Douchebags at the gym...



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Whining fat bitches drive me crazy. Got this monstrous red headed beast at my gym who has a PT session MWF. And everytime she does anything she is pissing and moaning like she is going to die. It's like watching week 1 of The Biggest Loser, except she never gets any better. Everything is "too hard" and "too much work". On the flip side there is this other woman there with multiple sclerosis. She is about 45 years old and her trainer works the hell out of her and all she ever says is "that's not as bad as I thought it'd be" or "I think I could bump the weight up on that one"
She is my hero. She busts her ass every day in the gym, with a smile on her face, to try to slow the progress of her MS. Meanwhile the 350 lb ginger drama queen, that obvioulsy has stuffed her fat face with twinkies for the last 20 years watching Oprah, moans and groans through every freakin rep.


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I got this obese couple that comes into my gym when I'm there around 10pm. I'm guessing they do so late because of their size and the only thing they ever do is sit on the pec fly machine and chest press machine right next to each other and occasionally knock a few out then they go do triceps on the cables. No treadmill , no eliptical no bikes. I don't get it. Like just being at the gym is going to lose the weight. I seriously just wanna ask them wtf they are thinking and would they like some guidance so they stop wasting their time and gym space.


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I live in Collierville, and thinking to move to Southhaven , people in Missisippi are more easy going!
Aye so you workout at Lifetime then? Our burb have gone to shiite in the last year or so with the annexes!


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Whining fat bitches drive me crazy. Got this monstrous red headed beast at my gym who has a PT session MWF. And everytime she does anything she is pissing and moaning like she is going to die. It's like watching week 1 of The Biggest Loser, except she never gets any better. Everything is "too hard" and "too much work". On the flip side there is this other woman there with multiple sclerosis. She is about 45 years old and her trainer works the hell out of her and all she ever says is "that's not as bad as I thought it'd be" or "I think I could bump the weight up on that one"
She is my hero. She busts her ass every day in the gym, with a smile on her face, to try to slow the progress of her MS. Meanwhile the 350 lb ginger drama queen, that obvioulsy has stuffed her fat face with twinkies for the last 20 years watching Oprah, moans and groans through every freakin rep.
And this is why I could never be a trainer. I'm brutally honest and have a very short tolerance for people like that. I'd end up tellin her to suck it up and stop drawing attention to herself with her bitching and complaining and that nothing makes a fat woman in a gym taking up space more annoying then one that keeps whining about getting into shape. Then close it with ,from your attitude I can tell your just gonna go back to being a fat slob so stop wasting my time and your money and just go spend it at the buffet where you only whine about them being out of tempura shrimp! Lol


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Deliver that ish Mike! Haha, so someone here thinks cologne to the gym is douchey? DA****?


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I love it, I can't stop watching it, especially the slow motion part! Ha ha classic!


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I love it, I can't stop watching it, especially the slow motion part! Ha ha classic!
Yup, so deserving. Dude gave him ample opportunity to leave him the fuk alone and then ruined his day when he'd had enough. In front of kids too. I don't blame statue man one bit.


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Oh my, bros will be enraged. I was deadlifting, went to the bathroom to puke, came back and I have 1 plate on 1 side left. I look at the guy like wtf are you doing. "re-rack your weights when your done" this douche tells me. Mother ****er I ain't finished yet and he's like my bad he walks off....I gotta pull out all the plates again and ****. I've never been one to tell management anything, but I'm making sure this ****er is out of there

By the way, PR'd 405 x 6


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Oh my, bros will be enraged. I was deadlifting, went to the bathroom to puke, came back and I have 1 plate on 1 side left. I look at the guy like wtf are you doing. "re-rack your weights when your done" this douche tells me. Mother ****er I ain't finished yet and he's like my bad he walks off....I gotta pull out all the plates again and ****. I've never been one to tell management anything, but I'm making sure this ****er is out of there

