Douchebags at the gym...


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haha that reminds of a guy JUST like that. Does your tough guy leave the plates on the bar when he's done?
Of course he's way too tired after those 2 grueling sets to rack his weights and what's even funnier is he's one of those guys who has some size because he's chubby and then you see that from the waist down he's all toothpicks haha


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Of course he's way too tired after those 2 grueling sets to rack his weights and what's even funnier is he's one of those guys who has some size because he's chubby and then you see that from the waist down he's all toothpicks haha
"I've tried everything to get me legs bigger but they just won't grow" haha


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This meathead today was using the loadable ez curl bar today. When he was racking his weights a kid walked up and asked for the spring clips that he had used so he could hold the weights in place on the flat bench bar and the jerkoff just tossed them on the floor in front of the kid instead of handing them to him. Total dbag.


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What a homo. Those kind of guys need cup-checked. Or back-tapped. Whatever term you prefer. :)
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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"What's the capital of Thailand?"

"Bangk OOF!" --after you smack him in the answer


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I went for a Nice little Sunday Session go to the Weights section and there's 2 guys tops off posing off in front of each other and the mirror in the gym. There wernt even any Girls around. They where taking photos of each other aswel :/ Head Down, Headphones in. Douchbags.


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Omg! This guys going for the gold! Now he's doing skull crushers on the upright cable row bench!

This is the Wolf Blitzer of the gym douche bag reporting team signing out. Happy Sunday y'all!


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Ok one more on the way out. He's doing dumbell floor presses in front of the cables.



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Omg! This guys going for the gold! Now he's doing skull crushers on the upright cable row bench!

This is the Wolf Blitzer of the gym douche bag reporting team signing out. Happy Sunday y'all!
He's even made himself a little pillow!


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Completely out of control. He had a clip board and was recording all his lifts but the structure of his workout was completely ****ed. Before the bb curls he was doing seated wrist curls in the squat rack. Only reason I noticed was cus it was only like 5 of us there today.3 of us were regulars, one was PTing a guy and then this dude in the way everywhere you turn. I just got some pwo samples in the mail I wanted to try and I haven't used a pwo in over 2 years so I was about to blow my lid but kept my cool fortunately. I did however use the negative energy to push out a couple new PRs since my return though ;-)


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Saw a guy, about 17, load up the leg press with anoint 1,000 pounds. I'm like if he goes all the way down, respect. However he goes half a ****ing inch and he wasn't even sweating throughout his legs workout. Meanwhile I'm drenched in sweat during my power lower body day. I hate people sometimes , I know that he isn't bothering anyone or me but you guys know he thinks he's the **** leg pressing 1000 lbs even though his ROM is 1/2 inch.

Then I saw him on those raised benches, the ones where you can work your lower back not sure what they're called. He was repping out 135, with a bar using JUST his lower back.. Why would you ever use your lower back in some isolated movement with a decent amount of weight ? Snap city ? Just do Romanians for gods sake.

Then he took 10 minute breaks texting his mother most likely telling her to make his protein shake so he doesn't go "catabolic bro".


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Nice job on the PR's! Looks like you had plenty of frustration-fuel to get you going


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Saw a guy, about 17, load up the leg press with anoint 1,000 pounds. I'm like if he goes all the way down, respect. However he goes half a ****ing inch and he wasn't even sweating throughout his legs workout. Meanwhile I'm drenched in sweat during my power lower body day. I hate people sometimes , I know that he isn't bothering anyone or me but you guys know he thinks he's the **** leg pressing 1000 lbs even though his ROM is 1/2 inch.

Then I saw him on those raised benches, the ones where you can work your lower back not sure what they're called. He was repping out 135, with a bar using JUST his lower back.. Why would you ever use your lower back in some isolated movement with a decent amount of weight ? Snap city ? Just do Romanians for gods sake.

Then he took 10 minute breaks texting his mother most likely telling her to make his protein shake so he doesn't go "catabolic bro".
Probably did the "I'm a bad ass" strut immediately after. "Dude, I'm legging pressin' a thousand lbs." There is this kid who always talks about how strong his legs are. He wraps his knees for 315 and then proceeds to do well above parallel squats. He's the same kid that hangs his goddamn ear phones on the squat rack so everyone can hear his horrible taste in music.


