H-drol + E-form: Recomp Log



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You're not having any signs of suppression or shutdown? If there are no major negative sides, I say bump it at some point. When exactly to do that is probably better answered by Prld and T.

But it seems like you could get away with bumping the h-drol as you taper the form.
No signs of suppression... balls are like footballs and my "man ego" in the bedroom is in tact, and continues to be enhanced from the form :head:

Even if there was suppression, I wouldn't be worried as i think I'm going to run the whole shabang with torem just to learn how I react to it for future reference.

Speaking of the post cycle therapy, who votes on 2 bottles of Mfx and 2 bottles of restore instead of just 1 of each? I'm hearing the 5 caps of Mfx seems to be the sweet spot instead of just 4 as instructed on the bottle.


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Speaking of the post cycle therapy, who votes on 2 bottles of Mfx and 2 bottles of restore instead of just 1 of each? I'm hearing the 5 caps of Mfx seems to be the sweet spot instead of just 4 as instructed on the bottle.
Could be good.... I'd double up on my pre-wo dose of FX to see what it had to offer if going to 5/day.


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Could be good.... I'd double up on my pre-wo dose of FX to see what it had to offer if going to 5/day.
Mfx plan:
week 1: 2-3 caps
week 2: 4 caps
week 3+: 5-6 caps (till the bottles run out)

Prld, what dosages did you use with mfx for how many weeks? Good results? Better than the "old" activate (if you've ever used it)? Btw, prld what's your stats?

T, I think you said you liked Mfx better than BAM, but not quite the kick you got from formestane. I'll be interested to hear what dosage it took for you to really feel it since you have about 40 pounds on me.


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Ecto, you asked if I was going to ramp restore in post cycle therapy and I didn't see that question. Yes, i'm going to ramp it inverse to my serm and then taper it off to prevent delayed estrogen rebound after post cycle therapy is finished.

I'm thinking something like this and haven't added up the exact dosages yet:

Torem 120(90)/90/60/30
MassFx 3/4(6)/6/6/6/6+
Restore 2/3/4/5/4/3/2/2

-I'll taper torem faster if my balls get sore from TOO MUCH recovery like others have described... good problem to have right? :lol:
-I'll keep MassFx at 4 or 5 if I feel it's giving me a good boost at that dosage
-I'll keep restore at 3 or 4 caps at the peak if my joints get sore at all, or if for some unexpected reason, libido takes a hit. I just have a feeling that it's like 6oxo was for you, ecto, and needs to be a bit higher than label recommendations.

Day 22

75mg H-drol
160mg E-form

It's ON!!! Holy crap, these last 2 workouts have been incredible! I've been increasing the weight on just about all of my power moves and still have energy in the tank to finish off the isolation moves in rep ranges with excellent MMC. The aggression was great for deadlifts today and I was able to increase the weight by 25 pounds, knowing full well that I could have gone heavier! I'm up another 2 pounds to 198.6 but won't know the bf% untill this weekend (if I were to guess, I'd say I'm still around 15%)


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Mfx plan:
week 1: 2-3 caps
week 2: 4 caps
week 3+: 5-6 caps (till the bottles run out)

Prld, what dosages did you use with mfx for how many weeks? Good results? Better than the "old" activate (if you've ever used it)? Btw, prld what's your stats?

T, I think you said you liked Mfx better than BAM, but not quite the kick you got from formestane. I'll be interested to hear what dosage it took for you to really feel it since you have about 40 pounds on me.
I liked the fx/restore stack, thought it did really good in leaning me out and adding a little more strength. I'd say it's on par with the old NHA stack if not a little more effective. As for stats I go 5'10, 210lbs and ran the fx for 5per day.


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I liked the fx/restore stack, thought it did really good in leaning me out and adding a little more strength. I'd say it's on par with the old NHA stack if not a little more effective. As for stats I go 5'10, 210lbs and ran the fx for 5per day.
He11 ya dude... I see you're up and at em early for the morning run! So you took 2 caps preworkout of the fx and spread the other 3 out through the day?

How did you dose Restore? I'm planning on ramping and tapering but not sure where I want to peak my dosage.

I've been forgetting to mention, I'm using 1 scoop of poseidon with aminos and a small gatorade and I'm liking the potential. That's my new "during" concoction since I've dropped the TRAC temporarily. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up another BIG poseidon after this cycle to really give it a chance to kick in.


