Douchebags at the gym...


That's how you do it. If you want to do it wrong.
You've never heard of 100 reps training have you..most ignorant thing I've read in a while lol..just plain stupid...low weight high reps HAS a place just like every other training technique


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You've never heard of 100 reps training have you..most ignorant thing I've read in a while lol..just plain stupid...low weight high reps HAS a place just like every other training technique
It does...

And 100 reps training?? Never heard of it...

I am however very familiar with GVT and the principles of TuT. These techniques and principles are used to build large amounts of mass...not get "cut up" as we were pointing out earlier.

Getting "cut up" is a matter of diet and increase in cardiovascular exertion than it is anything else.


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It does...

And 100 reps training?? Never heard of it...

I am however very familiar with GVT and the principles of TuT. These techniques and principles are used to build large amounts of mass...not get "cut up" as we were pointing out earlier.

Getting "cut up" is a matter of diet and increase in cardiovascular exertion than it is anything else.
Mano coming in with CORRECT information. Gvt will decimate you , that's how awesome it is.


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Gvt will decimate you , that's how awesome it is.
Ard yes it will. Lol GVT is insane and incredibly hard. It really is the ultimate routine.

Its perfect to bulk with as well as recomp. One of my "high profile" clients that i work very closely with around this time of year (no names will be seen but you will see him in black and gold come august) has put on 16 lbs of muscle on three months due to GVT. He also took .2 seconds off his 40 time and added 30lbs to his 1rm squat. Btw this was done all natural with nothing but products that be bought otc.

Yeah it works lol


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God I hope I'm not one of these. Suppose everyone pisses someone off don't they.


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You know what really grinds my gears ..... Why must people stare at the gym lol. I walk in with a hoodie and have my hood covering my head and half my face and I get the weirdest looks ever. ****ing annoying man. Some dude wearing SNOWPANTS today kept looking at me as I was doing db shoulder presses. SNOWPANTS ...... Oh right thermogennnnnnnicccicicssss


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You know what really grinds my gears ..... Why must people stare at the gym lol. I walk in with a hoodie and have my hood covering my head and half my face and I get the weirdest looks ever. ****ing annoying man. Some dude wearing SNOWPANTS today kept looking at me as I was doing db shoulder presses. SNOWPANTS ...... Oh right thermogennnnnnnicccicicssss
My bad. Just noticed you were rocking that hoodie.


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Ard yes it will. Lol GVT is insane and incredibly hard. It really is the ultimate routine.

Its perfect to bulk with as well as recomp. One of my "high profile" clients that i work very closely with around this time of year (no names will be seen but you will see him in black and gold come august) has put on 16 lbs of muscle on three months due to GVT. He also took .2 seconds off his 40 time and added 30lbs to his 1rm squat. Btw this was done all natural with nothing but products that be bought otc.

Yeah it works lol

Just started GVT and had y first leg day Saturday. Need help sitting down on the toilet. That would be funny if it wasn't true lol


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You know what really grinds my gears ..... Why must people stare at the gym lol. I walk in with a hoodie and have my hood covering my head and half my face and I get the weirdest looks ever. ****ing annoying man. Some dude wearing SNOWPANTS today kept looking at me as I was doing db shoulder presses. SNOWPANTS ...... Oh right thermogennnnnnnicccicicssss
Was in the gym today and one of the personal trainers was watching me while I was doing cheat reps on bicep curls. Finally I asked him "Why in the hell are you staring at me dude?" "Your form is way off. You should get some sessions with me." Now I'm not huge but 6'0 220 at 11%bf isn't small. At least I look like I kinda know what I'm doing :p . This kid is probably five ten one fifty. I just laughed, shook my head and walked away.


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Finishing up a drop set of intentionally over-exagerated form on standing bicep curls. I miss my last rep. and make a casual comment to the girl next to me "Guess Not".

