Douchebags at the gym...



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better yet see if she will spot you during a set of bench press


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Is it dirty that I wanna lay face up with my tongue out while she goes ass to grass on squats ? Yum yum ;-)

Not at all. A perfectly legitimate thought. "Your depth isn't low enough. I need you a little lower...."


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better yet see if she will spot you during a set of bench press
That's a plan! Im feeling pretty weak today ;)

Is it dirty that I wanna lay face up with my tongue out while she goes ass to grass on squats ? Yum yum ;-)
Perfectly healthy and clean my friend! Just using your tongue as a reference point.


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the b1tch at the smoothie bar "hold on i've been trying to post this to facebook for like the the past 5 hours" b1tch I don't care get me my damn smoothie


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the b1tch at the smoothie bar "hold on i've been trying to post this to facebook for like the the past 5 hours" b1tch I don't care get me my damn smoothie


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I didnt ad last nights douche I witnessed cus I kinda felt bad for him. A guy in a very cheap looking black n white track suit that looked more suited for an elderly Jewish Floridian women to bedazzle then for a man to wear, you know lots of elastic and weird puffy material . Out of shape, never seen him at the gym before prolly new member looked out of place. I didn't see him do anything but walk around awhile and didn't pay much attention , just noticed his odd and obviously recently purchased gym attire for this once every few years occasion. Next thing I hear as I walk to grab some spray and paper towel to wipe my bench is a treadmill making crazy noises like someone had it on full blast and rolling huge rocks off it. I looked over just it time to see him jump back on the belt from the rails with it going fast as hell into a side to side run that went about 3 gallops until hit bit it and got shot off the treadmill. Gym was packed and I busted out laughing like a dick. It was funny but I felt kinda ****ty for adding to the guys humiliation. Guess that'll be it for a few more years, huh buddy?! better moth ball that track suit!


I didnt ad last nights douche I witnessed cus I kinda felt bad for him. A guy in a very cheap looking black n white track suit that looked more suited for an elderly Jewish Floridian women to bedazzle then for a man to wear, you know lots of elastic and weird puffy material . Out of shape, never seen him at the gym before prolly new member looked out of place. I didn't see him do anything but walk around awhile and didn't pay much attention , just noticed his odd and obviously recently purchased gym attire for this once every few years occasion. Next thing I hear as I walk to grab some spray and paper towel to wipe my bench is a treadmill making crazy noises like someone had it on full blast and rolling huge rocks off it. I looked over just it time to see him jump back on the belt from the rails with it going fast as hell into a side to side run that went about 3 gallops until hit bit it and got shot off the treadmill. Gym was packed and I busted out laughing like a dick. It was funny but I felt kinda ****ty for adding to the guys humiliation. Guess that'll be it for a few more years, huh buddy?! better moth ball that track suit!
Ouch!! I wonder what hurt more.. His ass or his pride!!


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I didnt ad last nights douche I witnessed cus I kinda felt bad for him. A guy in a very cheap looking black n white track suit that looked more suited for an elderly Jewish Floridian women to bedazzle then for a man to wear, you know lots of elastic and weird puffy material . Out of shape, never seen him at the gym before prolly new member looked out of place. I didn't see him do anything but walk around awhile and didn't pay much attention , just noticed his odd and obviously recently purchased gym attire for this once every few years occasion. Next thing I hear as I walk to grab some spray and paper towel to wipe my bench is a treadmill making crazy noises like someone had it on full blast and rolling huge rocks off it. I looked over just it time to see him jump back on the belt from the rails with it going fast as hell into a side to side run that went about 3 gallops until hit bit it and got shot off the treadmill. Gym was packed and I busted out laughing like a dick. It was funny but I felt kinda ****ty for adding to the guys humiliation. Guess that'll be it for a few more years, huh buddy?! better moth ball that track suit!
I kind of wish I went to your gym haha. I go to a hardcore type gym that those people wouldn't come into. I just get the wanna-be UFC fighters and hard asses. The only real entertainment I have is the dude who wears sunglasses in the gym at night and he hasn't been coming very often. I am jealous!