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Probably did the "I'm a bad ass" strut immediately after. "Dude, I'm legging pressin' a thousand lbs." There is this kid who always talks about how strong his legs are. He wraps his knees for 315 and then proceeds to do well above parallel squats. He's the same kid that hangs his goddamn ear phones on the squat rack so everyone can hear his horrible taste in music.
Just tell him his music blows c0ck and he should just fall in a well. Problem solved :D. Everyone always looks at me when I go below parallel its like no one has seen a proper squat in my gym ever. I seriously need to switch gyms. There's an anytime fitness that is 24/7, 5$ cheaper, and usually empty on most days that I am thinking about switching too. May have to go check it out , i love 24/7 places just for those days where you want to workout 2x ;)


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Thankfully I don't go to a gym completely like that. Although sometimes certain people will give me the "I'm stronger" look even though I bury my front squats with 225 and they are half squatting with 315. It's kind of funny how some gym goers think it's the same thing even though it's completely different.


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All the people train real hard but I think a lot of them have gotten misinformation from their friends. "Don't go low you'll hurt your knees" Or they just don't want to work that hard. I've had people ask me if I was an athlete simply because I was training my legs hard. No, I just want to look a certain way and training half assed won't do it.


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Thankfully I don't go to a gym completely like that. Although sometimes certain people will give me the "I'm stronger" look even though I bury my front squats with 225 and they are half squatting with 315. It's kind of funny how some gym goers think it's the same thing even though it's completely different.
I can never get the damn bar to balance or hold still when I front squat, kind of gave up on them lol. I just simply have no idea how to do them properly.


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I can never get the damn bar to balance or hold still when I front squat, kind of gave up on them lol. I just simply have no idea how to do them properly.
I've been doing them for about a month. See if the strap method works for you! I started with 95lbs on the bar to get used to them. I've worked my way up to 155 now. I agree they are difficult and awkward, but they are great for you. I hope to hit 225 front squat by June.


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I've been doing them for about a month. See if the strap method works for you! I started with 95lbs on the bar to get used to them. I've worked my way up to 155 now. I agree they are difficult and awkward, but they are great for you. I hope to hit 225 front squat by June.
ill give it a shot! I really just want to be able to hit 3 plates on back squats. The day I try 315 is going to be so surreal, im so close o_0


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ill give it a shot! I really just want to be able to hit 3 plates on back squats. The day I try 315 is going to be so surreal, im so close o_0
I do both kinds. I bet if you added front squats for a month it would start helping with your back squat bro!


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At my gym there's this kid who's decently sized but all top heavy with a notch above chicken legs. Anyway as I'm finishing my workout I over hear him tell his buddy next to me that his sets of machine leg press was brutal and he did 5 sets of max weight. After he said and I **** you not said that he squats over 400 pounds because leg press is basically squats


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ill give it a shot! I really just want to be able to hit 3 plates on back squats. The day I try 315 is going to be so surreal, im so close o_0
You have to Lock the bar up on your front delts, try starting really lite like 95#. Then slowly progress up, to me you have to have strong shoulders and lower back to do good front squats.


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I do both kinds. I bet if you added front squats for a month it would start helping with your back squat bro!
That's one of the reasons I do front squats. The core strength, back strength you need to keep yourself from toppling over translates well to back squats. It definitely improves my back squat form and strength. Like big country said, start light. I like to use a power clean set up because when I cross my arms it makes me feel like I'm trying to put myself in a chokehold.


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At my gym there's this kid who's decently sized but all top heavy with a notch above chicken legs. Anyway as I'm finishing my workout I over hear him tell his buddy next to me that his sets of machine leg press was brutal and he did 5 sets of max weight. After he said and I **** you not said that he squats over 400 pounds because leg press is basically squats
LOLOLOLOLOL. I wish these kids would read up on the movements they do. Come on......


