Is it worth it? Warning, ranting ahead



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Idk man, is it???

I keep seeing threads asking ppl "is it worth it"

I wanna take supplement or steroids x,y and z, is it worth it?

Let me ask you a few questions.

Hey guys, Im thinking about buying a new car, is it worth it? Well how the fluck are you gonna know, I didn't tell you if my car was broken, or maybe it gets really bad gas mileage or maybe I don't have a car at all and I really need 1. Or maybe I got 3 cars already and there's nothing wrong with any of them, maybe I make 500k a year and I just like buying cars.

Only I know if it's worth it to me, and what it's worth to you is not the same as what it's worth to me.

So is test, tren and GH worth it? How the hell are we gonna know the answer to if it's worth it for you!

If 50 ppl respond to your thread they will all have a different opinion on what's " worth it ".

Let's change directions a little bit. When I'm in full on workout mode I'm in the gym 6 -7 days a week, I'm boxing 5 days a week, I'm lifting 4-5 days a week, I'm running 2-3 days a week, sometimes il do multiple of these things on the same day and it might be a 2-3 hour workout! This is on top of working 10 hr days with 2-3 hr of driving and 4-5hr sleep if I'm lucky

Is it worth it? I bet 90% of you will say no, it's not worth it, it's sleep deprived overtraining mayhem most of the time. But guess what, it might be worth it to me if that's what it's going to take to meet whatever deadline I have coming up. And it's still probably not worth it in the bigger scheme of things.

What I'm getting at here is you guys need to put some substance into your posts and ask questions that matter, or at least provide enough information for someone to accurately asses your situation and even then, only you are gonna know if it's worth it.

They once did this thing where they interviewed a bunch of Olympic athletes and asked them this, if there was a pill you could take and it gurenteed you a gold medal but you will die in the next 10 years would you take it? The majority of them said yes.

While I think that's completely foolish...

How bad do you want it,

What are you willing to do to get there,

And are you willing to deal with the consequences if there is consequences .

Answer those and your question is answered.

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The main question, Are You Happy ? If not do something about it !! If you need help ask, we are here to help, but we need to know what you want! Good Post @Smont


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Wow someone is getting tired of answering the same thing. I don't blame you ive only been back for a year now and I'm already tired of it.


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@Smont for next blast test, deca, tren, dbol, and halotestin. I'm thinking about adding gh insulin and maybe t3 or clen. Do you think it's worth it?


I just assume when people ask those kind of questions they haven’t done much research


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Is it worth it to shrink your balls to look like a demigod and have almost every part of your life better and more fulfilling?

How does looking like a demigod better almost my entire life and make it more fulfilling?

I look back at the 6 days per week in the gym in my 20's and what I could've been doing instead, while looking better now in the gym twice per week.
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Is it worth it to shrink your balls to look like a demigod and have almost every part of your life better and m
How does looking like a demigod better almost my entire life and make it more fulfilling?

I look back at the 6 days per week in the gym in my 20's and what I couldn't been doing instead, while looking better now in the gym twice per week.
You don't have a argument but neither does he nor I, this is part of the point I was making. No1 can tell you what's worth it.

For him that is important to him. For you it's not important and you value time more. For me i value a million different things and it changes constantly.

He was also relating this thread to is gear worth it, that's also not what the threads about, at least not in it's entirety.

Asking if gear is worth it can only be answered by the person who's asking the question. Because they are the one going to be effected.

Also, my balls have never shrank on cycle, not even now after 3 years on trt with no hcg. But if you're do and you don't want them to you can use HCG. That's genetic I guess. Your balls don't have to shrink to look good lol

The purpose of this thread is to tell ppl to stop asking stupid questions that we can't help with lol


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Idk what happened with the way I tried quoting you guys, it jumbled everything together


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Can’t save em all.

I try to jump in on as much as I have spare energy and interest for, but most people don’t really want opinions so much as they want theirs validated. Or they want to be spoon fed because, per Dunning Kruger, people underestimate how much complexity can go into something and assume they can just get a 5-minute crash course brochure into optimal steroid use for longterm goals.

Most people can’t even tell you concrete long, or short, term goals.

Plus these days you have every fuckboi assuming that because steroids are prevalent and potent that they are magic that fixes their total lack of foundation, inability to train sufficiently, or shitty diet. A loser who takes gear will still be a loser, unless they can learn to meet those caveats.

