How to "pulse" orals



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Epi is not good on your joints, at the end of my 6 week pulse my elbows shoulders and knees where hurting but that went away first week of pct...also you may see 0 results pulsing so low, I did not make any gains until I hit 40mg

if you pulse use a test booster on your off days and do a full pct to be safe, leave the dhea out


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i suggest you pulse a little higher ONLY when you are working pull excercises involving your elbow.
work light weights and increase slowly.
you should get away with pulsing twice a week, which should not be an issue


  • Established
Has anyone pulsed without supports or pct? (epistine)

The whole idea of a pulse is to do it so you don't need a PCT. That was Dr. D's whole theory. BUT! Most people play it safe and do at least a over the counter PCT after there pulse which I suggest.


New member
The whole idea of a pulse is to do it so you don't need a PCT. That was Dr. D's whole theory. BUT! Most people play it safe and do at least a over the counter PCT after there pulse which I suggest.
I take it just a test booster, what would you recommend?

Nolva is onhand


New member


We all owe a debt of gratitude to Dr.D for thinking outside the box to introduce the concept of
“pulsing” to the community. To further that evolution let us consider the next step..STACK PULSING.
..building on the reasoning behind pulsing.

Pulsing is designed to enable an optimal balance between maintaining an enhanced anabolic environment while minimizing sides, shutdown, recovery and possibly extending “time on”. To that end the ideal agents chosen are those with relatively short half lives. Why? Because they allow for substantial clearance from the system on the “off days” in order for the body to re-attempt equilibrium from the periods “on” where we are looking to enhance the bodies response to exercise/growth stimulation. SD and Epistane/Havoc are the classic pulse candidates. However others have selected with success a host of other category products.

Following that reasoning...periods of anabolic agents in the system alternated with periods where the body is comparatively clear of them...the purpose and process is revealed. Rather than aiming for a cumulative buildup in the system of the particular agent..such as say is the function and intention with halodrol...pulsing is designed to do just the opposite...stop such steady state presence/accumulation from occurring. It is not dependent on the ongoing continuous un-broken presence of the agent in the body. The idea is to provide the most efficacious isolated targeted periodic anabolic assistance to the growth stimulation event...then ..stop. On again off again....the frequency of such alternations varying broadly...from 5-10 mg of SD once a week to 2 weeks on 2 weeks off cycles with same day agent stacking during “on” times.

A further possibility then suggests itself. Since the goal is not the focus on a particular agents continuous presence/input but rather its periodic “re-introduction” after its been cleared from the system, to provide anabolic “bumps”...why not provide such assists with a different agent ..or string of agents..altogether...thus...STACK PULSING.

STACK PULSING...the pulsing of 2 or more agents...serially...during the designated pulse cycle. The possibilities are almost endless. Choose say any of 2 or 5....anabolic agents and string them along the pulse chain. SD, epistane/havoc , phera, m1,4add, tren/trenadol for example. Alternate wet/dry, class 1/class2, estrogen/dht/progestin, methyl/un-methylated, etc products throughout the cycle..hell if you're feeling frisky dust some of the M1T lying around haunting the shadows of the basement and throw it in there now and then.

Not only are we maintaining the anabolic environment but now we are additionally substantially minimizing the individual sides that are specific to any particular agent because of its relative infrequent contribution overall.

Keep some 6 bromo, formestane, dhea, liver aids,torem, clomid handy for use as advised on these forums and you're good to go.

It is up to you and your open source creative thinking and application of the modality to explore and exploit all the possibilities that this presents. I welcome your open-minded and considered contributions to this submission. Together we safely as possible.


  • Established

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Dr.D for thinking outside the box to introduce the concept of
“pulsing” to the community. To further that evolution let us consider the next step..STACK PULSING.
..building on the reasoning behind pulsing.

Pulsing is designed to enable an optimal balance between maintaining an enhanced anabolic environment while minimizing sides, shutdown, recovery and possibly extending “time on”. To that end the ideal agents chosen are those with relatively short half lives. Why? Because they allow for substantial clearance from the system on the “off days” in order for the body to re-attempt equilibrium from the periods “on” where we are looking to enhance the bodies response to exercise/growth stimulation. SD and Epistane/Havoc are the classic pulse candidates. However others have selected with success a host of other category products.

