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Nips getting sensitive. I started Formeron last week at 2 pumps a day. Or should I up it to 3 pumps. I know you guys are probably going to say that I should have started it sooner. Wondering if I should stop LMG and just continue with DYMETHAZ9NE / TR3ST.
Lmg could be causing prolactin problems.


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i bumped up to 3-4 pumps a day for about two weeks recently, my face began to stay red all the time and I was having extremely oily skin. My co-workers noticed the redness. I have for the last week dropped back to about 1 to 1 1/2 pumps a day and the red face and oily skin has reduced quite a bit. Any insight on this ???? I am still getting the desired results at this dose, so I guess I really respond to it. This also equates to a bottle lasting longer !!!! :)
Oily skin is generally from increased androgen levels.
As long as results are similar at the lower dose then just run it lower :)


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Hi Brundel
I'm doing an epi and tr3st cycle. I ordered formeron yesterday to add to the cycle. I'm gonna use 2 pumps everyday for 6 weeks during my cycle. The question now do I need to run it during PCT with nolva or that would be a lot of AI?
I'm trying to avoid gyno. Some people said to stop during PCT and use it two after PCT. What's best?
Run it on cycle but also PCT.
During PCT we want test levels to rise. Formeron makes test levels rise when other anabolics are not suppressing production.
Also as test levels rise estrogen will also which can blunt the test rise. Nolva and Clomid do nothing to reduce or manage estrogen so you 100% always want an AI during PCT.


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Nips getting sensitive. I started Formeron last week at 2 pumps a day. Or should I up it to 3 pumps. I know you guys are probably going to say that I should have started it sooner. Wondering if I should stop LMG and just continue with DYMETHAZ9NE / TR3ST.
DMZ and LMG can both cause estro issues even though I know everyone says DMZ cannot. Sure seems to happen alot :)
Bump up the dose till things drop is what I would do.


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Run it on cycle but also PCT.
During PCT we want test levels to rise. Formeron makes test levels rise when other anabolics are not suppressing production.
Also as test levels rise estrogen will also which can blunt the test rise. Nolva and Clomid do nothing to reduce or manage estrogen so you 100% always want an AI during PCT.
Thanks a lot. That's what I wanted to hear. I'm gonna run it at 2 pumps for 8 weeks and then taper down to 1 for the last 2 weeks of PCT


brundel should I continue Formeron when I start pct? I also have Prolactrone should I take that now also? Or in pct? Or not at all.


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brundel should I continue Formeron when I start pct? I also have Prolactrone should I take that now also? Or in pct? Or not at all.
You should for sure use the Formeron in PCT. I think LMG can cause Prolactin to rise. If so Id add in at least 1 cap of Prolactrone daily. Continue through PCT. Take it apart from any multivitamin or anything containing vitamin v6/p5p/pyridoxine.


At 4 pumps a day, does that cause shut down?
At 4 pumps a Fay, how many bottles does that come out to a month?


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just finished halo stano cycle, started formeron 2 pumps a day in the final week. a few days into pct now.. planning on continuing 2 pumps a day for 4 weeks of pct and then 1 pump per day for the last 2 weeks (week 5 and 6 of PCT) because i hear you should go past pct and taper off.

I like the drying effects so much that I want to continue to run formeron at 2 pumps a day for an extra 4 weeks (so essentially running it at 2 pumps e.d. for 8 weeks directly after cycle, and tapering down to 1 pump a day for week 9 and 10).. would this make my chances of rebound gyno go up?

should i just do 2 pumps a day for the 4 weeks of pct and then 1 pump a day for the first 2 weeks after pct and then stop completely and see what happens. i really want to reduce my chances of gyno as much as possible.


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just finished halo stano cycle, started formeron 2 pumps a day in the final week. a few days into pct now.. planning on continuing 2 pumps a day for 4 weeks of pct and then 1 pump per day for the last 2 weeks (week 5 and 6 of PCT) because i hear you should go past pct and taper off.

I like the drying effects so much that I want to continue to run formeron at 2 pumps a day for an extra 4 weeks (so essentially running it at 2 pumps e.d. for 8 weeks directly after cycle, and tapering down to 1 pump a day for week 9 and 10).. would this make my chances of rebound gyno go up?

should i just do 2 pumps a day for the 4 weeks of pct and then 1 pump a day for the first 2 weeks after pct and then stop completely and see what happens. i really want to reduce my chances of gyno as much as possible.
The longer you run the formeron the less likely rebound from the cycle will happen.
Formeron cannot cause rebound.