By the way, PR'd 405 x 6


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Oh my, bros will be enraged. I was deadlifting, went to the bathroom to puke, came back and I have 1 plate on 1 side left. I look at the guy like wtf are you doing. "re-rack your weights when your done" this douche tells me. Mother ****er I ain't finished yet and he's like my bad he walks off....I gotta pull out all the plates again and ****. I've never been one to tell management anything, but I'm making sure this ****er is out of there

By the way, PR'd 405 x 6
OH SH!T, my PR is 405x4... ima getcha this week prolly :p


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Here in Memphis Tenneessee area gyms are full of D-bags , well to be honest the whole state sucks , can not wait to move out of this state!!
I drove through Memphis today after vacation and I can agree 100% that city and whole state from what I see sucks!!! It's all gloomy and just crappy. My girlfriend wouldn't get out of the truck at the gas station due to the "weird people" walking around.... Her words.


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I drove through Memphis today after vacation and I can agree 100% that city and whole state from what I see sucks!!! It's all gloomy and just crappy. My girlfriend wouldn't get out of the truck at the gas station due to the "weird people" walking around.... Her words.
The city is not exactly Atlantis, but the suburbs like Collierville, Bartlett, Lakeland and parts of Cordova are nice. Not to mention Germantown, which being an upscale Jewish community preliminarily, is one of the better places to live , than all of the above.


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Last week I witnessed one of the funniest things I've ever seen...

For some reason they had decided to run a class in the middle of the gym floor and had a group of young guys doing some random exercises, one of which was assisted pull ups, using a rubber band for assistance (The rubber band was tied onto the bar and the other end hooked onto one foot). Unfortunately for one of the guys, the rubber band was stronger than he was so immediately flicked him into a horizontal position and, in a fit of wild panic, he let go of the bar and dropped flat on his back onto the step that he had used to reach the bar.

F*** me, I laughed!!


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Last week I witnessed one of the funniest things I've ever seen...

For some reason they had decided to run a class in the middle of the gym floor and had a group of young guys doing some random exercises, one of which was assisted pull ups, using a rubber band for assistance (The rubber band was tied onto the bar and the other end hooked onto one foot). Unfortunately for one of the guys, the rubber band was stronger than he was so immediately flicked him into a horizontal position and, in a fit of wild panic, he let go of the bar and dropped flat on his back onto the step that he had used to reach the bar.

F*** me, I laughed!!
Why not just use a weighted assist pull-up station. I hate seeing people take regular exercises that are perfectly fine and adding Swiss ball balancing or some other thing that is completely unnecessary and increasing your chances of injury.

Two examples.

Power lifter at my old gym was doing db presses off a Swiss ball with hundred+ db's. ball pops and he dropped to the floor db smashes his forearm and bone tears through his forearm causing 8 in nasty scar.

Then yesterday I see a guy doing T cable curls on a Swiss ball. The entire time he's wobbling all over the place and can't even get effective form.

I don't understand the obsession with balancing exercises, are you really planing on being a 250 lbs tight rope walker.


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Why not just use a weighted assist pull-up station. I hate seeing people take regular exercises that are perfectly fine and adding Swiss ball balancing or some other thing that is completely unnecessary and increasing your chances of injury.

Two examples.

Power lifter at my old gym was doing db presses off a Swiss ball with hundred+ db's. ball pops and he dropped to the floor db smashes his forearm and bone tears through his forearm causing 8 in nasty scar.

Then yesterday I see a guy doing T cable curls on a Swiss ball. The entire time he's wobbling all over the place aWsnd can't even get effective form.

I don't understand the obsession with balancing exercises, are you really planing on being a 250 lbs tight rope walker.
What's wrong with band assisted pullups? I prefer having people do them because it increases the load as you get closer to the bar, and allows for more freedom of movement because you aren't constricted by the assist machine.

Also, you are talking about one particular instance. DB presses on a SB are great exercises. If you don't understand the reason behind doing them that falls on your lack of understanding, don't hate an exercise because you don't care to educate yourself.

The third example is just that of someone being stupid.


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Why not just use a weighted assist pull-up station. I hate seeing people take regular exercises that are perfectly fine and adding Swiss ball balancing or some other thing that is completely unnecessary and increasing your chances of injury.

