Cali fires are shady AF



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You're right. I meant. E = (1/2)mv^2 (Being cheeky)

I'm pretty sure you're about as correct as I am. I have no problem with you either.
Nothing I stated feeds into the "Flat Earth Crap", only the fact Science Fiction usually is the precursor to reality.
Rather than admitting you're wrong and maybe taking a few minutes to educate yourself, you tell me I shouldn't "quibble over who or when". Science and history are fairly easy to learn these days. So yes, not caring about facts is feeding directly into the flat Earth crap. And yes, a small percentage of science fiction has become reality, not usually. You keep making these grand statements based on facebook, buzzfeed level science. If you're that interested in the topics, why not put in the effort to learn about them more?


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Rather than admitting you're wrong and maybe taking a few minutes to educate yourself, you tell me I shouldn't "quibble over who or when". Science and history are fairly easy to learn these days. So yes, not caring about facts is feeding directly into the flat Earth crap. And yes, a small percentage of science fiction has become reality, not usually. You keep making these grand statements based on facebook, buzzfeed level science. If you're that interested in the topics, why not put in the effort to learn about them more?
My man. I know about as much as you do, and I'm not losing any sleep on it. I just like chatting on the topic and sharing ideas. If you need to feel superior by putting someone else down, by all means. I want you to feel good about yourself.

The earth is round.
Gravity is not what we think it is.


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My man. I know about as much as you do, and I'm not losing any sleep on it. I just like chatting on the topic and sharing ideas. If you need to feel superior by putting someone else down, by all means.

The earth is round.
Gravity is not what we think it is.
Gravity may not be, as you put it, exactly what we think it is, but our current understanding of it is more than sufficient for what any layperson, or even most engineers, will ever have to know. It’s an interesting topic for conversation for sure, but it’s not like our understanding of gravity is so flawed that it effects even 0.01% of designs that factor in gravity, if that makes any sense.


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You’re still touching those objects and moving with them. A plane leaves the earth and is independent of its surface.
It is independent of the surface but not of the earth. It is still within the atmosphere.

For some reasons flat earthers think that anything not attached to the ground is floating above the surface, or that the air is a part of space. It isnt. That isnt how it works lol.

We have an atmopshere.

Earth physics still apply.


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My man. I know about as much as you do, and I'm not losing any sleep on it. I just like chatting on the topic and sharing ideas. If you need to feel superior by putting someone else down, by all means. I want you to feel good about yourself.

The earth is round.
Gravity is not what we think it is.
You keep making that statement without knowing anything about my background. What education and experience do you have in the field and what are you assuming mine is? You jumped on flat Earth guy, but you're literally doing the same routine as him.


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You keep making that statement without knowing anything about my background. What education and experience do you have in the field and what are you assuming mine is? You jumped on flat Earth guy, but you're literally doing the same routine as him.
In before Thor says that formal education is meaningless here.


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Did anyone read where he said that science “allows them... to have an answer to their sins?”

I have NEVER heard someone say “I’m only an adulterer because of gravity,” or “I wouldn’t be a drunk if it wasn’t for Bernoulli’s principle.”


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This is the problem with science, people like you regurgitate it as fact like you have been there and tested asteroids and explored around in space lol. Your science takes just as much faith as any other religion on earth.

And yes that is why flat earth is such a big deal. Globe/space a massive lie that changes everything
Lol no. I can test all manner of scientific principles, theories, and laws; I cannot test or confirm the existence of God, yet alone that there was a man born of a virgin in Nazareth who died for our sins and was resurrected after three days. I think you may have seen a little too much burning bush if you know what I mean.


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And a hail Satan to you as well, sir
Do dyslexic Satanists pray to Santa?

Do dyslexic children write letters to Satan?

Both Santa and Satan wear red, have an army of small non-human creatures, and know if you’ve been bad or good.

THIS is the real conspiracy theory that the flat earthers are trying to keep you from hearing about.


