bms0lsc's muscle building log

Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
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Send me the diet you are using right now. I know I've sent you a couple but you held from using one of them and I just want to make sure.


  • Established

Send me the diet you are using right now. I know I've sent you a couple but you held from using one of them and I just want to make sure.

Done. I'm definitely using the last diet you sent, along with the workout changes you sent.


  • Established
Again, despite the results y'day, I've got off to a great start today. Tri's up 2.5lbs and I went up on my first set of inc. db presses. Go figure!


  • Established
End of week 42:

weight: 185.8lbs- up 0.6lbs
leg: 24 1/2''- no change
arm: 15 9/16''- up 1/16''
hips: 41 7/16''- up 1/16''
waist: 35 7/8''- no change

Not a bad week of results really. Just 0.4lbs off where I was 4 weeks ago. AT LAST my arm has seen an increase! A fantastic 1/16'' :bb3: . Not many other changes but an increase on the arms will always make up for that;) !

Strength-wise I haven't really seen anything at all; I stuck at the same weight for sets 1 and 2 of conc. curls and that was it. I actually dropped the weight on lunges; some of you may remember that last time I increased them accidentally by about 20 lbs:blink: . So I dropped them by 5lbs and I definitely felt 'better' this time round. Despite not squatting this week, my quads feel sore as hell. I don't remember them being this sore for a while, so in a way, while it's physically uncomfortable:( , it's mentally satisfying to let out a sigh as I finally get sat down in a chair:D . Glutes are also feeling the strain today, so putting socks on this morning was a bit of a chore :thumbsup: .

Not really much in the way of mirror changes this week. But I suppose that's why we take tape measurements; you can't notice a 1/16'' increase in the mirror:) . Actually, if I squint, the delt/tri/bi area looks bigger! Well, replace 'squint' with 'look' and 'bigger' with 'rounder'. If you see what I mean.

So, week 43 starts tomorrow and the goal for that week is to not lose weight! I've been up and down like a yo-yo these past 4 weeks, so just to maintain my weight would be good. We shall see what transpires.....


  • Established
End of week 43:

weight: 185.8lbs- no change
leg: 24 1/2''- no change
arm: 15 9/16''- no change
hips: 41 7/16''- no change
waist: 35 7/8''- no change

Kinda wierd on a bulking log to be RELIEVED to see no changes, but there you go! With all the up and down the past couple of weeks, it's good to have stayed the same this time round:) .

It's been a pretty standard week, nothing to write about of any real significance. Strength was up ever so slightly on a couple of bi and tri exercises so that was good:) . I always wonder if strength increases follow a size increase or precedes one; I hope it's the latter so I can see another arm gain next week:p .

Diet has been good this week. No surprises there:cool: . I've been doing something a bit wierd with my water intake this week; I've been drinking when I get up during sleep time:blink: ! When nature calls and I get up to go to the toilet, I have a few gulps of water on the way back to bed! Funnily enough, it doesn't mean I get up any more than before:toilet: . Plus, it's GRRREAT if you're not a morning eater like me, as your stomach doesn't feel the size of a raisin and eating first thing (and indeed, throughout the rest of the day), feels somewhat easier.

I have noticed recently just how big my J.Lo butt is! Squatters glutes for sure:squat: , but no real changes mirror-wise! Even if I look 185lbs, I wish I felt 240lbs:rolleyes: ! If I turn round 180 degrees I can see a beautiful blue sky and I'd love go and sit by the pool (I'm at the gym) and be one of those a$$holes who look good and know it:bb: ! Ahhhh to live the dream! Maybe a few years, eh Bobo?! If it was all about attitude, I could bypass the pool on my way to the Olympia stage and win easy.....:lol: ! (dan would come a close second;) )!

So, week 44 starts tomorrow. Hoping for a good week weather-wise, KNOWING I'll have a good week training-wise and parturient (c/o ) of some gains!


  • Established
End of week 44:

weight: 185.8lbs- no change
leg: 24 1/2''- no change
arm: 15 9/16''- no change
hips: 41 7/16''- no change
waist: 35 7/8''- no change

No changes this week. I actually felt a bit dehydrated this morning so I might have put on some mass if it weren’t for that:smite: ! The weather has been scorching over here these past few days, so I’ve definitely needed extra water. Also had a bit of trouble sleeping in this heat and with my sleep patterns, that aint too good:mad: !

Workouts have gone well; some increases in strength on various bodyparts:) . No increases in weight though, just smaller drops over all the sets of an exercise. But I did feel I had to work harder this time round on most leg exercises, just to match last my numbers:think: . Don’t know what that was about.

On Sunday, I did tri presses whilst working in with an American guy; after doing one of my sets I took the pin out and said ‘’You were on 25 (kg) weren’t you?’’ to which he replied ‘’Put it on 30, you’re inspiring me!’’. I’ve always had a (positive) stereotypical view of Americans, that you do everything bigger and better than us ‘Limeys’, so it was inspiring to hear an American say that I was inspiring him:cool: ! (Even if he was only lifting 30kg)

Diet has been good this week. I can’t remember in whose log I read about blending up chicken with water and drinking it, but I’ve been doing something similar (sort of); just chewing it up then drinking a few mouthfuls of water to swallow. Easy enough, but sometimes it tastes like soggy chicken crisps:sick: . From what I remember anyway;) . That technique also works well for the tuna meal. Saves endless hours of jaw ache!

Reflection in the mirror has been mixed this week. Sometimes I look great, other times not so. Might be the temperature. Makes you look a little leaner now and then I suppose.

Well, that as they say is that! Another week consigned to e-ternity! Looking forward to starting week 45:) . I should probably go off and do my Civic duty now or something and watch the TV:whip: ; England are currently playing in their first World Cup game of the summer, against Paraguay or Uruguay or……...whatever :)drunk:- streets will be filled with this species tonight, latin name Intoxico Extremae). Sigh. England in a WC final is like Tim Henman in a Wimbledon final. Never gonna happen! Although I wouldn’t actually say that out loud:ntome: !


  • Established
End of week 45:

weight: 184.8lbs- down 1lb (!!)
leg: 24 1/2''- no change
arm: 15 9/16''- no change
hips: 41 7/16''- no change
waist: 35 7/8''- no change

''For fook's sake Coffey, I thought you'd got over this mess. Get yourself sorted!'' - A quote from me, 4 seconds after stepping on the scales. Whenever I'm being harsh on myself I always talk to myself like that:trout: . In the strongest Yorkshire accent I can muster.

Must be dehydration again or something; BUT, during the course of the night, I drank about 1/2 a gallon of water! And I certainly haven't slacked off the H2O during the week. Go figure:think: . I'm gonna get an IV drip for next week, I swear. Good thing is that the limbs haven't gone down in size (take ALOT to do that anyway, I suppose). Bad news (sort of) is that they haven't gone up. I can't help but wonder 'what if':frustrate .

Anyway, on with the update.

Strength was up v.slightly during the week in places. When I I say v.slightly, I mean it. We're talking sets just feeling somewhat easier. I should give a special mention to my seated w.grip rows. I did 3 sets of 8 (3:1) on 255 quite easily so they will go up next time. Definitely a strong point for me:afro: . Conversely, my seated close grip rows haven't gone up in ages. Same with Arnold's, really. Nothing to worry about too much as the lack of strength increases in these areas are tied in to my shoulder problem that I have:rasp: . More of a rotator cuff and trap problem really and I'm on top of it most of the time. It's just one of those joint things I think I have to live with:smite: .

Diet has been ok, no real probs. I've come close to losing my meal on a few mornings, but a quick splash of cold water on the face loosens the stomach up again. I hate feeling like I'm gonna puke:sick: . On wednesday, I was eating my last meal of the day, just finishing up the broccoli, when some crappy little fly decided to land on my last piece. Obviously, I couldn't eat it. Now, others would have said 'what the hell', chucked it away and gone to bed; but not me:cool: ! I got a single piece of brocolli out of the freezer, waited 7 mins to steam it and ate it! That is dedication:dance: ! Same sort of thing y'day: I got 2 cups skim milk and mistakenly added 2 scoops of protein, when I only wanted 1. So I drunk 1/2, chucked the rest and had a cup of milk on it's own, thus getting the 2 cups milk and 1 scoop of protein! Obsessive? Unnecessary? Maybe. But those are the words the population at large use to describe us all going down the gym 5 days a week and eating all the time. Think about it;) .

I took a few random pictures this week just for a small comparison. (NOTHING LOG-WORTHY THOUGH:) ). My shoulder problems definitely aren't affecting my delts and they look as though they're doing well. Same with tri's. Descriptions are markedly less zesty than my usual fare, I know, but I'm saving those for some gains, lol.