Following that reasoning...periods of anabolic agents in the system alternated with periods where the body is comparatively clear of them...the purpose and process is revealed. Rather than aiming for a cumulative buildup in the system of the particular agent..such as say is the function and intention with halodrol...pulsing is designed to do just the opposite...stop such steady state presence/accumulation from occurring. It is not dependent on the ongoing continuous un-broken presence of the agent in the body. The idea is to provide the most efficacious isolated targeted periodic anabolic assistance to the growth stimulation event...then ..stop. On again off again....the frequency of such alternations varying broadly...from 5-10 mg of SD once a week to 2 weeks on 2 weeks off cycles with same day agent stacking during “on” times.

A further possibility then suggests itself. Since the goal is not the focus on a particular agents continuous presence/input but rather its periodic “re-introduction” after its been cleared from the system, to provide anabolic “bumps”...why not provide such assists with a different agent ..or string of agents..altogether...thus...STACK PULSING.

STACK PULSING...the pulsing of 2 or more agents...serially...during the designated pulse cycle. The possibilities are almost endless. Choose say any of 2 or 5....anabolic agents and string them along the pulse chain. SD, epistane/havoc , phera, m1,4add, tren/trenadol for example. Alternate wet/dry, class 1/class2, estrogen/dht/progestin, methyl/un-methylated, etc products throughout the cycle..hell if you're feeling frisky dust some of the M1T lying around haunting the shadows of the basement and throw it in there now and then.

Not only are we maintaining the anabolic environment but now we are additionally substantially minimizing the individual sides that are specific to any particular agent because of its relative infrequent contribution overall.

Keep some 6 bromo, formestane, dhea, liver aids,torem, clomid handy for use as advised on these forums and you're good to go.

It is up to you and your open source creative thinking and application of the modality to explore and exploit all the possibilities that this presents. I welcome your open-minded and considered contributions to this submission. Together we safely as possible.

Only 6 posts and you really did your homework here. I got to rep you for that.


New member
thank you....

Only 6 posts and you really did your homework here. I got to rep you for that.
...i think..if you're not being facetious..
.....judging from the underwhelming response to something i felt was a sincere and considered post..i thought i fell into a black hole...or caused this of my favorites...TO JUMP THE SHARK!!!...LOL


  • Established
...i think..if you're not being facetious..
.....judging from the underwhelming response to something i felt was a sincere and considered post..i thought i fell into a black hole...or caused this of my favorites...TO JUMP THE SHARK!!!...LOL

I think you should start a new thread with the "stack pulsing" headline and put that whole concept of it in the new thread and see what kind of responses you get from it.


New member
Sooo... A pulse of E stane, say 30* Mon Tues Wed. Repeat, for about 6 weeks, and a PCT anyway with Max labs After Fx... That sound safe to anyone?


New member
Sooo... A pulse of E stane, say 30* Mon Tues Wed. Repeat, for about 6 weeks, and a PCT anyway with Max labs After Fx... That sound safe to anyone?
first..thanks for at least responding to this..

i have no idea if u r being serious or not..or exactly what u r providing as an illustration of what u interpret as to what i m proposing...but none of it has anything whatsoever to do w what i call STACK PULSING

(30*...i assume means 30mg btw)

i m not sure if my proposal is ..obscure..n perhaps that is the problem..i tried to frame it in terms of the general principles of pulsing which i assume all in this thread r familiar w..n able to extrapolate from there to the serial rotational intermittent periodic ingestion of these agent in alternating fashion in the pulse cycle chain

wet..dry...wet..dry ..wet..dry....etc


class 1...class 2...class 1 ...class 2...etc

eod.......M_W_F........2days on...2 days off.........2 weeks on ..2 weeks off..etc

bearing in mind that within these categories there r several agents allowing one to select their favorite in the category ..or opting for more variety/diversity alternating to another in that category the next time that category pulse day presents itself in the cycle..thus

wet agent 1...dry agent 1...wet agent 2 .dry agent 2....wet agent 1..dry agent 1...n so on............(wet 3 ???)

the same alternations n agent changes can apply w methyls...classes...dht/estrogen/progestins ..etc

pulsing principles assumed: anabolic bumps followed by mini recovery off periods..minimizing sides shutdowns n desensitization of receptors

look either pulsing DOES stand for relative sub-clinical clearance of individual agents from the system ...or..

