Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024



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The body doesn’t retain that kind of volumization in that kind of deficit. Pro natural bodybuilders do not look like that on stage.
I always see 2 major difference in natty guys vs the big guys;
smaller muscle groups are at a major loss (lats, biceps etc are clearly always smaller in natty guys)
deflated. natty bodybuilders are often poorly prepped leading into stage day compared to geared guys.

Layne being one of the best natty guys out there IMO has always had great control over #2, but you can still see even on his top level #1.


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Dude that sounds really great for serious contest prep. I almost expected triple. Or at least $1200 for the 3 months.
Yeah, I was pretty surprised when I asked him what the difference was for prep and he said it was all $200 a month.
Will he be at the contest with you?
I am not sure, I have seen him at other contests with his competitors.
$200/mo is very good for a prep coach I believe. Most online coaches are $150-$200 without prep
Yeah that is a pretty basic price. He does mostly in person training, and I am sure as he gets more and more popular his prices will go up, or will go up for prep at least.
Lol, no.

You hit the crux of the matter in your last sentence right there - you will not be able to present that kind of size and fullness at 8% bodyfat naturally. The body doesn’t retain that kind of volumization in that kind of deficit. Pro natural bodybuilders do not look like that on stage.

If you compete in an untested fed, you will need to use gear if you hope to even be competitive.

That’s a great price for bodybuilding.
We had some pretty gnarly looking guys on stage that looked better than that top guy when I did my natural competition. However, I am not sure how many of them were actually natural other than myself. At least back then there were a lot of fake nattys, and that is about the only time a fake natty bothers me is when it comes to competitions. If you use gear then compete in a tested fed and if you can't compete with those guys you just aren't ready yet. Wait a year or two and build yourself into someone who can compete in untested successfully.
I’d imagine a bit less strict since I’m a “lifestyle” client and not a competitor.
Yeah, on the diet for sure, well maybe anyway. The training is what I am more curious about.
He does go with clients, but they have to cover his stay if it’s far, from what I understand.
Ah, one of the shows I am eyeballing is in Austin, so that might be good for me. Otherwise we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it and possibly rely on a ZOOM call for feedback.
I always see 2 major difference in natty guys vs the big guys;
smaller muscle groups are at a major loss (lats, biceps etc are clearly always smaller in natty guys)
deflated. natty bodybuilders are often poorly prepped leading into stage day compared to geared guys.

Layne being one of the best natty guys out there IMO has always had great control over #2, but you can still see even on his top level #1.
Yeah, like @Hyde said, they can't hold or store glycogen as well as a gear'd person, so they often do not get as lean in an effort to maintain more size and fullness. Otherwise yeah they just aren't as developed 99% of the time.

Training went well this morning, well kind of. I spent about 45 minutes dicking around with setting up the rack pull. My gym buddy is always using the only rack that has safety bars that are adjustable. So I had to figure out an alternative set up which took a bit. I ended up using 2 plyo boxes but they were too tall originally, so I had to move those over and put them on either side of the deadlift platform then drag over 2 5 inch blocks to stand on, on top of the platform just to get the height right. Any way it took a while to gather everything, then warm up carefully and do my sets. So I was not able to complete my session. I only got through leg curls, rack pulls, and 3 sets of chest supported rows. I was smart today and wore my deadlifting belt, and did not hurt myself today which was awesome. I will update the actual session once I have completed my training for the day. I am thinking I am going to take an early lunch today and get the session done. So I will probably go to the gym in about an hour. IE 10:30 AM. Try to beat the lunch crowd in there.


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I always see 2 major difference in natty guys vs the big guys;
smaller muscle groups are at a major loss (lats, biceps etc are clearly always smaller in natty guys)
deflated. natty bodybuilders are often poorly prepped leading into stage day compared to geared guys.

Layne being one of the best natty guys out there IMO has always had great control over #2, but you can still see even on his top level #1.
And to Kleen’s point about fake natties, Layne was bodybuilding in the era of designer steroids. You only need to use M1T or Superdrol one time to understand that is all you actually need to prep. There were tons of “natural bodybuilders” taking stronger legal orals than your traditional oral AAS for years in those feds. I remember several at my local gym. They bought everything at the supplement shop, but they weren’t natty. Just not using traditional AAS.