Well that's week 45 done. Not a bad week, not one of the best. We shall see what week 46 brings....:bb3:


  • Established
End of week 46:

weight: 183lbs- down 1.8lbs (!!)
leg: 24 1/2''- no change
arm: 15 9/16''- no change
hips: 41 1/16''- down 3/8''
waist: 35 6/8''- down 1/8''

Another loss of weight:blink: ! This time it is coming off somewhere measureable. This past week I've had (slightly) more work to do so I've been burning a few more calories. Although this has happened in the past and I waited for measurement day with bated breath, only to realise there was no need to be concerned. Perhaps more significantly, I've had next to no decent sleep this week:( . Workmen in the building hammering, drilling, WHISTLING:aargh: !!! (At least I'm moving out next week, somewhere quieter....hopefully). It's wierd but I don't notice it first thing because the light seems to act as a very strong stimulus to wake up. Who needs caffiene?!

So, even though I have a measureable loss, I'm not certain as to what it consists of. I don't look leaner so I'm edging towards water loss; old excuse now really. I swear I'm making my gallonage, although I don't keep an eye on the exact volume. Limbs are still holding strong;) . They seem to be morphing every day, between a 160lb me and what I can only assume is a 200lb me. Quite fun at times:D .

Workouts have gone well. I seem to be flying through them in record time. My secret? Clock watching. It's surprising how long you spend just sat there resting. To be honest, I dont clock watch, I cell phone-clock watch:run: ! I may look like a complete prat, but it helps AND I can blend in with the general gym populus! Except that I train hard.:afro:

Strength is up! Quite alot in places:dance: . Chest workout on sunday was easy and a few exercises will go up 5lbs next time. I also saw tangible increases in back and tri's. I'm loving my triceps at the moment. Can't fault them.

Leg extentions felt great and they'll go up next time. I thought about keeping the same weight from set 1, to use on my 2nd set of lunges, as I thought I could've handled it. In the end I dropped it and afterwards felt grateful I'm a wuss:lol: ! Even biceps got in on the increases and I only dropped the weight 2.5lbs on conc. curls between sets 2 and 3, instead of the 5lbs last time round. Small but significant steps:) .

Diet has been ok this week. Appetite has been average to good. No gagging problems! Hopefully I can build on that.

Week 46 is in the bag. Not bad really. I'm not too concerned about the 'weightloss' (don't know what Bobo thinks); if strength is up, then LBM is up, irrespective of what fat/water loss is occuring. So that's good:) . I'm going to do some tuna shopping, have a nap, have a shave later lol. It all helps to prepare for week 47!


  • Established
End of week 47:

weight: 182.4lbs- down 0.6lbs
leg: 24 3/8''- down 1/8''
arm: 15 1/2''- down 1/16''
hips: 40 7/8''- down 3/8''
waist: 35 3/4''- no change

Bit late posting this up, but anyway....

As you can see, I'm down again this week. It has most definitely not been a good week:( . I don't mean in terms of diet/training, but generally. I've had, on average, 45mins less sleep per day and, what I have had, the quality hasn't been too good. I've also moved this week so that's been quite stressful (and calorie consuming!:rasp: ).

Hips continue to get smaller. That's good:) ! Waist hasn't shifted but I swear my trousers are feeling looser; if I don't wear a belt, they basically slip down from my waist to my hips! There's been a loss to the limbs but no strength loss at all. Probably just glycogen.

Workouts, in fact, have been quite good:cool: . Solid. SLDL's were up and I put up a few back exercises because they were too easy last time. Everything else was the same.

Diet-no probs there:D . I had my flax oil with meal 6, instead of meal 1 on tuesday. That was the only hiccup. I noticed that after a few hrs of packing and unpacking, cleaning etc, my chicken/mozz meal went down VERY easily. That was wierd. Water intake has been good aswell. But it has not really been anything but good IMO. A little off once or twice, but I always make mountians out of molehills. To me 100% is 100%, 95% might as well be 55%:frustrate . An attitude that is a blessing and a curse.

The mirror is being quite kind of late:rolleyes: . So that's good. Definitely looking better than in recent weeks. Not looking as good as I want to be or WILL be, but I seem to be a step closer;) .

So that's another week done. I'm not sure if events this week have caused, increased, or perhaps had nothing to do with the losses this time round:think: . Only time will tell I suppose.

Looking forward to week 48.


  • Established
End of week 48:

weight: 181.4lbs- down 1lb
leg: 24 1/4''- down 1/8''
arm: 15 7/16''- down 1/16''
hips: 40 7/8''- no change
waist: 35 5/8''- down 1/8''

Down again this week. I guess my extra work is taking its toll on my calorie intake:think: . It was also wierd that I only got up once to use the toilet last night and did wake up feeling rather thirsty:blink: ; I think I sweated most of the water out as it was a scorcher.

Things have been going well in the gym. Where I'd put the note 'increase next time' in my training notes 2 weeks ago, I did so with ease and aplomb:thumbsup: . I even wrote that down a few times this week, but with a question mark after it, indicating that I wasn't too sure if an increase was warranted.

I had a slight hamstring twinge to deal with (that I got putting socks on:eek: ) during my leg workout. It felt worse than your average twinge, but not as bad as a 'don't workout' twinge. It held up and I didn't feel anything untoward, although right now it feels as though it has a 'new dimension' of stiffness and soreness:smite: . Nothing to worry about.

Diet has been up to par. Appetite continues to remain improved over 4 weeks (or so) ago, so that's good:) . Besides that damn friday pre w.o meal! Took me about 35mins to eat yesterday:burger: ! I was drinking my chocolate protein scoop WHILST eating the chicken/mozz/c.cheese. It actually tastes a little like a chocolate hob-nob biscuit:food: (I'm sure you guys have those- an oat biscuit with chocolate on top)! Oh yeah, I should point out that over my many weeks of experimentation, the tuna/c.cheese meal is MUCH easier to get down if it's at room temp; overnight refrigeration makes for a saliva-producing, tummy-rumbling hell of a few minutes first thing in the morning:sick: !

Mirror-wise, there isn't much change. Limbs don't 'look' any smaller, but neither does the waist. Maybe some glycogen, but I can't imagine it's all glycogen:think: . Anyone who even thinks water will get neg-repped:nutkick: !! I can read minds! (Seriously, I am getting my water in). I actually measured my limbs again after eating 1/2 my first meal and drinking a few hundred ml's of water so I don't know what that was about:blink: . I can't imagine any water/glycogen would've made it's way there that fast. Interesting (maybe).

That's it for this week. Another 7 days condensed into a nice, easy log update:) . Damn, they're going fast. AS ALWAYS, I'm looking forward to whatever week 49 brings....


  • Established
End of week 49:

weight: 181.4lbs- no change
leg: 24 1/4''- no change
arm: 15 7/16''- no change
hips: 40 7/8''- no change
waist: 35 5/8''- no change

Workouts were ok this week. Off the top of my head, there were NO strength increases at all this week. I do remember I dropped the weight on the 2nd and 3rd sets of lat pull down, just because I didn't feel I could match the previous numbers:blink: !

At the start of the week (on sunday), I thought this was going to be a terrible week; I was warming up on db bp and picked up the db's from the floor. As soon as I had sat in position on the bench I felt my hammy (twinged from last week) twinge a little more:( ! That scared me a little and I was moving db's around cautiously for the rest of the workout, but it felt fine (for the most part) the next day.

Thursday's leg workout was K I L L E R:twisted: . All the weights felt normal but heavy at the same time, if that makes sense. Like my legs couuldn't squat as fast I wanted them to:blink: . I also got a headache which is v.unusual for me. Only for a few minutes though.

Diet has been ok this week. Although twice this week I've not managed to finish my chicken/mozz meal in one go (normally I do) and I've had to have the rest at a later date. Strange.....:blink:

Mirror-wise, everything seems the same. Which is good. Obviously I'd like to look better:bb2: but with recent drops in weight, I feel as though, dare I say it, I look better:rolleyes: . Not something an ecto would normally say after weightloss (fatloss?), but maybe I do.

Week 50 starts tomorrow, but there's a slight change. No workouts! Yes, I'm taking the week off:) ! Bobo had earlier suggested it might be beneficial, after going for so long, but at the time, I truly didn't feel as though I needed one. With hindsight, I think I was more interested with completing 52 weeks straight than what was better for me:eek: . Damn ego! I should know better after 49 weeks on this program:p !

