Applied Nutriceuticals Recomps Rosie for Competition

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 41

0836 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 80% HRmax @ 108 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 ( rpm N/A)
c. 2 min in 39x16 @ 100 rpm (HR dropped back to 80% HRmax)
d. 10 min in 39x16 @ 90% HRmax @ 120 rpm
e. 1 min in 39x16 @ 108 rpm (HR dropped back to 85% HRmax)
Good session, today. All joints were good, especially hips during the efforts (thumbs up). Sweating profusely. Finding it hard to breathe a little in the last 10 minutes, but pushed on.

0942 - Back (3 min rec after all CG PU sets; 1 min rec everything else):
1. CG PU 6 x 12, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5
2. BB BOR 4 x 6
3. WG LPD 4 x 6
4. CG SR 4 x 6
5. CG TR 2 x 6
I was pretty hesitant about what this session would produce today, since the last time I did Back my strength was waaaaay down...Started out with CG PU. Added an extra 8.8lb of weight. I struggled VERY badly on these today. Since I was doing so poorly, I added in an extra couple of sets to 'make up' what would have been done if I had been 'up to speed'. I felt very 'heavy' during these, with dead weights for arms...Went on to BB BOR. No problems today. Strength was fine. A little lightheaded after the second set of these, but I soldiered on...Strength was also UP on WG LPD, managing 4 x 6 at a weight I have only been able to do 3-4 reps with before now...CG SR was also done at a weight I would have struggled to get 4 reps out on...By CG TR I was starting to become quite nauseous and disorientated. After both of my feet cramped (right in fiirst set, left in second set) up, I decided to stop after two sets. I HAD done enough, and was satisfied with my efforts and results on BB BOR, WG LPD, and CG SR...Good session...

1100 - Stretch 20 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2200-0727 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0700), so nearly 9.5 hours sleep. Deep and dreaming. Woke several times during the night on and off due to very sharp, stabbing pains in my abdomen (I'm sleeping with a wheatie, but it cools too quickly). Woke with the pain still there (not funny anymore, not that it ever WAS...)

Mental Alertness/Focus: There, some.

Energy: Actually had a smidgen today :)

Motivation: Damn, I hate the way my body feels and looks right now; THAT alone should be motivation to get back into it...HARD!

Mood/Aggression: Not much of anything really...Except for relief (package in the mail (finally) today, so I can start using Poseidon (but it's not the BA version that I WAS using, though) again...)

Libido: Not there at all (the sharp pains in my belly pretty much eliminate anything I MIGHT be wanting to be feeling...)

Joints: All good.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Interesting; it's INcreasing, albeit slowly...

Quality of Training: Actually, pretty ok, considering I haven't done any in what feels like FOREVER (I know, I know; but when you love to 'live' in the gym (and training), then any time 'off' feels like a lifetime...)

Pump and Vascularity: Small back pump (none in biceps, which is good)...Vascularity NOT as good as it has been...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Nothing (except for legs) really feels very hard, today...

Body Composition and Look: Upper body, particularly around clavicle and delts is leaning some...

Overall Sense of Feeling: Not really that cool. My belly has been like this for a week now. And over the last 3-4 weeks I've also been fatigued all the time, sleeping far too much, eating constantly, not able to drink as much as usual, aching all over (despite lack of exercise), and having really bad mood swings and depression and small lacks of motivation here and there. None of which is very cool, and completely unlike Rosie. Stress is no longer a viable reason for all that. Whatever it is, Rosie, your body had better get over it! And damn ****ing FAST!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 42

0810 - Rollers:
20 min in 39x16 @ 70% HRmax @ 100 rpm
Didn't really want to be doing this; but I decided that I would do at least 20 minutes (I HAVE TO!) Rosie's legs were pretty fatigued today, with lower legs feeling 'impact', not wanting to go much faster than this (despite the change in pace in music). So, she let them just sit at that. Finding it a little hard to breathe at times throughout the session. And yes, VERY low HR (HR NOT going up, and also low cadence keeping it fairly steady). This was more of a 'recovery' session than anything.

