Mass Adipocide! (Partially-Sponsored, Joint Log)



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I read that entire series recovering from a surgery back in college. It was a great way to stay occupied while recuperating. I have never laughed so hard from a written work before or since.
truth my man. Book is so underrated.


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Also, I weighed in at 239.5lb yesterday morning, for a now cumulative total of 7.5lb lost.

T2: We've come to the end of this adventure. Affects have remained apparent, and weight loss has been substantial. Nothing new to report, but you guys all know the facts now; sweating and thermogenesis.
That is some solid weightloss my friend! I have about another week on AT2 but seven weeks into it and I have lost almost 4% bf and from my weights only .5lbs of it was muscle and 9.7lbs was fat... pretty solid! However Im sure the xtend mega dosing and creatine helped me to retain muscle.

Irish Cannon

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I'll be grabbing some AT2 for sure. Looks legit, and relatively safe compared to the other stuff I was about to use. :p


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Okay I am gonna pop in here and just say HOLY CRAP RESOLVE! Thanks for inviting me to the log. If not i would not have bought T2, this stuff is amazing. I am sitting here sweating on my keyboard. Hands just wet, this stuff if so thermo it is off the chain! I did take your advice and am running with the LX. No need for anything but a cup or two of coffee for an extra boost if you want it. I am only taking 1 at a time right now too and I LOVE this stuff. Best thermo I remember getting my hands on in a while... Right not the thought of 2 of these at a time is ridiculous to me but I am not as big as you are either.


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That is some solid weightloss my friend! I have about another week on AT2 but seven weeks into it and I have lost almost 4% bf and from my weights only .5lbs of it was muscle and 9.7lbs was fat... pretty solid! However Im sure the xtend mega dosing and creatine helped me to retain muscle.
You're sporting some excellent results yourself sir! That's a great LBM/Fat loss ratio.

I'll be grabbing some AT2 for sure. Looks legit, and relatively safe compared to the other stuff I was about to use. :p
Other stuff, hmm? Nah, T2 should be plenty - really knocked my socks off.

Okay I am gonna pop in here and just say HOLY CRAP RESOLVE! Thanks for inviting me to the log. If not i would not have bought T2, this stuff is amazing. I am sitting here sweating on my keyboard. Hands just wet, this stuff if so thermo it is off the chain! I did take your advice and am running with the LX. No need for anything but a cup or two of coffee for an extra boost if you want it. I am only taking 1 at a time right now too and I LOVE this stuff. Best thermo I remember getting my hands on in a while... Right not the thought of 2 of these at a time is ridiculous to me but I am not as big as you are either.
I'm glad you're enjoying it; I really had high hopes for this stuff and I think it panned out well. Wait until effects begin to subside and then bump the dose up, it'll keep the goodness going!


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DAY 28


I didn't sleep very well last night, so I was lagging a little bit earlier today. I took a couple of X-Force pre-workout and that helped a bit, but my tiredness still made lifting difficult. I really had to force myself through parts of my workout when I wanted to stop and it turned out I did an okay job.

Fat Loss:

Continues to be steady! Weighed myself this afternoon and I was about 167lb. I'll be weighing in tomorrow morning on an empty stomach to get a more definite weight loss result, as I normally do weigh in the morning.


Clean and Press:

3x3 95, 105, 115,
125 x1 rep
125 x1

High Pulls:
I was really having a difficult time with my cleans so I did some light weight high pulls from the floor to get down better form. It was a workout!

Chin Ups:
5 Body Weight sets: 8 reps, 7, 6, 4 +2 negatives, 4 + 2 negatives

Overhead Lunges:

3x10 w/ 45 lb plate

BB Curls:
4x10: 1x35, 3x40

Hammer Curls
3x10: 30 lb DBs

Six 20 second sprints
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great lift BW! despite the fact you were tired you are still hitting impressive numbers!


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Very NOICE deal on that. Must sneak supp funds...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that is a KILLER stack right there!!! Thanks NP for getting this deal for us!!