.....if it DOES NOT ...n still depends somehow on the continued presence OF THAT SPECIFIC/PARTICULAR AGENTS ongoing contribution matter how minimal ...for the pulse to work (which case i suggest undermines n contradicts the actual theoretical foundation on which pulsing is based)

if it DOES rest on clearance ...then there is no theoretical objection to providing the next anabolic bump from an entirely different category agent or same category different agent...which if true has obvious as one...fresh receptors as another other words keep rotating to a different category agent(s) or same category different agents ...or some alternating combo each pulse point

even if pulsing DOES NOT rest on clearance....but somehow depends on these ongoing sub-clinical presences of THE SAME still does not preclude the possibility that STACK PULSING on its own conceptual basis cannot also provide an alternative efficacious means to possibly even more desirably achieve our purposes

can we have a thoughtful exploration of this guys??
Last edited:


New member
I think you should start a new thread with the "stack pulsing" headline and put that whole concept of it in the new thread and see what kind of responses you get from it.
will do..

...thanks for the support on this..i could be 100% wrong..or right in theory ..wrong in application..but i have been using this successfully for quite awhile n wished to both share it n have it profit from the participation n contribution of all for the benefit of all


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I am currently taking 250mg of Test cypionate a week on TRT.

If I were to run a pulse cycle with Orals would anything change in regards to the off days such as needing the use of 6 bromo?


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I am currently taking 250mg of Test cypionate a week on TRT.

If I were to run a pulse cycle with Orals would anything change in regards to the off days such as needing the use of 6 bromo?
In my personal opinion, if you're on 250mg. of Cyp per week for TRT, there's no need to do a pulse cycle. Just do a straight cycle and get the most out of it.
Shutdown's not going to be an issue with you anyway because of the TRT.


New member
In my personal opinion, if you're on 250mg. of Cyp per week for TRT, there's no need to do a pulse cycle. Just do a straight cycle and get the most out of it.
Shutdown's not going to be an issue with you anyway because of the TRT.
thanks. I kind of figured that.


New member
0 far STACKING n PULSING ….as commonly understood n utilized....r accepted practices n the theoretical foundations on which they rest r generally accepted.

We have our favorite same day stacks..say epi/tren ..n..those that r transitioned one agent to another during the overall cycle..say SD/phera

Pulsing may for some involve use a same day 2 agent combo each pulse day..tho that is admittedly uncommon..BUT..not precluded in theory as a possibility

Now we know when we design our stacks y we select the particular agents n c them as complimentary..not duplicative..n not being more harmful in combo...


lets say we have EPI/HAVOC...SD....PHERA.....M1,4ADD.....TREN/TRENADROL...M1T...
in our inventory...(feel free to suggest others)

How would u guys ...just as an exercise ….using standard stacking ...pulsing...principles....rotate these agents serially ..throughout a pulse cycle.... other would u ….STACK PULSE


New member
Boy..u guys r tuff pulling entice u to post

I can't believe that there aren't some of u out there who c huge potential in this...some who at least find it interesting...n..those who think its ...INSANE......if u r of the later persuasion I only ask u provide a fairly reasoned argument for your objection

look taken separately...stacking n pulsing..r generally accepted...the next step is to examine whether these 2 relatively sound approaches can be combined …?????????? produce either a superior outcome...or at least n alternative method that has its own unique benefits

will no one take a chance on speculation at least...if not yet an actual trial???

lets stipulate that any contribution to the discussion on this concept is just no one feels foolish taking a stab

OR..r u waiting for DrD to post to c which side of the issue to safely commit to????

hey ..time to leave the apron strings of the master....Dr D ….n use all u learned from him to think independently

DrD if u r following this n r at all interested..wait to post for awhile n gives these guys a chance to step up n show their stuff..after tho I would appreciate your input


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  • Established far STACKING n PULSING ….as commonly understood n utilized....r accepted practices n the theoretical foundations on which they rest r generally accepted.