0921 - Shoulders/Arms/Traps/Abs:
1. DB SP 4 x 8 (90 sec recovery)
2. DB LR 4 x 12 SUPERSETTED WITH 3. Inc DB RR 4 x 12 (1 min recovery between supersets)
4. Flat CG BB BP 4 x 8 (90 sec recovery)
5. Dips 4 x 12 SUPERSETTED WITH 6. DB ZC 4 x 12 (1 min recovery between supersets)
7. DB Shrugs 4 x 8 (1 min recovery)
8. Abs 2 x [a. hanging knee raises x 10, b. weighted crunch x 15] (30 sec recovery)
9. Abs 2 x [a. knee-ins x 15, b. reverse curl (on bench) x 10] (30 sec recovery)
10. Plyomtric Box Jumps 2 x 40 (1 min recovery)
At 62 minutes, this is the LONGEST session that I have done in almost 6 years! (Most of my resistance sessions are 30-50 minutes). I WAS trying to pack a LOT into it, though; and it wasn't TOO long, so that's ok...Started out with DB SP. At 20kg DB (i.e. 44lb) in each hand, these were ok. Strength is down a little, but not much. Took me a couple of sets to 'warm-up', and before I really felt like I was working...DB LR and Inc DB RR supersets followed. Weight was 0.5kg lighter than what I would be using to do 8-10 reps with in DB LR; and these were actually done a lot better than I have been until now (doing a few more reps as well). Same weight as what have been doing 8-10 reps with in Inc DB RR, showing a small strength improvement (since did 12 reps each set). By the second superset, I was finding it hard to breathe, and I was gasping for air in between them...Moving to the Flat CG BB BP. Same weight as I used for 4 x 8 the last session I did Arms. Managed well. Struggled the last rep of the last set on the last part of the push, but completed it. Forearms (after that and DB LR and Inc DB RR) were definitely burning after that...Did the first set of Dips with the addition of 5kg (i.e. 11lb). Tripled that additional weight (i.e. 33lb) for the second and third sets. Went back down to the lower weight (i.e. 11lb) for the last set. Dips today, on the second and third sets, I was feeling sharp pains through my medial clavicle region, which was not cool (and the reason why I went down in weight for the last set). They were, however, done ok...DB ZC I did at 1kg lighter than I would for 8-10 reps. My biceps were starting to burn on the third set. And the pump was just incredible; made me feel really hard and wow. I could taste the blood in my throat and mouth after the second set (not so pleasant)...Threw in a few sets of DB Shrugs...Haven't done Abs in a while, so made sure that I did my 100 reps...Finished off with a couple of sets of Plyometric Box Jumps. On the first set, I realized WHY my legs have been feeling so fatigued lately, and what has been causing the 'impact' feeling just below my knees and in my lower legs. Despite my ankle giving not too far in on the second set, I kept on (albeit a little slower), until I had finished the determined reps. I shall not be adding these in again for a while; give my legs a chance to 'recover'...All in all, it was an interesting session. A good session. Definitely worked in there today!

1109 - Stretch 21 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2300-0700 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so ~ 8 hours sleep. Good. Deep. Dark. Dreaming (really weird dreams!) Woke with that sharp, stabbing lower abdominal pain again...

Mental Alertness/Focus: I have an assessment to (start and) finish today (for tomorrow), and another to be starting (for Tuesday). Head in the game. Just chilling for a bit before I do, though. I would rather be falling asleep in the sun...

Energy: Ok. Not feeling like doing much. Body pretty fatigued. I want it to get up tomorrow quick smart, though, and jump to the beat of Rosie's drum!

Motivation: THERE! GRRRRR!

Mood/Aggression: Bit blah until the gym...Aggressive after the gym for a bit (males and their ****ing egos)...Ok, now, I guess...

Libido: NOT there!

Joints: No problems. OsteoSport must be given full credit!

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Small increments in strength...

Quality of Training: Cardio was recovery (guess even I need that sometimes)...Resistance session was great...

Pump and Vascularity: Wicked pump by half-way through my resistance session. And it lasted for 2 hours AFTER the session...Vascularity was nothing special. (Seems RPM works sometimes for me in this, and not others. Weird...)

Muscle Hardness/Density: Rosie's muscles are definitely harder...

Body Composition and Look: Upper body is leaner, while waist to hips looks like it's gained some BF. Interesting...

Overall Sense of Feeling: Just flat today...I want next week to be BACK TO 'NORMAL' ROSIE!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Notes on Week 6


ONE good day this week. As for the rest, they weren't as bad as usual; but some days I didn't eat all day and then it was whoooom at night, whilst other days were good until mid-afternoon. So, eating too much or eating not enough; both bad. Next week, better be back to balance, lady!