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He11 ya dude... I see you're up and at em early for the morning run! So you took 2 caps preworkout of the fx and spread the other 3 out through the day?

How did you dose Restore? I'm planning on ramping and tapering but not sure where I want to peak my dosage.

I've been forgetting to mention, I'm using 1 scoop of poseidon with aminos and a small gatorade and I'm liking the potential. That's my new "during" concoction since I've dropped the TRAC temporarily. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up another BIG poseidon after this cycle to really give it a chance to kick in.
Yep, 2 pre and spread the other 3 evenly thru out the day. Restore I did the same and just spread 3 doses thru out the day, one falling along side the double fx dose.

Great to hear about the "concoction" man, user feedback shows that that stack always seem to work great.:thumbsup:


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Prld, I'm glad you chimed in on the dosages for fx and restore. It'll be a lot easier and cheaper to keep the post cycle therapy supps at 4 weeks. So how about this (which is similar to my original plan):

Mfx: 2/3-5/5/5
Restore: 1/2/3/3/2/1

...starting out the fx low as overall test may be low at first when post cycle therapy is started, good logic? :think:

Day 23

H-drol 75mg
E-form 160mg

Traps, Quads, Tris: Well I finally ran out of weights... 465x5 on shrugs today. They were super clean so I'll just increase the reps from here on out instead of buying more plates. I also think I may switch my squats from a power move to a rep range lift. I'm not really feeling the focus on squats at a measly 330ish like I usually do when I squat pretty close to 500 pounds :aargh: If I were to guess, I'd say the lack of progress in squats is due to not having access to a leg extension machine.

Full body pumps are in full swing and aggression is starting to peak as well. That aggression makes it easy to get self-motivated for the heaviest sets. I also think irritability is showing through in my personality a bit, but the anger is still in check. Final thought, I'm really able to push through the day even after nights when I stay out too late.


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Prld, I'm glad you chimed in on the dosages for fx and restore. It'll be a lot easier and cheaper to keep the post cycle therapy supps at 4 weeks. So how about this (which is similar to my original plan):

Mfx: 2/3-5/5/5
Restore: 1/2/3/3/2/1

...starting out the fx low as overall test may be low at first when post cycle therapy is started, good logic? :think:

Day 23

H-drol 75mg
E-form 160mg

Traps, Quads, Tris: Well I finally ran out of weights... 465x5 on shrugs today. They were super clean so I'll just increase the reps from here on out instead of buying more plates. I also think I may switch my squats from a power move to a rep range lift. I'm not really feeling the focus on squats at a measly 330ish like I usually do when I squat pretty close to 500 pounds :aargh: If I were to guess, I'd say the lack of progress in squats is due to not having access to a leg extension machine.

Full body pumps are in full swing and aggression is starting to peak as well. That aggression makes it easy to get self-motivated for the heaviest sets. I also think irritability is showing through in my personality a bit, but the anger is still in check. Final thought, I'm really able to push through the day even after nights when I stay out too late.
Looks like the stack is going great man, awesome results. The fx/restore plan "logically" looks like a solid outline.:thumbsup:


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Here's a little back and forth between Dr. D and Dinoiii at DA about the use of nettle (MassFx or Activate) in pct.

Dr. D seems to be a proponent and Dinoiii seems to be suspicious.


Have any of you used MassFx in pct and what are your thoughts on these possible detrimental effects?

I'm not in panic mode about this and highly doubt I'll change my plans. I simply like to question EVERYTHING


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Here's a little back and forth between Dr. D and Dinoiii at DA about the use of nettle (MassFx or Activate) in post cycle therapy.

Dr. D seems to be a proponent and Dinoiii seems to be suspicious.


Have any of you used MassFx in post cycle therapy and what are your thoughts on these possible detrimental effects?

I'm not in panic mode about this and highly doubt I'll change my plans. I simply like to question EVERYTHING

Interesting thread... I personally like divanil and think it does pretty well. As for the topic IF all is valid, your scheme seems to be the best way to go about it.


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Hey T, I know the issue of Form rubbing off on the wives was covered briefly in the FAQ, but I wanted to get your personal experience on that one. Ever have any concerns about the Form rubbing off during ookie-fanookie with the wifo? How about rubbing off on the kids?


