NWA kicking it old school + new school together with 1-t thp ether + Mega-TRN

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Some gay sailor who tried to pick me up. oh wait its me. Definitely a noticeable difference in the face, and in the shoulders. pity i still have too much belly fat. Working on that now :D
Im on the same boat. My abbs only come out after the first few meals of my carb load, then its back to nothin much.


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i'm still way high bodyfat, but its changing, week by week


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I definitely will after this cycle. I only have so much time I can afford at the gym, and so i'm concentrating on strength training while i'm on cycle (7 days of strength training now, only unscheduled days off). I'm "scheduled" for recomp activity from feb - may, and then i'll be doing 3 days strength training, 4 cardio.


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yeah, i think you should even do 10min cardio post workout if you want to shed more fat. how is your diet like? clean? even 10min of cardio will help.
Distilled Water

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yeah, i think you should even do 10min cardio post workout if you want to shed more fat. how is your diet like? clean? even 10min of cardio will help.
If my diet were a floor you could eat off of it,lol. Im doing the anbolic diet and it's awsome. I'll start with the 10 this week then bump next


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I recounted, today is t-22 :)

ok, i'll go back to 12-24 minutes post workout :) my diet is clean with 2 cheat meals a week

12.5mg superdrol. I think tuesday i'll shift to 20. Also took 2 leviathan reloaded as i was still sleepyheaded. Also started yesterday using bulk lipoderm from np, with additional RK, some essential oils, and clen added :) not going to help tons at current bodyfat, but i think it will help the areas i'm most irritated by thin out a little sooner.

flat bp - 45x20, 85x20, 125x4, 115x4, 105x5
incline bp - 105x2, 95x6, 85x8
decline machine - 80x8, 80x6, 80x4
machine press - 60x14
pec machine 40x11, 40x8
squeeze press 20x6, 15x8

Barbell curls 50x7, 60x6, 60x5, 50x5
db incline curls 20x10, 20x10
incline hammer curls 20x10, 20x10
machine preacher curls 35x24
ez bar curls 25x20

leg raises 10 straight 10 knees bent
oblique machine 100x10, 100x10
crunch machine 125x10, 125x5

then 20 minutes HIIT on the crossramp, heart rate from 140-175

pumps were pretty incredible again, but disappeared for the most part by end of cardio. A tiny bit of upper rear shoulder DOMS today, which didn't help with bench presses.


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congrats on the rep postion DW!

Easy are you still taking the 1t?


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Yeah, I have 2 bottles of 1-t left, so still taking at 660 a day. it is expired stuff, so possibly lost some of its whoomph. Today i'm moving to 20mg ax superdrol, and will most likely stay there the rest of the log. depending on how I feel, I may for the last 12 days run 25mg (i've got 24 left of the DS 12.5mg)today makes 21 days left.


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Lets call today back experimentation day

10mg ax superdrol preworkout with the 1-t, will take another 10mg at around 2ish.

close grip pulldowns (thumbs out) 80x20
cg pulldowns supersetted with extra wide grip pulldowns 120x10 -100x10, 120x10-120x9, 120x10-100x10

Low cable rows using long (3 feet maybe? slightly shorter than wide gripp pulldown bar) stirrup bar
hands on stirrups supersetted with hands palms down on bar supersetted with hands palms up on bar all thumbs out
60x10-60x10-60x10, 80x10-80x10-80x10, 100x10-100x10-100x9

pullover machine 125x7, 140x4, 125x5, 125x4

db rows 25x25 should have used 30, I was a little concerned that my back was wiped and realized this a little late. so the last few reps were slow counts

and then 20 minutes of cardio. It was fun to experiment with the lats, I see that the way I was working them before was pretty useless. by using lighter weights I was WAY more able to concentrate on effort coming from lats vs biceps or other muscles.

