Molding The Dough with Compound 20 (Beta Test)



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Congrats on the wedding. Make sure you eat some carbs before you get jiggy with it. Dont wanna get sick and feel hypo while getting your freak on. hhaha. Definitely starting to see some results from my C-20.


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and remember love her dont just use her like shes a workout.


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Day 18 (workout) (yesterday)

First off thanks for all the congrats and kind words fellas! I def hoping for an awesome wedding and will be taking the weekend off from logging and diet etc.... Will still attempt to eat as clean as possible but Im thinking an excess of cals is in my future... as FB said, it will just help for the wedding night energy ;)

Just wanted to Re-cap on yesterdays events and post up the numbers/progression for the workouts...

First thing first... What was with that insane hunger... makes me wonder if I worked out first thing in the morning if that sensation would be more prevalent or if its just a new development with C-20.... Either way it was kinda cool as typically that kind of thing lends itself to an equally insane amount of nutrient partitioning going on which is definitely an anabolic effect...

Second thing is... WHOO HOO!!! double workout day! Craziest thing is....... I was STRONG going into my second workout of the day for legs! at least after I got warmed up that is...

I had taken my second dose when leaving the nail salon, dropped the lil lady off at her sisters to visit the new niece n headed over to the gym... Legs were a lil loose, not exactly shaky but def not tight at first through the warm up set of squats but by the time I finished they were g2g. Legs alone usually DRAIN ME horribly and more often then not by my second set of leg curls I start to get a lil queasy. Last night I had none of that. I not only added in some calf raises/presses on the leg press machine but I upped all my numbers on my L.curls and on the leg extensions I added a longer pause to the concentric portion of the lift timing, holding my legs outright and flexed hard... it was nuts how much energy I had while in there....

Of course right after having my post workout shake and driving home though the WHOLE day of 2 workouts, stressing and running around hit me like a ton of bricks...

Another CURAAAZZZZY thing... I weighed 198 at the first workout... ate like a madman and drank TONS of water and fluids yesterday (seriously had 6 bottles of water, 2bottles of aminos, 2 bottles of protein in water and a small Mountain Dew with my KFC cheat meal) and only weighed in @ 198.4 my second workout... no poops along the way, plenty of peeing but I ate WAY more then 1/2 pound of food I felt.. IDK... Im thinking my weight may not fluctuate as much as I thought through an entire day. weird.

Heres the numbers for my AM and PM workouts. (improved in Bold)


DB Side raises- 10x20lb
DB Front raises- 10x20lb
DB Side raises- 10x25lb
DB Front raises- 10x25lb
DB Shoulder Press- 12x50lb(but really was just making sure to be warmed up), 10x70lb, 9x80lb
CB SkullCrusher/Close grip Military Press SS- 10/10x52.5lb, 10/10x72.5lb, 10/7x62.5lb
Bent Over Triceps Extensions- 10x20lb, 10x25lb, 10x30lb(easy, will have to go up in weight next week)
Lateral Cable Raise/Front Cable Raise SS(l/rLateral->l/rFont)- 10/10->10/10x20lbs, 10/10->10/10x25lbs, 10/10->10/10x30


Squats(free)- 10x135lb, 10x185lb, 10x225lb
Calf "press"- (left/right) 10/10x2plates, 10/10x2plates, 15/15x2plates
Leg curls(both legs)- 10x90lb, 10x150lb, 10x170lb
Leg Extensions (single leg R/L)-(0-5-2 timing) 10/10x60lb, 10/10x70lb, 10/10x80lb

Compound 20 notes:

Well besides the fact that I was hungrier then Ive been in a long time despite the constant eating and the 2 great workouts in one day and increase in weight with no sign of fat gain whatsoever... I don't have much else to mention on C-20...

But this seems to me to be turning into a great product... really wish I had a second bottle right about now so that I could continue on a bit longer n see how far it could take me... but I only have one week left... I'm thinking this is def going to require 2 bottles cause as I understand it they plan on releasing this dosed as it was in the beta... So really its going to boil down to cost for me... what would I be willing to spend for 2 bottles of this stuff??? Ill come up with a number by the end of my log BUT the IC release is coming on the 16th... for those of you interested I would sign up as there is no better time to get a cheap price on anything USPLabs makes other then in their IC releases, not trying to market for them, its just a fact they offer some insane release deals sometimes. I'm just hoping for some extra wedding cash (as we are paying for our own wedding) from family members kind enough not to "gift" us, lol, so I can have the opportunity to get in on it if its worth while.

I do have a tub of Hemavol that I am to be logging as soon as my C-20 is up and Im really looking forward to what that will do for keeping my workouts strong... but the purchase of more C-20 would be saved for after post cycle of my winter bulk to maintain once hormones have leveled back out.


