diesel did'nt lie


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I'd probably try Diesel Test Hardcore @ 6 tablets/ED. I wouldn't pay for BAM or MassFX ever.


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i'm planning on running nothing but NOS Ether and cycling DTH and TTE 6 weeks on 2 weeks off (TTE starting 1 week after DTH) for the next 6 months. R4W goes without saying.

May toss in some Raw Test on workout days. I'm on my 3rd week now.
NOS Ether is pretty good. I have to really ease into the doses, one scoop at a time b/c the phosphates just run me over if I do 2 scoops.

I'm just finishing up a bottle of Trib Test Extreme and I have many bottles of DTH still left. Instead of stack Trib Test again, I'm just going to up the dosing to 7-8 tablets/ED.


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The best stack that I used was:

-Diesel Test 2010 @ 5 tablets
-Activate (old version, not the extreme new one) @ I think it was either 6-8 caps/ED
i did the same thing and loved it as well.

i'm 2 weeks into DTH and just stated stacking TTE today. When I have some feedback i'll pass it along.


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i did the same thing and loved it as well.

i'm 2 weeks into DTH and just stated stacking TTE today. When I have some feedback i'll pass it along.
I really liked the DT 2010+ActivaTe stack. I actually looked very hard to find DT 2010 and I can't find it anymore. I used 3 bottles of that stuff and everytime was very good.

With DTH+TTE I ran:

Diesel Test Hardcore: 6 tablets/ED
Trib Test Extreme: 4 caps/ED

No cycling, just straight through 7 days/week.

I got good results from it, and I've leaned out more and more everytime I use DTH.

The higher I use DTH the better the results, the only problem is that my libido plummets, but its a short-term trade off.


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I really liked the DT 2010+ActivaTe stack. I actually looked very hard to find DT 2010 and I can't find it anymore. I used 3 bottles of that stuff and everytime was very good.

With DTH+TTE I ran:

Diesel Test Hardcore: 6 tablets/ED
Trib Test Extreme: 4 caps/ED

No cycling, just straight through 7 days/week.

I got good results from it, and I've leaned out more and more everytime I use DTH.

The higher I use DTH the better the results, the only problem is that my libido plummets, but its a short-term trade off.
8ed of dthc would be something to do every now and then, if i was using everyday at that doseage i would be looking for a new job. even at 6 i get plenty aggressive. going to be ordering a diesel stack in the morning, dthc/trib test extreme/raw test. because of my age, im looking for good things from including raw test. nice tip reaper. :woohoo:


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just a quick question concerning the amount of prednosole sp, of taking both raw test/r4w? is this a safe amount?


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just a quick question concerning the amount of prednosole sp, of taking both raw test/r4w? is this a safe amount?
Are you looking at running Raw Test every day or only on workout days ? I believe that Chuck said the pregnenlone/DHEA is all time released in Raw Test so there is no sudden 'amount surge' when taking it.

The DTH 8 tablets/ED is a very nice boost. Even if you do it a couple times a week you'll notice the increase in dose. DTH has been great so far leaning me out.


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Are you looking at running Raw Test every day or only on workout days ? I believe that Chuck said the pregnenlone/DHEA is all time released in Raw Test so there is no sudden 'amount surge' when taking it.

The DTH 8 tablets/ED is a very nice boost. Even if you do it a couple times a week you'll notice the increase in dose. DTH has been great so far leaning me out.
what about cummulative effect? leaning out-hell ive gone from 252 down to 215 in around 6 months, and still feel strong and onery. as you can tell im a big fan of diesel products. thanks reaper.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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just a quick question concerning the amount of prednosole sp, of taking both raw test/r4w? is this a safe amount?
u mean pregnelone? U can stack 2 r4w with 1 raw test pre-workout and thats ok, mainly because raw test is time released.
Chuck Diesel

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what about cummulative effect? leaning out-hell ive gone from 252 down to 215 in around 6 months, and still feel strong and onery. as you can tell im a big fan of diesel products. thanks reaper.
pregnelone doesnt have a "cummulative" effect nor has there been shown to be an "overdose" amount. Its something that works to the tune of if you take 2 much it wont work better or cause an adverse reaction BUT I wouldnt take over 100mg at one time or a day.


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pregnelone doesnt have a "cummulative" effect nor has there been shown to be an "overdose" amount. Its something that works to the tune of if you take 2 much it wont work better or cause an adverse reaction BUT I wouldnt take over 100mg at one time or a day.
thats the answer i was looking for.:hammer:


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my order is on the way, will start new diesel stack at start of the year.:numbered:


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dthc, will start at 3ed. tte will do 3ed. and raw test with my r4w pre workout, havent decided on dosing yet. im starting out low on dthc because of adding the raw test, plan on adjusting dose up on dthc after i see how i react to the raw test, but i think this is a good place to start. after what reaper said about raw test, am excited to add this. will probably start out with 2 r4w and 1 raw test an hour pre and 1 r4w/1 raw test right before.