Today should have been squats too, but i'm reworking the routine so instead it will be a 4 day rotation with no off days.
Chest + bis
Back + cardio
Legs + abs
Shoulders + tris

I think I will next time shoot for longer cardio on back day (like 30+ min) and do 16 min on shoulder/tris day, and possibly also work abs on chest day. We'll see how it goes :)


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pumps were pretty incredible again, but disappeared for the most part by end of cardio. .
Yea that always happens to me, I get a nasty pump going, then do cardio and it totally kills it.


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part of why I don't want to do cardio at all :) but to keep the gains a little leaner, or even to shed some fat its worth it. mid next week i'm going to reevaluate weight + calorie intake, not paying attention to it so far.


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Hows the aggression with the 1T? Are you feeling heated when people piss you off, like for me it shows big time driving. I'm like swearing at people and staring people down that cut me off, or tailgate me....lol Thats when I know my hormone levels are at peak so to say..


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No, nothing like that at all. I think the 1-t's age was showing, and its lost some level of its effectiveness. I noticed nothing in terms of positives or negatives really right up till last week other than lethargy.

I drive like that all the time anyhow :D

The superdrol is giving me raised libido so far, which is sort of nice :)


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Beyond raised libido, i'm already starting to get slightly oily skin on my forehead, time to break out the acne stuff :)


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10mg ax superdrol this morning with 1-t, another 10 in the afternoon.

leg press 90+skidx20
v squat machine 90x20, 150x20, 150x20
leg extensions 100x10, 100x10
glute machine 100x10, 100x10
lying leg curls 100x10, 100x10
leg press 180+skid x 10, 180+skid x9
abductor 100x10, 100x10
adductor 50x10, 50x10
v squat 150x24

oblique machine 100x10, 100x10
leg raises bent knee x 10, straight leg x 10
side bends 55x10, 55x10
leg pull ins 100x10, 100x9

nice workout. I'm actually enjoying the light sd lethargy after workout. its just enough to feel a little fuzzy + relaxed :D Also liking Nutrabolic's Anabolic Window as post workout drink. decent ingredient profile.


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sort of. I trade for a lot, and i'm a bargain hunter, plus have gotten to do a lot of sponsored logs too. probably still averaging $200 a month tho.


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sort of. I trade for a lot, and i'm a bargain hunter, plus have gotten to do a lot of sponsored logs too. probably still averaging $200 a month tho.
dayyuummmmmmm what does the wife say about all that?? "Easy, quit spending so much money on supps!" LOL!!


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She doesnt care really, I mean honestly we spend $200 some weekends just in restaurants, so spending it on this isn't so bad. $200 in restaurants sounds like a lot, but for a family of 4, a $40 breakfast, $50 lunch or $80 dinner (with tips) isn't eating crazy...


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what do you do for a living because it seems your loaded and stay on AM all day long! what a life!


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I'm a senior software developer/sales engineer for a company that does credit union software. Good money in software, good money in the financial industry :D


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I'm a senior software developer/sales engineer for a company that does credit union software. Good money in software, good money in the financial industry :D
ahhhhh now i remember why i chose this degree ;) can't wait to get my career under way!


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rear delt machine 80x10, 80x10, 80x9
machine lateral raises 80x10, 80x6, 80x4
front raises 12.5x10, 12.5x9, 12.5x6
Arnold presses 30x4, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Standing upright straight bar wide grip rows 50x10 50x8 50x9
standing behind the neck press 85x7, 85x7, 85x6
shoulder press (machine) 60x22, 40x25

Lying straight bar triceps press 50x7, 50x7, 50x6
Overhead db extensions 35x10, 35x9
Triceps pushdown 100x15, 80x15

24 min on the treadclimber (first time on a treadmill :D) since you could more or less do tabata sprints on it. So I had it programmed for 1:30 at 2mph and no incline with 30 sec of 4mph and highest incline. 12 sets of those was nice!

I like the preexhaustion idea. no heavy weight presses till after the other exercises are done. that way you pull in some different smaller muscle groups. Felt good. nice solid shoulder pump. Tomorrow i'll try that on chest as well, save flat bp + incline for last, do pec machine, maybe flies too? I'll look for other non press chest stuff. not a whole lot of isolative chest stuff.

