H-drol + E-form: Recomp Log



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Looks like you may have found your threshold with form. Monitor the cramping issue while tapering and if they relent then you've found your sweet spot.
Prelude, I'm thiking 140 is the threshold. The only difference between 160 and 140 was irritability so you're probably right. Why do you think form was the culprit with the cramping? I hear about it all the time while on cycle but I'm not seeing any explanation beyond a simple increased RBC production or kidney overload :think:

Ya neo, I was in a hurry and just got excited. Thanks for posting the link bud


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Moose thanks for showing interest. Feel free to join the chatter and strategize along with us. We're all open minded unless we disagree with you :nutkick:

Just to fill everyone in, our buddy Dutchman has a killer epi/formestane review on the IBE forums website (I believe it's in the epi forum). Dr. D is dropping by there often and blowing our minds with some INCREDIBLE formestane info :study: Of course, I crashed in, probably uninvited, to try to weasle some strategic info out of the good doc :run:

Day... oh who's counting; it's past 30 LOL

Taurine has landed! One dose of 5g and I had a "pain free" workout!!! It was a quickie for traps and delts but power was solid and endurance per set is up per the creatine.

Body comp wise, I'm not feeling as pumped as I did in week 3 and 4. However, I'm back down to the pre-creatine weight (202.6) which is an unusual see-saw. I know better than to get on the scale too often... no big deal I guess.

Also curiously, irritability/aggression seem to be tapering off along with the pumps. I'm also feeling just a little drop in libido which won't be a problem until this weekend. Oh what's this??? 3 bottles of paravol in my cupboard :head:
thanks for the warm welcome to the group - i will reserve judgement when using PM. there are some things i will speak about in forums and some on the side - its just me.


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Prelude, I'm thiking 140 is the threshold. The only difference between 160 and 140 was irritability so you're probably right. Why do you think form was the culprit with the cramping? I hear about it all the time while on cycle but I'm not seeing any explanation beyond a simple increased RBC production or kidney overload :think:

Ya neo, I was in a hurry and just got excited. Thanks for posting the link bud
My opinion, probably from the dryness that form provides. Dry muscle have a tendency to undergo cramping a lot easier. That's why a lot of people stress proper hydration in prolong endurance sports and such, cramps are very prevelent during such times.


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My opinion, probably from the dryness that form provides. Dry muscle have a tendency to undergo cramping a lot easier. That's why a lot of people stress proper hydration in prolong endurance sports and such, cramps are very prevelent during such times.
never thought of it that way... I was always thinking of ai's drying out joints but I guess it' there in muscle fibers as well.

Day 32

75mg H-drol
100mg E-form

Hams and abs: Workout splits are lookign a bit awkward this week as I'm adjusting for the cramping. I'm feeling rather good but have decided to continue the formestane taper by 20mg per day and then wrap up the cycle around 36 or 38 days. I'm completely satisfied at this point and feel confident that these final 3 or 4 workouts will be nothing short of spectacular.


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From Dr.D's post here: http://anabolicminds.com/forum/961117-post1008.html

D is actually telling us there is no rebound as it's suicidal and irreversible to estrogen:

"A steroidal (Type I) AI like 6-Br, 6-Oxo, Testolactone, Exemestane, ATD will NEVER cause rebound. It's effect is irreversible/suicidal and downregs aromatase which has residual effects so you don't even have to taper off! Enzyme inhibitors like letro and dex will become inducers and rebound if not used properly."

Exemestane is the same thing as Formestane I believe so this should apply to us that we don't need to taper at all.

What do you guys get from it?

Much Love,



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Due to the downregulation and residual effects it makes sense, and D defenitly knows his stuff. For my sake(and solely for piece of mind) I still like to advocate tapering though.


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Fellas I think we are all on the same page with our ideas concerning AI's. If you remember a few pages back, I asked the question about type I vs. II AI's for that exact reason. (rock on prelude for the links!!!) In the back of my mind, I was sort of questioning the "inverse AI" strategy and tapering strategies in post cycle therapy (without serm) because of the suicide inhibition.

