Applied Nutriceuticals Recomps Rosie for Competition

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LOL...Anyways, nice to see you, silvertongue (been a while...) :D
I've always wondered this.. why do you call him silvertongue? :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I've always wondered this.. why do you call him silvertongue? :D
Hmmm, just started one day and been doing it ever since :D

haha good question! I can assure you it's not what it sounds!
He's right. Think it's because he's a charmer and very smooth with his words ;)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 28

0940 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 108 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 4 min in 39x16 @ 85% HRmax @ 112-115 rpm
d. 8 min in 39x16 @ 80-85% HRmax @ 115 rpm
Another late session. But another good session. Started out a little 'easy' for Rosie. During the efforts my VMO (both legs, but mostly right) hurt me some. No joint issues, though. Efforts were done to full capacity. Heart, lungs, chest, and legs were fine throughout the entire session...HR dropped a little in the later part of the session; but still pleased with it...

1040 - Chest/Abs (1 min recovery, except between all sets for Abs - 30 sec recovery):
1. Flat BB BP 4 x 8
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on m/b) 4 x 8, 8, 7, 5
3. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on floor) 2 x 12
4. Cable Flyes 2 x 12
5. Inc DB BP 4 x 6, 8, 6, 8
6. Abs 4 x [a. weighted crunch x 10, b. deadbug x 5, c. knee-ins x 10]
7. Abs 1 x 60 sec holding v-sit
8. Abs 1 x 60 sec bridge
Interesting session (as they've all been lately). INTENSE. HARD. And long (for Rosie)...Started out with Flat BB BP. Did first set at an 'easy' weight, increasing the weight for each successive sets...Made Push-Ups harder to start out on, adding in the m/b straight away. And boy, do they sure work the entire core so much harder than just doing them normally (or even with feet on the bench)! All good, though; I actually PREFER them like that (except for the hurting of my wrists). On the last 2 sets I collapsed after the 7th and 5th rep respectively, and left it at that...Because of the last 2 sets of Push-Ups done with hands on m/b, I did another couple of sets, just at 'normal' (feet on bench, hands on floor). I was pushing it though...Decided to do Cable Flyes next. By the end of the last set my anterior delts were burning and my arms were quivering...Inc DB BP were, however, done with no less intensity or effort than they would have been done if they had been completed earlier in the session...Finished off with Abs again today, to make it my second session for this week. The holding v-sit was absolutely painful, and the bridge to end was almost welcome after that pain...My anterior deltoids and triceps were so pumped and arms were vascular as from the last set of Flat BB BP. I loved that session. I love pushing my body to those limits. I love that 'pain'...Bring it ON!

1200 - Stretch 20 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2300-0800 (waking at 0423), so ~9 hours sleep. All very deep. Full of dreams (waking to you :))

Mental Alertness/Focus: There, some; not a lot. Not felt like doing anything where I've had to THINK, today (and fell asleep for ~30 minutes at ~1300).

Energy: Good.

Motivation: Starting to climb towards the stars again...

Mood/Aggression: No aggression (well, not in a BAD way)...Lots of FRUSTRATION...Rosie has been in a teasing, playful mood for most of the day ;)

Libido: Sky high, and rising. There's no doubting the DESIRE...

Joints: All good.

Endurance: Good (per usual).

Strength: Improving, still...

Quality of Training: Excellent. Loving it.

Pump and Vascularity: Pump unbelieveable in anterior delts and arms (WOW)...Vascularity increasing more each day. And funny thing: the vascualrity in my right arm seems MORE than that in my left...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Delts and arms and abs...

Body Composition and Look: Rosie looks like the perfect magazine worthy fitness model right now (but it's still not good enough for HER...)

Overall Sense of Feeling: Have had an extremely painful stomach today (grrrrr). Apart from that, mostly good...I'm just glad that this week is OVER. Looking forward to a FRESH start tomorrow!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Notes on Week 4


Well, the 100% diet did NOT happen. Rosie either didn't feel like eating or she went on a rampant binge session (neither very cool or conducive to anything). Damn, next week most definitely has to be EXCELLENT (and it's the 'last minute' time now, so, yeah...)


IGF-2 was supposed to be started again this week, but due to some problems with stock, have not been able to. STILL waiting on the Posiedon-BA, too (yes, VERY frustrating NOW!) Planning on starting using OsteoSport (in HIGHER doses than I was using for the beta-testing) in place of Osteobolin-C...


