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Distilled Water

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Weight 1st thing in the morning 6/1: 209lbs(-2lbs)

So 1st week is 2lbs, I like it. This means I am on pace to hit my mark of 25lbs by the end of my 12 weeks. I'm sure this number is scewkd a little because of my bloating from creatine and the added water weight.

I completely forgot to take measurements, I'll prolly do that a little later today to help track progress as well. With only the 2lbs lost, theoretically, that should mean I kept my lean mass for that week and only dropped some bodyfat, by my calculations ~1.0-0.5% :D


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Weight 1st thing in the morning 6/1: 209lbs(-2lbs)

So 1st week is 2lbs, I like it. This means I am on pace to hit my mark of 25lbs by the end of my 12 weeks. I'm sure this number is scewkd a little because of my bloating from creatine and the added water weight.

I completely forgot to take measurements, I'll prolly do that a little later today to help track progress as well. With only the 2lbs lost, theoretically, that should mean I kept my lean mass for that week and only dropped some bodyfat, by my calculations ~1.0-0.5% :D
Good work brotha. Looks like strict nutrition is paying off.


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get some DW, get some.

you know what you should do is destroy your house, so that way you have no choice but to go hard. (im refering to the saying "go hard or go home")


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get some DW, get some.

you know what you should do is destroy your house, so that way you have no choice but to go hard. (im refering to the saying "go hard or go home")
I approve LOL

+ DW I want your legs..
Distilled Water

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I approve LOL

+ DW I want your legs..
Thanks, but they ain't what they used to be! I havent been able to train them since mid febuary...torn hammy :( but they're still looking pretty good.....just A LOT smaller than normal, they were about 29" mid-thigh around new years time tho, still with cuts ;)
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Protein Taste Review's

Well i got my proteins in this past weekend and am here to report back on the flavors.

1st up.....

NutraPro Vanilla

Texture: 9/10
-Pretty smooth, not watery not too thick...pretty good actually

Mixability: 10/10
-Mixed up clump free with a few shakes of my shaker cup

Bloat: 7/10
-Didn't get too much of a stomach bloat from this, a little but nothing crazy

Taste: 7/10
-Not great, not bad.....I dont like vanilla flavors much so I am not a very good judge of them. Although I will say it is MUCH better than ON's 100%whey vanilla, there's not checmial taste with this stuff at all. I can drink it without too much of an ordeal.

Overall...solid pick up. It gets my approval :thumbsup:

Next on the agenda....LG Lipotropic Protein Chocolate

Texture: 9/10
-About the same as the NutraPro

Mixability: 10/10
-Same thing here, few shakes and we were good to go

Bloat: 10/10
-Didn't get any bloat at all form this stuff, me likey :D

Taste: 6.5/10
-Not good, not bad. Def not as good as ATW protein, IMO, but nothing you can't get down without trouble. Again I also think this is better than ON's 100% Whey.

Overall.....another solid pick up. They improved the taste A LOT from the orginal batch in case some of you are wondering. It also gets my approval :thumbsup:


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I hate doing chest and back in the same day.
Distilled Water

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Sorry for the lack of updates here latley guys. I wasn't feeling to well mid-week. Not really sure but i'm feeling better now. I missed a fe meals in that time but I also missed some training and cardio so i think it all even'd out. I will have a new diet and training program starting monday. My recovery has been a little less than I'd like so I'm going to go with something geard a little more to making it easier on my body.
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New Diet

I'll be starting this on monday morning, pretty similar to the first 2 week phase of the diet...just a few alterations which I put * at the beggining of.