We have our favorite same day stacks..say epi/tren ..n..those that r transitioned one agent to another during the overall cycle..say SD/phera

Pulsing may for some involve use a same day 2 agent combo each pulse day..tho that is admittedly uncommon..BUT..not precluded in theory as a possibility

Now we know when we design our stacks y we select the particular agents n c them as complimentary..not duplicative..n not being more harmful in combo...


lets say we have EPI/HAVOC...SD....PHERA.....M1,4ADD.....TREN/TRENADROL...M1T...
in our inventory...(feel free to suggest others)

How would u guys ...just as an exercise ….using standard stacking ...pulsing...principles....rotate these agents serially ..throughout a pulse cycle.... other would u ….STACK PULSE

Please take this to a different thread, don't hijack this long-running thread.


New member
where's the hijack???'s a build n continuation on the pulse philosophy...this can actually invigorate this thread..which is also one of my favorites...i mean it no harm or disrespect..i actually pay tribute to it as a starting point

"Please take this to a different thread, don't hijack this long-running thread."

....that's your contribution to this discussion ????


Boy..u guys r tuff pulling entice u to post

I can't believe that there aren't some of u out there who c huge potential in this...some who at least find it interesting...n..those who think its ...INSANE......if u r of the later persuasion I only ask u provide a fairly reasoned argument for your objection

look taken separately...stacking n pulsing..r generally accepted...the next step is to examine whether these 2 relatively sound approaches can be combined …?????????? produce either a superior outcome...or at least n alternative method that has its own unique benefits

will no one take a chance on speculation at least...if not yet an actual trial???

lets stipulate that any contribution to the discussion on this concept is just no one feels foolish taking a stab

OR..r u waiting for DrD to post to c which side of the issue to safely commit to????

hey ..time to leave the apron strings of the master....Dr D ….n use all u learned from him to think independently

DrD if u r following this n r at all interested..wait to post for awhile n gives these guys a chance to step up n show their stuff..after tho I would appreciate your input
I have read most of your posts here and on other boards and i think your theory might work. I have used the pulsing method before with success and have trialed a few other unconventional theories and i might even try this one down the track but i think YOU should go ahead and do a log on this.I bet alot more people will be willing to post and provide the input you are looking for. If you do lo this i will be one of the first to sub... Good luck


New member

THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME...its about “us”...n whether as a community we can flesh out a number of sensibly crafted STACK PULSE (SP) schedules...for those brave pioneers who c the sense n value in the approach to try.

It ..IS NOT ….a particular SP is about feeling reasonably confident that the approach rests squarely n safely on the shoulders of 2 tried n true approaches (OK ..not all of u love pulsing) ..n then from there proposing exploring debating n finally..hopefully..reaching a consensus on a number...several..possible protocols for real world trials.

Obvious considerations r :

the agents: 1/2 life*.....class ...wetness..methyl-ness..harshness...estro/progest/dht....2 on same pulse day???.....what strengths.....(anything else???)

*(according to sticky ½ lives M1T – 6 hrs....Phera ~9 hrs..n M1,4ADD...converting to dianna has this interesting morning bridge potential to play with)

the pulse periods: eod....MWF.....2 on – 2-3 off* ....2x's a week...2 weeks on/off...etc (* my preference)

on cycle support...n appropriate pct … agents selected

While this may be around somewhere I m unaware of its presentation..for me it is an original due deference to its parents...stack n pulsing theory n practice

i've been my own lab rat for a year....n since it was new n experimental w me ..i played around town..mostly on feel..n body feedback...i followed the theory widely varying agents n pulse periods
…..n m very happy....steady strength...feeling great -”on” confident not nasty...libido high...ball size full...few injuries that heal shedding at all..(which in the past did happen)...most important ..2 full labs....6 months apart..everything...EVERYTHING....within normal ranges

My lifts r great ..tho now lovin strong man lifts..gym kinda routine..this a whole different sense of overall body strength u gotta feel to appreciate...n I can keep 230 lbs on under 2000 cal a day w this assist

