How to "pulse" orals



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I've pulsed a couple of times w/ pretty good results. I've always run a standard PCT though, since I never wanted to take chances with HPTA recovery. Good thing, I suppose, based on the numbers you posted.


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i ordered 2 bottles of epidrol himalaya livercare and novedex xt any suggestions on how i should cycle my epidrol


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i ordered 2 bottles of epidrol himalaya livercare and novedex xt any suggestions on how i should cycle my epidrol
Wow there are so many things wrong with your post tard....first your 18 you should wait......second you haven't done any research....third when you have done enough research you won't need to ask idiotic question that will only get you flamed like a pink haired homo


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Jeez guys! It's one thing to suggest someone do more research but it's not cool to be straight up abusive to ne ppl. We were all clueless at first and I'm glad ppl. were cool to me and didn't run me off when I first came around.


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Jeez guys! It's one thing to suggest someone do more research but it's not cool to be straight up abusive to ne ppl. We were all clueless at first and I'm glad ppl. were cool to me and didn't run me off when I first came around.
Agreed sorry man i was alittle rough on you, I was having other issue of people not thinking and may have taken it a little too far. Sorry man! But on another note I think this is still wrong on your part. Part of the rules on this forum is that you need to be 21 to post in the steroid section so that something that needs to be looked at.They don't just say that for legality issue(although that surely is a reason) you will hurt your growing process if you do steroids too early.


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Agreed sorry man i was alittle rough on you, I was having other issue of people not thinking and may have taken it a little too far. Sorry man! But on another note I think this is still wrong on your part. Part of the rules on this forum is that you need to be 21 to post in the steroid section so that something that needs to be looked at.They don't just say that for legality issue(although that surely is a reason) you will hurt your growing process if you do steroids too early.
Uh....I'm 38 and have been on this board for about 5 yrs. You might wanna re-read the last couple of posts and redirect your criticism to others. Attential to detail is underrated.


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Uh....I'm 38 and have been on this board for about 5 yrs. You might wanna re-read the last couple of posts and redirect your criticism to others. Attential to detail is underrated.
Dude seriously? What are you trying to say here? Re-read your last post, oh mighty one, attential? spell check much? I said I was sorry and now you are keeping it going. Is that what wise old men do?


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Dude seriously? What are you trying to say here? Re-read your last post, oh mighty one, attential? spell check much? I said I was sorry and now you are keeping it going. Is that what wise old men do?
Attention to detail is what I meant to type. A typo on my part doesn't erase the fact that you were confused as to ho had posted what in the last few posts. What am I trying to say here?

A. I'm not anywhere near 21 and I have no idea why you could assume so.

B. I reasearch plenty and answer a whole lot more questions here than I ask.

C. My original point is that when a new guy comes around asking a question that seems stupid to you, there's no need to be abusive to him. We need to be helpful and point people in the right direction. I know I started out asking questions that probably seemed clueless and I bet you did too.

So cut the new guy a break and direct him to a stucky or heaven forbid, give him an informed answer yourself. Calling him a pink haired homo is way out of line. Show some maturity here.


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i ordered 2 bottles of epidrol himalaya livercare and novedex xt any suggestions on how i should cycle my epidrol
Chuck, please excuse those who would rather ridicule than give friendly advice. AM is supposed to be a place to "learn, teach, lead". Most people here are willing to do that. Anyway, my advice would be to sell the epi on ebay. You'll probably make a decent profit on it compared to what you paid for it.

You may not realize it, but epistane is an actual steroid, despite being available over the counter. It's going to have side effects common w/ steroids and it can do serious damage to a body and endocrine system that's not fully developed. In short, it will do a lot more harm than good for someone your age.

At 18, you can make incredible gains just by covering the basics of hard training, full rest/recovery and eating a lot. You can supplement / protein, creatine, fish oil, etc. but that's all you should need.