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What is on tap for the winter bulk?


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I plan on doing an Ultradrol cycle with a 4-AD base(still have 12g bulk pow left) then switch over to something to harden up gains... its gonna be an 8-12 week cycle.... I have a lot of stuff saved up, including some older stuff and some rarer stuff not banned but no longer on the market... I might wind up making a help me plan my cycle thread with all the diff options I have... but I have a pretty good idea of what I want...

Im really lookin forward to the new Trenavar from IBE though and also their MENT... Trendione should be here in a month or so according to the owner but who knows if/when MENT will make it to the scene... I will likely incorporate the Tren into my cycle in some way or another if not just outright run that instead since its a non methyl... it will depend on a few things...

IDK for sure yet but I plan on doin it big and eating big as I get a bonus check in december and with it I will be rebuilding the engine for my Datsun P/U and then stocking up on a ton of supps and saving the rest to feed me through the bulk...

Then comes the 3 months of maintaining to help solidify muscle gain and then a cycle for summer to shed away all the fat and show off the new muscle...

Should be a fun year, lol...


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I decides against epi...
Im going to run halotest 25 50/50/50/50 and I thought about stacking deca drol max by iron mag labs with it :)

What do ya think?


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heh... you already know what i think... I like Epi more. And you dont need to stack anything on your first cycle


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I plan on doing an Ultradrol cycle with a 4-AD base(still have 12g bulk pow left) then switch over to something to harden up gains... its gonna be an 8-12 week cycle.... I have a lot of stuff saved up, including some older stuff and some rarer stuff not banned but no longer on the market... I might wind up making a help me plan my cycle thread with all the diff options I have... but I have a pretty good idea of what I want...

Im really lookin forward to the new Trenavar from IBE though and also their MENT... Trendione should be here in a month or so according to the owner but who knows if/when MENT will make it to the scene... I will likely incorporate the Tren into my cycle in some way or another if not just outright run that instead since its a non methyl... it will depend on a few things...

IDK for sure yet but I plan on doin it big and eating big as I get a bonus check in december and with it I will be rebuilding the engine for my Datsun P/U and then stocking up on a ton of supps and saving the rest to feed me through the bulk...

Then comes the 3 months of maintaining to help solidify muscle gain and then a cycle for summer to shed away all the fat and show off the new muscle...

Should be a fun year, lol...

Nice cycle. I'll PM you later, or perhaps do as you have and make a thread. Like what we previously talked about but I'm thinking I can get away with cutting w/o a full blown PH now and then in mid feb when I go home for my 3 week vacation I can run UltraDrol. I should be able to hit the gym at least 4 times a week then. A REAL FRICKEN gym. So i'm wondering if I should use that to lean bulk. Plus I'll be in the land where I won't have to cook every damn meal I eat.

Your cycle though sounds great! Just I donno if I could deal with the bloat lol.


Board Sponsor
heh... you already know what i think... I like Epi more. And you dont need to stack anything on your first cycle
Knew u would say that lol :)


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K just wanted to add a quick note tonight before I crash out (gotta get up early to set everything up)....

I got to see a lot of my family that came into town tonight, all of which I saw just this last august when I finished my cutting cycle....

I was about 187 then and really maintained well through all of my extended pct up until this C-20 run... At the start of my c20 run I was 190 and maybe the tiniest bit more blurring of stomach definition but slightly more strength then the end of cycle....

Well now I'm 198 and waaaay stronger then the end of my cycle and I guess the daily observations in the mirror are playing tricks on my eyes and mind cause every one of the 4 family members that hadn't seem me since august commented on how much bigger I was, or how much my arms, shoulders and chest has bulked up ... my sister says "your getting huge spenny" yup I've gained 10lbs since I saw you last n she's like "ya n it must have been all muscle!"

Those kind of comments are great to have in general, its wonderful to have others notice your progress... But to know when I progressed and the fact the numbers on the scale have gone up almost 3 times the amount in this month then they did the 2 previous months together and have others point out a visual increase that I can't see on a day to day basis I think says a lot about what I was taking during that exponential increase when everything is considered...

I'm kinda looking forward to these final photos to see if I can notice the same progress and not just think im a blimp.... Bb'ers have worse dysmorphia complexes then anorexics I think sometimes.... But at least others think we look good... Lol.


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Nice! That's what I like to see man. Glad it went so well. I might have to look in to this.


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haha, love the comment on the self image issues. One of my friends just asked me the other day "If you can seriously say you have worse image issues than a girl than you can say that". (I think I said something like "I care how I look").

Anyway Im waiting on that email. Im pretty damn sure IM not going to be able to afford any of the PP release stuff so I may just use the USPLabs stuff. ;)


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I'll be the first to tell ya: Congrats on ya wedding...