Irish Cannon

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I can't wait to get some A-T2 in my hands and run my body into the ground with some ASGT and an intense session of weights and HIIT! - I'm on a nasty stack right now and A-T2 will be added soon to skyrocket fatloss.

Speed V2

Diet is modified-caveman. It's essentially a Mediterranean-cousine type diet. The only non-caveman foods I have right now are feta cheese and Greek yogurt. Making solid progress thus far!


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I can't wait to get some A-T2 in my hands and run my body into the ground with some ASGT and an intense session of weights and HIIT! - I'm on a nasty stack right now and A-T2 will be added soon to skyrocket fatloss.

Speed V2

Diet is modified-caveman. It's essentially a Mediterranean-cousine type diet. The only non-caveman foods I have right now are feta cheese and Greek yogurt. Making solid progress thus far!
IC that is a sick stack big guy. I am working out the particulars of how I am going to run my upcoming PCT wtih AT2 and OEP. I need to figure out a way to allow me to run them together and still get some AS-GT dosing in but I am worried about the over-stim factor. I did run the AT2 with 1 scoop of AS-GT last night and it was fun, sweating was intense! I am going to post some thoughts in my log so anyone who wants to chime in your thoughts are welcome.


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Excellent stack, excellent diet. If you're going to add something to a paleolithic diet, greek yogurt and good cheeses are a solid choice; can't get enough probiotics or good sat fats when trying to gain LBM, IMO.

Natadrol w/ASGT and Formadrol should negate pretty much any real need for PCT. Keep that Estradiol nice and low.

Don't know if I mentioned it, but I was diagnosed with naturally high Test and slightly high Estrogen, which explains the odd aftereffects I experienced with Natadrol - it was enough to push my T levels over the edge and, without an effective AI (I used I3C which didn't really do anything), raised my E too much too.

I can't wait to get some A-T2 in my hands and run my body into the ground with some ASGT and an intense session of weights and HIIT! - I'm on a nasty stack right now and A-T2 will be added soon to skyrocket fatloss.

Speed V2

Diet is modified-caveman. It's essentially a Mediterranean-cousine type diet. The only non-caveman foods I have right now are feta cheese and Greek yogurt. Making solid progress thus far!


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Day 30

Fat Loss:

I'm at 167 right now. Weight loss hasn't been that significant during my run of Alpha T-2, but I can definitely see an improvement in my physique without the sacrifice of muscle and strength. :D


I didn't set very many PRs, but I gave it all I could during my workout session.

BB Back Squats:

5x3 135, 185, 195, 205, 210
215lb x 1 rep
2x8 135

Body Weight Push Ups


BB Rows:

6x3 95,105, 115, 125, 135, 135

Form was a bit shaky on my last set. I wasn't bent as much as I should have been on my last reps, but it is the most I've ever rowed.

Step Ups:

3x8: 50 lbs

My knees have been giving me trouble when it comes to weighted step ups, of all things. I've been using less weight, just trying to maintain full control of my body the entire set so that I don't cause my knees any unneeded stress.

Stair Step for 15 minutes

Irish Cannon

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Speaking of knee pain, I'm right there with you. Having some trouble on my left side. Making quad-work nearly unbearable.


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Hey Guys! I finished my last bit of T2 yesterday.:( Will be posting up a final review with some pictures this week. I'm definitely feeling leaner. My butt the most, then certain parts of my abs- You'll see! :)

Irish Cannon

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Hey Guys! I finished my last bit of T2 yesterday.:( Will be posting up a final review with some pictures this week. I'm definitely feeling leaner. My butt the most, then certain parts of my abs- You'll see! :)
Feeling leaner in the butt? :(

...when is that ever a good thing. :dunno:


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Feeling leaner in the butt? :(