I tend to avoid a lot of the SARM threads because those users are usually inherently low on commitment. Someone who doesn’t have interest in taking their performance enhancement seriously doesn’t really need optimization. You can only polish a turd so much. Mainly just people looking for shortcuts, not increasing their limits.


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I've used anabolics and AAS for 23 years.

I don't regret it.

What I regret is not going on BP meds sooner. I am predisposed to high BP genetically and I was 150/90 for a decade before going on meds

I regret not monitoring my organs and taking BP meds sooner. I have been on 3+ years straight but I should have been on 10+ years.

If anyone is reading this. Take the precautions. When you get older like me, I'm 44. Health becomes your main concern. I don't care that I can't bench 500lbs anymore. I care my kidneys and liver work.

Trust me, you will be there one day.

I used to only care how I looked and how strong I was. At any cost. Now I have 3 kids and I want to be there for them. They don't care how much I squat. No one does.

All my trophies are rotting away in storage.

No one cares what I accomplished. Nor do I.


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The main question, Are You Happy ? If not do something about it !! If you need help ask, we are here to help, but we need to know what you want! Good Post @Smont
I agree with this too. The Are You Happy part.

I know a guy that drinks like a fish, smokes cigarettes, snorts cocaine and painkillers but he goes to work every day, he's always in a good mood and is nice to everyone. He's happy, and before anyone tries to say he's not happy, you don't know jack shiit. Ive known the guy for 25 years, I use to party with him and sleep at his crib on the weekends when I was too fucked up to go home. We were even roommates for 2 years. This mother fukin guy is completely happy and content with his life and he knows one day it will kill him and he's cool with that.

So who am I to tell him what's worth it. I can't. Because it's worth it to him.


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Great post….so true that not many new people joining up lately understand that everyone and their circumstances are different, and the answers are not always the same.
Just knowing the basics of a person’s goals, experiences in (training, nutrition, anabolics), where are they at now with their physique and conditioning all can help answer questions and advice can be given much more accurately.
Your first post would be a good sticky….Must give more personal details or will not receive answers.👏


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How does looking like a demigod better almost my entire life and make it more fulfilling?

I look back at the 6 days per week in the gym in my 20's and what I couldn't been doing instead, while looking better now in the gym twice per week.
How does looking like a demigod better almost my entire life and make it more fulfilling?

I look back at the 6 days per week in the gym in my 20's and what I couldn't been doing instead, while looking better now in the gym twice per week.
1-2 hours a day and that would keep you from doing other things you liked in life with 22 more hours in a day? How much were you sleeping? Like 18 hours a day?

Well for me, that 1-2 hours a day turned into a career, better/hotter poon-tang, more strength, better energy, instant respect from others…… I could go on.

Sorry bout your luck bro.


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I don't agree at all. When someone asks one of those questions, someone may provide an insight they haven't thought of. Seeking others counsel is wisdom. Granted, people could use the search engine first.


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I don't agree at all. When someone asks one of those questions, someone may provide an insight they haven't thought of. Seeking others counsel is wisdom. Granted, people could use the search engine first.
Don't agree with what?


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I'm lost were you talking to me or the other guy, Im sooooo confused 😂


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1-2 hours a day and that would keep you from doing other things you liked in life with 22 more hours in a day? How much were you sleeping? Like 18 hours a day?

Well for me, that 1-2 hours a day turned into a career, better/hotter poon-tang, more strength, better energy, instant respect from others…… I could go on.

Sorry bout your luck bro.
Your response is over the top and appears like I offended you. But no, I didn't need steroids and more training to get out of it what I wanted. My family is more important.


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If Im honest Im actually guilty of this coming from the other side. Ill advise someone that X is not worth it, and Y is a potentially better alternative. I may not literally use the phrase "worth it" but the implication is arguably still there I guess.


To one of the points Hyde made re validation....I always lol when someone asks whether tren would be ok to use. Its always tren. Youd have to tell them that using tren would definitely kill them and make their heart explode, something that extreme, for them to genuinely reconsider using it.


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Can’t save em all.

I try to jump in on as much as I have spare energy and interest for, but most people don’t really want opinions so much as they want theirs validated. Or they want to be spoon fed because, per Dunning Kruger, people underestimate how much complexity can go into something and assume they can just get a 5-minute crash course brochure into optimal steroid use for longterm goals.

Most people can’t even tell you concrete long, or short, term goals.

Plus these days you have every fuckboi assuming that because steroids are prevalent and potent that they are magic that fixes their total lack of foundation, inability to train sufficiently, or shitty diet. A loser who takes gear will still be a loser, unless they can learn to meet those caveats.