I am also suppose to start cutting back on the seasoning and what not.....yea prolly not gonna do that, at least not yet :lol:

I use the following for seasoning/etc.....
-Season All
-Hot Sauce/Salsa

New Diet

Meal 1:
*7 egg whites
*1 whole eggs
1/2 cup oats
5gr creatine
5gr glutamine

Meal 2:
*8 oz Chicken or White Fish*
1 cup green veggies
Medium Sweet Potato

Meal 3:
2 cans of Tuna or 10oz Tilapia
1/2 cup Brown Rice

Meal 4:
8-10 oz Sirloin
1/2 cup green veggies
large Salad

Meal 5:
*5 egg whites
*2TBS Natty Peanut Butter
5gr Creatine
5gr Glutamine

2 scoops Protein
5gr Creatine
5gr Glutamine

2 scoops Protein
5gr Creatine
5gr Glutamine
2,000mg Vit. C

New Training Schedule







Off..just cardio

-30min 1st thing Mon-Sun
-15min post workout Mon-Sat
*Walking at 3.0speed and 10incline on the Tredmill


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Nice diet DW

I am looking for a new routine too o_O You are going to have some crazy calves...
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Nice diet DW

I am looking for a new routine too o_O You are going to have some crazy calves...
I hope so, kinda got some cankles going on right now, haven't trained calfs since the hammy and they're a problem area for me so they kinda look like a 12 year old's calfs but hairier.


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I hope so, kinda got some cankles going on right now, haven't trained calfs since the hammy and they're a problem area for me so they kinda look like a 12 year old's calfs but hairier.
i saw some guy on TV that got inplants on his calfs cuz they were tiny


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look that sexy SOB
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I had a great chest and tris workout today. I'm not gonna fill weights in because they're pretty much the same as they were the week before. Only thing that differ's is a pound here or a rep here. I start off with the same weight as I used the week before. Training is a little different this cycle tho.

I use the same weight and do straight sets. Usually I can do a few more reps on the 1st set, 2nd set is maybe 1 more and 3rd im lucky to get or am maxed like whoa


DB Incline Bench
3 sets @ 12erps

DB Flat Bench
3sets @ 10 reps

Flat Bench DB Fly's
3sets @ 12reps

Low Cable Fly's
3sets @ 10reps


Smith CG Bench
3sets @ 12reps

Single Arm Reverse Grip Press Down
3 sets @ 12reps

Rope Kick Backs
3 sets @ 12 reps

My tri's were really realyl fried after today. From my first rep on the oso work I could really feel the burn on the different heads of the muscle, felt good.

Im also finally starting to really "feel" leaner.
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Distilled Water

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Weight 6/1 (Week 1): 209lbs (-2lbs)
Weight 6/8 (Week 2): 207lbs (-2lbs)
2 Week Total: -4lbs

So down another 2lbs, pretty happy. My belt is down a loop as well from the beggining so my waist is obviously down. I need to post up the measurements I took also. I'll try and do that later today. They're from mid-week 1 i think? Then I'll take more after the 4 weeks of dieting.

Happy with another 2lbs, slow and stedy keeps the muscle....I hope.


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Weight 6/1 (Week 1): 209lbs (-2lbs)
Weight 6/8 (Week 2): 207lbs (-2lbs)
2 Week Total: -4lbs

So down another 2lbs, pretty happy. My belt is down a loop as well from the beggining so my waist is obviously down. I need to post up the measurements I took also. I'll try and do that later today. They're from mid-week 1 i think? Then I'll take more after the 4 weeks of dieting.

Happy with another 2lbs, slow and stedy keeps the muscle....I hope.
oh snaps, good job bro, not bad... 2lbs a week
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I worked out later in the day/evening and felt a lot better. This presents a problem though, there are so many f'n people there! O'well I think I can put up with it 3 days/week


Neutral Grip Pull Downs
4 sets @ 12-10reps

Hammer Iso-Y-Row
4 sets @ 12reps

Rope Pull Downs
3sets @ 15reps

3sets @ 12reps


Iso-Side DB Laterals
4 sets @ 12-15reps

Lying Rear Delt DB Raise
4sets @ 10reps

Machine Shrugs
3sets @ 12 reps
Up-Right Rows
3 sets til failure

Then 15min cardio!!!!