Prelude, again "peace of mind" is the whole reason for my choice of first cycle. RELATIVELY mild on the liver, mild on cholesterol, and relelatively mild suppression. I'm tapering the formestane because I don't want to do anything to instigate any sort of estrogen rebound... although neo makes a great point that I would be ok without the taper, we're talking peace of mind.


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Fellas I think we are all on the same page with our ideas concerning AI's. If you remember a few pages back, I asked the question about type I vs. II AI's for that exact reason. (rock on prelude for the links!!!) In the back of my mind, I was sort of questioning the "inverse AI" strategy and tapering strategies in post cycle therapy (without serm) because of the suicide inhibition.

Prelude, again "peace of mind" is the whole reason for my choice of first cycle. RELATIVELY mild on the liver, mild on cholesterol, and relelatively mild suppression. I'm tapering the formestane because I don't want to do anything to instigate any sort of estrogen rebound... although neo makes a great point that I would be ok without the taper, we're talking peace of mind.
Agreed. Your taper won't make PCT any less effective, imo, so might as well go with it even if it MAY be unnecessary.


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Don't get me wrong I'm tapering too, just to be on the safe side of the moobage :D


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Don't get me wrong I'm tapering too, just to be on the safe side of the moobage :D
No prob Neo, it's good information to know for sure. It just also seems like tapering is fine, if one chooses to do it that way.


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Good discussion on the AI's fellas. What a PITA... why isn't there an INCLUSIVE text that describes stuff like this. Frustrating as he11

Here's a discussion I'm having addressing creating a routine:

Day 33

75mg H-drol
80mg E-form

Back and Bis: Fantastic workout today. Power was decent, strength was excellent, MMC/focus was in tune (even though I was tired from lack of sleep and rigorous work schedule), and endurance was the best that it's been for this whole cycle.

It looks as if day 37 will be my last day before pct. I'm looking forward to moving on and then reflecting on the cycle. Stayed tuned for about 2 more killer workouts :head:

Side note, the paravol definately saved the day yesterday as I had a surprise visitor. I'm pretty sure I would have been in deep $hit if it weren't for the trib kicking in so fast.

Edit: upon further discussion with Dr. D, he believes that tapering the formestane while on cycle is not necessary. I was obviously dragging the cycle on per concerns with formestane tapering. I'm almost positive that I met or passed my goals and my body is certainly ready to start pct. SUCCESS!!! PCT starts tomorrow and the log and discussion will continue as it has :hammer:


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Good discussion on the AI's fellas. What a PITA... why isn't there an INCLUSIVE text that describes stuff like this. Frustrating as he11

Here's a discussion I'm having addressing creating a routine:

Day 33

75mg H-drol
80mg E-form

Back and Bis: Fantastic workout today. Power was decent, strength was excellent, MMC/focus was in tune (even though I was tired from lack of sleep and rigorous work schedule), and endurance was the best that it's been for this whole cycle.

It looks as if day 37 will be my last day before pct. I'm looking forward to moving on and then reflecting on the cycle. Stayed tuned for about 2 more killer workouts :head:

Side note, the paravol definately saved the day yesterday as I had a surprise visitor. I'm pretty sure I would have been in deep $hit if it weren't for the trib kicking in so fast.

Edit: upon further discussion with Dr. D, he believes that tapering the formestane while on cycle is not necessary. I was obviously dragging the cycle on per concerns with formestane tapering. I'm almost positive that I met or passed my goals and my body is certainly ready to start pct. SUCCESS!!! PCT starts tomorrow and the log and discussion will continue as it has :hammer:
You're the sh*t dude! Great cycle. Keep kickin butt like Bourne in PCT!


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Just like Jason Bourne.... knowing is always good.
I have a potentially unhealthy man-crush on Jason Bourne. And Kamerion Wimbley. :ntome:

I have issues...

