Double dose of NeedToBuildMuscle Transderm meet OUFINNY for 8 week domination!



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Awesome update man! Everything is going great in here! You are really making me look forward to running this stuff here in a couple weeks! And I will be running mine with some EPI too :sgrin:
just ordered formastanzol to run with my transaderm!!!


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Dang brother glad to see things on track and I love your strength on them db presses. I feel so weak right now lol.

Guys things are moving right along and with the help of an AI, I am not holding so much water anymore. If you are dosing transderm at 8-10 pumps a day, you are going to need an AI unless you don't care about holding water. That or just run Epi with it ;).

Here are my exercises and some weights I am hitting now. On all big lifts I am hitting 3 sets with a warm up.

Hack Squats 270x10x3
Flat DB Bench 90x10x3
Overhead rope Ext
Wide Grip Lats 170x10x3
Preacher curls
Machine Military Press 110x10x3 This is the meanest machine I have ever used, I used to do 220 at Lifetime Fitness, not so on this one.

I am happy that I was able to do this weight on hack squat, it was the same weight I hurt my back on back in February that messed up my NTBM contest run. Walked away just fine last night except for my legs being jello. Still getting very good recovery and my chest is filling out. This run is definitely going to go 8+ weeks which I am not that worried about, it will more than likely be similar to a test run where you go 10+ weeks just not nearly as strong of course. My boys are shrunk yet, still can respond to my woman so I don't see the need to really stop right at 8 weeks. I still have 1/3 of the first bottle left, its ridiculous. I don't love everything about NTBM but the transdermals that it makes are very well dosed in terms of quantity; kuddos guys.

Just an update for you on after the run. I am going to run Clomid for PCT, EndoSurge and an AI like Aromasin so I have no risk of any gyno flares. Why a strong AI like that, cause I get estro rebound after pretty consistently and this will make it a thing of the past!


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still lovin this log here.glad to see someone doing this.


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I believe this logs needs some libido checks to match where mine is at right now!


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Id be interested to see those results, of course adding 7-8 pumps a day of forma stanzol would be huge
It would just aromatise more and you damn sure would need a strong AI or the water bloat would suck.


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Houston which AI you going with?


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It would just aromatise more and you damn sure would need a strong AI or the water bloat would suck.
I agree. I wouldn't run a very high dose without an AI


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Houston which AI you going with?
I was using Erase, just about out so I am going with Aromasin, sick of messing around and I get more for the same price.

I agree. I wouldn't run a very high dose without an AI
I plan on 12.5 mgs ED and maybe 25 mgs for the first few weeks of PCT then go to 12.5 and 6.5mgs as I taper off. This cycle is going to be long so a real AI is necessary since I am going to be crazy shutdown at the end of this I imagine.


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Workout update - day two of 10s

Man today is a good day, had an awesome workout and strength is going up still which is just fun! Some highlights for you:

Incline Bench - 185x10x2, 185x8 It's official my shoulder is back and I can't wait to get up 215 or 225 soon!
Seated rows - 200x10x3 Yeah this was SICK, crazy back pump in the lats and mid traps
Leg Press - 5 pps + 25 per side x10x3 Legs were pumped, screaming and just a battle to get these on set 3, so painful in a great way!
Push Press - 135x10, 135x8 These were crazy hard and I stopped cause form was getting sloppy. Going to stay here and tighten it up.

The rest are ancillary exercises of course but I was up in these two. Dips are now BW of 220+50 pound chain, it is no joke and my hands tell me that near the end of the sets. I got to say this run has been great, hoping to see more body changes but strength gains and better diet will surely lead to that even if not super fast, tends to be the case on a recomp.


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I hear you on that bro that stuff isn't hard to get and not bad price either. My trt Dr. has me on letrozole.

I was using Erase, just about out so I am going with Aromasin, sick of messing around and I get more for the same price.

I plan on 12.5 mgs ED and maybe 25 mgs for the first few weeks of PCT then go to 12.5 and 6.5mgs as I taper off. This cycle is going to be long so a real AI is necessary since I am going to be crazy shutdown at the end of this I imagine.


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I hear you on that bro that stuff isn't hard to get and not bad price either. My trt Dr. has me on letrozole.
I still don't know why you are on letro, it is so strong. Just watch your dosing and ask him to do a hormone panel so you know he has the dose right or it will crush estrogen and your libido/sex drive will be toast. I know, I did that during my last PCT and it sucked, you need a good T:E balance or joint and libido suffer greatly.