(I have actually completed 56 straight weeks of training if you include the 7 weeks of max-OT I did before I started with Bobo. But who's counting!:D )

So there's no workouts, but I'll still be following the diet 100%, or more accurately, tuesday off day diet. NO CHEAT MEALS;) ! I'm interested to see what will happen really, considering I'm bulking. Weight up, down? Bigger, smaller? This might be a first for a bulker so it'll be important to note what happens for future FLAites:) ! I'll take measurements as usual and post them up next saturday.

49 weeks straght= 245 workouts and 294 meals (technically more as I break a few into 2). Has to be an FLA record:dance: ! NOTE: If anyone reding this knows otherwise, don't tell me because I'll be gutted! Actually, do tell me and I'll beat it with the next run:cool: .

If I could, I would nominate Bobo for Florida man of the year; well, Bobo or Horatio Caine. Bobo wields a dumbell, Horatio, a fingerprint duster. However, Horatio works with that Calleigh chick and still manages to focus on work, so I don't know:lol: . Naw, definitely Bobo, hands down;) !

Looking forward to a replenishing, revitalising week 50.


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enjoy your rest week bms, and look forward to the week after when all the previouse weights feel lighter!


  • Established
End of week 50:

weight: 180.6lbs- down 0.8lbs
leg: 24''- down 1/4''
arm: 15 3/8''- down 1/16''
hips: 40 7/8''- no change
waist: 35 7/16''- down 3/16''

A pretty successful rest week really. It was good to rest mentally as well as physically; sleeping in lying around and generally doing absolutely nothing:D ! It's very satisfying to not have to get up to train at a certain time and pre-plan the rest of the day so that you have enough time to do everything you need to. ALOT less rigorous:p !

Physically, weeeeell, I don't feel all that different. I took some time out this week to do alot of stretching and pummeled all the muscle knots I had into submission. That hurt like hell but felt great:thumbsup: ! I'm going to have another go at my l.back and glutes later.

Doing nothing is very addictive! I can see why people do it! I could definitely go for another week off right now:rolleyes: ! (To be honest, I'd probably just get bored by wednesday and wish I'd started back up). In future, even though Bobo's program is alot less taxing on the PNS and CNS than other training programs (I think, anyway), I'll definitely take more than 1 week off every year. One in the middle and one at the end, perhaps. I think it can only do good:) .

A little something on the measurements: Lost some size, but that's probably expected, especially since I was following an off day diet. A bit of glycogen, possibly fat:cool: . I look smaller in the arms/chest, but I'm impressed by how my legs look, irrespective of the lost diameter. Back also looks v.good, complete with the 2 wasp stings I got at work this morning! Damn things!

Looking forward to getting back on track and a productive week 51:) !


  • Established
End of week 51:

weight: 180.6lbs- no change
leg: 24''- no change
arm: 15 3/8''- no change
hips: 40 7/8''- no change
waist: 35 7/16''- no change

First week back after a break; a few surprises really.

The main surprise was that my measurements haven't changed. I thought with the extra food they might've gone up a bit. Quite interesting really:think: .

The other surprise is the distinct lack of DOMS I'm experiencing:blink: ! Everyone remembers their first week and how bad that was; I thought after taking a week off I'd be almost crying because of the pain! But nothing really. All bodyparts had/have an average amount of DOMS:thumbsup: , with legs feeling a little different this week.

After SLDL's on mon, my hammy's were feeling the strain for thursday's leg workout. They weren't sore, just very 'fragile' (and weak), if you know what I mean. Maybe a little stiff, too. I had a little trouble sleeping after leg day because my legs felt stiff and sore :( (in the end, I had to put the quilt behind my knees to keep them bent); that was close to the worst stifness I've had, but the level of DOMS was nowhere near it's worst:) .

In the gym, practically all of my lifts were down. I purposefully dropped them (might have something to do with the lack of DOMS) as I didn't want to overdo it. Get off on the right foot, so to speak. Some decreases weren't really necessary and I'll sort that out next time round, but some decreases WERE necessary and I definitely wouldn't have been able to match my pre-break lifts:blink: .

I also noticed how my my week off has helped me, as my 'problem' shoulder feels great:head: ! Well, greatER than it has felt anyway. I probably went a little overboard on working out the knots in my lower back/glute area as they both felt 'funny' this week, lol. I'll leave them alone this weekend:eek: .

And that's it for another week. Looking forward to week 52. I don't really know how I'll start the workouts, vis a vis weight selection, but I'll probably drop them a little to be on the safe side. I'll see how it goes....


  • Established
End of week 52:

weight: 180.6lbs- no change
leg: 24''- no change
arm: 15 3/8''- no change
hips: 40 7/8''- no change
waist: 35 7/16''- no change

One year completed:D . For some reason I thought my weight would be down this week. Glad it wasn't:) !

This week was similar to last week in that I purposefully dropped the weights. Again, similar to last week I overestimated the drops needed (alot more so than last week), partly because I was being over cautious:eek: and partly because last week I had '1st week back' syndrome last week. My muscles definitely feel more 'broken in' this week:) . Soreness was/is still rather mild, with the exception of legs:twisted: ! Trust lunges to do that (need a 'sore' smiley here)!

Diet was ok, but I did have 2 driving-whilst-eating mishaps:rasp: . The 1st was during pre w.o, where I dropped about 1/3 of my bagel on the floor. I made that back up with my tuna meal. The 2nd was whilst at work, with my egg/mozz meal, during which practically all of it fell on the floor. When I got home, I had to estimate how much I lost and ate it with meal 6. Not the best situation really. To be honest, you have no idea how close I came to picking the eggs up and eating them:blink: ! Dedication bordering on stupidity, methinks:sick: !

A little info on thursday night, too: I decided to take 45mg zinc instead of the 30 I'd been taking for a while and Boy did I have a wierd dream:rolleyes: ! Bobo had sent me a new plan that had 600mg iron only for meal 2:fool2: ( or Fe as it was in the plan) and at some point I had to 'invest in portfolio'! I remember feeling quite anxious as I don't have a portfolio and thought I'd messed up:lol: . That's just the stuff I remember, but it goes to show that it's cool to alter your zinc dosage (within the parameters) and have wierd dreams like that:cool: .

So that's another week done and dusted. Week 53 starts tomorrow, but with a difference. I've decided (not this instant), to start my first anabolic steroids cycle, beginning tomorrow. I'm still going to be a fully paid up FLAite, I just want to stack my Bobosterone with something else;) . Might be interesting from an experimental pov, as I'm only altering one variable, my diet, training etc, will stay the same. Alot of people alter those it seems. Anyway, just thought I'd let everyone know.

As usual, looking forward to the start of the week!
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
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Taking it up a notch! More fats, more protein!


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lol, the pics will come when you least expect them.......i have already finished so you beat me by a longshot :)


  • Established
End of week 53:

weight: 186.6lbs- up 6lbs
leg: 24 1/2''- up 1/2''
arm: 15 5/8''- up 1/4''
hips: 41 3/16''- up 5/16''
waist: 35 15/16''- up 1/2''

Everything is up:jaw: ! Jeez! That's the biggest weekly jump I've seen ever, including when I've taken time off work. That'll be the SD though. I had reservations as to wether 2.5 year old SD would work, but there you go:hammer: .

Strength-wise things have been progressing ok:) . Some lifts are now back up to where they were before my week off, but alot aren't just yet. I didn't have any preconceived ideas about how my strength would change, as strength is alot more related to LBM gain with TUT than with other forms of training.

Visually, I definitely look bigger:D . I remember looking down at my arm during the week and thinking 'Wow, my bicep's changed shape!':lol: . No increase in vascularity as yet. Not too bothered if this doesn't change. Fortunately, no decrease in definition;) . I'm going (mainly) by my abs for the definition check. As long as they're as visible at the end as they are now, I'm good:cool: . I know my opinion probably doesn't count for much, seeing as my androgen use totals 7 days so far, but I'm definitely not in the camp of 1st cycle-eat like a sumo wrestler! Eat like a Bobo-ite:rolleyes: !

Overall, diet has been ok this week. No increase in appetite, something which I wouldn't mind:rolleyes: ! The extra food I've got has all been 'liquid', so it's been an easy addition to make. I did have to come up with a solution to carrying flax oil around though- I thought about using the pills, but that would be expensive, annoying (having to swallow 14 each time) and impractical (as the bottle'd run out within a week). So basically heeeeell no!:p - Some of you might find this helpful. Fill up a few oral syringes with the right amount of oil and place them in a small freezer bag (to prevent the oil getting everywhere). Then, wrap them in one of those injury gel packs (pre frozen of course) and slip the whole lot in an empty protein shaker. Bada bing bada boom; fully transportable, easily packable and continually chilled flax oil, without the problems of pills:) !