I tend to avoid a lot of the SARM threads because those users are usually inherently low on commitment. Someone who doesn’t have interest in taking their performance enhancement seriously doesn’t really need optimization. You can only polish a turd so much. Mainly just people looking for shortcuts, not increasing their limits.
Damn my bro this one was almost better than @Smont Original post. That sarm comment is so true it's gotten to the point where these boys who want to know about sarms remind of the dudes in high school I the late 90s whi thought about creatine the same way just because gnc had it locked up at the time


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If Im honest Im actually guilty of this coming from the other side. Ill advise someone that X is not worth it, and Y is a potentially better alternative. I may not literally use the phrase "worth it" but the implication is arguably still there I guess.


To one of the points Hyde made re validation....I always lol when someone asks whether tren would be ok to use. Its always tren. Youd have to tell them that using tren would definitely kill them and make their heart explode, something that extreme, for them to genuinely reconsider using it.
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Guys think they can get Steroid results, without Steroid sides.
That's part of the reason so many guys use "PHs", rather than "going to the dark side".
.... But, in reality (of course) most of those "PHs" are just Steroids.

@Mikereyn513 , I tried to reply to your comment, but it didn't take.


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If Im honest Im actually guilty of this coming from the other side. Ill advise someone that X is not worth it, and Y is a potentially better alternative. I may not literally use the phrase "worth it" but the implication is arguably still there I guess.


To one of the points Hyde made re validation....I always lol when someone asks whether tren would be ok to use. Its always tren. Youd have to tell them that using tren would definitely kill them and make their heart explode, something that extreme, for them to genuinely reconsider using it.
But your not guilty of anything. Someone asks us if it's worth it and we might answer and tell them if WE THINK it's worth it. But what you or I say is worth it to joshmo89 who we don't know and only has 3 posts, no background, no pictures, hell, we don't even know if there man woman or child half the time, our opinion don't mean anything here. Only joshmo89 knows what's worth it for Joshmo89. Now if your brother or best friend asked you the same question you might be able to give a really good opinion on if it's worth it or not.

The point of the thread has slightly shifted but all is relevant.

At the end of the day, I can't tell NAC what's worth it for NAC. I can give you my opinion, for my opinion is going to be based on my feelings and not your facts


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Guys think they can get Steroid results, without Steroid sides.
That's part of the reason so many guys use "PHs", rather than "going to the dark side".
.... But, in reality (of course) most of those "PHs" are just Steroids.

@Mikereyn513 , I tried to reply to your comment, but it didn't take.
Keeps happening


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On a separate note, has anyone done anything this weekend that was worth it lol.

Seriously, has anyone done anything worth while, I'm bored as **** lol, because going out and partying is not worth it to me anymore 😓


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On a separate note, has anyone done anything this weekend that was worth it lol.

Seriously, has anyone done anything worth while, I'm bored as **** lol, because going out and partying is not worth it to me anymore
I just went boating with my girlfriend’s coworker. Apparently they aren’t sure if they’re gonna get any grandkids, so we brought my 6 year old son and they loved having him over. It was really sweet seeing them bond.


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Yeah..whatever makes you happy. That’s the bottom line,.

I just started Test-C six weeks ago for the first time ever. Aside from the slightly increased mass thus far, I am masturbating every chance I get. Just like the good old days! This definitely makes me happy.

About to add something else into the mix. Lord knows I need something to look forward to!


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This thread got a lot more traction then I thought it would lol


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Pornhub premium membership👍
Yup! I frequent that site rather often. Yet I have not bought any memberships to any of those sites. Yet ;)

I’m considering starting an OnlyFans profile so that I can buy real food again. Until such time, peanut butter and jelly with Test- C it is!


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Yeah..whatever makes you happy. That’s the bottom line,.

I just started Test-C six weeks ago for the first time ever. Aside from the slightly increased mass thus far, I am masturbating every chance I get. Just like the good old days! This definitely makes me happy.

About to add something else into the mix. Lord knows I need something to look forward to!


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Or a new girlfriend, or whatever your into. Ladyboys, pineapples, nothing surprises me anymore
Watch out for trannies, they're getting better at the disguise and thus harder to tell if there's a banana in the hammock.

Remember guys, if she's got an apple she's got a banana.

Megan Fox was a shocker


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In response to the subject matter before I completely derailed this thing...