D-bag rolls up (literally half my size, prob. 7 inches shorter and 50-60% of my weight if that). Grabs the bar, and in an obvious attempt to impress said girl, starts to do some of the saddest, full body-swing, short ROM pendelum momentum curls I've ever seen.

I wasn't too shy, Once I saw him start, I psuedo-cheered him on "Yeah, Thats it. Get your WHOLE body into it.". I could tell he didn't get my msg. though from the smug look on his face after he threw the weight down. It's ok, I let him hold onto the fantasy that he's stronger than me, and that he impresses that Girl....who happened to be my wife anyways.


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Finishing up a drop set of intentionally over-exagerated form on standing bicep curls. I miss my last rep. and make a casual comment to the girl next to me "Guess Not".

D-bag rolls up (literally half my size, prob. 7 inches shorter and 50-60% of my weight if that). Grabs the bar, and in an obvious attempt to impress said girl, starts to do some of the saddest, full body-swing, short ROM pendelum momentum curls I've ever seen.

I wasn't too shy, Once I saw him start, I psuedo-cheered him on "Yeah, Thats it. Get your WHOLE body into it.". I could tell he didn't get my msg. though from the smug look on his face after he threw the weight down. It's ok, I let him hold onto the fantasy that he's stronger than me, and that he impresses that Girl....who happened to be my wife anyways.
Haha that is a pretty good story.

Reminds me of a time when I was the "douche" kind of haha.

Friend of mine was trying to deadift 565 but hurt himself and couldn't do it. Some guy I kind of know from another gym is talking about how he can do it. So he tries to get it and just budges it off the ground then starts shaking violently haha. Apparently he says he needs his straps. I am sitting back with a buddy of mine just laughing our asses off. Doing the "make it rain" gesture because he looked like a stripper trying to booty pop haha. So he comes back with his straps and tries again. Same result a lot of violent shaking. So I walk over and tap him on the shoulder right after he is done without a belt and pick it right up. Then walk off without saying a word. Keep in mind a big crowd has stopped what they were doing to watch him do his attempts haha.


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If I'm any type of douche at the gym it's because i drop mad amounts of gas during my whole workout every workout. Im a very gassy individual regardless. I have intentionally crop dusted douche bags that are in my way doing dumb **** and I will continue to do as such in the future because **** them that's why. The amount of retardation that goes on where In my gym requires an anti douche device. It's unbelievable. If it weren't for the 24 hour convenience and location I woulda switched gyms long ago. In my case I use bio chemical warfare to my advantage. Last night this dick had his bench rolled up all the way against the DB rack doing flys with weight way too heavy for his scrawny doo rag wearing ass with his feet on the friggin DB rack! Particularly on the 75lb DBS I needed. So I went over and in the middle of his set shouted "hey boss , you mind if I get those 75s?!" He stopped and was like "oh, oh ya" and scooted back on his bench so I had to straddle in front of him oddly to pick the up off the lower rack. "Ok dude so you wanna play it that way?"i thought. Soooo me being one to teach the hard lesson happily let it fly as I picked up my DBs right in his ****ing face, whether he even realized it I'm not sure but I was satisfied in my action taken and given . I'm a bad person, but I don't feel bad about it . ;-) **** him that's why!


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There's this Dbag at the gym I go to that drives me nut! Super gelled hair with frosted tips, orange fake bake ( we're in Michigan in the winter numbnuts), 12 inch arms with !!! Tribal tattoo, bandana on the head, and muscle shirt. Now this alone is not the reason that he bothers me, no. The reason that he bothers me is that he power struts around the gym like he owns the place. Throws weights around in horrible form, while his trainer watches him ( don't really understand what his trainer is teaching him), and does these giant circuits all around the gym leaving weights all over the place.

Pretty sure he's the origin of the Dbag, the panspermia of all douchery on earth.


