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No Nootrol has a.....different smell. I think it smells like garbage. At least when uncapped it does. Yelch.
I asked Yelis to open his caps.
the 60 and 90ct Nootrol
and he opened a follidrone to compare.
The Nootrols are all nootrol. Just some are 90s. Enjoy them. Someones getting bamboo shoots shoved under their finger nails for miscounting.


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Here's a copy & paste of the original post.

Ok lets start with these tests.
Ive taken them all and most only take about 5 min. Even the iq one that says 40 min I did in 6 min.
Take each test accordingly and record your results. Take at a specific time of the day. Not when your tired or burned out.
We will repeat testing at the same time of day and same circumstances except the second time youll be on NZT. =4 memory tests. Take once before and during. free latency test.

http://psychologytoday/tests go to IQ and take the memory test General IQ test
Thanks man! I will take the tests and post the results this weekend and then update one I'm two weeks into nootroll


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I think whoever miscounted deserves a raise
I think brundel might be looking to hire somebody new. Pretty costly mistake for a small (relatively speaking) company.


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I think brundel might be looking to hire somebody new. Pretty costly mistake for a small (relatively speaking) company.
Really its an easy mistake. We run only 60 and 90 count products. Most likely it was early and someone didnt reset the counter. It sucks for me but good for you guys. Thankfully it looks like only 150 units were run this way. So...not a huge thing.
The Express 42

The Express 42

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haha well damn it now I'm pissed I only got 60 in my single bottle


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Mine also came with no seals but here's the other thing. I counted my caps out because the one on the bottom definitely has less than the other two, BUT the one with less had the correct amount (60) caps and the other 2 both had (90) caps. Not complaining at all. It's like I got 4 bottles instead of 3 :)
View attachment 146085
brundel don't know if you're aware of this or not.
Can you or anybody else take a pic of opened capsule to see color of powder of Nootrol?

If you also have Follidrone2 would be great to open that too and make pic with open capsule of Nootrol and fd2.

If both products have same color of capsules there could be a case of fd2 capsules being filled inside Nootrol bottles.

If color of powders inside capsules of both products are different then having a pic showing how Nootrol and fd2 powder looks different would help a lot to us other users.

Now that would still be "cheap" placebo effect at $35/bottle getting IQ to spike on taking fd2 lol.

This is not 1st time BLR using same color of capsules on more products then not knowing which capsule is from which product.

Really spoils the mood knowing brundel taking so much time on design of labels but then many BLR products using same color of capsules.

If you have in your hand capsule of Viron, fd2 and now Nootrol you have 3 identically looking blue capsules in your hand = total confusion which is which.

OK rant over, pic of color of powder for Nootrol and hopefully also fd2 will clear it all.


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ordered fd2 and nootrol. Hope these don't get mixed up and how do we know whats what? What is the differentiating test?

Maybe an idea to cap these products in different colours we shouldn't really be having to sniff and open capsules to figure out what weve got. Feels like the nootrol launch was rushed


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Brundel confirmed that this is Nootrol. I don't have any FD2 otherwise I would take a pic of that too.



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Can you or anybody else take a pic of opened capsule to see color of powder of Nootrol?

If you also have Follidrone2 would be great to open that too and make pic with open capsule of Nootrol and fd2.

If both products have same color of capsules there could be a case of fd2 capsules being filled inside Nootrol bottles.

If color of powders inside capsules of both products are different then having a pic showing how Nootrol and fd2 powder looks different would help a lot to us other users.

Now that would still be "cheap" placebo effect at $35/bottle getting IQ to spike on taking fd2 lol.

This is not 1st time BLR using same color of capsules on more products then not knowing which capsule is from which product.

Really spoils the mood knowing brundel taking so much time on design of labels but then many BLR products using same color of capsules.

If you have in your hand capsule of Viron, fd2 and now Nootrol you have 3 identically looking blue capsules in your hand = total confusion which is which.

OK rant over, pic of color of powder for Nootrol and hopefully also fd2 will clear it all.
I did this yesterday, the nootrol contains nootrol it's not FD2. I emptied out a cap of FD2 and nootrol to compare and they are diff color. Nootrol is grey-ish tan and FD2 is more like gold/brown mustard-ish color. And the smell of FD2 with its stout absorption package is undeniable.