I'm 36 and have been lifting for nearly 20 years . Before joining this forum I was not very educated on aas and as a result had a lot of prejudice. After cruising around on here for just a few months my mind started to open. I realized the stigma that society and the media have attached to the community is bullshit. (Not trying to imply everyone here uses aas, just a general summation)

The people around here are some of the most educated and friendly folks I've met. Willing to answer intelligent questions and very helpful.

As a result I felt comfortable enough to start my first cycle of just basic andros, something I wouldn't have considered before.

Long story longer, it became "worth it" to me to give cycling a try when I did the proper research and utilized the knowledge and experience of the incredibly helpful folks around here.


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Watch out for trannies, they're getting better at the disguise and thus harder to tell if there's a banana in the hammock.

Remember guys, if she's got an apple she's got a banana.

Megan Fox was a shocker
What do you mean Megan fox was a shocker?


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She is a he. I'm not sure if he still has a crank, but tht apple is there

Thats just a larger than average larynx, like everything else in anatomy people have different sized larynx, the fact that she's very thin makes it more obvious


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@Smont as far as weekend goes making progress not just in the gym but with my gym crush as well


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Idk man, is it???

I keep seeing threads asking ppl "is it worth it"

I wanna take supplement or steroids x,y and z, is it worth it?

Let me ask you a few questions.

Hey guys, Im thinking about buying a new car, is it worth it? Well how the fluck are you gonna know, I didn't tell you if my car was broken, or maybe it gets really bad gas mileage or maybe I don't have a car at all and I really need 1. Or maybe I got 3 cars already and there's nothing wrong with any of them, maybe I make 500k a year and I just like buying cars.

Only I know if it's worth it to me, and what it's worth to you is not the same as what it's worth to me.

So is test, tren and GH worth it? How the hell are we gonna know the answer to if it's worth it for you!

If 50 ppl respond to your thread they will all have a different opinion on what's " worth it ".

Let's change directions a little bit. When I'm in full on workout mode I'm in the gym 6 -7 days a week, I'm boxing 5 days a week, I'm lifting 4-5 days a week, I'm running 2-3 days a week, sometimes il do multiple of these things on the same day and it might be a 2-3 hour workout! This is on top of working 10 hr days with 2-3 hr of driving and 4-5hr sleep if I'm lucky

Is it worth it? I bet 90% of you will say no, it's not worth it, it's sleep deprived overtraining mayhem most of the time. But guess what, it might be worth it to me if that's what it's going to take to meet whatever deadline I have coming up. And it's still probably not worth it in the bigger scheme of things.

What I'm getting at here is you guys need to put some substance into your posts and ask questions that matter, or at least provide enough information for someone to accurately asses your situation and even then, only you are gonna know if it's worth it.

They once did this thing where they interviewed a bunch of Olympic athletes and asked them this, if there was a pill you could take and it gurenteed you a gold medal but you will die in the next 10 years would you take it? The majority of them said yes.

While I think that's completely foolish...

How bad do you want it,

What are you willing to do to get there,

And are you willing to deal with the consequences if there is consequences .

Answer those and your question is answered.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
Most people have no idea on all the mechanism's of action that androgens have in the body, and thus, their decision making process, the logic it uses, can't possibly be valid. Thus, it's all rather a "gut process" of thinking. Even we, that have been doing this for some time, have no clue on all the action's androgens have in our body. For instance, I just read today that tamoxifen is PKC inhibitor. It's actually usable for amphetamine addiction, subsequently, it will lover dopamine transmission in all users, those that aren't neurotypical, like in the ADHD spectrum, will notice it a lot more then others. Continuing this line of discourse, estrogen it self promotes dopamine release, as do androgens. But they also severely upregulate the HPA axis. That coupled with higher dopamine transmission leads to higher impulsivity, aggression, blunted emotional spectrum, etc. It also leads to neuroinflammation, which subsequently leads to something, that neurobiologically, looks very similar to depression. A depressed brain will then be much more prone to negative encoding of ... well ... basically everything; it's world around it, it's thoughts, life, etc. Now couple all that negativity with impulsivity and aggression, and you got fubar.