But have you seen Bourne Ultimatum? I mean... HAVE YOU SEEN IT???? Go see it! Now! Go, go, go!!!! Go by yourself, if you have to!

Sorry for the thread jack, Celc.


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I have a potentially unhealthy man-crush on Jason Bourne. And Kamerion Wimbley. :ntome:

I have issues...

But have you seen Bourne Ultimatum? I mean... HAVE YOU SEEN IT???? Go see it! Now! Go, go, go!!!! Go by yourself, if you have to!

Sorry for the thread jack, Celc.
if it's gonna turn me gay like it did to you, I'll decline :run:


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if it's gonna turn me gay like it did to you, I'll decline :run:
What, no follow up on the Kamerion Wimbley part? Dude's gonna give Little Benny nightmares.

And you're already gay, so no worries. The shower scene with Bourne and Ben Affleck is particularly stimulating... :jaw:


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Thanks ecto... I'm gonna need a double dose of torem tomorrow cause your last 2 posts COMPLETELY shut me down :lol:


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im not saying not to use a serm, but imo i wouldnt rely on it solo. the quality of research chems is suspect in my mind. but knowing celc like i do he has 4or5 contingency plans. :dl: lift heavy and leave a big corpse.:burg:


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T, PCT consists of Mfx (ramped), restore (ramp and taper), and torem (standard protocol). Ha Ha, but you certainly do know me... I have alternates available in my stash for ALL THREE of these products. This is sort of an experimental run and helping me to decide what's going to be next this winter for a lean bulk.

Day 3 PCT:

Research chem reliability is certainly a question that I can't answer. However, after 2 days of 120mg Torem, it's primary effect for hpta regeneration is in full swing. Morning wood is out of control, and I'm having incidents when even a small breeze blows past :head: It certainly is an innovative product, in case anyone was wondering ;)

Workouts have been satisfactory to good since post cycle therapy has started. My final weight was 204, but I'd say a good 1.5 pounds is due to creatine water weight for the last week. Otherwise, I doubt composition changed all that much from the week 4 measurements.

Cramps are fading fast, leaving me with 1 or 2 tight muscles that I have been stretching like crazy. I'll keep up with the creatine and taurine for this week. But I'm phasing out the extra potassium and calcium tabs.

Only remaining c/o is lethargy, which may be due to altered hormone levels or simply overtraining through my cycle. That being said, the overtraining contributed to my crankiness in the 4th and 5th weeks but I do not think it decreased gains body comp wise. That's a fantastic benefit of being on cycle.

I'll continue to post updates, especially because I'm liking the MassFx so far. When the dosage increases, I have a feeling this is going to be a nice supplement.


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Final Review

Final Stats (taken from week 4 as creatine was added week 5 and would scew results):
202.6 at 13.7% BF (up 12 pounds LBM, down 4.5 pounds fat!)

Final Measurements
Chest 43 3/4 (up 3/4)
Waist no change
Bis (R) 16 5/8" (up 5/8)
Mid Thigh 25" (up 1.5)

Deads (no change due to pumps)
Squats: up 30 lb.
Shrug: +70 lb
Decline Bench: +20 (note: I have not increased weight on a push move in almost 2 years!!!)

Week 1: enhanced mood and libido
Week 2: same as week 1 with more pronounced pumps/hardness
Week 3: body comp changes, power increase, irritability
Week 4: increased irritability, back pumps, body comp changes
Week 5: painful pumps, decreased libido, weight gain (creatine effect?), lethargy, mild increased shedding (I am prone)

Unlike most of my posts, this will not be a "wordy" review. The above stats speak for themselves. The E-form H-drol stack is excellent for power and recomp effect. If I were to get picky, the only down side was that I did not see strength gain in the 8-12 rep range.

If I were to run this stack again, I would have kept the dosage at 50mg-75mg for 4 weeks and skipped week 5. I would have also dosed taurine throughout.

I was very happy with my supporting supplement regimen except for cycle support. The taste is unbearable and ruins protein shakes. Also upon further studying, I feel that it is better to customize your own support system for multiple reasons.