Two examples.

Power lifter at my old gym was doing db presses off a Swiss ball with hundred+ db's. ball pops and he dropped to the floor db smashes his forearm and bone tears through his forearm causing 8 in nasty scar.

Then yesterday I see a guy doing T cable curls on a Swiss ball. The entire time he's wobbling all over the place and can't even get effective form.

I don't understand the obsession with balancing exercises, are you really planing on being a 250 lbs tight rope walker.
Because it's something most people can't do d/t their week ass core.
Balancing on swiss balls while doing exercises isn't meant for heavy lifts, that's just stupid, It's meant for core strength and endurance.
There are other ways of effectively working your core though.


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I fully understand the reason for doing them. I'm just saying there are far more effective and safer ways of increasing core strength rather than trying to balance on top of a Swiss ball and doing squats.

Besides that, if I can do 90# db presses for 8 on a bench and work all of the tissue in my chest, why would I want to do 50's on a Swiss ball and do 25 reps ,take twice as long and have a chance of hurting myself.

I guess I just think to old school, if I want to work core I just do deads, ab movements, front squats, etc. no offense just giving my opinion.


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Lol I'm so old school I actually just got done doing sissy squats.


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Oh my, bros will be enraged. I was deadlifting, went to the bathroom to puke, came back and I have 1 plate on 1 side left. I look at the guy like wtf are you doing. "re-rack your weights when your done" this douche tells me. Mother ****er I ain't finished yet and he's like my bad he walks off....I gotta pull out all the plates again and ****. I've never been one to tell management anything, but I'm making sure this ****er is out of there

By the way, PR'd 405 x 6
That would have really pissed me off. Although they would have had to REALLY work to rereak my weights haha.

If I was him and had done that I would have at least helped put the weights back on.

Why not just use a weighted assist pull-up station. I hate seeing people take regular exercises that are perfectly fine and adding Swiss ball balancing or some other thing that is completely unnecessary and increasing your chances of injury.

Two examples.

Power lifter at my old gym was doing db presses off a Swiss ball with hundred+ db's. ball pops and he dropped to the floor db smashes his forearm and bone tears through his forearm causing 8 in nasty scar.

Then yesterday I see a guy doing T cable curls on a Swiss ball. The entire time he's wobbling all over the place and can't even get effective form.

I don't understand the obsession with balancing exercises, are you really planing on being a 250 lbs tight rope walker.
The only one I disagree with is the banded pull ups. Supposed to be much better at translating to a pull up. With that said I havent tried it. Wouldnt mind trying it with all my extra weight pull ups are tough haha.

Because it's something most people can't do d/t their week ass core.
Balancing on swiss balls while doing exercises isn't meant for heavy lifts, that's just stupid, It's meant for core strength and endurance.
There are other ways of effectively working your core though.
I agree there are better ways to train your core. It is usually just comical to watch people. In fact I was waiting to watch a guy bust his ass in the gym yesterday on the BS.


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If I was him and had done that I would have at least helped put the weights back on.
That is all that I wanted is for him to help load it back up. PS my back feels like sheeeeeeeeit today :)


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You've never heard of 100 reps training have you..most ignorant thing I've read in a while lol..just plain stupid...low weight high reps HAS a place just like every other training technique
I have heard of what you are talking about. Most people mistake high reps and low weight for LOSING WEIGHT which is what we were joking around about. I was sick and my wife was sick so I missed some of the fun on this board, but I noticed I was quoted. I have read where lower weight training has the potential to build as much muscle as a stereotypical 8-12 rep 80% type training to build mass. BUT, my whole point was if your weight was so light that you can take the time mid set to check out a broad, you are probably not putting a whole hell of a lot of effort into what you are doing. You are there to say "I go to the gym."


