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Actually my preferred way is through violence and blood :duel:

Look at my posts round here. As soon as the chance comes you will find me in the front lines of this civil war. Actually, I would prefer to hunt down politicians and have a "Heart to bloody ripped out heart" talk with em.
Alot of times I go insane and feel that too, then I watch LOCK UP RAW and see how fckn shtty being in a penitentiary like a caged fckn animal, with No rights, No freedoms surrounded by the earths scum is.

So as of now.....Ive put the killing spree plans on hold......If things ever went bad enough though....
Zero V

Zero V

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Alot of times I go insane and feel that too, then I watch LOCK UP RAW and see how fckn shtty being in a penitentiary like a caged fckn animal, with No rights, No freedoms surrounded by the earths scum is.

So as of now.....Ive put the killing spree plans on hold......If things ever went bad enough though....
That time is coming... Not to mention I really cant kill without due justification, so a civil/revolutionary conflict has to start first. In which case I would die before becoming POW. Considering out government condones torture. Dont forget alot of the military feels the same we do, so it will not be as underdog of a fight as people assume. Military bases woudl rip themselves apart and deal with quite a bit of internal espionage.

The big danger will be private contractors hired by corporations and officials. Once the sparks ignite the fire though, the lazier people will even begin to rally. Embedded into every one is that desire to fight....well into most people. Its just harder to get it out of some people. Once a patriotic war cry goes out, the effects would be similar to post 9/11 and through proper speech's and ideals, people from almost every aspect of life would rally behind the banner. Then when its over and the people have won (which we will). We can rebuild democracy, and add in some adjustments to prevent it from ever becoming what it is today. Their power needs restricted. The Feds should be only 9-10% of what they are now.

The only question is will we change the name of our nation? And the flag would almost certainly be amended to represent the new power.

For one thing no more democrat/republican crap. Presidency needs to be earned, not bargained for.


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This is what happens when you vote democrat. Thanks to all of you who elected Comrade Obama.


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Here's another organization that is publicizing the bill controversies. Note the other parts that haven't been fully discussed here yet:
Oh... great,.... even better.....

* HR 2749 would give FDA the power to order a quarantine of a geographic area, including “prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area.”

[This - "that has been used to transport or hold such food" - would mean all cars that have ever brought groceries home or any pickup someone has eaten take-out in, so this means ALL TRANSPORTATION can be shut down under this. This is using food as a cover for martial law.]

Under this provision, farmers markets and local food sources could be shut down, even if they are not the source of the contamination. The agency can halt all movement of all food in a geographic area.

[This is also a means of total control over the population under the cover of food, and at any time.]
Zero V

Zero V

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So basically they can destroy what is left of the small farmers and go on the road to nationalizing the agriculture of the country....



This is what happens when you vote democrat. Thanks to all of you who elected Comrade Obama.
So, so true.

I heard his super hero comic book comes out next month.

So basically they can destroy what is left of the small farmers and go on the road to nationalizing the agriculture of the country....

Small farms are just the first thing to go. Supplement companies (not just BB supplements, I mean your grandmas vitamins too), food companies, the whole industry will become nationalized. Like they say, we'll be going to the post office for our bread, milk, mail, our new car, new house, loan, and check up.



  • Established
So, so true.

I heard his super hero comic book comes out next month.

Small farms are just the first thing to go. Supplement companies (not just BB supplements, I mean your grandmas vitamins too), food companies, the whole industry will become nationalized. Like they say, we'll be going to the post office for our bread, milk, mail, our new car, new house, loan, and check up.

..and if the gov't wants to control a certain area, they just contact the FDA,... they state "we have a "food" emergency" and thats that. Another way to take a persons constitutional rights away, but say "oh,...its b/c of food contamination, in the area.... not the angry protesting thats going on there."


NutraPlanet Fanatic
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..and if the gov't wants to control a certain area, they just contact the FDA,... they state "we have a "food" emergency" and thats that. Another way to take a persons constitutional rights away, but say "oh,...its b/c of food contamination, in the area.... not the angry protesting thats going on there."
Add this to the current practice of "seizure laws", and you can have your entire accumulation of property seized for "violations".