Final thoughts, for those who say "It did nothing for me." I say, go buy a caliper and doulbe check your diet. H-drol and E-form are the real deal and the stack is a great choice for the inexperienced.

HIGH FIVE to bigT, Rising Against, prld2gr8ns, and Dr. D for personal help on multiple occasions. Ecto, Neo, lionelxxl, and UNC, thanks for being our punching bag when we had roid rage :nutkick:


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Final Review

Final Stats (taken from week 4 as creatine was added week 5 and would scew results):
202.6 at 13.7% BF (up 12 pounds LBM, down 4.5 pounds fat!)

Final Measurements
Chest 43 3/4 (up 3/4)
Waist no change
Bis (R) 16 5/8" (up 5/8)
Mid Thigh 25" (up 1.5)

Deads (no change due to pumps)
Squats: up 30 lb.
Shrug: +70 lb
Decline Bench: +20 (note: I have not increased weight on a push move in almost 2 years!!!)

Week 1: enhanced mood and libido
Week 2: same as week 1 with more pronounced pumps/hardness
Week 3: body comp changes, power increase, irritability
Week 4: increased irritability, back pumps, body comp changes
Week 5: painful pumps, decreased libido, weight gain (creatine effect?), lethargy, mild increased shedding (I am prone)

Unlike most of my posts, this will not be a "wordy" review. The above stats speak for themselves. The E-form H-drol stack is excellent for power and recomp effect. If I were to get picky, the only down side was that I did not see strength gain in the 8-12 rep range.

If I were to run this stack again, I would have kept the dosage at 50mg-75mg for 4 weeks and skipped week 5. I would have also dosed taurine throughout.

I was very happy with my supporting supplement regimen except for cycle support. The taste is unbearable and ruins protein shakes. Also upon further studying, I feel that it is better to customize your own support system for multiple reasons.

Final thoughts, for those who say "It did nothing for me." I say, go buy a caliper and doulbe check your diet. H-drol and E-form are the real deal and the stack is a great choice for the inexperienced.

HIGH FIVE to bigT, Rising Against, prld2gr8ns, and Dr. D for personal help on multiple occasions. Ecto, Neo, lionelxxl, and UNC, thanks for being our punching bag when we had roid rage :nutkick:
Umph... That's below the belt man. Pretty low, even for a Steelers fan!

Really nice cycle Celc. I especially like that you were able to bust out a 20 pound increase on bench when you've been stuck for so long. That says a lot!

Wish I could run eForm, but you've got me back into considering a PH with how well h-drol worked for you.

So what's next for you?


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Enjoyable log, nice gains and super duper nice fellow ( except for BigT he's an old fart! :D )

Much Love,



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Great log Celc and congrats on the gains man... you earned them.


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Ecto, no need to worry about the Steelers. Our offense is moving about as slowly as BigT with his ankle weights.

Neo and prld, you'll both be on my contact list when I post a thread for the winter lean bulk/recomp plans.

Ecto what next? post cycle therapy for 4 weeks as we discussed so many times. I'll follow that with 1 week off because my body is just exhausted, moreso from work than the cycle I might add.

I'll follow that with a creatine/arginine/cit mal/possibly beta alanine stack with prld's poseidon. Some will be bulk powders, others will be random stuff to "clean out" my stash.

Next cycle will be November-ish with a little bit more prep for pumps, joints, and some interesting formestane strategies that Dr. D is helping me with in the IBE thread. I'll also be making my own "health support" system.


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I'll follow that with a creatine/arginine/cit mal/possibly beta alanine stack with prld's poseidon. Some will be bulk powders, others will be random stuff to "clean out" my stash.
Defenitly let me know when the next log comes along celc. FYI as for this stack, look into Nimbus' new product Swell... has it all just add your desired amount of creatine.


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Defenitly let me know when the next log comes along celc. FYI as for this stack, look into Nimbus' new product Swell... has it all just add your desired amount of creatine.
It doesn't appear that they even have this at NP yet. Where can we read up on it?