I am REALLY interested in this Formeron product, I nearly cancelled my Follidrone order to buy Formeron instead. Follidrone is treating me well 1 week into it, i am def feeling a difference, I am looking to lose a lot of fat, I been training for boxing for 5 years but it seems like my body doesn't wanna let go of the fat, I train like crazy 3-4 days a week and I been on keto for 3 weeks which has helped some, what would be recommended for weightless? id like to try a pro hormone and finish with Formeron. My goal is to get down to 170-180. I am 34 yrs old,5'9 260 and I would like to have a few fights as a pro boxer Any advice?


On saturdays I take a half of a bronkaid for some extra strength, there is no way i can take 2-3 a day, the reason i can only take half on saturday is cuz i can take it in the morning, i get home from work around 530, if i took EC stack at 5 id never get to sleep. Another reason is that half of a bronkaid has me on edge, i snap on my wife or anyone else for that matter extremely easily, so taking it earlier while I'm at work might get me fired, I understand i probably have some mental issues, but I seen somewhere on this site that EC is yesterdays news and theres better supps for fat loss


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On saturdays I take a half of a bronkaid for some extra strength, there is no way i can take 2-3 a day, the reason i can only take half on saturday is cuz i can take it in the morning, i get home from work around 530, if i took EC stack at 5 id never get to sleep. Another reason is that half of a bronkaid has me on edge, i snap on my wife or anyone else for that matter extremely easily, so taking it earlier while I'm at work might get me fired, I understand i probably have some mental issues, but I seen somewhere on this site that EC is yesterdays news and theres better supps for fat loss
Don't trust everything you read.


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So EC stack is the best OTC fat burner around?
I don't want to derail the formeron thread but there's a reason it's still so widely used today. Everybody is different, and if you can't handle it for one reason or another then by all means try other supplements until you find something that works for you. I know the posts you're referring to and they are annoying and without merit. Just because something is old doesn't mean something new is better...


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Ephedrine and caffeine are great fat burners. Most OTC fat burners are chasing EC.
Formeron works differently from EC.
Its not a stimulant its an aromatase inhibitor that lowers estrogen levels. Most likely if you have a hard time losing bodyfat your estrogen levels are high.
Formeron will help.


Thanks Brundel, u always come through with solid answers to questions bro, you make me feel confident investing in your supsps, I will def run formeron just not sure if i should do it with a PH or should i just add it to my Follidrone to get the most out of the formeron


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Thanks Brundel, u always come through with solid answers to questions bro, you make me feel confident investing in your supsps, I will def run formeron just not sure if i should do it with a PH or should i just add it to my Follidrone to get the most out of the formeron
Have you used a PH before?


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New to the forums...

I have never taken any type of AAS or PH and would honestly like to avoid doing so. I am considering trying Formeron by itself. Can I expect any type of gains from doing this? If so, what are realistic expectations? Any side effects?


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Yes, you certainly can. Formeron lowers estrogen and increased estrogen generally also means elevated SHBG levels, which bind to test. The higher the number, the less free test you have to work with and free test is very important. So, with only Formeron, you can increase free test levels and you want that for max gains. Many people use only Formeron and see great gains in strength and leaning out. I take it because I love the drying effect.

Now with that being said, I wouldn't be me if I didn't advise getting your numbers checked out- depending on your age. You don't want SHBG too high or low, there is a healthy range. That is just my soap box comment I always have to give because I am a big proponent of knowing your lab numbers.


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I appreciate the reply. Any reported side effects, including but not limited to effects on fertility or other reproduction issues?


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I wouldn't be able to answer that. I haven't heard of issues, but anything related to fertility should be researched further.


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Ive never heard of any side effects except once in a while joint pain.


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Honestly, I think the joint issues are from the heaver weights being lifted. I think people look for side effects. Enjoy the positives and stop wining...
Agree. People tend to read about sides and start looking for them.

Even see guys saying a product doesn't work because they have no


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Its true most products that work well have at least some sides.
Joint pain is generally over stated. People read its gonna happen then think it happens.

THere was someone who misread a Formeron thread and thought it said it caused gyno....he was messaging me saying it gave him gyno.
When I explained it cant and why he said oh...well it seems to be gone now.

The next day.


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Its true most products that work well have at least some sides.
Joint pain is generally over stated. People read its gonna happen then think it happens.

THere was someone who misread a Formeron thread and thought it said it caused gyno....he was messaging me saying it gave him gyno.
When I explained it cant and why he said oh...well it seems to be gone now.

The next day.

What I did to get rid of my joint pain was Achilles by anetus + fish oil.


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Im a big Antaeus fan.
Achilles is great stuff.


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Can I currently on an 8 week cycle
Ep15tane 30/45/45/45/45/45/45/55
Tr3n 0/0/0/90/120/120/120/120
Furaza 300/375/375/375/375/375/375/375

Can I use this together with those?
Where's the best part to apply it?