Similar to how they "test" large sums of money for traces of drugs (95% of the money supply is tainted, BTW) then seize to pad their own pockets - all the while threatening you with prosecution.

Irish Cannon

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If anyone tries to come and take my protein, I'll be waiting.
marco wolf

marco wolf

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You'll have to pry my creatine from my cold, dead hands!
Zero V

Zero V

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Why do I get the feeling all the last of Americas patriots are either body builders or rednecks in the NRA, or both? :lol::usa:

When the time comes brothers....


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Why do I get the feeling all the last of Americas patriots are either body builders or rednecks in the NRA, or both?
Because there is no man more free than one that doesn't give a damn what society thinks of him. :bigok:


My final reply in regards to lozgod: People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours.


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My final reply in regards to lozgod: People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours.
lol. I used to idealistic too and say a lot and not get anything done. I understand. We aren't that different.


  • Established
lol. I used to idealistic too and say a lot and not get anything done. I understand. We aren't that different.
I as well, zero talks like hes about to bring down the white guess he will be sitting at his computer in 5 years with the rest of us and will have done fck all to change anything.

talk is fckn cheap, unless you back up all this rhetoric and glorified plans of valour and freedom than your just wasting your time.

Like I said im down for standing up for our rights, but im getting older and im a realest now.

One day all you younger guys who think your changing anything will Loz said...we arent that different because we were you not too long ago.


  • Established
i got a bs reply as well.

Below is a response to the recent comments I received from you:

Dear Mr. P.:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the regulation of food by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I appreciate hearing from you and would like to respond to your concerns.

On March 3, 2009, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510). This bill would make broad regulatory changes to the FDA and expand the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services to regulate food. The bill focuses in particular on food borne illness prevention, detection, and response. In addition, S. 510 would improve food defense capabilities and increase overall resources at the FDA.

I understand your concerns regarding the regulation of food by the FDA. Recent instances of widespread food borne illness outbreaks, and contaminated food recalls, convey the need for modernizing and strengthening our food safety laws. Every year, many new products are introduced into this market, and I will continue to support our food and drug safety statutes to ensure that the residents of Florida, and citizens of the United States, are being protected from substances that may potentially be harmful to their health.


Mel Martinez
United States Senator



  • Established
i got a bs reply as well.

Below is a response to the recent comments I received from you:

Dear Mr. P.:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the regulation of food by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I appreciate hearing from you and would like to respond to your concerns.

On March 3, 2009, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510). This bill would make broad regulatory changes to the FDA and expand the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services to regulate food. The bill focuses in particular on food borne illness prevention, detection, and response. In addition, S. 510 would improve food defense capabilities and increase overall resources at the FDA.

I understand your concerns regarding the regulation of food by the FDA. Recent instances of widespread food borne illness outbreaks, and contaminated food recalls, convey the need for modernizing and strengthening our food safety laws. Every year, many new products are introduced into this market, and I will continue to support our food and drug safety statutes to ensure that the residents of Florida, and citizens of the United States, are being protected from substances that may potentially be harmful to their health.


Mel Martinez
United States Senator

The old saying used to be "stock up on your DS/PH before there gone"....

Well boys " Stock up on fckn creatine mono and Whey now before its all gone"

I know how you Yanks roll, you guys love your guess is if they try to do this a bunch of muscle heads will cause such a rukus it will shake the country for years.

To the government.....dont fckn tell me or these guys or anyone wtf they can put in their bodies PERIOD!

There just pisssed cause they cant make enough money off such a huge industry. Pretty gross if you ask me.


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Where were you when we lost 1AD and 4AD, did you write to your congressperson then, I did and got the same response some of you have gotten. That was a while ago so it's not "THIS" administration, it's Washington period.


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It looks to be a case of problem reaction solution.


NutraPlanet Fanatic
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Where were you when we lost 1AD and 4AD, did you write to your congressperson then, I did and got the same response some of you have gotten. That was a while ago so it's not "THIS" administration, it's Washington period.
It's the name of the game...the game has to change.
Zero V

Zero V

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I as well, zero talks like hes about to bring down the white guess he will be sitting at his computer in 5 years with the rest of us and will have done fck all to change anything.

talk is fckn cheap, unless you back up all this rhetoric and glorified plans of valour and freedom than your just wasting your time.

