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Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Mitt Romney. Any of the three of them would be my top choice for president next.

On the topic, I was floored when the GOP went with McCain. I like the guy and all, but him over Romney? Mitt should have more GOP support and run in the next election; he's got the best shot of the three.

Bob Barr did what he could with what he had. I REALLY hope he stays in the picture long enough to make a difference, he would make a stellar president.

And Ron Paul would be great too, just have to get him more support from the media. Time will tell with all of them. Hopefully people in the US realize more than 2 people run sometime soon.

I love going to and reading up on the BS going on in the government.

"Made in America" should mean something to all of us, especially now! I don't know that offshore manufacturing should be banned, but we should absolutely be giving more breaks to companies who aren't.

I have relatives in Toronto. It's funny hearing people in the US saying how great Canada's system is. All of the people I know who live IN Canada HATE the system. Sure, it's "free"; but you get what you pay for. The bad far out weighs the good.

Not only that, my taxes are already going to the elderly and disabled people, if medicine is socialized, they'll be going to people who smoke, drink, and everything else! Bull****!

Honestly though, our country is ****ed. Until people stop buying into the media bull****, there's nothing that's going to change. People need to wake up and actually USE their brains, or GTFO.

thats what your allll in for, the drunk who needs a bed....the indian who'S high on glue who needs care...the guy who robbed a bank got shot and needs guessed it. you pay for it!

I mean a new immigrant comes to Canada ( a country whos borders are wide fckn open) and they immediately get health care! dental! government business start up grants!!

Ive been here my whole life and all i get is the ability to fight with these people for what minimum wage jobs are left.

I fckn h8 immigration ( my girl is an immigrant too)
I fckn h8 Canada s healthcare
and most of fcking all I h8 that if I want my voice heard I have to blow myslef up in the house of fckn commons.

Seriously WTF happened to North America!

when I think of our countries I tink of hockey players, Nascar fans, cowboys, hard working constructiuon know what the fck I see these days?

Akbar, hamad, and fck haseem taking jobs Im qualified for AND DESPERATELY NEED, and they cant even fckn count out my change when im done.


Zero V

Zero V

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Akbar, hamad, and fck haseem taking jobs Im qualified for AND DESPERATELY NEED, and they cant even fckn count out my change when im done.



LEZ DO IT! I have to save up about 4 grand to purchase proper supplies to do it with such a small team. But Someone has to do it! Seriously....I wonder how you go about starting a state wide militia..... then link it with other militias nationwide(doesnt Michigan have a 400K person militia or something?)


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I might be closer to death than I thought....if things get any worse I am 100% down for soem madness, I dont want to be a nobody anyhow anymore. If the infantrey dont take me im fcked because there are ZERO places hiring where I live....and I moved from south Ontario out west because there was no work there eiter.

so fckn pssed
Zero V

Zero V

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I might be closer to death than I thought....if things get any worse I am 100% down for soem madness, I dont want to be a nobody anyhow anymore. If the infantrey dont take me im fcked because there are ZERO places hiring where I live....and I moved from south Ontario out west because there was no work there eiter.

so fckn pssed
I been searching for about 7 freaking months for a job. I have had 4 lined up that get smashed from in front of me. Its gotten me into such a harsh financial situation. I may be able to scrape up 2 crap level jobs here this week. If so I will be able to start catching things back up a bit.

I was considering moving to one of the other states where jobs are more readily available.


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what state u in? I moved to Canada's worst city for a so called job boom, but when I got here it was over and all there is now is immigrants and indians.

Im white and I have to search high and low to find my type of people


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As a soldier you are a puppet of the state, you will be taking down people who do not comply. There is a large amount of soldiers, war hardened and being prepped to patrol the streets of the US of A.
Being a soldier is not the answer unless you somehow get the training, guns and then go awol.

Violence has its place but the most important aspect of all this to EDUCATE.
One guy killing a politician, at this stage of the game will HURT any efforts for the people to make their case. You would be called a terrorist and your cause (our cause) would suffer and likely HELP this get passed.