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I hope the wifey's legs are wobbly!! Lmao


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not sure but what is this supposed to do again?


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Thanks guys, the weekend was great. We took a honeymoon at home and just stayed in watchin movies n "stuff".... this weekend we will be going to Magic Mountain (six flags roller coaster park) to continue it kinda but we didnt have the luxury of doing a full week out without working n whatnot... maybe for the one year anniversary.

No real notes for compound 20 through the weekend cept I look at myself in the mirror this morning after disregarding any rigidity to my diet at all for 2 days and dont see any damage whatsoever...

Interested in what tonights workout may hold... depending on if a buddy is there for a spot I may try and test to see what current 1RM is on bench... I havnt hit BB bench for quite some time and only use it on occasions such as this to gauge overall maximum strength levels.

Im hoping I have at least 275-295 in me... but would be nice if i could still do 315, a previous PR. Guess we will just have to see...


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cmon you got 3 plates bro!


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^^^^now thats intensity


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LOL, I hope so! It would be nice to hit over 300 on all my major lifts... I dont know that I could squat that right now though... maybe i can... I would just hate having to walk that much weight out, squat and walk it back into the rack... my ultimate strength goal is to hit 5 plates each side on all lifts... thats gonna take some time I think though.


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Wow, very late but subbed. It took me well over an hour to read all this. Initially, based on your posts, I was not drawn to the product, but half way through when you started noticing some changes, I became intrigues and still am. It would be nice to see you run this for at least 6 weeks. This might be something I would be interested in trying when my current cycle is over, as long as the price is reasonable. Guess I have to keep my eyes peeled for the release..SJ


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Thanks for subbin on man!

I too would like the chance to run this 6 weeks... I feel with the longer time to even kick in and start to see stuff this is almost necessary to get a satisfactory run, otherwise it just gives you a taste then leaves you hankerin for more...

I wont be able to have the chance to continue on now, I dont think the IC release will even ship out soon enough if I wanted to and I have another product I will be logging at the end of this week... BUT I def plan on running this again in the future as long as cost is reasonable since I def would want 2 bottles and if they are 60 bucks a pop, it aint happenin....


Thanks for subbin on man!

I too would like the chance to run this 6 weeks... I feel with the longer time to even kick in and start to see stuff this is almost necessary to get a satisfactory run, otherwise it just gives you a taste then leaves you hankerin for more...

I wont be able to have the chance to continue on now, I dont think the IC release will even ship out soon enough if I wanted to and I have another product I will be logging at the end of this week... BUT I def plan on running this again in the future as long as cost is reasonable since I def would want 2 bottles and if they are 60 bucks a pop, it aint happenin....
Good log bro, very detailed. Im interested now :)


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Good log bro, very detailed. Im interested now :)
Thanks bro, Im glad its turning out to be of some use for folks, just trying to tell it how it is.


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LOL, I hope so! It would be nice to hit over 300 on all my major lifts... I dont know that I could squat that right now though... maybe i can... I would just hate having to walk that much weight out, squat and walk it back into the rack... my ultimate strength goal is to hit 5 plates each side on all lifts... thats gonna take some time I think though.
5 plates!?? Thats the dream man! That's the dream!

Glad you enjoyed your time off, and that it didnt do you much damage lol. Thats a main concern for me too when taking time off.

But I feel you will kill it in the gym because of the rest :)
Have a good one!


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Day 22 (workout)

All right.... obviously Days 19-21 were spent with family, getting married then hanging out with my beautiful new wifey.... which brings us to day 22 and the start of my last week on compound 20 (basically)

I would have to say... tonights workout results and events had me quite confused, yet again, compound 20 is throwin me for a loop.... weight is close to the same as last thursday, 198.8, Im looking fairly lean still (I will get up a pic in my next post) but the thing is.... strength just seemed fleeting this workout....

BUT what was there was some insane rock hard pumps and definite increase in vascularity... IDK why this was the case... the pumps and vascularity had been gradually increasing to this point while strength was definitely the leading positive effect experienced thus far... tonight I get in there and even during my warm up pushups... I just felt HEAVY.

I wanted to hit the BB to test out my 1RM really bad BUT there was noone there to spot and the front desk dude was workin on getting the place cleaned up for close... But I was determined to hit it anyways just to feel it out.... SO Im thinking maaaaybe had I done my typical workout that once I had warmed up my typical feeling of almost being "on" strength woulda been there but instead I felt like it took a while to get warmed up even though pump started after the couple BB sets and continued on strong through the workout...

heres what I did... basically cause of the mix up in starting with BB I went ahead and just went with a workout that "felt good" and just chased the pump instead and did some different stuff that just felt diff in my pecs... heres how it went....