Like I said im down for standing up for our rights, but im getting older and im a realest now.

One day all you younger guys who think your changing anything will Loz said...we arent that different because we were you not too long ago.
I have almost nothing left to lose other than my life here soon. Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

If anything I am likely one of the few who will be "stupid" enough to start expecting others to follow only to see myself standing alone with maybe 4 or 5 other people. I find the value of life alot lower than the value of freedom. And hell if I die, I go home son!

I am willing to be the first blood if it would have to be that way. Hell at least I would get a page in the history books as someone who gave a damn.

Only a fool would challenge the white house alone though. Believe it or not though, its not all that complicated to tear up...

People often over complicate things, and forget about low jack technology and the power of guerrilla tactics. Our most powerful military units(Green Berets, Combat Control, Seals) all survive of guerrilla tactics against often impossible odds....

Biggest rule of all, its never a rush, and you must accept your going to be labeled a bad guy. As all patriots were until the change of power.

All it will take is someone with proper oratory skill. I dont think I have that ability in myself, so that will be someone else department. With that people could rally.


  • Established
i was much younger at the time, and i'm certain that i would have done the same thing then. This is an outrage and we are all getting screwed because someone wants to slip some sneaky sh*t into a bill and slide it under our noses trying to disguise it as a protective measure for food-borne diseases and crap.

What will they "protect" us from next? Hopefully it's dumb-@$$es!!!


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Well I guess were one step close to a "Government controlled society". I hear they are already working on a one world economy....These are all signs of the end times. We can and should stand up for what is right, but that doesn't mean we will be able to stop it. God bless you all.


  • Established
ya all this sht is really fckn peeing me off, not to mention our governments are doing nothing to stem the massive unemployment that has ripped through Canada and The United States.

I for one lately have stopped caring wheter I even live or die, we fcked this world of ours and there is no getting it back ion track, there is no stimulis package for what has happened.

were all fcked now, personally I hope there is WW3, at least we would all have something to live for, and at leat we would all have jobs with no risk of getting laid off.

I got my Infantry application right beside me.....

now if i could just get off the anabolic minds website.
Zero V

Zero V

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I cant join the United States military...just seems unethical lol. I would actually love to, and I find the people who do serve are heroes. But serving this government is like serving the devil sometimes. Its a catch 22, you protect us, but also have to work for the feds LOL.

Ironically this is just how the end times are described... huh. I wasnt around in the 1930s to compare that time to now. But I have a feeling this BS is unrepairable. I also have a feeling it was intentionally caused. The armed forces have never been so full of recruits lmao.


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i don't use much for supplements, sides vitamins, whey and fish oil... But this, this is just the start men. The US government is very good at passing a few bills at a time so that it looks like nothing until it adds up. Welcome to a world where Creatine is the new steroid, its too bad the body makes it.

IF the revolution comes, i know which side i'm on.


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If bull**** was a commodity, this thread would be Wall Street


New member
Hopefully, we can get through to these empty suits that we do not want them in our lives. Everyone needs to forward this to every person that they know.


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No matter what side they are on 80% of voters would be satisfied with this.

I want to explain something.

I am not saying fighting government is bad. I am saying passive resistance is useless. Put me on the list to take arms and go to war when it becomes a tyranny if not handled otherwise. I am just saying everything is a losing battle if it isn't a large number of citizens and isn't fought on their playing field.

i got a bs reply as well.

Below is a response to the recent comments I received from you:

Dear Mr. P.:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the regulation of food by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I appreciate hearing from you and would like to respond to your concerns.

On March 3, 2009, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510). This bill would make broad regulatory changes to the FDA and expand the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services to regulate food. The bill focuses in particular on food borne illness prevention, detection, and response. In addition, S. 510 would improve food defense capabilities and increase overall resources at the FDA.

I understand your concerns regarding the regulation of food by the FDA. Recent instances of widespread food borne illness outbreaks, and contaminated food recalls, convey the need for modernizing and strengthening our food safety laws. Every year, many new products are introduced into this market, and I will continue to support our food and drug safety statutes to ensure that the residents of Florida, and citizens of the United States, are being protected from substances that may potentially be harmful to their health.