Maybe do biceps first?


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rear delt machine 80x10, 80x10, 80x9
machine lateral raises 80x10, 80x6, 80x4
front raises 12.5x10, 12.5x9, 12.5x6
Arnold presses 30x4, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Standing upright straight bar wide grip rows 50x10 50x8 50x9
standing behind the neck press 85x7, 85x7, 85x6
shoulder press (machine) 60x22, 40x25

Lying straight bar triceps press 50x7, 50x7, 50x6
Overhead db extensions 35x10, 35x9
Triceps pushdown 100x15, 80x15

24 min on the treadclimber (first time on a treadmill :D) since you could more or less do tabata sprints on it. So I had it programmed for 1:30 at 2mph and no incline with 30 sec of 4mph and highest incline. 12 sets of those was nice!

I like the preexhaustion idea. no heavy weight presses till after the other exercises are done. that way you pull in some different smaller muscle groups. Felt good. nice solid shoulder pump. Tomorrow i'll try that on chest as well, save flat bp + incline for last, do pec machine, maybe flies too? I'll look for other non press chest stuff. not a whole lot of isolative chest stuff.

Maybe do biceps first?
shoulder workout looks good! except you have a ton of pressing movements in there. thats putting an awful lot of stress on your front delts (front delts are a pretty small muscle). that could be the source of your shoulder problems with your bench press on chest day (considering it's your next workout)?? i've found that one press and one front raise exercise is plennnnnty of work for the front delts. if anything, i would say add in another rear and side movement and subtract a few of the presses. but the preexaustion idea is pretty good. i'm gonna incorporate that into my chest workout next time too. either dips or cable flyes before i go to db incline.


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Well the volume of presses is new, I usually only do 2 exercises like that, one for 3 sets of 6 and one for 1 set of 20. I think i'll drop the behind the neck presses for the arnold presses for a while though. Not sure what else I can do for either rear or side exercises that aren't db lateral raises. I guess I need to read around more. the db laterals irritate my elbow joints, which is why I do the machine ones. damn arthritis


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Well the volume of presses is new, I usually only do 2 exercises like that, one for 3 sets of 6 and one for 1 set of 20. I think i'll drop the behind the neck presses for the arnold presses for a while though. Not sure what else I can do for either rear or side exercises that aren't db lateral raises. I guess I need to read around more. the db laterals irritate my elbow joints, which is why I do the machine ones. damn arthritis
wide grip barbell upright row = side delt

start with a light weight, maybe just a 20lb BB and you can concentrate on primarily pulling the weight up with side delts. The stopping point of the rep is when upper arm is parallel to the floor.

I feel better doing upright rows than any side delt machine.

you should be able to do the same thing bent over for rear delts, and I'm guessing the barbell vs. dumbell will feel a lot better on the joints


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wide grip barbell upright row = side delt

start with a light weight, maybe just a 20lb BB and you can concentrate on primarily pulling the weight up with side delts. The stopping point of the rep is when upper arm is parallel to the floor.

I feel better doing upright rows than any side delt machine.

you should be able to do the same thing bent over for rear delts, and I'm guessing the barbell vs. dumbell will feel a lot better on the joints
I did those with a 50, just my naming was horrendous

Standing upright straight bar wide grip rows

so thats a plus. I'll try the bent over rows, just my gym doesn't have a setup for that, and I feel awkward bent over without support. Sort of like i'm talking to the IRS


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I did those with a 50, just my naming was horrendous

Standing upright straight bar wide grip rows

so thats a plus. I'll try the bent over rows, just my gym doesn't have a setup for that, and I feel awkward bent over without support. Sort of like i'm talking to the IRS

maybe try some cable lateral raises. same thing with cable rear delts too, bend over like you're takin it from the irs ahahaha! also, you can bend over and do rows with your elbows straight out to the sides. use like 15's and really focus on pulling with your rear delts. those work really well too. reverse pec deck hits em too. just do some 'esperimentin


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What does anyone think about doing biceps before benchpresses tomorrow? doing a preexhaustion on them effectively


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What does anyone think about doing biceps before benchpresses tomorrow? doing a preexhaustion on them effectively
Well, that should be fine but it's not technically a pre-exhaust since your not following your bi's with back. Yes, I've been following... :run:


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Well, that should be fine but it's not technically a pre-exhaust since your not following your bi's with back. Yes, I've been following... :run:
agreed. bis dont come into play on a bench press so its not really preexhausting.