ONE day OFF all training...No posing this week (too many late awakenings). It HAS to start NEXT week, though (like with diet, it is getting to the 'last minute'). Routine will most probably be choregraphed the week before the competition...Training has been good. Certainly hard. And certainly a step UP from what it has been; Rosie spared no effort or intensity this week...Strength is on the rise again with resistance training. The resistance sessions HAVE been hard on the body, though; I have been quite fatigued most days after training...All good. Bring on next week :)


Rosie in a different light (just to get you going ;))
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Guejsn again.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You must spread some Reputation around before...
You get that a lot too, huh? :D

...Anyways, what's up, sweets? Anything new to throw into the mix?


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New, just trying to sort out my log as I see you have noticed :) Great pix btw, looking awesome as usual :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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New, just trying to sort out my log as I see you have noticed :) Great pix btw, looking awesome as usual :)
Yeah, I saw (made my comments :))...Thank you, silvertongue; that liquid quicksilver is just flowing tonight, isn't it :toofunny:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 29

0910 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 108 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 2 min in 39x18 @ 112 rpm (HR dropped back to 70% HRmax)
d. 10 min in 39x16 @ 80-85% HRmax @ 112 rpm
Wasn't a good session, today. To start with, ANOTHER late start (really starting to just **** me off now!). And second, I just wasn't in the mood for it...HR didn't get very high, and I couldn't be ****ed trying to spin to get it higher. And hips hurt a bit during the last couple of efforts. Just a pretty blase session overall...

1010 - Stretch 22 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2230-0800 (waking at 0315 and 0423), so ~9.5 hours sleep. I'm getting damn ****ing sick and tired of going to sleep so ****ing LATE and then NOT being able to get up in the morning when I WANT to! Sleep may be deep, but if it's going to be DISruptive to the REST of my day, then **** it! :mad:

Mental Alertness/Focus: There. But not really wanting to be anywhere. Missed all my classes today.

Energy: So so...

Motivation: Well, if the reflection in the mirror isn't motivation enough to get my arse into shape, the I don't know what the **** is!

Mood/Aggression: Yes, as you can probably tell, Rosie is in quite the MOOD today :mad: Aggressive as ****. And in no way prepared to put up with anyone's bullshit, or trying to 'calm' me down!

Libido: **** off!

Joints: Small aches in hips during efforts on the rollers, but not a big complaint.

Endurance: Fine.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: ****ing shite! :mad:

Pump and Vascularity: Pump, none...Vascularity, been great all day...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Getting there (****ing hurry up; I hate being a soft female!)

Body Composition and Look: To everyone else I look just fine. To me I HATE what I see! :mad:

Overall Sense of Feeling: Everything that has been simmering and suppressed over the last few weeks is boiling, and Rosie is so close to EXPLODING right now that it's just not ****ing funny anymore. I just want to smash something so badly, beat something or someone up, and just, well :mad:...On the flipside, I could have not bothered looking and walked out in front of a car today and cared less about the consequences!


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Your photographer is terrible. He keeps cutting off the good parts!


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Rosie - you're milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard.:thumbsup:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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im in for this GL on your diet
The WHAT (what is 'GL'?)on my diet? Explain, please (not up on ALL the slang around here).

Your photographer is terrible. He keeps cutting off the good parts!
The photographer is actually quite good. I'M the one who does any editing and cropping of my pictures :D

Rosie - you're milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard.:thumbsup:
Milkshakes, huh? I DON'T like milk :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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maybe not, but the boys sure do!

Appreciate the photos - Ive had a crappier day than you and they really cheered me up.
I'd rather NOT know that...

...Have you just? Well, head up. What doesn't kill you makes you STRONGER!


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Those photos really don't get your good side, Rosie. I'd recommend a new photographer. If you'd like me to lend a helping hand and take some professional shots for you, just PM me.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Those photos really don't get your good side, Rosie. I'd recommend a new photographer. If you'd like me to lend a helping hand and take some professional shots for you, just PM me.
O'rly? And what would be my 'good side'? :toofunny: I'm quite ok with my photographer/s at this stage. Looking around for some new ones for some different shots, though.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 30

0900 - 5.5km Run:
It was wet (but warm) when I went out for a run (change of scenery from the garage wall) this morning. Anyways, the body was just NOT 'feeling' it today, more dead than awake, and like trying to move a lead weight around for almost half an hour. My first km split was 4.44 minutes, the second 4.73 minutes. By the third km I was at 4.99 min/km pace, and didn't manage to go much faster for the duration of the run. To date, that is the WORST (and by that, I mean the SLOWEST) run I have done! NOT happy; not at all...