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Also, you mentioned your “BS degree.” Is that meant as a “useless bulls**t” degree, or a Bachelor of Science? Regardless, what major? I’m curious to see if your beliefs are just ignorant or actually dangerous to your given profession.


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“It’s a fundamental fact of calculus and non-Euclidean geometry, small sections of large curved surfaces will always look flat to little creatures that crawl upon it.”
-Astrophysics Black Guy (Neil deGrasse Tyson)


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Yeah, I’m going to watch a three hour YouTube video.

A general rule of thumb is when your smoking gun is a YouTube video, your science/physics is bad.
skip to around 2: 06: 00 when they start going off about the Jews. 2: 08: 00 is where they start saying that Hitler just wanted peace and it was the Jews that declared war on him.

Somehow this is all tied in with the theory of a flat Earth. Here's to hoping Thor sees the curvature of a ****ing bat, right before it cracks open his empty shell of a head.


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skip to around 2:06:00 when they start going off about the Jews. 2:08:00 is where they start saying that Hitler just wanted peace and it was the Jews that declared war on him.

Somehow this is all tied in with the theory of a flat Earth. Here's to hoping Thor sees the curvature of a ****ing bat, right before it cracks open his empty shell of a head.
Wait, what? I have to check that out. I’m starting to believe that whoever is actually behind these popular flat earth videos is just a huge troll, and seeing how much bat**** crazy nonsense they can get people to agree with. As if being scientifically ignorant isn’t bad enough, but to be an actual, literal Nazi?


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“It’s a fundamental fact of calculus and non-Euclidean geometry, small sections of large curved surfaces will always look flat to little creatures that crawl upon it.”
-Astrophysics Black Guy (Neil deGrasse Tyson)
Given his pro-Nazi views, I don't think presenting arguments from a black guy are going to work on him lol


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Wait, what? I have to check that out. I’m starting to believe that whoever is actually behind these popular flat earth videos is just a huge troll, and seeing how much bat**** crazy nonsense they can get people to agree with. As if being scientifically ignorant isn’t bad enough, but to be an actual, literal Nazi?
I'm not joking. Go listen. There may be more, but I'm not devoting 3 hours to this crap. I skipped around and started seeing movies of Hitler and stopped there.


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Holy s**t. Thor, did you actually watch this video? Do you actually believe that nonsense? If so, can you please tell me what your favorite flavor crayon is?


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Wowwww. Wow.


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Where'd you go Thor? I thought maybe we could go for a walk


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Where'd you go Thor? I thought maybe we could go for a walk
View attachment 172520
I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he’s not actually a Nazi, but is just, once again, ignorant, and probably didn’t watch the whole video, so didn’t know what was in it. Not exactly excusable either way, but it still beats being a literal Nazi.


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I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he’s not actually a Nazi, but is just, once again, ignorant, and probably didn’t watch the whole video, so didn’t know what was in it. Not exactly excusable either way, but it still beats being a literal Nazi.
Would you say maybe he did nazi that part? lol We'll see what he has to say, but it certainly fits in with the rest of his rant.


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We in da nazi killing biness and biness is booooomin!!!


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Now I’m not sure what is truth about hitler and the nazis....a lot of interesting viewpoints out there

You’re either a troll or a moron. There may be multiple “viewpoints” but that doesn’t mean they have ANY validity. I can say that the moon is made out of cheese and cats are reptiles; it’s a viewpoint, but it’s wrong. Just like you.


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View attachment 172552

You’re either a troll or a moron. There may be multiple “viewpoints” but that doesn’t mean they have ANY validity. I can say that the moon is made out of cheese and cats are reptiles; it’s a viewpoint, but it’s wrong. Just like you.
I never said right or wrong. I said interesting


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I never said right or wrong. I said interesting
To even entertain those views is irresponsible and vile. It’s like saying that people who justify pedophelia have “interesting” views. No, they’re sick.