Mel Martinez
United States Senator


Irish Cannon

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My response from Mel Martinez...
Dear Mr. :

Thank you for contacting me regarding the regulation of food by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I appreciate hearing from you and would like to respond to your concerns.

On March 3, 2009, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510). This bill would make broad regulatory changes to the FDA and expand the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services to regulate food. The bill focuses in particular on food borne illness prevention, detection, and response. In addition, S. 510 would improve food defense capabilities and increase overall resources at the FDA.

I understand your concerns regarding the regulation of food by the FDA. Recent instances of widespread food borne illness outbreaks, and contaminated food recalls, convey the need for modernizing and strengthening our food safety laws. Every year, many new products are introduced into this market, and I will continue to support our food and drug safety statutes to ensure that the residents of Florida, and citizens of the United States, are being protected from substances that may potentially be harmful to their health.


Mel Martinez
United States Senator
I quickly replied...

It's unfortunate that you feel giving the FDA this sort of power is actually in our best interest.


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I am just saying everything is a losing battle if it isn't a large number of citizens and isn't fought on their playing field.
True, you either become Martyrs or Examples, and with the way the world works.. an example is much more likely
Zero V

Zero V

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True, you either become Martyrs or Examples, and with the way the world works.. an example is much more likely
No that is losing heart. We will make this government the example :usa:


  • Established
No that is losing heart. We will make this government the example :usa:
Ok Zero , you make it happen, and if you can do anything at all...other tham end up dead...ill follow suit in Canada and do exactly what you do.


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No that is losing heart. We will make this government the example :usa:
I can be as motivated as anyone, but that's not loosing here brah. Its accepting the reality of the situation. Brawn won't win this cause they have bigger guns, they also have the twisted tongue of the politician. Not much we can do to defend a cause if everyone dies in a hard charger battle.


  • Established
I can be as motivated as anyone, but that's not loosing here brah. Its accepting the reality of the situation. Brawn won't win this cause they have bigger guns, they also have the twisted tongue of the politician. Not much we can do to defend a cause if everyone dies in a hard charger battle.
agreed, hopefully this wil go bye bye like last years dumb ban.......


Its the "new world order!"
Full control of all things and people.
Gov'ts are f--ked everywhere!


  • Established
I think perhaps all who have received bullsh** replies should send both copies (your letter & its reply) to Ron Paul. So far he has had a decent record of rabble-rousing in congress over issues like this.

His most current bill is one to audit the Fed (for real this time): HR1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. I am curious, in his case as a former doctor who is not in favor of hmo's or socialized medicine (basically not in favor of huge entities controlling people's access to health care) how he would feel about this bill.

Can't hurt....I really don't know of anybody else in the HoR that acts in a way I can trust or stand behind. I know a lot of folks don't like him, but he's one of the few reps not in the pockets of corporations for sure.


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I think perhaps all who have received bullsh** replies should send both copies (your letter & its reply) to Ron Paul. So far he has had a decent record of rabble-rousing in congress over issues like this.

His most current bill is one to audit the Fed (for real this time): HR1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. I am curious, in his case as a former doctor who is not in favor of hmo's or socialized medicine (basically not in favor of huge entities controlling people's access to health care) how he would feel about this bill.

Can't hurt....I really don't know of anybody else in the HoR that acts in a way I can trust or stand behind. I know a lot of folks don't like him, but he's one of the few reps not in the pockets of corporations for sure.
Bring the Rain!


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Ron Paul is the man. We need more libertarians in office. Only issue I do not support that they do is free trade. I think America should get back to being self-reliant. Made in America used to mean something.


  • Established
on a related note somewhat, I was interviewed by ABCNews for a survey in a random phone call about a month ago.

This was when Obama was talking about socialized medicine and what brand he thought we should subscribe to.

They kept asking me questions about approval in relation to decisions/proposals he has made. I pretty much said no to every one except Roe v. Wade being upheld. So far, as much as I readily admit he has had a tough row to hoe due to the outright treasonous acts of the Bush/Cheney Admin. and the absolutely idiotic spending habits of many Americans his administration so far has referred back to the Fed on economic issues which is suicide to support for us Americans. Congress has fed my distrust with bills like the one we are discussing; which do not make us safer from anything. The real questions hidden from us in why the bill was created:

1) Where the f*** were the FDA when the products it oversees were allowed to be produced in such a fashion to put people in danger and then not monitored/tested properly in their transport to consumers?