Started using OsteoSport on Tuesday (and joint issues/aches/pains were gone by Thursday). Started back using IGF-2 on Tuesday (DOMS has not been very present, although I have been feeling 'achy' all over; but that has nothing to do with TRAINING). Started back using RPM on Thursday (had mixed results with this so far). Started back on Poseidon (yes, not the BA version this time around) on Saturday (no flush on this version)...And after next week I will have an interesting, special stack to add to Rosie's training, diet, and supplement regime...

...Until then, Rosie's supplement regime looks like so:
RPM - 2 caps 60-80 min pre-gym (on NON-gym days - 2 caps 60 min pre-cardio).
NeoVar Recomped - 2 caps 40-60 min pre-gym, and 2 caps immediately post-gym, (on NON-gym days - 2 caps 40 min pre-cardio, and 2 caps immediately post-cardio); sometimes taking 4 caps last thing at night.
IGF-2 - 3 caps first thing in the morning, and 3 caps last thing at night.
Lipotrophin-PM - 2 caps first thing in the morning, and 2 caps last thing at night.
Osteosport - 4 caps first thing in the morning.
Poseidon - 1 serve first thing in the morning, and 1 serve last thing at night (sometimes 1 serve 40 min pre-afternoon tea).
Calcium supplement - 1 cap post-breakfast.


Had ONE day off this week. Cardio has been done, albeit not very intense, all the other days. Three resistance sessions, all at the END of the week, done to a fair standard, but nothing too great. I want to be back to normal from next week. Really. REALLY!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 43

0810 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 70-75% HRmax @ 106 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 12 min in 39x16 @ 75% HRmax @ 112 rpm
I didn't feel very good during this at all, from start to finish...Even spinning as hard as I could (and I was TRYING!) for every effort, my HR would NOT even GET to 85% HRmax!!! :eek: Not good; not good at all. My legs 'settled' at 112 rpm after the efforts, and HR just stayed where it was. ****!

0845 - Stretch 23 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2200-0700 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so ~ 9 hours sleep. NOT cool; no more endless sleeping!!! Woke with eyes all bloodshot (something that usually says I'm pushing myself too hard; but not really seeing HOW it could be POSSIBLE at the moment...)

Mental Alertness/Focus: There until ~1500, when it was a sudden crash...I have to 'wake up', though, because tonight HAS to be an all-nighter for this assessment due at 1200 tomorrow (yes, that I have yet to start...)

Energy: Was ok until ~1500, when I was suddenly void of anything...

Motivation: There. I want to get up and get training properly again!!!

Mood/Aggression: Not really a lot of anything; I've had my moments of pretty much almost EVERYthing, today...

Libido: There for some parts of the day...

Joints: All sweet :)

Endurance: Good.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: Ok. Not being able to get my HR up, especially during efforts is NOT a good sign (and there is NO way in Hell that I am OVERtrained!)...

Pump and Vascularity: No pump...Veins even bluer as skin more golden...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Legs and arms...

Body Composition and Look: I like the gold colour (it suits me)...As for eveything else; I feel not happy (but we have those days)...My breasts are nice and full and back up to size again, though...

Overall Sense of Feeling: Got my bloods done today (so we'll see if that can shed any light on why I've been physically feeling like I have the last few weeks; the doctor's suggestion was just laughable)...Belly is still sore as; wheatie is on it as much as possible...Seeing all my boys a little later tonight for group photos...Oh, and discovered that that sharp, burning pain that I get when resistance training on Shoulders' Day (particularly during BB SP) in my right delt/bicep is actually the bicep tendon, and apparently it is quite irritated and inflamed (so, something for OsteoSport to 'work' on, since I won't be stopping or easing up on training for an irritation...)


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Nice delt separation coming up there rosie, and of course the quads and calves are killer :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Nice delt separation coming up there rosie, and of course the quads and calves are killer :)
Thanks, sweets. (Are you trying to make me feel better?) :D


  • Established
Thanks, sweets. (Are you trying to make me feel better?) :D
As smooth as he may be, he's telling the truth - looks like it's all coming together for you despite the odd binge infraction!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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As smooth as he may be, he's telling the truth - looks like it's all coming together for you despite the odd binge infraction!
Ah, yes, but y'all are not Rosie, and Rosie does NOT like what she sees every day! :frustrate
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 44

No training today. Had to start and hand in my presentation assessment, and, because I fell asleep last night, it was done in a rush in 5 hours, and I still need to finish my information sheets to accompany my presentation tomorrow...sigh...I will be sooo relieved when study (because it's the source of most of my stress right now) is over, and I can just train and work and have fun...