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I never called him a pink haired homo i referred to him getting flamed like one for asking questions he asked. btw thank you for writing the user friendly version of what I meant :clap2:


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Also chuck if you never get your personal diet and training rountine down before you jump into steroids you will never be able to use them the right way unless you dial down your body first


Can anyone suggest what would be good to run on off days? I'm thinking of a test booster, DHEA or 6 bromo.


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Can anyone suggest what would be good to run on off days? I'm thinking of a test booster, DHEA or 6 bromo.
Go with all 3 of these and you're covered. I'll bet that the test-booster doesn't include DHEA and it is needed. And the 6 Bromo AI is an absolute necessity.


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Hello .I am 22 years old . I have some ph mix per one pill
-pheraplex 15mg
-superdrol 15mg
-halodrol 25mg

I know , that halodrol have too long half-life for pulse 3 or 4 time for a week .

What will be best chose for lean mass ? :dunno:
2 days on / 2 days off
1 week on / 1 week off
2 weeks on / 2 weeks of

Or regular cycle - 1 pill per day for 4 weeks ?

I shall be grateful for the help


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Can anyone suggest what would be good to run on off days? I'm thinking of a test booster, DHEA or 6 bromo.
The whole point of a pulse is to not have to run extra crap during your off days. You're gonna get a rebound effect on the off days, so why spend your money on what you don't need...


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Hello .I am 22 years old . I have some ph mix per one pill
-pheraplex 15mg
-superdrol 15mg
-halodrol 25mg

I know , that halodrol have too long half-life for pulse 3 or 4 time for a week .

What will be best chose for lean mass ? :dunno:
2 days on / 2 days off
1 week on / 1 week off
2 weeks on / 2 weeks of

Or regular cycle - 1 pill per day for 4 weeks ?

I shall be grateful for the help
A straight cycle would probably be your best bet, b/c of the halodrol.


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Hello .I am 22 years old . I have some ph mix per one pill
-pheraplex 15mg
-superdrol 15mg
-halodrol 25mg

I know , that halodrol have too long half-life for pulse 3 or 4 time for a week .

What will be best chose for lean mass ? :dunno:
2 days on / 2 days off
1 week on / 1 week off
2 weeks on / 2 weeks of

Or regular cycle - 1 pill per day for 4 weeks ?

I shall be grateful for the help
honestly those suck for a pulse. The problem is that 15mg of phera is a light dose, and 25 of halo is next to nothing, but 15 of superdrol alone is a decent dose. I tend to get no side effects from anything, but i'd be wishy washy myself taking 2 caps a day of those. I've taken 40mg of superdrol in a day b4, and many other dumb short term ideas, but I likely would find someone to sell those to, and get something different.


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EasyEJL ,

But what about the synergistic effect? All three components should enhance the action of each other , like in a regular steroids .
This practice is sometimes used . Used couple different components, but with a low dosage .


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EasyEJL ,

But what about the synergistic effect? All three components should enhance the action of each other , like in a regular steroids .
This practice is sometimes used . Used couple different components, but with a low dosage .
Any synergy you'd gain from this would be outweighed by the fact that you'd be stacking three methyls. A straight cycle of only like 3 weeks, 1 cap a day, tons of support supps MIGHT be an option, but it's still pushing your luck. Superdrol alone is plenty, and adding two more methyls would be quite toxic.


You guys are right about the fact that when companies combine two or more methyls together, one single pill is pretty low in strength. I bet the bottle comes has 60 caps in it, right? If it does, your best bet is to take it twice a day 3x a week and THAT'S IT. I would run it for no more than 6 weeks max and make sure you take your cycle support everyday. Those type of methyl batches are meant to be taken twice a day everyday for a 30 day cycle based on the manufacturers suggestion. But, we all know that the only thing that accomplishes is some nasty toxic side effects to the liver and other major organs in the body. Also, I say 2 pills during your "on" days cause that's probably the only way your going to get something out of the Halo and Phera. I hate when companies combine halo with two other methyls cause it screws up the pulsing of the whole compound. Halo, as mentioned earlier, is probably the only methyl to date that has to be run on an everyday basis.