20 push ups (warmup)
BB bench- Barx10, 135lbx10, 225lbx5
DB bench- 75lbx10, 95lbx7, 55lbx12
DB Incline bench- 55lbx10
DB Decline bench- 55lbx10
Fly Machine pinch-160x15
Fly Machine- 160lbx10, 205lbx10
Fly Machine/Dips SS- 250lbx10/bwx10/160lbx12/bwx10
Fly Machine Pinch/ Fly machine SS- 205lbx12/205lbx10
DB Fly (slow)- 25lbx10
BB bench- Barx10(10-10-0 timing, 20 sec reps, BUUUURN), 115lbx10(close grip), 115lbx12
Extreme stretch holding 40lb DBs out fly for 40seconds

As you can kinda see it was all over the place, throwin in SS and TUT sets here and there and doing some stuff that just felt like it activated different parts of my pecs well... speaking of which, the BB bent did a VERY good job of activating muscle fibers in my chest that I dont feel I typically use in my DB presses, so much so that Im seriously inclined to include them in my routine more often in the future in order to get a lil switch up in my chest routine and hopefully some more growth.

In case anyone is wondering what a Machine fly pinch is referring to in my workout also, the handles/bars on it can move closer to the body or further away, Im sure to accommodate different length arms but what I was doing was putting the bars together right in front of me and without pulling them apart I was pulling the bars in to touch my chest and the straight back out again pinching the insides of my elbows and pecs together as hard as I could, I felt some really good activation in the muscle fibers closer to my armpits doing this.

So again while I didnt just feel like I had the monster strength that I have been getting recently I did have a great pump, some intense mind muscle connection and much more vascularity then I have seen for quite some time....

Also a limiting factor on some of my lifts (namely my incline DB press and the reason there was only one set of these done) was the fact that my left shoulder has had a nagging pain in it the last few days, getting worse each day... dunno if it was my heavy lifts from my last shoulder workout or just my harder, although newer and bigger, bed that is causing me this shoulder pain... my wrists have been aching on me from time to time as well although they have felt ok the past couple days and didnt feel too bad during tonights workout either.... I dont know that I can contribute this directly to C-20 but it has been a bit bothersome and something I could do without.

Compound 20 notes:

Well not much to mention that already hasnt through the rest of this update, strength was a bit off tonight it felt... though truly gauging it would be difficult considering the change up Im fairly in tune with my body and the "feel" was one of being a bit weaker.... BUT pumps were good and so was vascularity...

I almost wonder if my diet and source of CHO over the weekend and even admittedly today were to blame for this as they were mostly acquired from simpler carbs and much less complex carbs were consumed which over a couple days of doing so could compromise the glycogen stores IMO and in turn possibly effect strength levels... Already with my post workout meal this has def changed and will go back to the typical diet food sources through the rest of this week.

Gonna take a second and run through the week 3 review now and post an updated pic for progress sake and show the lack of fat accumulation with this weight gain...


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Third Week Progress Report and Review

So its that time again.... Week 3 progress report... next one will be the final review and my ultimate recommendation.... will be nice because hopefully by then we will have a price point as well (should with the inner circle release happening this wed) and I can really give my opinion if this is worth the bucks... of course everyone is diff and depending on their want to stay natty or not may or may not spend more then I on a natty product of this nature... So my opinion is ultimately just that, my opinion. Hopefully the details along the way will be enough for you guys to make a decent decision of your own as well.

With that, Lets start off the Progress report with a progress pic shot a couple hours after tonights workout... pump has already faded and all but the main point of the pic is to show size gain (if any, hard for me to tell, but the scale and my fam. tells me diff... so....) and the lack of fat gain or just bloating up +8lbs....

Old -> New

I think there has been some ever so slight blurring of the stomach muscles but that could very well just be from the difference of lighting in my bathroom between day and night, IDK, either way I dont feel that I look as though fat gain has been an issue, neither is bloating right now BUT just about the only real mass difference I can see (maybe you guys can help me out here, as Im my own biggest critic) would be in the shoulders which seem a lil broader, IDK, maybe my lats sticking out more under the arms too but I have no direct back spread shots to compare that to...

With that Ill continue on to the weekly review...

Pump: 8/10
Pumps have become something a bit more common now. Definitely more prevalent in the gym and becoming something that is seen in the muscle groups worked the day or 2 before accompanied by a tight sore feeling... there has yet to be an all day, all body perpetual pump to be experienced like I do get on cycle with a few compounds BUT even though its not to be expected with a supposed natty compound I have to gauge it based on what I know. Still a large improvement none the less.

Body Composition Changes: 7/10
Im giving this one a HUGE raise... not for the sake of what I can really see myself BUT most certainly because of what others have seen in me, making mention of notable physical changes and the fact that I AM seeing weight gain on the scale and NOT seeing fat gain in the mirror... I think this could leave only 2 things, LBM and increased intra muscular glycogen/nutrient stores...