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Hey T, I know the issue of Form rubbing off on the wives was covered briefly in the FAQ, but I wanted to get your personal experience on that one. Ever have any concerns about the Form rubbing off during ookie-fanookie with the wifo? How about rubbing off on the kids?
there's a good thread in the TD forum about not touching the kids afterwards.

I rub the stuff all over my women and they attack me... I even spray the stuff in the air at clubs :lol: j/k here of course


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there's a good thread in the TD forum about not touching the kids afterwards.

I rub the stuff all over my women and they attack me... I even spray the stuff in the air at clubs :lol: j/k here of course
You're a sick f*ck! :rofl:

I'll read that thread. I want to know how long to wait afterwards, etc. Wash my hands obviously, but does that really get it all off, yada, yada, yada. There's one more reason not to have kids! :toofunny: Just kiddin. My boy rocks!

Wait, they have clubs in Pittsbag? I didn't think you guys had picked up on that trend yet. Do you see Steely McBeam out on the weekends? Bet he's a real charmer...


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Wait, they have clubs in Pittsbag? I didn't think you guys had picked up on that trend yet. Do you see Steely McBeam out on the weekends? Bet he's a real charmer...
I knew you where going to bring him up, LOL.:toofunny:


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On a more serious note, I read the sticky in the TD section and that definitely has me worried. Even if I apply it to an area that my wife is unlikely to touch directly, what about sweating it out at night into the sheets? Sometimes my kid plays around in the bed during the day. Is that a concern? It still sounds like some form would be left on my hands even if I washed really well and is that enough to have an effect on my son?

I know T advocates the use of rubber gloves and that might help the hand issue. But what about the rest? I'm not willing to risk screwing up my family for a couple pounds of muscle.


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Well folks, coming from a true die hard fan, Heinz Field is NOT the pitt that 3 Rivers used to be. 3 rivers used to be "ear ringing" loud and must have been miserable for oponents. Heinz field has open end zones which doesn't hold crowd noise even in the red zone. Also, good luck picking up a cheap seat for under $125 for a regular season game while all the suits buy em up and don't even pay attention to the game. Most die hard steeler fans won't admit that those who attend games need an intensity boost, even if it is a gay cartoon version of McCowher.

...now that my roid rage rant is over, personally I wouldn't worry about your wife growing a beard Ecto as the body contact issue is probably over rated. That being said, I wouldn't risk even the SLIGHTEST bit with the kids. Maybe hold off on the form for a bit as it seems that dinoiii may be discussing oral form very very soon in his newsletter and a few companies, CEL inlcuded, may also be considering this based on chatter at Supplement Boards.

There's other options my friend.

Day 26

75mg H-drol
160mg E-form

Hams, Back, Bis: Unfortunately, the back cramps returned with SLDL on anything over 350. I'm almost positive they are NOT back pumps. Quadratus lumborum is the tricky low back muscle that is cramping on me. For those who aren't anatomically inclined, 4 muscle bellies travel from the lumbar spine to the inside of the pelvis. It is involved trunk movements and stability.

With plenty of pent up aggression from a murderous day at work, I improvised around the low back issue and still got a fantastic lift in. I used plenty of "shock" style techniques and isolation moves. I may be switching my routine to this style next week to avoid the low back flare up again.

My weight has shot up 4 MORE POUNDS THIS WEEK!!! No joke, 4 pounds! Hopefully I'll get skinfolds this weekend to find out if I'm just bigger or also fatter :burger:


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Learning thread of the night: Dr. D talks about Toremefine:

Hey T, did you get the dinoiii's CU newsletter yet? Any of you other guys subscribe to that? I'm getting antsy bout what he has to say about 6brom and 25r in pct and I want to make sure I didn't trash it in my bulk folder by accident.

This ---> :nono: Or this ---> :thumbsup:
i didnt subscribe. what about cel and formestane, thought they were going td? as for dr.d and toremifene, i read his initial review. he's a big fan.


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Well folks, coming from a true die hard fan, Heinz Field is NOT the pitt that 3 Rivers used to be. 3 rivers used to be "ear ringing" loud and must have been miserable for oponents. Heinz field has open end zones which doesn't hold crowd noise even in the red zone. Also, good luck picking up a cheap seat for under $125 for a regular season game while all the suits buy em up and don't even pay attention to the game. Most die hard steeler fans won't admit that those who attend games need an intensity boost, even if it is a gay cartoon version of McCowher.