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While we are talking about Nimbus, now is a good time to talk about my experience with poseidon. On cycle, honestly, I didn't get much out of it. No negative effects, it just wasn't what I needed.

However, in PCT, I hit a wall and HARD!!! I read the PCT: A clinician's view series and saw that zma and arginine (adressing adrenal state) are pretty useful in the first 2 weeks of post cycle. So I dropped in 3g A-AKG with a scoop of poseidon 3x/day pre-meal and it's DEFINATELY helping. Seems as if there's a time and place for this a-typical supplement. It will be in my next post cycle plan for sure prelude :cheers:

PCT Week 1 Update

Torem: 120 (3 days), 90 (4 days), plan to taper to 60 tomorrow
MassFx: 2 caps, plan to ramp to 3, 4, and 5 caps week 2
Restore: 1 cap, plan to ramp to 2 caps week 2
Posiedon: 3 scoops/day
Creatine Mono: 5-10g/day divided spontaneously
A-AKG: 2-3g 3x/day
Milk Thistle, Hawthorne, Omegas, Niacin, SamE, Multi
Paravol: occasional dosage as I'm more paranoid than really NEEDING it

Body comp isn't changing much. I'm down 1 or 2 pounds but still looking pretty good. I still believe I'll keep most of my gains as I ramp the Mfx dosage next week.

Overall, I feel absolutely wiped out, although Poseidon is helping. However, workouts are NOT suffering and I've seen no loss of strength, power, or endurance in the gym. Cramps are no longer a problem and taurine/ca/k+ has been phased out. Although I believe I may have had a very slight gluteus medius tear while piling on the weights on cycle. It's nagging but not destructive in workouts.

Joints are just fine :woohoo:

I've noticed 1 incident of empathy, which is VERY uncommon for me as I don't feel sorry for people very often. Torem effects? Also, Mfx makes me downright ANGRY. We're not talking alpha-male, we're talking pissed the-EF off. I can't wait to up the dosage :head:


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Although I believe I may have had a very slight gluteus medius tear while piling on the weights on cycle.
Wait, you tore your *ss?? :toofunny:

Sounds like a typical problem for a Steelers fan...


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Wait, you tore your *ss?? :toofunny:

Sounds like a typical problem for a Steelers fan...
Ya, it happens to me every time that FRANKENSTEIN of a QB that we have looks at the ground while dropping back, throws up a balloon ball into double coverage, scrambles sideways instead of stepping up in the pocket, and holds the ball at his hip for a D-lineman to knock it out of his hand.

Seriously fellas, Santonio Holmes would be a nice fantasy pick but NOT while he still plays for the Steelers with this lackluster QB.


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While we are talking about Nimbus, now is a good time to talk about my experience with poseidon. On cycle, honestly, I didn't get much out of it. No negative effects, it just wasn't what I needed.

However, in post cycle therapy, I hit a wall and HARD!!! I read the post cycle therapy: A clinician's view series and saw that zma and arginine (adressing adrenal state) are pretty useful in the first 2 weeks of post cycle. So I dropped in 3g A-AKG with a scoop of poseidon 3x/day pre-meal and it's DEFINATELY helping. Seems as if there's a time and place for this a-typical supplement. It will be in my next post cycle plan for sure prelude :cheers:

PCT Week 1 Update

Torem: 120 (3 days), 90 (4 days), plan to taper to 60 tomorrow
MassFx: 2 caps, plan to ramp to 3, 4, and 5 caps week 2
Restore: 1 cap, plan to ramp to 2 caps week 2
Posiedon: 3 scoops/day
Creatine Mono: 5-10g/day divided spontaneously
A-AKG: 2-3g 3x/day
Milk Thistle, Hawthorne, Omegas, Niacin, SamE, Multi
Paravol: occasional dosage as I'm more paranoid than really NEEDING it

Body comp isn't changing much. I'm down 1 or 2 pounds but still looking pretty good. I still believe I'll keep most of my gains as I ramp the Mfx dosage next week.