By spreading the word to as many people possible to look outside of this whole make people sick and then take their rights in the name of "protection". Everytime a disaster happens, whether manufactured or not, it is used as a fear based control to take rights from people who say nothing to stop it.

People actually need to realise what they are actually losing and stop thinking that big buisness, government and rules are actually being made in your best interest.

The problems are endless and people will always be sick and dying for various reasons only now they will die, be sick and do it under the control of the government.

Its waay to early to start talking violence until the public is educated and joins as a whole.


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I would consider strongly to censor any post that depicts you attacking your country or a person in political stature. That is considered a plan to commit a crime and under this administration (patriot act) you can be wire tapped, tortured, have your assets seized and be held with no right to a trial, phone call or lawyer.

On a suspicion of acts of terror or terrorism you can be legally tortured to death or to the point of organ failure until you confess..... writing this on the internet provides more than a suspicion.

Its not tough or patriotic its stupid and unfortunetly to the rest of the general public you will represent ALL of the reasons why we need to lose rights.


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I was out of work for 8 months. My Benz got repo'ed, I ended up having to sleep on my sisters couch. It got bad but it got better. Hang in there guys.


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As a soldier you are a puppet of the state, you will be taking down people who do not comply. There is a large amount of soldiers, war hardened and being prepped to patrol the streets of the US of A.
Being a soldier is not the answer unless you somehow get the training, guns and then go awol.

Violence has its place but the most important aspect of all this to EDUCATE.
One guy killing a politician, at this stage of the game will HURT any efforts for the people to make their case. You would be called a terrorist and your cause (our cause) would suffer and likely HELP this get passed.

By spreading the word to as many people possible to look outside of this whole make people sick and then take their rights in the name of "protection". Everytime a disaster happens, whether manufactured or not, it is used as a fear based control to take rights from people who say nothing to stop it.

People actually need to realise what they are actually losing and stop thinking that big buisness, government and rules are actually being made in your best interest.

The problems are endless and people will always be sick and dying for various reasons only now they will die, be sick and do it under the control of the government.

Its waay to early to start talking violence until the public is educated and joins as a whole.
If your talking to me homeboy, Im not joining the army to be a fckn puppet, Im joining to live for something greater than myself, for job security, for more discipline, and most importanly for my brothers to my left and right.

As far as supplements go after more though this sht aint gonna affect us all like we think....remember how we all panicked last year about our prohormones and designers.....still around!

It was kool to speak on this thread but its pretty much a waste of time to argue this nonsense anymore, its just too frustrating.


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If your talking to me homeboy, Im not joining the army to be a fckn puppet, Im joining to live for something greater than myself, for job security, for more discipline, and most importanly for my brothers to my left and right.

As far as supplements go after more though this sht aint gonna affect us all like we think....remember how we all panicked last year about our prohormones and designers.....still around!

It was kool to speak on this thread but its pretty much a waste of time to argue this nonsense anymore, its just too frustrating.
Your brothers to your right or left dont dictate who gets killed in what country. The wars fought to make america independant are mocked by the current administration who controls them. Its difficult to say this without seeming like a slight against a soldier. I may have to kill one day but it will be on my terms not the interest of big buisness. If that makes me a puzzy than so be it i will be a true, free puzzy who lives with morals and ethics that tell me to kill only as the absolute last resort.

The issue being debated is more about our rights being taken and not about supplements. Losing supplements is a side effect of the brain washing and scamming that is being passed off as an attempt to protect people from themselves.

A soldier by nature is a human being that learns how to not be a human so they can murder and try to psychologically survive, they cannot think of their own will for they take orders. You do what you have to, you do what you are told and that is all. Is that not a puppet? Someone else is pulling that trigger that you hold. The problem is not with you its the cause that you signed up for.

If i thought a war was justified and for the safety of my family, country or constitution then i would also be a puppet. The point of my post was not to mock soldiers, as most im sure had good intentions.

My point is that with knowledge, the true kind, you can fight for what matters, you can fight for whats just and you can die noble. If i fought every fight that came my way some would be good and some horrible unless i get all that facts before hand.