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To even entertain those views is irresponsible and vile. It’s like saying that people who justify pedophelia have “interesting” views. No, they’re sick.
While pedophilia is clearly sinful and disgusting, it is actually interesting that people can be so lost and corrupted that they think that way. Being curious about a motivation behind a view point doesn’t make you a supporter of said viewpoint.

You aren’t bringing your A game today. Have some more coffee and try again later


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While pedophilia is clearly sinful and disgusting, it is actually interesting that people can be so lost and corrupted that they think that way. Being curious about a motivation behind a view point doesn’t make you a supporter of said viewpoint.

You aren’t bringing your A game today. Have some more coffee and try again later
But my question to you, I assume as someone who views themselves as a “good Christian,” would you post videos, without any explanation or justification that you don’t agree with them, defending pedophelia? If not, why are you so fine doing the same thing about Nazi views?

All, I don’t have my A-game? This coming from someone who’s smoking gun against literally every single scholar, scientist, engineer, etc. in the WORLD about the earth and gravity is a ****ing pro-Nazi YouTube video. If I don’t have my A-game today, it doesn’t matter, because your A-game isn’t even in the same alphabet as the people ITT who know basic physics.

Also, still waiting to hear what your degree is in man.


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-One is universally accepted as evil and easily identifiable. The other has the interesting viewpoint of the possibility of being manipulated. Not really a good comparison but nice extremest try.

-Airline pilots, engineers, surveyors, politicians, scientist, and scholars have and will continue coming forward on topics like the flat earth but your cognitive disbanded doesn’t allow you to see that.

-Bs-Business Administration.

This will be my last post here for 2 reasons:

1. I’ve realized there isn’t any viewpoints being discussed or theorized upon, yet only mindless insults and childish memes, so it holds no value for me any way and I don’t want to perpetuate negativity.

2. Muscleupcrohn I’ve realized by looking at your other posts that you get satisfaction in trying to attack other people that you feel your mind or body are superior too. (See plastic surgery thread where you obsessively posted pictures of Greek Gods your body and negative comments to someone who was only seeking help.) I can’t in good conscious feed into that, but hopefully since this has been acknowledged you can be aware of this and contribute in a more positive light.

Lastly, I will completely affirm that I am in no way racist or anti Semitic. I was simply intrigued that there was such an opposing story to Nazi/hitler and wanted to hear people’s input. I love all people and consider Everyman my brother, regardless of race/religion/viewpoints.


-Thor 70


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-One is universally accepted as evil and easily identifiable. The other has the interesting viewpoint of the possibility of being manipulated. Not really a good comparison but nice extremest try.

-Airline pilots, engineers, surveyors, politicians, scientist, and scholars have and will continue coming forward on topics like the flat earth but your cognitive disbanded doesn’t allow you to see that.

-Bs-Business Administration.

This will be my last post here for 2 reasons:

1. I’ve realized there isn’t any viewpoints being discussed or theorized upon, yet only mindless insults and childish memes, so it holds no value for me any way and I don’t want to perpetuate negativity.

2. Muscleupcrohn I’ve realized by looking at your other posts that you get satisfaction in trying to attack other people that you feel your mind or body are superior too. (See plastic surgery thread where you obsessively posted pictures of Greek Gods your body and negative comments to someone who was only seeking help.) I can’t in good conscious feed into that, but hopefully since this has been acknowledged you can be aware of this and contribute in a more positive light.


-Thor 70
Why don’t you ask people ITT who is a more helpful and useful contributor, you or I? I’ve had multiple people message me saying I’m one of the most helpful and knowledgeable people on the forums, and I’ve made numerous in-depth threads and analysis on various ingredients, nootropics, etc.

I also explained why your flat earth claims are laughable. You don’t know the difference between velocity and acceleration; without a basic grasp of dynamics, how you can claim to have any meaningful viewpoint here is beyond me.


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well I for one am shocked he turned out to be exactly who I thought (sarcasm)


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-One is universally accepted as evil and easily identifiable. The other has the interesting viewpoint of the possibility of being manipulated. Not really a good comparison but nice extremest try.