Overall, I feel absolutely wiped out, although Poseidon is helping. However, workouts are NOT suffering and I've seen no loss of strength, power, or endurance in the gym. Cramps are no longer a problem and taurine/ca/k+ has been phased out. Although I believe I may have had a very slight gluteus medius tear while piling on the weights on cycle. It's nagging but not destructive in workouts.

Joints are just fine :woohoo:

I've noticed 1 incident of empathy, which is VERY uncommon for me as I don't feel sorry for people very often. Torem effects? Also, Mfx makes me downright ANGRY. We're not talking alpha-male, we're talking pissed the-EF off. I can't wait to up the dosage :head:
Mfx defenttly has some aggresive qualities to it. I tend to get it off of most products that contain divanil. When you do ramp it up try a double dose falling pre-workout and try not to hurt anybody. Should help cut out any of that, " I just feel sooooooo sorry for you's guys" side effects you speak of.

It doesn't appear that they even have this at NP yet. Where can we read up on it?
The new stuff isn't at retailers.... yet. Gotta get the demand up before major quanities are shipped.
There's a link to all three new products thru out this thread.


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Ya, it happens to me every time that FRANKENSTEIN of a QB that we have looks at the ground while dropping back, throws up a balloon ball into double coverage, scrambles sideways instead of stepping up in the pocket, and holds the ball at his hip for a D-lineman to knock it out of his hand.

Seriously fellas, Santonio Holmes would be a nice fantasy pick but NOT while he still plays for the Steelers with this lackluster QB.
Oooooo, down on Big Ben, are we? Interesting. How much of it is his fault and how much is the Steelers moving away from a power-running offense and into a pass-wacky offense?

Another fantasy sleeper could be Braylon Edwards, kids. I know the Browns are a mess, but Edwards is finally healthy and is unquestionably the number 1 receiver. I think he and Winslow will catch lot's of balls, regardless of who is throwing. Wouldn't surprise me if Jamal Lewis has a killer season too.


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Has nothin to do with the offense. He's been riding the coat tails of a well oiled machine since he got here. He just used to get away with sloppy play in the past... not it's catching up. I swear during the Super Bowl run, he led the league in errant passes that SHOULD have been picked off but got dropped.

You talk about the maturation of your last few #1 picks. That holds true for Polamalu, Heath Miller, and even this year's appears to have some defensive potential. However, no maturation that I can see from Ben the Big. I hope he proves me wrong.

Btw, Lewis won't budge against the Steelers. He rarely had big games against us in Baltimore, while he was breaking records against Cleveland :lol: Our defense is still in tact :head:


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Enjoyable log, nice gains and super duper nice fellow ( except for BigT he's an old fart! :D )

Much Love,

hey i resemble that remark!:donut:


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Ya, it happens to me every time that FRANKENSTEIN of a QB that we have looks at the ground while dropping back, throws up a balloon ball into double coverage, scrambles sideways instead of stepping up in the pocket, and holds the ball at his hip for a D-lineman to knock it out of his hand.

Seriously fellas, Santonio Holmes would be a nice fantasy pick but NOT while he still plays for the Steelers with this lackluster QB.
at least he's not rex grossman! haha as long as peyton is healthy the colts will be in the playoffs. it looks like the steelers "bus" is leaving.:clean:


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at least he's not rex grossman! haha as long as peyton is healthy the colts will be in the playoffs. it looks like the steelers "bus" is leaving.:clean:
ironically, I used to say that rex was actually big ben in disguise during the playoffs last year :lol


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Has nothin to do with the offense. He's been riding the coat tails of a well oiled machine since he got here. He just used to get away with sloppy play in the past... not it's catching up. I swear during the Super Bowl run, he led the league in errant passes that SHOULD have been picked off but got dropped.

You talk about the maturation of your last few #1 picks. That holds true for Polamalu, Heath Miller, and even this year's appears to have some defensive potential. However, no maturation that I can see from Ben the Big. I hope he proves me wrong.