...when is that ever a good thing. :dunno:
LOL. Dude, you know my butt has always been HUGE. Now that's it's leaned out a little more it's still big, just big in a better way. It's more muscular and less flabby. Doing sprints at first was a little bit awkward because of the crazy pump I'd get in my rear end. I felt like I was walking around with a tumor on my ass. Now I can sprint without shame, and flaunt that lean muscle when I hop of that cardio machine. :D

Irish Cannon

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LOL. Dude, you know my butt has always been HUGE. Now that's it's leaned out a little more it's still big, just big in a better way. It's more muscular and less flabby. Doing sprints at first was a little bit awkward because of the crazy pump I'd get in my rear end. I felt like I was walking around with a tumor on my ass. Now I can sprint without shame, and flaunt that lean muscle when I hop of that cardio machine. :D
Happiness has been regained.

Irish Cannon

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I've dubbed a woman in the gym as "booty-mamma." Met knows who I'm talking about.

She walks around with that jiggle-jive. She knows what she's doing to me; my approving smirk when I look at her says it all.

Irish Cannon

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That "tumor" she speaks of is actually just her feeling every guys eyes in the gym zeroing in on her posterior.

Walking around with a great looking big-booty woman is quite a powerful feeling. Not much surpasses it. I enjoy the envious looks that dart at me in said situation.


The BPS Rep
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Now that BW has finished her run of Alpha T-2, I feel I can offer my final review without detracting from her progress. So, without further ado...

Resolve's Final Review of Alpha T-2

First, the numbers:

Starting Weight: 247lb
I looked approximately like this:

Ending Weight: 239 for a total loss of 8lb in 26 days!

The thermogenic effects of T-2 are noticeable pretty much immediately. I began with 2 caps in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, and noticed drastic sweating and a large increase in body temperature from the first day. The effects began to diminish after ~2 weeks, but bumping the dose up to 4 caps a day rectified this problem and retained prominent effects through the end of the bottle.

In addition to the thermogenic effects, I have to comment on the drastic increases in strength I saw while using this product. Surely do in part to Anadraulic State and the nutrient timing of my diet, Alpha T-2 none the less played a large part in setting multiple PRs in practically every major movement I perform. I have hit higher numbers than ever before in my life on bench, front squat, deadlift, power clean and push press while on T-2, and, I must point, on a large calorie deficit as well.

I consider most "fat burners" more useful as an energy boost; i.e. take them to wake up, but don't really expect much in the way of lipolysis. They are the energy support to keep me functional during a low cal diet. T-2 breaks that paradigm; without being reliant on stimulants, it has proven more effective than just about every other fat loss product on the market for me. It's a far claim, but it is almost comparable to the results I have gotten from topical clen.

I need to write up a thread relating all my favorite products in their respective categories, just to give folks an idea of what I like and why. But, if you've accompanied any of my logs for any length of time, you'll know that I LOVE T-911. I consider it my go-to supp for rapid strength gain. I have to add Alpha T-2 as being held in equally high regard for fat loss.

It is unrivaled in its category by any commercially available product I have used.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great review Resolve!!! Mine is in the mail as we speak!!!


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I'm glad you guys are giving it a go. You should enjoy it immensely. If you've got ASGT, I'd stack it with that - the two really synergized well.
That is the plan and my stim of choice will be OEP. I have Formadrol and Prime for PCT then after the Form I am running TestoPro, should be a fun ride!


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Great Scott! The results are in and America Has spoken. You are America's quickest transformed individual. Lol Looking GREAT Resolve. I have probably sold a few bottles of this stuff since you turned me onto it just raving about it in my log. I am going to do a review for it in the end even though I have not been asked too. Best stuff I have put my hands on regarding the metabolic rate being raised through the roof.

I got lucky, my wife did not like the excessive heat from the product so Daddy has 2 bottles!!!!!!


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Alpha T2 Final Review:

Here is my before Picture:

And my after picture:

During the month that I took Alpha T-2 I only lost about 3 lb, but I do see a change in my body figure, feel and look much leaner and I set PR's on all of my heavy lifts.