I also do not think killing someone is the best way to achieve your means the solution is getting people educated and then getting them to stand together and fight. Much like a rogue soldier who has decided his orders are against what he is fighting for, he must have the respect and support of his peers before he can attempt to make a meaningful rebellion.

If everyone is on your side there's no one to kill. Those in power are only in power because we keep obeying their orders without thinking for ourselves.


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Your brothers to your right or left dont dictate who gets killed in what country. The wars fought to make america independant are mocked by the current administration who controls them. Its difficult to say this without seeming like a slight against a soldier. I may have to kill one day but it will be on my terms not the interest of big buisness. If that makes me a puzzy than so be it i will be a true, free puzzy who lives with morals and ethics that tell me to kill only as the absolute last resort.

The issue being debated is more about our rights being taken and not about supplements. Losing supplements is a side effect of the brain washing and scamming that is being passed off as an attempt to protect people from themselves.

A soldier by nature is a human being that learns how to not be a human so they can murder and try to psychologically survive, they cannot think of their own will for they take orders. You do what you have to, you do what you are told and that is all. Is that not a puppet? Someone else is pulling that trigger that you hold. The problem is not with you its the cause that you signed up for.

If i thought a war was justified and for the safety of my family, country or constitution then i would also be a puppet. The point of my post was not to mock soldiers, as most im sure had good intentions.

My point is that with knowledge, the true kind, you can fight for what matters, you can fight for whats just and you can die noble. If i fought every fight that came my way some would be good and some horrible unless i get all that facts before hand.

I also do not think killing someone is the best way to achieve your means the solution is getting people educated and then getting them to stand together and fight. Much like a rogue soldier who has decided his orders are against what he is fighting for, he must have the respect and support of his peers before he can attempt to make a meaningful rebellion.

If everyone is on your side there's no one to kill. Those in power are only in power because we keep obeying their orders without thinking for ourselves.
amen, brother.

If it was WWII all over again I'd be taking up arms, I'm Jewish.

However, if I knew what was going on with the U.S. during WWII I might not have.


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Im just frustrated bro, I know you werent dissing soldiers, and most of what you say is true.

I just know Ive been laid off 2x in the last year and im fckn sick of it, Im a hardworker who actually enjoys getting up and going to work...Ive built a house with my bare hands....and I cant even get a job right now at a fckn grocery store...i know is fcked but I got a sweet young girlfriend who loves me and is counting on me to provise a good life for her....If it has to be as a puppet where I can guarantee that life for her then so be it....old man suffers so a young girl can be happy......fair trade.

Cheers all.....again RIP to all the British,American.Canadian troops who have been killed recently in the latest offensive, and to alll who have fallen before.


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Benjamin Franklin said it best:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Or another Variant "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power."


New member
That's interesting to know! That definitely needs to be stopped.


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If anything I am likely one of the few who will be "stupid" enough to start expecting others to follow only to see myself standing alone with maybe 4 or 5 other people.

You will not be alone. I promise you that. I am currently in the Army and we are all sick of this ****. I know a dozen crazy bastards that might beat you to it!


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This administration/congress is the most power hungry corrupt facsist regime in American history. I dont know why anyone is surprised by anything that has occurred in the past 6 months... he/they did promise "CHANGE"... to me, it is just more of the same and it will only get worse. We are headed to a bad bad place. Look at the media, it is practically state run. With all the big important issues going on in this world and our nation and the impending degradation of our freedoms and liberties, all the media can focus on is Michael Jackson??????? Can anyone say shell game? How about our deficit??? and our national debt??? and our creditors (China, Saudi, etc) not wanting to buy/fund our wreckless debts. Oh, but The Great One wants to issue another stimulus package?? Where is the outrage? Well it seems the mainstream media and the Gov seemingly have a quid pro quo because they are not exposing any of the issues that every American needs to be outraged about. Does anyone know about the Cap-and-Trade bill going to congress right now that just passed the house??? I urge everyone to research this bill and educate yourselves. It will blow your ****ing mind! Your politicians dont care about you or the good of your republic. Can you say TAXES???... but he promised tax reductions for 95% of America... that's impossible! He cant be a liar, he's got such a great smile and he is such a well spoken telepromptor reader... I wonder how all his supporters will revere him in 18 months after things have gotten much much worse?? They will probably still be buying his sales pitch and eating out of his palm and he will probably still be blaming Bush. HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS, YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET
As long as his "fans" keep wearing his T-shirts and chanting "Yes we can," he'll always have some level of popularity. It's the cult of personality.