BUT...REALLY..this is not about me...i don't want to reduce this to me protocols..experiences results..I..THEY ...MEAN NOTHING....JUST ANECDOTAL!!!!!!!! ...PROVES NOTHING

I m primarily interested in establishing the theoretical foundations of the SP concept..collectively coming up w some good protocols ...having some trials n logs...utilizing the law of large numbers to be able to draw some valid conclusions/results to build further on..IF WE CAN TOGETHER COME UP W SOMETHING SOUND..we can have confidence to go forward with

look anecdotal evidence is fun ..interesting..n absent anything else can give “clues' as to possibilities..but its not science..which needs to rest on reasonable hypotheses to legitimize real trials..which here again..i stress ...r still well within the confines of established practice here

when a company introduces a new product..its kinda like ..plug n play...everyone uses their favorite protocol..n sees how it turns out comparatively to their prior experiences

Here more is involved..selection ..rotation of agents..n protocols that may themselves based on the agents chosen...yeah its more work..but in my strong belief ..well worth the group effort

hey in the end...i m there...on my own..if need b..but I m not a know it all..n realize the great benefit of group think contributions...

...n a desire to share something good w y'all


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i would be interested in this pulsing stack. I pulse all the time with super and epi. I have not tried to ph in a pulse... might be an interesting idea.


New member
just one example

i would be interested in this pulsing stack. I pulse all the time with super and epi. I have not tried to ph in a pulse... might be an interesting idea.
hey..thanks for posting on this..

not sure what your exactly claiming...u say u pulse all the time..but then say.."i have not tried to ph in a pulse"

ok ..lets say u choose to stack pulse SD n EPI...lets analyze:

SD: class 2..harsher for most..i say dry..some say wet..some say potential delayed (2-3 months) care on pct..ez on hair..some get libido boost for awhile..people have low dosed it as little as 5-10 mg 1-2X's a week

EPI: class 1..milder...dry...low dose anti-gyno..hi dose some get gyno on cycle(me)..delayed negative for hair (2-3 months after cycle )..amenable to most pulse protocols

both methyls n 5-a reduced.......anything else relevant/important???

so lets say...JUST SAYING.....Monday Epi - select dose.....Wednesday SD 10 mg...Friday Epi - select dose

just ...ONE ...OF MANY....possible set-ups

say following week M-SD - 5 mg...W-Epi....F (heavy train day - SD-10 mg)..back to Epi first on following Monday

feeling sides on SD..lower dose..or do a few pulse days following on Epi before going back to SD...Epi sides predominating??..just saying..favor SD for awhile..c how u respond..maybe a week ..M -SD 10 mg...Thurs - Epi

could u take some combo of SD n Epi each pulse day..possibly...adjusting each dose appropriately..n even varying the individual proportions on different combo days

in other words ..the designs r many..but...think of some rationale for why u pick agents..their characteristics...your needs n reactions..the feedback your body seems to b giving u ..n decide how u want to ..finesse..the dose n schedule

when is your heaviest that the best day to SD ???

if u review the above it seems within the guidelines of typical usage n safety should b as well


New member
btw..joints feeling "scratchy"..on all that SD n Epi....???..try a interruption week pulse w phera or m1,4 your "beginning" to...STACK PULSE !!!!


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wow qwestor im trying to keep up but you seem to loose me in some of the statements. But yes epi and sd would be two methyls. I would not typically do this. but with pulsing i think would be fine. The only thing with epi would be the dry joints which are terrible for me on epi. i need to gain some weight though and maybe hit the 200 mark so i prob will consider pplex with some non methyl more more on bulk.


New member
wow qwestor im trying to keep up but you seem to loose me in some of the statements. But yes epi and sd would be two methyls. I would not typically do this. but with pulsing i think would be fine. The only thing with epi would be the dry joints which are terrible for me on epi. i need to gain some weight though and maybe hit the 200 mark so i prob will consider pplex with some non methyl more more on bulk.
hey....if i m unclear on anything please select the section n i wil do my Best to re-phrase problem

funny right ...all the individual responses to complicate things...epi gave me a lump in 2 weeks...was your epi dose very high?? was the rest of your results from epi..good trade-off despite the joint issue ? Even tho epi might be one of the agents of choice for may not b right for you