Sleep - Time and Quality:~2200-0645 (waking at 0000, 0130, and 0315), so ~8.5 hours. All very deep. I kept having weird dreams. I couldn't get up, even with poking and prodding. And the sore stomach is still there (but explainable, now...)

Mental Alertness/Focus: Not really there. My head has been so fatigued, and I've wanted to be sleeping since ~1100 (but couldn't; assignment). I shouldn't be this mentally 'out-of-it' and so UNfocussed...

Energy: Not had any. Then again, not TRIED to do anything, either...

Motivation: I just want to get through the next 10-11 weeks without ending up in glass shards all over the floor...And that includes getting back INTO and then to better shape before I head over to the States...

Mood/Aggression: Flat. Tired. Dead.

Libido: I've had thoughts. But I'm too tired to even be BOTHERED doing ANYthing...

Joints: No worries (a small bright spot) :)

Endurance: N/A.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training : N/A.

Pump and Vascularity: No pump...Vascularity good...

Muscle Hardness/Density: I like being hard...

Body Composition and Look: The only thing that's acceptable are that my breasts are back to full size :D

Overall Sense of Feeling: Finding it hard to breathe today. And my bloods weren't good. But it's nothing that I can't fix. Maybe there IS some adrenal fatigue in there somewhere too; I haven't felt this ****ed in a looooong time...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 45

0800 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 106 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 12 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 106-108 rpm
Interesting session. I'd been up for a 3.5 hours (yes, doing the information sheet handout for my presentation today) already. Decided to do SOMEthing, since I wasn't sure if the gym would be a goer tonight (and it's not, as it turns out)...So, sat easy for the first 4 minutes. Efforts were a little better than Monday; HR DID go up, but not much, just over 85% HRmax. Efforts were all done as fast as possible, and the last few felt 'easier' than the first few. The last 12 minutes were done at my legs' pace. Felt pretty ****ed when I got off (not normally like me; but then Rosie hasn't felt like Rosie for close to 5 weeks now). A good session re efforts. No achy or sore joints during anything. Get better, though, girl, get better...

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~1840-0414 (waking at 2030 and 2115), so ~9.5 hours sleep. I was knacked as last night, and went to bed early, planning on getting up at 0000 to prepare for my presentation and do my info sheet (yeah, right). As it was I was so fatigued that I didn't hear anything, and didn't wake to alarms OR texts, finally waking at the last to your text (thanks). Woke all red eyes, headache, and sore belly. Sleep was deep as anything. I don't think that I dreamed last night, I was so out of it. And trust me; I was ready to pass out from ~1300 yesterday afternoon (surprised I lasted until 1830)...

Mental Alertness/Focus: There. Quick runthrough my presentation three times before I had to give it. And from ~0900 I was ready for bed again, walking like a dead person. I took 2 x RPM at 1100, to 'wake-me-up', and that worked until ~1300, where I felt 'dead' again. I'm glad that that presentation is over. I have a small break from assessments for a couple of weeks, which is a relief. I'm going to start in on them, though, so that it is NOT all started and done on the day it's due in, like everything else has been so far this year...

Energy: Had none, pretty much, since ~1300. Didn't have a lot before that, though, either...

Motivation: There, again. I REALLY want to be BACK TRAINING HARD AND INTENSE AND GUERILLA-style again!

Mood/Aggression: Stressed, until my presentation was over...Tired and flat, after that...Nothing of anything, now (except that I have a sharp pain in my head, like a migraine...)

Libido: None.

Joints: OsteoSport has made my joint pain non-existent (Jeff, your dosage for Rosie works fine :))

Endurance: Good.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: Good. A 'recovery' session...

Pump and Vascularity: No pump...Vascularity has been high, though...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Good.

Body Composition and Look: Definitely NOT cool at the moment; the last 5 weeks have NOT been kind to my body (Rosie has not been kind to my body); only positive thing is Rosie's breasts are back to their 'normal' luscious size :D

Overall Sense of Feeling: Less stressed, definitely. More positive about study...Just wanting to get through to the end of the year...Soon happy Rosie will be BACK!