SO OBVIOUSLY, 99% of the gains this week are probably glycogen. If it was LBM, my strength would've sky-rocketed with Bobo's program. This being the case, I'm reserving judgement on the gains until I come off the SD. By then, the t.enanthate should've kicked in but I don't know if I'll experience some sort of 'rebound' from finishing the SD:think: . I'll have to wait and see. At the end of the day, glycogen is glycogen and muscle is muscle. I had planned to 'bookend' with SD (kinda stolen from a current log in the anabolics section:rolleyes: ), but that MAY change depending on how my experience goes (......and on how that other log goes:run: ). Not the best idea to change like after everything is planned, but it's months away and I'm on a steep practical learning curve that answers questions theory and preparation can't.

Looking forward to week 54. See you on the other side.....:twisted:


  • Established
End of week 54:

weight: 196.6lbs- up 10lbs
leg: 25''- up 1/2''
arm: 16''- up 3/8''
hips: 42 1/4''- up 1 1/16''
waist: 36 1/2''- up 9/16''

(Brief update because I just pressed the wrong button and lost everything. And I'm pi$$ed! Might 'beef' up later...)

Looking great in the mirror:D ! Everything is up. Seem to be carrying a little bloat which I think is contributing to the big gains in waist/hips and the large mass gain. Abs still visible though. 196 and abs! Oh yeah!!

Strength was up on every workout this week, althought I'm still languishing behind some of my pre week off lifts. Don't know what that's about:think: .

A few sides from the superdrol though, so it's not all rainbows and sunshine. Some l.back pumps and lethargy which are uncomfortable but bearable. However my appetite has took a massive nose dive:( . Everything seems to tast like crap! I've not been able to finish meals and I've had to make up what protein and fat I've missed in whole foods with powder and flax:blink: . I'm going to see how I am today, but I think a drop in SD dose is on the cards.

Looking forward to week 55. (I told you it was short!)


  • Established
End of week 55:

weight: 197.6lbs- up 1lb
leg: 25''- no change
arm: 16 1/16''- up 1/16''
hips: 42 3/16''- down 1/16''
waist: 36 1/2''- no change

Pretty good results this week. I dropped the SD dose right away and was VERY surprised as to how different I felt. Within a few hours of missing the 2nd daily dose, I was less lethargic and my appetite had much improved:) . I have been looking somewhat less bigger in the mirror over the past few days (bloat, I suppose) so I was expecting a weight drop at the end of this week and was very surprised to see a gain:) . I suppose I've inadvertently done a taper effect which should make coming completely of the SD a little easier (end of next week):) .

Strength gains have continued with each workout this week. Probably with the exception of Arnold's, which felt just the same as 2 weeks ago. Squats were great and I felt like I could have paused at the bottom of each rep for about 5 mins:cool: ! I'm starting to think my conservative nature in terms of weight selection is working against me a little at the mo. Do you all remember Bruce Willis in the 'bench press' scene in Unbreakable? He didn't think he could push a weight until he tried. Well, I feel like if I have a go I might be able to put up more weight than I think. I might try that new strategy next week:think: .

Diet has been ok (sort of) this week. Better than last week, but not as good as normal. As hard as I try I'm still not getting all my whole foods in and I'm having to top up meals with protein powder:eek: . I AM trying really hard, too; it took me 1hour to eat the second 1/2 of my tuna/cc meal:sick: !! I was on a mission and wasn't losing that battle! Water also seems to taste greasy and I've resorted to using dilutable orange. Zero cal of course;) ! My grandma thinks this my appetite is waning because I 'don't get a proper diet'. Her suggestions for a good diet include 'a nice roast lamb' and 'mashed potatoes':rolleyes: .

''No nan, they're not good for me.''
''Oh come of it, what you playin' at? I'm 71 and they've never done me any harm.''
''Yes nan, you told me that the last time.''
''What about carrots? With a nice bit of pork.''
''No nan.''
''Lasange's good for ya.''
''No nan.''
''Oh Luke, how can you not like lasagne? You liked it when I cooked it.''
''I do like it, I just don't want it.''
''Err.....Sheperd's pie?''
''No nan. I've got my tuna and cottage cheese as usual.''
''Oh how's your keep fit going?''
''My KEEP FIT *sigh* is going fine, nan.''
''Watch your joints, ok. I'm always a little stiff after I do mine.''


Anyway, I'm looking good in the mirror. Big and somewhat 'leaner' than last week. My arms have got a 1/16'' back on my legs for god knows how long so that's good;) ! It's hard to explain, but the best word I could use would be a 'maturation' of my physique. Delts seem more rounded, bi's peak a little better, tri's look more 'horseshoe-y' and I look more tapered from shoulders through waist to the hips:) .

On a slightly sour note, whilst my lethargy has eased and my appetite is somewhat better, I have noticed that my left nipple is somewhat sore:( . I have l'dex on hand to help that but I don't want to get ahead of myself and use it unless necessary. Obviously I don't want to leave it too late and have soreness develop into a lump, so I'll pay CLOSE attention to it over the coming week. Chances are though I'll have started l'dex dosing before the end of the week:rasp: . No big deal really.

Looking forward to week 56.


  • Established
End of week 56:

weight: 200.6lbs- up 3lb
leg: 25'' 1/8- up 1/8''
arm: 16 1/16''- no change
hips: 42 3/16''- no change
waist: 36 11/16''- up 3/16''

Another pretty good week. Strength has been up with each workout:cool: . Bi's and tri's saw the smallest increases, legs saw the biggest. A little bit down to my genetics AND I think it's just simply a fact that bigger muscles seem to grow faster:think: .

This week I really seemed to notice my own natural shape alot more than in recent weeks. I was thinking I look like a damn barrel- the same width all the way down from my ribs to my hips! Which is true:rasp: ! Really quite stocky, to the point I'm thinking if I'm really an ecto at all. I am really, I just think I have a few mesomorphic 'tendencies':) . In any case, I still look good (better than last week), quite muscular and my abs are STILL here:D . That's a blessing- I've gained 3+ inches on my waist over the past 56 weeks and I've still got abs. Obviously alot is muscle in the l.back and obliques;) , but what fat I have put on (when I take hols from work) is in those areas too:) . I actually did the '2 mirror' thing today and had a look at my back; I've got new 'bumps' everywhere:cool: and it aint acne, lol.

''Julius, are you allergic to something? You're all swollen up! And look at your back; it's worse than the front!''

''HA HA. U ar so fahrny Vincent''


Diet wise, everything has probably been the same as last week. The week started off great and up 'til thursday I didn't have to substitute any whole foods at all and the meals seemed to go down a little faster. But thu and fri weren't so great.:nutkick:

So it's the end of week 4 of the cycle and the superdrol stops completely today. Hopefully I'll gain a little more of my appetite back over the coming days:) . I don't know what to expect gains-wise for next week as I may see a 'rebound from finishing the SD and possibly lose weight, but I'll wait and see. It'll only be glycogen or something, so no biggie.

Looking forward to week 57:)


  • Established
End of week 57:

weight: 193.4lbs- down 7.2lbs
leg: 24 15/16''- down 3/16''
arm: 15 15/16''- down 1/8''
hips: 41 1/2''- down 11/16''
waist: 36 7/16''- down 1/4''

Wow, that's some big glycogen depletion:jaw: ! I guess I have rebounded of the SD a little:rolleyes: . I stepped on the scales and was like 'Noooo. My membership in the '200' club has been revoked!'. But then I got the tape out and that showed the upside (yes, there is one). Most of the weight has come off the more fatty areas, whilst the limbs remain relatively the same:cool: .

Strength. Strength was up something rotten:D . All lifts were up but some went up ALOT. Db bp was up 10lbs and I managed 2 sets on that new weight, so it'll go up another 10 in 2 weeks. Squat was up 15lbs and it would've been more but I ran out of sets, lol (although you probably have to factor in that my BW was 7lbs less:rasp: ) Bi's and tri's saw mild increases in strength, as did Arnolds. In fact, I like to use the phrase 'saw an increase in w.o volume' instead of strength increase as I didn't increase the max weight I used (which I use in set 1 of any exercise). Oh yeah, soreness seems a thing of the past;) . Practically none at all. I think my cyokines and prostaglandins are scared of upsetting me. As well they should:afro: . (NOTE: I didn't look that up. It's been a long time, but that knowledge is still rattling around;) )

Diet has been the best it has been for weeks:) . Absolutely every morsel of whole food was eaten. I also had a little extra skim milk on thu because I had to sprint for a bus:eek: . The closest I have come to going that fast was when I had to 'skip' out the way of an oncoming car whilst crossing the road. And that was ages ago.