I was sweating outta control and my upper body is fried. I think Im gonna lay out by the pool for most of the day 2maro. Only supposed to be 80 though :think:


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So I was looking through the company promo sections today. WOW, there are a lot of solid looking supps out there to test. The temptation is strong my friends.
I am sure it is, but it has been interesting having someone show that supplementation isn't always necessary. Either way though, keep the progress coming, supplementation or not...
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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I just did cardio this morning. My abs and calfs were super swole, as were my biceps.

I had my 3rd week carb up meal last night, 3 HUGE pancakes with real maple syrup and powdered sugar! Man it was great, my stomach was killing me after though..imagine that.

I feel great today and my arms feel like they have grown an inch. Stomach isn't bloated but I do look a little puffy.

Something I wanted to note about people and dieting. I know for myself, water plays a hge role in how I feel. I get at least 16-20oz of water down with evey meal and at least 1 leiter when I am training. I know a lot of people sip on a gallon jug all day, and I do this sometimes too, but I think that can give you huge flucuations in water intake. As to where having 16-20oz with each meal will give you a steady intake every 2hrs with another leiter beeing taken in around your workout. Not to mention the 10 or so oz with your shakes. I am getting over the 1 gallon mark doing it with meals. I will also mix up my water with my meals. Sometime I'll do lime water, lemon water or crystal lite. This allows a mix up from meal to meal as well so I am not getting tired of anything which we all know comes into play when dieting. Just a tip I think some people should look into.


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I just did cardio this morning. My abs and calfs were super swole, as were my biceps.

I had my 3rd week carb up meal last night, 3 HUGE pancakes with real maple syrup and powdered sugar! Man it was great, my stomach was killing me after though..imagine that.

I feel great today and my arms feel like they have grown an inch. Stomach isn't bloated but I do look a little puffy.

Something I wanted to note about people and dieting. I know for myself, water plays a hge role in how I feel. I get at least 16-20oz of water down with evey meal and at least 1 leiter when I am training. I know a lot of people sip on a gallon jug all day, and I do this sometimes too, but I think that can give you huge flucuations in water intake. As to where having 16-20oz with each meal will give you a steady intake every 2hrs with another leiter beeing taken in around your workout. Not to mention the 10 or so oz with your shakes. I am getting over the 1 gallon mark doing it with meals. I will also mix up my water with my meals. Sometime I'll do lime water, lemon water or crystal lite. This allows a mix up from meal to meal as well so I am not getting tired of anything which we all know comes into play when dieting. Just a tip I think some people should look into.

I agree with that water, it seems for me at least water intake is a huge psychological game lol. If I walk around with a 1 gallon jug, theres no way in hell I will get what I need, but I have about 4 or 5 one litre bottles per day, not counting my milk and other liquids. I probably take in too much water, especially considering I drink 16oz milk and 12oz v8 every meal, but whatever :p
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Cardio sucks! I hate doing it, as I am sure everyone does. Just wanted to point it out.

I started drinking green tea, i had 2 cups 2day. I'm going to try and stop drinking coffee for the rest of my diet and switch over to green tea.

Did anyone read this months Flex, with Kang on the cover? There's a post contest protocal on there about how to maximize size and take advantage of insulin sensativity after a contest. I'm thinking about mabe giving it a try. Its a 6 week plan, next month they're going to give the entire off-season plan. I will probably look into it. The guy that does my diet is a big fan of Hany, he had me doing something back in the day that was similar to his "FST-7" stuff now that I think about it. Their dieting prinicples are also similar, If anyone hasn't seen it I'd be happy to give you a run down and get some of your feedback.


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Cardio sucks! I hate doing it, as I am sure everyone does. Just wanted to point it out.

I started drinking green tea, i had 2 cups 2day. I'm going to try and stop drinking coffee for the rest of my diet and switch over to green tea.

