Molding The Dough with Compound 20 (Beta Test)



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haha yeah the gym I go to used to play awesome hardcore rock that just got me in the gym mood to destroy the weights and now they have been playing hip hop and country and im like WTF?! But keep it up IDK what was wrong with me when I used to deadlift..I havent done them in a few months because I have been focusing really hard on increasing my squats and my legs take forever to recover after a hard leg day.. I hope you can keep increasing your deads I was looking through an old training journal I kept two years ago and it said I was doing 315 5 times... 3 months ago I was doing 315 5 times.. so I guess I didnt go up in deads in TWO YEARS LOL must have been doing something wrong :think:. I'll keep an eye on how you structure your deads and prob add them back to my split in a few months after my squat starts to stall :thumbsup:.
I wish my gym would play some hardcore stuff! that would be sick... too wide a variety of people in there though, I dont think most would like it, LOL.

I dunno if it will be the same for me on Deads past a certain point but I do know that the BIGGEST thing for me and weight progression is just buckling down and grabbin the heavier DB's or throwing on one more plate and just doing it.... most of the time I surprise myself... this is especially true on cycle, whew, I explode in strength every time I go on cycle it seems... But this has really thrown me for a loop with how well it has facilitated my strength progression...

Im really eager to understand the MOA of this supplement cause if its something non hormonal (which with the increased acne and libido and strength it honestly feels kinda androgenic to me, maybe increases 5a reductase making more DHT or something, maybe a natty SARM, Im just brainstorming outloud here) then I wonder how well it would do in a PCT, cause I could see this really helping one to maintain strength gains and possibly even mass gains considering the increased nutrient partitioning from the strong GDA effect.


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I wish my gym would play some hardcore stuff! that would be sick... too wide a variety of people in there though, I dont think most would like it, LOL.

I dunno if it will be the same for me on Deads past a certain point but I do know that the BIGGEST thing for me and weight progression is just buckling down and grabbin the heavier DB's or throwing on one more plate and just doing it.... most of the time I surprise myself... this is especially true on cycle, whew, I explode in strength every time I go on cycle it seems... But this has really thrown me for a loop with how well it has facilitated my strength progression...

Im really eager to understand the MOA of this supplement cause if its something non hormonal (which with the increased acne and libido and strength it honestly feels kinda androgenic to me, maybe increases 5a reductase making more DHT or something, maybe a natty SARM, Im just brainstorming outloud here) then I wonder how well it would do in a PCT, cause I could see this really helping one to maintain strength gains and possibly even mass gains considering the increased nutrient partitioning from the strong GDA effect.
That is very true with the "just do it" mentality I feel all the big lifts are so damn mental. And when I go back to deads I am curious if the large increases I have had in squats will translate to a higher deadlift by itself so that'll be interesting to see.

You have very detailed reviews everyone deff appreciates them :). I am down to try this product once it comes out.. increases in strength and libido sound awesome even with the negatives you have described.


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...I know Ive mentioned it in passing but just wanted to reiterate the oddity of the increase in libido so fiercely... Without sounding like a jerk or demeaning my fiance, it seems like from the second she gets home from work till she goes to sleep all I want to do is go at it.... waking up on a daily with wood as well... I usually try to be reserved in the way I talk about this subject but I figured I should just let this out there cause it has been a notable difference from prior to starting C20 and been consistently getting stronger...
At first, I thought maybe this stuffs boosting my libido but as the days have progressed it has become apparent that it's having some effect. Uncontrollable to the point it has become a borderline annoyance when my girlfriend is around. I love sex as much as the next man, but my brain can have its fill and the chief downstairs wants to treat it like a buffet and have seconds, thirds, etc etc.


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At first, I thought maybe this stuffs boosting my libido but as the days have progressed it has become apparent that it's having some effect. Uncontrollable to the point it has become a borderline annoyance when my girlfriend is around. I love sex as much as the next man, but my brain can have its fill and the chief downstairs wants to treat it like a buffet and have seconds, thirds, etc etc.
LOL... thats just about how Im feelin.


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Was gonna pm you but I'll just put this in the log because it pertains to the log and all those logging too.

