How to "pulse" orals


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ok so what cylce would you be most interested in qwestor? i am actually considering this might be down the line but i am thinking about being a guinea pig. i have a tone of ph at the house.

Hey maddz..sorry for delay getting back...

first off..big thanks for being open to this protocol...beside calling it ..STACK can also refer to it as “customized pulsing”.or...”the thinking man's pulse”

again let me say...this rests on the shoulders of 2 practices that have a long-term established usage...i believe it provides the advantages of each..w the reasonable possibility of even greater sides/shutdown minimalization n greater growth returns because the program is not size fits all...but rather is tailored by the individual to reflect his past experiences/results, current goals, n ongoing feedback during the cycle either body feel, blood work..or both

we know strictly speaking before during n after (pct) blood-work is the same way that abstinence is to birth control...BE RESPONSIBLE!

Now the template n the agents given above r a good plug n play match..the simplest most direct is the Chinese menu method..pick 1 from column A n 1 from column B....

M1T is a tuff one..universally agreed to b very harsh...maybe to b totally avoided...some have had no effects..(they r aware of)...n others will listen to no one n do it anyway..u r responsible for your choice after being warned

we r left w ..phera, m1,4add, epi.......n SD, tren, trena

DrD suggests w pulsing doses on the higher end can b used...i like the lower proven end..but allow for higher doses w “+” days n B days ..espec w 12 hr splits...which might b 1/3 hour before workout..1/3 2hrs after workout ...n 1/3 approx 12 hrs later morning workout ..last dose at nite....evening workout last dose next morning

B days have a 2 day b4 n after cushion...but allow a nice strength tweak ..maybe plan heaviest days around A+ n B pulse days

cycle could run as long as 8-10 weeks ..depending on your read of yourself..if u r doing 1 ½ to 2/3 rds thru....during the cycle ..remember u r in charge...if u want u can substitute a B for an A day for instance...say feeling wet...strength is flattening...etc.....think..b responsive to what u r experiencing

u also have cycle support....6 bromo,,,formestane...etc to consider...but w the pulse..n switch from wet to dry..maybe u will b OK w.o. estro control

This is the simplest most direct u build in confidence n experience ..your informed creative
thinking can take u to many other rotation designs....good luck..stay comes first


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Cause of the language its my hard to get clear of this pulse cycle. Would it be okay to do it like this?

1. 10,20,30
2. 30,30,30
3. 30,30,30
4. 40,40,40
5. 40,40,40
6. 40,40,40
7. 40,40,40
8. 50,50,50

Every off day P.C.T assist and four weeks after that. And cycle assist through the whole 12 weeks. Or do i need nolvadex (the real thing) etc?

Any ideas of making it simple better.



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I have done a PH straight run and a PH pulse over the course of last year. I recently ran a real 12 week injectable cycle at the start of this year.

I was contemplating pulsing again if my bloods checked out.

Does anyone have any bloodwork to prove pulsing works? That it doesn't shut you down?

Google doesn't seem to bring any results...

It seems to me adding any steroid to your body, even at low doses with short half lives, would cause your HPTA to shut down.

If you are going mess with your axis why not run a straight cycle of PH/injectables?


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If you are going mess with your axis why not run a straight cycle of PH/injectables?
Yeah i was considering it first, but then i was thinking what if i tested this "pulse cycle". I have read some much positive things about it : result's will stay and probably no side effects, or milder anyway, and more gains in long term.


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I have done a PH straight run and a PH pulse over the course of last year. I recently ran a real 12 week injectable cycle at the start of this year.

I was contemplating pulsing again if my bloods checked out.

Does anyone have any bloodwork to prove pulsing works? That it doesn't shut you down?

Google doesn't seem to bring any results...

It seems to me adding any steroid to your body, even at low doses with short half lives, would cause your HPTA to shut down.