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I've been sick so I haven't been able to keep up with the fun stories on this board. MikeG always entertains me. Anyhow, we had a 75lb dumbbell in disrepair at my home. This guy starts f*cking with it, trying to tighten it. Not making any progress, the guy next to him tells him not to bother to use it. He does so and on his second rep the cap comes off and a 2.5 and 10lb plate slide off and hit him in the face. I watched his reaction before I started laughing (which I was doing on the inside) but I didn't because he started kind of tearing up. At least no girls come there. haha

It got me thinking, if I was going to use a crappy weight, which side would the crappiness go on? Certainly not on the side where the only thing that would break its fall is my face. I wouldn't use it, just throwing out that hypothetical situation.


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^^^Ouch. Makes me feel lucky I never caught one in the face. The fitness 19 in Peoria AZ I was a member at was horrible with keeping their equipment up and the DBs were always loose and would have hand tighten them all the time. I remember seeing ones that fell apart sittin under the rack from time to time. Always told myself I was gonna bring some hex keys in so I could tighten the damn things up but never did. No suprise that they got bought out by another gym chain. Breaking bones in your face hurts


^^^Ouch. Makes me feel lucky I never caught one in the face. The fitness 19 in Peoria AZ I was a member at was horrible with keeping their equipment up and the DBs were always loose and would have hand tighten them all the time. I remember seeing ones that fell apart sittin under the rack from time to time. Always told myself I was gonna bring some hex keys in so I could tighten the damn things up but never did. No suprise that they got bought out by another gym chain. Breaking bones in your face hurts
Peoria! Yeah buddy


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Uggh. It was revenge of the 400 lb amazon ginger this morning. For about two weeks I've been planning on taking a morning and trying to set a PR on bench. I get to the gym, it's not crowded, which is good, and I head to the bench. Broadzilla is in the corner with her trainer doing some form of bodyweight rows on the smith machine. I move the trainer's dunkin donuts coffee, clipboard, and iPhone off the flat bench and put it on a different bench closer to where he is at.

I load on my plates, loosen up a bit and try to get in the zone. I lay down, find my hand positions on the bar, arch my back, etc etc, just getting ready to lift and 'BAM', 'BAM', BAM'...hungry hungry hippo and her trainer are right in front of me bouncing/slamming one of those exercise balls on the ground back and forth between each other. FML...there is no possible way I could focus now. And these phucktards have the entire gym open, plus two empty aerobics rooms they could be doing their ridiculous playground exercises in, but they have to do it right in front of me. So much for working on my PR. Discourteous idiots.


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Uggh. It was revenge of the 400 lb amazon ginger this morning. For about two weeks I've been planning on taking a morning and trying to set a PR on bench. I get to the gym, it's not crowded, which is good, and I head to the bench. Broadzilla is in the corner with her trainer doing some form of bodyweight rows on the smith machine. I move the trainer's dunkin donuts coffee, clipboard, and iPhone off the flat bench and put it on a different bench closer to where he is at.

I load on my plates, loosen up a bit and try to get in the zone. I lay down, find my hand positions on the bar, arch my back, etc etc, just getting ready to lift and 'BAM', 'BAM', BAM'...hungry hungry hippo and her trainer are right in front of me bouncing/slamming one of those exercise balls on the ground back and forth between each other. FML...there is no possible way I could focus now. And these phucktards have the entire gym open, plus two empty aerobics rooms they could be doing their ridiculous playground exercises in, but they have to do it right in front of me. So much for working on my PR. Discourteous idiots.
Lol is this the same douchey duo that was giving you fits before??


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Uggh. It was revenge of the 400 lb amazon ginger this morning. For about two weeks I've been planning on taking a morning and trying to set a PR on bench. I get to the gym, it's not crowded, which is good, and I head to the bench. Broadzilla is in the corner with her trainer doing some form of bodyweight rows on the smith machine. I move the trainer's dunkin donuts coffee, clipboard, and iPhone off the flat bench and put it on a different bench closer to where he is at.