Btw, Lewis won't budge against the Steelers. He rarely had big games against us in Baltimore, while he was breaking records against Cleveland :lol: Our defense is still in tact :head:
speaking of draft picks- anthony gonzales, tight end for your defending nfl champions. he's going to be playing slot, where brandon stokely had success when he was healthy.:cheers: dude is going to rack up some BIGT numbers.:burg:


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best bet for fantasy football-tony romo. with parcells gone and rookie jitters behind him romo will be all he can be. are you ready for some football, hellya.:cheers:


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speaking of draft picks- anthony gonzales, tight end for your defending nfl champions. he's going to be playing slot, where brandon stokely had success when he was healthy.:cheers: dude is going to rack up some BIGT numbers.:burg:
Uh, T? Wrong Anthony Gonzales man. YOUR Anthony Gonzales is a 6' tall rookie WR from Ohio State who also happened to go to my high school. But I agree that he is going to post some nice numbers. Manning loves the slot and Wayne/Harrison attract so much attention, Gonzo will be open a lot. He's VERY fast and runs precise routes. A guy I work with had to cover both Gonzo and Ted Ginn in the same season in high school. He said Gonzo was way harder to cover. And Gonzo is smart enough that if his NFL career doesn't work out, he'll go to med school. He'll never be out of shape and he'll always do what is asked of him to help the team out. PHENOMENAL draft pick by the Colts. Which makes me angry. And now, despite my distaste for all things "manning," I will have to sort of cheer for the Colts. That's how much I like Gonzo.

The other Tony Gonzales still plays Tight End for the Chiefs.


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Ecto, I think T had it right. Gonzales was listed as a TE in college not a WR so that might have been why you thought T was confused :think:

BigT, would you remind us what you did in that epi pct where you GAINED 7 pounds. I think you said something about a formestane overlap into pct or a seperate 2 weeks of formestane in pct with Mfx or something like that.

Quick update: weight is down a pound or 2 but workouts are going nicely. So far, i'm learning that you need more carbs in PCT, you need more sleep, and you need more off days in order to mentally and physically recover. Lethargy is starting to fade, especially since I've ramped the Mfx to 5 caps workout days, 4 caps off days.

I also threw in an old EAS cort control that I had in my stash which seems to help. I have some theories on cort control with shutdown vs. suppression in PCT but want to address that in a seperate thread at some point.

I believe next time around, I'll run divanil at full dosage from day 1 pct. I'll probably adjust cort control and AI based more on how I feel than a pre-made plan. I feel like I'm waiting for my pct supps to kick in and it made week 1 lackluster.


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Ecto, I think T had it right. Gonzales was listed as a TE in college not a WR so that might have been why you thought T was confused :think:

BigT, would you remind us what you did in that epi post cycle therapy where you GAINED 7 pounds. I think you said something about a formestane overlap into post cycle therapy or a seperate 2 weeks of formestane in post cycle therapy with Mfx or something like that.

Quick update: weight is down a pound or 2 but workouts are going nicely. So far, i'm learning that you need more carbs in PCT, you need more sleep, and you need more off days in order to mentally and physically recover. Lethargy is starting to fade, especially since I've ramped the Mfx to 5 caps workout days, 4 caps off days.

I also threw in an old EAS cort control that I had in my stash which seems to help. I have some theories on cort control with shutdown vs. suppression in PCT but want to address that in a seperate thread at some point.

I believe next time around, I'll run divanil at full dosage from day 1 post cycle therapy. I'll probably adjust cort control and AI based more on how I feel than a pre-made plan. I feel like I'm waiting for my post cycle therapy supps to kick in and it made week 1 lackluster.
Sounds like you're working things out in PCT. That's good. I bet you'll have a plan tailored for your needs for next time, based on your experiences now. So that's all positive.

You guys are both wrong on Anthony Gonzalez though. He's 6 feet tall in shoes. He would NEVER be a TE at that size. I've seen him listed as SE, but mostly as WR. See:



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Sounds like you're working things out in post cycle therapy. That's good. I bet you'll have a plan tailored for your needs for next time, based on your experiences now. So that's all positive.