Look at the weights Layne has lifted now & look at his physique now vs his time bodybuilding. The weights he’s lifting now are tested, stronger than ever, & he truly looks to be off gear. Back then…well, let’s just say I’ll believe he was natty then if he competes in bodybuilding again tested and brings a better look now that he’s stronger. But I won’t hold my breath.


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Look at the weights Layne has lifted now & look at his physique now vs his time bodybuilding. The weights he’s lifting now are tested, stronger than ever, & he truly looks to be off gear. Back then…well, let’s just say I’ll believe he was natty then if he competes in bodybuilding again tested and brings a better look now that he’s stronger. But I won’t hold my breath.
solid points across the board


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And to Kleen’s point about fake natties, Layne was bodybuilding in the era of designer steroids. You only need to use M1T or Superdrol one time to understand that is all you actually need to prep. There were tons of “natural bodybuilders” taking stronger legal orals than your traditional oral AAS for years in those feds. I remember several at my local gym. They bought everything at the supplement shop, but they weren’t natty. Just not using traditional AAS.

Look at the weights Layne has lifted now & look at his physique now vs his time bodybuilding. The weights he’s lifting now are tested, stronger than ever, & he truly looks to be off gear. Back then…well, let’s just say I’ll believe he was natty then if he competes in bodybuilding again tested and brings a better look now that he’s stronger. But I won’t hold my breath.
Yeah, and some of them not even designers just straight up gear. I don't see gear as cheating even in college sports. Everyone knows it happens, and everyone has the same opportunity to choose to use. However when there is a natural, and an untested competition, put yourself in the right one. Have a look at some of the guys I was up against, they were meaty for naturals.

If this guy was natty he has some of the greatest genetics.


It's so crazy to see how flat I was here. Zero fullness. I lost so much weight overnight that night I looked like a different person when i woke up 8lbs lighter from a ridiculous level of conditioning and fullness. Messing with natural diuretics was my downfall. I went to bed at 178 ad change and woke up 169-170. My friend asked me what the hell happened, I just disappeared overnight.


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I don't see gear as cheating even in college sports. Everyone knows it happens, and everyone has the same opportunity to choose to use. However when there is a natural, and an untested competition, put yourself in the right one. Have a look at some of the guys I was up against, they were meaty for naturals.
I agree with you. While i'm not a thc user, THC and gear are two things that I feel we actual create more issues with by not having more open dialogue. I know it is old hat for some of you guys but I still find the basics of anabolics to be fairly complicated and hard to balance. Then there is the legit health concerns such as sources, and how to talk to your doctor about it.

If this guy was natty he has some of the greatest genetics.
It's so crazy to see how flat I was here. Zero fullness. I lost so much weight overnight that night I looked like a different person when i woke up 8lbs lighter from a ridiculous level of conditioning and fullness. Messing with natural diuretics was my downfall. I went to bed at 178 ad change and woke up 169-170.
yeah man it's unfortunate, despite his chest striations it really looks like you probably had the better conditioning.

They sure don’t look natural to me lol.
No they don't. Arms on the middle guy and lats on the right to me are pretty solid indicators. I respectfully recognize that genetics are a thing and it's not fair to always throw out cliches, but legit natty guys do not have good arms on stage and can't pull a large lat flair.


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I agree with you. While i'm not a thc user, THC and gear are two things that I feel we actual create more issues with by not having more open dialogue. I know it is old hat for some of you guys but I still find the basics of anabolics to be fairly complicated and hard to balance. Then there is the legit health concerns such as sources, and how to talk to your doctor about it.

yeah man it's unfortunate, despite his chest striations it really looks like you probably had the better conditioning.

No they don't. Arms on the middle guy and lats on the right to me are pretty solid indicators. I respectfully recognize that genetics are a thing and it's not fair to always throw out cliches, but legit natty guys do not have good arms on stage and can't pull a large lat flair.
Yeah, the guy in that pic was also coaching one of the other guys. After the show he told me when I showed up the night before to check in, and they did a visual check of our physiques to see if we looked natural, didn't have any gyno, and decide where we should compete. He and his client were both like "Oh Sh*t this guy is gonna wreck us if he fills out anymore. He is already in crazy condition and has good size." He said when they saw me in the morning they were both so happy I had flattened out and lost size because the show was mine otherwise. Then he went on to tell me how he knew he could have helped me fill back out in the hour before prejudging but he wasn't going to help and cause himself or the other guy a loss. I was so annoyed, but I totally understood why he wouldn't have helped in that situation.


