From FAT to PHAT, my journey so far...



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Them wheels r looking pretty impressive mate


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Them wheels r looking pretty impressive mate
Thanks mate! I think the focus on them with the martial arts training is delivering some quick results on an atheistic level...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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pics looking great my friend!


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Pics are looking better and better is well, keep up the good progress mate. Once you get lean, you wont want to go back to being your old self again. Good work.


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Workout Monday 26th July - TaeKwonDo tonight and legs workout at the gym this morning

Back Squat
176 x 12
198 x 12
220 x 12
242 x 12 (PR)

Push Press (overhead press from a half squat, done in two stages, so not to add momentum to the press)

88 x 12 x 4 (struggled a little on this one today, shoulder rotation was not good on the transition, think i might have managed more weight, but took the far more sensible option)

Leg Press

330 x 12 x 1
352 x 12 x 1
374 x 12 x 1
398 x 12 x 1 (PR)

Only two plates left on the leg press machine and then i'll be forced to move to the big boy area, where they have a PureStrength machine. I hope this fix it by the time I come back from holiday as it's broken at the moment!

Romanian Deadlift

176 x 4 x 8 (couldn't manage the 12 rep count today, was knackered by the time I finished on the leg press)

Superset (Deline Ab Press > Decline Close Grip Bench > Decline overhead tri extension and repeat after circuit)

33 x 4 x 25


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pics looking great my friend!
thanks bro, take it easy today... and no chasing the nurses around the hospital! Well at least until that leg full recovers or they give you a decent wheelchair!


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Pics are looking better and better is well, keep up the good progress mate. Once you get lean, you wont want to go back to being your old self again. Good work.
thanks matey, appreciate it. Sometimes it's hard to see the changes yourself because you see yourself all the time... and believe me I don't ever want to go back to being the way I was already!


NutraPlanet Rep
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You're f*cking killing it in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KEEP IT UP MY MAN!!! :party:


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$hit man you are getting PRs every day


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$hit man you are getting PRs every day
I just keep forcing myself to add more weight, figure there's no shame in trying... The leg press was classic I managed the 376 relatively easy BUT when I put on the next plate I couldn't move it! Gave myself 90 secs, changed the track on my iPod and then went for it :)

Just finished TKD; he decided to do fitness this evening... I'm toast all over again could be a very early night!!


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First some supplement updates, as mentioned last week I was going to be adding 5-HTP and Mega Cissus to my stack, so far I think I can definitely say that I the quality of my sleep has vastly improved and since I haven't changed anything else that should impact this, I think the 5-HTP is doing it's job.

As far the Cissus, not so sure, I think it's good to have in as a staple but my shoulder still hurts like hell, the product I am using is called Mega Cissus from a company here in the UK, called My Protein bit like NP but without any branded product resale. The cissus product I have bought is standardised for 50% Ketosterones and I now think I recall reading somewhere that such a high level of Ketosterones will be more anabolic in nature and less effective for joint pain - i.e. I may have bought the wrong product per se... oh well it's only a month's supply, i'll carry on taking it anyway, do my deload over the vacation period and the DC stretches provided by Kleen and we'll relook at this in a few weeks.

The RTD Carnivor vials are definitely convenient for hols and i've started using a few vials just to see what they are like (i got 24 and I only need 20 for vacation, so I have a few extra) - can't really comment on whether I think they're more of less effective at this point, but they taste vile! fortunately it's only 120ml so not a lot to get down, imagine a beef stock cube mixed with some orange gatorade with the consisentency of warm blood and you will pretty much have the taste and feeling of drinking it... glad I didn't go for the powder option as I can only imagine what that's like! I think the product will do what it says and thats a taste I can live with if it does!!!

In my next post, I plan to outline my proposed deload training for the next two weeks, while away to see what you guys think...

Workout Wednesday 28th July (Gym Morning + TaeKwonDo training in the evening)

PureStrength Isotonic Pulldown's (weight each side)

2 x 110 x 12
1 x 115 x 12
1 x 132 x 6 (PR - but couldn't maintain form so dropped the weight)
1 x 121 x 6

DB Tri Extensions (ok i was pleased with this until I read AG's log today)

66 x 12
66 x 12
70 x 12
75 x 12 (PR)

One Handed Cable Woodchop (NO SCORE! shoulder was having none of this today on left side, so instead did hald the exercise both sides, i.e. using the opposite arm pulled the weight down to the push section of the exercise, thereby taking the rotator element out of the equation, so in effect I ended up with the PUSH element which I guess looks a bit like a standing reverse row. Got a good bicep pump from the these, and as I still did the full extend and rotate piece, had a nice burn going on the obliques too)

28 x 12 (each arm)
33 x 12 (each arm)
39 x 12 (each arm)
44 x 12 (each arm) ( NO PR set as I wasn't doing the proper exercise in my mind)

EZ Bar Curls

5 x 75 x 8

that's all for now guys, will try and post my "beach" workout when i get a chance later on

Incline Side bends

4 x 33 x 20

Incline Back Extensions
2 x BW x 12
2 x 33 x 12


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Great workout bro. Give that Cisus some time. I didn't feel a differences for about 2 weeks


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Pics were from 2006, however I was10 lbs lighter at 208 in October 08, started dieting down for the competition which was in May of 09. That is why they didn't say I did it in 12 weeks like a lot of the other guys on there. Yeah the products do work for sure though. Your progress pics are looking great man!