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EasyEJL ,

But what about the synergistic effect? All three components should enhance the action of each other , like in a regular steroids .
This practice is sometimes used . Used couple different components, but with a low dosage .
From what I have realistically seen with regular steroids even, the only synergy is that taking testosterone along with some of the other steroids helps avoid some of the side effects like lethargy and lack of sex drive. Other than that, I've seen no reliable evidence either personal or medical that there is any synergistic effect where 1+1 = more than 2. Its a nice piece of broscience, but doesn't really hold up.


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Started a pulse today...
Tapering up to 50mg of havoc daily. Mon weds fri.
8 weeks.
USP labs prime thru the cycle.
Off days: DTHC until running out. Then using left over AnInov's post cycle support. Then testopro when needed.
Pct will be topical formestane and a test booster. Probably testopro.
Opinions? Thanks guys.


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Started a pulse today...
Tapering up to 50mg of havoc daily. Mon weds fri.
8 weeks.
USP labs prime thru the cycle.
Off days: DTHC until running out. Then using left over AnInov's post cycle support. Then testopro when needed.
Pct will be topical formestane and a test booster. Probably testopro.
Opinions? Thanks guys.
Sounds solid but I would do a SERM for PCT. Some guys don't but I always have just to be safe. One guy posted some bloodwork recently that I think supports that idea. It certainly can't hurt.


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Sounds solid but I would do a SERM for PCT. Some guys don't but I always have just to be safe. One guy posted some bloodwork recently that I think supports that idea. It certainly can't hurt.
I have nolva on hand :p


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what are the best compounds to pulse? that you guys have had great results with?


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would pulsing p-mag be worth it? I only have the 1 bottle and i'd like to stretch it to 2 months...


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would pulsing p-mag be worth it? I only have the 1 bottle and i'd like to stretch it to 2 months...
No, the half-life is too long and it takes too long for it to kick in. Pick up another bottle and run it for 6 weeks straight.

Pulsing is only good for short half-life compounds, and even then I recommend a SERM for PCT based on my own blood work running a pulse.


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what are the best compounds to pulse? that you guys have had great results with?
Epi and SD are the go-to pulse compounds due to short half-life and quick results. I got good results (not great, but good) from a 6 week Epi pulse. 5lbs and ~0.5% bf loss; +20 or so lbs on major lifts. I still recommend a traditional SERM PCT to maintain gains and be sure HPTA is up and running.


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I have nolva on hand :p
Instead of on hand, it should be in your body. Trust me, it's not a safety measure for gyno but a way to keep your gains when your test, LH and FSH drop low.

Only reason why you'd not run it is if you get blood work last day of your cycle and it shows your test, LH and FSH are all good.


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Started a pulse today...
Tapering up to 50mg of havoc daily. Mon weds fri.
8 weeks.
USP labs prime thru the cycle.
Off days: DTHC until running out. Then using left over AnInov's post cycle support. Then testopro when needed.
Pct will be topical formestane and a test booster. Probably testopro.
Opinions? Thanks guys.
Drop the prime, use it after PCT. The DTHC, PCS and TestoPro can be saved for PCT if you want, SERM is better & cheaper though.

Use the Nolva for PCT.

Where's the cycle support supps? Havoc is methylated, still going to damage your liver and affect lipids, etc. You should add in Cycle Support / Assist. At the very least get some liver support, but I'd cover your bases. You're using a designer steroid, don't take it lightly because it's "just a pulse".


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would pulsing p-mag be worth it? I only have the 1 bottle and i'd like to stretch it to 2 months...
I think I would do it. I wouldnt go 8 wks though, 3 times a wk for 6 would be optimal, even 4 would produce. JMO


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what are the best compounds to pulse? that you guys have had great results with?
IMO, IME, they can all be pulsed, particularly for newbies with untouched receptors, no crash and minimum HPTA probs.