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I kind of wish I went to your gym haha. I go to a hardcore type gym that those people wouldn't come into. I just get the wanna-be UFC fighters and hard asses. The only real entertainment I have is the dude who wears sunglasses in the gym at night and he hasn't been coming very often. I am jealous!
The only reason I find any entertainment value in it nowadays is because I can come and post it here. I'm more often irritated then amused but having an outlet to joke about it keeps my head cool. I don't know why they're flooding into my gym lately. There's two planet fitness within a couple miles of my gym. I think they got lost. I feel these people need to be caught then released back into their natural habitat. Net them and let them go in planet fitness like the crocodile hunter but for the fitness challenged ;-)


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Many of my bad experiences have been mentioned at this point but I've got one that I think will be new. I bring my own towel to the gym with me, distinct from all others and great to mark equipment I am using. a few months ago one of the regulars, much larger than myself and an ego to match, finished a set of deadlifts, dropped the bar and walked over to me on the leg press, grabbed my towel off the machine while i was using it and wiped down his face with it. Didn't say a word to me but glared right at me when I spoke up. Threw it on the ground and walked off.

Douchebag... And I don't know if this idiot forgot or just doesn't care but since then he has asked me to spot for him. I walked away without a word, karma.


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Many of my bad experiences have been mentioned at this point but I've got one that I think will be new. I bring my own towel to the gym with me, distinct from all others and great to mark equipment I am using. a few months ago one of the regulars, much larger than myself and an ego to match, finished a set of deadlifts, dropped the bar and walked over to me on the leg press, grabbed my towel off the machine while i was using it and wiped down his face with it. Didn't say a word to me but glared right at me when I spoke up. Threw it on the ground and walked off.

Douchebag... And I don't know if this idiot forgot or just doesn't care but since then he has asked me to spot for him. I walked away without a word, karma.
And that's why egos are supposed to be left at the door, we all go to the gym to better ourselves. yes there is an underlying tone of competition for all of us to be the best but that doesn't mean be dick to each other.

I just started going to a new gym about 9 months ago and am still proving myself to the regulars. But about a month ago I saw one of the regulars grab a 70 and a 75 by accident to do db bench. I ran over to him as he was about to drop back and brought this to his attention. He was really embarrassed, but I was like no big deal we all have moments, and I didn't want to see someone get injured. My point is if he would have walked around constantly acting like a dbag tool like in your experience how much would I have been willing to help out.


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Is it ok to talk about forum douches as well? Sometimes I pop on to see what kind of deals they have. Otherwise, their prices suck. They happened to have an article on Arnold which I obviously read. It posted his famous 6 days a week, twice a day split. So, a guy makes a comment that is Arnold's height, but 163lbs. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that overtraining?" There is a reason you have been lifting for 2 years and are on the same weight. It's called you lift like a girl. I tried to post something, but alas, I do not have an account :worried:


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Many of my bad experiences have been mentioned at this point but I've got one that I think will be new. I bring my own towel to the gym with me, distinct from all others and great to mark equipment I am using. a few months ago one of the regulars, much larger than myself and an ego to match, finished a set of deadlifts, dropped the bar and walked over to me on the leg press, grabbed my towel off the machine while i was using it and wiped down his face with it. Didn't say a word to me but glared right at me when I spoke up. Threw it on the ground and walked off.

Douchebag... And I don't know if this idiot forgot or just doesn't care but since then he has asked me to spot for him. I walked away without a word, karma.
Wow that really takes the cake. I think we have a winner here. That douche took it to some highschool bully bull**** crap. Amazing. Thanks for sharing.


New member
I kind of wish I went to your gym haha. I go to a hardcore type gym that those people wouldn't come into. I just get the wanna-be UFC fighters and hard asses. The only real entertainment I have is the dude who wears sunglasses in the gym at night and he hasn't been coming very often. I am jealous!

Haha, I see this all too often. Never gets old.


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Many of my bad experiences have been mentioned at this point but I've got one that I think will be new. I bring my own towel to the gym with me, distinct from all others and great to mark equipment I am using. a few months ago one of the regulars, much larger than myself and an ego to match, finished a set of deadlifts, dropped the bar and walked over to me on the leg press, grabbed my towel off the machine while i was using it and wiped down his face with it. Didn't say a word to me but glared right at me when I spoke up. Threw it on the ground and walked off.

Douchebag... And I don't know if this idiot forgot or just doesn't care but since then he has asked me to spot for him. I walked away without a word, karma.
I think I would use the dildo for him. He's a dildo.


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I think I would use the dildo for him. He's a dildo.
Why not just beat him with it? Lol sounds like he needs it.

