H-drol + E-form: Recomp Log



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Seems interesting, defenitly keep us updated.


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SURPRISED dino didnt have something to say about possible gyno effects with trib. the only thing that gave me sides like that was tribrex and i think that was from lj.


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SURPRISED dino didnt have something to say about possible gyno effects with trib. the only thing that gave me sides like that was tribrex and i think that was from lj.
LJ? What's that stand for?


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SURPRISED dino didnt have something to say about possible gyno effects with trib. the only thing that gave me sides like that was tribrex and i think that was from lj.
ha, whattay know, LJ in vitrix as well. Thought never even crossed my mind. good point t


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ha, whattay know, LJ in vitrix as well. Thought never even crossed my mind. good point t
ive read a few posts where guys have complaine of gyno sides from lj. diesel took it out of dt, dont know whether its back in or not. i know he changed dosing when he took it out. with lj 5on2off. without lj you can take everyday. trib test didnt have it and worked great.:dump: too much pizza.


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h-drol is suppressive? does that mean you have to do post cycle therapy? did i read where he got compareable/better results on nha? he has a good point about the 6-bromo in rr, that is exactly the reason why running form on cycle is a good idea. this guy should have been reading this log, we're way ahead of him. good post though, nice looking out.:thumbsup:
I guess that poor guy will have to get some formadral extreme now :toofunny:

On a serious note, that guy was on a mission to make halo look bad. About a month ago, I saw a post where he was talking about blood work and it was clear that he was out to prove something. He must make too much money to post his pre-cycle test levels, which i had a feeling were out of whack when I read that post several weeks ago before starting the cycle.

You might want to check back on his thread again because I have something to ask of this chap.


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I go with OTC Testosterone-based stuff only because I make too much money to risk breaking the law.

You guys are lucky to have a forum member who's got the paper [and smarts] to run blood work regularly to objectively evaluate OTC items! ;)
He also sounds flexible enough to suck his own... well, you get the picture :lol:


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thats another point, a lot of guys say not to run activate first week or 2 of pct because your test is still low. how can you increase free test when total test is way down. this guy is advocating activate ON cycle when he claims he is shut down? making too much money to do roids? buy a debit card, get a box number to have it delivered to. im a poor dumbass and i can figure it out. yeah i forgot a poor OLD dumbass.:think:


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He also sounds flexible enough to suck his own... well, you get the picture :lol:
dont you wish you were smart enough and rich enough to objectively evaluate otc items. maybe then you could suck your big toe.:icon_lol:


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Day 12

50mg H-drol
80mg TD form

Back and Bis
I had a nice boost in the gym today. BB rows are up a few pounds on some really clean reps. I don't like to move the weight up on compound moves unless they are really clean. I also noticed a bit of a boost toward the end of my workout with isolation moves. That is the first time drive in the gym lasted all the way through an intense workout. Mood and libido remain excellent. Agressiveness is up a bit... by the nature of my posts today, right? :lol:


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dont you wish you were smart enough and rich enough to objectively evaluate otc items. maybe then you could suck your big toe.:icon_lol:
I agree T. This guy is insulting on so many levels.

btw, that was funny :lol:


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i agree, you are acting a little frisky these days. :smite: :smite: :smite: :smite: :smite: :smite: :smite: :smite: :smite:


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I'm gonna go as far as asking, if you were to only take 25mg of H-Drol would there even be any effect at all ?


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Reaper: I have to agree and say that he isn't going to get much out of 25mg of Halo except for prolonging suppression. I'm not a fan of tapering ph/anabolic steroids as I believe that once you are suppressed, you remain suppressed.

He should just quit his cycle and start post cycle therapy. Or finish out his cycle as planned at 50mg and then run a thorough post cycle therapy. You are learning my friend! :cheers:

His arrogant statements and condescending tone really pissed me off initially. I am actually surprised that he has toned it down a bit since then. Also, as T mentioned in that thread, his bloodwork doesn't tell us much at all.

Day 13

80mg E-form
50mg H-drol

Chest, Shoulders, Calves: For the first time in 2 years, my power push is getting stronger :head: I am up to 190 x 6 today on decline bench, which is approaching a PR.