Physically I feel pretty good and I feel as though I look good. The most noticeable thing is that my pecs are much fuller:) . Also, if I flex just right, I can see all 3 heads of my delt:D . Just the left one though:run: .

So the SD was fun (ish), but it's done with (still have the bookend to do although this may/probably will change given the appetite problem). The glycogen has gone, but I've still got a while to go on this cycle. I find it a little funny that everyone says SD is good for strength, but for me (or maybe the TUT method) it was nothing special:yawn: . THEN I come off it and strength rockets. Maybe it's the enanthate kicking in:think: . We'll see how it goes.

Looking forward to week 58.:)
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
  • Established
  • Legend!
Welcome to the world of androgens!

What goes up, must go down!!! :(


  • Established
Just wanted to add an addition to my update that I didn't notice first thing on saturday:

I think that I may have lost some fat last week, which would also help to account for where the losses were seen on sat. Abs are definitely more pronounced than they have been in a long time and I have some vascularity in the lower abs (south of the navel) that I haven't seen in a while. Also noticing slightly increased vascularity in the pecs:cool: .

I have been spending more time at work (45mins approx) but this is just a normal fluctuation that has happened many times over the past 57 weeks with no previous effect. I've NO idea what to expect this saturday now!:)


  • Established
End of week 58

Weight: 188.8lbs -down 4.6lbs
Arm: 15 7/8’’ -down 1/16’’
Leg: 24 1/ 2’’ -down 7/ 16’’
Waist: 35 7/16’’ -down 1’ **
Hips: 41 5/16‘’ -down 3/16’’-

**Well idk what to say about waist:blink: !! I was shocked to see it was around 36.5'' when I first logged on today I’m thinking it must be me! Maybe it said 36. I could’ve sworn it was 35 though! I’ll take it again first thing Sunday morning and see, so for now just maybe sort of ignore it. (I swear that’s what I measured though…..)

Lost weight again this week. I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed:( . The big 200 seems so far away now. Like I said in the last post, I had no idea what to expect really in terms of results this week, but I certainly didn’t envision these numbers.

On the plus side, strength continues to go up and up;) . Obviously being a lighter weight means I have to take some strength gains with a pinch of salt i.e. dips, lunges and others involving bodyweight, but obviously non-bw oriented exercises going up is encouraging:cool: . I must say that I’m a little dumbfounded on some strength increases; I’m always thinking that I might be counting my cadence wrong or something and on more than one occasion I’ve trotted off to the nearest TV to match my own counting against the clock on a football match that’s playing:rolleyes: ! (There isn’t anything wrong with my cadence BTW;) ; it’s just my ‘need everything to be spot on’ nature). I should also mention the fact that during workouts, I’m sweating like a pregnant nun! Of course I’ve always sweated during workouts, but this is top drenching stuff:fool2: . Like it’s been raining on me. Nothing to worry about, just weird.

In terms of diet, everything is top-notch and my appetite continues to improve:) . I would even say I’ve felt ravenous at times! Some meals I have literelly hoovered up from the plastic container:twisted: . Vits are going down easy. I didn’t mention this before but I was having sooo much trouble with swallowing my 600mg calcium tablets (during superdrol) that I had to chew it up beforehand. Now there’s no problem at all.

Well despite the losses, I STILL feel that I look good:) ! I’m leaner than I have been in ages and I still like it when I do a ‘most muscular’ pose! Not as good as some round here on these boards, but what can you do:p !? I would almost like to use the word ‘dry’, but idk; others may disagree. I’ll cautiously use the word dryER. Definitely sometimes feel as though I miss the bulbous/all out mass look of previous weeks, but it wasn’t really LBM so the feeling doesn’t last long!

Looking forward to week 59


  • Established
Well this morning my waist measured 35.25''!! I measured it all y'day and it did measure 35 7/16''!! It did go up throughout the day and did reach 36.5'', but only after most of the day's meals. It makes the weight loss ALOT less frustrating now. I knew I measured it right first time.

Just going to go w.o and throw around some 88's on dbp (a pb on this plan).


  • Established
End of week 59

Weight: 188.2lbs -down 0.6lbs
Arm: 15 3/4 and a bit’’ -down 1/16 and a bit’’
Leg: 24 1/2’’ -no change
Waist: 35 7/16’’ -no change
Hips: 41 3/16‘’ -down 2/16’’

Down ever so slightly this week. Not too bad considering the losses over the past several weeks (especially since those losses were a load of fat;) ).

Strength was up again this week with practically every bodypart:) . I was a little surprised that, although strength was up, it hasn't gone up as much as in past weeks, especially with exercises involving BW; I'm a fair bit lighter than I was 2 weeks ago and other strength gains coinciding with weight loss have been alot greater:think: .

Despite strength gains, I had a few prob's this week with workouts: First, tri's on wednesday didn't go according to plan as I decided to experiment with my grip/hand placing on overhead tri extentions; consequently, I didn't hit them effectively as I wanted/should:rasp: . Second, I was fiddling about with the seat on leg presses so that was annoying:rant: . Third, I decided that my form on Arnold's hasn't been too good; I've been dropping the db's too far (nipple height) and I think that has been putting extra strain on the joint and is responsible for the poor increases in strength in that area:eek: . Bit of a nit-picky week really, casting an eagle eye over everything.

Diet-wise, everything is going great:cool: . There was a possible hiccup when I couldn't remember if I'd had my flax with my tuna meal. It was really playing on my mind for hours so I had an extra 7ml's of flax with meal 6 (sitting on the fence really). To be honest, I now think I DID have it and so I had 7ml's extra. I must also say that after an initial dislike to them, I am now addicted to capers:food: ! They're great with tuna and I could quite easily have an entire jar of them with my tuna meal (although I don't)! I'm currently trying to keep my weekly usage to 1 jar as they're so damn expensive!

Physically, I'm not looking all that different from last week. Although my arm measurement is down I don't know how much to read into that as my bi is VERY sore and I actually can't straighten my arm completely so I probably can't flex it too well:( . Basically, this has happened because of an 'anabolic administration' preceding y'day's back/bi workout by less than 48 hours:fool2: . Lesson is most definitely learned:eek: .

So week 60 begins tomorrow. 7 weeks of the cycle are done, another 8 full weeks to go (of androgen use, including bookend, not including pct). I'm pretty darn happy with the past 7 weeks so here's a recap (sort of a half way progress report):

weight up 7.6lbs, leg up 1/2'', arm up 3/8'' (despite feeling like crap today), hips up 5/16'', waist has no change. Definitely looking leaner too!


Here's to more of the same:cheers:.
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
  • Established
  • Legend!
Its going to you some time for everything to come back to normal as far as strength and to start making positive gains again.


  • Established
Strength going up is normal isn't it? Do you mean less pronounced gains in strength? I kinda 'feel' that going on at the mo.

In terms of positive gains, yeah, I didn't think the second half of the cycle would match anywhere near the first in terms of gains. One week at a time. Que sera.
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
  • Established
  • Legend!
Strength going up is normal isn't it? Do you mean less pronounced gains in strength? I kinda 'feel' that going on at the mo.

In terms of positive gains, yeah, I didn't think the second half of the cycle would match anywhere near the first in terms of gains. One week at a time. Que sera.
Not when you drop an androgen that has a pronounced effect on strenght. Most people even out for while before they start seeing increases again.


  • Established
Oh ok. I actually had trouble matching my numbers on cable crunches today (but chest was up a little).

But now you mention it, I have noticed less of a 'spring' in ALL my lifts if that makes sense; definitely like I've lost 'something'. I certainly don't have my 'Bruce Willis in Unbreakable' lifting ability anymore!

I'll heed your words.


  • Established
End of week 60

Weight: 188.2lbs –no change
Arm: 15 15/16’’ – up 3/16’’
Leg: 24 9/16’’ –up 1/8’’
Waist: 35 3/8’’ –down 1/16’’
Hips: 41 3/16‘’ –no change

Very strange! I didn’t expect this to happen:blink: . To be honest, after seeing my pump post wo last Sunday I actually thought I was going to gain weight this week:rolleyes: ! It seems to be one of those weeks that defies the laws of physics, but I have actually had weeks when I’ve gained everywhere and still had no weight changes.