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IMO, IME, they can all be pulsed, particularly for newbies with untouched receptors, no crash and minimum HPTA probs.
I disagree. The intent of pulsing is to use short half-life compounds that will clear out of your system thus reducing suppression. Longer half-life compounds will remain in your system leading to HPTA suppression. The level of suppression may be less than a full cycle, but it's not as gentle as I think some believe, thus why people can't maintain gains.

If you're going to get suppressed with long half-life compounds, might as well get the full benefit rather than a small portion. It's also not easier to maintain gains accrued over a long pulse when your Test count is reduced after the cycle, which is what happens even with short half-life compounds.

There is no evidence to support minimum HPTA problems, it's just a theory. IMHO, I'd rather be safe when it comes to my HPTA, and use a SERM for PCT. Pulsing is fine, as long as you recognize it comes with the same warnings and required research as a regular cycle, not for "newbies".


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I did a 6 week epi pulse...I am 1 week into pct and am still making strength gains...I am using torem and the TRS for pct and will post my bloodwork after to if in fact all values are in line


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I disagree. The intent of pulsing is to use short half-life compounds that will clear out of your system thus reducing suppression. Longer half-life compounds will remain in your system leading to HPTA suppression. The level of suppression may be less than a full cycle, but it's not as gentle as I think some believe, thus why people can't maintain gains.

If you're going to get suppressed with long half-life compounds, might as well get the full benefit rather than a small portion. It's also not easier to maintain gains accrued over a long pulse when your Test count is reduced after the cycle, which is what happens even with short half-life compounds.

There is no evidence to support minimum HPTA problems, it's just a theory. IMHO, I'd rather be safe when it comes to my HPTA, and use a SERM for PCT. Pulsing is fine, as long as you recognize it comes with the same warnings and required research as a regular cycle, not for "newbies".
Okay Guy, your're entitled to your opinion and its educational to hear it, but taking min doses on a pulse of anything available will not affect HPTA much, unless you're under 21. Everyone is a "newbie" or novice at one time and as such should start small. Its just my opinion, based on personal observations. I appreciate your differentiations regarding "short and "long" half-life compounds, but I think for adults, that are dosing sensibly, its a moot point.


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Okay Guy, your're entitled to your opinion and its educational to hear it, but taking min doses on a pulse of anything available will not affect HPTA much, unless you're under 21. Everyone is a "newbie" or novice at one time and as such should start small. Its just my opinion, based on personal observations. I appreciate your differentiations regarding "short and "long" half-life compounds, but I think for adults, that are dosing sensibly, its a moot point.
First off, I have no problem with you. :smirk:

Right, no problem as long as the dosing is sensible and educated as you pointed out. I do think that the benefit to cost would be in favor of a regular cycle for certain compounds, but to your point any compound will certainly have an "effect" no matter the dosing schedule, including negative effects dose dependent.

I would just be concerned about folks double to triple dosing the typical amount since it's "just a pulse" (I know I have), and a long half-life compound like Bold or PMag would certainly build up over time affecting HPTA. Even short half-life compounds do in a pulse. Like you said, everyone is a newbie at some time, but they should start off prepared. Science isn't moot for adults of any age, it's there to base our decisions.

If someone chooses to pulse PMag/HDrol or another long half-life compound, it's their choice. However, I still feel it's a poor use of money and better results can be achieved with a regular cycle, and hopefully they would prepare adequately as opposed to OTC or no PCT for "just a pulse".


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Your points are well taken, and I know you are speaking from experience. I didnt mean to infer that, anyone should skip research. Its a pre-requisite for everyone over the age of 21 that has lifted weights for at least 3 years and then decides to elevate their levels to the minimum provided by anything thats OTC. I have no prob with you either, the term "Guy" is a colloquial expression here, used with no contempt, when speaking to respected peers.


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I'd stick w/ the shorter half life compounds too. This is what Dr. D recommends. The reason you want short half life compounds is because they provide you w/ longer "clearance" times between doses. The more time you have without the compound in your body, the more chance your body has to "bounce back" natural test. production. That recovery between doses is central to pulsing.

ken doll

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Dr D,

I'am a new member and has so far lurking learning about prohormones here.