Strength Increases: 10/10
Despite the lack of strength this day... I cant dip this score just yet... It delivered in a big way for me through the last week, every workout was apparently stronger.... My dead lift improved significantly and the strength I still felt while running about all day and doing 2 workouts in a single day is nothing short of astonishing... Im the most pleased still with this aspect of Compound 20.

Sleep and Muscular Recovery: 6/10
Muscular recovery.... well I can only say that while I am pumped in the muscle groups that I worked the previous couple days I am also SORE as all get out the following days as well... again wether this is an inherent effect of Compound 20 itself or the result of using heavier weights at a much higher intensity IDK, could be either or.... as for sleep... well it continues to be sound, wake well refreshed and vivid dreams throughout(I typically dream in technicolor, as my mom likes to say, always have had intensely real and sometimes awkward dreams)... with one development... Without fail the last 4/4 nights my dreams have included me getting into a fight of one degree or another and absolutely dominating the adversary... why the increase in violence IDK, but it is fun to a degree yet slightly disturbing as well. Im going to leave this the same this week based on the lack of change other then the scenery of my dreams...

Side Effects: 7/10(10 being side free)
I can say that this one is getting better and better... almost no fluctuations in appearance, as there were extreme fluctuations in the start... My acne on my shoulders and back has cleared up considerably but is still present to a degree. Libido is still effected positively. The only con I can think of, I cant even be sure is attributable to Compound 20, and that is the pain in my shoulder and occasionally my wrists. Urination is still high as is thirst and occasion chapped lips... but that has been the case since day 2 I think...

Overall Initial Impressions: 9/10
Im giving my first increase in rating to the overall Impression category based on the fact that all other aspects have either improved or remained constant... I can say Im finally seeing what Compound 20 is REALLY about and while at first it had me quite the skeptic and just wondering why in the world I was even taking it and if I WOULD keep taking it I now wish I had more on hand and could continue the run further and maybe even higher dosed. I could say based on effects alone, I would recommend this supplement to anyone, whatever your goals may be the effects seem to me to suit the possibility to aid in fat loss and maintain muscle, it would incorporate perfectly into a recomp goal and in the line of bulking Im sure the aided nutrient partitioning would be more then welcome and who knows it may even mitigate some fat gain.... My goals fall in the recomp/lean bulk category and I feel it has served me well thus far..... the TRUE deciding factor now will be the price point... as I mentioned what I may deem a suitable cost for this may differ for you and is something you will obviously have to decide on your own but I will reserve my opinion on this matter for after the release and my final review of the product.


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OMFG thats some GREAT recomp. If I could do that on cycle Id be thrilled... Ill read up the write up now, just wanted to let you know b4 you head offline.


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OMFG thats some GREAT recomp. If I could do that on cycle Id be thrilled... Ill read up the write up now, just wanted to let you know b4 you head offline.
Thanks a ton man... Day to day observations in the mirror are great for me to gauge whether or not the diet is going overboard but its crap for assessing overall progress since the changes are so miniscule and hard to recognize... even when flashing between the 2 pics or seeing them side by side (in the full editor before I posted they were displayed side by side, the forum forced them top bottom) I still have trouble seeing the difference but thats the personal critic in me and also when I go on cycle the progress pics are usually much more drastic.... but again thats not a fair comparison and I will take progress natty any day of the week, its every bit as rewarding knowing I can do it without a cycle and makes me feel that much more "worthy" of cycling knowing I have got the basics down alright... there is credit due to C20 as well for aiding in such a thing...

So thanks again, Im worse then a girl on prom night done up to the tits and asking if I look pretty.... its def a complex, but keeps me motivated.


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I would say overall that you look fuller. Arms are looking very nice! I also believe that natty supps need at least 6 weeks to do their thing.


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I can defiently see the filling out...
I also seen pics of ya that were a lot older and man you made some nice gains in last few years...


Looks like youve leaned out a little bit in the midsection too. Nice work!


Well-known member
I would say overall that you look fuller. Arms are looking very nice! I also believe that natty supps need at least 6 weeks to do their thing.
Thanks! and I agree, 6 weeks is The sweet spot for most, it gives a couple weeks for it to even kick in and then the 4 weeks we would expect for it to do work... 8 weeks works for some but some also cap off by that point and effects start to fade... I wonder where C20 would top off at.

I can defiently see the filling out...
I also seen pics of ya that were a lot older and man you made some nice gains in last few years...
LOL yeah, those are some old pics... bout 9 years old... I was 19 then and skinny as all get out, it was honestly a lot harder to put on the initial muscle mass from 19-24 then to burn off the fat this last summer and regrow my existing muscle... being an Ecto wasnt easy

Sourdough works dam hard.
Thanks bro, its a way of life for me, so I feel its not really all that hard, but does take dedication and time learning how to apply all the knowledge Ive gained from the boards and personal trial and error.