If you are going mess with your axis why not run a straight cycle of PH/injectables?
Shutdown isn't a 0 or 1, there are many degrees inbetween. Short moderate pulsing cycles are easier to recover from than a full cycle. The other reasons are that the gains are easier to keep - gaining 4lbs in a month on a pulse vs 10 on a straight cycle, and that at the same time the change is more gradual, so less likely to get people asking questions than if you balloon by 25lbs in 8 weeks.


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Shutdown isn't a 0 or 1, there are many degrees inbetween. Short moderate pulsing cycles are easier to recover from than a full cycle. The other reasons are that the gains are easier to keep - gaining 4lbs in a month on a pulse vs 10 on a straight cycle, and that at the same time the change is more gradual, so less likely to get people asking questions than if you balloon by 25lbs in 8 weeks.
Thanks Easy. It's funny because I know this as I've pulsed. Hearing someone else says it helps. I'd still like to see bloods for peace of mind...

I was wanting to pulse for a cut. I figured pulse as I've not long finished PCT from my prop/ace/mast.

I can't think of a suitable compound. If I use something like 11-oxo it's so mild would pulsing it even work?

Can you pulse for a cut? If so what would be the best product?


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Honestly the only product i'd bother pulsing with is superdrol. Never had much luck with any others.


I just got done pulsing M-1,4 ADD with tren (19 nor) for 6 weeks and gained almost 12 lbs. It was awesome. I took it 4 days a week and hit my max doses on my lift days with a really small dose on one of my cardio days. On days off, I took 6-oxo, a herb test booster, and dhea. But, the only thing I haven't pulsed is halodrol which I still believe needs be taken on an everyday basis.


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Well I have clean bloods from about 6 months before the cycle so I will post them too


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Well I have clean bloods from about 6 months before the cycle so I will post them too
hey bud, any update on the blood work? Interested in seeing your results. Looking to do an Epi Pulse maybe in a month or so.



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I have the results but only have my iPhone now and can't post everything, I should have results up ad soon as comcast gets their act together, I took bloodwork 4 weeks after pct, everything looked good, which I will post I promise but the lab forgot/missed my cholesterol values which sucks, but I have everything else..,standby will post soon


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I have the results but only have my iPhone now and can't post everything, I should have results up ad soon as comcast gets their act together, I took bloodwork 4 weeks after pct, everything looked good, which I will post I promise but the lab forgot/missed my cholesterol values which sucks, but I have everything else..,standby will post soon
Awesome. thanks.
C Dub805

C Dub805

I'm thinking about "pulsing" H-Drol (CEL brand) at 75 mg 4 x per week. My workout schedule is as follows:

2 on
1 off
2 on
2 off

Any thoughts on "pulsing" H-Drol (Halodrol clone)?????


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With H-drol because it has a longer half life then the more popularly pulsed compounds, its not recommended to pulse it. And if your planning on taking it 4x per week, you may as well just take it regularly, at that dosage, and just 4x per week and for 4 weeks, I dont think you might gain anything significant.

Personally i would like another compound, even Epi just 3 x per week at 30mg will serve you better then the H-drol. Hope that helps.


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Epi for some strange reason works really well on pulsing no other ph seems to work as well.


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Hi guys I have a pulse in mind but before I buy the stuff can anyone suggest ways of improving it or if I'm just doing it wrong. OK here goes...

I'm going to be taking Havoc on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (3 of my 4 training days)and on the other 4 days of the week I will be using Reversitol V2. I know from previously reading this thread that it is a good idea to have an estrogen blocker/test booster supplement for the off-days to keep you closer to your equilibrium. I was wondering is Reversitol V2 the best product for that. I notice it no longer has the key ingredient I was reading about which is 6-bromo but the company says the new product works better. Anyone able to shed some light?

Also I will be taking Cycle Support throughout. The question I have is should I void milk thistle on the days I'm taking Havoc or more specifically at the same meal times? Will it lessen the effectiveness of the Havoc and will it work fine just to take on off-days?