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2300-0800 (waking at 0315, 0325. 0423, and 0700), so ~9 hours sleep. Damn, my body is getting TOO used to sleeping so much! I know 7-8 hours is the 'optimal' period to be sleeping per night, but this is just getting RIDICULOUS now! Really!

Mental Alertness/Focus: Not been too focussed. As soon as I'd finished my run, it was shower, shovel down breakfast (yep, gone in all of LESS than a MINUTE!), and rush off to school (and even then I was late) for a 2-hour practical class. Had to do SOME thinking today. Not felt like doing much, though...

Energy: Have felt like a lead weight today...

Motivation: Well, they needed someone to use as a 'model' in class today. So Rosie offered. I may as well get used to people seeing me in next to nothing (um, yeah). And if that's going to happen, I sure as hell do NOT want to feel as embarrassed about my body as I did today standing there, half-naked in front of the class!

Mood/Aggression: Definitely better than yesterday, that's for sure. But not a LOT much better...And talking to you just made it WORSE (grrrrr...)

Libido: Has actually been pretty high today (where ARE you?)

Joints: No problems...

Endurance: There (pace was not...)

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: On a scale of 1-10, less than a 1!

Pump and Vascularity: No pump...Vascularity good...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Delts and arms good.

Body Composition and Look: As I said, NOT happy with how I look (and most certainly not in the mood for anyone seeing me naked!)

Overall Sense of Feeling: Apparently Rosie is chronically stressed (no ****; what genius thought of that?!) I need to prioritize the next few months, and then go from there...


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The photographer is actually quite good. I'M the one who does any editing and cropping of my pictures :D
Those photos really don't get your good side, Rosie. I'd recommend a new photographer. If you'd like me to lend a helping hand and take some professional shots for you, just PM me.
I'm also in to be one of your new photographers :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I'm also in to be one of your new photographers :D
You boys make me laugh. You'd never get any pics taken (it'd be a bit like in class today, when we were supposed to be practising our special tests after the demonstration (with me), and one of the guys had to keep telling one of the other guys "don't look at her; you're supposed to be looking here") :toofunny:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 31

0930 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 108 rpm
b. 12 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 2 min in 39x18 @ 108-112 rpm (HR dropped back to 75% HRmax)
d. 8 min in 39x16 @ 80-85% HRmax @ 108 rpm
Started out not really in the mood for anything when I woke up. After a while I was looking forward to training. (And yes, Jeff, you will see that I added in 4 extra sprints 'for you' :p)...Legs still not wanting to move very fast. Anterior knees inferior to the patella had some small aches when sprinting, and right hip got a little painful on the last few efforts; but hey, pulled through. The extra efforts were a killer, though, especially the last two. Was really digging it in, determined NOT to be beaten; and to PUNISH my body for the way I was feeling...

1000 - Stretch 21 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2130-0830 (waking at 0315, 0325, 0423, 0630, and 0730), so ~11 hours sleep. Now THAT is BEYOND ridiculous! Man, I do NOT need that MUCH sleep! I LIKE my 4-5 hours of quality, thank you! Perhaps I am OVERsleeping, and that's what making me feel so sluggish during the day (either that, or I overdid SOMEthing not so long ago, and this is my body 'catching up'...)

Mental Alertness/Focus: Been there, some. Not gone to any of my classes (I am soooo over it already, and it's pretty much just 'surviving' until the end of the year; since I'm not learning anything much more, and it's mostly PRACTICAL work for the last semester). Haven't really wanted to get into any assignments either, though (and I really should be starting to...)

Energy: Not really had a lot. If I'd bothered trying to do anything today, then I might have surprised myself.

Motivation: It's there all right. A little dim the last few days, but there. Still.

Mood/Aggression: Rosie's been pretty calm all day. Some aggression later when everyone started getting home. Stress is still a very big part playing in the back of my mind right now (even though SOME of the load has lifted since this morning...)

Libido: High in the earlier part of the afternoon. No longer there now, though.

Joints: Knee and hips during the rollers session this morning...

Endurance: Ok.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: Did 4 extra efforts to what I would NORMALLY do on the rollers, so that's a GOOD thing...

Pump and Vascularity: Not much of a pump today...Vascularity good as always...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Muscles definitely FEEL harder...

Body Composition and Look: Still not really happy with how I'm looking. (The stress is NOT helping, what with my diet and training being all over the place these last two weeks). But I'll get there, though; no doubt about THAT!