I load on my plates, loosen up a bit and try to get in the zone. I lay down, find my hand positions on the bar, arch my back, etc etc, just getting ready to lift and 'BAM', 'BAM', BAM'...hungry hungry hippo and her trainer are right in front of me bouncing/slamming one of those exercise balls on the ground back and forth between each other. FML...there is no possible way I could focus now. And these phucktards have the entire gym open, plus two empty aerobics rooms they could be doing their ridiculous playground exercises in, but they have to do it right in front of me. So much for working on my PR. Discourteous idiots.
Personal trainers piss me off the most I think. They should know better then any to keep people out of the way of more dedicated people exercising. Instead I get them leaning against the DB rack or sitting on a machine or bench in front of their whale of the week doing a futile exercise they won't ever do again unless its for a free buffet coupon. I have no problem letting them know with body language and attitude that they're in my ****ing way, I just go at stuff like they're not even there and let them jump outa the way. If it ever needs to comes to words with them or the management then ill let them really have a piece of my mind and tell them to take it to an empty aerobics room or less populated area if they can't be more mindful of their surroundings. Real PTs that went to school I respect but online certificate self entitled douche bags that do it cus they're in ok shape an feel they can make a living giving lazy, fat, exercise challenged people false hope can bite it as they walk around the gym like they own the place with their arrogance. If I actually saw these people get more involved with their clients It may not irk me as much but it's always the same scenario like they're just going through the motions. Show them the exercise, give them a light weight, watch them go at it with crap form and sit back and watch until they make a dumb nervous joke about it or ask a question finally before they help more, then it's on to the next exercise. Very rare have I ever seen a pt make their client soak a shirt. No offense to any trainers on here . I assume any regulars on here that PT are the few that take it seriously.


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Lol is this the same douchey duo that was giving you fits before??
Yep. I am going to sneak in the gym tonight and cut a big hole in the floor, then using a bucket of lard and a Men's Health magazine as bait I am going to rid myself of both of them for good!


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Yep. I am going to sneak in the gym tonight and cut a big hole in the floor, then using a bucket of lard and a Men's Health magazine as bait I am going to rid myself of both of them for good!
Hahahahahahah the croc hunter would be proud.


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Uggh. It was revenge of the 400 lb amazon ginger this morning. For about two weeks I've been planning on taking a morning and trying to set a PR on bench. I get to the gym, it's not crowded, which is good, and I head to the bench. Broadzilla is in the corner with her trainer doing some form of bodyweight rows on the smith machine. I move the trainer's dunkin donuts coffee, clipboard, and iPhone off the flat bench and put it on a different bench closer to where he is at.

I load on my plates, loosen up a bit and try to get in the zone. I lay down, find my hand positions on the bar, arch my back, etc etc, just getting ready to lift and 'BAM', 'BAM', BAM'...hungry hungry hippo and her trainer are right in front of me bouncing/slamming one of those exercise balls on the ground back and forth between each other. FML...there is no possible way I could focus now. And these phucktards have the entire gym open, plus two empty aerobics rooms they could be doing their ridiculous playground exercises in, but they have to do it right in front of me. So much for working on my PR. Discourteous idiots.
The bonus to your situation is that she has got to be dead-sexy. Does she ever tell you to get in her belly? That she is higher on the food chain than you? (fat ginger made me think of Fat Bastard from Austin Powers)


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Personal trainers piss me off the most I think. They should know better then any to keep people out of the way of more dedicated people exercising. Instead I get them leaning against the DB rack or sitting on a machine or bench in front of their whale of the week doing a futile exercise they won't ever do again unless its for a free buffet coupon. I have no problem letting them know with body language and attitude that they're in my ****ing way, I just go at stuff like they're not even there and let them jump outa the way. If it ever needs to comes to words with them or the management then ill let them really have a piece of my mind and tell them to take it to an empty aerobics room or less populated area if they can't be more mindful of their surroundings. Real PTs that went to school I respect but online certificate self entitled douche bags that do it cus they're in ok shape an feel they can make a living giving lazy, fat, exercise challenged people false hope can bite it as they walk around the gym like they own the place with their arrogance. If I actually saw these people get more involved with their clients It may not irk me as much but it's always the same scenario like they're just going through the motions. Show them the exercise, give them a light weight, watch them go at it with crap form and sit back and watch until they make a dumb nervous joke about it or ask a question finally before they help more, then it's on to the next exercise. Very rare have I ever seen a pt make their client soak a shirt. No offense to any trainers on here . I assume any regulars on here that PT are the few that take it seriously.
Most PT's are lazy and half ass what they do. I have seen very few put up personalized programs at the gym I went to in Indiana. They weren't necessarily lazy or discourteous like the one SXI speaks of, but were definitely of the "functional" type. The ones that my mother-in-law has to deal with at a Gold's in Forney drive her crazy as well, constantly trying to sell her time.