Today: going to do some cardio most likely. NTBM guys, I am probably going to add in a oral here, just fits into my plans and the transderm is treating me right. I have at least 30+ days down and the results are pretty evident that the double dose not only works, but it goes past the projected 30 days the bottle says. It will showcase how well it works on its own, right now, and with the addition of an oral. Sounds to me like a great way to showcase the versatility of the product.


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i can't understand the letro on trt doc is very reluctant to prescribe an ai!!! of course my estrogen is pretty much in the high middle range, but i usually run otc ai's like erase and forma, they seem to work very well for me!!!


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I still don't know why you are on letro, it is so strong. Just watch your dosing and ask him to do a hormone panel so you know he has the dose right or it will crush estrogen and your libido/sex drive will be toast. I know, I did that during my last PCT and it sucked, you need a good T:E balance or joint and libido suffer greatly.

Today: going to do some cardio most likely. NTBM guys, I am probably going to add in a oral here, just fits into my plans and the transderm is treating me right. I have at least 30+ days down and the results are pretty evident that the double dose not only works, but it goes past the projected 30 days the bottle says. It will showcase how well it works on its own, right now, and with the addition of an oral. Sounds to me like a great way to showcase the versatility of the product.
Sounds good man....what oral are you going to throw in?


I still don't know why you are on letro, it is so strong. Just watch your dosing and ask him to do a hormone panel so you know he has the dose right or it will crush estrogen and your libido/sex drive will be toast. I know, I did that during my last PCT and it sucked, you need a good T:E balance or joint and libido suffer greatly.

Today: going to do some cardio most likely. NTBM guys, I am probably going to add in a oral here, just fits into my plans and the transderm is treating me right. I have at least 30+ days down and the results are pretty evident that the double dose not only works, but it goes past the projected 30 days the bottle says. It will showcase how well it works on its own, right now, and with the addition of an oral. Sounds to me like a great way to showcase the versatility of the product.
good job man! :thumbsup:


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Sounds good man....what oral are you going to throw in?
I may have started Trenazone at 2 ml a day and am throwing in some epi for good measure, you know my home made Spawn cycle. I am going to start the Epi in a few days and will see how that goes with the Aromasin, may have to watch the dose.


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I still don't know why you are on letro, it is so strong. Just watch your dosing and ask him to do a hormone panel so you know he has the dose right or it will crush estrogen and your libido/sex drive will be toast. I know, I did that during my last PCT and it sucked, you need a good T:E balance or joint and libido suffer greatly.

Today: going to do some cardio most likely. NTBM guys, I am probably going to add in a oral here, just fits into my plans and the transderm is treating me right. I have at least 30+ days down and the results are pretty evident that the double dose not only works, but it goes past the projected 30 days the bottle says. It will showcase how well it works on its own, right now, and with the addition of an oral. Sounds to me like a great way to showcase the versatility of the product.
Thanks bro I will ask for the blood panel for sure. He has me on letrozole but only 2.5 mg and one pill every two weeks so not really much maybe because like you said the strength. He wanted to keep estro down and see how my levels do. I'm def feeling amazing. When I hit 225 on bench today for 3 I swear I could have done 10-12


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Thanks bro I will ask for the blood panel for sure. He has me on letrozole but only 2.5 mg and one pill every two weeks so not really much maybe because like you said the strength. He wanted to keep estro down and see how my levels do. I'm def feeling amazing. When I hit 225 on bench today for 3 I swear I could have done 10-12
I am sure it felt crazy good to hit that 225 on the bench. Believe me i know exactly what you mean by this. Hope all the blood work comes backs the way you are expecting.


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I am sure it felt crazy good to hit that 225 on the bench. Believe me i know exactly what you mean by this. Hope all the blood work comes backs the way you are expecting.
Thanks bro means a lot trust me. Houston know's how long I've battled my first trt dr putting me through a horomone rollercoster!! Even my new Dr. was like wth man I feel for you. I just keep my fingers cross I can get him to start adding HCG!!! I hit 350lbs 2 reps 9 years ago at 170lbs on creatine and whey that was it!! I want that again and by GOD it will be mine again soon.


