Another thing people don't realize is that once you've suffered and got lean and have abs. It's a thousand times easier to get back to there again, Everyone has this fear of being small or being too light karma but the thing that makes them feel big isn't muscle it's fat they just think. It's muscle. I get out of shape all the time but I never get fat because I would have to force myself to get fat at this point in life even I'm. Almost forty and my metabolism is still crankin like when I was a teenager because of my lifestyle.
That's another excuse a lot of 35 and older people like to make. Is that i'm older so my metabolism slowed down, no it did not, you slowed down. If you were out riding Bikes and playing basketball and doing all the stuff you did when you were a kid, Your metabolism would be cranking just like when you were fifteen.
@VtaperXO, I wouldn't bulk till after summer. I'd spend the rest of the summer, Even if you don't want to keep cutting, I would at least stay at maintenance through the summer, Keep up with your cardio and try to work on increasing your strength a little bit.
Start your bulk after summer, ideally you want to be 8-10%bf at the beginning of your bulk and you don't wanna bulk past 15-18%