-Airline pilots, engineers, surveyors, politicians, scientist, and scholars have and will continue coming forward on topics like the flat earth but your cognitive disbanded doesn’t allow you to see that.

-Bs-Business Administration.

This will be my last post here for 2 reasons:

1. I’ve realized there isn’t any viewpoints being discussed or theorized upon, yet only mindless insults and childish memes, so it holds no value for me any way and I don’t want to perpetuate negativity.

2. Muscleupcrohn I’ve realized by looking at your other posts that you get satisfaction in trying to attack other people that you feel your mind or body are superior too. (See plastic surgery thread where you obsessively posted pictures of Greek Gods your body and negative comments to someone who was only seeking help.) I can’t in good conscious feed into that, but hopefully since this has been acknowledged you can be aware of this and contribute in a more positive light.


-Thor 70
Here's the issue Thor, your cognitive bias is preventing you from even pretending to behave rationally.

Here's the truth, a round earth is observable. However, the SIZE of earth means that the curvature can not usually be seen by the naked eye. You can, at times, see things like boats moving off in to the horizon, or when you stand atop large structures however the curve you see is not dramatic. If you saw a dramatic curve, that would imply the world is only a few hundred miles across - we know this isn't true. Of course you will find images where the horizon 'looks' flat - that doesnt mean it is, only that you can only observe a tiny fraction of what constitutes the earth.

The world can be observed as round when you know what you're looking for, however flat earth 'scientists' (and i use that word very loosely in this case) do everything possible to skew these very real observations, to the point where they even fake rationale for them. Ive heard flat earthers use words like 'light refraction', 'buoyancy' and other terminology in order to explain away phenomenon created by a round earth, like horizons and gravity. Sure, you can explain away these phenomena in a singular event, but these theories do not withstand scrutiny when tested against other measureable things. You won't know that of course, because you only see each thing as being isolated, not interconnected.

Not a single video i have ever seen of the flat earth actually demonstrates the flat earth working as a system. They all point out as many different, isolated phenomenon as they can to jam in a video, but none actually show how it works together. Every time they are pressed on it, they ignore it and move on to something else that is isolated. None of which controbute anything meaningful to the debate other than to cloud it. Anything can seem true in isolation or when presented in correlation with a single other data point, however no flat earther has yet ever been able to explain how it all makes sense when working together. Heck you even said jet streams were a thing yet were unable to present evidence on how they could exist in a stationary and flat earth.

At the end of the day people like you are contributing to the downfall of civilisation, whether you know it or not. We are in some kind of knowledge overload, where we are presented with too much information yet not taught enough on how to seek the truth by sifting through the BS. The images of earth from NASA? Fake. Images of earth from the Chinese satellites? Fake. Russian? Also fake. Any image of earth taken from the one place that can actually see it is categorically denied, yet some guys image of the horizon is taken as fact? That my friend is confirmation bias. Believing only in which conforms to your idea of what the earth should be, not what it actually is.

What makes it even more sad is how many people categorically refute something, simply because they don't understand it. As Neil deGrasses Tyson said: the universe is under no obligation to make sense to you. However, the fact it doesn't make sense to you does not make it untrue, only that you dont understand it.

So many people apply that logic to the existance of many things, including the existance of fossils etc. They categorically deny that dinosaurs roamed the earth, even when showed extensive evidence that they existed, they pick and choose which data is real based on what they believe to be true, and what they want to be true.

If your believe in God hinges on denying obvious evidence, then you have weak faith that does not stand pressure.


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Thor talking about what he can’t do “in good conscience” while sharing videos of Nazi propaganda and anti-semitism.

Also, how exactly does a degree in Business Administration make you in any way qualified to discuss physics and dynamics? What physics courses did you take? Statics? Dynamics? Calculus? You clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of these topics.


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Thor talking about what he can’t do “in good conscience” while sharing videos of Nazi propaganda and anti-semitism.