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A little quiet in here ladies. Rest assured all went well on Friday and will be back in the gym today again. Trenazone is going now at 2 mL a day and should be adding in Epi today pre-workout. I am going to see if the epi is enough so I don't have to take an AI until PCT, just a few days of aromasin in a low dose had my joints killing so I might not need as much as I thought.


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Monday workout - Week 2 of 10s

Monday was great though my legs are destroyed and I had to do light weight, they needed a day to recover. On everything else, I am up in weight and hitting all my reps. Here are some of my exercises and the weights I hit:

Incline BB Bench - 195x10x2, 205x10
Seated Rows - 210x10x3 This was a struggle so no more increases until I can clean up form
Standing Military Press - 130x10x2
Concentration curls - 40x10x2 These are up and my elbow is tolerating them, a good sign for sure
Legs - Useless, did some serious calf work instead

Started Epi at 30mgs a day along with 2mL a day of Trenazone. Things are getting real, real big: weight is 223 today.


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Awesome bro nice con curls. I struggle like hell with those myself and don't understand why I'm weak on that one move but can curl 45's db's and ex bar close to 100. I can only do 30's on concentrations. Have you noticed any bad sides yet?


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Holy crap people actually still show up in this log, thanks Packers can always count on you. Well if traffic dies so will this log (I give it 24 hours and I will not care anymore), I can just post my review on Transderm and get back to my normal days. Serious guys, it is not worth my time to write a log daily when there is no traffic. If you want some more information just say so.


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Well hot damn. I like to read your stuff. Very informative you really kill it every time.


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Well hot damn. I like to read your stuff. Very informative you really kill it every time.
Nothing like kind words from a fellow Texan. That is the tren making me hungry as fack and me being on a low calorie day... the Epi isn't helping either. This is what GHRP-6 must be like, insatiable desire to eat! Plus I am eating low carbs, time to get some more raw veggies to chomp on and try to make it until tomorrow.


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I like the addition of EPI in there bro. Workouts will get stupid good very soon, and you will be throwing all kinds of weight around!


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Yeah that Epi may have some M-LMG mixed in, I got a bottle of RLS Malicious Mass I am running so there is some serious hormonal domination going on. The tren is making the workouts crazy already, the Epi just adds to the insanity. Never tried M-LMG so no idea what to expect from it.


I was impressed reading your thread man!! It's great to know that you made a good progression.. Keep It Up!! Kill that S***!!!!!! LOL!!


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I'm planning a Letro cycle in order to get rid of a little gyno. I see that you used Letro, was it for the same reason?


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Yeah that Epi may have some M-LMG mixed in, I got a bottle of RLS Malicious Mass I am running so there is some serious hormonal domination going on. The tren is making the workouts crazy already, the Epi just adds to the insanity. Never tried M-LMG so no idea what to expect from it.
You are right. That is some serious stuff there! Very nice!

I'm about to do something similar. Diesel(DMZ & M-LMG) and Epi-strong bridge with Transaderm :sgrin:


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Somehow I got un subbed from this log!!
I got a lot to catch up on!! Looks nuts man!!


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I'm planning a Letro cycle in order to get rid of a little gyno. I see that you used Letro, was it for the same reason?
Whoa, this guy has never used letro and I have no gyno. I have heard many that use it and suggested doses but I am not the guy to recommend the best way to use it. It would be best to post in the anabolics section and get some advice from those with gyno, it is not hard to get rid of I hear if the lump(s) are not that big. Letro is the shiznit for getting rid of it if you use it right and for the right duration. Just make sure you trust your source for it, that is a very powerful drug.


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You are right. That is some serious stuff there! Very nice!

I'm about to do something similar. Diesel(DMZ & M-LMG) and Epi-strong bridge with Transaderm :sgrin:
I would run the Epi at 15mgs the whole time on Diesel since M-LMG can convert to estrogen and it will help keep the water off the DMZ will surely put on. I got a lot of water rentention from the DMZ, it is not bloat like Dbol type but you add on a lot of intra-cellular water that raises BP quick (at least for me). That or you can run an AI during the Diesel and drop it when you add in the Epi.

Speaking of, I dropped the Aromasin since the Epi is potent enough as an AI, there was no need and two days of Aromasin and Epi killed my joints and tendinitis in my elbow, not making that mistake again.


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Somehow I got un subbed from this log!!
I got a lot to catch up on!! Looks nuts man!!
It is. Here is a sneak peak.