Workouts have gone well. I’m still seeing some strength/work volume increases, although I feel as if I have to work harder for them if that makes sense. I was particularly happy with an increase on my conc. curls. 2 weeks ago I reached failure on 25lbs, but this week my sets felt as they should :) . In contrast, legs felt very ‘stodgy’ this week:eek: ; I experimented with my leg extensions and found that the further apart my ankles are placed, the easier the exercise is. They went up but maybe only because of my ‘experiment’ and I actually saw a drop in wo volume with lunges and leg presses:rasp: ! Back y’day also saw now strength increases. This might be the start of what Bobo was talking about:trout: ……

Diet was bang on:afro: . Appetite still high and I’m feeling very carnivorous at the mo. Chicken is literally ‘wolfed’ down (lol).

Not too much change as far as appearance goes. But some. Not bigger, not leaner but a change none the less. Hard to explain. If I have lost fat, it isn’t visible from the front. Pumps tend to be v.good at the mo, almost SD-like:hammer: . I said last week my arm measurement might be off as it was v.sore, but for it to go up like that is quite weird. Maybe it had something to do with the site injection. Maybe:think: . I did pluck up the courage for a pec one and that was definitely noticeable for days after. I’d check it now for an update but I’m in a public place. I think the general consensus is that this train of thought is rubbish, but I’ll keep an eye on it.

So week 60 is done. Weight loss has slowed right down to zero and I suppose this week has seen recomp (fatty areas down, limbs up). Perhaps I might see a positive weight gain next week:rolleyes: ?…... It just so happens that I’ve noticed a significant slowing in strength gain:rasp: (and legs have seen a drop in volume) so I’ll have to wait and see. Personally, I wouldn’t care if every week’s results were like this week:) !

Looking forward to week 61.


  • Established
End of week 61

Weight: 188.2lbs –no change
Arm: 15 15/16’’ – no change
Leg: 24 9/16’’ –no change
Waist: 35 3/8’’ –no change
Hips: 41 3/16‘’ –no change

No changes across the board this week; and that trend stretches beyond my measurements to my workouts. I made a small increase on tri presses and sldl's, but apart from that, my strength has completely stagnated:rasp: ! Urgh, I'd almost started taking big weekly strength gains for granted and even though I was expecting it, it's still something of a shock:eek: .

To be honest, my workout volume has actually DECREASED this week:sad: . I'm using that phrase instead of 'strength loss' as I'm still starting all exercises on my 'top' weight (for now, anyway), but the weight selection for proceeding sets has dropped. Me with db's before: :drunk: Me with db's now::duel:

Diet is 100% on top form:head: . I'm even getting hungry between meals, something I haven't experienced since the beginning of the program. REALLY hungry. If I have a meal at 6pm, then my next one'll be scheduled for 8.30. I'll probably start feeling hungry by 7. By 7.30 I'm empathising with all the cutters living off half a bagel and 3 cups of milk. By 8pm I'm checking the time every 5mins. By 8.20, I'm getting ready for the meal, trying to stretch out picking up a fork and my pre-prepared meal to 10 mins. By 8.22 I'm sat down, fork in hand with my food in front of me trying to put of taking that first bite. By 8.24 I've cracked and by 8.30, my 'official' meal time, I've hoovered it up. Then it starts again, waiting for 11pm. Today (sat) is the worst as I only have 5 meals on the plan instead of 6:rant: !

No difference in the mirror this time round. In the beginning of the week I was looking really flat and undersized, then it all flipped on thu and I'm looking pretty good at the mo:) .

So workout volume (not strength! ;) ) has dropped this week but there's been no shift in measurements. I suppose that's the CNS at work, obviously not LBM. I may, as next week progresses, just give way and make some pre-emptive drops in weight if I 'feel' it's necessary.

**Isn't it wierd that you can tell how easy/hard a set is gonna be as soon as you take the bar/db's off the stand?**:think:

With no idea of what strength will do, I'm completely clueless as to what my measurements will do:confused: . But I'll keep my fingers crossed. Except when lifting, obviously:D .

Looking forward to week 63.


  • Established
End of week 62

Weight: 189.8lbs –up 1.6lbs
Arm: 16’’ – up 1/16''
Leg: 24 9/16’’ –no change
Waist: 35 3/8’’ –no change
Hips: 41 3/16‘’ –no change

Woo hoo, a positive weight gain:bb: ! And my arms have broken the 16'' mark- without SD:woohoo: !

This week's workouts semmed to go much better than last week's and I made a few increases in w.o volume and even went up up leg extentions:D . Certainly no drops/decreases this week. I'm still sweating alot during workouts and my top ,is still getting soaked (note the comma is there because it seems to think I'm trying to type p1ss, lol)

Diet wise- I AM ABSOLUTELY STARVING:food: ! I could eat every meal 2x over. Every meal seems so small, it makes a stark contrast to when using SD. Looking back, I could swear the meals really did look bigger. Wierd:blink: . Currently, if I'm splitting a meal into 2 make them last throughout the day, I have a hard time stopping at eating 1/2 and I end up eating about 3/4:eek: ! If this is what bulking is like when your appetite is up, God only knows what cutting is like. I almost feel miserable, lol. I have a new found sympathy for you guys! I might just take some SD to curb my appetite and feel better! That's a good ad campaign: SD- The bodybuilder's Prozac! :lol:

Physically, I can't say I look really different. But looking good though;) . At the end of week 59, Bobo said

Its going to you some time for everything to come back to normal as far as strength and to start making positive gains again.
and now at the end of week 62 that's happened:) . 3 weeks. It seems as if I'm over that 'hump' now. In terms of the tape measurements, it's not been a particularly special week but, as I'm in positive gains, I might be able to have a little 'fun' and make some good progress.:rolleyes:

Looking forward to week 63.
Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
  • Established
  • Legend!
If you can eat more, then do it. Send me your current plan, I'm not at home and don't have it on me.


  • Established
End of week 63

Weight: 189.8lbs –no change
Arm: 16’’ – no change
Leg: 24 9/16’’ –no change
Waist: 35 3/8’’ –no change
Hips: 41 3/16‘’ –no change

No changes to report this week. Not too much to report in any area really.

Workouts went well:) ; no strength increases per se but I 'felt' strong during all the workouts:cool: . Definitely no drops to speak of; it seems as though that little training wobble I had a few weeks ago seemed to be my 'off-superdrol strength drop'. (I never really saw a large strength increase with SD though. Most of the strength gains were post SD. Go figure!)

Diet has been consistently top notch:D ! I've been eating more food as Bobo said (it's been a cup of mozz and a few egg whites every day), but I've not eaten enough to satisfy my rampaging appetite:food: ! I didn't want to scoff down loads of food and put on lots of unwanted weight for the sake of 'dietary satiety'. That being said, I'll probably swap the egg whites for a cup of cc, as it's a greater bulk of food:burger: - but also more cals.

No visual changes to report. Holding steady at 'not too bad'! I can't wait 'til I can say I'm holding steady at 'the dog's bollocks'! (really good);) .

So week 64 starts tomorrow. We shall see what it brings:) .....


  • Established
End of week 64

Weight: 190.8lbs –up 1lb
Arm: 16 1/16'' – up 1/16''''
Leg: 24 5/8’’ –up 1/16''
Waist: 35 7/16’’ –up 1/16''
Hips: 41 5/16‘’ –up 2/16''

Good gains this week:) . Performance in the gym has been good, but not alot to see in terms of strength. Legs saw some good gains, whilst tri's/delts saw none; all other bodyparts were somewhere in between the 2. The sweating that seemed to be common place over previous whilst working out has reduced quite significantly:think: , so maybe I'm not working hard enough:rolleyes: !

Diet-wise, everything is still good:D . Still on the straight and narrow! I was thinking about chinese hot and sour soup on wednesday (as I'm doing now, actually:food: ), but as long as I don't give in I'm ok. I'll just run my food under the tap and my cravings should be ok. Tuna and c. cheese soup:sick:

Looking in the mirror 1st thing today, I've definitely noticed a bit of a mixed bag. On the downside, despite the growth, my bi's still look 'ectomorphic' :)lol: ), but my chest looks very full :D and I had a really good outer quad sweep too:D ! A few seconds with a MM pose helps give the ego a boost:p .

I thought it might be pertinent to say a few words about how I feel psychologically (as opposed to physically), as I've noticed a change:blink: . There definitely seems to be a downturn in mood, NOT in a negative way, just LESS positive(from:D to :) . Along with the reduced sweating that was rampant 3-4 weeks ago, I feel as though my body MIGHT be somehow, sorta, kinda, 'opposing' the androgens:think: . Maybe. Week 13 of the cycle starts tomorrow (the last week, not including bookend), so maybe the length has something to do with it.

I suppose my body will have upregulated aromatase activity, SHBG production, etc. It's something I'll consider for future reference and will probably try a short acting ester/8-10 weeker next time. The things I'm prepared to do for research. I should be Knighted;) !

