The brand starts with a number.
If someone tainted bottles outside the manufacturer and I stumbled onto that and it was not the manufacturers fault I could be sued indefinitenly. Its a tough situation to be in. I did another test of the L_Carnitine powder they sell and it popped for amphetamines. With that being said, DMAA, ephedrine, and many LEGAL compounds can test positive for amphetamines. This one was not a gas chromography.
I may send a sample of one of these over to Janoshik and see what he says, just for the safety of people.
I don't want u guys buying it. Potentially dangerous friends, I know some of you will figure this out and this is not my intent. Stick with the Excelsior guys. I have used that for many many many years and even with whatever designer it has I feel it is tolerable when not abused. I never use the word "safe" when talking about amphtamines. People have died from Ephedrine and I love that stuff personally. Abuse and dehydration do not mix.
Anyways sorry to sidetrack this thread.
Whats' the deal with the new excelsior and where are you guys buying this Thermal Spark? I wanna try the most recent version.
Oh and talking "designers", just an FYI, just bc you don't test positive on a drug test doesn't mean something is not in there. I have guys in Hong Kong and I have regularly seen several amphetamine derivatives that are as potent as RECs and will not show in any lab or drug test and won't pop you for a positive. I give you my word they are out there. I can name several but I will not on this forum.
Some of you guys need Rehab and God. Well we all need God