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Rosie's breasts are back to their 'normal' luscious size ... jesus.. god help us all :p
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie's breasts are back to their 'normal' luscious size ... jesus.. god help us all :p
You know you love them, LOL...

what were they before? I didn't notice...
When I get greater than or equal to 10% BF they go back up to full D :p; when I get leaner they 'shrink' to the larger end of C (no biggie, but they DO look better bigger) :toofunny:

bee stings?
OUch! :hammer: Boy, are YOU going to get a serve!
And he says that AFTER he KNOWS...Ouch :D

Yeah... I'm going to suffer for that...hopefully she'll take it easy on me as I am rather charming.. aye rosie :p
I can go easy on you BECAUSE you talk silver, sweets (or maybe I'll just get back at you when I eventually get down for that training session with you) ;)


  • Established
C a bee-sting? Sounds like the bee's are a problem back home these days :toofunny:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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C a bee-sting? Sounds like the bee's are a problem back home these days :toofunny:
Not at all; hardly any bees around at the moment. Besides, Rosie avoids them, since I'm allergic (even moreso to wasps...)


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Think this thread got way off topic... Back to Rosie's training etc.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Think this thread got way off topic... Back to Rosie's training etc.
Awww, are we making you BLUSH? :toofunny: (But yes, we can do that).


  • Established
Somebody say "boobs" ??? XD


  • Established
Very rarely see women with this kind of mindset and dedication - Would love to find one who was part of the hobby rather than "tolerating" it...

Awsome work - even better attitude and yeah fitness girls are sexy (tried to keep it on the up and up but couldn't ha)


Well-known member
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Very rarely see women with this kind of mindset and dedication - Would love to find one who was part of the hobby rather than "tolerating" it...

Awsome work - even better attitude and yeah fitness girls are sexy (tried to keep it on the up and up but couldn't ha)
Quite impressive, huh? Gotta respect that about her. Rosie is definitely one motivated woman! :clap2:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Somebody say "boobs" ??? XD
You're running way too far behind, Tim. Catch up already! :p

Very rarely see women with this kind of mindset and dedication - Would love to find one who was part of the hobby rather than "tolerating" it...

Awsome work - even better attitude and yeah fitness girls are sexy (tried to keep it on the up and up but couldn't ha)
Well, Rosie is one of a pair of one-of-a-kind! :D As for it being a hobby; **** that; this is my LIFE, pretty much!...Thanks for stopping in, BTW :cheers:

Quite impressive, huh? Gotta respect that about her. Rosie is definitely one motivated woman! :clap2:
Yeah. When I want something I GET it!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 46

1018 - Work: CityAbs 20 min.

1048 - HIIT Rower:
a. 4 min @ Resistance 10 @ 2.09 min/500m
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy @ Resistance 10
c. 4 min @ Resistance 10 @ 2.14 min/500m
Since I didn't get a chance to do any training before work, I decided to do it all straight after. For a change, I did my HIIT on the rower. And **** was I working during those efforts; man, that is harder than efforts on the rollers! I could taste blood by the end of the third effort, and my legs were screaming. Felt really good when I got off and moved onto the stationary bike (S/B)...

1101 - Stationary Bike:
a. 3 min @ Level 5 @ 75% HRmax @ 108 rpm
b. 3 min @ Level 7 @ 80% HRmax @ 112 rpm
c. 3 min @ Level 9 @ 85% HRmax @ 112 rpm
d. 3 min @ Level 7 @ 80-85% HRmax @ 116 rpm
e. 3 min @ Level 5 @ 80% HRmax @ 120 rpm
I hate the S/B in the gym; I'd rather have my rollers. But anyways, made the best of what I could do. Did a step protocol. HR managed to get higher than it has (the rower beforehand would have helped with that). I was sweating lots, and vascularity was starting to become quite strong towards the end of the session.

1121 - Arms (1 min recovery):
1. CG PU 4 x 6, 6, 5, 5
2. Dips 4 x 12 SUPERSETTED WITH 3. DB ZC 4 x 12
4. DB FP 4 x 8 SUPERSETTED WITH 5. Inc DB BC 4 x 8
6. O/H Cable Rope T/Ext 2 x 10 SUPERSETTED WITH 7. Alt. DB HC 2 x 12
Straight to Arms after the S/B...I only did 1 min rests between CG PU today. And boy did I suffer! The fact that I added 5kg (i.e. 11 lb) in weight didn't help either. But I did them. And that's what matters...Moved to Dips. Did these at b/w today, and on the last set I was definitely feeling them...DB ZC were done at the same weight as last week. By the second set of these, my arms were so pumped that it was almost painful...Decided on DB FP today, instead of the Flat CG BB BP that I have been doing, just for a change. I was struggling on the last couple of reps on the last couple of sets, but I was going to do the reps I'd set myself...Inc DB BC were great. Strength was up here...Was a little weaker on O/H Cable Rope T/Ext than what I am usually, but soldiered on, especially on the last couple of reps of both sets...Alt. DB HC were good...So, an interesting session. Not my best. But ok...