...now that my roid rage rant is over, personally I wouldn't worry about your wife growing a beard Ecto as the body contact issue is probably over rated. That being said, I wouldn't risk even the SLIGHTEST bit with the kids. Maybe hold off on the form for a bit as it seems that dinoiii may be discussing oral form very very soon in his newsletter and a few companies, CEL inlcuded, may also be considering this based on chatter at Supplement Boards.

There's other options my friend.

Day 26

75mg H-drol
160mg E-form

Hams, Back, Bis: Unfortunately, the back cramps returned with SLDL on anything over 350. I'm almost positive they are NOT back pumps. Quadratus lumborum is the tricky low back muscle that is cramping on me. For those who aren't anatomically inclined, 4 muscle bellies travel from the lumbar spine to the inside of the pelvis. It is involved trunk movements and stability.

With plenty of pent up aggression from a murderous day at work, I improvised around the low back issue and still got a fantastic lift in. I used plenty of "shock" style techniques and isolation moves. I may be switching my routine to this style next week to avoid the low back flare up again.

My weight has shot up 4 MORE POUNDS THIS WEEK!!! No joke, 4 pounds! Hopefully I'll get skinfolds this weekend to find out if I'm just bigger or also fatter :burger:
dont feel lonely, the call-in sports stations in indy have been *****in about the corporate shirts filling the stands forever. going to be even worse when lucas oil field gets built. colts winning superbowl has made it even tougher for a real fan to get a ticket, success comes with a price. my money is on muscle, knowing you celt your diet is on it.:djparty:


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On a more serious note, I read the sticky in the TD section and that definitely has me worried. Even if I apply it to an area that my wife is unlikely to touch directly, what about sweating it out at night into the sheets? Sometimes my kid plays around in the bed during the day. Is that a concern? It still sounds like some form would be left on my hands even if I washed really well and is that enough to have an effect on my son?

I know T advocates the use of rubber gloves and that might help the hand issue. But what about the rest? I'm not willing to risk screwing up my family for a couple pounds of muscle.
if it worries you that much, apply before shower. wait up to 2-3 hours after applying and then shower, most of it will be absorbed by then. in the morning it doesnt matter, since you will be going to work or whatever.


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sorry about all the replies at once but work has been a killer this last week. been working 3 to 3, and had to work 3pm to7am one day this week. tgif.:numbered:


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Unfortunately, Dinoiii's blurb on formestane was quite disappointing. Actually, neo's FAQ blows it out of the water and, I could be wrong, but I suspect the faq to be a source for dino as some of the language looked peculiarly familiar :think: There were 3 studies that he cited which discussed oral formestane reaching peak effect at 250mg although it was not clear if that was per day or per dose. He also mentioned 4 hour 1/2 life for oral form. Not much else to note from the newsletter. Sorry ecto, but it doesn't look like this was going to be the epiphany that we were looking for concerning oral form.

He also was skeptical of dosage for E-form in terms of "20mg per squirt". Personally, I feel it to not be an issue but I do see his point.

I haven't read the portion of the newsletter concerning 6brom yet although it will be on my "to do" list for this week.

T, I hear ya about work schedule. I'm not feeling very appreciated by my boss right now so a new job hunt is in it's infancy for me. How bout you and I become talk radio hosts for the nfl and give a big ole :FUfinger: to the bosses!

Day 27

75mg H-drol
160mg E-form

Chest, Shoulders: Chest and shoulders workout was excellent today. Very good MMC. Nothing spectacular but there were some slight increases in strength and power. I had to cut out calves today as my body cried mercy after about 70 minutes in an unbearably hot gym.

I believe my body is starting to tell me to back off soon. I'm getting a lot of cramps and some awkward joint pain in my fingers and toes. I'm also feeling some general lethargy throughout the day.

My studies for the next few days will be dealing with cramps. I'd like a clear cut definition of back pumps because I don't think this is my problem. I eat 2 bananas per day and 1.5 gallons of water. I plan to look into whether or not adding creatine and taurine would be beneficial.