But i got funny look from ppl on my evening jog last week. There was about a handful of middle aged men with beer guts and monk cuts just staring at me while they sit in their driveways drinking beer. One of them had enough hooch in him to holler "get at it boy! Run! You ain't quick enough! " and he and all his half drunk cohorts cracked up. It didn't bother me. I kept on my merry way and just ignored them. Lol oh the joys of being healthy and taking case of my self!

Maybe i should have said somethin. Maybe i should have kicked the **** outa him. Or i could have just showed him my **** and my full head of hair then been done with it But i didn't. Lol hell be dead in a few years anyway from heart complications and diabetes Im sure


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After receiving several days of amusement from this thread, I thought I should share what I consider to be the ultimate annoyance at the gym... That is Over-Spotting or worse Uninvited-Over-Spotting. This is the guy who offers (or decides) to provide a spot but proceeds to throw all of his strength into each rep, taking a good 50% of the weight from the guy actually trying to lift the weight.

I'm always grateful for a spot but what the hell! I never know whether to throw in some more reps to make up for the 'assistance' or just abandon the set, thank the guy and politely send him away before starting again!


After receiving several days of amusement from this thread, I thought I should share what I consider to be the ultimate annoyance at the gym... That is Over-Spotting or worse Uninvited-Over-Spotting. This is the guy who offers (or decides) to provide a spot but proceeds to throw all of his strength into each rep, taking a good 50% of the weight from the guy actually trying to lift the weight.

I'm always grateful for a spot but what the hell! I never know whether to throw in some more reps to make up for the 'assistance' or just abandon the set, thank the guy and politely send him away before starting again!
Awkward!! Man up and tell him to politely FUEURk OFF!!!! Lol that would seriously annoy me... If you don't have the heart to tell him go at a different time to avoid him


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After receiving several days of amusement from this thread, I thought I should share what I consider to be the ultimate annoyance at the gym... That is Over-Spotting or worse Uninvited-Over-Spotting. This is the guy who offers (or decides) to provide a spot but proceeds to throw all of his strength into each rep, taking a good 50% of the weight from the guy actually trying to lift the weight.

I'm always grateful for a spot but what the hell! I never know whether to throw in some more reps to make up for the 'assistance' or just abandon the set, thank the guy and politely send him away before starting again!
I hate that , I get real thrown off by the hover spot types that like to touch the bar before needed. Anytime I ask for a spot from someone that looks new to the weightlifting world I school them real politely on what I need. First I thank them then I tell them I don't need a lift off and if they could only step up when I give the word when im stuck and not to jump in even I'm I look like I'm struggling , Ill let em know. It's alil ackward to explain that everytime to those types but i feel it educates them for the future if they didn't know to help spot better. Nobody likes staring up some dudes shorts pressing with him hovering over the bar.


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That's why I always tell them I will say the word "yup" when to grab the bar. No confusion that way.


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That spotter talk made me think of another douche that gets on my nerves. The guy who asks you to spot in the middle of your workout and when you ask how many reps he is looking at, he tells you he thinks he can only get 6 and bangs out 12. You didnt really need a spot! haha When I spot someone I leave them the hell alone until they are at their target number and make them do that one and usually one more. Luckily, I lift alone and normally don't have to deal with this stuff.


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Some things I saw today.

Guys were maxing on bench. Bunch of younger guys about 160-180. One of them kept going up no matter what. Even after his spotter had to help me. Never understood the whole idea of going up after you needed the spotter to lift the bar off your lifeless carcass haha.

To make things better. This 40 year old man I lift with on occasion came over and joked about it. We got a laugh at the young guys just being stupid. I mean how do people do such dumb stuff?

Is it just me or does anyone else think front raises are excessive? I swear I saw 4 different groups of people doing front raises at once. At some point it is over development of an unproportional area. They get worked on every press.

I hate the overspotters who start helping for no reason. Also the guys that tap the bar as you are lifting it up. All that has ever done is knock me off balance if anything.


New member
I hate old people in the gym. Today I went towards a bench and it had a bottle of water on it I looked at the guy and asked if he was using it he said yes. He stood either side of the bench so it was in between his legs and did I **** you not BICEP curls. Pissed me right off. He was curling those girl weights made out of rubber - 6kg.