1219 - Stretch 23 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2200-0727 (waking at 0315, 0325, 0423, and 0640), so nearly 9.5 hours. Sleep very deep. Disturbing dreams. I have been out like a light almost as soon as I get to bed these days. And the sleep is just lasting forever. NOT waking feeling very refreshed, though, despite the deepness...

Mental Alertness/Focus: Been there, some. Started to get a migraine ~1400...

Energy: I made sure that it was there. The RPM certainly gave me the energy that I needed for training, today...

Motivation: THERE! GRRRRR!

Mood/Aggression: Really happy, great mood at work. After that, just tired and flat. A little aggressive, because of all the people who want something out of Rosie...

Libido: Non-existent...

Joints: No problems with any joints. But lower back has been VERY painful, today; and it keeps clicking...

Endurance: There.

Strength: Maintaining, some. Weaker, some.

Quality of Training: Disappointed in my ability during my resistance training. But the intensity was there in EVERYthing today, regardless of what I was lifting (weights), or % HRmax (cardio). Good...

Pump and Vascularity: Wicked pump today. And it lasted for a few hours AFTER my resistance session, too...Vascularity was also awesome. The veins in my arms and forearms are getting more and more 'knotted' each day, especially in the gym...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Rosie's getting harder...

Body Composition and Look: Arms are definitely looking better...

Overall Sense of Feeling: Less stressed, definitely...Really wanting to be back to 'normal' Rosie re training, etc., again. Looking forward to making awesome progress between now and the States...


  • Established
Sick log... everything looked great eccept "Libido: Non-exsistent"...

Thats just sad, ha
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Sick log... everything looked great eccept "Libido: Non-exsistent"...

Thats just sad, ha
Well, gee, thanks...It's not like it's THAT important...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Im a guy and you're a trans-continental fitness dream queen... let me decide whats important here... lol
Wrong answer. Only Rosie decides what's important when it comes to her...And sex, well, that's FAR from important. And perpetually non-existent in Rosie's life. So lack of libido is no biggie...


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interesting dialogue going on in here babe. BTW...:wave:. Just thought I would drop by and say hi real quick.

Cheers to ya babe!:cheers:


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I dont like the big words being used in here!


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Wrong answer. Only Rosie decides what's important when it comes to her...And sex, well, that's FAR from important. And perpetually non-existent in Rosie's life. So lack of libido is no biggie...
Hey its all in good fun
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 47

0800 - Rollers:
a. 10 min in 39x16 @ 70% HRmax @ 95-102 rpm
b. 10 min in 39x16 @ 70-80% HRmax @ 112 rpm
Yes, a 'slow' session this morning. I was finding it hard to breathe, even at such a low HR (and at one point it dropped back to 60% HRmax!) I also got very hot very fast. Legs weren't responding well to me wanting a higher cadence, and felt quite 'heavy', a weird feeling for Rosie's legs. At the 10-minute mark my stomach started having deep pains, but I soldiered on. To be honest, after a few minutes I wanted it to be over, but I kept on, and TRIED to make it a reasonable session.

0830 - Stretch 20 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2100-0640 (waking at 0315, 0325, 0423, and 0630), so ~9.5 hours sleep. It took me a while to get to sleep last night, because I was having trouble breathing. And when I finally woke up, it took me 10-minutes to get up, because my stomach hurt so badly. Sleep, though, was deep. Don't think I dreamt. I was pretty exhausted from all the tears yesterday afternoon...

Mental Alertness/Focus: Not really been there; I've had a migraine all day...

Energy: Not much, either (as can be seen by my cardio session)...And tears take so much more out of me than a hard resistance session...

Motivation: There. Diet has been good the last couple of days (about ****ing time!)

Mood/Aggression: Spent the morning in tears (don't ask)...Tired. Fatigued. Can't be ****ed with much of anything...Starting to feel a little better...