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Day 28

Body Comp Update

Body Weight: 202.6 (+6.2 lbs overall)
Body Fat %: 13.69 (-2.8%)


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Day 28

Body Comp Update

Body Weight: 202.6 (+6.2 lbs overall)
Body Fat %: 13.69 (-2.8%)
thats great! :woohoo:


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Unfortunately, Dinoiii's blurb on formestane was quite disappointing. Actually, neo's FAQ blows it out of the water and, I could be wrong, but I suspect the faq to be a source for dino as some of the language looked peculiarly familiar :think: There were 3 studies that he cited which discussed oral formestane reaching peak effect at 250mg although it was not clear if that was per day or per dose. He also mentioned 4 hour 1/2 life for oral form. Not much else to note from the newsletter. Sorry ecto, but it doesn't look like this was going to be the epiphany that we were looking for concerning oral form.

He also was skeptical of dosage for E-form in terms of "20mg per squirt". Personally, I feel it to not be an issue but I do see his point.

I haven't read the portion of the newsletter concerning 6brom yet although it will be on my "to do" list for this week.

T, I hear ya about work schedule. I'm not feeling very appreciated by my boss right now so a new job hunt is in it's infancy for me. How bout you and I become talk radio hosts for the nfl and give a big ole :FUfinger: to the bosses!

Day 27

75mg H-drol
160mg E-form

Chest, Shoulders: Chest and shoulders workout was excellent today. Very good MMC. Nothing spectacular but there were some slight increases in strength and power. I had to cut out calves today as my body cried mercy after about 70 minutes in an unbearably hot gym.

I believe my body is starting to tell me to back off soon. I'm getting a lot of cramps and some awkward joint pain in my fingers and toes. I'm also feeling some general lethargy throughout the day.

My studies for the next few days will be dealing with cramps. I'd like a clear cut definition of back pumps because I don't think this is my problem. I eat 2 bananas per day and 1.5 gallons of water. I plan to look into whether or not adding creatine and taurine would be beneficial.
if dinoii had something to say, he should have just said it. nothing ever lives up to that much hype. as for cramps, ive found calcium pills to help as much as anything. thinking of going ahead and getting tickets to a preseason game, this is gonna be a fun year for nfl. btw stop building up neo's ego, he might explode.:smite: but for what its worth you are right-everything you need to know about formestane is in neo's log.


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:woohoo: Woot There It is, Woot There It Is! :woohoo:


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Day 28

Body Comp Update

Body Weight: 202.6 (+6.2 lbs overall)
Body Fat %: 13.69 (-2.8%)
Great progress celc!! Sorry to hear about the boss's man, it sucks when your superiors suck.:rasp:


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Prld, it's obviuos that Wrex-n-Effex is on your mp3 player to get you psyched for leg day :lol:

T, what dosage for calcium?

Day 29

Unfortunately, after some nice progress with the body comp check, I had to add creatine mono for the cramps. I soak up water like crazy on the stuff and I'm already up 4 pounds in 48 hours (this is a typical response for me). On the other hand, I respond fantastically to mono every time and have no doubt that strength is going to fly off the charts.

Concerning the cramps, they continue to be a hassle. I've incrased water, added creatine mono, added a potassium supp, added calcium, and bulk taurine is on its way in the mail.

This week's workout schedule will be significantly modified to get the cramps under control. After some more thought and a bit of common sense, I've decided to stay away from high reps, drops, and supersets and chose to do straight sets of 6-8 to avoid any sort of pump. Today's workout was quads and lats and it was lackluster to say the least. A bit frustrated at this point.


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"All I wanna do is zooma, zoom, zoom, zoom."

Try some stretching techniques inbetween sets of the worked muscles for the cramps, and get a good Magnesium and Potassium supp(Poseidon) to stack with the taurine.


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Day 30

75mg H-drol
140mg E-form (taper began yesterday)

Arms: I went really heavy today from 4-8 reps on all movements to avoid pumps. It was an uspectacular workout but I felt very strong. I set a PR of sorts on incline curls using the 45s for some really clean reps, which was probably the highlight of the workout for me.

Mood enhancing effects are about gone at this point. Lethargy is kicking in and I've noticed some very very mild increased shedding- I'm prone in the front, but no where near a peninsula yet :lol: Honestly, I have no testicular atrophy. However, I have noticed decreased load size when tossing the condom in the trash (sorta sick that I felt the need to check on that).