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maybe I should switch tris to chest day, and bis to back. and then do the preexhaustion


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maybe I should switch tris to chest day, and bis to back. and then do the preexhaustion
i moved my bi's to deadlift day and tri's to my squat/leg press day not too long ago and have been loving it. i do chest first day, bi's/deadlifts (hams) next, shoulders third, tris/squats (quads) fourth, back fifth, and i'll do calves eod. i'll throw in a day off in the middle if i need one but usually do that five days in a row then take a day off on the weekend. after reading up on a few posts here, namely pudzian's thread, i agree and think that arms will grow proportionate to your legs.


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Maybe I should try PRRS. I've been wanting to for a while. Seems to make sense. I'll stick with what i'm doing for a little longer I guess while I research that. Only a hair over 2 weeks left on this cycle anyhow


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i moved my bi's to deadlift day and tri's to my squat/leg press day not too long ago and have been loving it. i do chest first day, bi's/deadlifts (hams) next, shoulders third, tris/squats (quads) fourth, back fifth, and i'll do calves eod. i'll throw in a day off in the middle if i need one but usually do that five days in a row then take a day off on the weekend. after reading up on a few posts here, namely pudzian's thread, i agree and think that arms will grow proportionate to your legs.
Hmm, I wonder who came up with THAT concept??? :think: :lol:

Easy, my opinion is that ON cycle, just lift your asss off and train till you can't move. If you can walk without a limp after doing quads or hams, you pussed out. If you can pick your arms up after chest or shoulders, you sold yourself short.

Btw, PRRS would make a nice 6 week post cycle training plan. That could definately be something to consider. Read BOTH iron man articles and then check out the message board for examples. It's a fun way to train.


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Hmm, I wonder who came up with THAT concept??? :think: :lol:

Easy, my opinion is that ON cycle, just lift your asss off and train till you can't move. If you can walk without a limp after doing quads or hams, you pussed out. If you can pick your arms up after chest or shoulders, you sold yourself short.

Btw, PRRS would make a nice 6 week post cycle training plan. That could definately be something to consider. Read BOTH iron man articles and then check out the message board for examples. It's a fun way to train.
was that you?? i can't remember who said it i just remember reading it in pudz's thread a little while back. i like it though!


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was that you?? i can't remember who said it i just remember reading it in pudz's thread a little while back. i like it though!
Ya, dude. I LOVE the strategizing that comes with developing routines. I'm a firm believer that having specific direction with training allows you to have planned alternatives when things get stagnant.

Your split is nice. I personally prefer to hit at least one lagging bodypart twice per week. Right now, while I'm on cycle, I hit legs, core back, and bis all twice per week. The only reason I don't jack up the volume with chest/shoulders/tris is to protect some joint injuries and allow for full recovery.

Oh, and props back at you and thesinner for convincing me to try HST. I'm gonna run it a second time and have a feeling that I'll be more succesful this time. When the time comes, I'll start a thread and have you look at my ideas for some discussion.


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Ya, dude. I LOVE the strategizing that comes with developing routines. I'm a firm believer that having specific direction with training allows you to have planned alternatives when things get stagnant.

Your split is nice. I personally prefer to hit at least one lagging bodypart twice per week. Right now, while I'm on cycle, I hit legs, core back, and bis all twice per week. The only reason I don't jack up the volume with chest/shoulders/tris is to protect some joint injuries and allow for full recovery.