Looks like youve leaned out a little bit in the midsection too. Nice work!
I dunno if I see that as much as you as I was pretty lean in the before shots but thank you none the less...

Id have to say while i haven't seen the "leaning and hardening" effects in a big way from C20 I almost wonder if I have still dropped BF% due to gaining lean muscle mass n not an equal amount of fat... Either way... thanks again fellas, this has turned into an enjoyable run.


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Few things:

- Congrats on the marriage. That is truly awesome, man. Best of luck to you and your wife.

- Great reviews. You are a very solid logger and your updates/reviews are some of the best I've seen. I hope you get a chance to run a lot more logs in the future.

- As you pointed out, the lighting in the 2nd picture makes it difficult to truly be objective. The fact that you're holding the phone in the 2nd picture does the same. To me (just my opinion), it looks like you're more relaxed (slightly) in the first picture than in the 2nd; that your shoulders seem to be drawn back more, which makes it difficult to say what real difference there is in size/width. Despite all of that, though, it is very evident that you've tightened up around the midsection, which is pretty freakin awesome if you're up 8 lbs and that's the case.


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Day 23 (workout)

OK.... Its that time of the week again... Dead Lifts... I'm stoked...

Soooo I totally need to invest in straps for the heavier weight... lemme show you why....

So I don't know what to consider this... 2 reps? 3 reps? 2.5?... whatever, at least I didn't hurt myself and managed to lock out all 3, only dropping it on the way back down... so yeah, need me some straps for that last set.

I cant believe that I actually felt so strong this week doing them, especially with how last nights workout felt... Its also nuts that Ive been able to progress this much each week with my Dead lift... feels great.

The pump got pretty intense tonight again, even my hands were perma-clamping and I would have to stretch them open between sets on most of my exercises... Vascularity was present again tonight up n down my arms.

Here's how the numbers looked throughout...

Dead Lifts- 10x135lb, 10x225lb, 3x275lb, 2.5?x315lb, 10x225lb
DB Curls- 10x20lb(reg/hammer alternating), 20x35lb(reg, R/L alternating), 20x45lb(inside hammer, R/L alternating)
Bent over DB Rows-(done one arm at a time on bench) 10x55lb, 10x75lb
Iso cable lat pulldowns- (done Right/Left alternating while still holding a slight contraction on opposite arm) 20x40lb, 10x50lb, 10x60lb
Rear Fly Machine- (horizontal/vertical grip)10/10x55lb, (vertical grip)10x70lb, (horizontal grip)9x100lb

Forearms and bis were pretty pumped by the end of the workout n my hands even seemed pumped making it hard to hold them wide open, they wanted to stay in a hooked form from all the pull exercises... especially the lat pull downs holding them for so long after doing all the deads and bent over rows prior... BUuuuurNN

Compound 20 Notes:

Well good to see the strength factor was back in a big way and the pumps n vascularity were still experienced through the workout too... Think yesterday must have just been the result of a lacking diet over the weekend... ALSO.... managed to go hypo once again this morning... took my pills n then asked the wifey if she wanted me to make some eggs as well but she was so kind that she said she wanted to actually make me breakfast this morning n English Muffins with the eggs etc... SO... of course I agreed, shes a much better cook then me as it is, but the little extra time it took to have everything made by her gave C-20 just enough time to kick in without food in my belly and of course made me hot, feel sick to my stomach and hard to even get anything down without yacking (even though it tasted great)...

I never understood why the body, when it goes hypo and needs sustenance, it gives the sensation of needing to puke making it hard to get that same thing it really needs... weird... BUT shows this is still doing a just fine job shuttling the food I'm eating right away into muscle stores...

Other then that not much else re: new developments for C-20.


  • RockStar
  • Established
Looks like things are going well regardless ;)

Nice lifts man.. You got guts to post this up on this site too man... good courage. :D

I'll be sending a PM soon ;)


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WOOOO I knew you could get 3 soon ;). I would call it three even if it was dropped at the end you did the hard part lol. Lookin real SOLID in your after pics deff filled out more (especially in the upper chest region) and look leaner in the ab region... congrats! Congrats on the wedding too great news! :D


Well-known member
WOOOO I knew you could get 3 soon ;). I would call it three even if it was dropped at the end you did the hard part lol. Lookin real SOLID in your after pics deff filled out more (especially in the upper chest region) and look leaner in the ab region... congrats! Congrats on the wedding too great news! :D
You def called it better them I could!I was really very surprised my back was pulling that strong def much easier then last week.. You can see I try to quickly retighten my grip in between each rep... Just wasn't enough. Makes me wonder how many reps I can get with straps and your much my 1RM really is right now with or without straps even since I can do 315 more then once.... Next time


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Two things you can do without a one under one over grip (unless you are really anal about symmetry issues) or try using a hook grip with both hands over the bar...or hell I have done over/under grip with a hook grip before on deads..and I have been able to do much higher weight.