The rest of the workout was an absolute marathon for shoulders and calves. I also had to throw in my fancy back extension routine for the awkward low back feelings last week. I'm fairly certain that the extra 10 minutes of core stability will make deadlift days all that much more fun. Libido is normal and the "twins" show zero signs of atrophy.

Any reason to not go up to 100mg of form? I'm thinking I'd like to stay at 100-120 for week 3 and then begin to slowly taper for week 4 and 5. That way I'll have 1 week without the formestane AI before starting up my post cycle therapy.


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Reaper: I have to agree and say that he isn't going to get much out of 25mg of Halo except for prolonging suppression. I'm not a fan of tapering ph/anabolic steroids as I believe that once you are suppressed, you remain suppressed.

He should just quit his cycle and start post cycle therapy. Or finish out his cycle as planned at 50mg and then run a thorough post cycle therapy. You are learning my friend! :cheers:

His arrogant statements and condescending tone really pissed me off initially. I am actually surprised that he has toned it down a bit since then. Also, as T mentioned in that thread, his bloodwork doesn't tell us much at all.

Day 13

80mg E-form
50mg H-drol

Chest, Shoulders, Calves: For the first time in 2 years, my power push is getting stronger :head: I am up to 190 x 6 today on decline bench, which is approaching a PR.

The rest of the workout was an absolute marathon for shoulders and calves. I also had to throw in my fancy back extension routine for the awkward low back feelings last week. I'm fairly certain that the extra 10 minutes of core stability will make deadlift days all that much more fun. Libido is normal and the "twins" show zero signs of atrophy.

Any reason to not go up to 100mg of form? I'm thinking I'd like to stay at 100-120 for week 3 and then begin to slowly taper for week 4 and 5. That way I'll have 1 week without the formestane AI before starting up my post cycle therapy.
aah, the effects of form are addicting.:cheers:


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I'm gonna go as far as asking, if you were to only take 25mg of H-Drol would there even be any effect at all ?
btw reaper, in case you havent noticed most of scientific research shows that formestane and 6-bromo have similar effects. thats why we are way ahead on that one. so yes, halo and formestane mellow each other out. a match made in heaven.:food: :donut: today is cheat day.:cheers: :burg:


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Formestane is like being an attack dog while halo is like being a puppy. The combination of cute, yet lethal, is unsuspecting and VERY productive

So T, you think 100 or 120 is ok? ...leaning more toward the aggressive side and less toward the cute side. I'm doing well with the halo at 50 so I plan to keep it there for week 3.


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Formestane is like being an attack dog while halo is like being a puppy. The combination of cute, yet lethal, is unsuspecting and VERY productive

So T, you think 100 or 120 is ok? ...leaning more toward the aggressive side and less toward the cute side. I'm doing well with the halo at 50 so I plan to keep it there for week 3.
LOL, that's probably one of the best similies I've ever heard. Reps when it allows me....

I personal think it works best at that dosage so I say go for it... you should be fine.


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This is a quote from the Dr. Hauser forum (dinoiii) from the Lean Bulk board. 7/25/07

The original post was a question in regards to ramping and then tapering epistane in a pyramid fashion.

...Usually ramp up style administration is an assessment of tolerance rather than true endocrine rationale, plus the schedules tend to look more exotic, but there is an entire school that would suggest..."get in, go big, and get out." In other words, dose it the way you would at max and go in quick and exit quick.

As for abrupt dismissal of the exogenous agent (how's that for an intelligent way to say when you go off cycle quick? ;) ), the endocrine rationale is simple...as long as you are providing potential for suppression of HPTA, then there is no need to ramp down.

We can (and many groups will) likely argue the two views for years to come. Still, it doesn't "appear" necessary...
This seems to suggest that the self proclaimed smart man who plans to drop his halo dosage to 25mg is NOT doing anything that will help him raise his low test levels. (Edit: I was referrring to his tapering of dosage with halo. I'd like to believe the RR will at least help a little. I also think T's rationale for the activate not doing much at this point is sound).


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Well if Prelude says to bump the form, then I'm POSITIVE T would say to do the same

Day 14

100mg eform
50mg H-drol

Body Comp check for week 2:

Bodyweight: 196.6 (+2.2 pounds)
Bodyfat%: 14.47% (-2% WHOA)
Lean Body Mass: 168.15 (+5.77 :head:)
Fat Mass: 28.45 (-3.57)

*Disclaimer: the same trainer has been doing my 7 point skinfold for consistancy.