Random cramping is occuring to some very peculiar muscles: hip flexors, gluteus medius, biceps, quadratus lumborum, and possibly anterior delts although the delts may be psychological in nature. The supplements and stretching are helping to an extent but not completely solving the problem. I will be prepared to PREVENT cramps next time around :head:

I plan to continue to taper the eform by about 20mg/day and wrap up the cycle somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks depending on how I feel at the beginning of next week. Anyone think a 20mg/day taper is too quick?


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man i didnt have a single cramp the whole time '4 months' i was on incarnate. 2 days ago during sex, had to stop and go screaming around the house. get you some incarnate, it had even more positive effect than i thought, i love the stuff-going back on next order.


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Day 30
I plan to continue to taper the eform by about 20mg/day and wrap up the cycle somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks depending on how I feel at the beginning of next week. Anyone think a 20mg/day taper is too quick?
Does that equate to one less pump a day? I think if it's less one pump a day it should be find like 9 pumps, 8, 7 etc until ramped down. I think it would be best over a week to two weeks but hey what the heck. Or even same amount of days just less amounts ramping down like it was previously suggested cutting down 1-2ml a day by Prld2G8ns.

I would drag it out a bit just to be safe :) but what do I know, only what I have learn't from you guys :D

Much Love,



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Neo's got it. That taper would do fine.


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I peaked at 160mg/day which is 4 squirts morning, 4 squirts evening. So yes, I'm decreasing by 1 squirt (20mg) per day. I was planning on tapering by 1 squirt EVERY OTHER day but I think my body is saying "mercy" at this point. So yes, neo and prelude, we are all on the same page.

Ironically, the cramps aren't an issue this morning and all the plethora of changes are starting to help. I'm gonna pick up the intensity again for the rest of the week and my body's response will determine whether or not a week 6 will occur or not... ugh, did ANYTHING I just typed resemble proper English??? allow myself to introduce... myself :lol:


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Day 30

75mg H-drol
140mg E-form (taper began yesterday)

Arms: I went really heavy today from 4-8 reps on all movements to avoid pumps. It was an uspectacular workout but I felt very strong. I set a PR of sorts on incline curls using the 45s for some really clean reps, which was probably the highlight of the workout for me.

Mood enhancing effects are about gone at this point. Lethargy is kicking in and I've noticed some very very mild increased shedding- I'm prone in the front, but no where near a peninsula yet :lol: Honestly, I have no testicular atrophy. However, I have noticed decreased load size when tossing the condom in the trash (sorta sick that I felt the need to check on that).

Random cramping is occuring to some very peculiar muscles: hip flexors, gluteus medius, biceps, quadratus lumborum, and possibly anterior delts although the delts may be psychological in nature. The supplements and stretching are helping to an extent but not completely solving the problem. I will be prepared to PREVENT cramps next time around :head:

I plan to continue to taper the eform by about 20mg/day and wrap up the cycle somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks depending on how I feel at the beginning of next week. Anyone think a 20mg/day taper is too quick?
nope it may even help the cramping (espeically if the cramps in the muscle groups you mentioned could be joint related) and definitely aid in the lethargy.

best - Moose


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nope it may even help the cramping (espeically if the cramps in the muscle groups you mentioned could be joint related) and definitely aid in the lethargy.

best - Moose
Moose, theoretically you bring up a VERY plausible point. In regards to the potency of form's AI function, it has the potential to really wreck joints. Ironically, I have NEVER had one single joint issue on form in several runs.

That being said, I had really harsh joint specific issues (and other seemingly adrogenic sides) with 6oxo a few months back... while others say how mild 6oxo can be. It's curious how inidividual response can vary from person to person :think:

You think maybe the ph in form is what's causing the cramping? I've never ran it at this high of dosage or for this long so I'm in uncharted territory personally.


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Moose, theoretically you bring up a VERY plausible point. In regards to the potency of form's AI function, it has the potential to really wreck joints. Ironically, I have NEVER had one single joint issue on form in several runs.

That being said, I had really harsh joint specific issues (and other seemingly adrogenic sides) with 6oxo a few months back... while others say how mild 6oxo can be. It's curious how inidividual response can vary from person to person :think:

You think maybe the ph in form is what's causing the cramping? I've never ran it at this high of dosage or for this long so I'm in uncharted territory personally.
that being said - i am inclined now to look at the PH - however i never experienced these sides with halo as much as i did with SD and epi long with additional wet gear. like you said everyone responds differently. in stead of ramping down on it - i would just decide if you will end this week first or not.