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Then he went on to tell me how he knew he could have helped me fill back out in the hour before prejudging but he wasn't going to help and cause himself or the other guy a loss. I was so annoyed, but I totally understood why he wouldn't have helped in that situation.
what a douche canoe. I'm not going to likely help a competitor beat me in the moment, but I'm not going to come back and say I could have helped you but didn't want to, either.


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what a douche canoe. I'm not going to likely help a competitor beat me in the moment, but I'm not going to come back and say I could have helped you but didn't want to, either.
Well, he didn't just offer it. He waited for me to bring up that I had messed up my own prep and would need a coach the next time. That is when he brought it up, and gave me his contact info if I was looking to actually get a coach. He was actually a nice guy, and had to tell me he knew how to correct it so I would value his opinion. Now I know a good hit of salt and some fast acting carbs were the answer.


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Well, he didn't just offer it. He waited for me to bring up that I had messed up my own prep and would need a coach the next time. That is when he brought it up, and gave me his contact info if I was looking to actually get a coach. He was actually a nice guy, and had to tell me he knew how to correct it so I would value his opinion. Now I know a good hit of salt and some fast acting carbs were the answer.
Yeah I was going to say, a pack of soy sauce, bottle of honey & a few ius of slin would have helped out in a jiffy.


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Must suck being natty. Everyone says you can't get too strong, can't be too lean, don't look full and look small, but the second you turn the corner on those kind of things suddenly no one believes you anymore and you are a fake natty. 😭


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Must suck being natty. Everyone says you can't get too strong, can't be too lean, don't look full and look small, but the second you turn the corner on those kind of things suddenly no one believes you anymore and you are a fake natty.
If it makes you feel any better, the rest of the world outside of fitness couldn’t give a **** less about anything any of us do anyway. I cannot tell you the number of time my extended family or friends introduce me to others as a “bodybuilder” because they still don’t even understand after years of competing



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If it makes you feel any better, the rest of the world outside of fitness couldn’t give a **** less about anything any of us do anyway. I cannot tell you the number of time my extended family or friends introduce me to others as a “bodybuilder” because they still don’t even understand after years of competing
This is true. Whenever I try to explain weightlifting I am like do you watch the olympics when people lift the colorful weights. 😂


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This is true. Whenever I try to explain weightlifting I am like do you watch the olympics when people lift the colorful weights.
My dad was so impressed the first time I showed him one of my comp deadlifts, until I was locked out & he realized there was no second pull coming.

He genuinely thought I was going to clean 600+lbs, because gen pop has no concept of weights lol. I was like, Dad I would be the ATWR holder if I could clean & press that. 🫠


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11/17/23 - Fasted Weight 196.6

Back & Hamstrings (Friday)
Friday, Nov 17, 2023 at 4:39am

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
"Go up 5lbs"
Set 1: 70 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 75 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 55 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Rack Pull
Set 1: 345 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 315 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
- I was very happy with these, found a good set up and did not have any pain.

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row

Set 1: 35 lbs x 8 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 8 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe -
Start at 45 next time

Bent Over Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 45 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe + 2 partials

Pullover (Machine) Rest Pause
Set 1: 135 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 135 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 135 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe


11/18/23 - Fasted Weight 194.8 - New Low for the last 10+ years!
Feeling a bit flat and depleted after a week of 70 less carbs a day. More details coming in though. My legs and arms will shrink up first as I deplete, but we won't be cutting forever, and when we fill this back out it is going to look good!



I got my blood work this morning since I wasn't going to be able to take time off next week due to some things going on at work. They said I can probably get my blood work results by Wednesday but she told me if I didn't get an email to call her and she would at least forward me whatever they already had completed. Most of those tests are quick turnarounds from what I am used to seeing. I think the testosterone is slower but I really don't care what that is. It was just part of the package. Only thing I am surprised he didn't ask for was estrogen but I am feeling great at this level. No dry joints, gyno is not exacerbated. Things seem to be going very well.


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Looking solid!! Crazy to think it’s just the beginning for you.
Thanks, yeah I am really excited to see where this goes from here.
Leaning out real nice!!!
Thanks Man!

What a difference 2 meals make. Was noticing a lot more veins in my quads and wanted to see if the camera would pick them up. Pretty big difference.