While there is a lot more then that, I bet you that most people who are considering use of AAS do not know this. And besides, people who have a problem with their brain reward system, ie. the dopamine system, will be more drawn to drug use and abuse as is, because all these drugs impact the dopamine reward system. So just at the start, we already have a potential problem, as half of these young folks have some sort of an unstable personality disorder or adhd. And when they add androgens to the mix, they become a total hyperactive, impulsive mess. And that wrecks havoc on their lives. (speaking from personal experience here)

So being cognizant on ones emotional and cognitive processing while on cycle is very important. This is one of the reason why I dismiss people who like to say that aas have no perceivable impact on their mental state. It's simply not true and the reason why they think that is simply because they aren't cognizant of it. Besides, aas usage circles are still, funnily enough, very conservative circles of garage folk bro's where just talking about mental stuff is kinda stigmatized, yet alone them admitting to them selfs, that they are taking mind altering substances when they are injecting aas. And let's just be honest, how many people here actually know how to meditate, or practice mindfulness or have done any sort of cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.? Not many. So it's fair to assume not many are actually acute observers of what's actually going in their heads in the first place.

Anyway, this discourse is a slippery slope and I'm going to stop here, before it morphs in to a total rant.


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Most people have no idea on all the mechanism's of action that androgens have in the body, and thus, their decision making process, the logic it uses, can't possibly be valid. Thus, it's all rather a "gut process" of thinking. Even we, that have been doing this for some time, have no clue on all the action's androgens have in our body. For instance, I just read today that tamoxifen is PKC inhibitor. It's actually usable for amphetamine addiction, subsequently, it will lover dopamine transmission in all users, those that aren't neurotypical, like in the ADHD spectrum, will notice it a lot more then others. Continuing this line of discourse, estrogen it self promotes dopamine release, as do androgens. But they also severely upregulate the HPA axis. That coupled with higher dopamine transmission leads to higher impulsivity, aggression, blunted emotional spectrum, etc. It also leads to neuroinflammation, which subsequently leads to something, that neurobiologically, looks very similar to depression. A depressed brain will then be much more prone to negative encoding of ... well ... basically everything; it's world around it, it's thoughts, life, etc. Now couple all that negativity with impulsivity and aggression, and you got fubar.

While there is a lot more then that, I bet you that most people who are considering use of AAS do not know this. And besides, people who have a problem with their brain reward system, ie. the dopamine system, will be more drawn to drug use and abuse as is, because all these drugs impact the dopamine reward system. So just at the start, we already have a potential problem, as half of these young folks have some sort of an unstable personality disorder or adhd. And when they add androgens to the mix, they become a total hyperactive, impulsive mess. And that wrecks havoc on their lives. (speaking from personal experience here)

So being cognizant on ones emotional and cognitive processing while on cycle is very important. This is one of the reason why I dismiss people who like to say that aas have no perceivable impact on their mental state. It's simply not true and the reason why they think that is simply because they aren't cognizant of it. Besides, aas usage circles are still, funnily enough, very conservative circles of garage folk bro's where just talking about mental stuff is kinda stigmatized, yet alone them admitting to them selfs, that they are taking mind altering substances when they are injecting aas. And let's just be honest, how many people here actually know how to meditate, or practice mindfulness or have done any sort of cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.? Not many. So it's fair to assume not many are actually acute observers of what's actually going in their heads in the first place.

Anyway, this discourse is a slippery slope and I'm going to stop here, before it morphs in to a total rant.
You know what funny "we should probably start a separate thread for this" based on my firsthand observation, most ppl on gear in my opinion don't show many mental changes. But usually when they do it's heard twords being a little more agressive or a shorter fuse. "No not roid rage" but just being more edgy.

When I started using testosterone I almost immediately noticed that I felt calmer, less angry, less likely to snap over something stupid. More mindfulness and more emotional, even with estrogen 100% in check. Oddly enough I can also fall asleep after large amounts of caffeine, many OTC and prescription medications either have no effects on me or a opposite effect then there supposed to. Painkillers, from the very first time I ever used one had no effects on me until I took too much and then just threw up. When I was in my drinking and party days I could sniff cocaine and fall asleep .

I also have add or ADHD, at least that's what they told me as a kid. I wonder if all this is related. I also don't have much of a dopamine response. Even tho I almost always feel content, it takes something extreme for me to get that feel good dopamine buzz/high. I get it from setting a PR on a big lift if a bunch of ppl saw it, skydiving definitely did it. Knocking someone out in a fight use to do it. I'm talking about a real fight, boxing, or MMA, whatever. I'm not going around starting fights lol. But I could equate a knockout to the feeling you get hitting a walk off home run in a baseball game


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Oh to add to that, I was very agressive and quick to snap before gear use, and now I'm not. My point was many drugs seem to have a reverse effect on me.

I noticed most of this about 3-4 years ago

It could also be coincidence as over the past few 3-4 years I really feel like I just finally grew up, started being more responsible, planning for the future.

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