Top left (FD2) Top right (Nootrol 60ct) Bottom (Nootrol 90ct)


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Really its an easy mistake. We run only 60 and 90 count products. Most likely it was early and someone didnt reset the counter. It sucks for me but good for you guys. Thankfully it looks like only 150 units were run this way. So...not a huge thing.
Where did everyone order the 90ct? :D
Lucky blokes!


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Can you or anybody else take a pic of opened capsule to see color of powder of Nootrol?

If you also have Follidrone2 would be great to open that too and make pic with open capsule of Nootrol and fd2.

If both products have same color of capsules there could be a case of fd2 capsules being filled inside Nootrol bottles.

If color of powders inside capsules of both products are different then having a pic showing how Nootrol and fd2 powder looks different would help a lot to us other users.

Now that would still be "cheap" placebo effect at $35/bottle getting IQ to spike on taking fd2 lol.

This is not 1st time BLR using same color of capsules on more products then not knowing which capsule is from which product.

Really spoils the mood knowing brundel taking so much time on design of labels but then many BLR products using same color of capsules.

If you have in your hand capsule of Viron, fd2 and now Nootrol you have 3 identically looking blue capsules in your hand = total confusion which is which.

OK rant over, pic of color of powder for Nootrol and hopefully also fd2 will clear it all.
Yelis opened his 60 and 90 ct Nootrol and a FOllidrone and the 60 and 90 ct Nootrol ARE nootrol.
Was just a counting error.


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ordered fd2 and nootrol. Hope these don't get mixed up and how do we know whats what? What is the differentiating test?

Maybe an idea to cap these products in different colours we shouldn't really be having to sniff and open capsules to figure out what weve got. Feels like the nootrol launch was rushed
We are opening them because some nootrol were overfilled. We thought maybe the product was mislabeled but after closer inspection we realized that its not. Just overfilled. No worries.
There is no mixup in the products.
Just some people got 90 caps instead of 60 nootrol.


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I've been out of the loop for a bit. Good fccking job bro!

I'm sure its been asked but is it for sale yet?


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We are opening them because some nootrol were overfilled. We thought maybe the product was mislabeled but after closer inspection we realized that its not. Just overfilled. No worries.
There is no mixup in the products.
Just some people got 90 caps instead of 60 nootrol.
Ok. I hate wasting product!


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Got mine this weekend. Trying my first dose, tomorrow!

I got the correct count of 60.


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So this is meant to be taken on an empty stomach is that correct? No fats needed with it?


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So this is meant to be taken on an empty stomach is that correct? No fats needed with it?
During testing, I didn't notice any difference whether taken with food or not.


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Keep going back and forth between buying the 4 bottles I need to take me through my board exam, or to try it out and order more if needed.....decisions decisions


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Took my first cap, this morning.

It's really hard to really judge effectiveness of something like this. Because it deals with focus and motivation and because the effects are by nature subtle, placebo can have a major impact.

But I really do feel there's a difference in my motivation and focus and desire to be productive.

Over the past few months, my go-to supp for focus and energy boost has been Nicorette gum. I got turned on to it as an aid to fat loss (per Kiefer of Carb Backloading fame). But, I found it to also be very effective when I need to counter brain fog.

I'm hoping Nootrol will preclude the need for Nicorette, since I think a break from that will be good for me.


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Keep going back and forth between buying the 4 bottles I need to take me through my board exam, or to try it out and order more if needed.....decisions decisions
It does appear the supply will be available for a while, so you should be safe with getting 1 or 2 bottles to test how well it works for you. If you go a couple of weeks and feel a difference, you can stock up then, rather than waiting until your supply is gone (and risking it being out of stock).


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the best way to ommit placebo is to genuinely have zero expectations


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the best way to ommit placebo is to genuinely have zero expectations
Nice in theory. Impossible in practice after having read this thread! :)


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the best way to ommit placebo is to genuinely have zero expectations
Haha, good luck with that, especially if you have any knowledge of the ingredients, other people's feedback, or even if you just looked at the bottle; chances are you bought it for some reason, for some purpose. Perhaps the best way to eliminate the placebo effect would be to have someone give you the supplement or placebo, and not tell you when you took what until after you used them both for a while.