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Legs and midsection looking on point! Agree with others when completely dialed in, could be lights out. Just a little constructive criticism on the posing (take it FWIW since I've never competed, lol), but the angle for your front double biceps shot you'll want to level out your right arm more in line with the horizontal plane, if that makes sense. In your pic it's slightly angled up vs left side.


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Legs and midsection looking on point! Agree with others when completely dialed in, could be lights out. Just a little constructive criticism on the posing (take it FWIW since I've never competed, lol), but the angle for your front double biceps shot you'll want to level out your right arm more in line with the horizontal plane, if that makes sense. In your pic it's slightly angled up vs left side.
Thanks, actually I normally keep the left elbow a little higher too. Supposed to make the peak look a little bigger by it being higher than the shoulder but they definitely need to be even. I can't wait to see the almost immediate size when we bring my carbs back up again, especially after another 5 or so lbs down. My guess has always been somewhere around 190 anyway but he may want to go even deeper into the cut.


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Dude I'm legit a little shocked at how fast you are leaning up. You do not look flat at all. Lats are looking good and you aren't even doing a forward full lat spread. Arms look thick, biceps look good, and mid section is crazy lean for being a year out.

Between your thread and Hydes I'm going through a serious mind F in goals and inspiration. You're killing it homie!


Mild Concerns - Loose skin from being heavier
Hey, regarding the loose skin on your stomach,

Are you planning to take active measures to address it? I have loose skin on my stomach too, and I'm experimenting with microneedling to see if it can help reduce it. I'm documenting the process with before-and-after photos in my log, and I'm including as many pictures as possible to make it easier to evaluate the effectiveness of microneedling.

Feel free to check out my log if you're interested.


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11/17/23 - Fasted Weight 196.6

Back & Hamstrings (Friday)
Friday, Nov 17, 2023 at 4:39am

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
"Go up 5lbs"
Set 1: 70 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 75 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 55 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Rack Pull
Set 1: 345 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 315 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
- I was very happy with these, found a good set up and did not have any pain.

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row

Set 1: 35 lbs x 8 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 8 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe -
Start at 45 next time

Bent Over Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 45 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe + 2 partials

Pullover (Machine) Rest Pause
Set 1: 135 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 135 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 135 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe


11/18/23 - Fasted Weight 194.8 - New Low for the last 10+ years! Feeling a bit flat and depleted after a week of 70 less carbs a day. More details coming in though. My legs and arms will shrink up first as I deplete, but we won't be cutting forever, and when we fill this back out it is going to look good!

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I got my blood work this morning since I wasn't going to be able to take time off next week due to some things going on at work. They said I can probably get my blood work results by Wednesday but she told me if I didn't get an email to call her and she would at least forward me whatever they already had completed. Most of those tests are quick turnarounds from what I am used to seeing. I think the testosterone is slower but I really don't care what that is. It was just part of the package. Only thing I am surprised he didn't ask for was estrogen but I am feeling great at this level. No dry joints, gyno is not exacerbated. Things seem to be going very well.
Just continue to be impressed! Looking solid, can’t wait to see this log progress and be inspired by your hard work and determination!

really impressed with the rack pulls, with the way your lower back flared up before I’m glad to hear it was all good and heavy pulls!


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11/17/23 - Fasted Weight 196.6

Back & Hamstrings (Friday)
Friday, Nov 17, 2023 at 4:39am

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
"Go up 5lbs"
Set 1: 70 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 75 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 55 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Rack Pull
Set 1: 345 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 315 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
- I was very happy with these, found a good set up and did not have any pain.

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row

Set 1: 35 lbs x 8 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 8 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe -
Start at 45 next time

Bent Over Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 45 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe + 2 partials

Pullover (Machine) Rest Pause
Set 1: 135 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 135 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 135 lbs x 2 @ 10 rpe


11/18/23 - Fasted Weight 194.8 - New Low for the last 10+ years! Feeling a bit flat and depleted after a week of 70 less carbs a day. More details coming in though. My legs and arms will shrink up first as I deplete, but we won't be cutting forever, and when we fill this back out it is going to look good!