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At my gym there's this kid who's decently sized but all top heavy with a notch above chicken legs. Anyway as I'm finishing my workout I over hear him tell his buddy next to me that his sets of machine leg press was brutal and he did 5 sets of max weight. After he said and I **** you not said that he squats over 400 pounds because leg press is basically squats
They are! (On the moon)


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So this douch wasn't at the gym. He was at work. Seeing me. He asked me if i lifted weights. I said that i did. He than began to chastise me and fill me with his endless medical knowledge about how bad lifting is for me. He then said that all somebody needs to do in order to be healthy os eat correctly and get a moderate amount of exercise by walking briskly from point a to b....



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So this douch wasn't at the gym. He was at work. Seeing me. He asked me if i lifted weights. I said that i did. He than began to chastise me and fill me with his endless medical knowledge about how bad lifting is for me. He then said that all somebody needs to do in order to be healthy os eat correctly and get a moderate amount of exercise by walking briskly from point a to b....

Ha I hear that from my dad. He thinks that gaining muscle, chicken, and partitioning food is bad for you. But hey I love the guy to death but man he needs to not talk about nutritional science lol.


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Ha I hear that from my dad. He thinks that gaining muscle, chicken, and partitioning food is bad for you. But hey I love the guy to death but man he needs to not talk about nutritional science lol.
Lol chicken?? Really??? Chicken has never been bad for you lol. Unless it came of from churches or the colonel. Haha

And ways his logic with large amount od muscle?


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Question: is it douchbaggery to do heavy shrugs in the power rack?


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Lol chicken?? Really??? Chicken has never been bad for you lol. Unless it came of from churches or the colonel. Haha

And ways his logic with large amount od muscle?
ahh he has a friend who was really huge back in the day and now hes fat as ****. Obviously took some type of AAS and had a crappy diet and now hes just fat. He thinks when i grow older my muscle will turn into "fat" lol .Whatever i just ignore him. I keep trying to tell him muscle cant turn into fat, you only lose muscle when you stop lifting and gain more fat because of a sedimentary life style but he just doesn't get it . Oh well. Thats why he sells cars and i lift the weight :D


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I saw a guy turn an incline bench into a flat bench haha. He was laying flat with just his shoulder blades and his butt on the front part of the seat. Couldn't help but think of this thread. Debated if I should have taken a pic.
Kilo G

Kilo G

Hey now! That chicken is good for the soul my brotha!
Hey c'mon man there's nothing wrong with a little bit of Colonels chicken now and then.
Kilo G

Kilo G

Meant to quote Man*


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Question: is it douchbaggery to do heavy shrugs in the power rack?
Not if you were just using it for military press or shoulder press and there's nobody waiting. Or it's the only place left and you're mindful of others that may need it for its intended purposes. May as well finish up shoulders where your at IMO.


Well-known member
Hey now! That chicken is good for the soul my brotha!
Hey c'mon man there's nothing wrong with a little bit of Colonels chicken now and then.
Nothin against churches or the colonels special blend!! I just prefer popeyes...that's all Im sayin. ...i love ny chicken from popeyes!

But i had another douche bag moment yesterday at work. So two douches in one day...not bad...

I had somebody (a doctor) tell me that supps and what he called "over exercising" were culprits in our countries cancer epidemic....

I love it


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Nothin against churches or the colonels special blend!! I just prefer popeyes...that's all Im sayin. ...i love ny chicken from popeyes!

But i had another douche bag moment yesterday at work. So two douches in one day...not bad...

I had somebody (a doctor) tell me that supps and what he called "over exercising" were culprits in our countries cancer epidemic....

I love it
As far as chicken, nobody beats Zaxby's, try it, you'll be hooked!

There is this dude at my gym who will do his entire workout in the smith machine. Shrugs, bent over rows, and my personal favorite, bench pressing a whole 50 pounds while his feet are up on the fu*#ing bench!!! **** kills me


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Not if you were just using it for military press or shoulder press and there's nobody waiting. Or it's the only place left and you're mindful of others that may need it for its intended purposes. May as well finish up shoulders where your at IMO.
Just wanted to make sure I didn't need to post a picture of myself and say "look at dat doucher right der"
Kilo G

Kilo G

Nothin against churches or the colonels special blend!! I just prefer popeyes...that's all Im sayin. ...i love ny chicken from popeyes!

But i had another douche bag moment yesterday at work. So two douches in one day...not bad...