2) Why would we ever need to close farmers' markets? How many documented cases have there been of food-related illness or death due to market produce/dairy? Don't we already have agricultural inspection points in place?

3) Considering most, if not all major contamination scares have been at the hands of large-scale production facilities why would small businesses be made to suffer the red tape? Why would supplements be included in this rhetoric considering they are often much more rigorously controlled both internally and externally than food products and are already randomly inspected by FDA agents?

4) How many cases have there been of major supplement side effects/death when a victim followed ALL THE DIRECTIONS AND WARNINGS ON THE LABEL as well as CONSULTED A DOCTOR WHEN TOLD TO ON THE LABEL? What constitutes liability of manufacturer when user of said product ignores both dosage and warning literature (see ephedra)?

What this tells me is that our government is either inept and unable to make hard decisions (or enforce the laws it already is paid taxes to enforce) or are villainous corrupt leeches who want to allow the counterfeiters (Fed, FDA, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance Co.'s, Financial Institutions) to decide how to bankrupt our country and people through cycles of more and more inflation and eventually martial law when people have had enough; then conveniently blame us because they make credit cheap and allow corporations not to pay employees living wages so we wouldn't have to rely on said credit.

I am buying a gun soon. I do not trust our government and unfortunately some or many of the people who work for/serve said government may not see my side of the story. Ever since 9/11 (I was 22) I started to get this really creepy feeling that we were only seeing what "they" wanted us to see. As to who "they" are, I don't know...and at this point still I don't know who to trust completely.

I went so far as to change my industry and vocation to ensure inability to outsource my I guess we all need to go one step further...then another.


  • Established
Ron Paul is the man. We need more libertarians in office. Only issue I do not support that they do is free trade. I think America should get back to being self-reliant. Made in America used to mean something.
I agree with that, at the same time agreeing with some things he says I don't agree with others. Made in America still means something to me; many small companies still put the label on their fine products.

F*** huge corporations based here that don't manufacture here. This should not be allowed.


  • Established
on a related note somewhat, I was interviewed by ABCNews for a survey in a random phone call about a month ago.

This was when Obama was talking about socialized medicine and what brand he thought we should subscribe to.

They kept asking me questions about approval in relation to decisions/proposals he has made. I pretty much said no to every one except Roe v. Wade being upheld. So far, as much as I readily admit he has had a tough row to hoe due to the outright treasonous acts of the Bush/Cheney Admin. and the absolutely idiotic spending habits of many Americans his administration so far has referred back to the Fed on economic issues which is suicide to support for us Americans. Congress has fed my distrust with bills like the one we are discussing; which do not make us safer from anything. The real questions hidden from us in why the bill was created:

1) Where the f*** were the FDA when the products it oversees were allowed to be produced in such a fashion to put people in danger and then not monitored/tested properly in their transport to consumers?

2) Why would we ever need to close farmers' markets? How many documented cases have there been of food-related illness or death due to market produce/dairy? Don't we already have agricultural inspection points in place?

3) Considering most, if not all major contamination scares have been at the hands of large-scale production facilities why would small businesses be made to suffer the red tape? Why would supplements be included in this rhetoric considering they are often much more rigorously controlled both internally and externally than food products and are already randomly inspected by FDA agents?

4) How many cases have there been of major supplement side effects/death when a victim followed ALL THE DIRECTIONS AND WARNINGS ON THE LABEL as well as CONSULTED A DOCTOR WHEN TOLD TO ON THE LABEL? What constitutes liability of manufacturer when user of said product ignores both dosage and warning literature (see ephedra)?

What this tells me is that our government is either inept and unable to make hard decisions (or enforce the laws it already is paid taxes to enforce) or are villainous corrupt leeches who want to allow the counterfeiters (Fed, FDA, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance Co.'s, Financial Institutions) to decide how to bankrupt our country and people through cycles of more and more inflation and eventually martial law when people have had enough; then conveniently blame us because they make credit cheap and allow corporations not to pay employees living wages so we wouldn't have to rely on said credit.