Overall Sense of Feeling: It's gotten to the point where something's GOT to give (if only for the short-term). Right now, that something is competition. I need to concentrate on my studies (only 12 weeks to go), working, AN, and conquering this eating disorder. A hard decision to make, because I feel that I am letting myself down (and everyone else), but I know that there ARE other competitions and plenty of opportunities to compete (and the longer before I do means that Rosie can gain a little more muscle and look better than she would if she competed in September). So, a little less stressed (albeit not a lot, but enough so that I stop having panic attacks)...Now I just need to work on my ATTITUDE towards MYSELF...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Those are some erotic pix you put up :p
Are they? I thought you didn't think like that anymore :nutkick:

erotic but tasteful ...:nono: Rosie is a nice girl - not one of those Auckland tramps that hang out at YOUR gym
LOL. Most certainly; I won't be lumped in with the rest of the female population in this world! :duel:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 32

0817 - Rollers:
a. 3 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 120 rpm
b. 3 min in 39x18 @ 75% HRmax @ 120 rpm
c. 3 min in 39x16 @ 85-90% HRmax @ 120 rpm
d. 3 min in 39x18 @ 75% HRmax @ 120 rpm
e. 3 min in 39x16 @ 90% HRmax @ 120 rpm
f. 3 min in 39x18 @ 75% HRmax @ 120 rpm
g. 3 min in 39x16 @ 90% HRmax @ 120 rpm
Wow, ANOTHER late session. It was actually almost a bit TOO late, since I started work at 0915 (but I managed it, which is all that matters)...I decided that, since the last week has been pretty bad all round, today was going to be a HARD session. So I started out at a high cadence; which my legs were most definitely feeling in those first 3 minutes. Just to make sure that the legs lasted, I made it an interval session, something that I don't normally do (I do more HIIT, rather than 'intervals'). Intervals/efforts lasted 3 minutes, with a 1:1 work:easy ratio. HR dropped rapidly during the 'easy' intervals. HR began rising in the second 'work' interval, and then rose up to 90% HRmax, and stayed there for the last two 'work' intervals. By the third 'work' interval my body was becoming 'accustomed' to them, and they were 'easier' on my legs...All in all, a very satisfactory session...

1022 - Work: CityAbs 22 min.

1051 - Back (1 min recovery, except CG PU - 3 min recovery):
1. CG PU 6 x 10, 10, 6, 6, 6, 6
2. BB BOR 4 x 6
3. WG LPD 4 x 6, 6, 4, 4
4. CG TR 4 x 6, 4, 4, 4
Decided to do a resistance session straight after work, since I haven't been able to get up in the mornings, and haven't gone to the gym yet this week...Started with CG PU, as usual. I was feeling weaker today than I have been (but I DID add an extra 3kg (i.e. 6.6lb) weight, just to make it HARDER). By the last rep of the last set I was struggling very badly, and it was the ONLY rep where I 'cheated'...BB BOR was done at the same weight as last week. Feeling the weakness here, only managing 6 reps, instead of the 8 I did last week...Moved onto WG LPD. Was struggling with these, too, after the second set...CG TR was the exercise that made me smile, because I was able to INcrease my weight...Arms and back were pumped by the second set of CG PU...I also took 2 caps of RPM 60 minutes pre-training, and this time the difference was noticeable: vascularity was something silly (and I loved it! :))...A good session...

1939 - Chest (1 min recovery):
1. Flat BB BP 4 x 10, 10, 10, 8
2. Inc DB BP 4 x 6, 6, 6, 8
3. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on m/b) 4 x 8, 8, 8, 10
4. Cable Flyes 4 x 12, 12, 10, 10
5. Push-Ups (modified) 1 x 20
6. Plyometric Push-Ups 1 x 10
Yep, decided to do ANOTHER session tonight. Before going I was a little apprehensive as to HOW my body would handle it, given this morning's session...Anyways, started out on the Flat BB BP, and surprised myself by pumping out 10 reps at a weight that last week I was almost struggling with on the last 2 reps of an 8-rep set! So, a surprise. Added an extra 10kg (i.e. 22lb) after the second set, and managed another 10 reps, and then a 8 reps. So, good...Moved straight onto Inc DB BP. Started out with 23.5kg (i.e. 51.7lb) DB in each hand, aiming for 6 reps (which is what I managed last week). Did it fine. I decided to STAY at that weight for all my sets, which is a step-up from last week, when I had to DEcrease my weight for each successive set. On my last set I gritted my teeth and managed 8 reps. So, 4 x 8 is the goal for next week...I did better this time around at Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on m/b); no collapsing in the last two sets, and managing to get an extra 2 reps out in the LAST set (woohoo!) I really love this exercise. I can feel it work my core, force stability, everything (easily a favourite (along with CG PU) now)...FOUR sets of Cable Flyes this week, just for a change. Good...And, just for something different, and, as if my arms weren't already ****ed from the rest of the session, I added in a couple of sets of different sorts of Push-Ups. 'Modified' Push-Ups are when you are in the push-up position, and you are going up and down, arms from push-up to plank position (if that makes any sense). Plyometric Push-Ups are push-ups done with a clap at the top of the movement (i.e. you push up off the floor, clap your hands together, and then go down for the push-up). The Plyometric Push-Ups were the killer, and I was sooo glad when I'd done the set!...So, that awesome session 'balanced' out the mediocre session this morning. Rosie is HAPPY :)