Edit: or get some chalk?


  • RockStar
  • Established
You def called it better them I could!I was really very surprised my back was pulling that strong def much easier then last week.. You can see I try to quickly retighten my grip in between each rep... Just wasn't enough. Makes me wonder how many reps I can get with straps and your much my 1RM really is right now with or without straps even since I can do 315 more then once.... Next time
You are beast man lol. C20 is either really good or you're just fricken strong lol.


Well-known member
Few things:

- Congrats on the marriage. That is truly awesome, man. Best of luck to you and your wife.

- Great reviews. You are a very solid logger and your updates/reviews are some of the best I've seen. I hope you get a chance to run a lot more logs in the future.

- As you pointed out, the lighting in the 2nd picture makes it difficult to truly be objective. The fact that you're holding the phone in the 2nd picture does the same. To me (just my opinion), it looks like you're more relaxed (slightly) in the first picture than in the 2nd; that your shoulders seem to be drawn back more, which makes it difficult to say what real difference there is in size/width. Despite all of that, though, it is very evident that you've tightened up around the midsection, which is pretty freakin awesome if you're up 8 lbs and that's the case.
-Thanks man, I'm def a lucky man to have snagged the lady I have :thumbsup:

-Thanks bro. Sometimes I feel my responses may be too long winded but I get into it and feel more detail its better then not enough and sounds more genuine the more people are allowed to know. Not to knock any other logging style, some of my favorite logs are short, sweet and to the point... I have done some of those too but this is a beta so again, more is better then not enough imo.

-I agree the way I'm holding the phone could def be skewing the shot a lil and its a slightly diff angle then when I propped it up for the start but I can def say im slightly flexed in both pics, neither are completely relaxed (arms and stomach slightly flexed in both just holding tight). No point imo comparing a full flex shot to a relaxed one (I have to take shots to see changes myself n then just share them, no point in tricking myself, lol) but I'm sure thats not what your getting at... So other mentioned environmental differences in both pics aside they are taken with my body in a similar state.... Like you said though with the knowledge that one is also at a heavier weight adds a diff perspective and shows how well, at the least, fat gain has been mitigated.

Thanks for the comps and constructive criticism as well... good to know this log is of use to others.


Board Sponsor
Yeah I have to agree with Beast your logs would get an A grade if this was a college research theory :p

Damn good job man. Lots of good talk, lots of good reads/post. A good time of learning and fun here man.


Well-known member
Two things you can do without a one under one over grip (unless you are really anal about symmetry issues) or try using a hook grip with both hands over the bar...or hell I have done over/under grip with a hook grip before on deads..and I have been able to do much higher weight.

Edit: or get some chalk?
Oooh... Hook grip... I tried that once with just 185lbs and it was a no go after just a few reps.. My hands are shaped with really big, square palms but fairly short fingers in comparison... It not only makes it hard for me to wrap my fingers over my thumbs but then the amount of pressure used to keep them there is unbearable and slips easy, no real lock to it...

And yup... I'm avoiding a mixed grip cause I already have enough symmetry issues due to my right arm...

I used to install alarms and all the drilling through frames of doors and windows, being right handed, made my right arm much more developed... In turn it takes over more on bench type exercises so subsequently my left pectoral is also bigger then my right since the right triceps do too much work...

I do a lot concentrating on form to take my arm out of it and apply more of lifts to the right pec and do extra exercises for my left arm too in order to help compensate for these differences so last thing I want to do is create trap and lat symmetry issues.... I'd rather just gradually build forearm and grip strength instead (I'm actually a lil hesitant in picking up some straps for this reason too, I'd like to be able to do my lifts raw if possible and avoid leaving behind the secondary groups each lift works out) but know my back its certainly stronger then my grip right now...

Gotta figure some direct exercises to build that up so I'm not dropping hundreds of lbs of weight... Don't need to injure myself or damage equipment.

I think I will look into chalk as my palms are def the sweaty type and that bar isn't new by any means so grip has been worn right where I need it.


Well-known member
You are beast man lol. C20 is either really good or you're just fricken strong lol.
Hah thanks bro...

My back has always been kinda thick with meat, I wrestled a year in high school, but I have never done deads before... I think more then anything my body is just learning the technique and applying the muscles I have in a much better way.....