So does this stack... ;)
Anybody here interested in the Natabolic Stack?


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Pics were from 2006, however I was10 lbs lighter at 208 in October 08, started dieting down for the competition which was in May of 09. That is why they didn't say I did it in 12 weeks like a lot of the other guys on there. Yeah the products do work for sure though. Your progress pics are looking great man!

So does this stack... ;)
Anybody here interested in the Natabolic Stack?
Thanks man and while I haven't finished my run yet of nataD and Form, I would be happy to advise others to give this a go! Just look at the results it's giving me, along with focussed training


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Thanks man and while I haven't finished my run yet of nataD and Form, I would be happy to advise others to give this a go! Just look at the results it's giving me, along with focussed training
Maybe later when you make more progress you can update the before's and after's onto the first page for more people to find easily?

Again some great progress. Its not easy by any means, but worth every bit of hard work!


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Maybe later when you make more progress you can update the before's and after's onto the first page for more people to find easily?

Again some great progress. Its not easy by any means, but worth every bit of hard work!
Good advice... I'll sort out when I get back from vacation! Thanks mate!


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Maybe later when you make more progress you can update the before's and after's onto the first page for more people to find easily?

Again some great progress. Its not easy by any means, but worth every bit of hard work!
latest update pics now also included at the end of the first post... do you think this works? also below for those following the full thread


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Workout and pics update, vacation tomorrow!!!

Saturday 31st July 2010 - Workout

Incline bench press
3 x 88 x 8
2 x 110 x 8

Barbell Shrug
3 x 110 x 8
2 x 130 x 8

Bench press
3 x 110 x 8
2 x 121 x 8

Barbell Bent Over Row
3 x 110 x 8
2 x 121 x 8

Barbell Curl
5 x 60 x 20

Barbell "wheel of death"
5 x 60 x 10

Swiss Ball Cruch
5 x BW x 20

Swiss Ball Press Up
5 x BW x 20

Spider Man Press Up
5 x BW x 8

followed by feeling a little sick but such much T running through my veins I was shaking for a good 30mins afterwards... reckon I could have just gone on and on today!

Updated Pics from this afternoon, pump had gone unfortunately but still pleased!

Progress 31072010 044.jpg
Progress 31072010 046.jpg

Progress 31072010 047.jpg
Progress 31072010 049.jpg

Progress 31072010 050.jpg

Now off on vacation, updates will be from iPad, so they won't have any pics unfortunately, but I will edit/add pics on my return!

Take it easy guys!


Well-known member
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Oh hell ya it worked. You look allot leaner man. Keep this up you will give MrKleen a run for his money. :)
Army Guy

Army Guy

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looking great mate!!! nice lift too


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Well hey guys here at the beach, got up around 7h30 and had a nice little warm up run along the coastal path down to the sand.


On the beach a found a nice set of natural rock features to base my morning workout around, there's a steep rock face, a large rock which has a nice incline on one side and a vertical on the other, and a good size boulder which I can lift which in reckon is about 80-100lbs.


This morning's workout then

Run to and from the hotel down to the sand

Bodyweight Squats
3 x 20

Bodyweight handstand shoulder press (done with feet against rock face)
3 x 20

Bodyweight "Rock"'dips (like bench dips but using the vertical section of the rock)
3 x 20

Surfers walk (farmers walk using a the "boulder")
3 x 25m x 80lbs

Decline Rock press ups
3 x 20 x BW

Incline rock ab crunches
3 x 20

Then I did all my TaeKwonDo Patterns on the sand, full power no rest...

It was awesome guys, had a really good workout and then got back, had a shower and went for breakfast (2 x hardboiled eggs and some toast)

Mid morning I did about 20 lengths in the pool and now I've just back from 1.5hrs surfing, feel great apart from shoulder.

Tomorrow I might try some squats with my boulder, and deepening on my grip on it, perhaps some bench - we'll just have to see!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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lol well not squatting yet. Actually coming along nicely though.


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Nice even at the beach you get a great workout.


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Nice even at the beach you get a great workout.
Thanks mate, yeah see next post got another one in today as well, reckon even though I am probably eating more calories, I'm burning it off swimming and surfing with the kids... In addition ton the focused swimming nd surfing that is on my own. I'll be happy if I leave without too much collateral damage...