ORRRR....maybe it can b included in a STACK PULSE w a frequency &/or dose that is not problematic..when integrated w other agents along the pulse cycle chain

M1,4 add, pplex r for most joint easy wet ones n either (or both ...along the pulse chain) maybe a better choice to stack pulse w either SD or Epi..(look into wisdom of taking M1,4 first thing in morning on its pulse day)

...epi is claimed by some to b anti-estro/gyno at low doses..tho if at these levels it contributes to anabolic growth alone or in combination is a question

also on the issue of mixing methyl's is generally advised against...tho some seem more kind to the liver than others n adjusting both doses down may compensate for using them in combo..that is is a lower dose of both harsh n mild ..easier that a higher dose of the harsher element alone


PP....EPI...PP....EPI....PP.... (OR) PP....SD.....PP.......PP...SD...PP


M1.4.....M14.....( SD or EPI).....PP....(SD or Epi)...PP....(SD OR EPI)...PP...(SD or EPI)....then back to...M1,4.....

lots of combo possibilities ...but not just thrown together..selected placed/rotated..based on past experiences/sides ....research n user info from the forums.....goals....n ongoing feedback while on cycle

while at first it may seem complicated...its really not... a number of agents that interest u...get familiar w their general characteristics as above ...n your responses to them ...n schedule/rotate them along the chain accordingly


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SD, phera, m1t, havoc

week 1
3 day pulse(not consequetive) sd pre, havoc after
week 2
2 day pulse (3 days in between) M-1t
week 3
3 day pulse havoc pre and phera after
week 4 totally off(clomid+test boosters welcome)

personally id run test booster+low dose atd all throughout


New member
SD, phera, m1t, havoc

week 1
3 day pulse(not consequetive) sd pre, havoc after
week 2
2 day pulse (3 days in between) M-1t
week 3
3 day pulse havoc pre and phera after
week 4 totally off(clomid+test boosters welcome)

personally id run test booster+low dose atd all throughout
ok..not to say u r wrong..just looking at things..


i'd probably put a least week between m1t n sd..also not sure y?? a 3 week cycle only..especially if pulsing..n STACK PULSING n top of least 4 weeks would seem ok

so say working w what seems to b your style..4-5 weeks pulse style

W1 3 days: P/H

W2 2 days: either SD or M1T

W3 3 days: P/H

W4 2 days: either SD or M1T (opposite W2)

W5 3 days: P/H

consider TOREM or RALOX



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just a suggestion of something you can run and rerun depending on how it went.

as for m1-t it IS very harsh that why i wouldnt pulse it more the twice a week and 3 days apart between doses.

another weekly pulse idea is to have SD or M1-T on your refeed days only
so 6 days dieting and 1 day gorging and aas'ing then repeat


Qwestor, I find your posts hard to read because of the poor grammar, unnecessary abbreviations, unnecessary use of bolding, and wandering "think as I type" structure. I don't mean to be rude, but your lengthy posts take too much effort for me and probably others to think through.

Also, your idea was proposed much, much earlier in this massive thread.


New member
chim-iney !!!

Qwestor, I find your posts hard to read because of the poor grammar, unnecessary abbreviations, unnecessary use of bolding, and wandering "think as I type" structure. I don't mean to be rude, but your lengthy posts take too much effort for me and probably others to think through.

Also, your idea was proposed much, much earlier in this massive thread.
W-E-L-L ALRIGHTY THEN....I believed i've just been.... Chim_Chim-ed

(Chim_ed..definition colloquial slang for polite passive-aggressive ass in “Hey out...u got a good Chim_ing coming)

Seriously thanks for prefacing your remarks w “I don't mean to be rude”..before your highly informative contribution to the substance of the made all the difference.

Apologies r in order: most important – sorry for asking u to think....sorry for not talking in sound bites...sorry for discussing phonetically or conversationally...sorry for wandering off topic (thank you for bringing me back to the subject at hand)..sorry for....

…..well just lets say..e-x-c-u-s-e me while I go shoot myself now..I'll try not to make a mess for you

...but I will remember you when I m gone...if in the afterlife I m feeling depressed ..or c someone looking sad...i'll cheer us both up w a merry...”CHIM_CHIM” greeting

…..i F U tHiNK thAt wILL heLLp........