I am buying a gun soon. I do not trust our government and unfortunately some or many of the people who work for/serve said government may not see my side of the story. Ever since 9/11 (I was 22) I started to get this really creepy feeling that we were only seeing what "they" wanted us to see. As to who "they" are, I don't know...and at this point still I don't know who to trust completely.

I went so far as to change my industry and vocation to ensure inability to outsource my I guess we all need to go one step further...then another.

You guys in America DO NOT end up with the same health care as we do in CANADA.

4-5 hour wait times
people dying waiting for transplants
people on 3 year cat scan wait lists
I go to a walk in wait 3 hours doc tells me im fine and dont need blood work, I insist and it turns out my blood work was fcked, he simply had so many other peole to see he rushed me through

Its a joke, and it seems to me that is what Obama wants for the US

I emplore all of you, it isnt working up here, were so SOOO heavily taxed up here, and we allow immigrants and scum to clog up out healthcare.

I envy you guys, you have no idea, and your system sucks too.

What a fckn joke...I wait to see a doctor to have him tell me im fine when It turns out I have poblems with my Kidneys.....something has to fckn give here


  • Established
Just someone tell me I have 3 months to live....those 3 months wil be filled with murders and executions!


  • Established
Just someone tell me I have 3 months to live....those 3 months wil be filled with murders and executions!
sorry to hear about your kidneys bro...I lived w/o insurance for 7 years until I joined a trade union. I've had to ask for charity care 2 or 3 times; that's our version of socialization. I've also had to wait 8 hours to get seen for Strep Throat at an ER because there are no public clinics that take new patients or one-time patients in some cities.

I'll pay for it without insurance, but in some places you can't even find a place that will take you quickly outside of a hospital.

I also wasn't able to get proper dental care for the same amount of time. I now have f***ed teeth...great system we both have I guess.


  • Established
ya my teeth are mangled too, fck me, fck us both it seems.

Im joining the Infantry, dental, medical, a rifle

guy only has to worry about getting killed...easy enough


Ron Paul is the man. We need more libertarians in office. Only issue I do not support that they do is free trade. I think America should get back to being self-reliant. Made in America used to mean something.
Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Mitt Romney. Any of the three of them would be my top choice for president next.

On the topic, I was floored when the GOP went with McCain. I like the guy and all, but him over Romney? Mitt should have more GOP support and run in the next election; he's got the best shot of the three.

Bob Barr did what he could with what he had. I REALLY hope he stays in the picture long enough to make a difference, he would make a stellar president.

And Ron Paul would be great too, just have to get him more support from the media. Time will tell with all of them. Hopefully people in the US realize more than 2 people run sometime soon.

I love going to and reading up on the BS going on in the government.

I agree with that, at the same time agreeing with some things he says I don't agree with others. Made in America still means something to me; many small companies still put the label on their fine products.

F*** huge corporations based here that don't manufacture here. This should not be allowed.
"Made in America" should mean something to all of us, especially now! I don't know that offshore manufacturing should be banned, but we should absolutely be giving more breaks to companies who aren't.


You guys in America DO NOT end up with the same health care as we do in CANADA.

4-5 hour wait times
people dying waiting for transplants
people on 3 year cat scan wait lists
I go to a walk in wait 3 hours doc tells me im fine and dont need blood work, I insist and it turns out my blood work was fcked, he simply had so many other peole to see he rushed me through

Its a joke, and it seems to me that is what Obama wants for the US

I emplore all of you, it isnt working up here, were so SOOO heavily taxed up here, and we allow immigrants and scum to clog up out healthcare.

I envy you guys, you have no idea, and your system sucks too.

What a fckn joke...I wait to see a doctor to have him tell me im fine when It turns out I have poblems with my Kidneys.....something has to fckn give here
I have relatives in Toronto. It's funny hearing people in the US saying how great Canada's system is. All of the people I know who live IN Canada HATE the system. Sure, it's "free"; but you get what you pay for. The bad far out weighs the good.

Not only that, my taxes are already going to the elderly and disabled people, if medicine is socialized, they'll be going to people who smoke, drink, and everything else! Bull****!

Honestly though, our country is ****ed. Until people stop buying into the media bull****, there's nothing that's going to change. People need to wake up and actually USE their brains, or GTFO.


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