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I hate old people in the gym. Today I went towards a bench and it had a bottle of water on it I looked at the guy and asked if he was using it he said yes. He stood either side of the bench so it was in between his legs and did I **** you not BICEP curls. Pissed me right off. He was curling those girl weights made out of rubber - 6kg.
Haha senior douche bag


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I hate old people in the gym. Today I went towards a bench and it had a bottle of water on it I looked at the guy and asked if he was using it he said yes. He stood either side of the bench so it was in between his legs and did I **** you not BICEP curls. Pissed me right off. He was curling those girl weights made out of rubber - 6kg.
I'm an old guy and I love going over to the loud mouthed young guys who are benching and ripping through a set of curls with their max bench weight. But that's just me. :)


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I hate that , I get real thrown off by the hover spot types that like to touch the bar before needed. Anytime I ask for a spot from someone that looks new to the weightlifting world I school them real politely on what I need. First I thank them then I tell them I don't need a lift off and if they could only step up when I give the word when im stuck and not to jump in even I'm I look like I'm struggling , Ill let em know. It's alil ackward to explain that everytime to those types but i feel it educates them for the future if they didn't know to help spot better. Nobody likes staring up some dudes shorts pressing with him hovering over the bar.
Don't lie Mike, yes you do! Mwahahahahaha! No, that's why you get the hot girl in shorts to spot you!


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I'm an old guy and I love going over to the loud mouthed young guys who are benching and ripping through a set of curls with their max bench weight. But that's just me. :)
Haha nice!


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Don't lie Mike, yes you do! Mwahahahahaha! No, that's why you get the hot girl in shorts to spot you!
Lol , I'm busted. Nothing like staring at a sweaty sack to get you motivated. .. Ohh I literally almost just threw up typing that! Lol.. Still gagging... Anyway, I wish they would just hire fit sexy girls In sports tops and hot pants to be gym spotters/concierges/servers. Imagine that! Time to bump the ultimate gym thread!


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I saw another genius at the gym today. Benching considerably more than he should with very little movement of the bar (The bar was literally moving no further than the width of the pegs that the bar sits on). He asked one of the PTs for a spot and the PT quite rightly suggested that he should reduce the weight and go for full ROM.. The idiot argued that the weight wasn't the problem and that he has so little movement in his shoulders that he wouldn't be able to go any deeper, even with an empty bar!

The PTs response was to walk off and leave him to it... Which left me wondering:

1: Is this guy saying he can't even do a press-up?

2: If he fell on his face, would he be stuck there until someone came and rolled him over??


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I saw another genius at the gym today. Benching considerably more than he should with very little movement of the bar (The bar was literally moving no further than the width of the pegs that the bar sits on). He asked one of the PTs for a spot and the PT quite rightly suggested that he should reduce the weight and go for full ROM.. The idiot argued that the weight wasn't the problem and that he has so little movement in his shoulders that he wouldn't be able to go any deeper, even with an empty bar!

The PTs response was to walk off and leave him to it... Which left me wondering:

1: Is this guy saying he can't even do a press-up?

2: If he fell on his face, would he be stuck there until someone came and rolled him over??


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Some things I saw today.

Guys were maxing on bench. Bunch of younger guys about 160-180. One of them kept going up no matter what. Even after his spotter had to help me. Never understood the whole idea of going up after you needed the spotter to lift the bar off your lifeless carcass haha.

To make things better. This 40 year old man I lift with on occasion came over and joked about it. We got a laugh at the young guys just being stupid. I mean how do people do such dumb stuff?

Is it just me or does anyone else think front raises are excessive? I swear I saw 4 different groups of people doing front raises at once. At some point it is over development of an unproportional area. They get worked on every press.

I hate the overspotters who start helping for no reason. Also the guys that tap the bar as you are lifting it up. All that has ever done is knock me off balance if anything.
ahh yeah i see a lot of people trying to get those front delts bigger but i think thats just stupid as well considering if you do any type of push you are working your shoulders, mainly front delts, as well as your chest. I started doing them only because I cant do push really because my thumbs been casted for 1.5 months but thank god im done with those and can get back to push exercises :D


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I hate raises other then light weight warm ups that I do front and lateral. My anterior delts get huge leaving my posteriors looking disproportionate so I'm always concentrating on the posteriors since they get used alot during presses and flys. After my shoulders were injured my and i start liftng again my anteriors were huge and posteriors very weak so it looked like crap to me like half deflated softballs or something.


