noticed your mention of your Test being in the lower range. If this is the case, cycling is kind of counterproductive to a less-than-optimal HPTA. I think in this aspect an absolutely ridiculously tuned diet will serve you better. You seem to have the motivation, channel it all into training/diet and drop all the supps and steroids. Just my opinion though, and I am DEFINITELY not the end all and be all as it comes to BB'ing. Good luck either way.

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