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My plan for eliminating placebo effect is to simply keep taking it. At some point, if it's not really working, the placebo effect will wear off over several days. But, if it is working, the effects should not only continue but magnify a bit.


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If we assume that every piece of feedback could have been placebo from high expectations, then you can disregard them as invalid in your head (until proven otherwise) and go your own way with no expectations. You are putting way too much emphasis on other people's experiences of a supplement. Just take the supplement and forget about it. If throughout the day something really stands out then you know what it's probably from.

I'm not saying this is some scientific way of destroying placebo lol. I'm saying it's the closest thing you're going to get when trying supplements casually. It's just a mindset you have to get into


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My plan for eliminating placebo effect is to simply keep taking it. At some point, if it's not really working, the placebo effect will wear off over several days. But, if it is working, the effects should not only continue but magnify a bit.
Whatever works, and we don't have any real reason or obligation to completely eliminate the placebo effect, but sometimes it can last a while, like some people who swore by CEE.


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My plan for eliminating placebo effect is to simply keep taking it. At some point, if it's not really working, the placebo effect will wear off over several days. But, if it is working, the effects should not only continue but magnify a bit.
Did you take any of the tests mentioned above?


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No, I didn't. They didn't sound very fun! :)

Bottom line is if helps me be more productive when I work, I'll consider it a success. If it doesn't, it's a failure. Regardless of how it might affect those tests.

For me, it's all about whether it improves my ability to make money. That means less brain fog, better focus, more motivation, better ability to come up with solutions to challenges I face.

If those test scores improved but my daily productivity doesn't, it won't have any value to me.


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So far today, I've not taken any stims or fat burners. It's mid afternoon and I'm still feeling productive, focused, and motivated. That's new. And impressive. And I've only had the one cap, so far. I'll probably take my second dose soon, though.


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Today is day 3 for me. I felt a little more motivation than usual, and just felt better overall, happier, content.


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I've been out of the loop for a bit. Good fccking job bro!

I'm sure its been asked but is it for sale yet?
Yes, For sale at NV and will be avail through our new website in a couple of days.


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Keep going back and forth between buying the 4 bottles I need to take me through my board exam, or to try it out and order more if needed.....decisions decisions
All of the testers were pretty eager to get their hands on more.


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Took my first cap, this morning.

It's really hard to really judge effectiveness of something like this. Because it deals with focus and motivation and because the effects are by nature subtle, placebo can have a major impact.

But I really do feel there's a difference in my motivation and focus and desire to be productive.

Over the past few months, my go-to supp for focus and energy boost has been Nicorette gum. I got turned on to it as an aid to fat loss (per Kiefer of Carb Backloading fame). But, I found it to also be very effective when I need to counter brain fog.

I'm hoping Nootrol will preclude the need for Nicorette, since I think a break from that will be good for me.
Wait till a couple of weeks have passed. Our trial indicated that effects increased ALOT from day 1 to day 30. One tester had a 27 point IQ increase at week 4 but week 2 was 17. So....this is something that will get MUCH better with time.
Testers also mentioned better word recall, better social interaction and just overall better brain function. Im interested to know what you think in 2-3 weeks.


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Loving having this back! Jumped right into 3 caps per day. Enjoying that old familiar feeling from the original testing


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Haha, good luck with that, especially if you have any knowledge of the ingredients, other people's feedback, or even if you just looked at the bottle; chances are you bought it for some reason, for some purpose. Perhaps the best way to eliminate the placebo effect would be to have someone give you the supplement or placebo, and not tell you when you took what until after you used them both for a while.
The good news is ALL of our products are tested initially by people who dont know what they are taking.
I gave it to 7 testers who didnt know what they took or what to expect at all. Super interesting results. Many of the testers mentioned improved training and while this can be placebo the tyrosol and salidroside and caffeine can all directly effect performance and centella may as well.
After a week or so I started to get reports from testers mentioning they felt better overall. Clearer. More energy. One said he felt like he needed less sleep and was performing better at work. They didnt know they took a nootropic.
Once I told them at week 2 they reported other effects they didnt realize were related.