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btw, ordered the dthc from --- with the free raw test, what version will that be?
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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btw, ordered the dthc from --- with the free raw test, what version will that be?
Thats the Hardcore thats out right now, white bottle. No one has the red bottle yet so if you order from D P S and the picture on their website is the white one then your getting the white bottle.........but u get a free RAW TEST with each DTH over there.

That sucks sup. companies can be board sponsors, but you cannot mention another discount online retailer on AM except Nutraplanet. That doesnt make sense to me. The board sponsors have to make money by selling through all their retailers. Thats like if NP only sold the lines that are AM board sponsors, that wouldnt happen.


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what do you think of the dosing plan i have laid out? think 3ed will be enough dthc to start since im adding the tte and raw test? from what reaper says 2r4w 1raw test hour pre workout and 1/1 right before sounds like a good place to start. diesel i beg you man, dont mess with r4w that shiiit is goood!


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what do you think of the dosing plan i have laid out? think 3ed will be enough dthc to start since im adding the tte and raw test? from what reaper says 2r4w 1raw test hour pre workout and 1/1 right before sounds like a good place to start. diesel i beg you man, dont mess with r4w that shiiit is goood!
bigT, this is your post cycle therapy stack, correct? You have me itching to try R4W. It'll be in my next order for sure bro.


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bigT, this is your post cycle therapy stack, correct? You have me itching to try R4W. It'll be in my next order for sure bro.
you can thank me in advance bro.:cheers:yeah im about done with a bottle of novadex xt, so when my diesel stack gets here that will be my pct. of course as always i have backup if needed. from my experience with dthc and furazadrol im pretty certain this will cover it.:thumbsup:
Chuck Diesel

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what do you think of the dosing plan i have laid out? think 3ed will be enough dthc to start since im adding the tte and raw test? from what reaper says 2r4w 1raw test hour pre workout and 1/1 right before sounds like a good place to start. diesel i beg you man, dont mess with r4w that shiiit is goood!
sorry already messed with the R4W formula but I promise the 5capsule formula thats coming out in late Jan is "good....er."

3/day is ok to start with with TTE and Raw for sure, R4W with 1 raw test pre-workout is good. I do that or 2 raw test 2 hours pre-workout then a "shot gun 1 r4w cap" 1 hour pre-workout with 2 NOS Precursor's. NOS Precursor gives me some increased training intensity.


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sorry already messed with the R4W formula but I promise the 5capsule formula thats coming out in late Jan is "good....er."

3/day is ok to start with with TTE and Raw for sure, R4W with 1 raw test pre-workout is good. I do that or 2 raw test 2 hours pre-workout then a "shot gun 1 r4w cap" 1 hour pre-workout with 2 NOS Precursor's. NOS Precursor gives me some increased training intensity.
damn man, im going to have to buy stock in your company. btw i hope you are right about r4w got to admit i like it just fine as it is.


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Chuck, in a very broad general sense, do companies change their products based on customer feedback, because they simply run out of raw materials, or for marketing reasons?


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The RT 2, R4W 1 (1 hr pre), then RT 1, R4W 1 right before will be a good starting spot. Stacking that with DTH will be plenty, if you run also Trib Test then that'll be nuts, but R4W,Raw Test, and DTH will make a great combo.

The Raw Test+R4W is a good combination to use post-cycle of furz.

One of my buddies is going to run 3 bottles back to back of Furz. I've thought about running Furza as well, but you need several bottles and around 5-6 caps, due to the lymphatic uptake. The Novadex XT (ATD) is plenty for Furza, Halodrol, hell even my friend who uses Phera-Plex (DMT) uses it as well PCT.

On a side note (sorry in advance for the hijacking), I like the new bottles of Diesel Nutrition, but the original white bottles never really bothered me. I know I'll probably catch shlt for this anyway, but am.com is flat out ridiculous. Anytime anyone ever disagrees with the 'norm' they get flamed. My side by side comparison with R4W and RPM is a good example. Furthermore, I always see people running polls on what the 'best blah blah' is. Well that is hard to determine since the majority of the people have not used all products.

This is probably also my biggest pet peeve of them all, but the 'internet gurus' that swarm this forum. People basically hand down information by word of mouth combined with heavy steroid use. However, they lack the formal education or knowledge to know the chemical interactions on a metabolic level. Anytime I have a question, I typically email either Patrick Arnold, or my old organic chem prof., plus too I have a masters in biochem as well, so I don't just talk out of my ass, while using 'google' as the information 'gospel'.

I have been around for about 6 months now, and I still believe that there is some positive information to be gained from the forum. However, I feel that am.com is greatly perverted by advertisers and promotions for crap. There is one company in particular who is currently pushing a new product which is a slam dunk for pissing away money in the toilet. If they took the time to research their ingredients better they'd realize that they are only 'half-way' there.

I remember the second round of Diesel Test Hardcore loggers, I was the only one who ran a log. The first run there were several loggers, but the second time when Diesel Test Hardcore was released I was the only one who applied (I ran the only log on am.com the second time). I'm pretty blown away that people would not want an opportunity to try a new product and log it. I'm dead serious when I mean that I was the ONLY one logging DTH the second round.