Don't worry fellas, I compensate fairly for her services :pose:

*Significant events updated.


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Well if Prelude says to bump the form, then I'm POSITIVE T would say to do the same

Day 14

100mg eform
50mg H-drol

Body Comp check for week 2:

Bodyweight: 196.6 (+2.2 pounds)
Bodyfat%: 14.47% (-2% WHOA)
Lean Body Mass: 168.15 (+5.77 :head:)
Fat Mass: 28.45 (-3.57)

*Disclaimer: the same trainer has been doing my 7 point skinfold for consistancy.

Don't worry fellas, I compensate fairly for her services :pose:

*Significant events updated.
damn you're gonna break the 200 lb mark soon. get body weight at +200 and bf at 15% or lower and i think you could call this cycle a whopping success. no more mr. lightweight.:thumbsup:


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absolutely bump it up. the form that is. this is just something an est rep named sonny crocket told me when i ran hema/prop last year. if your are stacking two ph's after you stop the stronger one which in this case was hema, continue the weaker one prop in this case for an extra week to let you body down easy. hence the running of formestane a week into pct. there is so much conflicting info out there it will make your head spin, but i like this idea.:food: :pizza:


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My logic was to get formestane out of my system in a ramp/taper fashion before starting 6brom (restore) in post cycle therapy:

Week 3: 120mg form
Week 4: taper to 100 then 80
Week 5: taper to 60 then 40
Week 6: no formestane (Halo is continued of course)
Week 7: Restore (ramped and tapered for 5 weeks starting at 1 cap)

So you are you suggesting to continue running Formestane into week 1 of post cycle therapy? :think: T, that would be SEVEN weeks of form and should I be concerned with Form's ph characteristics in post cycle therapy? We've got plenty of time so explain away my lean mean friend :study:


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My logic was to get formestane out of my system in a ramp/taper fashion before starting 6brom (restore) in post cycle therapy:

Week 3: 120mg form
Week 4: taper to 100 then 80
Week 5: taper to 60 then 40
Week 6: no formestane (Halo is continued of course)
Week 7: Restore (ramped and tapered for 5 weeks starting at 1 cap)

So you are you suggesting to continue running Formestane into week 1 of post cycle therapy? :think: T, that would be SEVEN weeks of form and should I be concerned with Form's ph characteristics in post cycle therapy? We've got plenty of time so explain away my lean mean friend :study:
no. i got overwhelmed with too much info. forgot to engage the brain before i spouted off. hey, what do you want, its sunday. the crispy creme's must of affected me!:dump:


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no. i got overwhelmed with too much info. forgot to engage the brain before i spouted off. hey, what do you want, its sunday. the crispy creme's must of affected me!:dump:
T, with all those pastries, no wonder you need 3 freakin bottles of furaz to cut :fool2:

So do you think my plan is ok? What would you do differently? Don't be afraid to trash the plan, I'm willing to learn.


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T, with all those pastries, no wonder you need 3 freakin bottles of furaz to cut :fool2:

So do you think my plan is ok? What would you do differently? Don't be afraid to trash the plan, I'm willing to learn.
well, from what ive learned from voodoo's 6-bromo log, it would appear the actions of formestane resemble it. so in effect it SEEMS you are just replacing one with the other. i like restore too maybe thats why? cel seems sold on atd for pct. MAYBE add 1 sns inhibit-e to your low dose restore. i will probably change my mind, but its something to think about. im tying to keep an open mind in my advancing year's.:duel:


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btw reaper, in case you havent noticed most of scientific research shows that formestane and 6-bromo have similar effects. thats why we are way ahead on that one. so yes, halo and formestane mellow each other out. a match made in heaven.:food: :donut: today is cheat day.:cheers: :burg:
T, what day isn't cheat day for you? :icon_lol:

It's OK, today for dinner I had green beans and one of these: :burger:


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This is a quote from the Dr. Hauser forum (dinoiii) from the Lean Bulk board. 7/25/07

The original post was a question in regards to ramping and then tapering epistane in a pyramid fashion.