Libido: Not there.

Joints: Good.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: Not up to the usual 'Rosie' standard...

Pump and Vascularity: Not much of a pump...Vascularity ok...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Good.

Body Composition and Look: Surprisingly, my top abs are starting to show again (yep, amazing what a clean-up of diet will do!)

Overall Sense of Feeling: My eyes are sore and burning...Earlier today I just wanted to crawl into a dark cave and not come out for a while...Going to see The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor tonight, to help me relax some...


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Going to see The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor tonight, to help me relax some...
it's crap. And misleading - there are no actual mummies.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 48

0815 - Rollers:
20 min in 39x16 @ 70-75% HRmax @ 102 rpm
Yes, so wasn't really feeling like doing ANYthing this morning, let alone be sitting on my rollers. My body was absolutely exhausted, seriously; and my legs were moving at the pace of a snail (Grrrr). I just let them. Like yesterday, I got quite hot quite soon. And was having trouble breathing (at such a LOW HR that should NOT be happening!) After 5 minutes I was tempted to just stop, but I kept on until 20 minutes was up. Time for NeoVar Recomped and RPM dosing...

0837 - Stretch 29 min.

0951 - Shoulders/Traps/Abs (1 min recovery, except Abs - 30 sec recovery):
1. DB SP 5 x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
2. BB SP 5 x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
3. DB LR 4 x 12
4. Inc DB RR 4 x 12
5. DB Shrugs 3 x 8
6. Abs 2 x [a. weighted crunch x 15, b. hanging knee raise x 10], 2 x [a. weighted crunch x 15, b. rope crunch x 10]
7. Side-to-Side Plyometric Box Jumps 2 x 40
I didn't want to do my cardio this morning. And I felt even LESS like wanting to go to the gym...Anyways, got to the gym and started in on the DB SP. I gave myself a lighter 'warm-up' set of 12 reps; and then it was straight into business. Each consecutive set I kept increasing the weight, and was pleasantly surprised that my strength was BETTER than last week!...Moved to BB SP. This has been the exercise that has been aggravating my right biceps tendon over the last few months, and so I was a little wary of it. However, that didn't stop me loading up the weights, and I kept increasing the intensity in each set. Yes, after the first set my right biceps tendon was burning; but that didn't stop Rosie...Next was DB LR. Despite my strength being UP on DB SP and BB SP, it was NOT for these. Each consecutive set I had to do DOWN in weight, because I was so weak (and the pain was quite excruciating today)...Inc DB RR were fine. Done at the same weight as last week...DB Shrugs were good, too. Increased the weight with these by 4%...Abs were ok. I was definitely feeling them throughout each rep. Gritting of teeth, but got them done. I LOVE that burn!...I added in a couple of sets of Plyometric Box Jumps, just to see what would happen. My lower legs were ok. My focus wasn't as great, and on the second set I 'stumbled' on the 34th rep, and almost fell over...The pain in my right biceps tendon lasted throughout the ENTIRE session, from the first rep of BB SP, but was nothing too bad. There were moments during the session when I felt light-headed and had to sit down. There were also a couple of times when I felt like I was going to pass out, and that was a scary feeling, actually. But, it WAS a good session. Definitely smileworthy after the pathetic cardio session...

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2330-0700 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so ~7.5 hours sleep. The SHORTEST sleep I've had in a while. I woke like a dead person, though, and was so fatigued that I was tempted to just go back to bed. Eyes were all bloodshot, body ached, and I had a migraine. There were no dreams last night, just endless blackness...

Mental Alertness/Focus: Not really wanting to be focussing too hard on anything; my mind is 'tired'...

Energy: Absolutely none. Except in the gym. And I can thank the RPM for that; it never fails to give me that smooth energy I need to get THROUGH my resistance sessions (afterwards is a completely different story...)

Motivation: Ok, Rosie has serious problems (mentioned a little later). And trust me, they're motivation enough to get back into things as she likes them! The time for second chances is OVER!

Mood/Aggression: Pleased with the resistance session. Just feel pretty flat with all else...

Libido: Not there; surprise, surprise (not).

Joints: Ok. A bit of lower back pain, but nothing too serious.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Better.

Quality of Training: Cardio session was absolute shite; I'm getting sick of these 'recovery' sessions...Resistance training was interesting; results were good, despite how I was feeling...