So week 65 and the final 'regular' week of the cycle starts tomorrow. Then it's bookend time for 2 weeks. I've STILL not decided on if I'm taking the SD or t.prop route:think: (or perhaps either!). Both (all three) options seem to have pro's and con's (t.prop basically in the previous paragraph...) so I'll give it some thought, then I'll put it all in some nice visually pleasing tables for everyone to see my conclusions:) .

'Til next week......


  • Established
End of week 65

Weight: 190.8lbs –no change
Arm: 16 1/16'' – no change
Leg: 24 5/8’’ –no change
Waist: 35 7/16’’ –no change
Hips: 41 5/16‘’ –no change

No changes to measurements this week; despite this, I've had a pretty good week in the gym:) . Strength/w.o volume increases have been good and, if memory serves, present in each bodypart. I'll definitely be looking to tackle heavier db's and plates next time round:bb3: .

Diet is still on top form, appetite is still good:) . It's a psychological boost to eat your meals on time and get all you food in; like an affirmation of your commitment to your goals. A way that you 'pay', but which the Hypertrophy Fairy will pay you back with interest! Much more so than the training, imo. IT'S NOT THE HOUR YOU SPEND IN THE GYM, IT'S THE 23 OUTSIDE IT THAT COUNT! ;)

Although my measurements haven't changed, I DO feel as though I look better. Fuller. Not really too sure how that phenomenon works, but I'll take it nevertheless:p .

Okay, so this is the end of week 13 of the cycle and the end of the 'main' cycle of test. e. I had planned to do a bookend but I was still undecided, so I wrote a list of the options and pro's&con's.


PRO's- Time on= time off, so I can start a new cycle sooner!
CON's- Start time for post cycle therapy becomes a little more blurred- could be problematic


PRO's- 2 weeks extra anabolic growth.
It's fun.
CON's- AWFUL loss of appetite
Coming off it and the associated weight/strength loss.


PRO's- 2 weeks extra anabolic growth.
Test is currently working well.
CON's- Time on= time off.

So after a week long think, I've decided to go with........Test prop! Con's outweighed the pro's for 'no bookend' and they most definitely did with SD:sick: . The prop is a sound choice. To be honest, given my experience with SD, I don't think I'll use it again, primarily because of the appetite problems I had with it:blink: .

Looking forward to week 66.


  • Established
End of week 66

Weight: 191.8lbs –up 1lb
Arm: 16 1/16'' –no change
Leg: 24 5/8’’ –no change
Waist: 35 7/16’’ –no change
Hips: 41 5/16‘’ –no change

Up 1lb in weight but no changes to tape measurements. I might have seen an increase in my arm measurement but it's sore and I can't flex it properly :( . I also have a pec that makes me look like a synthol freak and my delt has just recovered from sunday! Prop f'in hurts! Stretching helps but boy is it an eyewatering experience:whiner: !

Anyway, strength is up:) ! The only 2 bodyparts that didn't see an increase were delts and bi's. Strength-wise, those are the 2 bodyparts that always lag behind, but I suppose they are the smallest muscle groups aswell, so it makes sense. Workouts went smoothly except for leg day, where I had to wait 10 mins:rant: for the for a guy (let's call him Weighty McBouncealot), who informed me I'd make much better gains training like him instead of doing all my ''slow stuff''. I corrected him, giving a scientific reason why he was wrong and my gains as proof:hammer: , to which he replied that he'd only like to increase his measurements if he were competing and he's not interested in that anymore:rofl: . I just smiled and nodded, wanting to get on with my w.o. I can honestly say that this man has absolutely no clue what a pair of posing briefs and a bottle of bronzer look like and quite frankly, we are all better for it:eek: !

Visually, everything is the same. Apart from the 'synthol pec', lol. But looking the same isn't too bad if you're looking pretty good in the first place;) .

So, the final week of androgen use starts tomorrow, although I do have a shot to do today. I'm done with upper body; I'll try a glute later on. Hopefully I can have another strong week in the gym, make some further progress. Set myself up well to start pct:) .

Looking forward to week 67.


  • Established
End of week 67

Weight: 190.8lbs – down 1lb
Arm: 16 1/16'' –no change
Leg: 24 5/8’’ –no change
Waist: 35 7/16’’ –no change
Hips: 41 5/16‘’ –no change

I've lost the pound that I gained last week. I thought this would happen; for one the tape measurements didn't show the increased weight last week so I'd put it down to water retention/swelling in my pec. Seriously, 1lb of swelling would sound right if you'd have seen it, lol! Obviously, I can't rule out that I lost a little extra water during the night aswell- I did have to change my t-shirt due to sweating:blink: !

Strength has been holding steady, with a few increases in w.o volume:) . With my pec hurting, chest workouts were a nightmare this week:sad: . Apart from that, there's been no suprises or upsets in this area, so I'm happy about that:) .

Diet has been good. At a push, I would say that my appetite has decreased ever so slightly this week:rasp: . Hopefully I'm not going to see a massive drop as I go into pct next week.

Visually, things are a little wierd. Despite no changes to tape measurements I'd swear I look better;) . My shoulders look better and there's quite a good separation between the 3 deltoid heads on the left:cool: . Not the right, though:frustrate .

The bookend with the prop has been an 'experience': Apart from the pain (not too bad in quads/glutes), night sweats have been quite prolific and as with last night, I've had to swap a t-shirt more often than not during the 2 weeks:blink: . I've also noticed a achey, stiff feeling a few hrs after injection, so maybe that's my first experience of test flu?! A bit of a milestone:rolleyes: !

Ok, so all androgens have finished and pct begins next week (monday). To be honest, I'm not sure what to expect in terms of strength/weight loss but I guessing there will be some:( . Hopefully not too much!

Looking forward to week 68.


  • Established
End of week 68

Weight: 189.8lbs – down 1lb
Arm: 16'' – down 1/16''
Leg: 24 1/2’’ – down 1/8''
Waist: 35 6/16’’ – down 1/16''
Hips: 41 1/8‘’ – down 3/16''

First week in pct and I've recorded a loss. It's wierd that I lost a pound of weight last week with no changes to tape measurements, whereas this time the same weightloss is accompanied by extensive changes with the tape:think: .

I'm still going well in the gym:) . Strength/workout volume continues to increase, all be it slowly and not across all bodyparts. My leg workout was the roughest I've had in a while and leg presses felt really laboured:smite: . Not too sure why really. I'm happy that my weights are still increasing, but the thought that this might start to slip is ever present whilst in pct (despite not 'feeling' at all as if it could;) ).

Diet: 100%. I might use that as a signature, as it's never anything but:D ! I have noticed a slight decrease in appetite though:rasp: , so I might bring back capers to help with the tuna. For some reason, they've phased out of use recently.

Visually, not much to report. I did perch myself on a chair to have a look at my legs:)o ) and I was quite impressed; some real good separation between ALL the muscles in there:cool: , not just the vastus medialis (tear drop shaped one). I hate the fact that I'm so unsymmetrical and both my legs don't look like that:frustrate . It's my weaker right leg that looks best. Same with upper body, too; I'm left handed but overall, I feel my right side looks best.

So I've had a bit of a loss this week, but I'm still going strong in the gym and that's an obvious indication that everything is A-ok and the losses aren't anything important i.e. muscle (which is HARD to do anyway). Consequently, I'll keep cal intake the same; no need to fix what ain't broke:) ! I've also got a bit of a special pct weapon coming up in 2 weeks, in the form of hols from work, which in my case is an uber-muscle builder/saver so I'm looking forward to that:hammer: ! Especially since British winter weather is really kicking in right now:( .

In the meantime, looking forward to week 69.


  • Established
End of week 69

Weight: 186.8lbs – down 3lb
Arm: 15 7/8'' – down 1/8''
Leg: 24 3/8’’ – down 1/8''
Waist: 35 6/16’’ – no change
Hips: 41 1/8‘’ – down 1/8''

Ouch! A bit of a big drop this week:rasp: . I can't believe my arm has dropped sub 16''! We have war, disease and poverty in the world but I think the international community need to devote some time to my dilemma:lol: .

To be honest, I've not felt 100% this week:trout: . Not ill- I haven't been ill since 2002 and I don't expect to do so now;) ! But I've felt a little drained and it culminated yesterday (fri) in a 'loss' of my pre w.o meal:run: . Rather embarrasingly in the gym car park. I'm not too sure why I felt below par this week (and I'm fine today), but I can say that this week I've also noticed a difference to how I felt while 'on' and it's a definite mental/physical downturn:nutkick: .