Oh, and props back at you and thesinner for convincing me to try HST. I'm gonna run it a second time and have a feeling that I'll be more succesful this time. When the time comes, I'll start a thread and have you look at my ideas for some discussion.
awesome!! yeah i am on day 4 of post cycle so i'm still doing higher volume training. i switched it up for the duration of the cycle and i'm gonna continue it through post (a little less vol than ON though) but am definitely gonna be doing another hst program soon after. i'd like to solidfy my gains a little more before i go into a new routine though. definitely let me know when round two comes along.


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so here i was making nice time getting ready to go to the gym, expecting to go into the office today. Planning on doing a super heavy chest day, really make my man boobs hurt :D Its about 635, and my wife tells me my daughter is sick and asks if I can stay home with her. So I rush to finish getting ready, and hammer thru the workout in under 40 minutes.

Took 10mg superdrol, when I realized I needed to slam a workout also popped nitrobolic, 2 unnamed stims :) and 25mg ephedrine with 1 reset ad. Reached the gym wound up like a top, almost bouncing with energy

dips bw-110x12, bw-110x10
Pec machine 65x8, 65x9, 65x6
CG flat bench 115x6, 115x2, 95x6, 95x3
incline bench 95x9, 95x6
decline bench machine 70x14, 60x12

bb curl 50x8, 60x6, 60x6 (4 sec negatives, got nice pump)
seated db curl 25x12, 25x10 (4 sec negatives)
preacher curl machine 65x5, 50x17, 35x24

decline bench machine 60x14
pec machine 50x22, 35x29

and out! A whirlwind. Great pump in bis, not so much in chest, but a little. was almost too jacked up on stims, sweated like mad. I think it worked out nicely really though, was a good workout for that little time. only had gfj + some whey preworkout too, I tend to do a little better with some solids in me.

Left elbow is a little sore from yesterday, it affected me some too. I think I need to do lower weights and more TUT style for lateral and front raises.

Got some good "light" vascularity, a new vein appeared for a short while on my left forearm running the whole length. my bicep veins are now visible - not really raised yet, but you can see then colorwise, and when pumped they are slightly raised. waiting for bf to go low enough for them to be regularly visible :)
Distilled Water

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Got some good "light" vascularity, a new vein appeared for a short while on my left forearm running the whole length. my bicep veins are now visible - not really raised yet, but you can see then colorwise, and when pumped they are slightly raised. waiting for bf to go low enough for them to be regularly visible :)
Sounds like if you were as pale as me you'd have sick vascularity :D

I dont have it because Im lean. I have it because blue is pretty visable on a white backgroud,lol.

Did you ever put up new pics? :think:


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i'm still debating letting the calories escalate and truly bulking 10lbs or more on the superdrol. its mentally hard to do that for me
Distilled Water

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i'm still debating letting the calories escalate and truly bulking 10lbs or more on the superdrol. its mentally hard to do that for me
Yea I hear ya. I was the same with with the superdrol. I was at 3,500cals on my bulk and hungry atleast 40% of the day. After not gaining much I decided to bump up the cals. By the 4th week I was hitting close to 5,000cals/day and not really gaining a ton of weight. I did put on a little mroe fat than I would have liked but then again I stopped doing light cardio after week 2. It's a powerfull compund. I'd say bump it up.


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I just have deep seated fears of fat gain. So long as I target more of it as protein then fat, then carbs last, i'm probably ok and could pack on 15lbs :D I don't want to be back at 210, but if the waist stays same size, i'd be ok


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I just have deep seated fears of fat gain. So long as I target more of it as protein then fat, then carbs last, i'm probably ok and could pack on 15lbs :D I don't want to be back at 210, but if the waist stays same size, i'd be ok
I found that this is very compound specific. I HAD NO choice but to increase carbs on halo and bodyfat continued to peel off. But with phera, I can tell ya every single gram of carbs goes straight to my waist line... in other words, this COULD get sloppy really easily if I didn't count macros with OCD-like compulsion.

Easy, what are your macros like at the moment and what are your current dosages on your goodies?

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