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If I'm any type of douche at the gym it's because i drop mad amounts of gas during my whole workout every workout. Im a very gassy individual regardless. I have intentionally crop dusted douche bags that are in my way doing dumb **** and I will continue to do as such in the future because **** them that's why. The amount of retardation that goes on where In my gym requires an anti douche device. It's unbelievable. If it weren't for the 24 hour convenience and location I woulda switched gyms long ago. In my case I use bio chemical warfare to my advantage. Last night this dick had his bench rolled up all the way against the DB rack doing flys with weight way too heavy for his scrawny doo rag wearing ass with his feet on the friggin DB rack! Particularly on the 75lb DBS I needed. So I went over and in the middle of his set shouted "hey boss , you mind if I get those 75s?!" He stopped and was like "oh, oh ya" and scooted back on his bench so I had to straddle in front of him oddly to pick the up off the lower rack. "Ok dude so you wanna play it that way?"i thought. Soooo me being one to teach the hard lesson happily let it fly as I picked up my DBs right in his ****ing face, whether he even realized it I'm not sure but I was satisfied in my action taken and given . I'm a bad person, but I don't feel bad about it . ;-) **** him that's why!
Lol that is hilarious. Your prolly gonna spend a good 5 minutes in hell for that...bit its worth it lol


There's a kid at my gym that I don't want to call a douche because he's probly on 15 but he drives me crazy. This kid might be 80 lbs soakin wet, real scrawny, and all he does is biceps. In between every set, sometimes twice between every set, he walks over to the mirror and pulls his sleeve up and looks at his arms. I truthfully don't think his arms are as big around as my wrists. I can't help but shake my head and laugh.


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I absolutely can relate...ill be there with you trust me
I filled out my application looooong ago but I think I want to change my job title. Ill be the demon that farts on damned souls. At least ill get to eat all my favorite foods (i.e. chili, lots of beef, pizzas, cheap beer, pork rines, etc.)without guilt. Its for fuel and I'm in hell, the fat will jus burn right off ill be chizzled like a mofo!


This thread is seriously amazing. I check in on it every couple days and the level of douchebaggery just keeps on coming.

My additions from the last week.

1) A guy I constantly see in the gym, older guy probably in mid to late 50's, has horrible form with everything but particularly his "bicep" curls. He rocks his entire body, with wrists broken, and moves his elbows. I tell my wife about this guy every day I see him, he drives me crazy. So last week I go to an industry conference and who do I meet? This guy. so does the fact that I now know him mean that I can offer some constructive criticism?

2) I spun for cardio on Sunday, first time in about a year that I had spun. I used to race mountain bikes so I pay close attention to my pedal stroke and controlling my motion throughout it to make sure I am not wasting energy. Guy in front of me, who I see pretty regularly doing the same 4 exercises, gets on his bike and start pedaling like a mad man. Not only was he bouncing up and down, but his toes were pointed down so much I think his shoes were actually bent. This kept up all class, it took a lot for me not to smack him.

My wife said she is going to get me a stack of violations that I can carry around at the gym.


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This thread is seriously amazing. I check in on it every couple days and the level of douchebaggery just keeps on coming.

My additions from the last week.

1) A guy I constantly see in the gym, older guy probably in mid to late 50's, has horrible form with everything but particularly his "bicep" curls. He rocks his entire body, with wrists broken, and moves his elbows. I tell my wife about this guy every day I see him, he drives me crazy. So last week I go to an industry conference and who do I meet? This guy. so does the fact that I now know him mean that I can offer some constructive criticism?

2) I spun for cardio on Sunday, first time in about a year that I had spun. I used to race mountain bikes so I pay close attention to my pedal stroke and controlling my motion throughout it to make sure I am not wasting energy. Guy in front of me, who I see pretty regularly doing the same 4 exercises, gets on his bike and start pedaling like a mad man. Not only was he bouncing up and down, but his toes were pointed down so much I think his shoes were actually bent. This kept up all class, it took a lot for me not to smack him.