This seems to suggest that the self proclaimed smart man who plans to drop his halo dosage to 25mg is NOT doing anything that will help him raise his low test levels. (Edit: I was referrring to his tapering of dosage with halo. I'd like to believe the RR will at least help a little. I also think T's rationale for the activate not doing much at this point is sound).
My only word of caution on the first part of that quote (go big, then get out) is that if you're new to anabolics or even if you're experienced, but using a compound that is new to you, you may want to ramp up as he suggested for the purpose of assessing tolerance. Been there, done that. No good reason to jump into the deep end of the pool before checking for water.


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My only word of caution on the first part of that quote (go big, then get out) is that if you're new to anabolics or even if you're experienced, but using a compound that is new to you, you may want to ramp up as he suggested for the purpose of assessing tolerance. Been there, done that. No good reason to jump into the deep end of the pool before checking for water.
Making a small mistake actually puts you ahead of the ball game next time. For example, you learned that you'll be stocking up and preloading on Hawthorne Berry no matter what the compound is. Also, you'll be really confident in using 6oxo for your AI in post cycle therapy and be able to adjust dosage based on your experience.

In respect to your tip to asses tolerance ecto, if I could give one tip to someone who wanted to plan their first cycle, I would say to try a few AI's and free test boosters and cort control agents before hand. That way you can tailor your plan around supplements that you like personally, and not just base your plan on second hand information.


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Making a small mistake actually puts you ahead of the ball game next time. For example, you learned that you'll be stocking up and preloading on Hawthorne Berry no matter what the compound is. Also, you'll be really confident in using 6oxo for your AI in post cycle therapy and be able to adjust dosage based on your experience.

In respect to your tip to asses tolerance ecto, if I could give one tip to someone who wanted to plan their first cycle, I would say to try a few AI's and free test boosters and cort control agents before hand. That way you can tailor your plan around supplements that you like personally, and not just base your plan on second hand information.
Yep, I agree. And I'm coming around on formestane. We'll see. I'm down to 100mg per day of 6-oxo for 4 more days, then done. Then I'll take a month or so to look at what's next. Even just on 6-oxo and dhea, I'm up to 186 and down 2 points in bf%. There's a good chance form will rock my world. :head:

I also think that's good advice on testing AI's, test boosters, etc. Everyone, including me, seems to focus on the PH, but all that other stuff is potent too and some are cleaner and/or more effective for one person versus another.

Now I know. And as G.I. Joe says, "Knowing is half the battle!" God I'm a dork. :lol:

Sleepy time for me. Keep it up Celc. You're gettin huge! I never asked if you were going to have pics, and it's obviously too late now, but you have to be noticing big changes in the mirror, yes?


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T, with all those pastries, no wonder you need 3 freakin bottles of furaz to cut :fool2:

So do you think my plan is ok? What would you do differently? Don't be afraid to trash the plan, I'm willing to learn.
moderation my friend, for every donut its 30min cardio. i am still planning on adding dth to my pct. i strap on my old school ankle weights and head for the track. my best so far is 5miles. took me close to 2hours.=4 donuts.:lol:


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moderation my friend, for every donut its 30min cardio. i am still planning on adding dth to my post cycle therapy. i strap on my old school ankle weights and head for the track. my best so far is 5miles. took me close to 2hours.=4 donuts.:lol:
That's the kind of math I like to see.:thumbsup:

Mmmmmm, doooooughnuts.:donut: :food:


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Ecto I thought about puttin up before pics but lost track of everything I wanted to figure out in leau (sp?) of setting up the supp plan, diet/macros, routine, and log. I have a pic from before my alri run at 19% bf but I'm not sure if I have any before this cycle at 16.5. Yes, there's a DRAMATIC difference right now at 14.5 and sendin phone pix messages to tease the ladies is workin better than the guitar right now :lol:

Does anyone else think it's peculiar that I'm taking cycle advice from 2 Homer Simpsons?


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Have you really had any side effects that you've noticed thus far ? 5lbs+ of quality muscle is awesome. There's nothing wrong with doing it little by little.


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Reaper if I wanted to get REALLY picky, I would say that I'm slightly irritable and antsy. Sleep has been altered 2 or 3 times as well but other nights sleep is fantastic. No other sides. I'm prone to thinning hair in the front and I'm using Nizoral OTC from Wal Mart. No increase in hair loss whatsoever. No testicular atrophy noted and libido is off the charts.