Anyways, that's my end rant. The bottles before were great and the new bottles are great. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters to me is the quality of what is inside them.


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It seems that you are not happy here at all Reaper. If you need help removing yourself from this addiction that is controlling your life. Just let me know. I have no problem with researching information, having doubts, and not believing a lot of what is out there but to bash AM.com like it is anything different than any other forum out there (in regards to 'gurus' bogus products etc) then you should return your Masters and exchange it for common sense.

I remember the second round of Diesel Test Hardcore loggers, I was the only one who ran a log. The first run there were several loggers, but the second time when Diesel Test Hardcore was released I was the only one who applied (I ran the only log on am.com the second time). I'm pretty blown away that people would not want an opportunity to try a new product and log it. I'm dead serious when I mean that I was the ONLY one logging DTH the second round.
Running a log properly takes a lot of time and devotion. Unless of course you're fine with people faking their way through it for free supps. This time of year is hard on most people in a lot of ways and people can not devote proper time for these logs. I still owe a company here a log that I have prolonged way too long in order to do it properly.

Not all of us are wealthy, stress free, highly educated people with a **** load of time to post how bad a place is and continue to hang around.


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It seems that you are not happy here at all Reaper. If you need help removing yourself from this addiction that is controlling your life. Just let me know. I have no problem with researching information, having doubts, and not believing a lot of what is out there but to bash AM.com like it is anything different than any other forum out there (in regards to 'gurus' bogus products etc) then you should return your Masters and exchange it for common sense.

Running a log properly takes a lot of time and devotion. Unless of course you're fine with people faking their way through it for free supps. This time of year is hard on most people in a lot of ways and people can not devote proper time for these logs. I still owe a company here a log that I have prolonged way too long in order to do it properly.

Not all of us are wealthy, stress free, highly educated people with a **** load of time to post how bad a place is and continue to hang around.
all criticism is not destructive. i understand you feel the need to support am, but you made reapers point for him about differing opinions. for constructive criticism, how about a section with no reps allowed. imo that would restore some of the freedom to express opinions without fear of reprisal. GOD BLESS AMERICA!


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I didn't make Reaper's point for him and I have already stated that having a different opinion and questioning what's considered 'fact' is healthy. However, when pretty much all of your posts/threads are either not beneficial i.e.,general forum threads, or negative like the one above, you have to wonder why the person sticks around.

Constructive ciriticism takes an issue or problem and states it clearly without bias and offers a possible solution.

A B!tch is just complaining without a solid reason or a way to help solve the problem.

A Troll is one who adds to the problems stated above.

A b!tchy troll is a pain in my ass.


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However, this is Chuck's section. We won't contaminate his area with this. If either you or reaper wish to talk about this further, please feel free to PM me to discuss the issue and we can talk about it without derailing threads...
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

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for constructive criticism, how about a section with no reps allowed. imo that would restore some of the freedom to express opinions without fear of reprisal. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
As much as I love this country, it doen'st really apply to privately held media.

BUT....this is actually being looked into. :)

BTW - Nobody is restraining you from criticism. These posts are up and remain up.


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As much as I love this country, it doen'st really apply to privately held media.

BUT....this is actually being looked into. :)

BTW - Nobody is restraining you from criticism. These posts are up and remain up.
its good to know my 8 years of military service wasn't wasted!:D:cheers:


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They are never wasted when you're serving your country.
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

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its good to know my 8 years of military service wasn't wasted!:D:cheers:

Damn...the magic words. Now I feel obligated... :lol:

EDIT: Funny that I just put the option to put your flag in your profile too. :lol:


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However, this is Chuck's section. We won't contaminate his area with this. If either you or reaper wish to talk about this further, please feel free to PM me to discuss the issue and we can talk about it without derailing threads...
yes this is true, and i have a lot of respect for diesel and how he does business. and we certainly dont want to derail this thread since i am the one who started it.:box:
Chuck Diesel

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Chuck, in a very broad general sense, do companies change their products based on customer feedback, because they simply run out of raw materials, or for marketing reasons?
Most companies dont change their formulas because they set out to make a better product, they change their formulas to correct something that was messed up like taste. Most companies change packaging and put "new look" on the bottle.

I mean some people do change their products say if one forumula came out, was advertised really hard, everyone picked it up, then they move on to the next formula. One year we saw 3 versions of Xenadrine come out, like hardcore, superhardcore and x30404034 whatever.

There are some changes that occur from customer feedback, like Gaspari said they just changed the sp250 formula because for so long people was calling it superdump and getting superdumps from it.

So I guess all in all it depends. You rarely see constant formula changes to improve products already seen as some of the best out. The idea is to get "elite" products and keep them "elite." Half the problem is consumers dont stick with good products they want to try that "new compound" product.


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I've always been loyal to products that worked and tended to stay away from new and improved* unless it specifically stated what the new improvement was. I was always skeptical of products that had 'better, new, improved' in the title yet still carried the older version.

That being said, I do have every intention of trying your products since i've followed them here. Of course, due to cycling time, injuries, life in general. It'll have to wait for a bit. I'm impressed so far of your interaction with your consumers.

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