Did anyone read this months Flex, with Kang on the cover? There's a post contest protocal on there about how to maximize size and take advantage of insulin sensativity after a contest. I'm thinking about mabe giving it a try. Its a 6 week plan, next month they're going to give the entire off-season plan. I will probably look into it. The guy that does my diet is a big fan of Hany, he had me doing something back in the day that was similar to his "FST-7" stuff now that I think about it. Their dieting prinicples are also similar, If anyone hasn't seen it I'd be happy to give you a run down and get some of your feedback.
you know what DW dont give me none of that "cardio sucks" crap cuz i just did plyometrics and plyometrics suck more... [crying]and im just so scared...i cant take it anymore.

so hows my acting. lol. but sseriously plyo sucks
Distilled Water

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you know what DW dont give me none of that "cardio sucks" crap cuz i just did plyometrics and plyometrics suck more... [crying]and im just so scared...i cant take it anymore.

so hows my acting. lol. but sseriously plyo sucks
yea plyo's blow, way worse than cardio, My appologies. hey next fall I get to do plyo's 3days/week at 6am :chairfall:

What are you doing plyo's for?


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yea plyo's blow, way worse than cardio, My appologies. hey next fall I get to do plyo's 3days/week at 6am :chairfall:

What are you doing plyo's for?
im doing plyos to help me lean out and help with sports
this may sound weak but im doing p90x plyometrics like 3 times a week and man that stuff kicks my @ss. p90x plyo do it for me, im already noticing increased athleticism.
Distilled Water

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im doing plyos to help me lean out and help with sports
this may sound weak but im doing p90x plyometrics like 3 times a week and man that stuff kicks my @ss. p90x plyo do it for me, im already noticing increased athleticism.
The guy that did my diet for my loves p90x actually. Funny seeing his 5'7" 230lb ass doing p90x stuff, but he got real shredded doing that stuff. So i'll only semi think of you as a girly man lol jk.

I would actually be doing plyo's if my hammy was ok. Ran some of my fastest 40 n 60 times when doing plyo's hardcore 2-3 times a week. Props to you for doing them bc thy're the worst.


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The guy that did my diet for my loves p90x actually. Funny seeing his 5'7" 230lb ass doing p90x stuff, but he got real shredded doing that stuff. So i'll only semi think of you as a girly man lol jk.

I would actually be doing plyo's if my hammy was ok. Ran some of my fastest 40 n 60 times when doing plyo's hardcore 2-3 times a week. Props to you for doing them bc thy're the worst.
yup plyos are awesome stuff. only 2weeks into it already leaning out, speed and performance is way up...
you know, the more you do something you would naturally assume its going to get easier the more i do it, but with plyos im always dying and im waiting till it gets easier i have a feeling its gonna take a while. but i fell like a beast after so im gonna keep going on the plyos, maybe they will yield muscletech results. :lol:
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Yea they blow, but work pretty damn good.

Another thing about the issue of flex...anyone look and see how much Zack Khan eats for a typical day?!? Thats retarded, I wonder if it's really true. I know through some people that a lot of the pro diets aren't what they post in mags. A friend won a show and got to talk to Dorain Yates for an extended period of time and Dorain said that 90% of what they put in mags for him back in the day wasn't close to what he would eat.

Except for Phil Heath's diet in Flex last year following him to the Olympia, now from a reliable person I hear that is pretty spot on.
Distilled Water

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Morning cardio went well 2day, it flew by. For some reason weekday morning cardio is a breeze and weekend and post workout cardio drags on 4ever. Not really sure because everyday is pretty much the weekend for me. Hell if it wasn't for updateing this log, i'd prolly forget what day of the week it is.
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The gym was PAAAAACK'D 2day. Sh!t is kinda starting to get to me, the whole can't work in with someone thing. I have to alter my workout from week to week. It's good because it's always something different, but I'd like to get into a set routine. Here's what we did today, I'll list some highlighted weights. Since this is about the 4 week mark i want to see where my strength has dipped to.


