Mass Adipocide! (Partially-Sponsored, Joint Log)



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^^ you're welcome bra ;)

Resolve, dood you should take that female stomach shot of that girl down. I'm sure BW would be pissed you were posting such good looking women :nono:

...I kid. Lookn great BW! Resolve is a lucky man for sure!


The BPS Rep
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I just found a bottle of old Biotest T2 in my office (srs) with an expiration date of 2003 (srs) and took 2 caps totaling 100mcg of T2. Waiting to see if it works.

Finding far-expired thyroid hormone in your office, FTW!
You know, I have never used a single biotest product. Some of them have looked good, they're just freaking pricey!

Good luck with that T2 man, 7 years past it's expiry date at room temp could go either way.

I wish my bench would divulge such treasures; all I find are test tubes and pipettes and crap. Or, on a really special day, dead rodents! :woohoo:

^^ you're welcome bra ;)

Resolve, dood you should take that female stomach shot of that girl down. I'm sure BW would be pissed you were posting such good looking women :nono:

...I kid. Lookn great BW! Resolve is a lucky man for sure!
:lol: you actually wouldn't believe how often she'll bring her laptop to me with a pick of some chick and say, "what do you think of her? She's got great arms, but I really think her shoulders and butt need work." or my favorite: "Mmmm, she's CUTE! I'd hit that." :fing02:


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bhahahaha :haha:



Board Sponsor
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DAAAAAMN BW... you really need to clean your mirror! :D


Board Sponsor
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Great Job BW, the obliques show in that second pic. YOu can see how the fat loss worked from the obliques in and the line down the center of your stomach came out in the second one. All of that on top of making PR's there was definitely good recomp here. Congrats to both of you on your great success with this product and you dedicated training.
Yes, I can definitely see a difference in my obliques. Thanks! ;)

:lol: you actually wouldn't believe how often she'll bring her laptop to me with a pick of some chick and say, "what do you think of her? She's got great arms, but I really think her shoulders and butt need work." or my favorite: "Mmmm, she's CUTE! I'd hit that." :fing02:
I can appreciate a beautiful body when I see it, whether it's a guy or a girl. :D

DAAAAAMN BW... you really need to clean your mirror! :D
:p Yeah, I know. LOL


The BPS Rep
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So, we're at a water park yesterday for a company party. We're standing in line for food, both in just our swimsuits, and the little 2yr-old boy behind us reaches out with this look of wonder and palms BW's ass. Leaves his hand there for a good 10 seconds.

Best. Toddler. Ever.

Irish Cannon

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So, we're at a water park yesterday for a company party. We're standing in line for food, both in just our swimsuits, and the little 2yr-old boy behind us reaches out with this look of wonder and palms BW's ass. Leaves his hand there for a good 10 seconds.

Best. Toddler. Ever.
Even 2yr old boys are genetically coded to know it's an amazing piece of art.

*with a look of approval and pride* "That'll do, son. That'll do."


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So, we're at a water park yesterday for a company party. We're standing in line for food, both in just our swimsuits, and the little 2yr-old boy behind us reaches out with this look of wonder and palms BW's ass. Leaves his hand there for a good 10 seconds.

Best. Toddler. Ever.
Admission to waterpark: $20
Food: $15
Being ass-palmed in appreciation by a 2 yr-old boy: Priceless!!! :lol:

What better display of admiration and adulation could exist??!!! :dunno:

And Resolve, I'm sure there were some little girls there who were admiring you as well. They're just not as forward as little boys are. :rofl:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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LOL that was awesome!!! Actually he was probably hiding behind BW because Resolve was scaring him!!!

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