Insider pre presale email just came out. Really interested in giving it a go. What do you think about the product price wise? What is your guesstimate?


Board Sponsor
Was gonna pm you but I'll just put this in the log because it pertains to the log and all those logging too.

Insider pre presale email just came out. Really interested in giving it a go. What do you think about the product price wise? What is your guesstimate?
I unsubscribed from the insider email.
What was the price of the product?


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I unsubscribed from the insider email.
What was the price of the product?
Never got released with a price. Pre pre. Saying it's coming soon.

That's why I'm asking. Wanna get feedback before it's released to see what loggers think it's worth.


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huh??? I didnt get an insider email yet... it was just one saying the IC was going to be on the 16th??? so I dunno the price yet and its worthiness... especially given I havnt seen it through the entire 30days and more importantly a week past... IDK that id even feel comfortable with a yes or no unless it was just ridiculously priced, like 20 bucks a bottle for 3 or something.....


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huh??? I didnt get an insider email yet... it was just one saying the IC was going to be on the 16th??? so I dunno the price yet and its worthiness... especially given I havnt seen it through the entire 30days and more importantly a week past... IDK that id even feel comfortable with a yes or no unless it was just ridiculously priced, like 20 bucks a bottle for 3 or something.....
Yea it was the pre pre release news.
Just wondering what you'd be willing to pay. As a tester. And a supplement user. What would you be willing to dish out for this stuff? Obviously without knowing the price.


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20 for 3 bottles lmao...
That won't happen.


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Yea it was the pre pre release news.
Just wondering what you'd be willing to pay. As a tester. And a supplement user. What would you be willing to dish out for this stuff? Obviously without knowing the price.
Ya, like I said, I couldnt fairly give a viable price Id be willing to pay on this yet since I havnt ran it full term, gains may top out, may get better, could lose it all a couple days post... just would be fair for me to say anything definite right now besides the low ball number I already threw out.... Id pick it up at that cost just to mega dose it and see what could happen.... then again if things continue Id pay that price for 1 bottle....

20 for 3 bottles lmao...
That won't happen.
No dude... you didnt understand me... 20 bucks a bottle for 3... thats how USPL usually offers their IC releases... you can get one for a decent sale price or buy multiple bottles for hella cheap ea. ... At this point Id def spend 60 bucks on 3 bottles of this stuff... But beyond that I cant say...


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Yea usually I buy the usplabs stuff on the release sale. If it's good I buy more if not, usually the deal was so good I'm pleased regardless.

Hoping to get a mean deal lol.


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Yea usually I buy the usplabs stuff on the release sale. If it's good I buy more if not, usually the deal was so good I'm pleased regardless.

Hoping to get a mean deal lol.
As am I!

Like I mentioned in FB's log... I wonder what it would be like to run on a mega dose of 8 or 9 caps ed... Id really like the 9 cap idea cause of 3/3/3 dosing getting higher plasma levels at once of whatever this is... I can feel it doing stuff right now obviously but I feel as though the true potential is just outta reach...

Of course this also lends itself to the possibility of more sides... Im thinking if I can get it at a good price Im gonna get 3 bottles and run this again after my next cycle (which will actually be most of winter, 12 weeks planned) and start at rec dose and ramp my way up 2 caps week by week.... see where things seem to top out at and what kind of duration effects can be seen before dropping off again...

Of course a lot of this depends on the conclusion of this Beta run and finding out the MOA of the supplement itself... it may just not be conducive to its actions to run it at a mega dose but may allow for more prolonged dosing with a cumulative effect... IDK, Im just playing around with ideas for now and can in no way say that I would condone running this in that manner for just anyone... at least not yet... Im seeing decent results building up at the rec dose so it may not even be necessary.

Honestly... Id like to see what this could do in conjunction with Prime.... IDK if any of you guys have experience with it... I honestly dont even understand the science behind it either but I ran it at a 6 cap a day dose alongside Anabolic Pump and PSlin when it first came out 3 years ago and had some stellar results... I think these 2 would make a nice natty stack... in fact Id like to see what the MOA is and ingredients are so I can determine if AnaBeta could be run at the same time without being redundant as well.... but now Im talking some ridiculous amounts of money for a natty stack that may not even get better results then the three just ran back to back in their own cycles... knowing the MOA is key here... I cant wait.