So I was thinking of running this for 4 to 5 weeks. The alternative would be pulse Havoc on its own for 4 weeks without the Reversitol V2 and then start taking it once I'm finished the Havoc. Which is the best way?

All opinions will be greatly appreciated as I'm sure there are a few ways to do this cycle. Thanks!


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Ok comcast is up posting before and after bloods tonight!!!!


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Well I ordered the stuff in anyway as I didn't want to wait any longer. If there is anything else I need or any further advice it will be appreciated :) Thanks!


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Well I ordered the stuff in anyway as I didn't want to wait any longer. If there is anything else I need or any further advice it will be appreciated :) Thanks!
Try and keep your liver support supplements spaced out by 4 hours or so from your PH your using for your cycle to avoid any absorption/conversion issues. I think this is generally agreed upon.

WIsh you all the best. Eat hard and dont forget to train hard.


Most of your non progestin based ph can be pulsed except halodrol. The one I'm curious about is Max Lmg.


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Cut it out with the pulsing retards. Just reviewed some blood work from a pulse, honestly it was just as bad as a none pulse...

Those who are scared to inject, run oral only cycles, and those who are scared to run oral only cycles properly pulse..


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Cut it out with the pulsing retards. Just reviewed some blood work from a pulse, honestly it was just as bad as a none pulse...

Those who are scared to inject, run oral only cycles, and those who are scared to run oral only cycles properly pulse..
No need for the insults mate. We're all here to learn, right? :)

Care to share which bloodwork your talking about if its in a thread here on the forum? Would be useful to see what was being pulsed, how and in what dosages. Would give us all a better idea.



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Well, Superdrol also works very well for pulsing. So does Dianabol but thats no PH...
Yeah i miss dbol..... i used to have a great connection to the stuff..... not anymore....... gotta keep looking.... :damnit::bigeyes:


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Cut it out with the pulsing retards. Just reviewed some blood work from a pulse, honestly it was just as bad as a none pulse...

Those who are scared to inject, run oral only cycles, and those who are scared to run oral only cycles properly pulse..
Quit being so closed minded. There can be plenty of other resons why people would want to run a pulse or even oral cycle.
Ph is alot more convenient. If i could get aas just as easily as getting a ph i would be all for it. Pulsing certain ph's can be alot easier on the body. Considering that your bloodwork saying that it was the same as as a regular cycle. that might just be you. Plus i would like some more information on this and i could judge my opinion. I have done bloode work and i would say differently. And that was a super and epi pulse. My body reacted very well to it. and had no shutdown. no dry joints. no sides. cept for the spike in liver, which was expected.... i have ran regular cycles of epi and superdrol.
Epi i would get dry knees terrible dry knees, back pumps, high blood pressure.
Same for superdrol.
I am able to enjoy a product that i normally would shy away from but am now able to. Its not that im a *****. I chose to do it this way mainly because its seems "healthier". And for another thing to say im scared of needles. I have chrones disease and i get blood taken twice a month with huge ass needles. i have had to give injection medicine into my upper abb. That **** hurts! you try it next time you pin.... No dont do that im just messin.
Anyway i have ran test and pinned in the past in college and i just feel ph's are more convenient. and legal at the moment. cept epi.


Never enough
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Cut it out with the pulsing retards. Just reviewed some blood work from a pulse, honestly it was just as bad as a none pulse...

Those who are scared to inject, run oral only cycles, and those who are scared to run oral only cycles properly pulse..
honestly pulsing dbol + anadrol as preworkout only gives plenty of benefit. Sure maybe its close to as suppressive, and does almost as much liver hit, but i'd still rather take 60mg dbol workout days only an hour preworkout than 30mg a day every day spread out.


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Could 1 pulse say Dbol and Winstrol 3 x a week M,W,F??? Like 25mg Dbol preworkout and the later in the day 50mg of Winny? Then on the remaining days take an AI + Natty test booster?