UNC, I'm super pumped about the bf% so far. I'm rediculously strict about my diet as well but I'm POSITIVE the eform and H-drol are contributing to changes this quickly.


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I know when I was on Halodrol/O-E I was dropping weight like crazy. I wasn't even trying to drop the amount I dropped. It was around 15lbs. I looked and felt bigger, I saw my abs again. I have never been fat, unless u count the freshman 60lbs I put on:icon_lol:

After reading this log it really makes me want to run halodrol one more time with the form. Plus T's pimping of form:lol:

Awesome work my friend.


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I know when I was on Halodrol/O-E I was dropping weight like crazy. I wasn't even trying to drop the amount I dropped. It was around 15lbs. I looked and felt bigger, I saw my abs again. I have never been fat, unless u count the freshman 60lbs I put on:icon_lol:

After reading this log it really makes me want to run halodrol one more time with the form. Plus T's pimping of form:lol:

Awesome work my friend.
stay tuned because I'm thinking this will be a 5 or 6 weeker. So far, I feel great on 50mg and if I had to guess, I'll probably stay there. Of course I have the option of bumping to 75mg for as many weeks as I want so this could get interesting :hammer:


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H-drol is pretty light and takes a while to cause noticable shutdown... if you've only been taking it for a day and a half you should be good.


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Killa, sounds like you'll do better with some natural stuff for a while. Just keep doing your homework and wait till you're ready for a ride! I'm having a blast so far and just hope T doesn't let me get hooked :woohoo:

Day 15

100mg E-form
50mg H-drol

Deads, Lats, Bis: Thank goodness for TRAC preworkout as work was a long grueling day today. I lowered the weight on standard deadlifts today because of the back issues last week. I could feel that if I would have broken technique, it would have compromised my back. I'll slowly work my way up in weight again. Someone told me once that if I weight feels too light, do whatever it takes to make it harder. Slow down the reps, squeeze harder, pause longer. He11 ya!!! :head:


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Remember celc, addiction is nothing to be ashamed of...it's a disease and lot's of people suffer from it. The first step is to actively seek help, and you know where there for you man.

(whispers) feed the need:twisted:


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I was just thinking to myself....How would Var compare to Halodrol ? Instead of doing Halo, would var give me similar results ?


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Ecto I thought about puttin up before pics but lost track of everything I wanted to figure out in leau (sp?) of setting up the supp plan, diet/macros, routine, and log. I have a pic from before my alri run at 19% bf but I'm not sure if I have any before this cycle at 16.5. Yes, there's a DRAMATIC difference right now at 14.5 and sendin phone pix messages to tease the ladies is workin better than the guitar right now :lol:

Does anyone else think it's peculiar that I'm taking cycle advice from 2 Homer Simpsons?
smart boy, very smart boy.:food: :pizza:


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Prld, I think I caught my addiction from you and T and from reading those damm poopypants logs. I had no idea addiction was a contagious disease :think:

Reaper, I honestly don't even know what Var is... fill me in and lets do some homework to find out.

Day 16

100mg Eform
50mg Halo

Traps, Quads, Tris:
After squats, I went too deep and too explosive on my front squat/clean move. I felt a "bee sting" feeling in my right glute so had to call in quits after 1 set. SOB!!!

Now I'm irritated so I took it out on my tris. I used every angle and every technique I could think of to shock the hell out of my tris today and PUKED TWICE!!! Ha Ha, aminos and gatorade look funny the second time around


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Prld, I think I caught my addiction from you and T and from reading those damm poopypants logs. I had no idea addiction was a contagious disease :think:

Reaper, I honestly don't even know what Var is... fill me in and lets do some homework to find out.

Day 16

100mg Eform
50mg Halo

Traps, Quads, Tris:
After squats, I went too deep and too explosive on my front squat/clean move. I felt a "bee sting" feeling in my right glute so had to call in quits after 1 set. SOB!!!

Now I'm irritated so I took it out on my tris. I used every angle and every technique I could think of to shock the hell out of my tris today and PUKED TWICE!!! Ha Ha, aminos and gatorade look funny the second time around
Well that's no good. Don't you need those nutrients to build muscle? That just means you're going to have to go on the BigT diet to make up for it! :pizza:

Love ya T. Please don't hurt me... :run:

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