Also, how exactly does a degree in Business Administration make you in any way qualified to discuss physics and dynamics? What physics courses did you take? Statics? Dynamics? Calculus? You clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of these topics.
His business admin classes also didn't explain that posting Nazi **** on the internet is bad for business. Although, I have a strong feeling that he'll be learning that lesson soon ;)


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His business admin classes also didn't explain that posting Nazi **** on the internet is bad for business. Although, I have a strong feeling that he'll be learning that lesson soon ;)
Some things at a university level are assumed to be understood. This is one such thing, so they never actually thought they had to teach it. If it must be given a name, I’d propose the Theory of Duh.


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-One is universally accepted as evil and easily identifiable. The other has the interesting viewpoint of the possibility of being manipulated. Not really a good comparison but nice extremest try.

-Airline pilots, engineers, surveyors, politicians, scientist, and scholars have and will continue coming forward on topics like the flat earth but your cognitive disbanded doesn’t allow you to see that.

-Bs-Business Administration.

This will be my last post here for 2 reasons:

1. I’ve realized there isn’t any viewpoints being discussed or theorized upon, yet only mindless insults and childish memes, so it holds no value for me any way and I don’t want to perpetuate negativity.

2. Muscleupcrohn I’ve realized by looking at your other posts that you get satisfaction in trying to attack other people that you feel your mind or body are superior too. (See plastic surgery thread where you obsessively posted pictures of Greek Gods your body and negative comments to someone who was only seeking help.) I can’t in good conscious feed into that, but hopefully since this has been acknowledged you can be aware of this and contribute in a more positive light.


-Thor 70
Any PE (Professional Engineer) that publicly states that the earth is flat, says gravity does not exist, and based their designs on calculations that neglect gravity probably won’t be a PE for long. Furthermore, even simple surveying experience and calculations will actually confirm the curvature of the earth and how small/gradual changes in elevation/curvature over relatively large distances can appear flat.

Also, I’ve pointed out NUMEROUS flaws in your reasoning:

-Velocity =/= acceleration. Go study some dynamics and get back to me.

-It is known that the moon influences the tides to the gravitational force between the water and the moon. If the moon exerts a gravitational force on the water, how does the earth itself not exert a force on the objects on it, despite being both much larger than the moon, and much closer to the objects on its surface, which are the only two variables at play in determining gravitational force?

-Assuming the earth was truly flat, one should be able to aim a telescope exactly parallel to the ground and see across the entire world, until the direct line of sight is interrupted by an object. However, this does not work; once something leaves the horizon (which it will do gradually assuming it is tall enough to be seen doing so), you cannot see it.

-Do I need more?


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Someone posting Nazi propaganda is claiming to have the moral high ground. Thor must have an amazing view from that glass house of his.


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On a side not I just started season 1 of man in the high castle and it is quite interesting. :D


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On a side not I just started season 1 of man in the high castle and it is quite interesting. :D
A "what if" TV show is hugely different than posting videos (masquerading as science videos, if you can call the flat earth BS science) saying that Hitler just wanted peace and the Jews were the instigators of WWII and somehow have control of the whole world.


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I've been curious about that one. Let me know how it goes.
We are finishing the first season now and I think the imbd 8.1 rating is pretty spot on. Definitely enough to keep you interested but also moments where you think why did they add this. The part that catches you is the constant mystery of what things mean in it. One of those shows you are left going how will this turn out and so on. I like it.


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I've been curious about that one. Let me know how it goes.
Just wanted to report back that we are deep into season 2 and it seems to be getting even better as it goes on bro. Very interesting show and constantly leaving cliff hangers luring you into the next episode. :)


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Just wanted to report back that we are deep into season 2 and it seems to be getting even better as it goes on bro. Very interesting show and constantly leaving cliff hangers luring you into the next episode. :)
Appreciate it! I'll put it on the list for sure.


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Appreciate it! I'll put it on the list for sure.
Brother I forgot to tell you that we finished the series and it was amazing! Definitely keeps you intrigued all throughout! We are now finishing up Punisher season 2 just to throw another good one at ya! :)

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