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that being said - i am inclined now to look at the PH - however i never experienced these sides with halo as much as i did with superdrol and epi long with additional wet gear. like you said everyone responds differently. in stead of ramping down on it - i would just decide if you will end this week first or not.
Seems as if your experience with epi and superdrol are typical with the sides as per logs on various boards. This is my first cycle so I'm simply testing the waters, so to speak, and welcome your comments my friend :cheers:

IF sides were more harsh, I'd terminate. Regardless, I'm not thrilled about the idea of continuing formestane into post cycle therapy because of the hyrdroxy test conversion (not sure if you're familir but formestane is an AI and a ph). Also, I don't want to quit form cold turkey. This is the mildest of mild cycles. I don't want to do anything to instigate any sort of estrogen rebound by quitting the AI without tapering.

Also, according to delivery status, taurine should be sitting on my doorstep to further help with the cramps. Formestane dosage will be pretty low by this weekend and that will give me some lee way to make an educated decision on the 6th week at that point.

Edit: after re-reading your post, I do NOT plan to taper halo. I plan to taper formestane because of it's AI properties.

Edit #2: After re-reading again, I think that we may ALREADY have been on the same page with my plan. How many muscleheads does it take to plan a simple cycle :fool2:


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Edit #2: After re-reading again, I think that we may ALREADY have been on the same page with my plan. How many muscleheads does it take to plan a simple cycle :fool2:
Answer: A BUNCH!


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Seems as if your experience with epi and superdrol are typical with the sides as per logs on various boards. This is my first cycle so I'm simply testing the waters, so to speak, and welcome your comments my friend :cheers:

IF sides were more harsh, I'd terminate. Regardless, I'm not thrilled about the idea of continuing formestane into post cycle therapy because of the hyrdroxy test conversion (not sure if you're familir but formestane is an AI and a ph). Also, I don't want to quit form cold turkey. This is the mildest of mild cycles. I don't want to do anything to instigate any sort of estrogen rebound by quitting the AI without tapering.

Also, according to delivery status, taurine should be sitting on my doorstep to further help with the cramps. Formestane dosage will be pretty low by this weekend and that will give me some lee way to make an educated decision on the 6th week at that point.

Edit: after re-reading your post, I do NOT plan to taper halo. I plan to taper formestane because of it's AI properties.

Edit #2: After re-reading again, I think that we may ALREADY have been on the same page with my plan. How many muscleheads does it take to plan a simple cycle :fool2:
that's all correct and at the time of edit one i was on board for not tapering the halo but i think in edit two you got that!

hey - check your pm's


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Moose thanks for showing interest. Feel free to join the chatter and strategize along with us. We're all open minded unless we disagree with you :nutkick:

Just to fill everyone in, our buddy Dutchman has a killer epi/formestane review on the IBE forums website (I believe it's in the epi forum). Dr. D is dropping by there often and blowing our minds with some INCREDIBLE formestane info :study: Of course, I crashed in, probably uninvited, to try to weasle some strategic info out of the good doc :run:

Day... oh who's counting; it's past 30 LOL

Taurine has landed! One dose of 5g and I had a "pain free" workout!!! It was a quickie for traps and delts but power was solid and endurance per set is up per the creatine.

Body comp wise, I'm not feeling as pumped as I did in week 3 and 4. However, I'm back down to the pre-creatine weight (202.6) which is an unusual see-saw. I know better than to get on the scale too often... no big deal I guess.

Also curiously, irritability/aggression seem to be tapering off along with the pumps. I'm also feeling just a little drop in libido which won't be a problem until this weekend. Oh what's this??? 3 bottles of paravol in my cupboard :head:


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I peaked at 160mg/day which is 4 squirts morning, 4 squirts evening. So yes, I'm decreasing by 1 squirt (20mg) per day. I was planning on tapering by 1 squirt EVERY OTHER day but I think my body is saying "mercy" at this point. So yes, neo and prelude, we are all on the same page.

Ironically, the cramps aren't an issue this morning and all the plethora of changes are starting to help. I'm gonna pick up the intensity again for the rest of the week and my body's response will determine whether or not a week 6 will occur or not... ugh, did ANYTHING I just typed resemble proper English??? allow myself to introduce... myself :lol:
Looks like you may have found your threshold with form. Monitor the cramping issue while tapering and if they relent then you've found your sweet spot.

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