Work in the gym has been very stagnant. No increases to speak of:sad: . It is something of a coincidence that this week I got very nit-picky with the cadences and felt annoyed if the clock on the wall showed I was a few seconds too fast (I seem to do that every now and then:fool2: ). This of course added to the general crapiness this week. Subsequently, I started most workouts expecting not to match my numbers, but it was a pleasant surprise when I did:) . So no gains, but no losses (yet).

Diet has been on point, except for my fri pre w.o mishap. I made up a little of it with an extra cup of mozz and 2 scoops of whey, but obviously it aint the same. My appetite seemed to go down a little at the start of this week, but has picked up again:) .

Mirror-wise, I do look a little smaller. A 3lb loss would probably do that! It's kinda wierd that when you get bigger, your body shape changes and muscle shape seems to, but when you lose weight, those effects remain but they just look smaller:blink: . You keep the 'muscle maturity' effect, but they get smaller:think: . Like an oval becoming more rounded and circular, then becoming a smaller circle without reverting back to an oval. Not the greatest analogy, but you get the idea:) !

So next week (and the week after) I'm off work:thumbsup: . What I've done in the past and what I'll do this time, is drop down a few diets to compensate for the calories I'm not burning. I've dropped none, 1 and 2 diets, but this time I'm gonna go for 4. Muscle building is ALWAYS the better fo me having time off work, so hopefully dropping 4 diets will continue that trend, but also be kind on my waist:) .

Not the best of weeks, which can't be a good thig to coincide with pct, but there you go. I can't wait 'til I'm 230lbs and I look back at weeks like this and laugh:rolleyes: !

Looking forward to a productive week 70.


Registered User
  • Established
glad to hear your still going strong BMS. Awesome to see your still devoted 100% and plan on to keep doing so. Awsome work so far man, keep it up.


  • Established
Thanks OCC. Yeah, I'm definitely not going to slack off- I suppose that's the quickest way to reach your goals:bb: . With weight training, it seems if you put 100% in you get 100% out, but put 99% in, you get 60% out!


  • Established
End of week 70

Weight: 186.8lbs – no change
Arm: 15 7/8'' – no change
Leg: 24 3/8’’ – no change
Waist: 35 6/16’’ – no change
Hips: 41 1/8‘’ – no change

No changes this week. During pct, I suppose that's a very good result:) . That just goes to show how many calories I burn at work; I've dropped something approaching 1000 cals a day and My weight hasn't even flickered:eek: ! I need a new job! That's my new year's resolution. (Aswell as breaking 210;) . Tough but do-able I think)

Performance in the gym has been a little mixed. Back has remained strong, with no movements up or down:) . Same goes for legs. I had a really big pump in my quads during lunges which made it hard to bend the knee, which may have affected performance a little. Tri's were ok but I was poor on the dropsets with the rope for some reason:sad: . With bi's, I met my numbers but the sets felt hard and finally, worst of all my chest and Arnold presses were poor by my own standards:rasp: . I had a bit of residual 'nit-pickyness' on sunday with my cadences and my shoulder felt really weak during Arnold's, so that may have had something to do with it. Next time round though, I think I will drop a few weights, just so I'm feeling more comfortable.

Diet has been 100%:) . With the drop in food, I'm definitely noticing that I'm hungrier throughout the day, which is a bit annoying, but there you go.

Visually, not much to write about. Whilst measuring my bi's, they did look better than normal:p and I did seem to record a few false readings that were a 1/16'' over the official reading, but I'll see if next week I can maybe add that 1/16'' 'properly':cool: .

So for next week, I think I'm going to go up a diet. That'll put me 3 off my 'at work' diet instead of 4. Strength seems to be grinding to a halt, so that's a good indicator the cals should go up. The hunger probably is as well:rolleyes: . If I wasn't in pct that's what I'd do, but as I am, it's probably a doubly good idea:) . Not too sure if this means I'll add some more calories to the diet I was on whilst at work (for week 72), as strength seemed ok at that calorie intake. I'll wait and see.

Looking forward to another week off work:head: and a productive week 71.


  • Established
End of week 71

Weight: 187.6lbs – up 0.8lbs
Arm: 15 15/16'' – up 1/16''
Leg: 24 3/8’’ – no change
Waist: 35 7/16’’ – up 1/16''
Hips: 41 1/8‘’ – no change

Pretty good week on the measurement front:) . Looks like the extra cals were a good move. This stuff is easy when all you do is eat, sleep and train every day:p !

Training was a bit hit and miss this week. I lost some strength on my chest and tri's which I was kind of expecting:rasp: . Sunday's drop may have been exacerbated a little as I went out for a few hrs on saturday for a friend's 25th b'day which was't ideal, but there you go. I made a few pre emptive drops in weight on my bi's on mon which I found were unnecessary, so that was good:) . I even made a few increases in w.o volume on fri with back and bi's:cool: , despite having a bit of a 'mare and starting the workout 1.5 hrs after my pre w.o meal:rant: .

Legs deserve a paragraph all to themselves: Squats went great, but then leg press just took it out of me and I was taking 4-5 mins between sets. I moved on to sldl's and after set 2, my legs were shaking, felt uber-weak and I was rediculously hot:wtf: . I put the bar down and, with what I can only describe as a 'frenzied nonchalance':run: , made my way to the toilet cubicle. I stripped off to cool down, sat on the toilet and just hoped I wouldnt be sick. I wasn't. After 10 mins, I felt better and continued the workout without any more problems. Damned if I know why that happened, but I did develop a painfully stiff and sore l.back a few hours later that was very far removed from the DOMS-esque feeling we all know and love:sad: . Might have had something to do with it.

Diet has been good:) . It wasn't great when I went out last saturday (after the update); all I had was a bit of chicken I'd put in a sandwich bag and stuffed into my pocket. I had enough problems explaining why I wasn't drinking that night so when I ate the chicken, I just disappeared out of sight:lol: !

Visually, there is a bit of a change. I don't know if it's just psychological or whatever (afterall it's only 0.8lbs) but it seems as though something's changed:) . I'm still impressed at the development of my legs, which I attribute to my flawless squatting technique:afro: ! At least, that's what people tell me and I just tend to agree:D . One of the gym idiots we have here tried to work in with me on squats this week and thought he'd have no problem matching my weight, especially considering he'd just squatted 15lbs extra on the SMITH MACHINE. Let's just say that the 'I'm meeting the Queen' form he produced (courtsey), along with the 'cat in pain' noise and 'WTF' face was definitely................confidence building:D .

So next week I'm back at work. Therefore, I'm going to go back up to my 'normal' diet. I dont think I'll add any more cals straight away and see what transpires. Also, with christmas and new year coming up in the next few weeks, I'll have a few days off here and there that'll help a little towards LBM gain:) .

Looking forward to week 72.


  • Established
End of week 72

Weight: 185.8lbs – down 1.8lbs
Arm: 15 3/4'' – down 3/16''
Leg: 24 3/16’’ – down 3/16''
Waist: 35 3/8’’ – down 1/16''
Hips: 41 1/8‘’ – no change

Lost a fair amount this week:rasp: . I was expecting this as I always do after time off work. Although I'm actually worse off than before my time off:trout: . However, the funny thing is that I've probably had my best week in the gym since starting pct:) , so it's just a bit of glycogen

I lost a little strength on leg press and a little on chest (dips and dec. db press), but I was up on leg extentions and a few back exercises. Other bodyparts remained the same, but felt stronger and the exercises felt alot smoother than in previous weeks:) .

Diet-wise, everything has been great, but I've noticed a bit of a downturn in appetite:think: . I suppose my metabolism has slowed down somewhat since I've not been burning through so many calories and it'll take a few weeks to catch up. Same with the weightloss I suppose; I lost some glycogen because my metabolism 'reset' itself at a reduced level and then when I started back up at work, BAM!

Well, even though there's a rather simple explanation for the weightloss, it doesn't make it any easier on the eye:sad: . The 1.8lb loss is noticeable (unfortunately), but it's not muscle. So technically it's not as if I've lost anything (I'm grasping at straws aren't I, lol).

So that's another week in the bag. Not the best, but I don't feel as pi$$ed as I've done at the end of other weeks. God, I hope my standards aren't slipping:blink: ! No definitely not! I'll be there on Christmas day with my bagel and c.cheese giving a :nutkick: to the ectomorph fairy and his limb thinning ways.

Obviously, next week will be a bit different. My gym is closed on monday (part-timers:fool2: ), so I'll do that w.o on tuesday and swap the diets round to match. I've also got mon and tue off work so that'll be good.

Looking forward to a productive week 73 in the gym:) .....oh yeah and Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone:) !

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