At the same time, my lifts ARE improving all around so methinks the C-20 is certainly a contributing factor to my improved deads as well... The mind muscle connection I seem to have from it has certainly got to be helping in recruiting the correct groups and the gda/nutrient partitioning effects have got to be providing plenty I'd fuel for the lifts... What else is going in beyond that... Well we will know soon, the writeup is almost here! I'm really excited, hopefully its ready by the time I wake up tomorrow.


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Oooh... Hook grip... I tried that once with just 185lbs and it was a no go after just a few reps.. My hands are shaped with really big, square palms but fairly short fingers in comparison... It not only makes it hard for me to wrap my fingers over my thumbs but then the amount of pressure used to keep them there is unbearable and slips easy, no real lock to it...

And yup... I'm avoiding a mixed grip cause I already have enough symmetry issues due to my right arm...

I used to install alarms and all the drilling through frames of doors and windows, being right handed, made my right arm much more developed... In turn it takes over more on bench type exercises so subsequently my left pectoral is also bigger then my right since the right triceps do too much work...

I do a lot concentrating on form to take my arm out of it and apply more of lifts to the right pec and do extra exercises for my left arm too in order to help compensate for these differences so last thing I want to do is create trap and lat symmetry issues.... I'd rather just gradually build forearm and grip strength instead (I'm actually a lil hesitant in picking up some straps for this reason too, I'd like to be able to do my lifts raw if possible and avoid leaving behind the secondary groups each lift works out) but know my back its certainly stronger then my grip right now...

Gotta figure some direct exercises to build that up so I'm not dropping hundreds of lbs of weight... Don't need to injure myself or damage equipment.

I think I will look into chalk as my palms are def the sweaty type and that bar isn't new by any means so grip has been worn right where I need it.
Understood when I was using the mixed grip my traps were deff becoming asymmetric. But at that time all I cared about was strength over symmetry so it was not really a bother to me. My hands are the lanky skinny finger type (as is my body type) so I have always been happy using hook grip and I actually find that to be better compared to using straps. If you ask me chalk is the answer for you.. It will reduce slipping greatly and if you have sweaty hands it will be a great help (dirt cheap too whole block for a few bucks) make sure you buy it locally at a fitness store most of the stuff that you order online is ****ty chalk from china idk why lol. I hope your gym isnt anal like mine is they dont like when people use chalk.. i guess it messes up their pretty floor lol. Good work and good luck I shall go back to my lurking state :).


Well-known member
Yeah I have to agree with Beast your logs would get an A grade if this was a college research theory :p

Damn good job man. Lots of good talk, lots of good reads/post. A good time of learning and fun here man.
Thanks bro, I really enjoy the life style and science behind all if it... Whoever think bbers are just a bunch if meat heads are surely mistaken as tons of knowledge goes into building a strong physique in most cases... Or at least a trainer with that vast amount of info...

Maybe someday I'll be able to make a living doing what I love..


Well-known member
Understood when I was using the mixed grip my traps were deff becoming asymmetric. But at that time all I cared about was strength over symmetry so it was not really a bother to me. My hands are the lanky skinny finger type (as is my body type) so I have always been happy using hook grip and I actually find that to be better compared to using straps. If you ask me chalk is the answer for you.. It will reduce slipping greatly and if you have sweaty hands it will be a great help (dirt cheap too whole block for a few bucks) make sure you buy it locally at a fitness store most of the stuff that you order online is ****ty chalk from china idk why lol. I hope your gym isnt anal like mine is they dont like when people use chalk.. i guess it messes up their pretty floor lol. Good work and good luck I shall go back to my lurking state :).
Sound good bro, glad you piped up though, I have been neglecting the idea of chalk for one reason or another and I think I will go that route (if allowed) before resorting to straps.


  • RockStar
  • Established
Hah thanks bro...

My back has always been kinda thick with meat, I wrestled a year in high school, but I have never done deads before... I think more then anything my body is just learning the technique and applying the muscles I have in a much better way.....

At the same time, my lifts ARE improving all around so methinks the C-20 is certainly a contributing factor to my improved deads as well... The mind muscle connection I seem to have from it has certainly got to be helping in recruiting the correct groups and the gda/nutrient partitioning effects have got to be providing plenty I'd fuel for the lifts... What else is going in beyond that... Well we will know soon, the writeup is almost here! I'm really excited, hopefully its ready by the time I wake up tomorrow.
yea man I cant wait for that write up! Everytime I look at my clocks here I am like where is it! Then realize that I am a day ahead lol. I remember in Hawaii I was always behind, now I am ahead! Figures lol

Anyway, you think this product would be good in PCT? Just to retain strength? Or you feel itd be better after hormones rebalance? Just a shot in the dark?


  • RockStar
  • Legend!
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Looks good SD. Try to control the negative better though. It looks like you are just relaxing and letting the weight drop. Less chance of injury that way. Time to work on the grip strength now. Chalk definitely will help here but check with your gym first. Most frown on it.

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