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Having lived through the 60's I can tell you from experience, you ain't doing ****, you're all talk. We just came through 8 freakin years of supression, repression and dirty tricks and you're bitchin after 6 months. Go train, work through the democratic process that this country was founded on or shut the **** up.


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Having lived through the 60's I can tell you from experience, you ain't doing ****, you're all talk. We just came through 8 freakin years of supression, repression and dirty tricks and you're bitchin after 6 months. Go train, work through the democratic process that this country was founded on or shut the **** up.
Great, great post, my friend! A lot of people conveniently pretend those infamous eight years never existed and expect miracles after barely six months of a new administration. Whatever happened to commonsense?


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The real problem with democracy is that the "old blood" controls the worlds wealth and just substitutes the current figure head out and puts in a new one to keep people from revolting. When public approval falls people just vote in another puppet and then when they feel satisfied and have hope again they start over.

The reason this is allowed to go on is because people think that the politicians are the ones in charge. It is not until we unravel the true power and expose it that we are actually capable of fighting it.

By continuing to believe that bush, obama or alike is the source of the problem makes it a war that can never be won.

This whole green movement, bailout, financial crisis, war on terror and loss of constitutional rights is part of a big movement to enslave the populace.

I dont care if anyone thinks i am nuts, the picture is getting easier and easier to see and the blind will always be unable to see it.

The best thing you can do is to familiarise yourself with the counsel on foreign relations, the bilderberg group and the trilateral commision.

The private owners of the FED, media corporations and bankrollers of opression are one and the same. I imagine even now someone is being groomed to be the next hero that will offer to free the people and "fix" what obama messed up. Just as an uprising is starting people are sedated by the new figure head acting with the same instructions.
Very well said, lots of good youtube stuff about this. Really interesting to see Americans waking up to this now. The rest fo the world has been watching this happen for a while now, and seems like some Americans are waking up to the fact that they have been mis-lead and betrayed.

This is not to say the rest of the world isn't.


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Ummm he's actually a Republican, but ya...
By whose standard? If you are going to call him a Republican you might as well start calling Olympia Snowe a Republican. Watch what they do. Not what they call themselves. Jeff Sessions is a republican (note the small "r"), Jim Demint is a republican, Michelle Bachmann is a republican. Mel is a statist big government type that runs around claiming hes a Republican.


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By whose standard? If you are going to call him a Republican you might as well start calling Olympia Snowe a Republican. Watch what they do. Not what they call themselves. Jeff Sessions is a republican (note the small "r"), Jim Demint is a republican, Michelle Bachmann is a republican. Mel is a statist big government type that runs around claiming hes a Republican.
I agree.

My father (76) says the republicans today are the democrats of when he was my age. BOTH sides have slide left. I am disgusted with BOTH parties. I despise that they think 2 parties is enough!


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Our political system has become a joke. The things that people used to stand for are gone. What ever happened to the days when people tried to help others? I know for sure that unless you put some money in someone's pocket they won't do squat for you! Our own sheriff was guilty of Racketeering and Gambling with money that he received to run his campaign. When the people who are lawfully appointed to protect you start doing the things that they are supposed to be arresting others for, you know that this whole world is turning to junk. I'm glad i know I'm going to Heaven! This world disgusts me. Are there no political figure-heads that can become popular for doing right? Even some of the religious figure-heads are doing wrong that they tell others is wrong. I am no one to judge, i must forgive to be forgiven, and i must love everyone as children of God, but some of this is getting ridiculous. Things can change for the better, but it will take a very long time. We all need to start doing what is right and just. It's hard, but it is also doable. Pray for our country and for our leaders to start doing the things that this country was founded on, not what fills their pocket and gets them the most votes!!!