DB Falt Bench
3sets @ 8reps
-Bump'd up to 100lbs for the last set!

Decline Hammer Machine
3sets @ 10 reps

Flat DB Flys
3sets @ 12,10,8
-50's on the last set

Low Cable Fly's
3sets @ 12


Rope Press Downs
3sets @ 10 reps

Single Arm Reverse Press Down
3 sets @ 10 reps

-Had to cut it short because all, yes all, of the benches were taken so no CG Bench or Skull Crushers so I said F it and just went on to cardio


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I'm a little late to the game, but I'm here ;)
Distilled Water

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I'm a little late to the game, but I'm here ;)
Better late than never!

So i was coming in my sub divison 2day after some long toss and I saw 3 lovely ladies that live in here. One problem....they all have fricken kids! I swear everyone attractive girl I see out here between the ages of 19-25 has a baby or is pregnant. This sh!t its ridiculous.....

However 1 thing you know about b!tches with kids......THEY PUT OUT :fing02:
Distilled Water

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Still have to do calf's 2day. i did ab's yesterday, i forgot to mention that. Gives me somthing to do everyday and then I can really focus on the two on their own day.

Cardio went by pretty quick this morning like always, about to head to the gym to get that 2nd session and calfs in. Calf machines are never crowded :D
Distilled Water

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Gym time suck'd! I chocked on my gum doing one of mt first sets of calf raises and then it went down the hatch. Talk about sh!tty, then about 4 min into cardio i got a phone call and had to run parts to this company that was 20mi away within the next 30min.

I got the job done and made a whopping $15...whoooopy.


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Gym time suck'd! I chocked on my gum doing one of mt first sets of calf raises and then it went down the hatch. Talk about sh!tty, then about 4 min into cardio i got a phone call and had to run parts to this company that was 20mi away within the next 30min.

I got the job done and made a whopping $15...whoooopy.
woo hoo $15 thats more than what i make a year.
congrats bro


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Better late than never!

So i was coming in my sub divison 2day after some long toss and I saw 3 lovely ladies that live in here. One problem....they all have fricken kids! I swear everyone attractive girl I see out here between the ages of 19-25 has a baby or is pregnant. This sh!t its ridiculous.....

However 1 thing you know about b!tches with kids......THEY PUT OUT :fing02:

Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Weight 6/1 (Week 1): 209lbs ( -2lbs )
Weight 6/8 (Week 2): 207lbs ( -2lbs )
Weight 6/15 (Week 3): 204lbs ( -3lbs )
3 Week Total: -7lbs

Down 3lbs this week. Still like the slow and steady weight loss. I am however a little pissed about my abs, more like the lack there of. i know my waist is down but I can't really even see my top abs :think: I'm hoping this is form the Red Meat and creatine, when i stop those my waist should drop a little more and lose that water. Other than that everything else is leaning out nicely, starting to become a lot more vascular. I am wondering how vascular I will really look at 6%. I can see blue lines running through all the way to my upper arms and running like crazy through my legs. They're just not pronouced yet.


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Weight 6/1 (Week 1): 209lbs ( -2lbs )
Weight 6/8 (Week 2): 207lbs ( -2lbs )
Weight 6/15 (Week 3): 204lbs ( -3lbs )
3 Week Total: -7lbs

Down 3lbs this week. Still like the slow and steady weight loss. I am however a little pissed about my abs, more like the lack there of. i know my waist is down but I can't really even see my top abs :think: I'm hoping this is form the Red Meat and creatine, when i stop those my waist should drop a little more and lose that water. Other than that everything else is leaning out nicely, starting to become a lot more vascular. I am wondering how vascular I will really look at 6%. I can see blue lines running through all the way to my upper arms and running like crazy through my legs. They're just not pronouced yet.
abs? try p90x's abb ripper X works like a charm for me, its only 16 mins but man i promise you thats all you can handle.

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