My wife said she is going to get me a stack of violations that I can carry around at the gym.
I'd be lost in a spinning class. I just got my first bike in almost 20 years last week. I picked up a Vitus SS 29er. Love it. Been hiting local woodsy trails and about 12 miles a day average last few days. Makes me feel like a kid cruising around on my bmx all day hitn spots to ride again. I can barely do a treadmill let alone ride a bike stationary indoors, drives me nuts for some reason.


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this dude at the gym....

"Yo im on that DBOL but don't tell anyone.... I dont want people coming up to me asking me where I got it"

5 seconds later...

"But my balls and d1ck are still HUGE AS FAWK!"

Jesus..... he must have some sugar pills or something lol.


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Mother ****ers the bathe in cologne before they come to the gym. That douchebag that I took like 3 pics of doing dumb **** in one day is always there when I am now , always in my way everytime I turn around and reeks of cologne. I barely have a sense of smell from a head injury do if I can smell you that bad you must stink. Freakin old spice stank bitch! Rant over ! ........ #%@&*!!!!!
Kilo G

Kilo G

Mother ****ers the bathe in cologne before they come to the gym. That douchebag that I took like 3 pics of doing dumb **** in one day is always there when I am now , always in my way everytime I turn around and reeks of cologne. I barely have a sense of smell from a head injury do if I can smell you that bad you must stink. Freakin old spice stank bitch! Rant over ! ........ #%@&*!!!!!
I wish people at my gym smelled like cologne. Instead they smell like potato vodka, eastern mustache stink + days of gooch butter stink, period blood smell, and Communist Russia fart smell. Oh and occasionally it will smell like acidic roid vomit when you pass the bathroom or trash can. Otherwise it smells like ****ing roses.
Kilo G

Kilo G

How bout this, my American Bully( amastaff x apbt) smells better after running on a treadmill for an hour in the sun, then ****ting itself and rolling around in that crap. Than the people at my gym and the gym itself.


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I wish people at my gym smelled like cologne. Instead they smell like potato vodka, eastern mustache stink + days of gooch butter stink, period blood smell, and Communist Russia fart smell. Oh and occasionally it will smell like acidic roid vomit when you pass the bathroom or trash can. Otherwise it smells like ****ing roses.
You probably said some of the funniest stuff I have ever read on AM. Plus I was wearing my cpap mask so it made it worse haha.


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What is it with old people and baby powder?. I walk in and they're powdering each other ballsacks I swear if I see another wrinkly old ball sack and an old man pulling out the powder I will flick it like a speed bag.


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Are you going to flick the powder sack.....or the sack they are powdering? Important difference ;-p

...and is that a speed bag like a little meth baggie or the small punching speed bag that some of those old sacks probably resemble?

I could see this going either way I suppose. ;-)


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I swear the idiots were conspiring against me last night. I was trying to use the squat rack but had two morons behind me doing bent-over rows so close to the rack that the end of the bar was actually inside the rack and then a young girl (who admittedly had an amazing body so it wasn't all bad) working on her cross-fit lifts to the right of the rack, but so close that I couldn't get to the plates on that side of the bar.

And to top it off, I had Mr Personal-Space-Invader next to me in the changing room. There was literally nobody else in the changing room but this creepy b****** insists on getting changed right next to me.


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I swear the idiots were conspiring against me last night. I was trying to use the squat rack but had two morons behind me doing bent-over rows so close to the rack that the end of the bar was actually inside the rack and then a young girl (who admittedly had an amazing body so it wasn't all bad) working on her cross-fit lifts to the right of the rack, but so close that I couldn't get to the plates on that side of the bar.

And to top it off, I had Mr Personal-Space-Invader next to me in the changing room. There was literally nobody else in the changing room but this creepy b****** insists on getting changed right next to me.
You must have a calm demeanor, I would have told them all to piss off and give them the clue they're missing.


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What is it with old people and baby powder?. I walk in and they're powdering each other ballsacks I swear if I see another wrinkly old ball sack and an old man pulling out the powder I will flick it like a speed bag.
Hey I love my baby powder! I hate having a sweaty package.