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Our political system has become a joke. The things that people used to stand for are gone. What ever happened to the days when people tried to help others? I know for sure that unless you put some money in someone's pocket they won't do squat for you! Our own sheriff was guilty of Racketeering and Gambling with money that he received to run his campaign. When the people who are lawfully appointed to protect you start doing the things that they are supposed to be arresting others for, you know that this whole world is turning to junk. I'm glad i know I'm going to Heaven! This world disgusts me. Are there no political figure-heads that can become popular for doing right? Even some of the religious figure-heads are doing wrong that they tell others is wrong. I am no one to judge, i must forgive to be forgiven, and i must love everyone as children of God, but some of this is getting ridiculous. Things can change for the better, but it will take a very long time. We all need to start doing what is right and just. It's hard, but it is also doable. Pray for our country and for our leaders to start doing the things that this country was founded on, not what fills their pocket and gets them the most votes!!!
agreed bro, noone does fck all for anyone anymore unless theres something in it for them....I personally like doing things for others and helping people, its one of the few things in this shtty world that still actually makes me happy....anyone whos down and out should try it, might bring a smile to your face.

Then again I tried to volunteer at the Biggest hospital in Alberta and they turned me down for no fckn reason! no record nothing, they just didnt want my time and effort....for free! needless to say i was disgusted.


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Then again I tried to volunteer at the Biggest hospital in Alberta and they turned me down for no fckn reason! no record nothing, they just didnt want my time and effort....for free! needless to say i was disgusted.
I love to volunteer at the soup kitchen's and for the food drives for Hospice. Just to see how much joy it brings to some of their faces is totally worth the effort that the operations take. While there are some that think that they deserve it, the ones who are genuinely appreciative make it all better. To be honest, they do deserve it. No one truly knows what it took for them to get there, they need the help. I know i would!


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agreed bro, noone does fck all for anyone anymore unless theres something in it for them....I personally like doing things for others and helping people, its one of the few things in this shtty world that still actually makes me happy....anyone whos down and out should try it, might bring a smile to your face.

Then again I tried to volunteer at the Biggest hospital in Alberta and they turned me down for no fckn reason! no record nothing, they just didnt want my time and effort....for free! needless to say i was disgusted.
There is nothing necessarily wrong with doing for other when there is something in it for you as well..the evil is doing for yourself at the expense of others, especially in violation of such a sacred trust.

Irish Cannon

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By whose standard? If you are going to call him a Republican you might as well start calling Olympia Snowe a Republican. Watch what they do. Not what they call themselves. Jeff Sessions is a republican (note the small "r"), Jim Demint is a republican, Michelle Bachmann is a republican. Mel is a statist big government type that runs around claiming hes a Republican.
Ahhh, so you were being facetious.


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This is the perfect example of where this country is heading, especially with ridiculous legislation with no oversight:

With all the attention that's been paid lately to long federal sentences for drug offenders, it's surprising that a far more troubling phenomenon has barely hit the media's radar screen. Every year, thousands of upstanding, responsible Americans run afoul of some incomprehensible federal law or regulation and end up serving time in federal prison.

What is especially disturbing is that it could happen to anyone at all -- and it has.

We should applaud Reps. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), then, for holding a bipartisan hearing today to examine how federal law can make a criminal out of anyone, for even the most mundane conduct.

Federal law in particular now criminalizes entire categories of activities that the average person would never dream would land him in prison. This is an inevitable result of the fact that the criminal law is no longer restricted to punishing inherently wrongful conduct -- such as murder, rape, robbery, and the like.

Moreover, under these new laws, the government can often secure a conviction without having to prove that the person accused even intended to commit a bad act, historically a protection against wrongful conviction.

Laws like this are dangerous in the hands of social engineers and ambitious lawmakers -- not to mention overzealous prosecutors -- bent on using government's greatest civilian power to punish any activity they dislike. So many thousands of criminal offenses are now in federal law that a prominent federal appeals court judge titled his recent essay on this overcriminalization problem, "You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal."