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I drove through Memphis today after vacation and I can agree 100% that city and whole state from what I see sucks!!! It's all gloomy and just crappy. My girlfriend wouldn't get out of the truck at the gas station due to the "weird people" walking around.... Her words.
Yes it is, you most of the people here in the South are very nice and friendly , but her I guess due to the crime people is just rude!!


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Looks like we scared off the douches for a few days. Did see a guy doing crunches on the decline bench press today though.


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Looks like we scared off the douches for a few days. Did see a guy doing crunches on the decline bench press today though.
BB or DB decline bench? I see that every day on the DB decline bench. I don't find it douchy, personally. In fact, I think I am the only one in the gym that actually uses it for decline presses. Everyone else probably thinks I'm a douche for using their 'ab crunch' bench. :)


New member
Looks like we scared off the douches for a few days. Did see a guy doing crunches on the decline bench press today though.
I saw a girl texting whilst doing sit-ups, yesterday. She was holding a conversation with her friend at the same time so, whilst she wasn't doing anything in the way of actually exercising, her multi-tasking skills were quite impressive.


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Looks like we scared off the douches for a few days. Did see a guy doing crunches on the decline bench press today though.
I have done decline presses with dumbbells and barbell on the decline press bench. Also I have done both crunches and leg lift on it.


New member
BB or DB decline bench? I see that every day on the DB decline bench. I don't find it douchy, personally. In fact, I think I am the only one in the gym that actually uses it for decline presses. Everyone else probably thinks I'm a douche for using their 'ab crunch' bench. :)
It was on the BB bench which is what made it kind of douchey, plus there were available decline benches near the DB racks. See it done on the DB bench daily and that doesn't bother me.


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Wow I don't know if you'd call this a douche.. Actually I don't know wtf to call "It". This here, my goods sirs is a interesting specimen. You are viewing a 6'2" transexual with a giant set of fake knockers. My gym is getting stranger by the week!


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Wow I don't know if you'd call this a douche.. Actually I don't know wtf to cal "It". This here, my goods sirs is a interesting specimen. You are viewing a 6'2" transexual with a giant set of fake knockers. My gym is getting stranger by the week!
<img src=""/>
This my friends is the effects of not taking a proper PCT.


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Ok this time at the gym i was the douche....

I was talking to this guy that wanted help with diet. I was explaining to him that fat is 9 cals for a gram of fat.... which is a ton! I was telling him that a snickers is like 14 grams, so that would make like a 1000 cals....
My goal was to explain that it takes a while to burn through a lb of fat... to not get discouraged....

Lol.... i had no idea what i was saying apparently....
Supposedly preworkouts affect my math skills.... poor guy didnt even correct me.... i wish i could find him and tell him sorry for my retardedness.... lol doh!


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Ok this time at the gym i was the douche....

I was talking to this guy that wanted help with diet. I was explaining to him that fat is 9 cals for a gram of fat.... which is a ton! I was telling him that a snickers is like 14 grams, so that would make like a 1000 cals....
My goal was to explain that it takes a while to burn through a lb of fat... to not get discouraged....

Lol.... i had no idea what i was saying apparently....
Supposedly preworkouts affect my math skills.... poor guy didnt even correct me.... i wish i could find him and tell him sorry for my retardedness.... lol doh!

LOL, them math skills can get f'd up sometimes but it's ok bro. Your large and in charge, you created this maths and no ones going to question you
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