This is 9 days into the Trenazone and 3 into the malicious mass. I looked very close to that after 5 weeks on Transderm just more filled out and a little more defined today. I give a lot of props to Transderm for adding some lean mass and upping my strength significantly.


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Forgot to add, the Transderm is keeping me from being crazy shutdown and I can still make the GF happy, going to add in HCG tomorrow at 1000mcg a week to make the transition to PCT not so harsh, tren is supposed to be a rough PCT so I got a bottle to see if it helps.


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Nice work man!!
Looking big!
You just wait a bit Matt, it is going to get serious by the end of 4-5 weeks believe me.


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Somehow I got un subbed from this log!!
I got a lot to catch up on!! Looks nuts man!!
Same here some how I got un subbed to this log, weird.

I gotz some catching up to do!


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Looking big Finn!! As for your suggestion, I have some Formastanozol to throw in if water retention gets too bad. Thanks for the input ;)


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Looking big Finn!! As for your suggestion, I have some Formastanozol to throw in if water retention gets too bad. Thanks for the input ;)
Yah that's how I'd guage it...


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It is. Here is a sneak peak.

This is 9 days into the Trenazone and 3 into the malicious mass. I looked very close to that after 5 weeks on Transderm just more filled out and a little more defined today. I give a lot of props to Transderm for adding some lean mass and upping my strength significantly.
I think this is the first time I have seen you post pics. Man you have a frame that looks like you can hold a good amount of mass if you wanted. Have you tested to see where your at bodyfat % wise?


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I think this is the first time I have seen you post pics. Man you have a frame that looks like you can hold a good amount of mass if you wanted. Have you tested to see where your at bodyfat % wise?
No, I need to get Chris to do that for me when I am done with the run; I am sure right now it is 15% or higher, I hold a lot in m y midsection while my extremities are lean... it is a battle I will have to fight all my life I am sure. Lean gains is helping a lot and the move away from carbs on burn days is making a big difference too.


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Whoa, this guy has never used letro and I have no gyno. I have heard many that use it and suggested doses but I am not the guy to recommend the best way to use it. It would be best to post in the anabolics section and get some advice from those with gyno, it is not hard to get rid of I hear if the lump(s) are not that big. Letro is the shiznit for getting rid of it if you use it right and for the right duration. Just make sure you trust your source for it, that is a very powerful drug.
My Bad! I must have read something wrong. I was thinking that you had used it and wanted to see if you had positive results. No worries.

Nice Pics...Keep it up!


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YOu are looking huge Matt. your chest has come up so much it is sick! I remember when it was a weak point but right now I would go as far as to say it is one of your strongest areas. Great work! I know your legs have gotten a ton bigger too. I can't wait to see how you look after you build some more LBM while stripping the fat off. Just have to fight the urge to keep eating. You may find it easier to lower your carbs on all days to keep blood sugar constant. It kept my cravings down during my DMZ run. Just meat, veggies, and a refeed day on the weekend.


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YOu are looking huge Matt. your chest has come up so much it is sick! I remember when it was a weak point but right now I would go as far as to say it is one of your strongest areas. Great work! I know your legs have gotten a ton bigger too. I can't wait to see how you look after you build some more LBM while stripping the fat off. Just have to fight the urge to keep eating. You may find it easier to lower your carbs on all days to keep blood sugar constant. It kept my cravings down during my DMZ run. Just meat, veggies, and a refeed day on the weekend.
Hmmm... I may do something like that with carbs and just have some around my workout though I am using a strong thermo to keep appetite under control right now, works well. Also, I am going to start taking 2-3 scoops of BCAAs after I eat before bed to help with the reduced carbs/cals and it should aid in recovery as well. Speaking of, here is what I am going to do from now on with legs and some other stuff since I can push it in the gym really hard and have gas in the tank (thank you trenazone, you are amazing in that respect).

Legs Workout 1:
Hack Squat - Primary HST exercise
Leg Extensions - low weight just for pump

Legs Workout 2:
GHRs - Primary HST exercise
Calves - burn them up!

Each workout I am going to add in at least one accessory exercise for 1-2 big muscles. As an example, I threw in some shrugs last night and some heavy cable crosses for chest too. Next time will be some extra back work most likely and maybe some extra bis/tris. Without adding the volume I think I am spitting in the wind with this stack. And my quads are destroyed that is why I am splitting them up with the hammies, I couldn't do hack squat heavy then two days later destroy them again on leg press, that was not happening.

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