Plus.....all of the ingredient have really solid evidence they work. Lots of great research into all of them. Each one is a great nootropic but combined its a real powerhouse. My favorite is your not all spun out on stims. I HATE the over stimmed feeling and I hate even more the adrenal fatigue feeling you get after a couple weeks of high doses of caffeine or any other stim.


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So far today, I've not taken any stims or fat burners. It's mid afternoon and I'm still feeling productive, focused, and motivated. That's new. And impressive. And I've only had the one cap, so far. I'll probably take my second dose soon, though.
Its just the beginning. ;)
Really interesting that your not taking your stimulants and you feel ok. Or better than normal.
The dopamine increase will reduce the need for much chemical stimulation and will increased performance at work for sure.


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Loving having this back! Jumped right into 3 caps per day. Enjoying that old familiar feeling from the original testing
Is that because the recommended 2 caps a day doesn't work for you? Did you build up a tolerance?


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The good news is ALL of our products are tested initially by people who dont know what they are taking.
I gave it to 7 testers who didnt know what they took or what to expect at all. Super interesting results. Many of the testers mentioned improved training and while this can be placebo the tyrosol and salidroside and caffeine can all directly effect performance and centella may as well.
After a week or so I started to get reports from testers mentioning they felt better overall. Clearer. More energy. One said he felt like he needed less sleep and was performing better at work. They didnt know they took a nootropic.
Once I told them at week 2 they reported other effects they didnt realize were related.

Plus.....all of the ingredient have really solid evidence they work. Lots of great research into all of them. Each one is a great nootropic but combined its a real powerhouse. My favorite is your not all spun out on stims. I HATE the over stimmed feeling and I hate even more the adrenal fatigue feeling you get after a couple weeks of high doses of caffeine or any other stim.
Oh, don't get me wrong, my post was more directed at the inherent existence of the placebo effect at at least some small level any time you're using a supplement in a non-blinded fashion. Even though testers didn't know the ingredients, just knowing it's a nootropic could lend to some placebo effects, but that's inherent with any supplement. I do agree that the ingredients are supported by research, so the placebo-controlling and blinding have already been done in a lot more controlled environments than we could do here, so that's great as well.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the testers know that they were taking a nootropic supplement?


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Day 2. It's noon.

I woke up fairly early (for me). Took my cap. Felt good, focused, and motivated all morning. Got a lot of good stuff done. Again, I chose to take no stim or fat burner. Not feeling tired at all.


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Oh, don't get me wrong, my post was more directed at the inherent existence of the placebo effect at at least some small level any time you're using a supplement in a non-blinded fashion. Even though testers didn't know the ingredients, just knowing it's a nootropic could lend to some placebo effects, but that's inherent with any supplement. I do agree that the ingredients are supported by research, so the placebo-controlling and blinding have already been done in a lot more controlled environments than we could do here, so that's great as well.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the testers know that they were taking a nootropic supplement?
The testers on anabolic minds did yes but of course this was not the only testing we ran. This was just a public trial we ran after a year of internal testing.
We tested more than a few different ingredients and blends before we landed on the final mix.
With regards to the final mix-
I gave it to people who didnt know what they were taking, people who did, people who didnt know the ingredients and those who did.
We also tested it directly against a placebo with everyone knowing it was a noot but not knowing what it was or who got the real product.
We had them run the same tests the AM trial guys ran. There were huge differences in the improvement across the board. The difference between the placebo group and the active subject group was pretty extreme. Enough that I decided to run the public trial to show people.

Trust me on this one....I would NEVER have run a public trial if I didnt already know how it was gonna turn out. Because if it failed miserably nobody would want the product.

Also on a side note......We are getting ready to run a public trial on a new ingredient. We will be needing some testers. This one is going to be a bit different as we will need everyone to personally sign a non disclosure, non compete etc.
Wait till you guys see what THIS stuff is. ;)
Ill be putting up a thread about this in a couple of days once the test batch is here.
For you guys reading think it over. Ill need full commitment. for 30 days.


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