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Was I really three years younger when I first read this thread...WOW


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Could 1 pulse say Dbol and Winstrol 3 x a week M,W,F??? Like 25mg Dbol preworkout and the later in the day 50mg of Winny? Then on the remaining days take an AI + Natty test booster?
I think winstrol has a half life of 9 hours which I also THINK is too long for a pulse scheme, especially if you take dianabol earlier in the day. That would equal AAS in your blood stream probably over 24 hours and you will not benefit from some of the good things with pulsing, like not being totally shut down.


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Started an Epi pulse on Sat & on my off days I'll be running 6-bromo half dosed. Won't keep a log but I'll post up every once in a while.


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i ran the same pulse and it went pretty well for me. hope it goes the same for you. what are you planning on dosing the epi at?


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Something just occured to me, maybe you get less shutdown on a pulse simply because of the total lowered dosage... like pulsing 30mg sd 3x a week instead of taking 30mg x7 days.

If you just ran it 15mg x7 days a week, i wonder if youd be equally shutdown as the 30mg x3


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Cut it out with the pulsing retards. Just reviewed some blood work from a pulse, honestly it was just as bad as a none pulse...

Those who are scared to inject, run oral only cycles, and those who are scared to run oral only cycles properly pulse..
You don't know ****. Doctor's have already proved that it works with corticosteroids. The people who do it are doing for minimal sides especially on the liver. I think your scared to research and learn.


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You don't know ****. Doctor's have already proved that it works with corticosteroids. The people who do it are doing for minimal sides especially on the liver. I think your scared to research and learn.
remove the stick from your ass, do you know what corticosteroids are?

They are not androgenic nor are they anabolic...


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and like i just stated, dont you think the liver would be less affected if you ran half the dose pulsed or not pulsed...


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and like i just stated, dont you think the liver would be less affected if you ran half the dose pulsed or not pulsed...
I believe DR.D to be a more intelligent man than you.


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i ran the same pulse and it went pretty well for me. hope it goes the same for you. what are you planning on dosing the epi at?
I'm starting this week @ 20 & bumping up to 30 next week. It's gonna be tricky for me trying to figure out when to get in the gym. I work 2 days, 2 nights, & then 4 days off.. Well in those 4 off, I usually go in for at least one day of O/T. I may end up going about 2-3 days sometimes between workouts. Wondering if I should do the same w/ the dosing..


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I'm curious... if you do, lets say, 4 weeks straight you will be shut down. But if you followed the 4 weeks straight with 2 weeks pulse. Wouldn't your production start to pick up due to the off days and the short life cycle? I know it usually takes long time for the natural production to kick in, but would it pick up in a pulse.


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remove the stick from your ass, do you know what corticosteroids are?

They are not androgenic nor are they anabolic...[

and like i just stated, dont you think the liver would be less affected if you ran half the dose pulsed or not pulsed..

No stick in my ass at all. I also stand by my statement. This works with most drugs. Better than using half the dose. There is research already done on this, research you have not obviously read. I believe there was a study done with anabolics for people with chronic muscle wasting disease as well. The fact is that you do not know anything about what you are talking about and are merely stating your opinion. Which is worthless. :chairshot:


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Wow! So many other forums have this copy and pasted that... **** I wouldnt be surprised to find it hardcovered in Borders or something lol.


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Guys...Have any of you got hair loss / increased shedding while on a 4-6 week Pulse?

If so would you care to share what substance, dosage, and pulse length you ran and how bad the hair shedding was. Im very curious about this as I had some slight shedding by the end of my h-drol cycle which really p*ssed me off. Only went upto 75mg's and ran a 5 week cycle on this as well. Wont be running straight cycles ever but wondered how pulsing might be for this.



I've never heard of anyone pulsing halodol before. Many people have asked whether pulsing works for this compound and most have responded no. The reason being is thaits half-life is about 12 hours from what I read. But, I thought that if a compound had long half-life, you could pulse due to the fact that its peak times takes a while for it to occur? But, everyone in here would say that halodrol is not good at all for pulsing.

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