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Beach Workout 2

Same deal as yesterday, with same cardio during the day (swimming & surfing), reckon the constant activity and regular eating with some carnivor in between meals should help keep the metabolism working constantly, I've also brought some pSlin with me since I know that avoiding carbs will be difficult, so i guess we will see how that works out for me. I'm getting real quality sleep, I think it might be all the outdoor acltivity and the sea air... I grew up on a beach, so this place is great, it really gets my balance back, food for soul so to speak.

Anyway this morning's workout, I found another boulder to play with, I reckon it's about 55lbs, and having used the bigger one again today I think that might be closer to the 100lb plus mark... What amazes me is these things don't look that big but they are really deceptively heavy! I also found two smallish rocks that I can grip one handed, can't weight more than 20ish lbs each, which I used as dumbbells. Everyday my "natural" gym is getting bigger"!


Medium boulder routine

Step ups (each leg, using my trusty rock outcrop as a bench)
3 x 20

Squat to Press
3 x 25

Incline Bench Press (using the rock incline bench)
3 x 25

Bent over row
3 x 30 (these went too easy, even though i was failing around rep 26 each set)
3 x 8 ( this was a complete mf used the large boulder, that thing is so heavy and an akward shape to grip, I really feel the whole core engage each time I use it)

Small boulder routine ( used like 20lb DBs)

Incline Rock Flyes
3 x 30 ( straight arms all the way out as far as I could)

Alternating boulder curls (who know's whether they could be considered hammer curls, just gripping them is a issue never mind which way around)
3 x 25 (each side)

Incline Ab crunches
3 x 25

All taekwondo patterns at full power, no rest.

Had a little bit of an audience today, I think the dog walkers think there's a nutcase on the beach every morning... I wonder if I will get down there one day and have to wait for my bench or equipment to be free? I reckon if I was a personal trainer in these parts I'd be factoring something like this into my client's workout once in a while!

That's all for today guys, need to go and get ready for dinner


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Workout updates

Tuesday 3rd August

It rained this morning, but not before I was already on the beach :(

But carried on anyway, quite a good routine building on from the previous two days

Incline boulder press (medium boulder)

Boulder shrug

Boulder press

Boulder flye

Boulder bent over row

Boulder ab crunch

Swimming and surfing as previous days

DSC00056 (800x597).jpg

Wednesday 4th August

No workout today, had to take a break and pick the boy up from scout camp to bring him on holiday - 400 mile cross country round trip, a lot of country roads, sheep, cattle, tractors and speed cameras... A very long day but made it back in time for dinner at the hotel having left just after breakfast!

Thursday 5th August

Ok raining again :rasp:#%%#}!!!!

So went to the hotel gym, it's like working out in a sauna, I will post a pic of it when I get back BUT managed a fairly decent full body workout using the machines available (have now found out there are some free weights available in the locked cupboard, so may have to find/get the key)

None of the machines have a weight marker, so until I find out we'll talk about the number of plates (they look like 15-20lb plates but could be less EDIT now confirmed Precor USA machines 20lb plates)

All exercises are machines except abs, and reported in following order, sets x reps x weight

Lat Pulldown
3 x 10 x 200lbs

Chest press
3 x 10 x 200lbs

Rope tri pull down
3 x 10 x 140lbs

Bicep curl
3 x 10 x 160lbs

Leg extensions
3 x 10 x 200lbs

Leg curls
3 x 10 x 200lbs

Ab crunches on Swiss ball
3 x 25

Surf was bad today due to weather, so haven't been out today, may go for a pre-dinner workout to burn off some off this energy! If I do will probably stick to some HIIT on the rower or Elip and then some abs work since I don't feel I've been giving them enough work on holidays and of course, diet is very very far from ideal!

EDIT: did a abs workout before dinner

3 x 20 of each of following

Kneeling Cable Crunch 200lbs
Side Crunches
Ab Crunches
Swiss Ball Glute Bridge
Reverse Crunch

Weather is looking bad for the weekend, some squall off the coast (we're on the Atlantic) so tomorrow could be another "indoor" workout, but I'll see what it's like at day break and then decide.


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I'm loving the Flint Stones Workouts.


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Yes sir

Mighty fine job


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I haven't posted in here much, but I've been following along. Great job.

I've been convinced to try some LipoBurn ;)


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latest update pics now also included at the end of the first post... do you think this works? also below for those following the full thread
Looks good. Nice, updated pics looking like you've made some decent progress. Keep it up!

You gotten any much compliments from family/friends then lately bud?


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Hey guys, just got home thanks for all the comments :fing02: I will respond properly tomorrow and have another couple if workouts to update, and some pics if I can get them off the new camera!