View attachment 237785View attachment 237786
View attachment 237787View attachment 237788

I got my blood work this morning since I wasn't going to be able to take time off next week due to some things going on at work. They said I can probably get my blood work results by Wednesday but she told me if I didn't get an email to call her and she would at least forward me whatever they already had completed. Most of those tests are quick turnarounds from what I am used to seeing. I think the testosterone is slower but I really don't care what that is. It was just part of the package. Only thing I am surprised he didn't ask for was estrogen but I am feeling great at this level. No dry joints, gyno is not exacerbated. Things seem to be going very well.
Really looking solid brother, and I agree with what’s already been said, it’s very impressive considering how early you are into your prep.


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Dude I'm legit a little shocked at how fast you are leaning up. You do not look flat at all. Lats are looking good and you aren't even doing a forward full lat spread. Arms look thick, biceps look good, and mid section is crazy lean for being a year out.

Between your thread and Hydes I'm going through a serious mind F in goals and inspiration. You're killing it homie!
Thanks, it is hard to tell just looking at these pics especially without anything next to the to compare them too. However you can definitely feel, and see it in the way the clothes fit when you are depleted.

Thanks for all the compliments, I am definitely in a good spot right now.
Legs and serratus have never looked this good since I’ve known you brother; making noticeable progress!
Thanks, yeah definitely leaner than I have been in at least 10 + years.
Vascularity in the quads is a benchmark!
Yes Sir, gives them that certain look too!
Hey, regarding the loose skin on your stomach,

Are you planning to take active measures to address it? I have loose skin on my stomach too, and I'm experimenting with microneedling to see if it can help reduce it. I'm documenting the process with before-and-after photos in my log, and I'm including as many pictures as possible to make it easier to evaluate the effectiveness of microneedling.

Feel free to check out my log if you're interested.
I checked it out, doesn't look like you have too much to worry about. How long have you been at your current body weight? The skin will often retract over time if you don't have stretch marks. I doubt I will do much of anything to try to correct it other than get lean enough it is paper thin. I have had the loose skin for years and years, I don't think it is going anywhere. Creative posing goes a long way in hiding it and honestly it's not really bad enough to hide much of my condition.
Just continue to be impressed! Looking solid, can’t wait to see this log progress and be inspired by your hard work and determination!

really impressed with the rack pulls, with the way your lower back flared up before I’m glad to hear it was all good and heavy pulls!
Thanks, I really focused on re-bracing before each rep just to make sure I kept myself safe.
Really looking solid brother, and I agree with what’s already been said, it’s very impressive considering how early you are into your prep.
Thanks very excited about where things are right now.

Here is Saturdays Arm Session never really got a chance to post it up.

Arms (Saturday)
Saturday, Nov 18, 2023 at 4:02pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 40 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 30 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe + 4 partials

Triceps Kickback (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 15 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 15 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 15 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
Set 1: 55 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 55 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 55 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe

Diamond Push Up
Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 7 reps
Set 3: 5 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl
Set 1: 25 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

EZ Bar Biceps Curl
Set 1: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe


Sunday - Spent Traveling - Off plan meal - Texas De Brazil - Meats and some of their Dessert bananas - I kept my food to what I thought would be about 1250-1500 calories. Other than that I had 2 muscle milk shakes 1 fairlife protein shake and a protein smoothie with some cherries when I got home.

I woke up looking full as a tick and just a bit over 200lbs. Everything was tight. Already had to large movements so I expect weight will get back down under 200 pretty quickly.

Here is this morning's training session.

Chest & Biceps (Monday)
Monday, Nov 20, 2023 at 4:43am

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 75 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe - Should have been 85
Set 2: 80 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 57.5 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 57.5 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 57.5 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe > drop set
Set 4: 42.5 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe > drop set
Set 5: 37.5 lbs x 4 @ 10 rpe > drop set

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 90 lbs x 21 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 90 lbs x 21 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell) - Go up to 20.
Set 1: 15 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 15 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 15 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe

Great session this morning, really pushed things and felt good doing it.

Shoulder held together pretty good today, but still a little tight. Opening up the grip felt better for it, so we will see if it improves a little. If not I will need to get some kind of soft tissue work done.

Alright, checkin information. Coach responded, we are keeping the diet the same except he wants me to swap out my previous clean post workout meal for a hamburger and large fries. I didn't have that this morning so I went with flank steak fajita and some uncle bens spanish rice. I have a question out to him about how fat the meat should be on this since I will have to prep it. Not going to find a burger to eat at 8:00AM and don't wants a total grease burger.