Consider small-time inventor and entrepreneur Krister Evertson, who will testify at today's hearing. Krister never had so much as a traffic ticket before he was run off the road near his mother's home in Wasilla, Alaska, by SWAT-armored federal agents in large black SUVs training automatic weapons on him.

Evertson, who had been working on clean-energy fuel cells since he was in high school, had no idea what he'd done wrong. It turned out that when he legally sold some sodium (part of his fuel-cell materials) to raise cash, he forgot to put a federally mandated safety sticker on the UPS package he sent to the lawful purchaser.

Krister's lack of a criminal record did nothing to prevent federal agents from ransacking his mother's home in their search for evidence on this oh-so-dangerous criminal.

The good news is that a federal jury in Alaska acquitted Krister of all charges. The jurors saw through the charges and realized that Krister had done nothing wrong.

The bad news, however, is that the feds apparently had it in for Krister. Federal criminal law is so broad that it gave prosecutors a convenient vehicle to use to get their man.

Two years after arresting him, the feds brought an entirely new criminal prosecution against Krister on entirely new grounds. They used the fact that before Krister moved back to Wasilla to care for his 80-year-old mother, he had safely and securely stored all of his fuel-cell materials in Salmon, Idaho.

According to the government, when Krister was in jail in Alaska due to the first unjust charges, he had "abandoned" his fuel-cell materials in Idaho. Unfortunately for Krister, federal lawmakers had included in the Resource Recovery and Conservation Act a provision making it a crime to abandon "hazardous waste." According to the trial judge, the law didn't require prosecutors to prove that Krister had intended to abandon the materials (he hadn't) or that they were waste at all -- in reality, they were quite valuable and properly stored away for future use.

With such a broad law, the second jury didn't have much of a choice, and it convicted him. He spent almost two years locked up with real criminals in a federal prison. After he testifies today, he will have to return to his halfway house in Idaho and serve another week before he is released.

The other hardened criminal whose story members of Congress will hear today is retiree George Norris. A longtime resident of Spring, Texas, Norris made the mistake of not knowing and keeping track of all of the details of federal and international law on endangered species -- mostly paperwork requirements -- before he decided to turn his orchid hobby into a small business. What was Norris's goal? To earn a little investment income while his wife neared retirement.

The Lacey Act is an example of the dangerous overbreadth of federal criminal law. Incredibly, Congress has made it a federal crime to violate any fish or wildlife law or regulation of any nation on earth.

Facing 10 years in federal prison, Norris pled guilty and served almost two. His wife, Kathy, describes the pain of losing their life savings to pay for attorneys and trying to explain to grandchildren why for so long Poppa George couldn't see them.

Federal criminal law did not get so badly broken overnight, and it will take hard work to get it fixed. It is encouraging that members of Congress such as Reps. Scott and Gohmert are now paying attention to the toll overcriminalization takes on ordinary Americans. Congress needs to begin fixing the damage it has done by starting to restore a more reasonable, limited and just federal criminal law. Today's hearing is an excellent first step.

and I probably just broke a federal law by posting the text of the article.


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and a quote I had not the patience to dig up myself...courtesy of Miss Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged:

"We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."

everybody getting it yet?


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and a quote I had not the patience to dig up myself...courtesy of Miss Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged:

"We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."

everybody getting it yet?

Loud and clear, the other option is to just skip to torturing you until you die and/or admit your a terrorist.


Is there an unbiased point of reference here?

I'm certainly not in favor of the bill, but the "food facility" bullet point was easily refutable with a quick search of the US Code.

This bill appears to have flaws, but you want, I assume, a safe food supply and a real monitoring/control of agribusiness. But you don't want government authority over producers you happen to consider "jus' folks," who would never ever represent any kind of problem, because they're small and cuddly and have cool bumper stickers on their trucks!

I'd like to have it both ways, too. But we can't.

What surprises me the most is the Demoratic support of such a pro-corporate bill.

That being said, the bi-partisan House Committee on Agriculture opposes the bill as it's currently written, with Collin Peterson (D) and Bob Goodlatte (R) being the most vocal. Also - it's important to note the all of the witnesses at the hearing last week including those in the Obama Administration oppose the bill as well.