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I don't know how many will believe me but I think prime was better than anabeta.

I got crud results off anabeta. Felt hypo but not much else. Though that pct wasn't that good anyway. Too many sups I ran.
Prime I ran solo and had mean results. Just was too expensive to keep it up.

Another one I got good gains off of was t-force the fadogia stuff lol. That was cheap and good to me.

I wonder if nutra will have there amazing sale on prime and ap again..seriously Thinking of holding out on buying supps till the black friday sale just incase I need more capital. Nutra needs to release some teasers or something. Hell walmart sent me their projected ads for black Friday why can't nutra? Lol.


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I don't know how many will believe me but I think prime was better than anabeta.

I got crud results off anabeta. Felt hypo but not much else. Though that pct wasn't that good anyway. Too many sups I ran.
Prime I ran solo and had mean results. Just was too expensive to keep it up.

Another one I got good gains off of was t-force the fadogia stuff lol. That was cheap and good to me.

I wonder if nutra will have there amazing sale on prime and ap again..seriously Thinking of holding out on buying supps till the black friday sale just incase I need more capital. Nutra needs to release some teasers or something. Hell walmart sent me their projected ads for black Friday why can't nutra? Lol.
I wouldnt really hold the review of one product in PCT in fair comparison to one product ran solo.... BUT in all honesty, I did see better results with Prime then AB as well... Like I said though, my prime was stacked with AP and Pslin so I had the added effects of those helping too and Im sure they made a difference.

I think you should start a thread in the NP forum asking them to shoot us some teasers n maybe even petition them to put a few of your "wants" on sale ;)


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I wouldnt really hold the review of one product in PCT in fair comparison to one product ran solo.... BUT in all honesty, I did see better results with Prime then AB as well... Like I said though, my prime was stacked with AP and Pslin so I had the added effects of those helping too and Im sure they made a difference.

I think you should start a thread in the NP forum asking them to shoot us some teasers n maybe even petition them to put a few of your "wants" on sale ;)
I too agree that my assessment of AB was unfair but my Prime was also dosed in PCT IIRC. Your suggestion is very very... intriguing.


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If this Compound 20 does hold on and bring the goods, it would be a nice stack with Prime going with the 6/9 protocol nonworkout/workout set up. I had freaky strength gains running Prime but it is very cost prohibitive. An IC combo deal would be very nice.


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If this Compound 20 does hold on and bring the goods, it would be a nice stack with Prime going with the 6/9 protocol nonworkout/workout set up. I had freaky strength gains running Prime but it is very cost prohibitive. An IC combo deal would be very nice.
Pray for an amazing prime usplabs sale at nutra on black Friday lol.


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I too agree that my assessment of AB was unfair but my Prime was also dosed in PCT IIRC. Your suggestion is very very... intriguing.
In that case its fair.... As long as the environment was similar... I thought you were saying that you ran prime solo as in a natty run.


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If this Compound 20 does hold on and bring the goods, it would be a nice stack with Prime going with the 6/9 protocol nonworkout/workout set up. I had freaky strength gains running Prime but it is very cost prohibitive. An IC combo deal would be very nice.
I really wanted to dose my prime to 9 caps when I ran it but I opted to take it a lil longer... 2 bottles @6 caps. I couldn't believe they were suggesting a 5 on 2 off protocol with it at first, I didn't want to NOT take it at all, lol.

I'm thinking I'm running over to uspl forum right now to suggest the addition of prime to the c20 IC release... That would be great


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I was able to do the 6/9 as a result of an IC sale of 150 count Prime bottles.


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I have like 6 bottles of Prime waiting to be used haha.


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so by itself its kinda meh, sub par?


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USPL Subpar


On my grind
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In regards to your response about the DOMS, i worked legs saturday, and they STILL hurt. I did add in some heavier squats, but still, DOMS have never been THIS bad.

My legs to look and feel bigger too, but thats about it.


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hmm all this talk of soreness/DOMS is reminding me of arachidonic acid supplementation


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so by itself its kinda meh, sub par?
Well actually I'm startin to come around n think they might have something here... But either the dose our duration could be a lil above what I'm running to make it really nice... Preferably both.