New member
W-E-L-L ALRIGHTY THEN....I believed i've just been.... Chim_Chim-ed

(Chim_ed..definition colloquial slang for polite passive-aggressive ass in “Hey out...u got a good Chim_ing coming)

Seriously thanks for prefacing your remarks w “I don't mean to be rude”..before your highly informative contribution to the substance of the made all the difference.

Apologies r in order: most important – sorry for asking u to think....sorry for not talking in sound bites...sorry for discussing phonetically or conversationally...sorry for wandering off topic (thank you for bringing me back to the subject at hand)..sorry for....

…..well just lets say..e-x-c-u-s-e me while I go shoot myself now..I'll try not to make a mess for you

...but I will remember you when I m gone...if in the afterlife I m feeling depressed ..or c someone looking sad...i'll cheer us both up w a merry...”CHIM_CHIM” greeting

…..i F U tHiNK thAt wILL heLLp........
????? what just happen'd ????? :thinking:


New member
one possibility

Agents B– harsher ...&/or strength oriented: SD.....M1T....TREN

Agents A– milder: EPI....PP....M1,4ADD

* ='s a day

A * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A

+ ='s possible higher dose or 12 hr split
B context position may allow higher dose or 12 hr split


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Agents B– harsher ...&/or strength oriented: SD.....M1T....TREN

Agents A– milder: EPI....PP....M1,4ADD

* ='s a day

A * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A * A+ * * B * * A

+ ='s possible higher dose or 12 hr split
B context position may allow higher dose or 12 hr split
so lets say starting on monday. would it look like this on dosage days. mon wend sat mon thurs sun tues fri mon wend sat..... etc. Is this correct? interesting dosing..... what made you to think this type of dosing?

i noticed that the b had two days before and after of nothing correct?


New member

yeah ...correct on days

first again let me repeat...i m not saying this is superior to regular cycles...whatever superior really means - ALL THINGS - taken into account...STACK PULSING is just a method for those who buy into Pulse n Stack Theory n for whom the risk/reward profile makes whatever trade-offs come along acceptable

..also this schedule is only one of many...REPEAT MANY....that can be is just presented as a sample...a decent start things off..plug n play w all the agents listed...n this little program has many permutations/combinations to keep u busy constructing

2 days r left on either side of the "harsher" elements for obvious reasons....n it allows a little extra time for the "12 hr period" ....suggested for the A+ n B days....

for example....on a plus day....1/3 dose before workout....1/3 after....1/3 ~12 hrs later


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btw madds87... i visited your log/posts ....what can i say...thank you SO MUCH for your openness n generosity in sharing your experience...i have a friend who's kid sister could really use this advice...n i only came across it bec we r here in a community..sharing another...n u really exemplify this spirit...much karma to u brother


New member
it works...u can start agent w a DrD pulse...orrrrr...u can try...a STACK PULSE !!


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Im failing to see how 'stack pulsing' would be any better / worse than conventional pulsing.

I just don't see my AR's or HPTA caring much that the chemical binding to them / disrupting them is changing everyother day...all they are going to know is 1) Hey, something stronger than testosterone is binding to me again 2) In that case, Im going to need to throttle back on my LH release.

Your liver surely won't care you are switching compounds, it has to clear all this stuff, regardless of the schedule you dose it. Lipids will still take a hit...

Now, if you have some really definitive goals or are gyno senstive I can see the mixing and matching compounds, but basically...I just dont see it in general.:1244:

But I do give you points for thinking outside the box.


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btw madds87... i visited your log/posts ....what can i say...thank you SO MUCH for your openness n generosity in sharing your experience...i have a friend who's kid sister could really use this advice...n i only came across it bec we r here in a community..sharing another...n u really exemplify this spirit...much karma to u brother
Thank you my freind. Its an old log and have not been able to run anything for a while. But if your freind need someone to talk to send me a pm and will give you my email.


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Now qwestor. Is there any evidence on this or is this just all theory? I would be interested on stack pulsing. But like skigazzi said i cannon see how m14add and other ph that take longer for your body to recognize, wouldnt that take even longer for that to even take efect and maybe even take effect on the last 6 weeks.