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I think Formeron is OOS everyplace.
I was able to order some from Strong Supplement Shop on Saturday. They don't show it's out of stock, and the order went through. Of course, it hasn't shipped yet, so we'll see...


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Can I currently on an 8 week cycle
Ep15tane 30/45/45/45/45/45/45/55
Tr3n 0/0/0/90/120/120/120/120
Furaza 300/375/375/375/375/375/375/375

Can I use this together with those?
Where's the best part to apply it?
Yes you can combine these.
Apply to upper chest, neck, delts. Try to use wrists NOT hands as anything on the hands is wasted.
You can use latex gloves if wrists are difficult.
Inner thighs are also decent.


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Yes you can combine these. Apply to upper chest, neck, delts. Try to use wrists NOT hands as anything on the hands is wasted. You can use latex gloves if wrists are difficult. Inner thighs are also decent.
so just apply them like lotion on my shoulders and upper chest?

When? Before working out and before going to bed?


On workout days I apply 1 pump preworkout and 1 pump later that night right after showering. On non workout days I do 1 pump when I wake up and 1 pump after showering. I put mine on my delts, upper chest & arms. I switched it application areas every time I apply.


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Oily skin is generally from increased androgen levels.
As long as results are similar at the lower dose then just run it lower :)
Hey Brundel

I have been on formeron on a few weeks now but I am noticing I get this pain on left chest. Why is that? I am little scared. It comes and then it goes. I usually rub a bit on my chest/nip area.


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I workout at 7am so I dont shower when I wake up, I shower post gym.

Is it best to apply 1st pump upon waking up then 2nd pump later in the evening when I have my 2nd shower.

Or is it best to apply 1st pump post workout shower then 2nd pump after my 2nd shower


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Brundel, this may be a stupid question but formeron at 3-4 pumps daily, how does it compare to an actual ph like epistane or halodrol?


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Just want to throw it out there that formeron has been working perfectly for me on my current cycle. I felt the trest aromatizing even at 50mg... Very puffy and sensitive nips, loss of libido, genreLly feeling pretty whack. After about a week and a half of 1 pump am and .5 pump after nightly shower, I'm good money. No nip problems, libido normal, just overall very pleased. This is the first time I required an AI and am glad fromeron is doing the trick. I didn't want to jump into pharm AIs yet. Just my .02


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Unless you are running a heavy cycle, I have yet to see a need for pharma AI with how well Formeron works. Even guys running high levels of test have been good with it.


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so just apply them like lotion on my shoulders and upper chest?

When? Before working out and before going to bed?
Yes sir.
After a shower is good.
Before training is good. I like this because it can give you a boost for the gym.

Just like lotion. There will be some shiny stuff left behind. Its normal.


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Hey Brundel

I have been on formeron on a few weeks now but I am noticing I get this pain on left chest. Why is that? I am little scared. It comes and then it goes. I usually rub a bit on my chest/nip area.
Have any cardiac issues?
Have any back problems?
Is it isolated to the chest or do you feel it in arms or neck?

Its not gyno or anything like this because your using an AI.
Maybe try NOT rubbing it on the chest. Try inner thighs or shoulders. Maybe the alcohol is burning the skin a bit. Unusual but who knows.


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I workout at 7am so I dont shower when I wake up, I shower post gym.

Is it best to apply 1st pump upon waking up then 2nd pump later in the evening when I have my 2nd shower.

Or is it best to apply 1st pump post workout shower then 2nd pump after my 2nd shower
Id do after a shower just because youll wash some of the first application off.
Unless you really like the boost before the gym in which case just do it pre workout anyways.


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Brundel, this may be a stupid question but formeron at 3-4 pumps daily, how does it compare to an actual ph like epistane or halodrol?
The PH activity is milder compared to a decent PH dose, however you also get increased testosterone levels from it so this also plays a role.
Even higher doses have more effect.
The great thing though is the lack of side effects.

PH- most cause liver stress, severe ldl increase and HDL decrease, suppression, potential cardiac sides etc
Formeron- none of these. PLus no PCT needed.


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Just want to throw it out there that formeron has been working perfectly for me on my current cycle. I felt the trest aromatizing even at 50mg... Very puffy and sensitive nips, loss of libido, genreLly feeling pretty whack. After about a week and a half of 1 pump am and .5 pump after nightly shower, I'm good money. No nip problems, libido normal, just overall very pleased. This is the first time I required an AI and am glad fromeron is doing the trick. I didn't want to jump into pharm AIs yet. Just my .02
Glad its working well for you.
One of the best things about using Formeron instead of a research chem is you know for 100% certain it is what it says it is and that its dosed properly.
Research chems you dont know if its even the right compound, or if it totally bunk, or contaminated.

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