You guys are both wrong on Anthony Gonzalez though. He's 6 feet tall in shoes. He would NEVER be a TE at that size. I've seen him listed as SE, but mostly as WR. See:

He11 ya ecto!!! He'll be fun to watch in that run-n-gun offense the colts have. Where's Stokely now? We could use a solid 3 or 4 on the Steelers.

I'll definately have some questions for my next post cycle. I see something like this shaping up:

Week 1-4:
Halo 50mg
Propadrol (60-120mg/day)
Methyl Mass (considering this as my pre workout as it contains 20 extra mg prop for workout days only)

post cycle:
6oxo Start at 300 and ramp (for the extra kick)
Activate: full dose right off the bat if I'm not COMPLETELY shutdown (which isn't gonna happen on this stack)
Reduce Xt: the clinician post cycle series says to start cort control around day 14 but I think cortisol was wiping me out in week 1 pct this time around. I like the traditional protocol myself starting cort control week 1.

Also, I'm considering a formestane overlap INSTEAD of 6oxo. 40-80mg TD week 3-6 in a 4 week cycle. Then ramp inverse to serm in pct. Dr. D says he likes form in post cycle. So I'm not gonna argue with anyone who tells me to use form anywhere :head:


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ask dr.d what he thinks of adding 2-3 gms of 6oxo powder to e-form? the good thing about it is the 6oxo mixes alot easier than form, and is alot better td, at least thats my experience.:aargh:


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btw celc, a restaurant in indy has a sandwich named after your steeler's guarterback-rottenburger.:toofunny:


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He11 ya ecto!!! He'll be fun to watch in that run-n-gun offense the colts have. Where's Stokely now? We could use a solid 3 or 4 on the Steelers.

I'll definately have some questions for my next post cycle. I see something like this shaping up:

Week 1-4:
Halo 50mg
Propadrol (60-120mg/day)
Methyl Mass (considering this as my pre workout as it contains 20 extra mg prop for workout days only)

post cycle:
6oxo Start at 300 and ramp (for the extra kick)
Activate: full dose right off the bat if I'm not COMPLETELY shutdown (which isn't gonna happen on this stack)
Reduce Xt: the clinician post cycle series says to start cort control around day 14 but I think cortisol was wiping me out in week 1 post cycle therapy this time around. I like the traditional protocol myself starting cort control week 1.

Also, I'm considering a formestane overlap INSTEAD of 6oxo. 40-80mg TD week 3-6 in a 4 week cycle. Then ramp inverse to serm in post cycle therapy. Dr. D says he likes form in post cycle. So I'm not gonna argue with anyone who tells me to use form anywhere :head:
Interesting stack celc, but why take the methyl-mass? You've already got two pretty good hormones running in the stack as is. More synthetics doesn't always equal more gains. I'd say stick with a halo/prop stack, reap some good gains, and avoid using two methylated substances in one cycle. You got great gains for halo this time around, so just up it a notch instead of trying to go a whole belt my friend.


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Hey T, is there any cooking involved if I add 6 oxo to E-form? I don't wanna start messing around and then ruin the eform and the 6oxo if it requires more than a simple shake. I'm also wondering if I'll put my head through a wall (as prelude said before) if I run that stack :frustrate: ...as both are very potent for me.

Prelude, good point. Methyl as in methyl mass. DOH! Ha Ha, I'd definately run all my plans by you guys and several others before running a sloppy stack. My logic was that 60mg of prop was not a very effective dose but do I see where you're coming from :think: ...I'll just have the extra prop on hand if I wanna ramp dosage. I think T went 50mg halo for 4 weeks and 90mg prop for 6. :head:

T, if had my own restaurant, I'd also sell the Worthlisburger (where's the cry baby smiley when you need it?)


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^scratch that man i need some sleep nice job on the COMPLETED cycle and keep it da great work

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