I had somebody (a doctor) tell me that supps and what he called "over exercising" were culprits in our countries cancer epidemic....

I love it
Popeyes........ Oh f*** yeah! I thought we only had those in Colorado! If your on the west coast bojangles is something worth trying.

Lol supping and over exercising can causes cancer that's absurd.


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Been some high school kids at my gym lately clogging up the place. One kid in particular has been watching me and basically following my routine, which is weirding me out a bit. He seems like a nice enough kid, but he is built like Olive Oyl. Now if he actually asked me for some pointers I'd help him out, but he doesn't. Anyhow, today I was doing abs/core so I started with hanging leg raises, then some weighted crunches then a bunch of other stuff, the whole time this kid is playing copy cat. For better or for worse, I always end my core day with renegade rows. So, I grab a pair of 45s (hey I'm old) and find an open spot and do a set. I catch junior out of the corner of my eye grab a pair of 15s, gingerly he gets ready in the starting position, and yep sure enough one 15 rolls left, one 15 rolls right and he faceplants with his arms spread-eagled. Now, I drink a LOT of water when I work out and I came within a nanosecond of pissing myself laughing.


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Been some high school kids at my gym lately clogging up the place. One kid in particular has been watching me and basically following my routine, which is weirding me out a bit. He seems like a nice enough kid, but he is built like Olive Oyl. Now if he actually asked me for some pointers I'd help him out, but he doesn't. Anyhow, today I was doing abs/core so I started with hanging leg raises, then some weighted crunches then a bunch of other stuff, the whole time this kid is playing copy cat. For better or for worse, I always end my core day with renegade rows. So, I grab a pair of 45s (hey I'm old) and find an open spot and do a set. I catch junior out of the corner of my eye grab a pair of 15s, gingerly he gets ready in the starting position, and yep sure enough one 15 rolls left, one 15 rolls right and he faceplants with his arms spread-eagled. Now, I drink a LOT of water when I work out and I came within a nanosecond of pissing myself laughing.
That would piss me off so much. I hate high school kids for Christ sake they walk around in cut offs and zyzz shorts and look like skeletons .... Come on now guys. I seriously wish there was like a hardcore no bs gym around my area. Where people knew how to do things. Some guy came in today with huge traps .... And a small upper and lower body . He was the definition of disproportionate . Picture footballs for his traps and lemons for his pecs , and sticks for his arms


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Oh come on. No need to be mad. Haven't you ever heard that "Mimicry is the best form of flattery"? Lolrof


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I am a senior in high school and I had to quit my school gym because I could not stand it anymore. I lift in shorts and a t-shirt that fit me. I follow Wendler's 5/3/1. I have a solid idea of what I am doing and if I have any questions I ask. Everyday I have to deal with the stereotype, no matter how true it often is, that no high schoolers know, care, or understand weightlifting, nutrition and common respect. /rant


Here I am in the squat rack, 165lbs loaded up, doing good mornings, 4 sets of 10. After my 3rd set this fat douche comes up to me and says, "Can I give you some pointers on your squat form?" I almost died, no thanks dude, not on the same page or even the same book.


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Here I am in the squat rack, 165lbs loaded up, doing good mornings, 4 sets of 10. After my 3rd set this fat douche comes up to me and says, "Can I give you some pointers on your squat form?" I almost died, no thanks dude, not on the same page or even the same book.
Sh!t dude that made me laugh...


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Here I am in the squat rack, 165lbs loaded up, doing good mornings, 4 sets of 10. After my 3rd set this fat douche comes up to me and says, "Can I give you some pointers on your squat form?" I almost died, no thanks dude, not on the same page or even the same book.
Ahahaha this thread is the best .
Kilo G

Kilo G

Here I am in the squat rack, 165lbs loaded up, doing good mornings, 4 sets of 10. After my 3rd set this fat douche comes up to me and says, "Can I give you some pointers on your squat form?" I almost died, no thanks dude, not on the same page or even the same book.
Lmao you should have told him "can I give u some pointers on how not to be a fat douchebag?"


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A couple of young guys walked into the gym last night and, of course, walked straight over to the preacher bench. Skinny guy 1 turned to skinny guy 2 and asked... "What are we training tonight? Biceps and hands?"!!

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