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Over developed front delts and under developed rear delts are a big reason for shoulder slump as well.


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saw something new yesterday- a guy stacked up like 30 plates and did something like box jumps- but he probably should have stacked like 8 because he could hardly jump.. ended up knocking the stack over. fail.


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saw something new yesterday- a guy stacked up like 30 plates and did something like box jumps- but he probably should have stacked like 8 because he could hardly jump.. ended up knocking the stack over. fail.
Good way to break a foot. Moron
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saw something new yesterday- a guy stacked up like 30 plates and did something like box jumps- but he probably should have stacked like 8 because he could hardly jump.. ended up knocking the stack over. fail.
Only a dumb dumb would think that is a good idea. Stupid people need to be taken out of the population so they do not ruin the rest of the world with their bad genes. haha


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Only a dumb dumb would think that is a good idea. Stupid people need to be taken out of the population so they do not ruin the rest of the world with their bad genes. haha
its fine, natural selection will select for our dominant genes and naturally destroy the ones with recessive genes. I think we are okay guys. I wonder what douchbagory I will see at the gym today. All I know is some guy was supper setting upright rows (shoulders) with ****ing romanian deadlifts -___-. What the hell kind of crap is that.


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its fine, natural selection will select for our dominant genes and naturally destroy the ones with recessive genes. I think we are okay guys. I wonder what douchbagory I will see at the gym today. All I know is some guy was supper setting upright rows (shoulders) with ****ing romanian deadlifts -___-. What the hell kind of crap is that.
I feel sad and fortunate at the same time at the gym I go to. I don't have too many people doing dumb ass things like that. I mean, you'll get the teen that has atrocious form every now and again, but for the most part nothing too extreme. Although I see A LOT of partial squats with too much weight. People talking about the leg press made me think of this small guy 5'6, 5'7 maybe 150, 160 and not a shredded type, his leg press he doesn't even unlock the machine. Just pushes it between two pins, maybe 7 inches if that and puts 6, 7 plates on each side and then rubs his legs after his set like he's worn out. haha


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its fine, natural selection will select for our dominant genes and naturally destroy the ones with recessive genes. I think we are okay guys. I wonder what douchbagory I will see at the gym today. All I know is some guy was supper setting upright rows (shoulders) with ****ing romanian deadlifts -___-. What the hell kind of crap is that.
I feel sad and fortunate at the same time at the gym I go to. I don't have too many people doing dumb ass things like that. I mean, you'll get the teen that has atrocious form every now and again, but for the most part nothing too extreme. Although I see A LOT of partial squats with too much weight. People talking about the leg press made me think of this small guy 5'6, 5'7 maybe 150, 160 and not a shredded type, his leg press he doesn't even unlock the machine. Just pushes it between two pins, maybe 7 inches if that and puts 6, 7 plates on each side and then rubs his legs after his set like he's worn out. haha


  • RockStar
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Only a dumb dumb would think that is a good idea. Stupid people need to be taken out of the population so they do not ruin the rest of the world with their bad genes. haha
It's too late! Our country is overrun with idiots-- just look at our government! Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers!


New member
I feel sad and fortunate at the same time at the gym I go to. I don't have too many people doing dumb ass things like that. I mean, you'll get the teen that has atrocious form every now and again, but for the most part nothing too extreme. Although I see A LOT of partial squats with too much weight. People talking about the leg press made me think of this small guy 5'6, 5'7 maybe 150, 160 and not a shredded type, his leg press he doesn't even unlock the machine. Just pushes it between two pins, maybe 7 inches if that and puts 6, 7 plates on each side and then rubs his legs after his set like he's worn out. haha
These are my favorite lol There is a guy at my gym who warms up forever, puts his knee wraps And belt on, and then loads the bar always 400+ and does quarter squats. Not to mention he has a haircut like johnny bravo Lmao


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These are my favorite lol There is a guy at my gym who warms up forever, puts his knee wraps And belt on, and then loads the bar always 400+ and does quarter squats. Not to mention he has a haircut like johnny bravo Lmao
haha that reminds of a guy JUST like that. Does your tough guy leave the plates on the bar when he's done?


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It's too late! Our country is overrun with idiots-- just look at our government! Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers!
Yep. That old saying. One person is smart. A group of people is not.

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