I also get Thursday and Friday as free days to eat this week. I will enjoy myself but also keep things within reason. He said we will probably be done cutting and start reversing in 2 weeks. I don't want to push that off by overdoing it on my free days.


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Coach responded, we are keeping the diet the same except he wants me to swap out my previous clean post workout meal for a hamburger and large fries.
which macros in particular are we looking for in the hamburger? unless you make it yourself it seems like this would be a high fat, decent carb, and low protein solution. OF course if you make your own on a pretzel bun you have a great carb + moderate protein source now.


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which macros in particular are we looking for in the hamburger? unless you make it yourself it seems like this would be a high fat, decent carb, and low protein solution. OF course if you make your own on a pretzel bun you have a great carb + moderate protein source now.
He just responded and I have to admit, I am really surprised, he is talking full fat, doublemeat, with large fries fast food style refeed after every training session... So I looked up what a full fat double meat whataburger and fries comes out too and it is pretty unreal.

Doublemeat burger = 61g total carbs, 56g net carbs, 51g fat, 48g protein, and 880 calories.
Large Fries - 70g total carbs, 64g net carbs, 28g fat, 7g protein and 560g calories

Post workout refeed totals - 131g carbs, 79g fat, 55g protein and 1340 calories

So that adds about 650 calories to my training days.
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i'm thinking that's 560 calories on the fries and not 560g carbs right? that burger is higher in pro than i expected but the fat to pro ratio is in line with what i was thinking. I wouldn't do that on my own and that's why we pay coaches to make us! Pumped to see what this does for you. jumping 650 calories definitely seems more like a bulk than a reverse to me, but again, that's why the coach is there to coach.


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He just responded and I have to admit, I am really surprised, he is talking full fat, doublemeat, with large fries fast food style refeed after every training session... So I looked up what a full fat double meat whataburger and fries comes out too and it is pretty unreal.

Doublemeat burger = 61g total carbs, 56g net carbs, 51g fat, 48g protein, and 880 calories.
Large Fries - 70g total carbs, 64g net carbs, 28g fat, 7g protein and 560g carbs

Post workout refeed totals - 131g carbs, 79g fat, 55g protein and 1340 calories

So that adds about 650 calories to my training days.
That is exactly what I expected. This is something that has caught on a lot in the prep world, at least from what you see on social media/podcasts/vlogs. Having a set strict diet and then essentially throwing 5 Guys at it at targeted spots. The freakier the athlete response to that calorie & fat surge, the more often the coach does that lol.

I can’t say it makes any sense to me beyond once-twice a week compared to raising overall calories, but I will say there is a lot to be said for A. acute timing of bursts (as opposed to an overall systemic increase in cals) and B. a mental reward component that may help sustainability of a rigid diet.


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B. a mental reward component that may help sustainability of a rigid diet.
when I was running klokov my reward was a double quarter pounder with cheese. I struggle to believe that it's the best solution for the calories/macros, but It was always fun knowing when I finished my 4x9 I could eat a huge cheese burger and enjoy it.


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when I was running klokov my reward was a double quarter pounder with cheese. I struggle to believe that it's the best solution for the calories/macros, but It was always fun knowing when I finished my 4x9 I could eat a huge cheese burger and enjoy it.
It is even more common in strength. I bet if you surveyed strength athletes (not bodybuilders) a majority probably eat out 3+ times/wk just to maintain. The rest is more staple foods, but people do rely on those calorie spikes more than they tend to acknowledge. Of course you can make them at home much cheaper, but many people don’t have that realization or are too lazy. When you super bulk though, you have to figure out how to cook because you need that daily typically.


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I bet if you surveyed strength athletes (not bodybuilders) a majority probably eat out 3+ times/wk just to maintain. The rest is more staple foods, but people do rely on those calorie spikes more than they tend to acknowledge. Of course you can make them at home much cheaper, but many people don’t have that realization or are too lazy. When you super bulk though, you have to figure out how to cook because you need that daily typically.
yeah that makes a lot of sense. of course when my wife and I meal prep we eat for a fraction of the price of eating out, but I like having just that little bit more control over my macros. I've never been good at intentionally increasing fats that much but I love ramping up clean carbs. clean protein just always strikes me as 'free food'. (well, despite the fact that its far more xpensive lol)


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It is even more common in strength. I bet if you surveyed strength athletes (not bodybuilders) a majority probably eat out 3+ times/wk just to maintain. The rest is more staple foods, but people do rely on those calorie spikes more than they tend to acknowledge. Of course you can make them at home much cheaper, but many people don’t have that realization or are too lazy. When you super bulk though, you have to figure out how to cook because you need that daily typically.
We used to end every Saturday strongman session with a trip to cicis pizza or Golden Corral or something like that. Good times.