New member
Thank you my freind. Its an old log and have not been able to run anything for a while. But if your freind need someone to talk to send me a pm and will give you my email.
hey ..old but excellent..passed along your generous offer...i will let u know..either way ..u r..DA MAN !!!


New member
Thank you my freind. Its an old log and have not been able to run anything for a while. But if your freind need someone to talk to send me a pm and will give you my email.
hey ..old but excellent..passed along your generous offer...i will let u know..either way ..u r..DA MAN !!!


New member
bottom line

Now qwestor. Is there any evidence on this or is this just all theory? I would be interested on stack pulsing. But like skigazzi said i cannon see how m14add and other ph that take longer for your body to recognize, wouldnt that take even longer for that to even take efect and maybe even take effect on the last 6 weeks.

Here's the story

since as far as I know STACK PULSING has not previously been suggested or employed.. yeah..its theory.....B_U_T.....its based on established practices...n should be comparatively safer than even whats being done now..including regular pulsing

the question u, skigazzi, n others r hesitant about is...”will I get anything out of it”...well. I know of many cases that have...but I came here both to share the concept n try to get enof comfort level after discussions to get people who saw sense in it to try a cycle n get enof log going to see which designs gave optimal results...lots of real world outcomes to share

I gave a number of reasons to consider its benefits n some sample schedules...but people were/are free after grasping the principles to “customize” the design to fit their individual response variances to the many agents

yeah it requires a lot more thought n planning than standard cycles...but I believed u guys were up to it

in truth there doesn't seem to b much interest here some of u might give it a try..even if u didn't post..n down the road might let us know how it went ..if any of u r considering let e know if u need input

but it seems time to let it rest..never caught the imagination like I hoped or expected

more specifically to your concern..while in general all these agents give anabolic bumps/assists ..n pulsing n other studies say periodic rather than steady may b the way to go....each specific agent has its own peculiar particular sides ..due both to general human physiology n individual differences....n this method was meant to short circuit them ...that is to extract the anabolic thrust w.o. having it present long enof for it to rear it ugly sides

if u believe u must have only 1 or 2 agents.. only...w present pulse or regular cycles to get any result ..STACK PULSING... is not for you

I can tell you...that is not the case....try it n see..or stay the traditional the end its your call...good luck to you all


New member
a suggestion

Im failing to see how 'stack pulsing' would be any better / worse than conventional pulsing.

I just don't see my AR's or HPTA caring much that the chemical binding to them / disrupting them is changing everyother day...all they are going to know is 1) Hey, something stronger than testosterone is binding to me again 2) In that case, Im going to need to throttle back on my LH release.

Your liver surely won't care you are switching compounds, it has to clear all this stuff, regardless of the schedule you dose it. Lipids will still take a hit...

Now, if you have some really definitive goals or are gyno senstive I can see the mixing and matching compounds, but basically...I just dont see it in general.:1244:

But I do give you points for thinking outside the box.
For all who share this concern....try the simplest of STACK PULSES...using the schedule above..

….w Epi....use tren..or..any “wet one” on your ..B.. day....high end dose &/or 12hr split

….w Phera or M 1,4 add...go w any B agent

this way u can get the sameness element reassurance u crave ...5x's in 16 days...n still get a 4 day regular break from it to dampen its sides...n do u doubt that u will get a decent “bridge” bump from the B agent during that 4 day break ???

seems comparatively effective...maybe run longer....n safer



New member
Hey has anyone heard of Winstrol MAX it's from ...i ordered it offline and it was like 250 dollars and now im getting sketched out lol....any advice would be greatly appreciated


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ok so what cylce would you be most interested in qwestor? i am actually considering this might be down the line but i am thinking about being a guinea pig. i have a tone of ph at the house.


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Hey has anyone heard of Winstrol MAX it's from ...i ordered it offline and it was like 250 dollars and now im getting sketched out lol....any advice would be greatly appreciated

I can't believe you just threw away your money like that. Did you really think you were get steroids? I hate sites like that taking advantage of mostly young bucks trying to get big fast.

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