Pump and Vascularity: Not much of a pump at all today...Veins were just like knots after DB LR...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Delts and arms (and always legs) feel (and look) harder...

Body Composition and Look: Upper abs are definitely improving. Upper body is continuing to lean out (interesting in itself). Calves, over the last few days, have also started to look more defined.

Overall Sense of Feeling: Right. So now I know why I've been feeling like I have. I had started to suspect that it was possibly adreanal fatigue (Urban Monk (thank you, BTW) suggested this 6 weeks ago, and I was like "nah, that's not me"; but I started rethinking it last week, and finally went and saw someone about it). But, no, it couldn't be something so simple. The diagnosis is chronic fatigue syndrome (as well as a couple of other comorbidities; but nothing that can't be 'cured'). Well, I wanted to know. At least now I do. NOT great. Really. But is IS great motivation to get everything sorted out properly. I refuse to take any kind of drugs for any of it, as I believe that it CAN be overcome NATURALLY and therapeutically. The biggest things in my 'recovery' will be: 1) Diet needs to be completely 100% on track (binging is definitely OUT of the question from now on); and 2) I need to learn how to control my stress, and also how to relax (almost the most essential component). It will take some work. And time. But hey, what's success without a few hurdles to jump over? Besides, they're what makes the glory even greater, in the end!


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2) I need to learn how to control my stress, and also how to relax (almost the most essential component). It will take some work.
:goodpost: x 1000000000000000000000000000000

And time. But hey, what's success without a few hurdles to jump over? Besides, they're what makes the glory even greater, in the end!
My thought exactly, sucess is not about who's better in avoiding the pits, it is about who's better in getting out of them and you definitely got it there girl :D

Besides, life would be way too boring if there was no room for improvement !


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chronic fatigue syndrome? Please make sure you give yourself rest etc, as you know this is a serious syndrome and shouldn't be taken lightly.

You are a smart cookie and I'm sure you have things under control, just remember to relax, have rest days and sleep or this syndrome will only get worse etc.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Thanks for the support, guys

:goodpost: x 1000000000000000000000000000000

My thought exactly, sucess is not about who's better in avoiding the pits, it is about who's better in getting out of them and you definitely got it there girl :D

Besides, life would be way too boring if there was no room for improvement !
Yes, well I get stressed far TOO easily. 'Balance' is NOT something I am good at, regardless of what it may appear...Yep, success is definitely not about AVOIDING the pits. Because withOUT them one would never grow; they would never learn, etc...And true. There's ALWAYS room for imrpovement. In this industry, especially...Thanks for dropping by, chick...

Good luck getting things in order, Rosie! :)
Thank you, Shaddow.

chronic fatigue syndrome? Please make sure you give yourself rest etc, as you know this is a serious syndrome and shouldn't be taken lightly.

You are a smart cookie and I'm sure you have things under control, just remember to relax, have rest days and sleep or this syndrome will only get worse etc.
Yes, sweets, I know. It's not JUST that that's the problem, though (Rosie has to seriously start thinking about her health). But it's nothing that can't be battled and won. Relax? What's that? I AM working on it. Same with rest days. As for sleeping; I do far TOO much of that at the moment, and I would like to STOP it now, please. But yeah, things will work out. They always do.


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You will get things in order for sure babe. Besides...balance may not be something your good with, but its always nice to have some help and support to help you find that balance...I'll always be ready to give you that giant kick in the ass when you need it babe.

Cheers my dear!:cheers:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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You will get things in order for sure babe. Besides...balance may not be something your good with, but its always nice to have some help and support to help you find that balance...I'll always be ready to give you that giant kick in the ass when you need it babe.

Cheers my dear!:cheers:
Yes, I will. And I'll learn and get better at it, no worries. Yes, it is. And I know you will. :D


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Yes, well I get stressed far TOO easily. 'Balance' is NOT something I am good at, regardless of what it may appear...Yep, success is definitely not about AVOIDING the pits. Because withOUT them one would never grow; they would never learn, etc...And true. There's ALWAYS room for imrpovement. In this industry, especially...Thanks for dropping by, chick....
My pleasure. Your log is awesome !

Relax? What's that? I AM working on it. Same with rest days.
HAHA, for a moment I though, jeeez, maybe we're a case of identical twins separated at birth, but I'm 6 years older :lol:

Rest, AS FAR AS I KNOW, is something people do when they die :rofl:
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