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i'm thinking that's 560 calories on the fries and not 560g carbs right? that burger is higher in pro than i expected but the fat to pro ratio is in line with what i was thinking. I wouldn't do that on my own and that's why we pay coaches to make us! Pumped to see what this does for you. jumping 650 calories definitely seems more like a bulk than a reverse to me, but again, that's why the coach is there to coach.
Haha, yes Sir, corrected, that would be a huge order of fries! Agreed, I would have definitely not done this on my own.

Oh the interesting thing is this is still considered in the cut. Considering there are 5 days of training this is a pretty substantial increase. However I think it still leaves me in a deficit.
That is exactly what I expected. This is something that has caught on a lot in the prep world, at least from what you see on social media/podcasts/vlogs. Having a set strict diet and then essentially throwing 5 Guys at it at targeted spots. The freakier the athlete response to that calorie & fat surge, the more often the coach does that lol.

I can’t say it makes any sense to me beyond once-twice a week compared to raising overall calories, but I will say there is a lot to be said for A. acute timing of bursts (as opposed to an overall systemic increase in cals) and B. a mental reward component that may help sustainability of a rigid diet.
Yeah, with me lifting 5 times a week this is almost an increase across the whole week change but I guess a couple low days in there to break it up.
when I was running klokov my reward was a double quarter pounder with cheese. I struggle to believe that it's the best solution for the calories/macros, but It was always fun knowing when I finished my 4x9 I could eat a huge cheese burger and enjoy it.
Yeah, I think this will be good for me mentally having more food. However definitely going to be changing up my food prep process. I am going tonight to get some meat or patties for this, and some hamburger buns, and then i guess I will make well oiled roasted potatoes to try to get the fats where they need to be to be like french fries.
It is even more common in strength. I bet if you surveyed strength athletes (not bodybuilders) a majority probably eat out 3+ times/wk just to maintain. The rest is more staple foods, but people do rely on those calorie spikes more than they tend to acknowledge. Of course you can make them at home much cheaper, but many people don’t have that realization or are too lazy. When you super bulk though, you have to figure out how to cook because you need that daily typically.
yeah, I will be cooking mine because it doesn't make sense to try to go to a burger place at 8:00AM.
yeah that makes a lot of sense. of course when my wife and I meal prep we eat for a fraction of the price of eating out, but I like having just that little bit more control over my macros. I've never been good at intentionally increasing fats that much but I love ramping up clean carbs. clean protein just always strikes me as 'free food'. (well, despite the fact that its far more xpensive lol)
I haven't really been good at that either while having higher carbs in my diet. So this is totally new for me.
We used to end every Saturday strongman session with a trip to cicis pizza or Golden Corral or something like that. Good times.
The every session with me, you and Montana at Genghis Grill feeding like starving Ethiopians at a feeding trough. :)


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Think of it this way… you walk into McDonald’s w a killer pump post workout and then when someone asks say you eat that way 6 times a day and walk out. 🤣
Okay, I think I have this down... So I workout, then walk in to McDonald's with a killer pump, they ask me if I got that way by eating like that. I say 6 times a day and walkout. My question is at what point do they ask me why I brought Whataburger into a McDonald's because Mickey D's SUCKS!!!!


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Man, that sounds like my kind of coach. Seriously though it’s interesting to see different styles of coaching, whether through diet or training. The good thing is you’ve seen some of his other clients, and it sounds like his results speak for themselves. But I’m all for a coach that approves of a burger here and there.


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Okay, I think I have this down... So I workout, then walk in to McDonald's with a killer pump, they ask me if I got that way by eating like that. I say 6 times a day and walkout. My question is at what point do they ask me why I brought Whataburger into a McDonald's because Mickey D's SUCKS!!!!
I agree on the Whataburger is way better than Mickey D’s. When they first opened the Whataburgers here in Georgia, once word got out how good they are, the line of cars were in the street just to get in the parking lot.