In all reality though at this dose I'm not seeing the supposed leaning effects to any substantial degree but the strength gains and gym time have become a pleasure... Pumps are starting to become more prevalent too but not as huge as others have mentioned...

If this continues and I maintain after ceasing c20 I'll be a happy camper.


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Well actually I'm startin to come around n think they might have something here... But either the dose our duration could be a lil above what I'm running to make it really nice... Preferably both.

In all reality though at this dose I'm not seeing the supposed leaning effects to any substantial degree but the strength gains and gym time have become a pleasure... Pumps are starting to become more prevalent too but not as huge as others have mentioned...

If this continues and I maintain after ceasing c20 I'll be a happy camper.
good at least your honest, there is no point to testing something if the testers are just gonna say its awesome because they got a free product. like me when i tested slim fx i can honestly say i would buy it again for its hunger suppression, although i was running it at 3 caps, the hunger suppression was beyond incredible.


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good at least your honest, there is no point to testing something if the testers are just gonna say its awesome because they got a free product. like me when i tested slim fx i can honestly say i would buy it again for its hunger suppression, although i was running it at 3 caps, the hunger suppression was beyond incredible.
Yea. That's why I like measurable results. Pics and body measurements. But usually logs with good updates and stuff are definitely a plus. This log has been very descriptive so far and shows the logger here knows a vast array of other supps and ways to get what he wants from it.

As far as the effects of c20 so far, my evaluation on the logs have proved to me that unless the write up on this product is amazing yet believable and the price/package of the inner circle sale is great I will not be buying this just yet. ;)

I just remember how the release of pink magic and yolk3d were....


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I just have to throw in a quick update then I'll respond to some of the comments...

Today is the final preparation day for the wedding, I'm out right now grabbin the marriage license, getting my suit, getting the lil ladies nails done n whatever else we have to do...I totally forget with so much going on....

Anyways, fiancé works in the morning... Earlier then I usually operate... So I turned in around 2 last night n woke around 6:45... Luckily I baked up a bunch of chicken the night before... Slammed some aminos with my c20 dose, ate some cereal then as we drove into town I chowed on a big ol chicken breast... Dropped her off at work took care of a few things and since I was just having to wait around for her to get off work I decided I'd work out...

I just got a couple samples of maximize n since I was behind on sleep I figured id take half a packet, which is half a serving... Workout went well, I'll update numbers later, and I had a good pump nothing more then normal though n left...

Whats happened since the gym is what this update is all about.... I ate a protein bar, went to gnc to grab some more pro pow (high school buddy is the area manager n hooks it up n even asked me today if I wanted a part time job there which I might take him up on) took a full serving which is 50g pro, 25g carb with waxy maize n a whole lot if other jazz (higher end recovery pro with cla n whatnot) n a total of 350 cals. Ate another protein bar (180 cals) and downed another huge chicken breast.... All in 2 hours... And my stomach was still growling and I was hungrier then heck!

So we just stopped at kfc n I'm having my weekly cheat meal of a double down n potato wedges... Ate half if it and just had to stop to type this message.... My stomach is already growling again...



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Oh and I forgot to mention I weighed 198 at the gym and only had the one meal at that point.... The other night 197.whatever was after a few meals....

Not looking puffy either.

Cuuurazy... This stuff its throwing me for a loop.


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good at least your honest, there is no point to testing something if the testers are just gonna say its awesome because they got a free product. like me when i tested slim fx i can honestly say i would buy it again for its hunger suppression, although i was running it at 3 caps, the hunger suppression was beyond incredible.
I really agree...

There's no point imo.. You already get the product for free whats lying going to do other then screw over the company causing them to release a bunk or under dosed, over priced product...

If something is going bad I'll tell it out in full detail... If its going good, I'll do the same, but also have enough experience to know not all effects are permanent with many supplements in our industry... its good to know if all of what your getting is superficial our here to stay.


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man I read this on my way to work and I couldnt stop thinking about it during work... Is this REALLY the next best thing? Perhaps if dosed higher to get a higher concentration in the blood? What's going on?!?? Have a great wedding though tomorrow. If you don't post it's all good dawg. You've done amazing here. I have checked over at all the FAILED logs on the USPlabs forums... 2pages then death... wtf man...?