2042 - Stretch 20 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2215-0819 (waking at 0315, 0325, 0423, and 0630), so ~10 hours sleep. Very deep. Some dreams. When I woke at 0315, I stayed awake for a little, but went back to sleep VERY easily.

Mental Alertness/Focus: Had a bit of fatigue ~1430 when got home from school, but it passed by the time I had to leave for the second resistance session.

Energy: Been there today.

Motivation: Rosie's motivation and determination are most certainly BACK ON TRACK! TWO resistance sessions in a day, as WELL as cardio AND work; yeah, motivation is definitely THERE and in spades!

Mood/Aggression: Today has been pretty much up and down, with happy, sad, aggression, frustration, anger, disappointment, etc. However, by the end of the second resistance session Rosie was in high spirits :)

Libido: Not really high today (mentally), but the body sure is responsive...

Joints: No problems today...

Endurance: Good.

Strength: A slight lack with Back. But definitely IMproving with Chest...

Quality of Training: Excellent! :D

Pump and Vascularity: Got an awesome pump in BOTH resistance sessions!...Vascularity was on a different plane today...

Muscle Hardness/Density: You can see the hardness in my upper body quite nicely, now...

Body Composition and Look: Delts (especially anterior and lateral delts; can't see rear delts as much, even in the mirrors) and arms are looking the best ever! I'm loving it right. Now for the midsection...

Overall Sense of Feeling: Rosie's head feels so much lighter :) Today was just ****ing awesome, re training and stepping back onto the path of the straight and narrow! Keep it up, girl. THIS is the Rosie that we all know and have come to love :p


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Are you back to using RPM? if not why not? and also what were you dosing it at while on it?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie and RPM

Are you back to using RPM? if not why not? and also what were you dosing it at while on it?
No, I'm not (not just yet, anyways). I just decided to today, as a 'pick-me-up', and also because I wanted to see whether it would make a difference in my vascularity (since it wasn't when I was using it a few weeks back). I usually dose it at 2 caps per day (which is what I did today); although, because I wasn't noticing any effects back then (which is why I stopped using it for a bit), I was dosing it at 4 caps (and sometimes 5 caps) a day.


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No, I'm not (not just yet, anyways). I just decided to today, as a 'pick-me-up', and also because I wanted to see whether it would make a difference in my vascularity (since it wasn't when I was using it a few weeks back). I usually dose it at 2 caps per day (which is what I did today); although, because I wasn't noticing any effects back then (which is why I stopped using it for a bit), I was dosing it at 4 caps (and sometimes 5 caps) a day.
I find dosing it at 2/3 caps works pretty well for me. 4 or more and i get crazy sore heads. I've noticed quite an increase in vascularity while using it, especially in my palms and across my chest, is it a good thing?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I find dosing it at 2/3 caps works pretty well for me. 4 or more and i get crazy sore heads. I've noticed quite an increase in vascularity while using it, especially in my palms and across my chest, is it a good thing?
Well, everyone has their own 'sweet spot' (but that sounds about right; 3 caps on resistance training days, and 2 caps on non-resistance training days). You need to remember to drink LOTS of water when using it, though! There's nothing wrong with increased vascularity (if anything, it's a GOOD thing!)