I took 3 caps total of Alpha T-2 a day, 2 in the morning and 1 6-8 hours later. The first 2 weeks I really noticed the thermogenic effects of T2- I was sweating a TON and I felt energetic most of the time. After the 2 weeks passed I wasn't sweating quite as much and started adding stims/energy supps into my supplement intake to help maintain my energy. I think my body was just growing accustomed to T2 so the effects weren't as great at the same dose during the 3rd and 4th week.

Overall, Alpha T-2 worked as a great fat loss supplement for me. I would definitely use this product again. It is hard to find a solid fat loss supplement these days that actually has a significant impact on fat loss. Alpha T-2 proved to do what it said, and I as happy with the results it gave me in such a short time.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great job BW!!!! Resolve is a lucky man! you can definitely see the difference in the 2 pics. There is much more lower torso development in the new pic, especially the upper hips. Well done young lady, and reps for being a great BW to a great guy!!!

Irish Cannon

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...maybe I should elaborate...

Major progress, BW! You are putting me to shame. I have to say, out of the two of you, you have definitely made the most noticeable progress (not that Resolve's isn't noticeable, yours is just more pronounced). - It was cool to see a married couples joint log like this.

I'm extremely impressed. You guys did great on this one.

BW, you've really got that perfect belly thing going. Most dudes (at least the non closet-homos) would kill for their woman to look like that. Perfect hourglass. Keep rocking it.


PS - Cloning is becoming more acceptable. Jus' sayin'. :p


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great job BW!!!! Resolve is a lucky man! you can definitely see the difference in the 2 pics. There is much more lower torso development in the new pic, especially the upper hips. Well done young lady, and reps for being a great BW to a great guy!!!
...maybe I should elaborate...

Major progress, BW! You are putting me to shame. I have to say, out of the two of you, you have definitely made the most noticeable progress (not that Resolve's isn't noticeable, yours is just more pronounced). - It was cool to see a married couples joint log like this.

I'm extremely impressed. You guys did great on this one.

BW, you've really got that perfect belly thing going. Most dudes (at least the non closet-homos) would kill for their woman to look like that. Perfect hourglass. Keep rocking it.


PS - Cloning is becoming more acceptable. Jus' sayin'. :p
Wow, thanks a ton guys. :) LOL. Resolve is much lower body fat than I am and doesn't have much more to lose, I can see that he has made a lot of progress and he's leaned up nicely. I definitely have farther to go than him. I'm proud of my body so far and I know my hubby thinks I'm sexy, so I'm happy too. ;)


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I am happy to see the progress you both have made considering I have a bottle of A-T2 sitting in my cabinet waiting to be started next week. BW, you are surely making Resolve a happy man, nice cuts you have in your abs, Irish was very correct in his comments about you. Resolve, being the lab rat you are, get on the cloning trials, we all could use a second GF/wife around, can you say twins?


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Great Job BW, the obliques show in that second pic. YOu can see how the fat loss worked from the obliques in and the line down the center of your stomach came out in the second one. All of that on top of making PR's there was definitely good recomp here. Congrats to both of you on your great success with this product and you dedicated training.

I started my dosing 1 and 1 and am doing well. I did 2 and 1 and sweat like crazy but now I am doing 1, 1, and 1 separating them buy about 4 hours and I am really enjoying it a little more this way. I am sweating on my keyboard as I type this. I feel like I am sitting outside...

Irish Cannon

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I started my dosing 1 and 1 and am doing well. I did 2 and 1 and sweat like crazy but now I am doing 1, 1, and 1 separating them buy about 4 hours and I am really enjoying it a little more this way. I am sweating on my keyboard as I type this. I feel like I am sitting outside...
Man, I need to get on this stuff. Can't wait to try it!

Irish Cannon

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I just found a bottle of old Biotest T2 in my office (srs) with an expiration date of 2003 (srs) and took 2 caps totaling 100mcg of T2. Waiting to see if it works.

Finding far-expired thyroid hormone in your office, FTW!

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