Waxman and others have their head up their ass, and while this bill is on a fast track, it doesn't mean it's going to be law.


What surprises me the most is the Demoratic support of such a pro-corporate bill.
This is not really a pro-corporate bill. It's more of a take away rights of the consumer, and crush small business, kind of bill. Doesn't suprise me at all.


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just got another response...

Dear Mr. Bard:

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding H.R. 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. I appreciate hearing from all Pennsylvanians about the issues that matter most to them.

Representative John Dingell of Michigan introduced the Food Safety Enhancement Act on June 8, 2009. It was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Currently, there are no related bills in the Senate.

This bill proposes greater U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulatory powers over the national food supply and food providers. This bill would generate resources to support FDA oversight of food safety, increase inspections of food facilities and improve the safety and traceability of domestic and imported food. The bill would impose annual registration fees of $500 on all facilities holding, processing, or manufacturing food, and require that such facilities also engaged in the transport or packing of food maintain pedigrees of the origin and previous distribution history of the food. In addition, this bill would grant the FDA the authority to issue mandatory recalls on tainted foods. Should the Senate consider this or related proposals, pleased be assured that I will keep your views in mind when casting my vote.

As always, I appreciate your views, thoughts, and concerns as they assist me in understanding what is important to the people of Pennsylvania. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of importance to you.

If you have access to the Internet, I encourage you to visit my web site, I invite you to use this online office as a comprehensive resource to stay up-to-date on my work in Washington, request assistance from my office or share with me your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and to Pennsylvania.

Bob Casey
United States Senator


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just got another response...

Dear Mr. Bard:

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding H.R. 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. I appreciate hearing from all Pennsylvanians about the issues that matter most to them.

Representative John Dingell of Michigan introduced the Food Safety Enhancement Act on June 8, 2009. It was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Currently, there are no related bills in the Senate.

This bill proposes greater U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulatory powers over the national food supply and food providers. This bill would generate resources to support FDA oversight of food safety, increase inspections of food facilities and improve the safety and traceability of domestic and imported food. The bill would impose annual registration fees of $500 on all facilities holding, processing, or manufacturing food, and require that such facilities also engaged in the transport or packing of food maintain pedigrees of the origin and previous distribution history of the food. In addition, this bill would grant the FDA the authority to issue mandatory recalls on tainted foods. Should the Senate consider this or related proposals, pleased be assured that I will keep your views in mind when casting my vote.

As always, I appreciate your views, thoughts, and concerns as they assist me in understanding what is important to the people of Pennsylvania. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of importance to you.

If you have access to the Internet, I encourage you to visit my web site, I invite you to use this online office as a comprehensive resource to stay up-to-date on my work in Washington, request assistance from my office or share with me your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and to Pennsylvania.

Bob Casey
United States Senator

How to say absolutely nothing in 6 paragraphs, by Bob Casey.


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How to say absolutely nothing in 6 paragraphs, by Bob Casey.
No doubt. I mean, I already know what the bill is about. That is why I emailed you - 3 weeks ago - about...



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How to say absolutely nothing in 6 paragraphs, by Bob Casey.
Its an art form on writing those letters. Some tiny intern or staff member wrote it. They dont really give a ****.

I still think this is a front by the FDA to prepare for the nationalized healthcare bill. The gvnt cant be paying for all the related health problems that can come from PHs/etc.


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Its an art form on writing those letters. Some tiny intern or staff member wrote it. They dont really give a ****.

I still think this is a front by the FDA to prepare for the nationalized healthcare bill. The gvnt cant be paying for all the related health problems that can come from PHs/etc.
So lets tax local blueberry growers....

Irish Cannon

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The bill didn't get passed this week; however, they're voting on it AGAIN and it's planned to be passed this time. :dunno: :wtf:


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The bill didn't get passed this week; however, they're voting on it AGAIN and it's planned to be passed this time. :dunno: :wtf:
It gives the lobbyists time to bribe, errrr, contribute to the election funds of the appropriate voting representatives.


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Its an art form on writing those letters. Some tiny intern or staff member wrote it. They dont really give a ****.