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I find dosing it at 2/3 caps works pretty well for me. 4 or more and i get crazy sore heads. I've noticed quite an increase in vascularity while using it, especially in my palms and across my chest, is it a good thing?
4 caps has me sweating like Peter Plumney-Walker! :thumbsup:

(do a search)


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4 caps has me sweating like Peter Plumney-Walker! :thumbsup:

(do a search)
I said hook my balls, not Huka Falls! :lol:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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4 caps has me sweating like Peter Plumney-Walker! :thumbsup:

(do a search)
Really? I don't notice increased sweating on RPM at all (even when I was doing 5-6 caps a day). Hmmm...

I said hook my balls, not Huka Falls! :lol:
Careful there, tiger; we wouldn't want you making a mess, LOL :D


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Really? I don't notice increased sweating on RPM at all (even when I was doing 5-6 caps a day). Hmmm...
Rosie - I am sweater as it is - and respond really well to chocomine - that's why I such of fan of RPM.:thumbsup:

Any more than 4 caps tips me over the edge and makes me feel ill (i think it's the caffine more than anything else)

Are you old enough to remember the infamous PPW/Huka Falls incident?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie - I am sweater as it is - and respond really well to chocomine - that's why I such of fan of RPM.:thumbsup:

Any more than 4 caps tips me over the edge and makes me feel ill (i think it's the caffine more than anything else)

Are you old enough to remember the infamous PPW/Huka Falls incident?
Um, ok...Not sure (don't recall); you tell me; I'm 24 (as you can see)...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I'm a good boy really Rosie. Sometimes I just need a little.... punishment. :trout:
No male is ever 'good' (ahhh, the cynicism)...But you can keep on dreaming :toofunny:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 33

0837 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 102 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 2 min in 39x18 @ 106 rpm (HR dropped back to 70% HRmax)
d. 2 min in 39x16 @ 75% HRmax @ 102 rpm
My whole body ached this morning when I woke up. Legs were just pretty much dead weights on the rollers. Efforts were barely efforts, even though they were as hard and as fast as I could spin (which was ****ing pathetic, barely scraping 50 km/hr pace). Decided to end the session 'early' (although, not really; I only need to do 12 minutes, but go for longer usually), instead of sitting there for longer doing a less than mediocre session.

0851 - Stretch 20 min.

1426 - 3.2km Run:
Thought, that since the rollers this morning were so shite, I would try AGAIN this afternoon with a run. I started out at a pace that I thought I could hold comfortably for the WHOLE run, with 4.56 minutes for my first km. Yeah, good. I WAS going to do 5.5km (like I usually do when I run), but after a while I knew that THAT was out of the question, and it was effort enough to KEEP going until I'd done 2 miles. Seriously, I felt like I was just going to collapse or something. And walking home when I stopped (I had to turn around and walk home; 20 minutes at a tired shuffle) didn't help either. My legs kept aching so badly, and well, I've never had that before...And the pace was still ok, averaging at 4.58 min/km for the run, which is weird...

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2230-0727 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so ~9 hours sleep. Deep, when sleeping. Full of weird dreams.

Mental Alertness/Focus: There. Not done a lot, though. Still can't get my head into study-mode, which is starting to be MORE of a stress...

Energy: Fatigued.

Motivation: There.

Mood/Aggression: Very aggressive and frustrated with training today (and several other reasons).

Libido: Nope; Rosie's keeping THAT under wraps.

Joints: Hips and knees were hurting bad during the run; moreso when I was WALKING home, though.

Endurance: Not there, today.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: ****ing shite. NOT happy at all!

Pump and Vascularity: Pump there most of the day...Vascularity is awesome...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Upper body is LOOKING harder (but I don't think I'm LOSING ANY BF right now!)

Body Composition and Look: Looking better. Hamstrings, strangely enough, are starting to come out. And delts and arms are looking better by the day.

Overall Sense of Feeling: Blah...Just going to have a cheat night (yes, another; hey, we all deal with aggression and stress differently) and go and see Hellboy 2...


  • RockStar
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Hey Rosie. :)

Just dropping by to say hi, and give some words of encouragement. :wave:

You can do it!!! :D

Hope all is well with you. I've been painting the stuff! :lol: It does look good however, and the wife is pleased.

Keep up the dedication and drive. You're a champion in the making!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
  • RockStar
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Hey Rosie. :)

Just dropping by to say hi, and give some words of encouragement. :wave:

You can do it!!! :D

Hope all is well with you. I've been painting the stuff! :lol: It does look good however, and the wife is pleased.

Keep up the dedication and drive. You're a champion in the making!
Thanks, John. Yeah, gotta keep me head up and surge forward and kick the negativity to the curb...House done yet?
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