Not new on prohormones though, have on severals low dosed 2 weeks cycles

I do have a question, sorry if it has been asked previously, I am ready for pulsing pplex starting slow 10mg eod and will raise/stay depending on gains.

4 week on, 2 weeks off then another 4 weeks on, the hopefully no SERM needed. And I read all about ai, test booster etc except one.

I have been taking bulk turmeric powder (not the standardized curcumin, bulk from indian food store) with ground black pepper one teaspoon 3/4 times per day, it helps with my muscle injury so far.

Shall I lower the dose, taking it on days off only or completely stop taking turmeric during pulsing?

Your help is appreciated,



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I'm taking prime and oep and I just ordered bioforge would it be ok to stack in the bioforge


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:bigeyes:wow long long took 2 days to read lol.

how about pulsing for 11 days on 11 days off??

any suggestions????


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One of the longest life threads........ from 2007 til now
The idea is very reasonable. The shut down should be avoided .... But I saw some people reported that they got libido (at least) shut down when doing EOD epi...

Anyway, my question is, quite some people promised to post their blood test results after pulse cycle, but I havn't really seen one? forgive me if I miss any, I didn't really read through 129 pages of this thread....
Since 2007 til now, what's people's general experience on pulse method? Still give you good shut down? or pretty low sides?


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One of the longest life threads........ from 2007 til now
The idea is very reasonable. The shut down should be avoided .... But I saw some people reported that they got libido (at least) shut down when doing EOD epi...

Anyway, my question is, quite some people promised to post their blood test results after pulse cycle, but I havn't really seen one? forgive me if I miss any, I didn't really read through 129 pages of this thread....
Since 2007 til now, what's people's general experience on pulse method? Still give you good shut down? or pretty low sides?
read the last couple pages for my BW, or you can read my log somewhere on here, called epi pulse dc style training or something like that...


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read the last couple pages for my BW, or you can read my log somewhere on here, called epi pulse dc style training or something like that...
Thank you, it's very helpful.

So pulsing epi can still give you shut down, as some other people reported without blood work. Seems our body 'feel' the endocrine level in a longer time scale rather than daily... that's reasonable, or we will all have a quick shut down within 1 day taking PH, and will recover within several days. Our body seems not work like that.

good to know that you recovered well, and your liver etc is normal (well, not too many people got bad liver blood test post cycle anyway?) still, in my thinking, pulse method should give your liver more chance to take rest. drinking EOD must be better than drinking everyday...


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tell me this, i could pulse epi at a low does then and use trib on off days and i wouldnt shut down so no pct,

any idea on doses


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tell me this, i could pulse epi at a low does then and use trib on off days and i wouldnt shut down so no pct,

any idea on doses
hi, I don't think tribulus is really useful to increase your testo (please check 'supplement articles'), thus use tribulus on off days will only help you with libido?

some people stack other PHs with AIs, but maybe it's not good for epi, since epi already surpress estrogen? I think AIs will make joint problem etc worse.


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tell me this, i could pulse epi at a low does then and use trib on off days and i wouldnt shut down so no pct,

any idea on doses
No. Not even close. Tribulus is garbage, and using a real natural test booster on a pulse doesn't even necessarily help you avoid shut down.

Do a real cycle with a real PCT and there are no questions, it just works.


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A cortisol antagonist like low dose DHEA (25-50 mg) may be helpful for slow healers or hard gainers.
Would 7-Keto-DHEA be good too? what would be the dosage?



I am contemplating a very low dose pulse (10 mg epi M,W,F for approx. 6 weeks) while working myself back from tendonosis in my elbow and getting back in the gym. Thinking it may help add a bit more muscle as I work at light weights. I am using a slight cut diet of approx. 2300 Kcal as I work to lose body fat and slowly get back in the gym. Thought I could use DHEA on off days and at such a low dose use otc pct such as stoked. People think this is just a dumb idea or maybe something that might be worthwhile? I do have Nolva on hand, but really am not sure it would be necessary at such low doses.

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