Anyhow, I am done with my log of Transaderm... doing a quazi PCT now... Don't even think I'm in a bad place hormonally... But if you notice anything more please keep us updated! We are waiting patiently :D


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So waiting now at the mail salon about to suffocate from the fumes.... Contemplating running a second trip to the gym on the schedule and just knock out legs tonight since tomorrow family is going to be arriving then sat is the big plunge... Don't think the fiance would be cool if I try to go do squats on our wedding night, lol.....

Sweet... Just got the ok... Gonna hit legs in a lil bit... I'll update both sets of numbers when I get home... It takes me a million years to text without typos on this phone (using the fiances cause mine died) and I csnt use the features at all...


  • RockStar
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So waiting now at the mail salon about to suffocate from the fumes.... Contemplating running a second trip to the gym on the schedule and just knock out legs tonight since tomorrow family is going to be arriving then sat is the big plunge... Don't think the fiance would be cool if I try to go do squats on our wedding night, lol.....

Sweet... Just got the ok... Gonna hit legs in a lil bit... I'll update both sets of numbers when I get home... It takes me a million years to text without typos on this phone (using the fiances cause mine died) and I csnt use the features at all...

haha! Kill it man!!! KILL IT!


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Thanks bro, will do (to both messages, lol)


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You suck even more!
Haha well it was built up over time. Maybe if C20 comes through in a big way I will stack them. Thinking I might just run some crazy dose like 9/12 or even 12/15 haha.


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Haha well it was built up over time. Maybe if C20 comes through in a big way I will stack them. Thinking I might just run some crazy dose like 9/12 or even 12/15 haha.
OMFG... that'd be amazing... Prime that high... damn. For me at 9 caps I was pretty damn happy.


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Don't know if hitting legs is a good idea right now bubba. My knees were pretty weak standing up there on that alter!! Lol Just kidding. Best 28 yrs going for me. Well worth the effort.


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I went back and looked at the first page and looked at your pictures: damn impressive. I'm trying be like haha


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So waiting now at the mail salon about to suffocate from the fumes.... Contemplating running a second trip to the gym on the schedule and just knock out legs tonight since tomorrow family is going to be arriving then sat is the big plunge... Don't think the fiance would be cool if I try to go do squats on our wedding night, lol.....

Sweet... Just got the ok... Gonna hit legs in a lil bit... I'll update both sets of numbers when I get home... It takes me a million years to text without typos on this phone (using the fiances cause mine died) and I csnt use the features at all...
U made the right choice this time huh?
That's awesome man...
I don't even see how u logged this crap weeks before your wedding, although I've never been married...

Guess it doesn't hurt to be in the best shape on your guys most important day huh?


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Don't know if hitting legs is a good idea right now bubba. My knees were pretty weak standing up there on that alter!! Lol Just kidding. Best 28 yrs going for me. Well worth the effort.
Haha yeah legs the night before might not been the smartest move. Might need them soon.


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Dude some guy just got on the squat rack after I was done and started doing curls.... I should taken a pic


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Haha, lol@ all the leg comments guys... Too funny... Its actually saturday we are doing everything but tomorrow all the fan is coming in from outta state sooo...

But with the way c20 has my legs murdered for days it stock will be a likely issue....

Btw this is actually round 2 for me on the marriage front but doing everything right this time around... The first one was doomed from the start, just tried to do right by her cause we got prego a couple months into dating.... Only good thing that came out of that relationship was my wonderful son


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This woman I'm about to marry is so much my compatible match its not even funny and we've already been living together 2 years, I'm more then ready to make it as many more as I have left in me.


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This woman I'm about to marry is so much my compatible match its not even funny and we've already been living together 2 years, I'm more then ready to make it as many more as I have left in me.
Nice man! Enjoy your special day together :D


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No better feeling than having a partner to enjoy life with. Make some memories together champ.


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This woman I'm about to marry is so much my compatible match its not even funny and we've already been living together 2 years, I'm more then ready to make it as many more as I have left in me.
good to hear! best of luck!

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