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I wish people at my gym smelled like cologne. Instead they smell like potato vodka, eastern mustache stink + days of gooch butter stink, period blood smell, and Communist Russia fart smell. Oh and occasionally it will smell like acidic roid vomit when you pass the bathroom or trash can. Otherwise it smells like ****ing roses.
Dirty!Your gym sounds like a staff infection waiting to happen. Wear long sleeves and gloves and spray everything in case you have any broken skin for that crap to get into. Disgusting.
Kilo G

Kilo G

Dirty!Your gym sounds like a staff infection waiting to happen. Wear long sleeves and gloves and spray everything in case you have any broken skin for that crap to get into. Disgusting.
Already do. I'm the only mofo in there covering as much skin as the afghani women in burkas. Fuuuuuck that. But there is a bright side, it's free lol.


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Already do. I'm the only mofo in there covering as much skin as the afghani women in burkas. Fuuuuuck that. But there is a bright side, it's free lol.
Stop spending your money on cocaine, casinos and whores and you can use it to join a clean gym... Hell, you may have enough to open your own gym ! Lol
Kilo G

Kilo G

Stop spending your money on cocaine, casinos and whores and you can use it to join a clean gym... Hell, you may have enough to open your own gym ! Lol
Everything in moderation comrade. Most of the time I playground workout. If not I got that dumbbell set at home that you can regulate, and if I ever want to bench press all I have to do is walk over to my neighbors front yard. I was thinking about getting a 24hour fitness membership for the pool and sauna.


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So same kid I mentioned in an earlier post who said leg presses are basically squats asks me today how he should set up his deadlift. I tell him the set up and he proceeds to jump into a straight set of max weight deads, does 3 reps with snap city form. I then questioned him whether he was going to warm up and he told me that he didn't want to be fatigued by doing 10 reps of anything and that this was his warm up. I tried helping with his form but he gave me that douchey "oh yeah man I got it, no problem" clearly he didn't. I returned to my workout to yet again see him almost put himself in the hospital with more all back max weight deads.... well i tried. More stories to follow haha


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Has anyone mentioned the guy that wears a beanie and hoodie all the time like he's in an Animal Pack add? I don't know how that is comfortable. Also have a guy that wears an old mesh field house flag football belly shirt and meat-gazes every male in the room. All he does is follow people around trying to catch a glimpse of your sack.


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Has anyone mentioned the guy that wears a beanie and hoodie all the time like he's in an Animal Pack add? I don't know how that is comfortable. Also have a guy that wears an old mesh field house flag football belly shirt and meat-gazes every male in the room. All he does is follow people around trying to catch a glimpse of your sack.


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Has anyone mentioned the guy that wears a beanie and hoodie all the time like he's in an Animal Pack add? I don't know how that is comfortable. Also have a guy that wears an old mesh field house flag football belly shirt and meat-gazes every male in the room. All he does is follow people around trying to catch a glimpse of your sack.
I used to wear a hoodie through my routine at my old gym, but that's because in the winter time the place was in the 50's. plus I started to get tennis elbow at that time and the cold air killed my joints.
Kilo G

Kilo G

Idk what's so wrong about wearing a hoody. The nasty **** is when lardy huge ladies wear plastic suits. I saw a 120 kg lady dragging about10kg of water around with her in that damn trash bag she was wearing. It was like a bitch (dog) on her period she was dripping all over the place. If you where to pop her plastic suit there would be a monsoon the size of Japan in the gym... Now that's old lady douchebaggery


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I wear a hoodie for most, if not all, of my training session. *shrug*

I guess I'm a douchebag.


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Its pretty common. Defenitley helps warm up and keep the muscles warm on cold days.


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Has anyone mentioned the guy that wears a beanie and hoodie all the time like he's in an Animal Pack add? I don't know how that is comfortable.
Would you rather see him in yoga pants?

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