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My question is at what point do they ask me why I brought Whataburger into a McDonald's because Mickey D's SUCKS!!!!
unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to prepare for stage with your coach this year, we don't have a Whataburger in our region. Did have my first Whalburger in Vegas last July, that was pretty good


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I think he’s only gonna have me training 4x a week with 5x a week cardio (🤢). He said he likes my training split as is, so I think we’ll be keeping it, but he is going to make adjustments to my volume and potentially exercise selection. I’ll know for sure soon, I think.


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Okay, I think I have this down... So I workout, then walk in to McDonald's with a killer pump, they ask me if I got that way by eating like that. I say 6 times a day and walkout. My question is at what point do they ask me why I brought Whataburger into a McDonald's because Mickey D's SUCKS!!!!
I know it’s not real meat. Lmao. Never been to a Whataburger. There is a Habit Burger I wanna try. Go total Piana and hit that place up w this misses late night !!!


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Making this at home is much better for health, if you are going to be doing it multiple days per week. You can use avocado or refined coconut oil for the cooking instead of the vegetable seed oils restaurants will use. When we are talking about almost daily consumption, this is very impactful both for your lipid profile and metabolic health. You have a chance to help elevate HDL and minimize LDL increase, instead of promoting insulin resistance.


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unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to prepare for stage with your coach this year, we don't have a Whataburger in our region. Did have my first Whalburger in Vegas last July, that was pretty good
I grew up in MA and have never been to a Wahlburgers. I have bought their Pattie’s at the market but never had the true “Dorchestah” experience.


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Man, that sounds like my kind of coach. Seriously though it’s interesting to see different styles of coaching, whether through diet or training. The good thing is you’ve seen some of his other clients, and it sounds like his results speak for themselves. But I’m all for a coach that approves of a burger here and there.
Yep, I trust him, and of course if I don't respond as he expects he will make adjustments.
I agree on the Whataburger is way better than Mickey D’s. When they first opened the Whataburgers here in Georgia, once word got out how good they are, the line of cars were in the street just to get in the parking lot.
Oh yeah, even here in Texas there are often lines. One of the best parts is they don't cook it until you order it. So it will always be fresh, but means there is a longer wait.
unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to prepare for stage with your coach this year, we don't have a Whataburger in our region. Did have my first Whalburger in Vegas last July, that was pretty good
Haha, he recommended 5 Guys, but there is not one anywhere near me that makes sense. Whataburger is 24hr and does burgers all 24 so that is why I chose them. It would either be them or BK for a grilled whopper. Plus all doublemeat 1/4 pounder should have pretty similar macros. Large bun 1/2lb of 80/20 beef, it's pretty standard stuff. never had a wahlburger, but I think those are a little more high end than a Whataburger is meant to be.
I think he’s only gonna have me training 4x a week with 5x a week cardio (🤢). He said he likes my training split as is, so I think we’ll be keeping it, but he is going to make adjustments to my volume and potentially exercise selection. I’ll know for sure soon, I think.
Thats cool, yeah 5x a week cardio is a blast eh... I am @ 5x35 minutes now.
I know it’s not real meat. Lmao. Never been to a Whataburger. There is a Habit Burger I wanna try. Go total Piana and hit that place up w this misses late night !!!
They are still fast food burgers, just the fact they are made when you order them makes them fresher, veggies always crisper, bun not soggy, meat still warm from the grill. Not something that has been wrapped and waiting under a warming light.
Making this at home is much better for health, if you are going to be doing it multiple days per week. You can use avocado or refined coconut oil for the cooking instead of the vegetable seed oils restaurants will use. When we are talking about almost daily consumption, this is very impactful both for your lipid profile and metabolic health. You have a chance to help elevate HDL and minimize LDL increase, instead of promoting insulin resistance.
Facts, this is my goal, I will be cooking the fries / roasted potatoes with avocado oil to bring up my omega3's and monounsaturated fats. Make it more heart healthy.
I grew up in MA and have never been to a Wahlburgers. I have bought their Pattie’s at the market but never had the true “Dorchestah” experience.
I don't think they have made their way to Houston yet.

Cardio = Elliptical Ramp @10, Level 15 resistance - 35 minutes - average heart rate 140-145, 3 minute cooldown = 411 calories burned.

TMI incoming. I have probably lost 2-3lbs already today.... Nonstop restroom kind of day. I think any extra meat I ate has found it's way out of me...

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