I still think this is a front by the FDA to prepare for the nationalized healthcare bill. The gvnt cant be paying for all the related health problems that can come from PHs/etc.
What would those related health problems be?

Rather, look at PHs as competition for hormone replacement therapy - especially 6-OXO. Why would someone go to a doc to get $200 every 2 week shots when 6-OXO worked for a TON of older adults just fine?

They WANT you sick and using HealthCare, so they can then raise taxes again. A dependent populace is a docile populace, afraid of having privileges taken away.


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What would those related health problems be?

Rather, look at PHs as competition for hormone replacement therapy - especially 6-OXO. Why would someone go to a doc to get $200 every 2 week shots when 6-OXO worked for a TON of older adults just fine?

They WANT you sick and using HealthCare, so they can then raise taxes again. A dependent populace is a docile populace, afraid of having privileges taken away.
They have to keep the fat cats in the pharmaceutical industry happy


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What would those related health problems be?

Rather, look at PHs as competition for hormone replacement therapy - especially 6-OXO. Why would someone go to a doc to get $200 every 2 week shots when 6-OXO worked for a TON of older adults just fine?

They WANT you sick and using HealthCare, so they can then raise taxes again. A dependent populace is a docile populace, afraid of having privileges taken away.
Potential problems that can come from (idiots) cycling stuff. Gyno, liver, cholesterol, test levels. TRT isnt cheap.

But again, I fully agree. Its big pharmas push.


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What would those related health problems be?

Rather, look at PHs as competition for hormone replacement therapy - especially 6-OXO. Why would someone go to a doc to get $200 every 2 week shots when 6-OXO worked for a TON of older adults just fine?

They WANT you sick and using HealthCare, so they can then raise taxes again. A dependent populace is a docile populace, afraid of having privileges taken away.
Dsade you hit the nail right on the head. My older relatives have gotten all kinds of extra health issues from taking prescribed dosages of heart, blood pressure and cholesterol meds for a long time.
I found some great natural herbal suppliers that catered to older people's secific issues and got my relatives on those items.
And after their regimens of about 5 months or so the tols me that their respective doctors said their health conditions had improved.
Then the FDA tried to shut them down and we got together tosend off letter and petitions to save them.
So I will most definitely support the petition against the FDA.
We are supposed to be the land of the brave and the home of the free.


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I agree.

My father (76) says the republicans today are the democrats of when he was my age. BOTH sides have slide left. I am disgusted with BOTH parties. I despise that they think 2 parties is enough!
Bipartisan politics is a farce to make people think they have a choice.
I am not condemning all politicians because everyone needs a job to feed their family.
But the system is set up in such a fashion so the ones who are corrupt can step on people's necks and never get disciplined for it.


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I love to volunteer at the soup kitchen's and for the food drives for Hospice. Just to see how much joy it brings to some of their faces is totally worth the effort that the operations take. While there are some that think that they deserve it, the ones who are genuinely appreciative make it all better. To be honest, they do deserve it. No one truly knows what it took for them to get there, they need the help. I know i would!
That is very admirable.
And you learn what some people go through in the process.
Just shows how frail and unsure life is.
One moment one can have a semblance of stability and security; the next it can be gone like pollen in the wind.
The sad thing is that some people lose everything despite their dedication and hard work because someone else is greedy or manipulative.


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Interesting they are not taking into consideration how much money is shoved into the economy by the supplementation industry. Talk about sabotaging the country. Lets fug up the healthcare system, take money out of the employed people hands who are spending money and give it to those who don't want to find gainful employment. That way with the new taxes we take from them they can't afford to pay their creditors, so they won't spend money or pay off creditors. Just creating a worse economy. Then on top of that lats get rid of one of the most positive growth markets around, supplements. Even Whey protein will suffer from this.

Let's be honest our obsession for lack of a better word keeps us spending on these supplements even when times are hard. It is one of those never give up never surrender type of things. Hell that is our motto.

I don't think this has anything to do with PHs specifically. That is only a minute part of the control the government is seeking with this. Obama is apparently not a democrat he is more of a socialist in bloom, and we are in deep dookie....

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