Great holiday, waves today were massive at backline, got out got dry and then three hundred mule drive home with the family, now completely shattered! Proper update tomorrow then!!


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I don't know man you are looking quite studly. MAJOR changes in composition. Excellent work to be VERY proud of.

:box: thanks sir, that's a mighty fine compliment coming from you! and yes i'm very proud but still charging ahead to try and get the elusive six pack

LOL, see the pics of the workout stations and view from the coastal path in the original posts now...


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I haven't posted in here much, but I've been following along. Great job.

I've been convinced to try some LipoBurn ;)
thanks, and yes i believe, like i said, no miracles, but something is definitely helping with the shrinkage and excess skin... i promise I will try some of the AI products (other than life support) when i exhaust my current stacks in waiting, might be have to be towards the end of the year though :fing02:


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Looks good. Nice, updated pics looking like you've made some decent progress. Keep it up!

You gotten any much compliments from family/friends then lately bud?

Yes, saw some mates on holiday that i haven't seen in 12 mths and they were pretty amazed, it was a great feeling :love:


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Welcome back mate
cheers fella, back and gone again on Saturday, flying to Ireland 6am for a few days with Mom & Dad, BW workouts here we come... hopefully will get a proper workout in tomorrow, today has been washing, unpacking, buying groceries, spending some quality time with my dog etc...


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Great pics. I got to find myself a gym like that. :)


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Great pics. I got to find myself a gym like that. :)
just awesome, right?!? sooo bummed to be home, having grown up on a beach, it kills me every year to leave... already wondering how I can get down there again before the year is out. Watch this space!


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Holiday Workouts continued...

So Friday turned out to be a slightly brighter morning, so I hit the beach again...

Friday 6th August

French "boulder" press
4 x 15 x medium weight

Reverse Boulder Curls
3 x 25 x small weight

Preacher curls on incline rock
3 x 25 x small weight

Cuban rock press
4 x 15 x small weight

Boulder Bench (decline sets - medium weight)
30 reps / 25 reps / 15 reps / 10 reps / 5 reps

Weighted Ab Crunch (medium weight)
3 x 25

Rock face glute bridge
3 x 25

Decline press up
3 x 25

Surfing as before + 1 hr Tennis

Saturday 7th August (raining so hit the gym)

Lat Pulldown
3 x 12 x 200lbs

Bench Press
12 x 200lbs
12 x 260lbs
12 x 300lbs

Tri Pulldown
3 x 12 x 160lbs

Cable Curl
3 x 12 x 160lbs

Cable bent over row
3 x 12 x 200lbs

DB Side Bends
3 x 25 x 25lbs

DB Russian twists
3 x 25 x 25lbs

DB Alternating Curls
3 x 25 x 25lbs

Reverse Crunch
3 x 25

3 x 12

Ab Crunch
3 x 12

Side Crunch
3 x 12

Tennis 1.5hrs + surfing 1.5 hrs

updated pics for Saturday - not looking too bad for eating hotel food three times a day including the evening meal which has half a bottle of wine and three courses... overall i think my weight is up a bit, but not in a panic, i think the break from routine was good for the mind

Progress 07082010 011 (598x800).jpg

Progress 07082010 011 (598x800) (2).jpg

Progress 07082010 011 (598x800) (4).jpg

Progress 07082010 011 (598x800) (5).jpg

Progress 07082010 011 (598x800) (9).jpg

Progress 07082010 011 (598x800) (10).jpg

Sunday & Monday - had a few rest days, only surfing and tennis and quite a bit of walking along the coast, some pics below

DSC00045 (800x197).jpg

DSC00091 (800x598).jpg

DSC00084 (800x595).jpg

DSC00101 (800x599).jpg

Tuesday 10th August

Lat Pulldown
3 x 12 x 200lbs

Bench Press (machine)
12 x 200lbs
12 x 300lbs
12 x 340lbs

Cable Curl
12 x 160lbs
12 x 180lbs
12 x 200lbs

Cable bent over row
12 x 160lbs
12 x 180lbs
12 x 200lbs

Cable Seated row
12 x 200lbs
12 x 340lbs
12 x 400lbs

Cable Tri Pulldown
3 x 12 x 160lbs

Kneeling Cable Crunch
3 x 12 x 300lbs

3 x 12

Oblique crunch
3 x 12

Ab Crunch
3 x 12

Swiss Ball glute bridge
3 x 20

Wednesday was another day off, as we had to vacate the rooms by 10h30, so had to pack. We did hand around the pool and managed to get an epic bodyboarding session in before we went, so wish i'd had the camera, but it was just me and my board, but it was epic...

Today, recovering as i mentioned earlier and planning to hit the gym tomorrow before flying to Ireland on Saturday, updates by phone if I manage to do anything worth logging in Belfast!


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Great workouts bro. You are starting to look lean.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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getting pretty cut up my friend

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